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LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 31, 1905. PART II LEAVES FROM SOCIETY'S NOTE BOOK ONE OF YOUNG HOSTESSE: THE CHATTERER whltft tullfl nnd fern*. From on ftrrh ovf.rhe.nd a white dove depended and In the greenery surrounding the pillars doves were nllght. The wedding mu- sic waa plnyod by Mr. Bagley. Mrfl. Hagley whh becomingly gowned In green mousellno de dole. After a short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Rees wlil make their home In Hollywood. wreaths nnrt Rprnys of holly, while In the center stood a large Christmas tree Indeti with Its mnny presents for the gupntn. The plftre curds represented scenes from Charles lilekens' books, Social Notts Mrs. M. Tt. T,n Fetm and family of Olendora are gueat* of Mrs. La Fetra'B 'sinter, Mrs. C. «. AVoodhead. Dora Hamilton n^rnded npr Ustrfn* maid of honor wearing white dotted swlks nnd carrying red tarnation*. The wedding mimic whs played by Dora E. Young, nnd the bridegroom was at- tended by Harry Leo it hoden ns best man. After the wedding a reception was held and a wedding mipper nerved, Mian Namol Kills Ulley of Kentucky assisting In receiving the guest*. Mr. and Mix. Kill* will be nt home to their frlrmln after January 1 at the home of the bride's mother. More than 250 Invitations have been Issued for a reception to bo given New Year's evening by Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Miller,234 North goto Btreet, In honor of tho \u25a0 new year and their twentieth wedding anniversary. \u25a0 Many other aftulrs of a similar nature \u25a0will be given. Tomorrow evening Mr. and Mm. Harry A. Massey of 630 West Jefferson street willgive a New Year's party. At the samo time Miss Maud Eliza- beth Richards will give an affair at her home on Hobart boulevard. i "Rlnir out the old: rlnff in the new," •r« the words which will echo around many fireside* tonight aa friends gather to bid adieu to the old year and to wel- come th# new born 190H. 1 Socfety women will open their homes 'thl« evening for many a happy gather- tng, and tomorrow there will be a gen- eral exchange of greetings In which mnny prominent women will figure as hostesses. to A few hontesseg have issued cards for affairs today, but most of them have preferred to have It understood that they will keep open house for their friends. t Miss Florence Whelnn of West Thlr- tloth street willentertain a few friend* this evening who will watch through "the midnight hour, nnd the affair prom-, Ises to be a delightful one, as every- thing 1 given by this young hostess In. \u0084 Mr. ond Mrs. M. J. Connell willal«o entertain a party of friends with a New Year watch. Minn ("line wmm usplnterl by Mlsft Emma Conroy, Mlsb Frmicrs Richards, Miss Klta Morris nnd Miss Reavls Hughes, and her guests Included Misses Rae lielle Morlan, Harah Clark, Norma Haupt, Jennie Bulkley, Juliette Borden, Jane Itollins, Alleen McCarthy, Ray Belle Morlan, Margurlte Hughe.*, Sursih Clark, Margery Utley, Margaret Loomls, Amy Marie Norton, Emellne chllds, Daphne Drake, Selena Ingram, Con- stance Byrne, Dorothy Leonurd, Eva Bailey, Elizabeth Hlckp, Chonltu Van der Leek, Viola Van der Leek, Anita Thomim, Charlotte AVadsworth, Bar- bara Taylor, Helen Bullnrd. Mildred Burnett, Marguerite Drake, Edna Ben- nett; Masters George Caswell, Van Kelsey, Lawrence Kelsey, Lawrence Van der Leek, Thomas Gabel, Louis Gabel, Eugene Park, Everett Barker, Lawrence Barker, AVUfnrd .McKlnley, Edward Haupt, Rirhard Ingram, Ham- ilton Rollins, Harold J. Harold, Wil- liam and Craig Lovett, Chalmers Gray, Paul Bulkley, Russell Clark and Ed- ward 12isen. Half a hundred of the young friends of Mls» Alice Cllnc, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. AValter B, Cllne of 2»30 South Klgueroa street, were entertained yes- terday afternoon at a beautiful heart* party given by Mr«. Cllne. Polnaettlas and ferna decorated the rooms. Scores were kept on heart-shaped cards bear- ing Japanene nketrh.es, and beautiful prize.* were awarded. Qlvet Heart* Party Young people In fancy costunm prf- KPntfri ;i pretty picture Inst evening they danccrl at tho home of. Mr«. John AY. A. Off, when tlint gracious hnsteKH entertained with an old-fash- ioned yulet.lrte pnrty In honor of her daughter. Miss Clenrßla lift, at ihelr home, 2025 South Flaueroa slrert. Hol- iday decoration* of OhtißttlUM bells, kitillhxand Violly hrlghtetiPd the vnrl- ouh rooms nnd Ihe.gny costumes of tho young folk made the seeno still morn brilliant, The hostess was as- sisted by Mrs, Joseph Call, Mrs. Fred Illnpa nnrl Miss Ilelun Hnnborn. Tho guests Included Mlssph Alice Ollno, He- vls Ilußhrs, Karah Clark. Adelaide GIN ll», Amy Maria Norton, Kmollne Child!, Chonlta Vnti dpr I^pck, Viola Ann tier Leek, Allco AVllPon, J»t>nor Bylnpton, AV'pnona Uylnßtnn, Constance Byrne, Martin McFarlaild, Jennie Bulkloy, Jane Rollins, Dnphnp Drake, Clara Rmlth, Katharine Hteames, Lucllfi Gagp, Clam Baked Eva Bnply, Amy Busch, Anita Thomnw, Louise Hunt, 131onnnr llmming, Margaret Firming, Louise Fleming, Helon Jones, Alleen McCarthy, Oeraldlne Jennings, Martha AVoolwine, Kllzaheth Hicks. Alice EI- Hott, Marguerite, Hughes. Frances Richards, Klta Morres, Dorothea Dun- lea, Nancy Dunlen, Emma Conroy, Ju- liette Borden, Charlotte AVlnston, Charlotte AVndsworth, Margaret Dan- iels, Masters Cosmo Mot'Ktui, Jr., Ed- ward and Lawrence Barker, Keith Vos- burg, Murray Vosburg, Harold J. Har- old, Hoy Silent, AVllford McKlnley, AVIIIy Gibbon, George AVhltlnp, Dwlght Whltlnff, James Rollins, Hamilton Rol- lins, Warren GHlelen, Jr., Eddie Risen, Frederick Gray, Roy Balley.Paul Bulk- ley, James Cosley, Harold Bailey, Ben AVard, MiloJohnson, David Vermilllon, Monroe Montgomery Lawrence Van der Leek, James Frlesner, Louis AVool- wine, Acy Call, Eugene Clark, Allen Davis, Francis Gage, Lawrence and Van Kelsey, Robert Elliott, George Caswell, Elton Brown, Paul Herron, Gordon Bartlett and Albert Cosby. Beautiful Costume Party Mr. and Mrs. Ira O. Betts of Sun Francisco were guests of honor at a dinner party given AVednesday even- ing by Mr. and Mrs. Oliver C. Bryant of 1503 Magnolia avenue Others who enjoyed the hospitality of the host and hostess nre Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Davis Mrs. A. 11. Parsons, Miss Helen Bry- ant and Allen Davis. Informal Dinner Party Pico Heights Social Notes Thfi Installation exercises of the or- der of the Knstprn Htnr were hold Thursday evening In Masonic hull. The outgoing worthy matron was act- ing Officer, Tho following were In- sinlled Into ofTlce: Mrs. Ida Osmun, worthy matron; Mr. Charlea 11. Bridges, worthy patron; Mrs. Cora Outhrlc, npßoclate worthy matron; Mrs, Esther Tliurstnn, nccrotnry; Mrs. Llnboth 8011, treasurer; Mrs. Lulu . C: hnntr, conductress; Mrs. Brasher, ns- noelate conductress; Miss Conklln, Ada; Mlrh Piorson, Ruth; Mrs. Olea- son, Esther; Miss Knight, Martha; Miss Klrkpiitrlc, Electra; Mrs. Tho- rtse Johnson, chaplain; Mrs Titus, wurden; Mlsh Leona Patton, mnrslml; Mian Franklin, pianist; Mr, Marlon .Smith, sentinel. A. Margalantefl and family have moved into a suite of roomx at 2555 AV>at Pico Htreet. Mr. ami Mrs. A. C, Pomoroy, from Pomona, will occupy tho cottage at 1.43 Fedora street, Mr. and Mrs. X Blnnkfield nnd son Harry, from Brooklyn, N. V., have token a cottage for tho season ut 1228 Fedora street. Mrs. George Scott and daughter. Miss Flornnco, were guests of I>r. T Storey and family at 1510 Reid street on Christinas. Mrs. Storey accompa- nied them to their home In Pomona for a brief visit. Mr. and Mrs. AVm Davis from San Antonio, Texas, have rented the cot- tage at 1021 Dewey avenue. Judge Henry Barnum, from Freeport, 111., who hna made Lufl Angt-lekt bis winter home for nearly a score of years, was calling on former Illinois friends Thui-Bday. F. L. Hadlock from AVaterloo, lowa, with his family will spend the season at 1421 Dewey avenue. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Lyons, with their daughter nnd son, of Springfield, 111., will occupy a flat for the winter at ICH 1-2 Dewey avenue. Mrs Mary Lawrence of 1311 Dewey avenue, with her son George and daughter, Miss Ida, left on Thursday to take possession of their new home In Hollywood. Mr. and Mrs. Trescott of Northern California will occupy Miss Rhodes' l-.ome for the winter nt 1616 Reid street, i Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Scenner .have taken a suite of rooms at 1404 Dewey avenue for the season. Henry Starr and family from^Provl- •dence, R. 1., have moved into a cot- tage at 1125 Jasmine street. Mrs. Manney of Chicago, 111., who has been at 1616 Reid street for sev- eral weeks, left Saturday morning for San Diego, where she will remain for some time In the dining room, where supper was served, .the same color scheme was effective. The room was canopied with ropes- of smilnx, from which many tiny pennants fluttered, and red blossoms, were combined with ferns In the table arrangement. Mmes. E. P. Thorn. J. H. Utley, H. AY. O'Melveny, O. F. Brant, W. D. AVool- wlne. M. AY. Stephens and C. H. White acted as hostesses at the dancing party given at Kramer's Thursday evening by Epsilon chapter, PI Delta Kappa. Miss Forman had charge of the artistic decorations in the hall, which were In keeping with the holiday season. From the dome ' In the center of the hall Christmas bells and pennants were sus- pended and Greek letter pennants in the fraternity colors, purple and scarlet, decorated the walls. A huge skull lighted with electric lights gleamed down on the dancers from one end of the hall and lights throughout were shaded in red. Pi Delta Kappa Dance PASADENA Mrs. Akin Returns Mrs. John J. Akin has returned to Los Angeles from the east, where she has been visitingrelatives in New York and Philadelphia since her return from Europe with Mr. Akin In October. She will be at home to Her friends on Fri- days at her residence, 843 Beacon street. At Home to D. A. R. Members of Escholtzla chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, will be entertained Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. A. de B. Mitchell of 951 Orange street. Vacation for the young people has been iilled with one happy round of beautiful affairs, and leading society women havo given much of their time during the week to entertaining for their young sons and daughters. Danc- ing and card parties, Christmas trees and luncheons have kept the young folk in one busy whirl from morn to night, and It is more than probable teachers will have a busy time riveting young eyes on lesson booVs during the lirst few days of the new year. , Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Borden gave a •dancing party Friday evening in honor of -their littledaughter, Juliette Borden, and their niece, Mips Charlotte Win- ston. Supper was served in the billiard room, which was elaborately decorated in scarlet and green. There were pres- ent; X>orolby ScJiaefer, Francis Rich- ards, Katherlne Steams, Agnes Britt, Ellis, Taylor, Howard Taylor, Gene- vieve AVllcox, Louise Hunt, Tom Phil- lips. Wright Phillips; Gait Ingram, Ivy Andrews, Estelle Johnson, Martin AVolf skill, Everett Barker, Laurence Barker, Paul Howell, Alice Cllne, George -Caswell,. Martha - AA'oolwine, Jane Rollins, Hamilton Rollins, AValter Bowers, Katherlne Klrkpatrick, Ru- dolph Kirkpatrlck, Clara Smith, Juliet Barlow, Dick Ingram, Lewis AA'oolwino, Nettie Stevens, Arthur Best, Ash Call, Cecil Call, Rembert. Anderson, Trent Anderson, Dewitt Hildreth, Maurice Baumgardt, Howard Baunigardt, Allen Brent, Eugene Hyatt, Amy Busch Selina Ingram, Eva Bailey, Wilfred Mc- Klnley, Anita Thomas, Barbara Taylor Ernest May, AA'illiam Lowell Lovett', Jeanette Caldwell, Elsie Caldwell Georgia Off, Margaret Hughes, Mary Hughes, Reavis Hughes, Lurllne Mid- dleton, Rie Middleton, Paul Herron Emma Conroy, Eugene Schafer and Sarah McFarland. fMist Juliette Borden, for Whom $' f Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Borden ? £ Gave a Pretty Affair i At a pretty wedding solemnized Fri- day evening at the resiednce of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bagley of 655 AVest Jeffer- son street, Miss Edna Burgess became the bride of Roger Rees, Rev B. F. Coulter officiating. The bride, who was unattended, wore a becoming gown of white crepe de chine and iacn ovor white silk. Her bouquet was of lilies of the valley. Tho couple stood in front of an altar of white blossoms, Rees. Burgess Wedding One of the most elaborate of the many charming- Christmas festivities was the beautiful cotillon given by Mrs. D. B. Dewey for her son, David Brainard Dewoy, at the Valley Hunt club house on Christmas evening. The following ladies assisted Mrs.Dewey: Mrs. George Huntington Barker, Mrs. Ernest May, Mrs. Edward Barry, Mrs. John Holmes, Mis. AY. S. McKay, Mrs. L. AY. Benton, Mrs. E. B. Hoag and Mrs. Mary C. Miller. The ball room was given a tent effect and profusely decorated with holly and flowers. The dancing con- tained many beautiful figures, and re- freshments were served from small tables borne into the room by maids dressed in white. Mrs. Charles H. Wells of Oak Park, In the evening- the party waa aug- mented by more than fifty guests, who gathered around a brilliantly lighted Christmas tree for a merry hour. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. AA r oodhead enter- tained with a family dinner Christmas day. Covers were laid at three tables tor thirty-two guests. The home was elaborately decorated with holly and garlands of green. . Misses Lillian AVil- llamson and Irene and Clara La Fetra contributed to the enjoyment of the evening with music. Mrs. Blanche Campbell Ross of San Francisco, gave readings." ' '. Dinner"and Christmas Tree Beautiful Hearts Party .*Mrs. W. I. Holllngsworth, 1111 Lake street, | was hostess last evening at a large and beautifully appointed card party given In honor of her house guest, Miss Genevieve Downing, and Miss Margery Tate, who ia visiting 'Mrs. Erasmus AVilson. Mrs. Holllngs- \u25a0worth waa assisted in receiving by Mrs. Erasmus Wilson, Mrs. Dan McFarland and ' Mrs. George Wilson. . Hearts was the game of the even- ing" and scores were kept on heart- shaped, cards ornamented with cupid sketches. Among the handsome prizes awarded were an Austrian glass dish, two hand-painted plates, a hand- painted color box, a. handkerchief bag, copy of a recent book and two coat hangers. |Scarlet carnations and ferns were used In the living room and music room, while the same blossoms In a delecate shade of pink were ef- fective In the drawing room. Christmas decorations prevailed in the dining room, where hollyberries and a Christ- mas tree were the central features of a charming arrangement. In the Jap- anese tea room, where the harpist was stationed, cherry blossoms were used. The wore a stunning gown of pink brocade satin and Miss Down- Ing 1 wore gold . spangled net and lace over chiffon ami Ml k, and Miss Tate's charming gown wan of pink. The-, guests included Mr. ' and Mrs. Nicholas B. Rico, Mr. and M.rs.