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r-v<"nlnß hy Mrs. H tylOT Ot >S ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 28, 1907. LEAVES FROM SOCIETY'S NOTE BOOK PART II Noted Musician Is Guest at Charming Tea THE CHATTERER mi»s Carmen Troeonls nnd Arthur Hnllldiiy will be : 'arrlPd tOmOITOW ovonlng :it. the homfi of the bride'l pnrents. Air. and Mrs, .Ttilirn Troconiz, 12 South Grand svenue. Mins Anne Croconla win be maid of honor and Jack Curtis or Chicago will stand with the bridegroom. To Wed Popular Girl Owen.Taylor Wedding mi»>> Alfa Taylor snd Frederick wn- ihih Owen wen married lasH evening nt the 1 bride's parents, Mr, nmi Mrs, lames Tayl< r of 651 Locust Beach, To Appear for Firtt Time Thn St. Paul Choral Koolety will «P- p ear for the first time Tuesday Iveninft In Mendelsttohn'i masterpiece, "St. Pnul." under trio leadership of Rrnest Douglas, at Bt. Paul's pro-cathedral. The soloists will be Miss Maude Wolfe, contralto; Trunk A. Collier, baritone; Howard H. Pratt, tenor, and Mnater Carroll Brunger, soprano, and the accompanists willbe William Kdson Btrowbrldge, pianist, and lldward S. Fuller, organist, both muslolans of high stnndlni; In Los Angeles' musical world. Miss Wolfs has studied with Mndame Smart of Boston and Slgnor Janotta of thit rlty. and both Mr. Pratt und Mr. < 'oilier nre. young men of great promise whn willmake thrlr l.rst appearance In oratorio work Tuesday evening. Mas- ter Brunger Is only 12 years old, but he already possesses a onderfi'l vole*. Musical and Literary Program Tho Fourteenth street child study circle Will entertain with a musical and literary program the afternoon of May 2, for the boneflt of the School piny grounds. The high school orchestra will play. Mrs. C. J. Kubnek of 1201 South Al- varado street entertained with a card party and niuslcnlc yesterday afternoon and Miss Olga Sinclair rendered sev- eral selections on t' c piano. Mrs. Katherine Hammer gave readings and vocal numbers were rendered by Misses Isabel Curl, Peals Toetzel and Rose Kubach. Prizes of cut glass were given to the winning contestants In the fames and the score cards were hand-patnted Inpink. The-differont rooms were pret- tily decorated with ivy geraniums, and Miss Rose Kubach assisted her mother in entertaining the guests. Card Party and Musicale HARLEY HAMILTON IU honor of Harley Hamilton, who has been director of the Woman's or- chestra for years and who plans to leave for Europe next month, the Misses Edna and Cora Foy of the San Rafael ranch entertained with a charming in- Miss Bertha Fryer gave a pi! no re- cital before the MacDowell class and her friends Saturday afternoon at the studio of Mrs. Lily Link-Brannan. The program included Srarlath's "Pastor- file' 1 and "Caprlcio,'; Beethoven's op. 81, No. 3, allegro and minuet; Tschal- kowsky, "Nocturne," op. 10; Chopin, "Waltz," op. 70, No. 3, and Mozart, larghetto from "Coronation Concerto." Gives Piano Recital formal tea party yesterday afternoon. Wild flowers In abundance decorated the house and veranda and the hostesses were assisted in receiving by Miss Vic- toria Witmer, Mrs. Ernest K. Foster, Miss Otic Chew and Miss Estelle Cath- arine Heartt. MRS. W. J. SCHOLL, Who received at concert end re, ception given by Treble Cle club for William Henry Lott To Be at Home to Club Mrs. John H. Stephens of IRO3 Ox- ford avenue will be at home Tuesday afternoon to tho members of the Bon- nie Brae Whist club. PASADENA Oil of T@wi Society To Give Dancing Party The members of (he X club willen- tertain with a dancing party Wednes- day evening. Twelfth Public Assembly In Symphony hall, Blanchard build- ing, the Los Angelea assembly No. 2, Royal Court, entertained with Its twelfth public assembly Friday even- ing. To Be Guests The momhnrs of the Thimble club of Magnolia lodge, Degree nf Honor, will be the guests of Mrs. F. Hartzoll of 857 EBst Twenty- third street Wednes- day afternoon. Street Will give on nt homo Wedl afternoon from 3 to 6 o'clock. Are on Arrangement Committee The arrangement committee for the Hpron nnd necktie social to be given Wednesdny evening, Mny 15, by tin women of Los Angeles hive No. 1, L. O. T. M., at Burbank hall, South Main street, Includes Mrs. Sophia Keym, chairman, anil Mesdames Nettle Howe, Minnie Sullivan and Minnie Clayton. Whist and dancing willbe enjoyed. hat returned to his home nt tho corner of Fedora and Pico streets. Mrs. Abner L, Rom and her daugh- ter, Mrs. Herbert Leslie Harris, enter- tained Wednesday afternoon with a musloal tea at the homo of Mrs. Harris at 100 Houth Alvarado street. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Owen have re- move,l from Nnrth Hobson street to 1207 Catalina street. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. dloyed of Fres- no are with their daughter, Mrs. Kear- ney Wilcox, at IRO2 Mlllard avenue for a visit of several weeks. George Abbot, recently from Boston, Mass., Is the guest of a relative, J. M. Abbot, nt 2662 West Pico street. Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Myers from Me- chanicsvllle, Ph., after a visit at the home of Miss Anna Rhodes at 1606 Reid street, have located at 212 North Flgue- rna street. Mrs. Mamie Gibson md family have removed from Gerard street to 1137 Jasmine street. J. N. Smith and family from River- Hide will reside for the season at 1225 Catalina street. Lindley. Botiller Nuptials The wedding of Miss Ida Botlller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Botiller of 1531 West Ninth t'.reet, and Angus R. Lindley, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Llndley of Ontario, will take place Tuesday in St. Vincent's cathedral. Will Wear Beautiful Gowns All sorts of whispers are floating around about the beautiful new gowns that are to be seen at the annual char- ity ball of the Robert E. Lee chapter, U.D. C, to be given Tuesday evening at Kramer's. Five hundred Invitations have been issued. The members of the hospitality com- mittee, who include Mrs. Fred Hooker Jones, president; Mrs. J. Alexander Bo- brick, vice president; Mrs W. J. Scholl, recording secretary; Mrs. Mary J. Shal- lert, treasurer; Mrs. < "harles C. Travere, financial secretary; Mrs. Walter Eisen- meyer, corresponding secretary; Mrs. James Buckley and Mrs. J. D. Delany, will receive. THE Treble Clef club has issued in- vitations for a concert to be given at the Woman's club house Fri- day evening. After the program a re- ception will be held In honor of William H. Lott, musical director of the club, who is planning to leave for Europe in a few weeks. Espprnnza chapter No. 167, O. E. S., gave a grand ball and card party at Kramer's Tuesday evening and 360 guests were present. Kammermeyer played for the dancing and handsome prizes were awarded to the winners In the card games. Is a Most Delightful Affair One of the most delightful affairs of the past week was the card party and muslcale given last evening by Dr. and Mrs. C. B. Nichols of 1006 Park View avenue for sixty young people and as a compliment to Miss Mabel Stuart, daughter of Mrs. B. F. Church, Miss Mabel Fish of St. Louis, who is the gueßt of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vick- ery of Seventh and Carondolet streets, and the host and hostess' nephew, Sam Hodge of Denver. The house was prettily decorated and handsome prizes were given to the winning contestants in the games. Mrs. D. F. Church and Mrs. Frank Vickery assisted the host and hostess in entertaining. Ball and Card Party May social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bloeser, 2261 West Twenty-fourth street, Wednesday evening. A musical program willbe one of the features of tho evening's entertainment. The outdoor art section of the Civic association will meet Monday morning at 10 o'clock in the committee room of the Chamber of Commerce building and the subjects of good roads and tho Arroyo Seco will be taken up. Outdoor Art Section to Meet She has the best blood of the land in her veins, and is highly connected in the east and south. Her father and grandfather were army officers, mem- bers of the old and aristocratic Cros- m.iii family of Philadelphia. On her mother's side she is a direct descendant from President Buchanan, therefore has the best blood of Kentucky in her veins. She is a cousin of Mrs. Cassatt, widow of the late president of the Pennsyl- vania .system. But it is only in tho summer that Miss Crosman goes In for social pastimes. Then, at her country place at Lake Sunapee, N. H., she en- tertains a great deal and has houso parties from one week's end to another. One rule of conduct to which Miss Crosman never makes an exception Is not to spend a night in a private house when she is on the road. She never puts up with any family, not even with closest relatives, but insists on staying at hotels. She says she has a feeling of unrest arising from a sense of In- convenience she Is causing a hostess because of