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2007 AP Psychology exam

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2007 AP Psychology exam. 1. The answer is A. B. tempting answer but the IQ is not necessarily valid C. huh? Validity is: Does the test measure what it is supposed to. Does the math test test math or reading ability?. 2. C conformity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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2007 AP Psychology exam

2007 AP Psychology exam

• 1. The answer is A.

• B. tempting answer but the IQ is not necessarily valid

• C. huh?

• Validity is: Does the test measure what it is supposed to. Does the math test test math or reading ability?

• 2. C conformity

• The students conformed their answers as they heard others telling their answers (much like Solomon Asch’s line study)

• 3. The answer is D.• Guidelines for human research:• Coercion – Participation must be voluntary• Informed consent – They must know that they are

involved in research and give their consent. If they are deceived, what they DID consent to must be similar to actual study. Minimize trauma.

• Anonymity/confidentiality/privacy• Risk – mental and physical safety• Debriefing procedure – afterward, participants must be told of purpose of study - need ability to contact researcher about results

• 4. B dreams• D is not a good answer because of body paralysis.

5. A bipolar

• 6. C C C Cones . . . C C C Color

• The answer is A.

• 7. E.

• Recall is remembering off the top of your head (fill in blank). Recognition is picking stuff out of a lineup (like a X choice)

• Recognition is easier. The FRQ (essay) on the AP exam relies on recall.

• 8. A (phobia) is not the best answer. People with phobias are not necessarily obsessed with spiders.

• E. OCD

• 9. D

• 10. B sensory adaptation

• Why can’t we smell dog poop after several hours?

• 11. acquisition (the acquiring of connection)

• Generalization (like Little Albert)

• Extinction (connection goes away)

• Discrimination (knowing the difference)

• E. Spontaneous recovery

• Cognitive = thinking dissonance = discomfort

• 12. A

• 13. D. Because semantic encoding is deeper than structural encoding.

• 14. A. hippocampus is memory (If you ever saw a hippo on campus you would definitely remember that!)

• B. hypothalamus (the four Fs: feeding, fleeing, fighting and . . . Ahem. . . Mating)

• B. discrimination learning (knowing the difference)

Apparently, this tiger does not discriminate!

• 16. A – physical dependence

• 17. C mean

• If you have a classroom full of 17-year olds and one 80 year old, that will drastically affect the mean.

• 18. D It classifies mental disorders

• 19. E

• 20. D

• 21. D TAT test

• 22. A stereotyping

• An example of social schema.

• 23. C Convergence is a binocular depth cue. As the ball approaches you, you kind of cross your eyes to determine how close the ball is.

• 24. A REM sleep happens more as the night progresses (you dream more in the morning)

Stage 3

• 25. A. behaviorists

• Antabuse causes you to puke when you drink alcohol; therefore, it gives alcoholics a taste aversion to alcohol. (drinking alcohol is a behavior)

• 26. C. corpus callosum (cut this and you’ll have split brain)

• 27. E. Conservation tasks measure cognitive development, not personality.

• 28. D. the pituitary is the master gland (controlled by the hypothalamus)

• 29. A Sympathetic hypes you up (to danger)

• 30. A. You are happy because you smile.

• You are afraid because you run.

• 31. A (an episode of your life)

• 32. C

• 33. A

• 34. C

• 35. E. synaptic vesicles

• 36. A and D. too psychoanalytic

• E. too much; too fast (this isn’t Maury!)

• B. What I thought (but wrong!)

• C. create a hierarchy, then gradually, systematically expose

• 37.C experimental group drug Y is the independent variable so those that receive it are the experimental group.

• 38. D think fugue = fugitive

• 39. A cognitive = thoughts

• 40. A, B, C: they are not reinforcing the behavior

• E. What are they substituting?

• D. extinction (the tantrums go away)

• 41. B. Acting up (or not) is a behavior

• Reinforcing (or not) a behavior is behavioral therapy.

• 42. A. Carl Rogers (humanists are person- centered so they don’t offer advice since the client knows everything)

• Beck and Ellis did offer advice

• Freud and Jung were psychoanalysts so they were obsessed with the unconscious mind.

• 43. D. If you are running away from a scary dog, you will not experience mood swings.

• 44. B. Remember, antisocial means without a conscience. It does not mean introverted.

See my vest

• 45.E. What you read was reflective listening, a humanistic, person-centered therapy technique.

• 46. D aggression is reactive

• 47. Which has a negative slope??

• The answer is C.

• 48. The answer is Prozac E. Below is an ad for a similar drug.

• 49. What are you measuring? That’s the dependent variable. You are measuring how many boxes of cookies you sell. (rule out A,B,C).

• The IV is what is different between the 2 groups (type of package)

• The answer is E.

• 50. The answer is A. depression. ECT has a side effect of memory loss.

• 51. C Arousal theory – explains why people jump off of cliffs.

• 52. B (the only thing that mentions stress)

• 53. D It usually starts in adolescence and early adulthood.

