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2004 Shields PaV1 Panulirus Argus

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DISEASES OF AQUATIC ORGANISMS Dis Aquat Org Vol. 59: 109118, 2004 Published May 5 INTRODUCTION The Caribbean spiny lobster Panulirus argus sup- ports the single most valuable fishery in Florida and is heavily exploited by both commercial and recreational fishers. In 1999, 7.5 million pounds (~US$20 to 23 mil- lion) of spiny lobsters were landed in Florida with approximately 90% of the fishery occurring within the Florida Keys (Florida Marine Research Institute 2001: Spiny lobster fact sheet; http://floridamarine.org/ features). The recreational fishery may account for an additional 20% of the annual catch in a short 2 d open- ing prior to the start of the commercial season. For years, concerns about the sustainability of this impor- tant resource have focused on over-fishing and deteri- oration of nursery habitats. Yet, few studies have focused on diseases of the spiny lobster or the potential for negative impacts on their populations. Palinurid lobsters in the genera Panulirus spp., Pal- inurus spp. and Jasus spp. have few reported diseases (for review see Evans & Brock 1994, Evans et al. 2000). Until now, viral infections have never been conclu- sively demonstrated. Shell disease from chitinoclastic bacteria can cause lesions around the tail and uropods of infected animals resulting in poor marketability (Sinderman & Rosenfield 1967, Alderman 1973, Iver- sen & Beardsley 1976, Booth 1988). Systemic infections of Vibrio spp. have occasionally developed in lobsters subjected to increased temperature, holding stress, or poor water quality (Chong & Chao 1986, Diggles et al. 2000). A presumed bacterial infection called hepato- pancreatic disease occurred in larval lobsters used in © Inter-Research 2004 · www.int -res.com *Email: [email protected] A new pathogenic virus in the Caribbean spiny lobster Panulirus argus from the Florida Keys Jeffrey D. Shields 1, * , Donald C. Behringer Jr 2 1 Virginia Institute of Marine Science, The College of William & Mar y, Gloucester Point, Virginia 23062, USA 2 Department of Biological Sciences, Old Dominion University , Norfolk, Virginia 23529, USA ABSTRACT: A pathogenic virus was diagnosed from juvenile Caribbean spiny lobsters Panulirus argus from the Florida Keys. Moribund lobsters had characteristically milky hemolymph that did not clot. Altered hyalinocytes and semigranulocytes, but not granulocytes, were observed with light microscopy. Infected hemocytes had emarginated, condensed chromatin, hypertrophied nuclei and faint eosinophilic Cowdry-type-A inclusions. In some cases, infected cells were observed in soft con- nective tissues. With electron microscopy, unenveloped, nonoccluded, icosahedral virions (182 ± 9 nm SD) were diffusely spread around the inner periphery of the nuclear envelope. Virions also occurred in loose aggregates in the cytoplasm or were free in the hemolymph. Assembly of the nucleocapsid occurred entirely within the nucleus of the infected cells. Within the virogenic stroma, blunt rod-like structures or whorls of electron-dense granular material were apparently associated with viral assembly. The prevalence of overt infections, defined as lethargic animals with milky hemolymph, ranged from 6 to 8% with certain foci reaching prevalences of 37%. The disease was transmissible to uninfected lobsters using inoculations of raw hemolymph from infected animals. Inoculated animals became moribund 5 to 7 d before dying and they began dying after 30 to 80 d post-exposure. The new virus is apparently widespread, infectious, and lethal to the Caribbean spiny lobster. Given the pathogenic nature of the virus, further characterization of the disease agent is warranted. KEY WORDS: Crustacea · Disease · Decapod a · Hemocyte · Pathology · Viral assembly · Herpes-like · Iridovirus Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisher 
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DISEASES OF AQUATIC ORGANISMSDis Aquat OrgVol. 59: 109–118, 2004 Published May 5