the irregular hours her work requires. She feels that she Is tearing a house upside down, and then If she tries to make her hours fit the family's she does so at the cost of much needed rest. Then, again, when It comes to visiting with a family and trying to be an agreeable guest she is often obliged to take the hours that should be given to reheasal or other work at the thea- ter. Consequently, it is a fixed rule with Miss Crosman never to visit any- body on the road. Chinese Hop The Leonidas club entertained with a Chinese hop at Kramer's last evening. Miss Carmen Troconiz, whose wed- ding to Arthur Holliday willtake place tomorrosv, was the complimented guest at a matinee party at the Belasco yes- terday, given by the members of the Matinee Euchre club, and followed by a luncheon at the home of Miss Bird McLain, 916 Park View avenue. The luncheon table was de> orated with pink and white cosmos and the place cards were hand-painted with the same flow- ers. Miss Troconiz was presented with a cut glass comport by the members of the club, who include Mesdames Clyde Phillips, Neal Taylor of Pasadena, Har- ry Phelan of Toronto, Harry Hough, Charles Van Leane, William P. O'Meara and Misses Ann Troconiz, Luella Cook, Elle Lowry, Jessie Earley of Pasadena, Irene Phelan and Fannio O'Meara of Salt Lake City. Compliment Bride. to. Be Mrs. Charles E. Carver of 131 West Avenue 55 entertained yesterday after- noon with a jolly cooky shine for the members of the Los Angeles Alumnae club of Pi Beta Phi. The affair was In honor of Founder's day and the house was attractively decorated with the sorority's flowors carnations and covers were laid for Mrs. J. Ross, Mrs. W."~C. Lewis, Mrß. Howard Pearls, Miss Pearl Russell, Miss McGahey, Miss Edith Barley, Miss Dora Payne, Mrs. Frank Ayers, Mrs. Leon Shaw, Mrs. Hill, Miss Isabel Hamilton, Mrs. Myers, Mrs. C. B. Frase, Miss Grace Brewster, Miss Nina Williams, Mrs. Hansom, Mrs. Lee, Mrs. Sam Stanley, Mrs. W. H. Wright, Mrs. Condon, Miss Knight and IHiss Busch. Jolly Cookie Shine At high noon Tuesday Miss Florence Stafford, daughter of Mrs. John Staf- ford, and Ralph Lambert Brown willbe married at the home of the bride's sis- ter, Mrs. W. W. Gibbs, jr.. of 1749 West Twenty-first street. Master Billy Oibbs, the only attendant, will carry tho ring. To Wed Miss Stafford J Delightful Luncheon Party Mrs. W. H. Hay entertained with a delightful luncheon party at her home Hayvenhurst, Hollywood, Thursday aft- ernoon. Small green baskets filled with roses marked places, und the table was artistically decorated with Cecil Bruner roses and asparagus ferns. Covers were laid for Mmes. M. Morris, Lippincou Kays, Wllll E. Chapin, Boynton, Leßoy' Harper, Ferriss, Rettkowsky, McCann C. E. Norton, Turner, McCullough and W. C. Tonkin of Los Angeles Announces Engagement Mrs. Henry C. Wiley of 1242 West Seventh street announces the engage- me' t of her daughter, Miss Belle Rad- cllffe Wiley, to Edward Russell Young of Los Angeles. Friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Keggerrlls of Perry sur- prised them with a party Friday even- ing. Games were played and a musical program given during the evening. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Matson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Shoemaker, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Keggerriis, Mesdames J. Kirsch, Dawson, Adams, White, Misses Eunice Hammond, Ella Bowron, Anna Frankle, Winifred Fullerton, Ha- zel Dawson, Rena Seeley, Corinne Fredericks, Marguerite Kirsch, Leona Adams, Ruth Keggerrlis, Charles and Ralph Dawson, Rnymond Matson, Rian Seeley, Henry Fredericks, Ray Elsey, Carl and Ray Adams, Clyde and Ray Kcggerriis and Russell Walker. Give Surprise Party To Be Married Thursday Miss May Stower of Dakota and Roy Cleveland, son of Mr. and Mrs W L Cleveland, 320 North Soto street wili be married Thursday evening at tho Boyle Heights Methodist Church Miss Geneva Gish will be maid of honor and Miss OUa Grant will attend as brides- maid. George Erwick will stand with »he bridegroom. A reception will bo held after the ceremony at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland. Bridge Whist Party Mrs. Willard Stimson of Hotel Ange- lus will give a bridge whist party at the Los Angeles Country club Thurs- day ufternooii. Talk on Children's Books Miss Mary Mann Miller and Mrs R Boynton spoke on "Children in Books'' before thfl Friday Morning club Friday Ihe talks u.ic most Interest hit,' m many true stories of a child's life were told. As a compliment to Mrs. W. P. Guth- rie and her daughter, Miss Helen Guth- rle of Covington, Ky., Mr. and Mrs. David Gunning of 1664 West Twenty- fourth street entertained with a gon- dola party at Venice Saturday even- ing. Later Miss Alma Gunning gave a supper at her home on the Rialto for the members of the party, who included Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Stebbtns, Mr. and Mrs. James Balfour, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Campbell, Mrs. William Godge, Misses Florence Qedge, Edna Gedge, Oertrude Btebbini, Charlotte Emory, Mabel Gunning, Alma Gunning, Ma- thllds Baruch, Ruby Gunning, Fred L. Packer, Frunk Lishner, John Stebbins, Perrin Heaverlm, Clifford Gunning, Barton Htebblns and Frank Raymond. Gondola Party and Supper ( Cuullnued 00 Pane Five.) Misses Cordelia Stimson and Jessie Markham entertained the Tuesday Aft.- ernoon Bridge club at the home of Miss Stimson Tuesday afternoon. The South The week started off with a sort of promise that it would not turn out half bad for Dan Cupid, and It held to the promise. There were weddings and an- nouncements of engagements to fur- nish the stray topics of parlor gossip that often prolong discussion on big matters when they are not furnished. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Moulton Howard street announced the engage- ment of their daughter, Irene Moulton, to George Vest Robinson on Tuesday. Miss Moulton is one of the charming members of the young social set of tho Crown City and Mr. Robinson has bean connected with the E. O. Nay company for some time. The wedding will take place May JO at the home of the bride's parents. Miss Grace Etta Conner and Frederick Harvey Snyder were married at'hlgH>" noon Tuesday at the home of tho bride's aunt, Miss Tompkins of 128 ' Valley street, Dr. Lamport of the Firac iiethodist church performing the cei\3- m ,°". y '.. J After a shor honeymoon trip th c i br i ill an X groom wIUbe at hom e in their Alhambra residence Miss Frances Callie Lockett became tho bride of Norman Dick McDoweil Tuesday evening at the home of tha bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Lockett of 497 North Fair Oaks a™e The marriage ceremony was very pretty and the bride was charming In a beautiful gown of white. , '"* t ii M 3M 3 Mary Jane Southerland and Lloyd Went worth Howse were uniteJ at a quiet wedding which occurred l% the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo H Horton of 475 Winona avenue Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. The home was very artistically decorated and™ num- ber of Intimate friends of the bride and groom were the invited guests at tho ceremony. p epper boughs and- pink roses together with other greemV.es and dusty miller, made up a charmin-- decorative scheme. The ceremony was performed before an altar constructed and Pe tUUe r ?h8 ' "Wfc-ro^giiS 97?H«m£X even!n at thelr home at 9779 77 Summit avenue, Mr. and Mrs E G Warner were pleasantly surprised by a number of friends who came to cele- brate the twentieth anniversary of their wedding for them. Mr. and Mrs Warner agreed with the surprising party that the surprise was complete and everyone set in to enjoy an even- ing crammed full of pleasure. Last night at tho Country club there occurred one of the big events of the season. It was the bridge dinner of the club, and tho members of the Vene- tian Ladies' orchestra discoursed sweot music while the guests were playing the fascinating game and partaking of tho bountiful menu. The prizes awarded for the best players were excellent, and two were awarded to the two best male and two to the two best female players Mrs. G. E. Randall and Miss Ethel Randall of 242 South Grand avenue en- tertained in honor of their house gueat, Mrs. Qeorge Messner of Milwaukee, a niece of Mrs. Randall. Miss Judd to Be Hostess Miss Florence Judd of 1437 South Bonnie Urae street will be hostew.s at a Card party to be given Friday after- noon In honor of Mrs. Frederick Hug. \u25a0lea and her sister, Miss Emma Barton of Itedlunds. Mrs. Nlco Beck-Meyer spoke on "Shakespeare and Norse Mythology" at the commemoration program of the Gulpln Shakespeare club at I'uinnock hall, 1500 South Flguoroa street, Frl duy afternoon. Mesdames R. H. F. Varie.l. Oliver ('. Hryant, Matthew 8. Robertson, George Rice, c. R McClure, McCraeken and Miss Jessica Lawrence were on the reception