• 54. A. biopsychological – anger is caused by hormones (biological)

• B. anger is an adaptation to further the survival of the human race

• C. anger is a disconnect from our actual and ideal self

• D. behavioral – our anger is a product of our environment

• E. internalized anger = unconscious mind

• 55. It’s either A or D.

• Assimilation – making it fit into a schema

• Accommodation – changing or creating a new schema

• The answer is A. The schema of “bird” will have to change to include flightless birds.

• 56. When looking for something humanistic, ask what would a hippie say?

• The answer is E.

• A. biopsychological

• B. cognitive

• C. behavioral

• D. psychodynamic

• 57. The answer is D.

• 58. C

• The Milgram study was certainly, ahem, shocking to everyone involved.

• 59. D

• 60. D

• 61. B

• 62. E. distorted thoughts - cognitive

• 63. A. arousal theory would be they did it just for the danger and exicitement

• B. drive-reduction – like sex, hunger, going to the bathroom

• C. humanistic – self actualization

• D. the answer

• E. genes made them do it

• 64. A. Maturation is a biological term. It happens independently to the environment.

• 65. Conventional/convergent thinking is the standard way to solve a problem (sometimes that’s the best!)

• Divergent thinking is more creative. Think of the word “diverge.”

• The answer is A

• 66. The gate control theory deals with pain. The answer is C

• 67. A

• 68. A, D, and E are neurotransmitters.

• The answer is B. Testosterone

• (That’s why kissing is so arousing because to ladies because there is much testosterone in male saliva)

• 69. A

• “I hurted my foot”

• A child knows the regulation of adding ed to make it past tense but sometimes they overdo it (they overregulate it)

70. C Exhaustion

• 71. A

• 72. A.

Where would one stand to practice

if they had high achievement motivation?

• 73. D. Long term potentiation deals with the role of neurons and long term memory

• 74. Is a behavior reinforced or punished? Is something taken away or given to reinforce?

• The answer is B negative reinforcement.

• 75. The UCS is the food (the dog does not have to be conditioned to drool to food). The answer is A (the food must follow the bell).

• 76. B Method of Loci (from Aristotle)

• 77. B. inferiority complex

• Alfred Adler (psychoanalyst who studied birth order) was a sickly child. He feel we all strive to be superior (overcome the inferiority complex)

• 78. C The fundamental attribution error is a reflection of individualist philosophies. (That person is an individual; so am I.)

• 79. D. Schacter – Two factor (the second factor is the cognitive labeling.)

• The stimulus causes your autonomic nervous system to react and you cognitively assess the stimulus. Is your mom driving crazy or is it fun????

• 80. B. split-half reliability (measures whether the test is consistent throughout)

• Validity measures whether the test is valid (does it test or measure what it is supposed to)

• 81. C – crystalized intelligence

• I think of old people with “crystalized” joints; they can’t move as much. However, 51 is not old! That’s just how I remember it.

• 82. D

• The overjustification effect says when we are extrinsically rewarded (too much) for things we enjoy doing, we will not enjoy them as much.

• Do baseball players LOVE the game when they make millions of dollars?

• 83. D self serving bias

• We attribute our success to our dispositional (internal) characteristics. Also, we attribute our failures to external (situational) factors.

• 84. E. Albert Bandura

• Assimilation – making it fit into a schema

• Accommodation – changing or creating a new schema

• 85. D

• 86.D. functional fixedness

These people do NOT have functional fixedness

• 87. C

• 88. D

• 89. E• Social inhibition is a conscious or subconscious constraint

by a person of behavior of a social nature. The constraint may be in relation to behavior, appearance, or a subject matter for discussion, besides other matters. There are a number of reasons for social inhibitions, including that the person fears that the activity, appearance or discussion will meet with social disapproval. For example, a person with a low level of social inhibition might focus their conversation on subjects that others feel uncomfortable about or which are not commonly discussed in that particular social group; while a person with a high level of social inhibition would avoid touching on such subjects.

• I guess it’s the opposite of social facilitation.

• 90. D Availability heuristic

• Dramatic events are more available in your mind.

• Sharks kill 5 people annually; Obesity kills 30,000!

• 91.D. Intmacy

• Erikson’s stage for early adulthood is Intimacy vs. Isolation

• A is a good answer, but that’s not what Erikson said.

• 92. The quote is by John Watson (Little Albert) It talks about how your behavior (career choice) can be manipulated by the environment.

• Then answer is E. Behaviorism

• Skip 93.

• 93. skip

• 94. A. typical example (what does your typical baby sitter look like?)

• B. that’s availability heuristic!

• D. that’s belief perseverance

• 95. A. no, that’s social learning theory

• B. right! The language acquisition device!

• 96. the dependent variable is what you are measuring. The answer is C

• 97. The independent variable is what is different about the 2 groups (what is manipulated).

• The answer is B

• 98. D

• 99. Is there a positive or a negative correlation between sleep deprivation and concentration? Therefore rule out all positive numbers.

• Since correlation coeficients have to be between +1 and -1, the answer cannot be E. The answer must be D.

• 100. D. Pet scan