The Caribbean spiny lobster Panulirus argus sup-ports the single most valuable fishery in Florida and is

heavily exploited by both commercial and recreationalfishers. In 1999, 7.5 million pounds (~US$20 to 23 mil-lion) of spiny lobsters were landed in Florida withapproximately 90% of the fishery occurring within theFlorida Keys (Florida Marine Research Institute 2001:Spiny lobster fact sheet; http://floridamarine.org/features). The recreational fishery may account for anadditional 20% of the annual catch in a short 2 d open-ing prior to the start of the commercial season. Foryears, concerns about the sustainability of this impor-tant resource have focused on over-fishing and deteri-oration of nursery habitats. Yet, few studies have

focused on diseases of the spiny lobster or the potentialfor negative impacts on their populations.

Palinurid lobsters in the genera Panulirus spp., Pal-inurus spp. and Jasus spp. have few reported diseases

(for review see Evans & Brock 1994, Evans et al. 2000).Until now, viral infections have never been conclu-sively demonstrated. Shell disease from chitinoclasticbacteria can cause lesions around the tail and uropodsof infected animals resulting in poor marketability(Sinderman & Rosenfield 1967, Alderman 1973, Iver-sen & Beardsley 1976, Booth 1988). Systemic infectionsof Vibrio spp. have occasionally developed in lobsterssubjected to increased temperature, holding stress, orpoor water quality (Chong & Chao 1986, Diggles et al.2000). A presumed bacterial infection called hepato-pancreatic disease occurred in larval lobsters used in

© Inter-Research 2004 · www.int-res.com*Email: [email protected]

A new pathogenic virus in the Caribbean spinylobster Panulirus argus from the Florida Keys

Jeffrey D. Shields 1,*, Donald C. Behringer Jr 2

1 Virginia Institute of Marine Science, The College of William & Mary, Gloucester Point, Virginia 23062, USA2 Department of Biological Sciences, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia 23529, USA

ABSTRACT: A pathogenic virus was diagnosed from juvenile Caribbean spiny lobsters Panulirus argus from the Florida Keys. Moribund lobsters had characteristically milky hemolymph that did notclot. Altered hyalinocytes and semigranulocytes, but not granulocytes, were observed with lightmicroscopy. Infected hemocytes had emarginated, condensed chromatin, hypertrophied nuclei andfaint eosinophilic Cowdry-type-A inclusions. In some cases, infected cells were observed in soft con-nective tissues. With electron microscopy, unenveloped, nonoccluded, icosahedral virions (182 ±9 nm SD) were diffusely spread around the inner periphery of the nuclear envelope. Virions alsooccurred in loose aggregates in the cytoplasm or were free in the hemolymph. Assembly of thenucleocapsid occurred entirely within the nucleus of the infected cells. Within the virogenic stroma,blunt rod-like structures or whorls of electron-dense granular material were apparently associatedwith viral assembly. The prevalence of overt infections, defined as lethargic animals with milkyhemolymph, ranged from 6 to 8% with certain foci reaching prevalences of 37%. The disease wastransmissible to uninfected lobsters using inoculations of raw hemolymph from infected animals.Inoculated animals became moribund 5 to 7 d before dying and they began dying after 30 to 80 dpost-exposure. The new virus is apparently widespread, infectious, and lethal to the Caribbean spinylobster. Given the pathogenic nature of the virus, further characterization of the disease agent iswarranted.

KEY WORDS: Crustacea · Disease · Decapoda · Hemocyte · Pathology · Viral assembly · Herpes-like ·Iridovirus

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Dis Aquat Org 59: 109–118, 2004

life history studies, and the condition was treated withstreptomycin (Kittaka & Abrunhosa 1997). Filamentousbacteria, presumably Leucothrix mucor, indicative ofpoor water quality or stress, have been observed on thegills and eggs of Jasus edwardsii (J.D.S. unpubl. data).