committee. Have Commemoration Program Burprise Whist Party In honor of the birthday anniversary of Lawrence A. Gerhard, who willaoon leave for Barstow, Texas, Mr. GerharJ of 941 Maple avenue gave a surprise whist party Friday evening. As a compliment to their son, Harry Barden, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Barden of 406 Monterey road entertainer Thurs- day evening. During the evening Miss Lulu Finney gave several selections on the piano. Guessing games were played and Misses Henrietta Castleman, Maud Thompson and Mildred Chase received the prizes. The veranda was a bower of live oak branches and in the recep- tion hall yellow acaiia was used pro- fusely. The dining roo:n was decorated Ina color scheme of red, and the guests included Misses Alice Dodge, Maud Thompson, Dorothy Liouglus, Grace Hunt, Kunlco Atkln. n, Helen High, Aileen Thompson, Elizabeth Rust, Mil- dred Chase, Mario Axtman, Muiy Massey, Meldia Dedman, Alfreda Pier- son, Alva Gardner, Lulu Finney. Anita Muthis, Jessie Gardner, Mildred Keith, Grace Clark, Henrietta Castleman, An- nu Miller, Gertrude Armstrong, Mildred Brown, Ethel Scott, Chester Hovey, John A. Wood, Roth Wilcox, George Wilcox, Victor Collins, Harry Moore, Thomas Green, Mauri, c Ulfford, Curtis Armstrong, Harry Hunt, Leon Axtman, ha Thomas, Blwin Reid, Lloyd Casper, John Coots, Ray Thomas, Hay Pingle- paugh, Douglas Klchar Is, Clyde War- ren, Wlnfred Mace, Curleton Gilbert, Donald Graham, Philip Morgan, Edwin Lawyer, Wilford Seay and Carl Betelle. Honor Son with Party The choir Of the Bethesda i resbyte- rian church, assisted by A. Miller, Mrs. Brown, H. C. Blaney and W. W. Knight, gave a concert Friday evening. Choir Gives Concert The members of the women's Berean class of the Central Baptist Sunday senool wsre entertained i>y Mrs h h |p«rks of 1146 Constance Btreet Friday all, moon. Mrs. K. It. Hudson Of 130 South Baitlake avenue was elected r for the ensuing six . and after the business mett- lug refreshments v. Entertains Berean Class Lsave for Oenvsr Mm vviiiis j. Cox an daughter mv» Emily Cox, whp have been guests of Hotel Alexandria, have left fi \u25a0 010. Glvss Drama Prof. E. W. Heathcote and his pupils gave a presentation of a drama last evening lit Masonic hall, 441 South lilll street, under the auspices of pacific: chapter, O. K. I, To Become a Bride Mln.s Inu Taylor will trMCIHt th,- bride of Lewlu Hurt Wllwm of ChioagO Tuesday afternoon in ciu-iui Kpiscoijui oburoh, The members of the Harvard Heights Whist club were delightfully enter- laiuci hv Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Tyler at their beautiful home un Oxford uve- nuu Thursday evening. Are Delightfully Entertained Mrs. C. Howard Flnley and Mrs. E. Emma S. Marsch of 2826 West Ninth Btreet were hostesses Friday afternoon at a delightful kitchen shower as a compliment to Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson Darlington, who will soon move into their new home, 2091 West Thirty-first street. The living room was artistically decorated with wild mustard and in other rooms nasturtiums and roses were combined In an attractive dec- orative scheme. Mesdames John Har- ris Chick, T. Randolph Flnley, Levy and Robert A. Lewis assisted in en- tertaining tho guests, who included Mesdames John A. Willing, Henry E. Cole, Ralph R. Wilcox, John Harris Chick, George J. Vieria, Ferrler, Charles W. Gower, W. W. Ward, Frank W. Phillips, John Kidney, E. J. Darlington, George Wilson Darling- ton, L, W. Harmon, John W. Sedg- wlck, Walter Hoist, Oluen, 8. Knox, Fern by, Porter, Marvin Johnatone, F. A. Seymour, Charles Stewart, J. Mef- ford Stewart, L. S. Parker, W. R. Gasewick, E. A. Kendrlck. William T. Kendiick. Wardlow, LevI, P. H. Ger- hardy, Wilford A. Phillips, Hamlln P. Ludwick, George MacDougall, J. F. Kendrlck, T. Randolph Finley of Santa Monlcu, Robert Lewis of Santa Monica, W. H. Finley of Hanta Mon- ica, Matt Satton of Compton, M. F. Qulnn of El Monte, W. M. Pennel of Pasadena, L. E. Barnhart of Paaa- ilena, Mrs. M. S. Julian of Long Beach, Mary Thompson of Long Beach, Milu X Duvis, Harper McKechnle and •lames C. Rives, li. A. Kcott, J. J, Tweedy. J. w. ItoXellar, J. H. Curtis, Frank Barker, Howard Griffith, K. M. cuiiin, Roy Jamison, Ed Beribntr, f, m. Darrow, 8. h. B. Kidmore, MeivhJ Paitun, j. a. Perry, ami c. h. Eberie of Powney and Misses McKellar, Bteele, Jeitnls Freeman of Downey, I'luin \u0084i Compton, Clara French <,f I hi, Mabel B. Toung of Wil- iiiiiKtnii, MoKaebnle, Kendrlok, Ward- low, Deois i.cvi. Hamlln, Ludwlok, Parker, Alice KugU-, Miss Mary itew* ml und Keiidiiek iin.l i)i. Kleanur Seymour. Delightful Kitchen Shower Club Members Are Guests The members of the 'Golden West club, who Include Mesdamej k. F. Youiik. Myers, 1) Young, p»rry, I'uil- w ell, Peterson and Missus J.,»iu Brown and Mary Davidson, were thp guests Friday afternoon of Mrs, t. ifl Van Pelt of 4406 Walrath Issues Invitations «i-«.« i-«. K. W. Elilot of Hotel Uollywood lias Issued Invitations for a luncheon to ha given Tuesday complimentary to Mi** Magee ot New York, who v punn- iuig several weeks in Southern Califor- in.i. i Buffet Luncheon Mrs. J. a. Anderson and her daugh- ter, mlbm Klaie Anderson, \wii \u0084 with a burrVt lUDOheon Thnr.Ml To Have Elaborate Ceremony ' An elaborate ceremony will be sol- emnlzcd this afternoon at 3 o'clock, when Miss Julia Katharine Ganahl and Marcus B. Bennett will be mar- ried at the home of the bride's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Ganahl, 316 Avenue 57. I Mlsa Ganahl's gown is a beautiful creation of white net over white silk and she will wear a wreath of orange blossoms In her hair. She will carry a shower of white carnations. Rev Michael McAulay will officiate and the bride's sister, Mrs. J. c. Donavan, will a ct as matron of honor. Gaston <ia- nahl will serve as best man and little Vincent Oanahl and Elolse Donovan, carrying baskets of sweet peas, will , precede the bridal party. Mrs. Dono- v an'B gown is of white organdy, trimmed with baby Irish lace, and her bouauet la of sweet peas. During tho ceremony the \u25a0il'le will stand under v canopy of asparagus Plumosus, white marguerites, orange blossom* and tulle In the hall. Pink rose* and fernn will be combined In the parlors and In the library a color \u25a0chenie ot red and green will be car- ried out witli roses, geraniums and . ferns. In the dining room red and white will I', the prevailing color . . tones. , ' I. After the ceremony a wedding sup- per will be served and v reception held in tii,: summer house, which will be abloom with wild mustard bios- hoiks and daisies, and the arbor lead- ing to >H will be covered with hun- dreds of roses. Blxty covers will be laid. Mr. Mrs. Bennett will take to It wil 1 with hun will be it trip through the northern part of California aud will be at home to tbejr At the candy and popcorn booth will be Mrs. Charles W. Braden and Miss Clara M. Heintz, assisted by Misses Star A. Irish, Viola Roney, Rochelle Waters, Portia Newport, Ruth Squires, Gertrude Myers, Etta Lan- ders, Florence Cassida, Alpha Mac- Knight, Lucy Kllnglesmlth, Constance Maeder, Eunice Dorland, Janet Hinck- ley and Junior Crelghton, Lloyd Mills, William Sampson, Harney Koll, Lewis Parsons, Harmon Parsons, Tyler Rob- inson, Elore Brown, Bob Weeks and Bennett Brown. All the assistants will wear French costumes and Wal- lace Braden, Baker P. Lee, jr., and Theodore Lee will be popcorn boys and will wear Uncle Sam costumes. At "Der Deutschen Heimat" Miss Alice Alison will preside, assisted by Mrs. R. Rossiter, F. Carton, C. Tuf- ford, W. H. McMaster, Johnston and Misses Gilbert, Yannell, Deltweller and Feinley. They will be gowned in old Dutch fashion. The Mexican booth will be decor- ated In the Mexican colors and Mex- ican dishes will be served. Mrs. Wil- liam Bainbridge v> il have charge, and she will be assisted by Mrs. Emily B. Cooley and Misses Scott of Re- dondo, Gladys Rich, Helen Rochelle, Gypsy Fowler and Jessie Booth. Their costume will be that of the picturesque peon. Dr. Frederick S. Langdon, assisted by Dr. Lee Burdette, Eugene Swift, Dr. E. E. Bertram, Gifford Hoag, Her- man J. Middaugh, George Parsons, George Rockwell and Mr. Maynard will take care of the hat checks. Little Miss May Walker will dance and Aileen Brain, daughter of R. T. Brain, a pretty child of 8 years, who has been singing in Christ church Children's quartet, will give a quaint dance. June Gilpatrick will dance the Highland fling and Aileen Chase will render a fancy toe dance. The first May pole dancers will be Helen Gilpatrick, Gladys Falconer, Perluta Hernandez, Inez Coulter, Gladys -Toup, Estelle Taylor, Alleen Jolly, May Justi, Elsie Turner, Helen Hine, Mac Montgomery, Helen Levy, Irma Coonley, Helen Sutter, Juanlta Bowen, Katharine MacLaren and the second May pole dancers willbe Noalue Gless, Josephine Goldschmidt, Arline Chase, Gertrude Jolly, Olive