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2 Chronicles 1-9

Date post: 30-Dec-2015
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2 Chronicles 1-9. 1 Solomon - is King – Prayer at Gibeon 2 The Temple – seeking to Build it 3 The Temple – beginning to build 4 The Temple – building implements 5 The Temple – Erected… Holy 6 The Temple – Prayer for 7 The Temple – Fire falls, God answers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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2 Chronicles 1-92 Chronicles 1-91 Solomon - is King – Prayer at Gibeon2 The Temple – seeking to Build it3 The Temple – beginning to build4 The Temple – building implements 5 The Temple – Erected… Holy6 The Temple – Prayer for7 The Temple – Fire falls, God answers8 Solomon - His work – well ordered9 Solomon - His wisdom - Queen of Sheba

2 Chronicles 1-92 Chronicles 1-91 Solomon - is King – Prayer at Gibeon2 The Temple – seeking to Build it3 The Temple – beginning to build4 The Temple – building implements 5 The Temple – Erected… Holy6 The Temple – Prayer for7 The Temple – Fire falls, God answers8 Solomon - His work – well ordered9 Solomon - His wisdom - Queen of Sheba

And Solomon loved the LORD, walking in the statutes of his father David, except that he sacrificed and burned incense at the high places.

1 Kings 3:31 Kings 3:3

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.

James 1:5James 1:5

2 Chronicles 1-92 Chronicles 1-91 Solomon - is King – Prayer at Gibeon2 The Temple – seeking to Build it3 The Temple – beginning to build4 The Temple – building implements 5 The Temple – Erected… Holy6 The Temple – Prayer for7 The Temple – Fire falls, God answers8 Solomon - His work – well ordered9 Solomon - His wisdom - Queen of Sheba

2 Chronicles 1-92 Chronicles 1-91 Solomon - is King – Prayer at Gibeon2 The Temple – seeking to Build it3 The Temple – beginning to build4 The Temple – building implements 5 The Temple – Erected… Holy6 The Temple – Prayer for7 The Temple – Fire falls, God answers8 Solomon - His work – well ordered9 Solomon - His wisdom - Queen of Sheba

2 Chronicles 1-92 Chronicles 1-91 Solomon - is King – Prayer at Gibeon2 The Temple – seeking to Build it3 The Temple – beginning to build4 The Temple – building implements 5 The Temple – Erected… Holy6 The Temple – Prayer for7 The Temple – Fire falls, God answers8 Solomon - His work – well ordered9 Solomon - His wisdom - Queen of Sheba

He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Rev 13:16-18Rev 13:16-18

Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.

Rev 13:16-18Rev 13:16-18

Solomon’s Annual Income666 Talents49,950 Pounds (75 pounds a talent)25 Tons799,200 Ounces$521,478,000 (at 652.50 per ounce)


Shekel (2 Bekas)

Mina (50 Shekels)

Beka (10 Gerahs)

Talent (60 Minas)


200 Shields made of 600 shekels of Gold600 Shekels15 Pounds (75 pounds a talent)240 Ounces$156,600 (at 652.50 per ounce)$32,320,000 – Total!

300 Shields made of 600 shekels of Gold300 Shekels8 Pounds (75 pounds a talent)120 Ounces$78,300 (at 652.50 per ounce)$23,490,000 – Total!

2 Chronicles 1-92 Chronicles 1-91 Solomon - is King – Prayer at Gibeon2 The Temple – seeking to Build it3 The Temple – beginning to build4 The Temple – building implements 5 The Temple – Erected… Holy6 The Temple – Prayer for7 The Temple – Fire falls, God answers8 Solomon - His work – well ordered9 Solomon - His wisdom - Queen of Sheba