Additionally, in experimental infections, Aerococcus viridans , the causative agent of gaffkemia in clawedlobsters, is pathogenic to Panulirus interruptus (Schapiro et al. 1974) and may occur naturally in P.argus (Bobes et al. 1988). The later stages of gaffkemiainfection cause ‘red tail’ in clawed lobsters, a syndromequite different from that observed in viral infections.Fungal infections have been reported on the carapace(Alderman 1973, McAleer 1983, Evans et al. 2000),gills (cf. Didymaria spp., Penicillium spp.; Sordi 1958,B. Diggles, NIWA, New Zealand, pers. comm.) andlarvae (Kitancharoen & Hatai 1995). A microsporidianwas pathogenic in the muscles of P. argus, P. cygnus

and P. ornatus, but infections were extremely rare(Bach & Beardsley 1976, Dennis & Munday 1994). Atleast 3 helminths use spiny lobsters as intermediatehosts: a microphallid trematode infects the ovaries ofadult P. cygnus (Deblock et al. 1990), a tetraphyllideancestode occurs in the foregut of several species of spinylobsters from the Great Barrier Reef (J.D.S. unpubl.data), and a nematode infects the larvae and juvenilesof J. edwardsii (Brett cited in Booth 1988). Finally, atleast 2 egg predatory nemerteans, Carcinonemertes spp. (Campbell et al. 1989, Shields & Kuris 1990) andamphipods, cf. Parapleustes spp . (J.D.S. pers. obs.) ,infest the egg clutches of at least 3 species of spinylobsters.

Here we report the first naturally occurring pathogenicvirus to be identified from a lobster. In 1999 and 2000,while sampling juvenile spiny lobster populations in theFlorida Keys, one of us (D.C.B.) discovered lethargic,moribund animals whose hemolymph appeared ‘thin’and ‘milky,’ rather than its normally transparent color,and which did not clot. The hemolymph was negativefor Gram-negative bacteria, but the histopathologyshowed nuclear hypertrophy with diffuse Cowdry-typeA viral inclusions in infected hemocytes. In heavily in-fected individuals, virtually all of the host’s hyalinocytes

and semigranulocytes were destroyed; granulocyteswere not infected. Our objectives were to identify thecausative agent, describe the histopathology of the in-fection, and report initial findings on the prevalence ofthe disease in the Florida Keys.


Juvenile spiny lobsters were collected from 14(25 m 2) sites located throughout western Florida Bayadjacent to the middle and lower Florida Keys. Each

site was located in hard-bottom habitat, the preferrednursery habitat of juvenile spiny lobsters in the FloridaKeys (Butler et al. 1995, Herrnkind et al. 1997). Siteswere surveyed by 2 divers seasonally during the win-ter (January to March) and summer (June to August).

Survey and site details will be reported elsewhereD.C.B et al. unpubl. data). During the surveys, all lob-sters were captured and brought aboard the researchvessel. Moribund animals were returned to the labora-tory for observation and confirmation of disease.Healthy animals were returned to their habitat. Toverify the presence of the virus, hemolymph and othertissues from several lobsters were fixed and processedfor histology as described below.

At present there are no crustacean cell lines avail-able for viral culture. Therefore, the virus was main-tained in the laboratory by serial passage of infectedhemolymph into uninfected lobsters. Uninfected lob-

sters used for experiments were collected from outsidethe designated survey sites and were held for up to1 wk prior to treatment to insure acclimation andabsence of overt diseases. During the experiments,lobsters were fed shrimp and squid ad libitum every 2to 3 d and held individually in 38 l aquaria with flow-through ambient seawater. Only juvenile lobsters, 25to 55 mm carapace length (CL), were used in inocula-tion trials. Infected lobsters were housed separatelyand used as hemolymph donors to inject naïve hosts(0.1 to 0.2 ml hemolymph/host). Injections were givenin the arthrodial membrane at the juncture of the basisand ischium of the 5th walking leg. We have main-tained the virus for over 2 yr using this method with noapparent loss of pathogenicity.