Walters, Aileen Brain, June Gilpatrick, Alfred St. John, Adlai Goldschmidt, Edward Medler, Henry Medler, Henry Stuter, Rena Levy, Charles Harding and Vaughan Coombs. The fairies, who will dance several artistic littlemeasures, wfll be Rosetta Aston, Wilma Faust, Phillippi Hard- Ing, Irene Walters, Elizabeth Lewis, Ayah Angel, Louise Robinette, Mabel Roblnette, Dorothy Beas, Isabelle An- gelotti, Eva Husselberp, Madeline Alexander, Dorothy Bunch, Lois Nut- ting, Florence Montgomery, Isabello Walls, Westelio Latsche, Helen Rueff Lillian Hamilton, Frances Stelle, Ida Marsh and Laura Andrews. The wheel of fortune will be In the charge of Mrs. Jonathan G. Jones, as- sisted by Miss Mollie Adelia Brown, and Mrs. Will Anderson and Miss White will tell fortunes. Mrs. Oliver Posey, Mrs. W. D. Woolwlne and Miss Rosalie Breeden will take care of the tree of wisdom, and Mesdames Honore "Lewis, Brltt, Louise Williams and Miss Florence Johnston will serve refresh- ments. Mrs. Baker P. Lee will be In charge of the gypsy booth, where punch, charms, fortunes and mysteries will be dispensed. Miss Gladys Hanßt, ac- companied by Vernon Bettin, will give the gypsy dancing, and Mesdames Robert Wankowski, Baker P. Lee, Sheldon Borden and Miss Elees Ander- son, accompanied by a string band, \u25a0will be the wandering troubadours. ONF, of thp biggest functions nf the i-omtnn w»ok will be the May foMlval and rose carnival to be given by the Southern California Horticultural association from May 1 te t at Morley'* rink, under the aus- ptcee of the women of the Christ KptacoptU church. Many prominent •oel«ty women of the city have In- terested themselves in the aff«lr, whlrh promises to bo most elaborate. '\u25a0 Mr*.' Theodore Elsen Is chairman of tha executive committee and Mrs. W. W Mtddledoff secretary and Mesdames Alexander Mills. Baker P. Lee. Wil- lßin Balnbrldije, F. 8. Langdon, E. I>. Colley and Miss Clara Hclntz mem- bers. Mrs. Thomns Davidson will pre- side at the lunch counti and Mes- dames A. Chaff ey, Doollttle. Kenney, C . A. Btllson and Misses Deacon, Potts, Ida Potts and Usher and Wheeler, gownp(' In French waitress cqstumes, will serve coffee and sandwiches. -Mrs. Frrdprlck 8. Langdon will pre- side at the Shrlners 1 booth, where clfrars and cigarettes will be sold, and she will be assisted by Mesdames C. H . Oalr, H C. LaTouche, J. N. O. Rich, Herbert Bqulres, M. Sutter, B. M . Tuttle and Misses Clara Helntz and L.aTouche. The booth will be decor- ated In the national colors and with Shrlners' emblems. - Miss Lillian Brown, assisted by Mesdames D. E. Spangler, Herman J. Middaugh and W. J. Chambers, will preside at the colonial booth, where ic*> cream and cake will be sold. The colonial maidens will be Misses [nes Pagan, Madolyn Brown, Edith Van Alstyne, Parks, Helmann. Walsh, Vera Boyce, Bradshaw, Edna . Wyman, Myrtle Davis, Grace Bartholomew, Margaret Middaugh, Mamlp Wright, Anna Schumacher, Etta Schumacher, Bessie Reaves, Isabelle Reaves, Jessie Houston, Helen Wachter, Florence Wachter, Metzger and Mesdames Clara T^outso Newby, Bireiy, R. T. Brain and Leslie Harris. Time was when It was different, and Miss Crosman went out a great deal In the course of h«r professional sou- eon. There Is no actress on the stage to- day who could have as much social j|fe a* Mis* Crosmun If she eared for It. Miss Henrietta Ciosman, who is to be at the Mason opera house this week, is a marked exception to most person* of public prominence in the fact thai during her professional season, and especially when she li on tour, she keeps utterly away from society. ItIs a rule of Miss Crosman never to maki a social engagement when she is on the road, or to accept an Invitation to an afternoon tea, reception or nny iik»- affair. Her policy in this reepect Is based on priiv clpal. Iflsi Crosman contends that hh« cannot do justice to her work and to the public, whose patronage sh< bids for, ttliU at the same time go Into to- clety. Keepa Away from Society The annual election of the SVednek- day Morning club will be held W, ilu.s- duy morning at 10 o'clock m the home of Mrs. F. K. Pryor, T>3 North Sichel street, and will be for members only. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. H. Harrison, 218 North Biehel street the rihakeapuui \u25a0 under the leadership of mih. Brett, will begin Hie laxt play of the year, "Love's Labor Lost." To Hold Annual Election Miss Florence Stafford and Ralph Lambert Brown, whose wedding will take place Tuesday, were the compli- mented guests at a daintily appointed dinner Thursday evening, at which Mrs. C. E. Brown- and her daughter. Miss Neil Brown, of 1368 South Flower street v, X hostesses. Tiny baskets filled with alfnonda and tied with pink rlbboni were :it each plate and small gold ami white butterflies marked places, rink roses, orange blossoms and ribbon w«ri combined In an attractive com, rplece for the table. Plates w-fre laid for Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Qiba, jr.. Misses Ada Jobson, Oertrude tipelcher, Corrlna Sheldon, and John Reynolds, Brnest Speicher, Allen Brown and George Brown. Daintily Appointed Dinner Mrs. O. H. Burbridge of 20S0 Weat Adams street, president of the Califor- nia Business Woman's association, will entertain the members of the society at an informal reception Tuesday night in honor of the incoming president, Mrs. Pearl Adams Spaulding, and the other new officers, Mrs. Claudia Hazen "White, first vice president; Mrs. Leland Norton, second vice president; Mrs. O. H. Burbridge, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Mabel Bireiy, recording secretary, and Miss Clementine Ashley, treasurer. As Mr. Burbridge is well known for her charming hospitality a delightful evening is expected. To Give Informal Reception A wedding breakfast was served after the ceremony at the Casa Loma hotel, and Mr. and Mrs. Shill left immediately afterward for San Diego. They will be at home to their friends at Hollywood after May 16. Mrs. J. E. Dugan of Redlands, who attended as matron of honor, wore a pink batiste with pink picture hat and carried a bouquet of La France roses. B. S. Murphy, the bride's brother, stood with the bridegroom. The bride's brother, Rev. D. W. J. Murphy, pastor of the Blessed Sacra- ment church of Hollywood, officiated, assisted by Rev. Messrs. Fitzgerald, Carter, Kain, Malony, Clifford and Glle- san. Miss Murphy's gown was of white batiste trimmed with lace and made on traine, and her veil was fastened with orange blossoms. She carried a white ivory prayerbook in which a shower of lilies of the valley were fastened. Interesting news to a host of friends in Los Angeles will be the announce- ment of the wedding of Miss Katharine A. Murphy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Murphy of "West Colton avenue, Redlands, and Joseph Shill of Holly- wood, which took place Thursday morn- ing in the Sacred Heart church of Red- lands. Miss Murphy has often visited in Los Angeles, and the bridegroom Is well known here. Is Interesting News friends after May 15 at Temecula, Riverside county, California. During the afternoon a tin shower will also be given for Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Donavan of 2102 Western avenue In celebration of their tenth wedding anniversary. Honor* Mr. and Mrs. Davidson w d Mr. mil Mrs, O. Aubrey Davidson will be the complimented JiUcsis vi a dinner cany to l>« given tomorrow To Have May Social The women of the I'uiiciuur Church o( Christ will entertain with a, Hra. Charle* D, Cheesman and Mla Horace a. Miller of 1593 West Adams I To Give an At Homo Pico Heights Social Notes Rev. uud Mrs. M. M. Eshelman/bf Troplco imvo been Kueuts at the home of their daughter, Mr*. w. J. Keefer, Jl lusr Inline 2578 West Pico Btreet. H 11. Vincent hu removed front Ho- bart street to 1384 Wont Pico street. H . A Guthrie, who , ha* . oeen oni a liiyto Antelope vullty, Kuril county, 2 The Shield of Quality IS THE "Always Ready" VLNJ|fILAjJTED Al ZZ r uA. lli'lllf /^ N ** ds no ArrUCtf "Om A complete garment worn under the ooraet to protect the clothing from In- jury by perspiration. Tnke» the pUo* uf M du>ru urdiuurr »hlrld«. 9 1.11)1'] IN OAWrOBNU Price, ventilated, all *liei, 75c Your Money Back ir you *r« not thor. oughly satisfied after a trial. For saU only by ' - V ILLE DE PARIS » 17 South Broadway. N . B. BLACKSTONE CO. i 248 Houth Spring bt. -' urtwire of Iinlt»tlou»--Our name an 4 ?ddre«* on each *hleld uUntttitii the genuine. Sol* manufacturer*, °- 111 Ml DM 1 « 0., INtv UaklttuO. Cul. "The germlne hATC /^^^tf^Jm the name In the hem** /^tffc^**/flvij B ! »Lx You can find ' * B *3$V tne name "Kayiei" in Ine hem of genuine, the kind M that don't wear out at the finger endi,—made of Purr JB Silk and Pure Dye, that is why ihey have wearing _jJmr w^ quality equal to three pairs of the ordinary kind ,^&* h * "Tip*" outwear the glove. c A guarantee ticket In every pair.