^ender- son'Haywood, Mr. and Mrs. Erasmus "Wilson, Mrs. E. A. Featherstone. Judge and Mrs. Stephen C. Hubbell, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McFarland, Mr. and Mrs. O. \u25a0 A. Vlckrey, Dr. and Mrs. McCul- lough. Mr. \u25a0 and Mrs. Charles Signor, Mr. .and Mrs. Burton, Mr. and Mrs. John Luckenbach, Mr. and Mrs. George "Walker, Mr. and Mrs. George P. Thresher, ' Mr. and Mrs. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. 'J. H. \u25a0 Spires, Dr. and Afrs. B. F. Church, 1 Mr. and Mrs. AY. L. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. James W. Hellman, Mr. end Mrs. Storey, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Day,( Mr. and Mrs. AY. AY. Johnson, jr., Mr. and Mrs. D. Hamburger, Mr. and Mrs. Dan McFarland, Dr. and Mrs; Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. "Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Cason, Mr.',and Mrs. George J. Blrkel, Mrs. Margaret Hobbs, Mrs. Curtis, Missei Ethplwyn AA'alker, Marie and Florence Thresher, Violet Ball, Louise Kasten- blne, Irma Heller of St. Louis, Kath- arine and Gretchen Day, Grace Rowley, Cora Lord, Roberta Smith, Besse Woodruff, Summers; Messrs. Thomas Norton, Andrew J. Copps, Justice, James Hoobs, A\ T . AA r . Robson, B. L. Miller, AV'ales of Boston, Philo and Angus T. Llndley, R. A. Fowler, Her- bert Cornish, Karl Klokke, Gibbert and Dr. 'Justice. Mrs. C. J. Hall of 512 AVest Thirtieth street opened her home Friday evening to the young people of the Master's Maids club of lininanuel Presbyterian church. The home was decorated with holly, mistletoe and Christmas bells. Interesting guessing jrarnes occupied the hours and prizes were awarded. Many unique features were introduced in the serving of the menu. Ices were served in apples from which the cores were removed. Master's Maids Club ' Mr. and Mrs. McAllister of 1826 AVest Sixth street will entertain the club members next Thursday evening. The Westmorland club is the name of a new whist club organized Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George P. Thresher of 37 AVestmoreland avenue, and the membership Includes Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. J. AY. McAllister, Mr. and Mrs. George P. Thresher, Mr. and Mrs. George AVulker and Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Armstrong. New Whist Club 'Mrs, Jack Jevene of 987 Arapahoe street is entertaining her brother, Capt. Arthur Toombs Marix, and his wife of St. Paul, Minn. Today Mr. and Mrs. Jevene will give a dinner In their honor, and another affair complimentary to them will be a box party at the Belasco, at which Mr. and Mrs* L. D. Sale will be the host and hostess. InHonor of Visitors In Honor of Son In honor of her son. Dr. L. H. Tur- ner, Mrs. Carrie Turner of 1104 South Olive street gave' a bridge whist party Thursday evening. English ivy was twined gracefully over the walls and banked the mantel piece In a simple but. effective manner. Prizes were a football callenderand two fancy hand- kerchiefs.. Scores were kept on card* ornamented with sketches of fancy lieads. The guests included Mr. and Mrs, Clarence H. Pease, Mr. and Mrs. George JJoyes, Mr. and Mrs. AValter Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. George Pounder, Mr.'and Mrs. Worth, Mr. and Mrs. H. "AY. Brundlpo, 'Mr. ' and Mrs. C. 11. Faulkner/Miss Emma Harvey and Mr. Turner. No invitations have been issued, but her home will be open to all her friends. Mrs. C. B. Woodhead of 552 Buena Vista street will be at home Tuesday, January 2, from 2 to 4 o'clock Inhonor of her house guestg, Mrs. Gard, mother of Mrs. AVoodhead, of Springfield, O.: Mrs. M. A. Campbell, Prof, and Mrs. William T. Ross of San Francisco, and Mrs. M. H. La Fetra of Olendora. To Receive Tuesday Miss Florence Dodge, daughter of Mr and Mrs. S. C. Dodge of 656 South Bur- lington avenue, has returned' from the University of California, having gradu- ated and received her degree. Miss Florence Morgan and Miss Hilda Mor- gan, college friends, are visiting her for the holidays. They will return to the university at the conclusion of the win- ter vacation. . Returns From University teenth street, January 4. The club will be entertained by Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Pauleen, 1200 East Four- The Hermosa Whist club was enter- tained by Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Mcßee, Walnut street, Thursday evening. Prizes were won by Mrs. J. Stroble, Mrs. M. M. Laphum, Mrs. E. Todd, L. P Paulsen, George Renwlck and B. Caff era ta. Whist Club Entertained land. A. Vermilllon, F. W. Braun C M. Shannon, Underwood, E H Bar- mOr»e ,' W \, W - Never .M. S. Robertson, J. H. McCall, Duane, Ira O. Smith, H. M. Bishop, Lee Foster, Max Kuehnrich, William Bayly, sr ., William Bayly Jr George W. Bayly, J. 13 . Betzold, Cramp- ton Anderson. Homer La.ugtilln jr Carl Adams, W. J; Doran, Thomas Barclay John V Oldham, J. It. Berryman, J. C Richardson, J. A. Bowden, WiJllam Keod, W. A. Strong, Fred L. Baker G A. Montgomery, A. A. Ilallett c' i/ Comings,' Philip Wiseman, Candler a' &. Taudy, J. E. Cowles, Dora Cutler Edward Waldron, E. P. Clark It. V Day, J. K. Steams, H. L. Bixby a' T Stewart, G. H. Stewart,, W. W. Mc- Leod, Warner, A. W. Ballard, Richard Mercer, J. W. Tomblin, Winters AY E i Brewster-Smith, F. c. Howes F b' Sllverwood. Adam Darling, Dennlson' Frank Rice, J. A. Neal, Telfair Cieigh- 1 ton, John V. G. Posey, B. 11. Baum- gardt, Herbert M. Bishop, Arthur Raze S. O. AVilson, .S.. It. AVallace, W. D Woolwine, Sterling, Con Worth Wil- liams, J. F. King, J. S. Chapman C F Noyes, Blanche Corby, Grant Klnney, Theodore Eisen. A. B. McCutcheon George Ellis, John Wigmore, G, F. Scott, Charlotte Thornton, Louis Fuller, Harry Gray, Julia Wctzler, Itipley m' G. Babcock, Frank Gillelen, Daniel Laubershelmer, Wayland Trask Francis Murphy, Josephine Holmes, G. M. Rice, Fisher, M. J. Knox, M. E. Thorpe, Gordon McLain. Charles Me- Farland, Dnn McFarland, J. A. Ed- monds, R. W. Vincent, Seward Cole, Misses Florence Silent, Marjorle Tato, A. M. Lagg, Guendolen Laughlin, Lucy and Annie Powers, Clark, Day, Burgess, Winters, Mary Darling, Mary Chap- man, Grace Kinney, McDonald, Julia Foote, Joanna Molony and Kathleen McPhall. Mrs. Grover Entertained Mrs. a, W. Grover of Galveston, Tex. who is visiting in Lob Angeles, was guest of honor at an affair given Friday afternoon by her daughter-in-law, Mrs Sidney L. Grover of 628 South Burling- ton avenue. ' Miss Irma Lois Baker had a box party at the Belasco yesterday after- noon in honor of the birthday anniver- eary of Miss May Bedlow Armstrong. Among the guests were Miss Mima Florence Patterson and Mlsb Clara Belle Bryant, who are at home for the holidays from Stanford. After