Two inoculation trials consisted of injecting unin-fected lobsters with hemolymph from infected donors.In Trial I, 0.1 ml infected hemolymph was inoculatedseparately into one of the limb joints of 10 uninfectedlobsters using a sterile 27 gauge needle. In Trial II,0.2 ml infected hemolymph was inoculated separatelyinto 11 uninfected lobsters. In all cases, a 70% ethanolspray was used to sterilize the area around the injec-tion site. To verify the presence of the virus, hemo-lymph and other tissues from the donor lobsters were

fixed and processed for histology as described below.For the control group, uninfected hemolymph was col-lected from healthy lobsters and treated as above forinjection into uninfected lobsters. In both trials, hemo-lymph smears were taken biweekly from challengeand control lobsters. Animals were monitored daily formorbidity and mortality.

Dissections were performed on uninfected controlanimals and animals showing increasing signs of mor-bidity. For histology, hepatopancreas, heart, gill, mus-cle, foregut, hindgut, and, in some cases, hemopoietictissues were dissected and fixed in 10% neutral


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buffered Formalin, with the exception of a few animalsfixed with Bouins solution, then processed throughroutine paraffin procedures using Harris hematoxylinand eosin Y (e.g. Humason 1979).

For diagnosis of the virus in hemolymph, blood

samples were stained with either Harris hematoxylinand eosin or with Castañeda’s methylene blueprotocols (Humason 1979). Briefly, hemolymph wasdrawn into ice-cold 10% neutral-buffered Formalin ata ratio of 5:1 or 10:1 fixative to hemolymph. Fixed sam-ples were stored at 4°C. For processing, 1 to 2 drops offixed hemolymph was smeared onto a poly- L-lysine-coated microslide which was then air-dried, fixed in100% methanol, and stained using minor modifi-cations to the protocols. Histology gave superior resultsfor diagnosis.

The hepatopancreas, connective tissue, gill, andhemopoietic tissue from 4 infected and one uninfected

lobster were prepared for transmission electron micro-scopy (TEM) using 3% glutaraldehyde in 0.2 M sodiumcacodylate buffer. Similar tissues from 2 differentinfected and one different control animal were fixed in3% glutaraldehyde containing 0.2 M sodium cacody-late augmented with 30 mg ml –1 NaCl and 20 ug ml –1

CaCl 2, at pH 7.0 as per Factor & Naar (1985). The lattergave superior results for visualizing viral and host cellmorphologies. After fixation, tissues were washed 3times in buffer and postfixed in 1% osmium tetroxidein buffer. Samples were then processed through anethanol dehydration, en bloc stained with uranylacetate, dehydrated further with propylene oxide,infiltrated through several changes of propylene oxidein various ratios with Spurr’s resin, and finally embed-ded in Spurr’s resin. Sections were cut on a Reichert-Jung ultramicrotome E, processed through a routinelead citrate stain, and observed with a Zeiss CEM-902TEM.


Light microscopy

Heavily infected animals exhibited lethargy, inabil-ity to right themselves, infrequent tremors, and milkyor chalky hemolymph that failed to clot. Cellular debrisand exudates were apparent in the hemolymph ofinfected animals in late stages of the disease but not inanimals with early infections. In heavily infected lob-sters, virtually all of the circulating hyalinocytes andsemigranulocytes were infected or destroyed (Fig. 1).In the hemolymph, only hyalinocytes and semigranulo-cytes exhibited alterations due to viral infections; cir-culating granulocytes were not infected (Figs. 2 to 5).Altered hemocytes were enlarged, possessed densely

staining bands of emarginated chromatin, and theirnuclei exhibited marked hypertrophy (Figs. 2 to 4).Heavily infected cells frequently exhibited eosino-philic Cowdry Type-A inclusions in their nuclei. Con-nective tissue cells were more noticeably infected in

heavy infections (Fig. 3). Pycnotic nuclei, possiblyindicative of localized ischemia or apoptosis, werecommon in moderate and heavy infections (Fig. 3), butkaryorrhexis was uncommon.