r-v<"nlnß hy Mrs. H tylOT Ot



Noted Musician Is Guest at Charming Tea


mi»s Carmen Troeonls nnd ArthurHnllldiiy will be :'arrlPd tOmOITOWovonlng :it. the homfi of the bride'lpnrents. Air. and Mrs, .Ttilirn Troconiz,12 South Grand svenue. Mins AnneCroconla win be maid of honor and

Jack Curtis or Chicago will stand withthe bridegroom.

To Wed Popular Girl

Owen.Taylor Weddingmi»>> Alfa Taylor snd Frederick wn-

ihih Owen wen married lasH eveningnt the 1 bride's parents, Mr,nmi Mrs, lames Tayl<r of 651 Locust


To Appear for FirttTimeThn St. Paul Choral Koolety will «P-pear for the first time Tuesday Iveninft

In Mendelsttohn'i masterpiece, "St.Pnul." under trio leadership of RrnestDouglas, at Bt. Paul's pro-cathedral.

The soloists will be Miss MaudeWolfe, contralto; Trunk A. Collier,baritone; Howard H. Pratt, tenor, andMnater Carroll Brunger, soprano, andthe accompanists willbe William KdsonBtrowbrldge, pianist, and lldward S.Fuller, organist, both muslolans of highstnndlni; InLos Angeles' musical world.Miss Wolfs has studied with MndameSmart of Boston and Slgnor Janotta ofthit rlty. and both Mr. Pratt und Mr.< 'oilier nre. young men of great promisewhn willmake thrlr l.rst appearance Inoratorio work Tuesday evening. Mas-ter Brunger Is only 12 years old, buthe already possesses a onderfi'l vole*.

Musical and Literary ProgramTho Fourteenth street child study

circle Will entertain with a musical andliterary program the afternoon of May2, for the boneflt of the School pinygrounds. The high school orchestrawill play.

Mrs. C. J. Kubnek of 1201 South Al-varado street entertained with a cardparty and niuslcnlc yesterday afternoonand Miss Olga Sinclair rendered sev-eral selections on t' c piano. Mrs.Katherine Hammer gave readings andvocal numbers were rendered by MissesIsabel Curl, Peals Toetzel and RoseKubach. Prizes of cutglass were givento the winningcontestants In the famesand the score cards were hand-patntedInpink. The-differont rooms were pret-tilydecorated with ivygeraniums, andMiss Rose Kubach assisted her motherin entertaining the guests.

Card Party and Musicale


IUhonor of Harley Hamilton, who hasbeen director of the Woman's or-chestra for years and who plans to

leave forEurope next month, the MissesEdna and Cora Foy of the San Rafaelranch entertained with a charming in-

Miss Bertha Fryer gave a pi!no re-cital before the MacDowell class andher friends Saturday afternoon at thestudio of Mrs. LilyLink-Brannan. Theprogram included Srarlath's "Pastor-file'1 and "Caprlcio,'; Beethoven's op.81, No. 3, allegro and minuet; Tschal-kowsky, "Nocturne," op. 10; Chopin,"Waltz," op. 70, No. 3, and Mozart,larghetto from "Coronation Concerto."

Gives Piano Recital

formal tea party yesterday afternoon.Wild flowers In abundance decorated

the house and veranda and the hostesseswere assisted in receiving by Miss Vic-toria Witmer, Mrs. Ernest K. Foster,Miss Otic Chew and Miss Estelle Cath-arine Heartt.


Who received at concert end re,ception given by Treble Cle

club for William Henry Lott

To Be at Home to ClubMrs. John H. Stephens of IRO3 Ox-

ford avenue willbe at home Tuesdayafternoon to tho members of the Bon-nie Brae Whist club.


Oil of T@wi SocietyTo Give Dancing Party

The members of (he X club willen-tertain with a dancing party Wednes-day evening.

Twelfth Public AssemblyIn Symphony hall, Blanchard build-

ing, the Los Angelea assembly No. 2,Royal Court, entertained with Itstwelfth public assembly Friday even-ing.

To Be GuestsThe momhnrs of the Thimble club of

Magnolia lodge, Degree nf Honor, willbe the guests of Mrs. F. Hartzoll of857 EBst Twenty-third street Wednes-day afternoon.

Street Will give on nt homo Wedlafternoon from 3 to 6 o'clock.

Are on Arrangement CommitteeThe arrangement committee for the

Hpron nnd necktie social to be givenWednesdny evening, Mny 15, by tinwomen of Los Angeles hive No. 1, L.O. T. M., at Burbank hall, South Mainstreet, Includes Mrs. Sophia Keym,chairman, anilMesdames Nettle Howe,Minnie Sullivan and Minnie Clayton.Whist and dancing willbe enjoyed.

hat returned to his home nt tho cornerof Fedora and Pico streets.

Mrs. Abner L, Rom and her daugh-ter, Mrs. Herbert Leslie Harris, enter-

tained Wednesday afternoon with amusloal tea at the homo of Mrs. Harrisat 100 Houth Alvarado street.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Owen have re-move,l from Nnrth Hobson street to1207 Catalina street.

Mr. and Mrs. W. W. dloyed of Fres-no are withtheir daughter, Mrs. Kear-ney Wilcox, at IRO2 Mlllard avenue fora visit of several weeks.

George Abbot, recently from Boston,Mass., Is the guest of a relative, J. M.Abbot, nt 2662 West Pico street.

Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Myers from Me-chanicsvllle, Ph., after a visit at thehome of Miss Anna Rhodes at 1606 Reidstreet, have located at 212 North Flgue-rna street.

Mrs. Mamie Gibson md familyhaveremoved from Gerard street to 1137Jasmine street.

J. N. Smith and family from River-Hide willreside for the season at 1225Catalina street.

Lindley.Botiller NuptialsThe wedding of Miss Ida Botlller,

daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Botillerof 1531 West Ninth t'.reet, and AngusR. Lindley, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H.Llndley of Ontario, will take placeTuesday in St. Vincent's cathedral.

Will Wear Beautiful GownsAllsorts of whispers are floating

around about the beautiful new gownsthat are to be seen at the annual char-ity ball of the Robert E. Lee chapter,U.D. C, to be given Tuesday eveningat Kramer's. Five hundred Invitationshave been issued.

The members of the hospitality com-mittee, who include Mrs. Fred HookerJones, president; Mrs. J. Alexander Bo-brick, vice president; Mrs W. J. Scholl,recording secretary; Mrs. MaryJ. Shal-lert, treasurer; Mrs. < "harles C. Travere,financial secretary; Mrs. Walter Eisen-meyer, corresponding secretary; Mrs.James Buckley and Mrs. J. D. Delany,will receive.

THE Treble Clef club has issued in-vitations for a concert to be givenat the Woman's club house Fri-

day evening. After the program a re-ception willbe held In honor of WilliamH. Lott, musical director of the club,who is planning to leave for Europe ina few weeks.

Espprnnza chapter No. 167, O. E. S.,gave a grand ball and card party atKramer's Tuesday evening and 360guests were present. Kammermeyerplayed for the dancing and handsomeprizes were awarded to the winners Inthe card games.

Is a Most Delightful AffairOne of the most delightful affairs of

the past week was the card party andmuslcale given last evening by Dr.and Mrs. C. B. Nichols of 1006 ParkView avenue for sixty young peopleand as a compliment to Miss MabelStuart, daughter of Mrs. B. F. Church,Miss Mabel Fish of St. Louis, who isthe gueßt of Mr.and Mrs. Frank Vick-ery of Seventh and Carondolet streets,and the host and hostess' nephew,Sam Hodge of Denver. The house wasprettily decorated and handsome prizeswere given to the winning contestantsin the games. Mrs. D. F. Church andMrs. Frank Vickery assisted the hostand hostess inentertaining.

Ball and Card Party

May social at the home of Mr.and Mrs.John Bloeser, 2261 West Twenty-fourthstreet, Wednesday evening. A musicalprogram willbe one of the features oftho evening's entertainment.

The outdoor art section of the Civicassociation will meet Monday morningat 10 o'clock in the committee room ofthe Chamber of Commerce buildingand the subjects of good roads and thoArroyo Seco willbe taken up.

Outdoor Art Section to Meet

She has the best blood of the land inher veins, and is highly connected inthe east and south. Her father andgrandfather were army officers, mem-bers of the old and aristocratic Cros-m.iii family of Philadelphia. On hermother's side she is a direct descendantfrom President Buchanan, therefore hasthe best blood of Kentucky in her veins.She is a cousin of Mrs. Cassatt, widowof the late president of the Pennsyl-vania .system. But it is only in thosummer that Miss Crosman goes In forsocial pastimes. Then, at her countryplace at Lake Sunapee, N. H., she en-tertains a great deal and has housoparties from one week's end to another.One rule of conduct to which MissCrosman never makes an exception Isnot to spend a night in a private housewhen she is on the road. She neverputs up with any family,not even withclosest relatives, but insists on stayingat hotels. She says she has a feelingof unrest arising from a sense of In-convenience she Is causing a hostessbecause of the irregular hours her workrequires. She feels that she Is tearinga house upside down, and then Ifshetries to make her hours fit the family'sshe does so at the cost of much neededrest. Then, again, when It comes tovisiting with a family and trying to bean agreeable guest she is often obligedto take the hours that should be givento reheasal or other work at the thea-ter. Consequently, it is a fixed rulewith Miss Crosman never to visit any-body on the road.

