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20 Bộ Tiếng Anh Công Chức

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  • 8/11/2019 20 B Ting Anh Cng Chc


    Making and practising English TV informatics and foreign language center


    SECTION A:In this section you must choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. Circle the

    letter A, B, C or D against the number of each item 1-2 for the word or phrase you choose .1. lucky he is!

    A. what B. what a C. how D. how a2. silly mistake!

    A. what B. what a C. how D. how a3. What instruction did your boss ie you"#

    #$e re%uired that Alicethe meetin#A. would attend B. attends C. attended D. attend

    &. What is your o'inion"##(t is necessary that an em'loyeehis work on time.#A. )inish B. )inishes C. can )inish C. to )inish

    *. +ou mustn,t )orettomorrow mornin.A. turnin in your assinment B. turn in your assinment

    C. to turn in your assinment D. turn your assinment in-. (s anyone to )ish in this rier"

    A. borne B. let C. allowed D. admitted. /hey ae lookin )or her when it rew dark.

    A. 0' B. (n C. )) D. ut. /his year the )armers were ust able to ather in the be)ore the )ine weather came to

    an end.A. Collection B. $arest C. 4lant D. 5eed

    6. 7ohnnyery badly at 8ary,s birthday 'arty.A. Conducted B. Behaed C. 5howed D. 9ooked

    1:. 8r. 7ohn has'aintin since he retired.

    A. taken u' B. taken oer C. taken o) D. taken in11. Don,t let your brothers the 'resent.

    A. to see B. seein C. seen D. see12. /wo o) the boys in the art class were oin to do sel);'ortraits by lookin atin the

    mirror.A. each other B. themseles C. onesel) D. one another

    13. 4ests occur in lare numbers< and they can terrible damae< 'articularly to rowincro's< that in some 'arts o) the world 'eo'le )re%uently su))er )rom )amine.A. do such B. do so C. make such D. make so

    1&. /he most o) all insect 'ests the locust.A. dreaded = is B. dreaded = are C. dreadin = is D. dreadin = are

    1*. 5ince the 163:,s chemical insecticides such as D.D./ ery e))ectie in destroyininsects.A. has 'roed = disease;carryin B. hae 'roed = disease;carryinC. has 'roed = carryin disease D. 'roe = disease;carryin

    1-. /he old houses were down to make way )or a block o) )lats.A. 'ut B. hit C. baned D. knocked

    1. 5he )or a neihbor to look a)ter the house while she was away.A. arraned B. orani>ed C. 'lanned D. desined

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    Making and practising English TV informatics and foreign language center

    1. 8odern architecture< in many < is horribly uly.A. means B. 'oints C. cases D. reasons

    16. /he rise in the house 'rices him to sell his house )or a lare 'ro)it.A. manaed B. succeeded C. enable D. achieed

    2:. 8odern buildins should with the surroundin areas.A. suit B. )it C. blend D. match

    SECTION BAt two o,clock one ery hot Auust 5unday< 8rs. 4endlebury sat down in the sittin roomero durin the niht.A. )ell B. came C. descended D. reistered

    &. Wild ducks always )ly in a de)inite .A. )iure B. )ormula C. sha'e D. )ormation

    *. (t,s si years now since the 5ocialists came to .in that country.A. 'ower B. )orce C. control D. command

    -. /he house is .at the corner o) a busy street.A. situated B. 'laced C. stood D. 'ut

    . /he )ire o))icer is comin to.the buildin tomorrow.A. look B. ins'ect C. witness D. watch

    . /here was an aw)ul .in the restaurant by the time $enry )inally arried.A. surroundins B. settin C. enironment D. atmos'here

    6. ( am sorry ( o'ened your handba but ( .it )or mine.A. mistook B. con)used C. reconi>ed D. imained

    1:. $e .ery %uickly a)ter his illness.

    A. recoered B. discoered C. uncoered D. coered11. /hey le)t the room .they had )inished their eam.

    A. while B. once C. soon D. durin12. 5he inored her mother,s .and ran across the road.

    A. notice B. adised C. warnin D. adertisement13. /he children loed .the old castle.

    A. discoerin B. e'lorin C. huntin D. detectin1&. () we o to the market we miht )ind a .

    A. trade B. sho''in C. chance D. barain1*. /he burlar .silently into the room.

    A. cre't B. wandered C. strode D. stood

    1-. $e bouht the 'aintin as a.o) his holiday.A. memory B. heirloom C. souenir D. memorial

    1. /hey haen,t beaten me yet. ( still hae one or two .u' my sleee.A. tra's B. tricks C. okes D. de)enses

    1. /he manaer did not o))er her the ob because o) her untidy .A. siht B. iew C. a''earance D. 'resence

