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2 Some Thoughts on Effective Teaching

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“A person, who succeeds in the right way,

is the one who inspires others to succeed.He appreciates others' problems too and

tells them how to solve them. We should

remember that our children, the future

generation, start from only where we end”.

- Anonymous

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1. Types of TeachersMediocre Teacher - Gives Information

Good Teacher - Explains Concepts

Better Teacher - Demonstrates

Great Teacher - Inspires

E.g. Aristotle inspired Alexander the Great to

conquer the world at 23 years of age.

→ Major objective of Teacher - INSPIRE STUDENTS

Teaching - Making students learn

→ Teaching - Learning Process - Enjoyable to the

Student & Teacher 

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→ Deeper Involvementi) Strong zeal and ability of Teacher (Total Commitment)

ii) Students must have inclination to learn.

iii) Joint productive Activity (JPA) - Teacher and students

producing together 

→ Facilitate Learning Through JPA among

Teacher and Students.Learning

One fourth → from teacher One fourth → from self study

One fourth → through discussion with colleagues

One fourth → from own experience

6.2. Creative TeachingMake the student feel that you are different from others.

i) Why is the subject important to students

ii) Where does this subject leads us? - Potential of 

subject - Future'

iii) Who contributed from the development of subject

iv). How this subject helps the students' career?

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People love stories- Our brains are wired to store stories!

- Talk stories relating to the concept you are teaching.

- Tell stories about people who developed the concept!

Example: Faraday’s laws of electricity

He invented generation of electric current when a conductor 

moves in a magnetic field. Whe he demonstrated this in a town

hall, the amount of light generated was very little. A lady asked

Faraday what can be the contribution of his discovery. Faraday

then remarked, “ Madam! Your question is similar to a question as

what the new born baby will become?” We can appreciate now

that there would not have been so much change in our life style,

comfort progress in civilization.

Justification - is important because it gives students a

reason to listen to the Teacher!

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- Review the pre-requisite, if any, for the current subject

- Introduce concepts as if they are simple. Increase complexity

slowly step by step.

- Repetition sometimes may help!

- Concentration → The key to Success!!

→ Before introducing new concepts, ask students to


→ Do not allow them to do anything else other than listening tothe class!

(No human can do two things simultaneously!)

People respond to Personal Attention

- Call students by names asking them if they understood theconcept!

- Greet students!- Take time to stop and talk to students!

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↓ ↓ ↓

Errors Blunders Unforgivables

(Ignorance or (Repeated error) (Cheating)

by Oversight) Reprimanded Punished

- Failures are stepping stones to success!!!

→ Experience is the BEST TEACHER!

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6.3. What is Good Teaching - Only very few teachers are


Why some teachers inspire students to work Three times harder than they normally would?

Why some others make students to skip class?

Essential Qualities are:

i) Subject and other knowledge

ii) Communication Skills

iii) Interest

Iv) Respect,.Love and Affection for students!

Make students Think!- Assignments should be oriented towards thinking!

- Analytical and logical reasoning!

- Creativity and Innovation!

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6.4. Importance of questioning

The importance of Questions! - Curiosity!

i) Why and How? - Knowledge

ii) What seems likely? - Comprehension

(Graph / Table))

iii) Predict what would be? - The Applications.

Answering Questions

- A developed skill- An opportunity to teach something new!!!

- Use questions

i) to stress important points

ii) to introduce new conceptsiii) to promote creative thinking

iv) to bring attention of all students

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6.5. Setting goals for students – arrange content –

subdivide the topics.

Goals - Ensuring the student learns intricacies of the subject, and,

its applications to real-world

Attitude - Positive attitude

- Pay personal attention to the weaker or weakest


-e.g. Ekalavya and Drona's Negative attitudeDishonest Teacher!!

Content - Make sure the student would acquire a set of 

i) facts )(

ii) skills )( to use these later andiii) techniques )(

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Sub-divide topics

→ Reorder them so that students get multiple exposure of the


→ Present the concept the way you wanted your teacher to

have presented it for you!!!

Eliminate the "Elevator Effect"

Class room - Giant Elevator! - Elimination ot the Effect requires

i) Interaction among students → Leads to trusting

each other ii) Interested → Make them curious

Create “Knowledge holes" for your students to fill

→ Learning by “hole filling"

→ Self-motivated Learners or Researchers!!!

Much more enjoyable than any other type of Learning !!!!!

Children trying to crawl or stand → Enjoy Max.

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Bring your Research into the class room

- Makes the students think

- Makes the students appreciate the potential of subject!

Make your office hours more productivei) Pay attention to the Psychology of Student's situation

ii) Understand your students' problems.