Chinese HopThe Leonidas club entertained with a

Chinese hop at Kramer's last evening.

Miss Carmen Troconiz, whose wed-ding to Arthur Holliday willtake placetomorrosv, was the complimented guestat a matinee party at the Belasco yes-terday, given by the members of theMatinee Euchre club, and followed bya luncheon at the home of Miss BirdMcLain, 916 Park View avenue. Theluncheon table was de> orated with pinkand white cosmos and the place cardswere hand-painted withthe same flow-ers. Miss Troconiz was presented witha cut glass comport by the members ofthe club, who include Mesdames ClydePhillips, Neal Taylor of Pasadena, Har-ry Phelan of Toronto, Harry Hough,Charles VanLeane, William P. O'Mearaand Misses Ann Troconiz, Luella Cook,Elle Lowry,Jessie Earley of Pasadena,Irene Phelan and Fannio O'Meara ofSalt Lake City.

Compliment Bride. to.Be

Mrs. Charles E. Carver of 131 WestAvenue 55 entertained yesterday after-noon with a jolly cooky shine for the

members of the Los Angeles Alumnaeclub of Pi Beta Phi. The affair was Inhonor of Founder's day and the house

was attractively decorated with thesorority's flowors



covers were laid for Mrs. J. Ross, Mrs.W."~C. Lewis, Mrß. Howard Pearls,Miss Pearl Russell, Miss McGahey,Miss Edith Barley, Miss Dora Payne,Mrs. Frank Ayers, Mrs. Leon Shaw,Mrs. Hill,Miss Isabel Hamilton, Mrs.Myers, Mrs. C. B. Frase, Miss GraceBrewster, Miss Nina Williams, Mrs.Hansom, Mrs. Lee, Mrs. Sam Stanley,

Mrs. W. H. Wright, Mrs. Condon, MissKnight and IHiss Busch.

Jolly Cookie Shine

At high noon Tuesday Miss FlorenceStafford, daughter of Mrs. John Staf-ford, and Ralph Lambert Brown willbemarried at the home of the bride's sis-ter, Mrs. W. W. Gibbs, jr.. of 1749 WestTwenty-first street. Master BillyOibbs,the only attendant, will carry tho ring.

To Wed Miss Stafford

J Delightful Luncheon PartyMrs. W. H. Hay entertained with a

delightful luncheon party at her homeHayvenhurst, Hollywood,Thursday aft-ernoon. Small green baskets filled withroses marked places, und the table wasartistically decorated with Cecil Brunerroses and asparagus ferns. Covers werelaid for Mmes. M. Morris, LippincouKays, WllllE. Chapin, Boynton, Leßoy'Harper, Ferriss, Rettkowsky, McCannC. E. Norton, Turner, McCullough andW. C. Tonkin of Los Angeles

Announces EngagementMrs. Henry C. Wiley of 1242 West

Seventh street announces the engage-me' t of her daughter, Miss Belle Rad-cllffe Wiley, to Edward Russell Youngof Los Angeles.

Friends and neighbors of Mr. andMrs. Jonathan Keggerrlls of Perry sur-prised them with a party Friday even-ing. Games were played and a musicalprogram given during the evening.Those present were Mr. and Mrs. FrankMatson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walker,Mr. and Mrs. Dave Shoemaker, Mr.and Mrs. Frank Keggerriis, MesdamesJ. Kirsch, Dawson, Adams, White,Misses Eunice Hammond, Ella Bowron,Anna Frankle, Winifred Fullerton, Ha-zel Dawson, Rena Seeley, CorinneFredericks, Marguerite Kirsch, LeonaAdams, Ruth Keggerrlis, Charles andRalph Dawson, Rnymond Matson, RianSeeley, Henry Fredericks, Ray Elsey,Carl and Ray Adams, Clyde and RayKcggerriis and Russell Walker.

Give Surprise Party

To Be Married ThursdayMiss May Stower of Dakota and Roy

Cleveland, son of Mr. and Mrs W LCleveland, 320 North Soto street wilibe married Thursday evening at thoBoyle Heights Methodist Church MissGeneva Gish will be maid of honor andMiss OUa Grant will attend as brides-maid. George Erwick will stand with»he bridegroom. A reception will boheld after the ceremony at the homoof Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland.

Bridge Whist PartyMrs. Willard Stimson of Hotel Ange-

lus willgive a bridge whist party atthe Los Angeles Country club Thurs-day ufternooii.

Talk on Children's BooksMiss Mary Mann Miller and Mrs RBoynton spoke on "Children in Books''

before thflFriday Morning club FridayIhe talks u.ic most Interest hit,' mmany true stories of a child's life weretold.

As a compliment to Mrs. W. P. Guth-rie and her daughter, Miss Helen Guth-rle of Covington, Ky., Mr. and Mrs.David Gunning of 1664 West Twenty-fourth street entertained with a gon-dola party at Venice Saturday even-ing. Later Miss Alma Gunning gavea supper at her home on the Rialto forthe members of the party, whoincludedMr. and Mrs. T. M. Stebbtns, Mr. andMrs. James Balfour, Mr.and Mrs. Wil-liam Campbell, Mrs. William Godge,Misses Florence Qedge, Edna Gedge,Oertrude Btebbini, Charlotte Emory,Mabel Gunning, Alma Gunning, Ma-thllds Baruch, Ruby Gunning, Fred L.Packer, Frunk Lishner, John Stebbins,Perrin Heaverlm, Clifford Gunning,Barton Htebblns and Frank Raymond.

Gondola Party and Supper

( Cuullnued 00 Pane Five.)

Misses Cordelia Stimson and JessieMarkham entertained the Tuesday Aft.-ernoon Bridge club at the home of MissStimson Tuesday afternoon. The South

The week started off with a sort ofpromise that it would not turn out halfbad for Dan Cupid, and It held to thepromise. There were weddings and an-nouncements of engagements to fur-nish the stray topics of parlor gossipthat often prolong discussion on bigmatters when they are not furnished.

Mr. and Mrs. A. W. MoultonHoward street announced the engage-ment of their daughter, Irene Moulton,to George Vest Robinson on Tuesday.Miss Moulton is one of the charmingmembers of the young social set of thoCrown City and Mr.Robinson has beanconnected with the E. O. Nay companyfor some time. The wedding will takeplace May JO at the home of the bride'sparents.

Miss Grace Etta Conner and FrederickHarvey Snyder were married at'hlgH>"noon Tuesday at the home of thobride's aunt, Miss Tompkins of 128

'Valley street, Dr. Lamport of the Firaciiethodist church performing the cei\3-m,°".y'..JAfter a shor honeymoon tripth


Xgroom wIUbe at hom e intheir Alhambra residence

Miss Frances Callie Lockett becametho bride of Norman Dick McDoweilTuesday evening at the home of thabride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. EdmundLockett of 497 North Fair Oaks a™eThe marriage ceremony was verypretty and the bride was charming Ina beautiful gown of white. ,'"*

t iiM3M 3 Mary Jane Southerland andLloyd Went worth Howse were uniteJat a quiet wedding which occurredl%the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo HHorton of 475 Winona avenue Tuesday

evening at 8 o'clock. The home wasvery artistically decorated and™ num-ber of Intimate friends of the bride andgroom were the invited guests at thoceremony. pepper boughs and- pinkroses together with other greemV.esand dusty miller, made up a charmin--decorative scheme. The ceremony wasperformed before an altar constructedand


r ?h8' "Wfc-ro^giiS97?H«m£X even!n at thelr home at977977 Summit avenue, Mr. and Mrs E GWarner were pleasantly surprised by anumber of friends who came to cele-brate the twentieth anniversary oftheir wedding for them. Mr. and MrsWarner agreed with the surprisingparty that the surprise was completeand everyone set in to enjoy an even-ing crammed full of pleasure.

Last night at tho Country club thereoccurred one of the big events of theseason. It was the bridge dinner ofthe club, and tho members of the Vene-tian Ladies' orchestra discoursed sweotmusic while the guests were playingthe fascinating game and partaking oftho bountiful menu. The prizes awardedfor the best players were excellent, andtwo were awarded to the two best maleand two to the two best female players

Mrs. G. E. Randall and Miss EthelRandall of 242 South Grand avenue en-tertained inhonor of their house gueat,Mrs. Qeorge Messner of Milwaukee, aniece of Mrs. Randall.

Miss Judd to Be HostessMiss Florence Judd of 1437 SouthBonnie Urae street willbe hostew.s at a

Card party to be given Friday after-noon In honor of Mrs. Frederick Hug.\u25a0lea and her sister, Miss Emma Bartonof Itedlunds.

Mrs. Nlco Beck-Meyer spoke on"Shakespeare and Norse Mythology"atthe commemoration program of theGulpln Shakespeare club at I'uinnockhall, 1500 South Flguoroa street, Frlduy afternoon. Mesdames R. H. F.Varie.l. Oliver ('. Hryant, Matthew 8.Robertson, George Rice, c. R McClure,McCraeken and Miss Jessica Lawrencewere on the reception committee.

Have Commemoration Program

Burprise Whist PartyIn honor of the birthday anniversary

of Lawrence A. Gerhard, who willaoonleave for Barstow, Texas, Mr. GerharJof 941 Maple avenue gave a surprisewhist party Friday evening.