The following cells and tissues were examined forviral infections: hemocytes, hepatopancreatic tubules,epithelia of the hepatopancreas, fixed phagocytes,gills, gill podocytes, heart, pericardium, connective tis-sues surrounding the hindgut, the hindgut, and hemo-poietic tissues. In heavily infected lobsters, the hepato-pancreas exhibited a marked decline in or evenabsence of reserve inclusion (RI) cells, suggesting aloss of glycogen reserves. RI cells, which vary in rela-

tion to molt stage, were abundant in most of the unin-fected control animals, but virtually all of the virallyinfected animals lacked significant reserve inclusions.The hepatopancreas did not exhibit direct lysis, but insome cases, the organ was atrophied as the hemalsinuses were apparently enlarged in relation to thedigestive tubules (Figs. 1 & 2). Indeed, in heavy infec-tions, the fixed phagocytes and blood vessels wereobliterated and the surrounding connective tissueswere either necrotic or obliterated.

Electron microscopy

The virus showed a distinct predilection for hosthyalinocytes and semigranulocytes (Figs. 5 & 6). Viri-ons, loose aggregates of virions, and virogenic stromawere diffusely distributed around the inner peripheryof the nuclear membrane of the infected hemocytes.Nuclear hypertrophy was extreme with the entirenuclear envelope of many infected cells extended tothe limit of the plasma membrane. Heavily infectedcells frequently possessed loose matrices or aggre-gates of virions in the cytoplasm (Figs. 6 & 12). In heavyinfections, virions were free in the hemolymph and

occasionally formed loose aggregates within the per-forated membranes of the fixed phagocytes in thehemal sinuses of the hepatopancreatic tubules (Fig. 7),a collection point for viral particles in other crustaceans(Johnson 1980).

The viral agent was an icosahedral, presumptiveDNA virus (Panulirus argus Virus 1, PaV1) with anucleocapsid of approximately 182 ± 9 nm (SD) andnucleoids approximately 118 ± 4 nm (SD) (Fig. 8). Thecapsid had an electron-lucent inner layer and anelectron-dense outer layer on which there were possi-ble external projections when located extracellularly


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Figs. 1 to 4. Fig. 1. Hemal sinus adjacent to a hepatopancreatic tubule (H). Infected hemocytes (arrows) are abundant. Connec-tive tissues, reserve inclusion cells and fixed phagocytes have been obliterated. Scale bar = 150 µm. Fig. 2. Infected hemocytes(arrows) showing hypertrophied nuclei with emarginated chromatin and diffuse nucleoplasms. Granulocytes (G) are not infected.Scale bar = 50 µm. Fig. 3. Infected (V) and pycnotic (P) cells of the soft connective tissues surrounding the hind gut. Scale bar =50 µm. Fig. 4. Infected hemocytes (arrows) showing hypertrophied nuclei with emarginated chromatin and diffuse, fibrillar

nucleoplasms. Granulocytes (G) were not infected. Scale bar = 50 µm

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Figs. 5 to 8. Fig. 5. Infected hyalinocytes (H) and semigranulocytes (S) exhibiting hypertrophied nuclei, emarginated chromatinand juxtanuclear mitochondria. Uninfected granulocyte (G) shown with numerous electron-dense granules and normal nucleus.Scale bar = 10 µm. Fig. 6. Infected hemocytes showing emarginated chromatin (E), loose aggregates of virions in the nucleoplasm(arrows) and electron-dense whorls within the virogenic stroma (A). Scale bar = 5 µm. Fig. 7. Matrix of virions (V) aggregatedwithin the perforated membrane of the fixed phagocytes overlying endothelial cells of a hemolymph vessel. Scale bar = 3 µm.Fig. 8. Detail of virions from Fig. 7 showing icosahedral form, cylinder within the toroid (arrows) of the nucleoid surrounded by a

bilayered capsid wall. Scale bar = 3 µm

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(Fig. 8). With the sodium cacodylatebuffer augmented with sodium chlo-ride and calcium chloride, thenucleoids possessed an internal cylin-der surrounded by a subcentric toroid

structure similar to the classical toroidof the Herpesviridae. The toroid struc-ture was not apparent when tissueswere fixed in the glutaraldehyde withthe unmodified sodium cacodylatebuffer. Interestingly, there was noapparent tegument, nor an apparentenvelope surrounding the nucleocap-sids in the cytoplasm, nor was there anenvelope surrounding virions outsidethe cell (e.g. Fig. 8).