    16. /he nurse 'ut a .on the wound.A. cloth B. bandae C. towel D. material

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    Making and practising English TV informatics and foreign language center

    2:. /hey say that .makes a thie).A. adantae B. o''ortunity C. 'ossibility D. necessary

    SECTION BIn this section you will find after the reading passage a number of &uestions or unfinished

    statements about the passage, each with four suggested answers or ways of finishing. 'ou must

    choose the one which you thin% fits best. giasu%etoantruong(n the eenin< now that we needed no loner measure out each cu' o) water< bin Kabina made

    etra co))ee< while 8usallino increased our rations o) )lour by mu)ul. /his was wild etraaance< butwe )elt that the occasion called )or celebration. en so< the loaes he handed us were woe)ullyinade%uate to stay our huner< now that our thirst was one.

    /he moon was hih aboe us when ( lay down to slee'. /he others still talked round the )ire< but( closed my mind to the meanin o) their words content to hear only the murmur o) their oices< towatch their outlines sha'e aainst the sky< ha''ily conscious that they were there and beyond them thecamels to which we owed our lies.

    ?or years the m'ty Luarter had re'resented to me the )inal< unattainable challene which thedesert o))ered. 5uddenly it had come within my reach. ( remembered my ecitement when 9ean had

    casually o))ered me the chance to o there< the immediate determination to cross it< and then the doubtsand )ears< the )rustration< and the moment o) des'air. ow ( had crossed it. /o others my ourney wouldhae little im'ortance. (t would 'roduce nothin ece't a rather inaccurate ma' which no one was eerlikely eer to use. (t was a 'ersonal e'erience< and the reward had been a drink o) clean< nearlytasteless water. ( was content with that.

    9ookin back on my ourney ( reali>ed that there had been no hih moment o) achieement such as amountaineer must )eel when he stands u'on his chosen summit. er the 'ast days new strains andanieties had built u' as others eased< )or< a)ter all< this crossin o) the m'ty Luarter was set in the)ramework o) a lon ourney< and already my mind was busy with the new 'roblems which our returnourney 'resented

    21. Be)ore the author lay down to slee'A. he had no loner )elt hunryB. he was etraaant with the waterC. he drank more than usualD. he had a whole mu o) )loor

    22. Which o) the statements is true about the author"A. he did not want to hear the others talkinB. he s'oke with the others by the )ireC. he sle't with the camelsD. he )elt ha''y as he lay down to slee'

    23. /he author had made his ourney

    A. to claim a rewardB. because 9ean wanted him toC. in order to 'roduce a ma'D. )or 'ersonal satis)action

    2&. Crossin the m'ty LuarterA. was only 'art o) his ourneyB. was his )inal ourneyC. inoled climbin mountainsD. had eased his anieties

    September 28th, 2011 page & interissued

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    Making and practising English TV informatics and foreign language center

    2*. What did the author do be)ore oin to bed"A. he climbed to the summit o) a hillB. he thouht about oin back the way he had comeC. he had a drink o) clean waterD. he looked back across the m'ty Luarter.

    SECTION B: SENTENCE BUILDING%ake all changes and additions necessary to produce& from the following sets of words and phrases& sentenceswhich together make a complete letter.

    E!AMPLE :( = wonder = why you = not = re'ly last letter.ANSWER :( was wonderin why you had not re'lied to my last letter.

    1& 7une 1663Dear 8ichaelation C. e'ense D. business

    1-. $urry! (t,s time to .and o to school.A. stand u' B. et u' C. dress u' D. start u'

    1. 4lease don,t enter .knockin.A. ece't )or B. with C. without D. while

    1. o one was able to think .the noise was oin on.A. durin B. while C. since D. on account o)

    16. +ou shouldn,t eat so many sweetsJ they,re .)or you.A. bad B. unhealthy C. unsuitable D. disareeable

    2:. ( wondered whether you would like to.to the theatre tomorrow.A. isit B. o away C. o out D. walk out

    SECTION BIn this section you will find after the reading passage a number of &uestions or unfinishedstatements about the passage, each with four suggested answers or ways of finishing. 'ou must choose the

    one which you thin% fits best.

    Com'uter 'rorammer Daid 7ones earns N 3*

  • 8/11/2019 20 B Ting Anh Cng Chc


    Making and practising English TV informatics and foreign language center

    But Daid biest headache is what to do with his money. Des'ite his salary< earned by inentin new'rorams within tiht schedules< with bonus 'ayments and 'ro)it;sharin< he cannot drie a car< take out amortae< or obtain credit cards. $e lies with his 'arents in their council house in 9ier'ool< where his )atheris a bus drier. $is com'any has to 'ay N 1*: a month in tais )ares to et him the )ie miles to work and backeery day because Daid cannot drie.