the per- formance the party was served with luncheon at Christopher's, where a charmingly appointed table was ar- ranged for them. Covers were laid for ten. The party was chaperoned by Mrs. Frederick Wlngfleld Armstrong. Box Party at Belasco \u25a0 Miss Bessie Field of 5311 Monte Vista etreet entertained members of summer class '02 of the Los Angelea high school at their unuual reunion Frlduy evening. Many of the members who are attend- ing Stafford and Berkeley are at home for the holidays and the affair was a joyous one. The home was decorated in the class colors, violet and white, und dainty refreshments were served. Election of officers to serve the class during the coming year took place. Class Reunion Christmas week closed at the Dobln- son school with a Dickenß supper and country dance Saturday night. The decorations were in keeping with th«i season of the year. The reception room ivns draped with crimson Bilk und rib- bon, and baskets of bright holly hung in effective places. The green room was decorated with ferns and wreaths of holly. The large class room, where the supper was served to about seventy pupils and their parents, was daintily decorated with streamers of ribbon, Unique Country Dance Gives Large Reception In celebration of her eighteenth wed- ding anniversary, Mrs. W. J. Duvls of 2 Chester place gave a large reception Friday afternoon, being assisted in re , celvlng ulso by her sister, Mrs. 1. Q IJetts of Ban Francisco, and Mrs. Eil- wanl L. Dohenoy. The house was elab- orately decorated. The members of the receiving party were stationed In the old rose living rodm, which was deco- rated with quantities of usparugus plumosus. In the dining room Christ- mas holly berries and garlands of green were used. The hostess wore a becom- ing gowii of broadcloth in one of the new blue shades and Mrs. Doheney 1* dress was of blue crepe de chine. Mrs. Beck wore old rose chiffon poplin. The assisting women, including Mines, w. T. H. Hammond, Oliver C.' Hryant Frank DeWitt Tv Image, B. a. JUvers Mies Belle Wallace and Miss Ague* Wallace, were all elaborately gowned. l.owliiHUy'a orchestra played popular airs during the receiving hours, und women who called Included Mines. Krabinuh Wilson, J. 11. Uavlsson Honm I,augh|ln, Br ., J,. B. Uwynne, "Churle* tilluut- Jwo Vun Bchtnldt. Dun UvVm-. Pretty Christmas Wedding \u25a0•M|B» Grace June Hamilton nna EU|b 51. lUnnlea were married Christmas evening at the home of the bride* mother. "Mrs. Edwinna 13. Hamilton. 810 Hot» Ftifcfl. The roomy were ranopled with Hniilax and ferns, and many ChrUtma* belJa gave a brilliant touch of color. The bride and bride- groom knelt in front of an altar of ferns ' and * white blotisoins. A Christmas tree was the tentrat feature I In one ' ' room ' ; Ml»s Ham> llton worn; a gown of white chlf . ton,, hand enibroldered and made over «llk. A long tulle veil wag caught in her. hair with orange blossoms and h»r bouquet wtu* »>r UUea of the valley. Her only ornament was a bracelet vhleh wag worn Xty her mother pn her vedd|ng ttuy wui/ . vt*rt ago, lUu» 2 AGENTS FOR PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS J I DE 1 |Ville 4^g|Paris| 5 A. FUSENOT 'vzSfiiJSSr COMPANY, > Sp 317-325 S. Broadway, Extending to 314-322 S. Hill Street, "jp |j Our Regular % 1 January | |E Opens Tomorrow g Incisive Reductions will be the rule in every department 'jg' 5 where stocks arc too large, and must be reduced before in- t % Odds and Ends and pennants Will Be % g Closed Out Regardless of Cost Special features of this clearance sale will be the decided re- JJ^ ductions in price on certain lines of 5g |j Dress Goods, Silks, Muslin Underwear g 3 Ready to Wear Garmen,ts, Linens % % and Bedding p N. B. Early buyers always secure the best selections. 5^ To Each and Every One of the Good People of These Parts We extend a New Tear's greeting. But to those -whom we have had the pleasure of dealing ivith during the year Just' closed we are especially grateful. , Now is the time for new resolutions. Whatever you do, PLEASE don't swear off buying furniture, for we havpa lot to' sell, likewise draperies. j \u0084 >\u25a0 ; Broadway Drapery ® Furniture Co. Not in the Trust 447 South Broadway HERALB WANT- ADS BRING LARGEST" RETURNS 1 1 V Wff ' ' I I >f^^v Every Woman ' tlfew™ MARVEL Whirling Spray \u25a0 ' V^V' -Cso*-lfc. timand Xu,tUn.\wtt.-L<. \ A*h|«tf 4n§(lit IWIt, X.',, dftftW m If tie cannot tui>|>tyth« >J UtV'^WWfJj— i MAHVM, tempt do NP^V m ''Jr^!PK olbar. bat Mod lUtuiu(or "ife, / "'/// I illu»tr>tr4lM>ok-mM. ItllTM >7/,, / "M ' luU|>ArtUuUrsl.iiU<thctMlnii» tv- Vff . m i »»iu»bLiol».iii-«. titiiiti, «0., °iJ/!!miiiiiw 1 «« JC HHdHT., KKWlUHU, ***' ÜbV DHUG CO. .491 Kwuth Sprlag Sir.ot Lo» Anf •!*\u25a0 '»'. \u25a0 C'oiitiut'm'eN TncMdjiy, Jnniiiiry'1. If I* n Kon*on of opportunities <l»nt 1iv«» in Hie memory of ljuy«-r« from X^Cv *'• jBH^""""^^" ,'; one year to another. JYo Kpcriiilhhlc throughout (lieentire ,veur liriiiKMforth the burKiiiiiH tlmt thin sale vflty^s-'^^:.*.. : . j|ju icirry nrllcle is reduced In prlec to surli n low Bsure thnt In nrnrly every eiiwe Hie Helling;price in down \u25a0'j 'IIR/'O.'-rJ \u25a0Jf>iMy «> liolcl thin greitt mile for tl.e purpowe «•' reducing oar Ntoc-U before annual Hloek-4nkin£. -" .:,. *\u25a0 ./Wjjjjj^gjffl y^" I'leccM Ili/il we fiiuuot duplicate nrr Mpeclnlljr rut In price. Tlilx given iim (he onnoi-dinHy of ulHnoslns '***\u25a0 r*-i > Tr v *V*^| of every Muitle pleee quickly and retttoeklttK withgoods for the «i»riiin trade. There l«, however, niithlug out of favhioii. We alivuys turu over our mtock nt leant tnive v year owing to onr ' \u25a0 - Nuriirialnßlylow lirlvcM. ">'r/. ; ' "• 'lf^^^^^ Ip^^g^^^ P^^^^^f^^^^^Kj i^^^^S q^^^^i; f^^^^S f^^^^3s V $36.50 $35.00 $35.50 V $37.50 At thn high priced storen. It In a At the high priced Btorea. We aru At the high priced stores, and tlioy At the high priced stores. Get it i luiautlfully Kiulnt.l Bulertfd oak. willingto ucthulf of it un this oc- got It. Why not pay for It hero? It li.re:t costs you ono-half. Glaus 24/, with French plato Klaus CIO OC cuHionT noliri oak, extra Hn«> llniub. 1M fiian exfjulH to now pattern In finely x.10; French plato liko the others II- Zix-M). Our Hido pricu 3>10./Cj x3O bl;jhb; bane full 44 «17?« i -nnlshod soldun oak. $17.75 '""trateil. Uo.n't delay If ffio yr inches wide; Tuciduy !>1« »«P Our prico •»»•• •« •» you want It ',: <p This bed in various Dressers &t Half-Price Jiitf? wmi bb h l eavTbruß« l> ii'iio l |"iJ Wo ar(l overstocked on Pressors of every kind of pattern and wood. 'P* S!==a=r<ty~-«BS* !S nn " n oiti H~^\* A «* havo 470 on hand. J6O of which oro not duplicated— that is wo'/ U-J^^3^E^l_Jl P L»tlSll OF have ono each of the pattern. A largo Bhlpmcnt— three full cars— \u25a0 'H^Tuiii SM Kft ' -w*»w»»- tiaß j ijHt como to UB (^.(or,, om . atock tukliiK'. ltather thnn pay ru.lt. * VW.WVy- road d«-murratfo or oxtru wurehouso ratPß wo sell them this week 1 f— . .'-.', : ffPflif Ai " NuerlKlce of One>llalf tbe I'rlcen of tbe lllwb-l'rlced Ktvrra. .
Page 1: 2 LEAVES FROM SOCIETY'S NOTE BOOK 4^g|Paris|chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042462/1905-12-31/ed-1/seq-10.pdftho young folk made the seeno still ... Masters Cosmo Mot'Ktui, Jr.,