Viral assembly of PaV1 occurredentirely within the nucleus of the host

cell as indicated by the presence of thefully assembled virions therein (Figs. 9 to 11). Elon-gated, electron-dense, rod-like elements or tubularstructures were observed arising from or adjacent tothe emarginated, coalesced chromatin (Fig. 9). Icosa-hedral nucleocapsids appeared as if budding from theapex of these tubes (Fig. 9), and capsid formationoccurred along the tube-like elements or within gran-ular matrices prior to the budding or coalescence of thenucleoid (Fig. 10). Further, whorls of electron-densematerial contained short, electron-dense, rod-like ele-ments with adherent capsid material arising fromwithin the whorls (Fig. 11). Viral assembly appeared tooccur around these whorls and tubular structures or asa de novo condensation process around uncapsidatednucleoids (Figs. 11 & 12). Empty capsids were ex-tremely rare if not artifactual in TEM preparations.Unlike the herpes viruses, there was no tegument orenvelope formation around the nucleocapsid duringmigration through the nuclear envelope, nor was therean envelope present during migration through thecytoplasmic membrane (Figs. 8 & 12). Virions migratedthrough the nuclear envelope into the cytoplasm andformed loose aggregates in the cytoplasm prior to celllysis (Fig. 12). In heavy infections, virions occurred

freely within the hemal sinuses of the hepatopancreas(Figs. 6 & 7).

Prevalence and inoculation trials

Infected lobsters were found throughout nearshore(within 7 km) western Florida Bay and infrequentlyalong the Atlantic reef tract adjacent to the FloridaKeys. Infections were only found in juvenile lobsters,but few adults were present in the surveys. In 1999, theprevalence of animals with milky hemolymph within

individual 25 m 2 sites had an overall mean of 17%(Table 1). At that time, the causative agent of the syn-drome had yet to be determined, and the syndromewas likely over-estimated. In summer 2000, the preva-lence of animals with overt infection had an overallmean of 8%. In winter 2001, the prevalence of overtlyinfected animals had a mean of 7%, while during sum-mer 2001, the mean prevalence was 6%.

In inoculation Trial I, all (n = 10) of the inoculatedlobsters became infected. One of the uninfected con-trol animals that had been obtained from the field wasfound to be infected with the disease during the trialand was excluded from further analysis. None of thecontrol animals were otherwise infected nor did anydie during the course of the experiments. In inocula-tion Trial II, 10 of 11 lobsters died. In both trials, mor-talities occurred over 30 to 80 d. The disease alteredlobster behavior with infected animals exhibiting grossmorbidity around 5 to 7 d prior to death.


We have identified the first naturally occurring path-

ogenic virus from a lobster. The agent is an unen-veloped, nonoccluded, DNA virus (PaV1) with apredilection for the hemocytes and connective tissuecells of juvenile lobsters. Morphologically, PaV1 isunlike members of the Herpesviridae in that the viri-ons are unenveloped, distinctively large (182 nm vs aconserved 115 to 125 nm) and without inclusion bodiesin the nuclei of infected cells (cf. Minson et al. 2000).However, the assembly of the virion within the hostnucleus, the electron-lucent cylindrical core sur-rounded by an electron-dense toroid and the icosahe-dral capsid are morphological features shared with the


Survey Lobsters Prevalence (%)surveyed (N) infected (N) Range Mean

Summer 1999 106 18 0–37 17Summer 2000 146 11 0–20 8Winter 2001 282 19 0–22 7Summer 2001 283 18 0–29 6Summer 2001 SPA a 863 4 n/a <1Fall 2001 SPA a 668 0 n/a 0

a The SPA (special preservation area) survey data were completed in collab-oration with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (C.Cox, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, unpubl. data).SPAs are marine reserve areas located along the Atlantic reef tract adjacentto the Florida Keys. SPA data are for sublegal juveniles and adults