    Daid ot his ob with the 9ier'ool;based com'any )our months ao< a year a)ter leain school with

    si ;leels and workin )or a time in a com'uter sho'. ( ot the ob because the 'eo'le who run the )irmknew ( had already written some 'rorams

  • 8/11/2019 20 B Ting Anh Cng Chc


    Making and practising English TV informatics and foreign language center

    9ater that a)ternoon< a)ter we F3*G to et a new house key F3-G )orhim< he ot a 'hone call. We,re )ound your wallet< and we think we,e ot your keys F3G.Would you like to come and et them" 5o ( droe him back to the store.

    When we ot to the store F3G who 8r. Daley was. Wonderin what was ha''enine D. recall

    2. ery other house in the street has been demolished.A. e'loded B. torn u' C. remoed D. torn down

    3. $is hobby is collectin stam's )rom all oer the world.A. 'astime B. career C. business D. ocation

    &. $ow many idioms hae we studied in this book so )ar"A. until the end o) this book B. u' to the 'resent timeC. by heart D. so care)ully

    *. What,s wron with your watch" (t needs.A. re'airin B. re'air C. to re'air D. a and b

    -. (,ll do the washin;u' i) my wi)e really wants me to but .A. (,d rather she did B. (,d rather she doesC. (,d rather she do D. (,d rather her did

    . ear the White $ouse is another landmark .the Washinton 8onument.A. is which B. which called C. called D. it is called

    . Because the )irst 'air o) 'ants did not )it 'ro'erly he asked )or..A. another 'ants B. others 'ants C. the others one D. another 'air

    6. Cali)ornia relies heaily on income )rom )ruit cro's< and A. ?lorida also B. ?lorida too C. ?lorida is as well D. so does ?lorida

    1:. 7ohn said that no other car could o.A. so )ast like his car B. as )ast like his car C. as )ar like the car o) him D. as )ast as his car

    11. 9et,s o dancin< ."A. shall we B. will we" C. Do D. let,s not

    12. () only he.so much last niht.A. didn,t drink B. wouldn,t drink C. hadn,t drunk D. wouldn,t hae drunk

    13. (t,s im'ortant that eery student.attentie in class.A. is B. are C. be D. were

    1&. /he )loor in the room was so dirty as i) it.)or days.A. hadn,t swe't B. hadn,t been swe'tC. haen,t been swe't D. Wouldn,t hae swe't

    1*. ( remember .him once in my li)e.A. to meet B. meetin C. to hae meet D. met

    1-. .bein late made the boss anry.A. him B. $e,s C. his D. )or him

    1. $e was absent.his class.A. )rom B. in C. at D. to

    September 28th, 2011 page !& interissued

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    Making and practising English TV informatics and foreign language center

    1. $e did it in the way( should hae done it mysel).A. that B. as i) C. as D. like

    16. /here,s a lot o) answers my %uestion.A. )or B. about C. with D. to

    2:. ( am ery u'set to hear about your accident.A. con)used B. unha''y C. lad D. )rihtened

    SECTION BIn this section you will find after the reading passage a number of &uestions or unfinished

    statements about the passage, each with four suggested answers or ways of finishing. 'ou must choose the

    one which you thin% fits best.

    Dear Daidines. Kee'in )it doesn,t ..F2-G you hae to be a su'er;athlete< and een a ..F2Geercise can ie you a lot o) )un. When you,re )it and healthy< you,ll )ind you look better and )ell better.+ou,ll ..F2G more enery and sel);con)idence.

    ery time you moe you..F26G eercisin. /he human body is desined to bend< stretchation o) the ants has the e))ect o)A. ettin the most work done B. diidin the work u' systematically

    C. each ant hel'in with all the tasks D. each ant doin what it can do best.

    PAPER TWO: USE OF ENGLISHSECTION A : PASSAGE FOR GAPFILLIn this section you must find a word to complete the numbered blanks in the passage below. Use only ONEword for each blank.

    An (talian was once isitin ew +ork City. $e wished to ..F2-G a walk in..F2G to see the city< but he was ..F2G that he would et ..F26Gbecause he did not know a ..F3:G o) nlish. /here)ore< ..F31G leain his hotelhe sto''ed ..F32G the )irst corner and care)ully co'ied ..F33G his notebook thename o) the street ..F3&G which his hotel was located. /hen he walked ..F3*G

    ?inally< ..F3-G< he ot lost. 5ome hours later< he arried in the 'olice station. A)ter a ood dealo) con)used conersation< an inter'reter was called. /he (talian e'lained to the ..F3G that