As a compliment to their son, HarryBarden, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Barden of406 Monterey road entertainer Thurs-day evening. During the evening MissLulu Finney gave several selections onthe piano. Guessing games were playedand Misses Henrietta Castleman, MaudThompson and Mildred Chase receivedthe prizes. The veranda was a bowerof live oak branches and in the recep-tion hall yellow acaiia was used pro-fusely. The dining roo:n was decoratedIna color scheme of red, and the guestsincluded Misses Alice Dodge, MaudThompson, Dorothy Liouglus, GraceHunt, Kunlco Atkln. n, Helen High,Aileen Thompson, Elizabeth Rust, Mil-dred Chase, Mario Axtman, MuiyMassey, Meldia Dedman, Alfreda Pier-son, Alva Gardner, Lulu Finney. AnitaMuthis, Jessie Gardner, Mildred Keith,Grace Clark, Henrietta Castleman, An-nu Miller,Gertrude Armstrong, MildredBrown, Ethel Scott, Chester Hovey,John A. Wood, Roth Wilcox, GeorgeWilcox, Victor Collins, Harry Moore,Thomas Green, Mauri,c Ulfford, CurtisArmstrong, Harry Hunt, Leon Axtman,ha Thomas, BlwinReid, Lloyd Casper,John Coots, Ray Thomas, Hay Pingle-paugh, Douglas Klchar Is, Clyde War-ren, Wlnfred Mace, Curleton Gilbert,Donald Graham, Philip Morgan, EdwinLawyer, Wilford Seay and Carl Betelle.

Honor Son with Party

The choir Of the Bethesda iresbyte-rian church, assisted by A. Miller,Mrs.Brown, H. C. Blaney and W. W.Knight, gave a concert Friday evening.

Choir Gives Concert

The members of the women's Bereanclass of the Central Baptist Sundaysenool wsre entertained i>y Mrs h h|p«rks of 1146 Constance Btreet Fridayall,moon. Mrs. K. It. Hudson Of 130South Baitlake avenue was electedr for the ensuing six. and after the business mett-lug refreshments v.

Entertains Berean Class

Lsave for OenvsrMm vviiiisj. Cox an daughter mv»Emily Cox, whp have been guests ofHotel Alexandria, have left fi

\u25a0 010.

Glvss DramaProf. E. W. Heathcote and his pupils

gave a presentation of a drama lastevening litMasonic hall, 441 South lilllstreet, under the auspices of pacific:chapter, O. K. I,

To Become a BrideMln.s Inu Taylor will trMCIHt th,-

bride of Lewlu Hurt Wllwm of ChioagOTuesday afternoon inciu-iui Kpiscoijuioburoh,

The members of the Harvard HeightsWhist club were delightfully enter-laiuci hv Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Tylerat their beautiful home un Oxford uve-nuu Thursday evening.

Are Delightfully Entertained

Mrs. C. Howard Flnley and Mrs. E.Emma S. Marsch of 2826 West NinthBtreet were hostesses Friday afternoonat a delightful kitchen shower as acompliment to Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeWilson Darlington, who will soonmove into their new home, 2091 WestThirty-first street.

The living room was artisticallydecorated with wild mustard and inother rooms nasturtiums and roseswere combined In an attractive dec-orative scheme. Mesdames John Har-ris Chick, T. Randolph Flnley, Levyand Robert A. Lewis assisted in en-tertaining tho guests, who includedMesdames John A. Willing,Henry E.Cole, Ralph R. Wilcox, John HarrisChick, George J. Vieria, Ferrler,Charles W. Gower, W. W. Ward,Frank W. Phillips, John Kidney, E.J. Darlington, George Wilson Darling-ton, L, W. Harmon, John W. Sedg-wlck, Walter Hoist, Oluen, 8. Knox,Fernby, Porter, Marvin Johnatone, F.A. Seymour, Charles Stewart, J. Mef-ford Stewart, L. S. Parker, W. R.Gasewick, E. A. Kendrlck. William T.Kendiick. Wardlow, LevI, P. H. Ger-hardy, Wilford A. Phillips, Hamlln P.Ludwick, George MacDougall, J. F.Kendrlck, T. Randolph Finley ofSanta Monlcu, Robert Lewis of SantaMonica, W. H. Finley of Hanta Mon-ica, Matt Satton of Compton, M. F.Qulnn of El Monte, W. M. Pennel ofPasadena, L. E. Barnhart of Paaa-ilena, Mrs. M. S. Julian of LongBeach, Mary Thompson of Long Beach,MiluX Duvis, Harper McKechnle and•lames C. Rives, li. A. Kcott, J. J,Tweedy. J. w. ItoXellar, J. H. Curtis,Frank Barker, Howard Griffith, K. M.cuiiin, Roy Jamison, Ed Beribntr, f,m. Darrow, 8. h. B. Kidmore, MeivhJPaitun, j.a. Perry, ami c. h. Eberieof Powney and Misses McKellar,Bteele, Jeitnls Freeman of Downey,I'luin \u0084i Compton, Clara French <,f

I hi, Mabel B. Toung of Wil-iiiiiKtnii,MoKaebnle, Kendrlok, Ward-low, Deois i.cvi. Hamlln, Ludwlok,Parker, Alice KugU-, Miss Mary itew*ml und Keiidiiek iin.l i)i. KleanurSeymour.

Delightful Kitchen Shower

Club Members Are GuestsThe members of the 'Golden West

club, who Include Mesdamej k. F.Youiik. Myers, 1) Young, p»rry, I'uil-well, Peterson and Missus J.,»iu Brownand Mary Davidson, were thp guestsFriday afternoon of Mrs, t. ifl VanPelt of 4406 Walrath

Issues Invitations«i-«.«i-«. K. W. Elilot of Hotel Uollywoodlias Issued Invitations for a luncheonto ha given Tuesday complimentary toMi**Magee ot New York, who v punn-iuig several weeks in Southern Califor-in.i.i

Buffet LuncheonMrs. J. a. Anderson and her daugh-

ter, mlbm Klaie Anderson, \wii \u0084

with a burrVt lUDOheon Thnr.Ml

To Have Elaborate Ceremony'An elaborate ceremony will be sol-

emnlzcd this afternoon at 3 o'clock,when Miss Julia Katharine Ganahland Marcus B. Bennett will be mar-ried at the home of the bride's par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Ganahl, 316Avenue 57.IMlsa Ganahl's gown is a beautiful

creation of white net over white silkand she willwear a wreath of orangeblossoms In her hair. She will carrya shower of white carnations. RevMichael McAulay will officiate and thebride's sister, Mrs. J. c. Donavan, willact as matron of honor. Gaston <ia-nahl will serve as best man and littleVincent Oanahl and Elolse Donovan,carrying baskets of sweet peas, will,precede the bridal party. Mrs. Dono-van'B gown is of white organdy,trimmed with baby Irish lace, and herbouauet la of sweet peas.

During tho ceremony the \u25a0il'le willstand under v canopy of asparagusPlumosus, white marguerites, orangeblossom* and tulle In the hall. Pinkrose* and fernn will be combined Inthe parlors and In the library a color\u25a0chenie ot red and green will be car-ried out witli roses, geraniums and. ferns. In the dining room red andwhite will I', the prevailing color. . tones. , '

I.After the ceremony a wedding sup-

per will be served and v receptionheld in tii,: summer house, which willbe abloom with wild mustard bios-hoiks and daisies, and the arbor lead-ing to >H will be covered with hun-dreds of roses. Blxty covers will belaid. Mr. Mrs. Bennett will take

to It wil 1 with hunwill be

it trip through the northern part ofCalifornia aud willbe at home to tbejr

At the candy and popcorn booth willbe Mrs. Charles W. Braden and MissClara M. Heintz, assisted by MissesStar A. Irish, Viola Roney, RochelleWaters, Portia Newport, RuthSquires, Gertrude Myers, Etta Lan-ders, Florence Cassida, Alpha Mac-Knight, Lucy Kllnglesmlth,ConstanceMaeder, Eunice Dorland, Janet Hinck-ley and Junior Crelghton, Lloyd Mills,William Sampson, Harney Koll,LewisParsons, Harmon Parsons, Tyler Rob-inson, Elore Brown, Bob Weeks andBennett Brown. All the assistantswill wear French costumes and Wal-lace Braden, Baker P. Lee, jr., andTheodore Lee will be popcorn boysand willwear Uncle Sam costumes.

At "Der Deutschen Heimat" MissAlice Alison willpreside, assisted byMrs. R. Rossiter, F. Carton, C. Tuf-ford, W. H. McMaster, Johnston andMisses Gilbert, Yannell, Deltweller andFeinley. They willbe gowned in oldDutch fashion.

The Mexican booth will be decor-ated In the Mexican colors and Mex-ican dishes will be served. Mrs. Wil-liam Bainbridge v> il have charge, andshe will be assisted by Mrs. EmilyB. Cooley and Misses Scott of Re-dondo, Gladys Rich, Helen Rochelle,Gypsy Fowler and Jessie Booth. Theircostume willbe that of the picturesquepeon.

Dr. Frederick S. Langdon, assistedby Dr. Lee Burdette, Eugene Swift,Dr.E. E. Bertram, Gifford Hoag, Her-man J. Middaugh, George Parsons,George Rockwell and Mr. Maynardwill take care of the hat checks.