Table 1. Prevalence of spiny lobsters exhibiting milky hemolymph and overtmorbidity in field surveys from 1999 to 2001. The ranges in prevalence weretaken from 12 individual 25 m 2 survey sites located throughout the Florida Bay

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Figs. 9 to 12. Fig. 9. Nucleus (N) of infected hemocyte showing rod-like structures (arrows) with a nucleocapsid possibly buddingoff (B) from one of the rod-like elements. Scale bar = 3 µm. Fig. 10. Detail of a rod-like element showing the coalescence of thecapsid along a portion of the rod which is arising from the granular matrix. Scale bar = 3 µm. Fig. 11. Rod-like element shownarising from an intranuclear whorl (W) of electron-dense material. Note the presence of toroids, nucleoids without capsids andthe finely granular nuclear matrix. Scale bar = 3 µm. Fig. 12. Loose aggregate of virions in the cytoplasm adjacent to hyper-

trophied host nucleus (N). Scale bar = 3 µm

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Dis Aquat Org 59: 109–118, 2004

Herpesviridae. PaV1 is somewhat similar to the Iri-doviridae with respect to the unenveloped, large icosa-hedral virions and the accumulation of loose matricesof virogenic stroma in the cytoplasm. However, theassembly of PaV1 entirely within the host nucleus and

the presence of the electron-dense toroid are not con-sistent with the Iridoviridae, which are assembledentirely within the cytoplasm of host cells and have anelectron-dense core (Williams et al. 2000).

Morphologically similar viruses have been reportedfrom 3 other crustaceans. A pathogenic herpes-likevirus (bifacies virus) infected the hemocytes of bluecrabs Callinectes sapidus and was transmissible viacannibalism and injection (Johnson 1976, 1983). It waspathogenic, killing inoculated hosts in 30 d, andreportedly prevalent in 13% of juvenile crabs (Johnson1983). Bifacies virus was initially reported as a herpes-like virus (Johnson 1976), but upon better fixation it

was shown to differ significantly in morphology fromthe Herpesviridae by possessing an envelope synthe-sized within the nucleus, no capsid and an electron-dense core region (Johnson 1988). A herpes-like viruswas reported in the germinative testicular cells of themud crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii but it was notknown if the virus caused morbidity or mortality(Payen & Bonami 1979). A pathogenic herpes-likevirus was found in the bladder and antennal glandepithelia of Alaskan king crabs Paralithodes platypus,P. camtschaticus and Lithodes aequispina (Sparks &Morado 1986). The virus was found at relatively highprevalences of 15 to 17% and was thought to have con-tributed to major declines in the red king crab fisheryin 1982 to 1983. The hexagonal virus was unenvelopedin the nucleus of the host cell but virions were not visu-alized outside the infected cell (Sparks & Morado1986). Further, large, irregular nuclear inclusion bod-ies were present in host cells infected with the herpes-like virus, a condition not observed in PaV1.

Naturally occurring viral infections have not been re-ported from lobsters. However, the host range andpathology of an important shrimp virus, white spot syn-drome virus (WSSV), has been examined in experimen-tally infected spiny lobsters. Using a DNA probe spe-

cific to WSSV, Chang et al. (1998) detected the virus inthe gills, stomach, cuticular epidermis, and hepatopan-creas of Panulirus versicolor and P. penicillatus. Theydid not assess the pathological consequences of infec-tion nor the potential for transmission. Wang et al.(1998) used PCR to detect WSSV in P. versicolor , P.

penicillatus , P. ornatus , and P. longipes that had beenexperimentally infected through ingestion of infectedshrimp . Although all of the exposed lobsters survived,WSSV was detectable in their tissues at low levels. Ex-perimentally at least, WSSV can have a wide host rangein several other decapods (Supamattaya et al. 1998).