Encouraging participation in the class room• Discussion - Questions

• Focusing on Reading• In class writing - Note taking – Importance of – If we have to write

letter ‘a’, electrical signals are sent from brain – Nervous system

carries the signals to muscles – Muscles contract and cause moment

of fingers wrist, lower arm, upper arm etc. Deep impressions are

made in memory – Once writing equals ten times reading.• Outside resources → Field trip• Brainstorming• Small group discussions

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6.6. The Five Standards for Effective Pedagogy

i) Joint Productive Activity!

ii) Developing Language and Literacy across the curriculum!

Develop competence in the Language and Literacy of Instruction

across the curriculum

iii) Making Meaning

Contextualize Teaching and curriculum in the experiences and

skills of students' homes and communities.

iv) Challenge students toward cognitive complexity.

v) Teachinq through conversation

- Engage students through dialogue, especially instructional


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6.7. Fundamental Attributes of a Teacher 

i) Exceptional clarity of thought

ii) Exceptional clarity of speechiii) Strong zeal and ability to Inspire students

iv) Enthusiasm for continuous Learning (new always)

v) Willingness and enthusiasm to share knowledge with


vi) Enthusiastic to be creative and Innovative vii) Highly

focused .

viii) Firm belief that a Teacher has Responsibility towards

society and only a teacher can reform societyix) Love and Affection for students

x) Perseverance and Patience (Goal oriented!!!)

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6.8. An Extract from Mr. Abraham Lincoln’s letter to his

Son’s Teacher 

He will have to learn, I know, that all men are not just all men are

not true. But teach him also that for every scoundrel, there is ahero, for every selfish Politician; there is a dedicated leader.

Teach him to learn to lose and also to enjoy winning. Steer him

away from envy, if you can, teach him the secret of quiet

laughter. Let him learn early that the 'bullies are the easiest to


Teach him, that for every enemy, there.is a friend. It will take

time, I know, but teach him If you can, that a dollar earned IS of 

for more value than five found.

Teach him if you can, the wonder of books, but also give himquiet time to ponder over the eternal mystery of birds in the sky,

bees in the sun and flowers on a green hillside.

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In school, teach him it is far more honorable to fail than to cheat.

Teach him to have faith in his own ideas, even if everyone tells

him they are wrong. Teach him to be gentle with the people and

tough with the tough.

Try to give my son the strength not to follow the crowd wheneveryone is getting on the bandwagon. Teach him to listen to all

men but teach him also to filter all that he hears on a screen of 

truth and take only the good that comes through.

Teach him if you can how to laugh when he is sad. Teach him

there is no shame in tears. Teach him to scoff at cynics and tobeware of too much sweetness. Teach him to sell his brain and

brown to the highest bidder but never to put a price on his heart

and soul. Teach him to close his ears to a howling mob and stand

and fight if he thinks he is right.

Teach him gently, but do not cuddle him, because only the test of fire makes final el. Let him have the courage to be impatient, but

also let him have the patience to be brave. Teach him always to

have sublime faith in himself so that he will have sublime faith in

mankind. This is a big order, but see what you can do.

He is such a fine little fellow, my son.

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Some Tips

• Traits of good teaching

• Being well prepared for class• Demonstrating comprehensive subject knowledge

• Motivating students

• Being fair and reasonable in managing the details of learning

• Being sincerely interested in the subject matter and in teaching


Three characteristics especially appreciated by students are

• Enthusiasm and willingness to make the course worth

• Objectivity (fairness)

• Systematic attitude towards student problems

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Hints for maintaining good classroom climate

• Plan routines carefully to help classes function with

minimum effort• Establish channels of communication with students

• Get to know students

• Set forth clear and achievable objectives

• Evaluate student performance according to the objectives

• Preview assignments with students and indicate what is


• Give students periodic feedback about their progress

• Be encouraging to students

• Use group activities.

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Tips for helping students succeed

• Create an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect in your 


• Influence students in positive ways by displaying warmth,patience, tolerance, interest and concern.

• Make sure that the class is well organized

• Listen to students carefully

• Have realistic estimation and expectation of students• Include variety in reinforces / rewards (verbal, written,

responsibilities, activities)

• Learn what is reinforcing. Through careful observation, learn

what is more reinforcing for individual students; match

rewards with individual needs and preferences

• Use praise carefully

• Use immediate, task specific feedback to help students learn

from their mistakes. Give positive and collective feedback

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Tips to include students in Lecture

Use visual aids - Make your lecture less abstract

• Encourage and use questions

• Guide students in note taking

• Encourage discussion among students in the class by

assigning group tasks

• Use role play and/or simulation, wherever appropriate

• Structure a lecture to solve problems

• Use brain storming

• Organize quiz

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