whltft tullfl nnd fern*. From on ftrrhovf.rhe.nd a white dove depended andIn the greenery surrounding the pillarsdoves were nllght. The wedding mu-sic waa plnyod by Mr. Bagley. Mrfl.Hagley whh becomingly gowned Ingreen mousellno de dole. After a shortwedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Rees wlilmake their home In Hollywood.wreaths nnrt Rprnys of holly, while In

the center stood a large Christmas treeIndeti with Its mnny presents for thegupntn. The plftre curds representedscenes from Charles lilekens' books,

Social NottsMrs. M. Tt. T,n Fetm and family of

Olendora are gueat* of Mrs. La Fetra'B'sinter, Mrs. C. «. AVoodhead.

Dora Hamilton n^rnded npr Ustrfn*maid of honor wearing white dottedswlks nnd carrying red tarnation*. Thewedding mimic whs played by Dora E.Young, nnd the bridegroom was at-tended by Harry Leo ithoden ns bestman. After the wedding a receptionwas held and a wedding mipper nerved,Mian Namol Kills Ulley of Kentuckyassisting In receiving the guest*. Mr.and Mix.Kill*willbe nt home to theirfrlrmln after January 1at the home ofthe bride's mother.

More than 250 Invitations have beenIssued for a reception to bo given NewYear's evening by Mr. and Mrs. H. P.Miller,234 North goto Btreet, In honorof tho \u25a0 new year and their twentiethwedding anniversary.

\u25a0 Many other aftulrs of a similar nature\u25a0will be given.

Tomorrow evening Mr. and Mm.Harry A.Massey of 630 West Jeffersonstreet willgive a New Year's party.

At the samo time Miss Maud Eliza-beth Richards willgive an affair at herhome on Hobart boulevard.

i "Rlnir out the old: rlnff in the new,"

•r« the words which will echo aroundmany fireside* tonight aa friends gatherto bid adieu to the old year and to wel-come th# new born 190H.1 Socfety women will open their homes'thl« evening for many a happy gather-tng, and tomorrow there willbe a gen-eral exchange of greetings In whichmnny prominent women will figure ashostesses.to A few hontesseg have issued cards foraffairs today, but most of them havepreferred to have It understood thatthey will keep open house for theirfriends.t Miss Florence Whelnn of West Thlr-tloth street willentertain a few friend*this evening who will watch through

"the midnight hour, nnd the affair prom-,Ises to be a delightful one, as every-

thing1 given by this young hostess In.\u0084 Mr. ond Mrs. M.J. Connell willal«oentertain a party of friends with aNewYear watch.

Minn ("line wmm usplnterl by MlsftEmma Conroy, Mlsb Frmicrs Richards,Miss Klta Morris nnd Miss ReavlsHughes, and her guests Included MissesRae lielle Morlan, Harah Clark, NormaHaupt, Jennie Bulkley, Juliette Borden,Jane Itollins, Alleen McCarthy, RayBelle Morlan, Margurlte Hughe.*, SursihClark, Margery Utley,Margaret Loomls,Amy Marie Norton, Emellne chllds,Daphne Drake, Selena Ingram, Con-stance Byrne, Dorothy Leonurd, EvaBailey, Elizabeth Hlckp, Chonltu Vander Leek, Viola Van der Leek, AnitaThomim, Charlotte AVadsworth, Bar-bara Taylor, Helen Bullnrd. MildredBurnett, Marguerite Drake, Edna Ben-nett; Masters George Caswell, VanKelsey, Lawrence Kelsey, LawrenceVan der Leek, Thomas Gabel, LouisGabel, Eugene Park, Everett Barker,Lawrence Barker, AVUfnrd .McKlnley,Edward Haupt, Rirhard Ingram, Ham-ilton Rollins, Harold J. Harold, Wil-liam and Craig Lovett, Chalmers Gray,Paul Bulkley, Russell Clark and Ed-ward 12isen.

Half a hundred of the young friendsof Mls» Alice Cllnc, daughter ofMr.andMrs. AValter B, Cllne of 2»30 SouthKlgueroa street, were entertained yes-terday afternoon at a beautiful heart*party given by Mr«. Cllne. Polnaettlasand ferna decorated the rooms. Scoreswere kept on heart-shaped cards bear-ing Japanene nketrh.es, and beautifulprize.* were awarded.

Qlvet Heart* Party

Young people In fancy costunm prf-KPntfri ;i pretty picture Inst eveningn« they danccrl at tho home of. Mr«.John AY. A. Off, when tlint gracioushnsteKH entertained with an old-fash-ioned yulet.lrte pnrty In honor of herdaughter. Miss Clenrßla lift, at ihelrhome, 2025 South Flaueroa slrert. Hol-iday decoration* of OhtißttlUM bells,kitillhxand ViollyhrlghtetiPd the vnrl-ouh rooms nnd Ihe.gny costumes oftho young folk made the seeno stillmorn brilliant, The hostess was as-sisted by Mrs, Joseph Call, Mrs. FredIllnpa nnrl Miss Ilelun Hnnborn. Thoguests Included Mlssph Alice Ollno, He-vls Ilußhrs, Karah Clark. Adelaide GINll», Amy Maria Norton, Kmollne Child!,Chonlta Vnti dpr I^pck, Viola Ann tierLeek, Allco AVllPon, J»t>nor Bylnpton,AV'pnona Uylnßtnn, Constance Byrne,Martin McFarlaild, Jennie Bulkloy,Jane Rollins, Dnphnp Drake, ClaraRmlth, Katharine Hteames, LucllfiGagp, Clam Baked Eva Bnply, AmyBusch, Anita Thomnw, Louise Hunt,131onnnr llmming, Margaret Firming,Louise Fleming, Helon Jones, AlleenMcCarthy, Oeraldlne Jennings, MarthaAVoolwine, Kllzaheth Hicks. Alice EI-Hott, Marguerite, Hughes. FrancesRichards, Klta Morres, Dorothea Dun-lea, Nancy Dunlen, Emma Conroy, Ju-liette Borden, Charlotte AVlnston,Charlotte AVndsworth, Margaret Dan-iels, Masters Cosmo Mot'Ktui, Jr., Ed-ward and Lawrence Barker, Keith Vos-burg, Murray Vosburg, Harold J. Har-old, Hoy Silent, AVllford McKlnley,AVIIIy Gibbon, George AVhltlnp, DwlghtWhltlnff, James Rollins, Hamilton Rol-lins, Warren GHlelen, Jr., Eddie Risen,Frederick Gray, Roy Balley.Paul Bulk-ley, James Cosley, Harold Bailey, BenAVard, MiloJohnson, David Vermilllon,Monroe Montgomery Lawrence Vander Leek, James Frlesner, Louis AVool-wine, Acy Call, Eugene Clark, AllenDavis, Francis Gage, Lawrence andVan Kelsey, Robert Elliott, GeorgeCaswell, Elton Brown, Paul Herron,Gordon Bartlett and Albert Cosby.

Beautiful Costume Party

Mr. and Mrs. Ira O. Betts of SunFrancisco were guests of honor at adinner party given AVednesday even-ing by Mr. and Mrs. Oliver C. Bryantof 1503 Magnolia avenue Others whoenjoyed the hospitality of the host andhostess nre Dr. and Mrs. W. J. DavisMrs. A. 11. Parsons, Miss Helen Bry-ant and Allen Davis.

Informal Dinner Party

Pico Heights Social NotesThfi Installation exercises of the or-

der of the Knstprn Htnr were holdThursday evening In Masonic hull.The outgoing worthy matron was act-ing Officer, Tho following were In-sinlled Into ofTlce: Mrs. Ida Osmun,worthy matron; Mr. Charlea 11.Bridges, worthy patron; Mrs. CoraOuthrlc, npßoclate worthy matron;Mrs, Esther Tliurstnn, nccrotnry; Mrs.Llnboth 8011, treasurer; Mrs. Lulu.C:hnntr, conductress; Mrs. Brasher, ns-noelate conductress; Miss Conklln,Ada; Mlrh Piorson, Ruth; Mrs. Olea-son, Esther; Miss Knight, Martha;Miss Klrkpiitrlc,Electra; Mrs. Tho-rtse Johnson, chaplain; Mrs Titus,wurden; Mlsh Leona Patton, mnrslml;Mian Franklin, pianist; Mr, Marlon.Smith, sentinel.

A. Margalantefl and family havemoved into a suite of roomx at 2555AV>at Pico Htreet.

Mr. ami Mrs. A. C, Pomoroy, fromPomona, will occupy tho cottage at1.43 Fedora street,

Mr. and Mrs. X Blnnkfield nnd sonHarry, from Brooklyn, N. V., havetoken a cottage for tho season ut 1228Fedora street.