Little Miss May Walker will danceand Aileen Brain, daughter of R. T.Brain, a pretty child of 8 years, whohas been singing in Christ churchChildren's quartet, will give a quaintdance. June Gilpatrick willdance theHighland fling and Aileen Chase willrender a fancy toe dance.

The first May pole dancers will beHelen Gilpatrick, Gladys Falconer,Perluta Hernandez, Inez Coulter,Gladys -Toup, Estelle Taylor, AlleenJolly, May Justi, Elsie Turner, HelenHine, Mac Montgomery, Helen Levy,Irma Coonley, Helen Sutter, JuanltaBowen, Katharine MacLaren and thesecond May pole dancers willbe NoalueGless, Josephine Goldschmidt, ArlineChase, Gertrude Jolly, Olive Walters,Aileen Brain, June Gilpatrick, AlfredSt. John, Adlai Goldschmidt, EdwardMedler, Henry Medler, Henry Stuter,Rena Levy, Charles Harding andVaughan Coombs.

The fairies, who will dance severalartistic littlemeasures, wfll be RosettaAston, Wilma Faust, PhillippiHard-Ing, Irene Walters, Elizabeth Lewis,Ayah Angel, Louise Robinette, MabelRoblnette, Dorothy Beas, Isabelle An-gelotti, Eva Husselberp, MadelineAlexander, Dorothy Bunch, Lois Nut-ting, Florence Montgomery, IsabelloWalls, Westelio Latsche, Helen RueffLillian Hamilton, Frances Stelle, IdaMarsh and Laura Andrews.

The wheel of fortune will be In thecharge of Mrs. Jonathan G. Jones, as-sisted by Miss Mollie Adelia Brown,and Mrs. Will Anderson and MissWhite will tell fortunes. Mrs. OliverPosey, Mrs. W. D. Woolwlne and MissRosalie Breeden will take care of thetree of wisdom, and Mesdames Honore"Lewis, Brltt, Louise Williams and MissFlorence Johnston will serve refresh-ments.

Mrs. Baker P. Lee willbe In charge

of the gypsy booth, where punch,charms, fortunes and mysteries willbe dispensed. Miss Gladys Hanßt, ac-companied by Vernon Bettin, will givethe gypsy dancing, and MesdamesRobert Wankowski, Baker P. Lee,Sheldon Borden and Miss Elees Ander-son, accompanied by a string band,\u25a0will be the wandering troubadours.

ONF, of thp biggest functions nfthe i-omtnn w»ok will be theMay foMlval and rose carnival

to be given by the Southern CaliforniaHorticultural association from May 1

te t at Morley'* rink, under the aus-ptcee of the women of the ChristKptacoptU church. Many prominent•oel«ty women of the city have In-

terested themselves in the aff«lr,

whlrh promises to bo most elaborate.'\u25a0 Mr*.'Theodore Elsen Is chairman oftha executive committee and Mrs. W.W Mtddledoff secretary and MesdamesAlexander Mills. Baker P. Lee. Wil-

lßin Balnbrldije, F. 8. Langdon, E.I>.Colley and Miss Clara Hclntz mem-bers. Mrs. Thomns Davidson will pre-

side at the lunch counti and Mes-dames A. Chaffey, Doollttle. Kenney,

C.A. Btllson and Misses Deacon, Potts,Ida Potts and Usher and Wheeler,gownp(' In French waitress cqstumes,

will serve coffee and sandwiches.-Mrs. Frrdprlck 8. Langdon willpre-side at the Shrlners 1 booth, whereclfrars and cigarettes willbe sold, andshe will be assisted by Mesdames C.

H.Oalr, H C. LaTouche, J. N. O.Rich, Herbert Bqulres, M. Sutter, B.

M.Tuttle and Misses Clara Helntz andL.aTouche. The booth will be decor-ated In the national colors and withShrlners' emblems.-

Miss Lillian Brown, assisted by

Mesdames D. E. Spangler, Herman J.Middaugh and W. J. Chambers, willpreside at the colonial booth, whereic*> cream and cake willbe sold. Thecolonial maidens will be Misses [nes

Pagan, Madolyn Brown, Edith VanAlstyne, Parks, Helmann. Walsh, VeraBoyce, Bradshaw, Edna . Wyman,Myrtle Davis, Grace Bartholomew,Margaret Middaugh, Mamlp Wright,Anna Schumacher, Etta Schumacher,Bessie Reaves, Isabelle Reaves, JessieHouston, Helen Wachter, FlorenceWachter, Metzger and Mesdames ClaraT^outso Newby, Bireiy, R. T. Brain andLeslie Harris.

Time was when Itwas different, andMiss Crosman went out a great dealIn the course of h«r professional sou-eon. There Is no actress on the stage to-day who could have as much social j|fea* Mis* Crosmun Ifshe eared for It.

Miss Henrietta Ciosman, who is tobe at the Mason opera house this week,is a marked exception to most person*of public prominence in the fact thaiduring her professional season, andespecially when she lion tour, she keepsutterly away from society. ItIs a ruleof Miss Crosman never to maki a socialengagement when she is on the road, orto accept an Invitation to an afternoontea, reception or nny iik»- affair. Herpolicy in this reepect Is based on priivclpal. Iflsi Crosman contends that hh«

cannot do justice to her work and tothe public, whose patronage sh< bidsfor, ttliUat the same time go Into to-clety.

Keepa Away from Society

The annual election of the SVednek-day Morning club willbe held W, ilu.s-duy morning at 10 o'clock m the homeof Mrs. F. K. Pryor, T>3 North Sichelstreet, and willbe for members only.At 2 o'clock in the afternoon at thehome of Mrs. W. H. Harrison, 218 NorthBiehel street the rihakeapuui \u25a0

under the leadership of mih. Brett, willbegin Hie laxt play of the year, "Love'sLabor Lost."

To Hold Annual Election

Miss Florence Stafford and RalphLambert Brown, whose wedding willtake place Tuesday, were the compli-mented guests at a daintily appointeddinner Thursday evening, at which Mrs.C. E. Brown- and her daughter. MissNeilBrown, of 1368 South Flower streetv,X hostesses. Tiny baskets filled withalfnonda and tied with pink rlbboniwere :it each plate and small gold amiwhite butterflies marked places, rinkroses, orange blossoms and ribbon w«ricombined In an attractive com, rplecefor the table. Plates w-fre laid for Mr.and Mrs. W. W. Qiba, jr.. Misses AdaJobson, Oertrude tipelcher, CorrlnaSheldon, and John Reynolds, BrnestSpeicher, Allen Brown and GeorgeBrown.

Daintily Appointed Dinner

Mrs. O. H. Burbridge of 20S0 WeatAdams street, president of the Califor-nia Business Woman's association, willentertain the members of the society atan informal reception Tuesday night inhonor of the incoming president, Mrs.Pearl Adams Spaulding, and the othernew officers, Mrs. Claudia Hazen"White, first vice president; Mrs. LelandNorton, second vice president; Mrs. O.H. Burbridge, corresponding secretary;Mrs. Mabel Bireiy, recording secretary,and Miss Clementine Ashley, treasurer.As Mr. Burbridge is well known forher charming hospitality a delightfulevening is expected.

To Give Informal Reception

A wedding breakfast was served afterthe ceremony at the Casa Loma hotel,and Mr. and Mrs. Shill left immediatelyafterward for San Diego. They will beat home to their friends at Hollywoodafter May 16.

Mrs. J. E. Dugan of Redlands, whoattended as matron of honor, wore apink batiste with pink picture hat andcarried a bouquet of La France roses.B. S. Murphy, the bride's brother, stoodwith the bridegroom.

The bride's brother, Rev. D. W. J.Murphy, pastor of the Blessed Sacra-ment church of Hollywood, officiated,assisted by Rev. Messrs. Fitzgerald,Carter, Kain, Malony,Clifford and Glle-san. Miss Murphy's gown was of whitebatiste trimmed with lace and made ontraine, and her veil was fastened withorange blossoms. She carried a whiteivory prayerbook in which a shower oflilies of the valley were fastened.

Interesting news to a host of friendsin Los Angeles will be the announce-ment of the wedding of Miss KatharineA. Murphy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.John F. Murphy of "West Colton avenue,Redlands, and Joseph Shill of Holly-wood, which took place Thursday morn-ing in the Sacred Heart church of Red-lands. Miss Murphy has often visitedin Los Angeles, and the bridegroom Iswell known here.

Is Interesting News

friends after May 15 at Temecula,Riverside county, California.

During the afternoon a tin showerwill also be given for Mr. and Mrs.J. C. Donavan of 2102 Western avenueIn celebration of their tenth weddinganniversary.

Honor* Mr. and Mrs. Davidsonwd

Mr. mil Mrs, O. Aubrey Davidsonwill be the complimented JiUcsis vi adinner cany to l>« given tomorrow

To Have May SocialThe women of the I'uiiciuur

Church o( Christ will entertain with a,Hra. Charle* D, Cheesman and Mla

Horace a. Miller of 1593 West Adams I

To Give an At Homo

Pico Heights Social NotesRev. uud Mrs. M. M. Eshelman/bfTroplco imvo been Kueuts at the home

of their daughter, Mr*. w. J. Keefer,Jl lusr Inline 2578 West Pico Btreet.H 11. Vincent hu removed front Ho-bart street to 1384 Wont Pico street.H.A Guthrie, who,ha*. oeen onialiiyto Antelope vullty, Kuril county,


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