We speculate that tubular structures present in thenucleus of infected cells represent aberrant viral as-semblies. The nucleoids apparently coalesce alongthese tubes and capsid elements clearly occur there,but de novo condensation of nucleocapsids occurs

more prominently in infected cells. Small fibrillar rodsor strands have been reported as intranuclear inclu-sions in cytomegalovirus (CMV) infections (Cavallo etal. 1981), ranid Herpesvirus 1 (Stackpole & Mizell1968) and in herpes-like infections in oysters (Hine &Thorne 1997, Renault et al. 2000). In CMV, the rods,and the granular nuclear matrix, are the sites of viralDNA synthesis with viral assembly occurring along theedges of the matrix (Fong 1982, Wolber et al. 1988). Inherpes-like infections in oysters, the tubes had asmaller diameter than the virions and were frequentlyadjacent to capsids (Renault et al. 2000). Unlike theHerpesviridae, morphogenesis of the virions of bifacies

virus of blue crabs initiates with the formation of a re-gion of the outer and inner envelopes followed by suc-cessive condensations of the toroid and core regionsprior to completion of the envelope (Johnson 1988).

It is not unusual for viruses to infect the hemocytes ofcrustaceans. Indeed, at least 6 other viruses primarilyinfect the hemocytes of crustaceans and at least 6 dif-ferent viruses can infect hemocytes as well as other tis-sues (for review see Johnson 1983). However, PaV1infects the hemocytes differentially by not infectingthe granulocytes. WSSV also infected hemocytes dif-ferentially, infecting semigranulocytes and granulo-cytes but not the hyalinocytes of Penaeus merguiensis (Wang et al. 2002). This specificity of susceptible celltype suggests the presence of a receptor recognitionsystem in different subclasses of hemocytes. While thisseems intuitive, such has not been reported from crus-tacean hemocytes to date.

The pathology of infected spiny lobsters shows amarked depletion of reserve inclusions (RIs) in cells ofthe spongy connective tissues. Glycogen is one of themain storage products in the RIs (Travis 1955, Johnson1980); it is the substrate for several physiological pro-cesses including energy storage and chitin synthesis(e.g. Heath & Barnes 1970, Stevenson 1985). Glycogen

depletion may be a common pathological consequenceof microbial and protozoan infections in decapods(Stewart & Arie 1973, Shields et al. 2003). The loss ofRIs with the commensurate loss in glycogen indicatesthat the energy storage of infected individuals is com-promised and that metabolic exhaustion coupled withischemia from anaerobic metabolism is a likely causeof death for infected lobsters.

Unfortunately, current fishing practices may acceler-ate the transmission and spread of this disease. Com-mercial fishermen use live juvenile lobsters in traps as‘bait’ (i.e. a social attractant) for larger adults. The


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Shields & Behringer: A new pathogenic virus from a lobster

close proximity of lobsters confined in traps and theconfinement of juveniles by the hundreds in l ive-wells,along with the physiological stresses induced by suchpractices, could facilitate the spread of infectious dis-eases. Transport of juvenile lobsters throughout the

fishing grounds could also facilitate the spread ofpathogens. Given the notoriety of viral infections inshrimp (WSSV, YHV, TSV; for review see Flegel 1997,Lightner & Redman 1998), the pathology of similarinfections in blue and king crabs, and our initial data,we believe that further characterization of this virus iswarranted.

Acknowledgements . Mark Butler graciously contributed inmany and various ways. We thank the staff of FWC for the useof laboratory space, aquaria, SPA data and help with the ini-tial reef survey. Patrice Mason provided skilled technical sup-port with the TEM. Two reviewers provided additionalinsights. This work was supported in part by NOAA, Salton-stall-Kennedy Program Grant No. NA17FD2366 and NSF Bio-logical Oceanography Program Grant No. OCE-0136894. Thisis VIMS Contribution No. 2481.


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Editorial responsibility: Timothy Flegel,Bangkok, Thailand

Submitted: May 28, 2002; Accepted: December 31, 2003 Proofs received from author(s): May 3, 2004