Mrs. George Scott and daughter.Miss Flornnco, were guests of I>r. TStorey and family at 1510 Reid streeton Christinas. Mrs. Storey accompa-nied them to their home In Pomonafor a brief visit.

Mr. and Mrs. AVm Davis from SanAntonio, Texas, have rented the cot-tage at 1021 Dewey avenue.

Judge Henry Barnum, from Freeport,111., who hna made Lufl Angt-lekt biswinter home for nearly a score of years,was calling on former Illinois friendsThui-Bday.F. L.Hadlock from AVaterloo, lowa,

with his family will spend the seasonat 1421 Dewey avenue.

Mr.and Mrs. L.E. Lyons, with theirdaughter nnd son, of Springfield, 111.,will occupy a flat for the winter at

ICH 1-2 Dewey avenue.Mrs Mary Lawrence of 1311 Deweyavenue, with her son George anddaughter, Miss Ida, left on Thursday

to take possession of their new homeIn Hollywood.

Mr. and Mrs. Trescott of NorthernCalifornia will occupy Miss Rhodes'l-.ome for the winter nt 1616 Reid street, i

Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Scenner .havetaken a suite of rooms at 1404 Deweyavenue for the season.

Henry Starr and family from^Provl-•dence, R. 1., have moved into a cot-tage at 1125 Jasmine street.

Mrs. Manney of Chicago, 111., whohas been at 1616 Reid street for sev-eral weeks, left Saturday morning forSan Diego, where she will remain forsome time

In the dining room, where supper wasserved, .the same color scheme waseffective. The room was canopied withropes- of smilnx, from which many tinypennants fluttered, and red blossoms,were combined with ferns In the tablearrangement.

Mmes. E. P. Thorn. J. H.Utley,H.AY.O'Melveny, O. F. Brant, W. D. AVool-wlne. M. AY.Stephens and C. H. Whiteacted as hostesses at the dancing partygiven atKramer's Thursday evening byEpsilon chapter, PI Delta Kappa. MissForman had charge of the artisticdecorations in the hall, which were Inkeeping with the holiday season. Fromthe dome

'In the center of the hall

Christmas bells and pennants were sus-pended and Greek letter pennants inthe fraternity colors, purple and scarlet,decorated the walls. A huge skulllighted with electric lights gleameddown on the dancers from one end ofthe hall and lights throughout wereshaded in red.

Pi Delta Kappa Dance


Mrs. Akin ReturnsMrs. John J. Akin has returned to

Los Angeles from the east, where shehas been visitingrelatives inNew Yorkand Philadelphia since her return fromEurope with Mr. AkinIn October. Shewill be at home to Her friends on Fri-days at her residence, 843 Beacon street.

At Home to D. A. R.Members of Escholtzla chapter,

Daughters of the American Revolution,will be entertained Tuesday afternoonby Mrs. A. de B. Mitchell of 951 Orangestreet.

Vacation for the young people hasbeen iilled with one happy round ofbeautiful affairs, and leading societywomen havo given much of their timeduring the week to entertaining fortheir young sons and daughters. Danc-ing and card parties, Christmas treesand luncheons have kept the young folkin one busy whirlfrom morn to night,and It is more than probable teacherswillhave a busy time riveting youngeyes on lesson booVs during the lirstfew days of the new year., Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Borden gave a•dancing party Friday evening in honorof-their littledaughter, Juliette Borden,and their niece, Mips Charlotte Win-ston. Supper was served in the billiardroom, which was elaborately decoratedinscarlet and green. There were pres-ent; X>orolby ScJiaefer, Francis Rich-ards, Katherlne Steams, Agnes Britt,Ellis, Taylor, Howard Taylor, Gene-vieve AVllcox,Louise Hunt, Tom Phil-lips. Wright Phillips;Gait Ingram, IvyAndrews, Estelle Johnson, MartinAVolfskill, Everett Barker, LaurenceBarker, Paul Howell, Alice Cllne,George -Caswell,. Martha - AA'oolwine,Jane Rollins, Hamilton Rollins, AValterBowers, Katherlne • Klrkpatrick, Ru-dolph Kirkpatrlck, Clara Smith, JulietBarlow, Dick Ingram, Lewis AA'oolwino,Nettie Stevens, Arthur Best, Ash Call,Cecil Call, Rembert. Anderson, TrentAnderson, Dewitt Hildreth, MauriceBaumgardt, Howard Baunigardt, AllenBrent, Eugene Hyatt, Amy BuschSelina Ingram, Eva Bailey, Wilfred Mc-Klnley,Anita Thomas, Barbara TaylorErnest May, AA'illiam Lowell Lovett',Jeanette Caldwell, Elsie CaldwellGeorgia Off, Margaret Hughes, MaryHughes, Reavis Hughes, Lurllne Mid-dleton, Rie Middleton, Paul HerronEmma Conroy, Eugene Schafer andSarah McFarland.

fMist Juliette Borden, for Whom $'f Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Borden ?£ Gave a Pretty Affair i

At a pretty wedding solemnized Fri-day evening at the resiednce of Mr.andMrs. A. E. Bagley of 655 AVest Jeffer-son street, Miss Edna Burgess becamethe bride of Roger Rees, Rev B. F.Coulter officiating. The bride, whowas unattended, wore a becominggown of white crepe de chine and iacnovor white silk. Her bouquet was oflilies of the valley. Tho couple stoodin front of an altar of white blossoms,

Rees. Burgess Wedding

One of the most elaborate of the manycharming- Christmas festivities was thebeautiful cotillon given by Mrs. D. B.Dewey for her son, David BrainardDewoy, at the Valley Hunt club houseon Christmas evening. The followingladies assisted Mrs.Dewey: Mrs. GeorgeHuntington Barker, Mrs. Ernest May,Mrs. Edward Barry, Mrs. John Holmes,Mis. AY. S. McKay, Mrs. L. AY. Benton,Mrs. E. B. Hoag and Mrs. Mary C.Miller. The ball room was given a tenteffect and profusely decorated withholly and flowers. The dancing con-tained many beautiful figures, and re-freshments were served from smalltables borne into the room by maidsdressed in white.

Mrs. Charles H. Wells of Oak Park,

In the evening- the party waa aug-mented by more than fiftyguests, whogathered around a brilliantly lightedChristmas tree for a merry hour.

Mr. and Mrs. C. B. AAroodhead enter-tained with a family dinner Christmasday. Covers were laid at three tablestor thirty-two guests. The home waselaborately decorated with holly andgarlands of green. . Misses Lillian AVil-llamson and Irene and Clara La Fetracontributed to the enjoyment of theevening with music. Mrs. BlancheCampbell Ross of San Francisco, gavereadings." •


Dinner"and Christmas Tree

Beautiful Hearts Party

.*Mrs. W. I. Holllngsworth, 1111 Lakestreet, |was hostess last evening at alarge and beautifully appointed cardparty given In honor of her houseguest, Miss Genevieve Downing, andMiss Margery Tate, who ia visiting'Mrs. Erasmus AVilson. Mrs. Holllngs-\u25a0worth waa assisted in receiving by Mrs.Erasmus Wilson, Mrs. Dan McFarlandand'Mrs. George Wilson.. Hearts was the game of the even-

ing"and scores were kept on heart-shaped, cards ornamented with cupidsketches. Among the handsome prizesawarded were an Austrian glass dish,two hand-painted plates, a hand-painted color box, a. handkerchief bag,copy of a recent book and two coathangers. |Scarlet carnations and fernswere used In the living room andmusic room, while the same blossomsIn a delecate shade of pink were ef-fective In the drawing room. Christmasdecorations prevailed in the diningroom, where hollyberries and a Christ-mas tree were the central features of acharming arrangement. In the Jap-anese tea room, where the harpist wasstationed, cherry blossoms were used.

The wore a stunning gownof pink brocade satin and Miss Down-Ing1wore gold.spangled net and laceover chiffon ami Mlk, and Miss Tate'scharming gown wan of pink.The-, guests included Mr.

'and Mrs.

Nicholas B. Rico, Mr.and M.rs.^ender-son'Haywood, Mr. and Mrs. Erasmus"Wilson, Mrs. E. A. Featherstone. Judgeand Mrs. Stephen C. Hubbell, Mr.andMrs. Charles McFarland, Mr. and Mrs.O. \u25a0 A. Vlckrey, Dr. and Mrs. McCul-lough. Mr. \u25a0 and Mrs. Charles Signor,Mr..and Mrs. Burton, Mr. and Mrs.John Luckenbach, Mr. and Mrs. George"Walker, Mr. and Mrs. George P.Thresher, 'Mr. and Mrs. Cole, Mr. andMrs. 'J. H. \u25a0 Spires, Dr. and Afrs. B. F.Church,1Mr. and Mrs. AY. L. Stewart,Mr. and Mrs. James W. Hellman, Mr.end Mrs. Storey, Mr. and Mrs. RichardDay,(Mr. and Mrs. AY. AY. Johnson,jr.,Mr. and Mrs. D. Hamburger, Mr.and Mrs. Dan McFarland, Dr. andMrs; Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. MatthewS. "Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Cason,Mr.',and Mrs. George J. Blrkel, Mrs.Margaret Hobbs, Mrs. Curtis, MisseiEthplwyn AA'alker, Marie and FlorenceThresher, Violet Ball, Louise Kasten-blne, Irma Heller of St. Louis, Kath-arine and Gretchen Day, Grace Rowley,Cora Lord, Roberta Smith, BesseWoodruff, Summers; Messrs. ThomasNorton, Andrew J. Copps, Justice,James Hoobs, A\T. AAr. Robson, B. L.Miller, AV'ales of Boston, Philo andAngus T. Llndley, R. A. Fowler, Her-bert Cornish, KarlKlokke, Gibbert andDr. 'Justice.

Mrs. C. J. Hallof 512 AVest Thirtiethstreet opened her home Friday eveningto the young people of the Master'sMaids club of lininanuel Presbyterianchurch. The home was decorated withholly, mistletoe and Christmas bells.Interesting guessing jrarnes occupiedthe hours and prizes were awarded.Many unique features were introducedin the serving of the menu. Ices wereserved in apples from which the coreswere removed.

Master's Maids Club'

Mr. and Mrs. McAllister of 1826 AVestSixth street will entertain the clubmembers next Thursday evening.

The Westmorland club is the name ofa new whist club organized Thursdayevening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.George P. Thresher of 37 AVestmorelandavenue, and the membership IncludesMr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Robertson,Mr. and Mrs. J. AY. McAllister, Mr.andMrs. George P. Thresher, Mr. and Mrs.George AVulker and Mr. and Mrs. L.M.Armstrong.

New Whist Club

'Mrs, Jack Jevene of 987 Arapahoestreet is entertaining her brother, Capt.Arthur Toombs Marix, and his wife ofSt. Paul, Minn. Today Mr. and Mrs.Jevene willgive a dinner Intheir honor,and another affair complimentary tothem will be a box party at the Belasco,at which Mr.and Mrs*L.D. Sale willbethe host and hostess.

InHonor of Visitors

In Honor of SonIn honor of her son. Dr. L. H. Tur-

ner, Mrs. Carrie Turner of 1104 SouthOlive street gave' a bridge whist partyThursday evening. English ivy wastwined gracefully over the walls andbanked the mantel piece In a simplebut.effective manner. Prizes were afootball callenderand two fancy hand-kerchiefs.. Scores were kept on card*ornamented with sketches of fancylieads. The guests included Mr. andMrs, Clarence H. Pease, Mr. and Mrs.George JJoyes, Mr. and Mrs. AValterHarvey, Mr. and Mrs. George Pounder,Mr.'and Mrs. Worth, Mr. and Mrs. H."AY. Brundlpo, 'Mr.

'and Mrs. C. 11.

Faulkner/Miss Emma Harvey and Mr.Turner.

No invitations have been issued, buther home willbe open to allher friends.

Mrs. C. B. Woodhead of 552 BuenaVista street will be at home Tuesday,January 2, from 2 to 4 o'clock Inhonorof her house guestg, Mrs. Gard, motherof Mrs. AVoodhead, of Springfield, O.:Mrs. M. A. Campbell, Prof, and Mrs.William T.Ross of San Francisco, andMrs. M. H. La Fetra of Olendora.

To Receive Tuesday

Miss Florence Dodge, daughter of Mrand Mrs. S. C. Dodge of 656 South Bur-lington avenue, has returned' from theUniversity of California, having gradu-ated and received her degree. MissFlorence Morgan and Miss Hilda Mor-gan, college friends, are visitingher forthe holidays. They will return to theuniversity at the conclusion of the win-ter vacation. .

Returns From University

teenth street, January 4.

The club will be entertained by Mr.and Mrs.L.P. Pauleen, 1200 East Four-

The Hermosa Whist club was enter-tained by Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Mcßee,Walnut street, Thursday evening.

Prizes were won by Mrs. J. Stroble,Mrs. M. M. Laphum, Mrs. E. Todd, L.P Paulsen, George Renwlck and B.Caffera ta.

Whist Club Entertained

land. A. Vermilllon, F. W. Braun CM. Shannon, Underwood, E H Bar-mOr»e,' W\,W

-Never.M. S. Robertson, J.H.McCall, Duane, Ira O. Smith, H. M.Bishop, Lee Foster, Max Kuehnrich,

William Bayly, sr., William Bayly JrGeorge W. Bayly,J. 13.Betzold, Cramp-ton Anderson. Homer La.ugtilln jr CarlAdams, W. J;Doran, Thomas BarclayJohn V Oldham, J. It. Berryman, J. CRichardson, J. A. Bowden, WiJllamKeod, W. A. Strong, Fred L. Baker GA. Montgomery, A. A. Ilallett c' i/Comings,' Philip Wiseman, Candler a'&. Taudy, J. E. Cowles, Dora CutlerEdward Waldron, E. P. Clark It. VDay, J. K. Steams, H. L. Bixby a' TStewart, G. H. Stewart,, W. W. Mc-Leod, Warner, A. W. Ballard, RichardMercer, J. W. Tomblin, Winters AY EiBrewster-Smith, F. c. Howes F b'Sllverwood. Adam Darling, Dennlson'Frank Rice, J. A. Neal, TelfairCieigh-1ton, John V. G. Posey, B. 11. Baum-gardt, Herbert M. Bishop, ArthurRazeS. O. AVilson,.S.. It. AVallace, W. DWoolwine, Sterling, Con Worth Wil-liams, J. F. King,J. S. Chapman C FNoyes, Blanche Corby, Grant Klnney,Theodore Eisen. A. B. McCutcheonGeorge Ellis, John Wigmore, G, F.Scott, Charlotte Thornton, Louis Fuller,Harry Gray, Julia Wctzler, Itipley m'G. Babcock, Frank Gillelen, DanielLaubershelmer, Wayland TraskFrancis Murphy, Josephine Holmes, G.M. Rice, Fisher, M. J. Knox, M. E.Thorpe, Gordon McLain. Charles Me-Farland, Dnn McFarland, J. A. Ed-monds, R. W. Vincent, Seward Cole,Misses Florence Silent, Marjorle Tato,A. M. Lagg, Guendolen Laughlin, Lucyand Annie Powers, Clark, Day, Burgess,Winters, Mary Darling, Mary Chap-man, Grace Kinney, McDonald, JuliaFoote, Joanna Molony and KathleenMcPhall.

Mrs. Grover EntertainedMrs. a, W. Grover of Galveston, Tex.who is visiting in Lob Angeles, wasguest of honor at an affair given Friday

afternoon by her daughter-in-law, MrsSidney L.Grover of 628 South Burling-ton avenue.

'Miss Irma Lois Baker had a boxparty at the Belasco yesterday after-

noon inhonor of the birthday anniver-eary of Miss May Bedlow Armstrong.Among the guests were Miss MimaFlorence Patterson and Mlsb ClaraBelle Bryant, who are at home for theholidays from Stanford. After the per-formance the party was served withluncheon at Christopher's, where acharmingly appointed table was ar-ranged for them. Covers were laid forten. The party was chaperoned by Mrs.Frederick Wlngfleld Armstrong.

Box Party at Belasco

\u25a0 Miss Bessie Field of 5311 Monte Vistaetreet entertained members of summerclass '02 of the Los Angelea high schoolat their unuual reunion Frlduy evening.Many of the members who are attend-ing Stafford and Berkeley are at homefor the holidays and the affair was ajoyous one. The home was decoratedin the class colors, violet and white,und dainty refreshments were served.Election of officers to serve the classduring the coming year took place.

Class Reunion

Christmas week closed at the Dobln-son school with a Dickenß supper andcountry dance Saturday night. Thedecorations were in keeping with th«iseason of the year. The reception roomivns draped with crimson Bilk und rib-bon, and baskets of bright holly hungin effective places. The green room wasdecorated with ferns and wreaths ofholly. The large class room, where thesupper was served to about seventypupils and their parents, was daintilydecorated with streamers of ribbon,

Unique Country Dance

Gives Large Reception

Incelebration of her eighteenth wed-ding anniversary, Mrs. W. J. Duvls of2 Chester place gave a large receptionFriday afternoon, being assisted in re,celvlng ulso by her sister, Mrs. 1. QIJetts of Ban Francisco, and Mrs. Eil-wanl L. Dohenoy. The house was elab-orately decorated. The members of thereceiving party were stationed In theold rose livingrodm, which was deco-rated with quantities of usparugusplumosus. In the dining room Christ-mas holly berries and garlands of greenwere used. The hostess wore a becom-ing gowii of broadcloth in one of thenew blue shades and Mrs. Doheney 1*dress was of blue crepe de chine. Mrs.Beck wore old rose chiffonpoplin. Theassisting women, including Mines, w.T. H. Hammond, Oliver C.' HryantFrank DeWitt TvImage, B. a. JUversMies Belle Wallace and Miss Ague*Wallace, were all elaborately gowned.

l.owliiHUy'a orchestra played popularairs during the receiving hours, undwomen who called Included Mines.Krabinuh Wilson, J. 11. Uavlsson HonmI,augh|ln, Br., J,. B. Uwynne, "Churle*tilluut- Jwo Vun Bchtnldt. Dun UvVm-.

Pretty Christmas Wedding\u25a0•M|B» Grace June Hamilton nna EU|b

51. lUnnlea were married Christmasevening at the home of the bride*mother. "Mrs. Edwinna 13. Hamilton.810 Hot» Ftifcfl. The roomy were•ranopled with Hniilax and ferns, andmany ChrUtma* belJa gave a brillianttouch of color. The bride and bride-groom knelt in front of an altar offerns


*white blotisoins. A

Christmas tree was the tentratfeature I In one

''room '; Ml»s Ham>

llton• worn; a gown of white chlf.ton,, hand enibroldered and madeover «llk. A long tulle veil wagcaughtin her. hair with orange blossoms andh»r bouquet wtu*»>r UUea of the valley.Her only ornament was a braceletvhleh wag worn Xty her mother pn hervedd|ng ttuy wui/ . vt*rt ago, lUu»



I DE 1|Ville4^g|Paris|5 A.FUSENOT 'vzSfiiJSSr COMPANY,> Sp

317-325 S. Broadway, Extending to 314-322 S. HillStreet, "jp

|j Our Regular %

1 January |

|E Opens Tomorrow gIncisive Reductions will be the rule in every department 'jg'

5 where stocks arc too large, and must be reduced before in- t

% Odds and Ends and pennants Will Be %g Closed Out Regardless of Cost s£

Special features of this clearance sale willbe the decided re- JJ^5» ductions in price on certain lines of 5g

|j Dress Goods, Silks, Muslin Underwear g3 Ready to Wear Garmen,ts, Linens %% and Bedding p

N. B.—

Early buyers always secure the best selections. 5^

To Each and Every Oneof the Good Peopleof These Parts

We extend a New Tear's greeting. But to those -whom wehave had the pleasure of dealing ivith during the year Just'closed we are especially grateful., Now is the time for new resolutions. Whatever you do,PLEASE don't swear off buying furniture, for we havpalot to' sell, likewise draperies. j \u0084 >\u25a0 ;

Broadway Drapery ® Furniture Co.Not in the Trust 447 South Broadway


11 V Wff''I

I >f^^vEvery Woman' tlfew™MARVEL Whirling Spray \u25a0

' V^V'-Cso*-lfc. timand Xu,tUn.\wtt.-L<. \

A*h|«tf4n§(litIWIt, X.',, dftftW mIftiecannot tui>|>tyth« >J UtV'^WWfJj—

iMAHVM,tempt do NP^V m''Jr^!PKolbar. bat ModlUtuiu(or "ife, / "'/// Iillu»tr>tr4lM>ok-mM. ItllTM >7/,, / "M' luU|>ArtUuUrsl.iiU<thctMlnii»tv- Vff. mi »»iu»bLiol».iii-«. titiiiti,«0., °iJ/!!miiiiiw1 «« JC HHdHT.,KKWlUHU,

***'ÜbV DHUG CO.

.491 Kwuth Sprlag Sir.ot Lo» Anf•!*\u25a0

'»'. \u25a0 C'oiitiut'm'eN TncMdjiy, Jnniiiiry'1. If I*n Kon*on of opportunities <l»nt 1iv«» in Hie memory of ljuy«-r« from X^Cv *'•jBH^""""^^",'; one year to another. JYo Kpcriiilhhlc throughout (lieentire ,veur liriiiKMforth the burKiiiiiH tlmt thin sale vflty^s-'^^:.*..:. j|ju icirry nrllcle is reduced In prlec to surli n low Bsure thnt In nrnrly every eiiwe Hie Helling;price indown \u25a0'j 'IIR/'O.'-rJ

\u25a0Jf>iMy «> liolcl thin greitt mile for tl.e purpowe «•' reducing oar Ntoc-U before annual Hloek-4nkin£.-" .:,. *\u25a0 ./Wjjjjj^gjffl

y^" I'leccM Ili/il we fiiuuot duplicate nrr Mpeclnlljr rut In price. Tlilxgiven iim (he onnoi-dinHy of ulHnoslns '***\u25a0r*-i>Trv*V*^|

of every Muitle pleee quickly and retttoeklttK withgoods for the «i»riiin trade.There l«, however, niithlugout of favhioii. We alivuys turu over our mtock nt leant tnive v year owing to onr '


-Nuriirialnßlylow lirlvcM. ">'r/. ; ' "•

'lf^^^^ Ip^^g^^^P^^^^^f^^^^^Kj

i^^^^S q^^^^i; f^^^^S f^^^^3sV $36.50 $35.00 $35.50 V $37.50

At thn high priced storen. It In a At the high priced Btorea. We aru At the high priced stores, and tlioy At the high priced stores. Get itiluiautlfully Kiulnt.l Bulertfd oak. willingto ucthulf of itun this oc- got It. Why not pay for It hero? It li.re:t costs you ono-half. Glaus 24/,with French plato Klaus CIO OC cuHionT noliri oak, extra Hn«> llniub. 1M fiian exfjulH to now pattern In finely x.10; French plato liko the others II-Zix-M).Our Hido pricu 3>10./Cj x3O bl;jhb; bane full 44 «17?« i-nnlshod soldun oak. $17.75 '""trateil.Uo.n't delay If ffio yr

inches wide; Tuciduy !>1« »«P Our prico •»»•• •«•» you want It ',:

<p This bed in various Dressers &t Half-PriceJiitf? wmi

bbhleavTbruß« l>ii'iiol|"iJ Wo ar(l overstocked on Pressors of every kind of pattern and wood.'P*S!==a=r<ty~-«BS*!Snn

"noiti H~^\* A«* W« havo 470 on hand. J6O of which oro not duplicated— that is wo'/U-J^^3^E^l_Jl P L»tlSll OF have ono each of the pattern. A largo Bhlpmcnt— three full cars—

\u25a0 'H^Tuiii SM Kft' -w*»w»»- w« tiaß jijHt como to UB (^.(or,, om. atock tukliiK'. ltather thnn pay ru.lt.


VW.WVy- road d«-murratfo or oxtru wurehouso ratPß wo sell them this week1 f— . .'-.',

: ffPflif Ai" NuerlKlce of One>llalf tbe I'rlcen of tbe lllwb-l'rlced Ktvrra. .
