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2007 Jul Open - Finals

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The Eye Opener

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• 8 visual questions will go up on screen

• The teams will write the answers

• 5 points per correct answer

• 5 point bonus for getting 6 correct, 10 for 7 correct and 20 for getting ‘em all

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Question 1

• Younger versions of which two famous sportsmen?

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Question 2

• This is the Irish ten pound note. Whose face is featured?

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Question 3

• What is the common name of this animal?

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Question 4

• Identify the Band.

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Question 5

• This is an artist’s impression of who’s face?

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Question 6

• If the person in the first picture corresponds to the person in the second, to whom does the person in the third picture correspond?

Give the name only.

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Question 7

• The picture shows a 1920 poster entitled ‘_____ cleanses the earth of filth.’ Fill in the blank by identifying the person.

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Question 8

• The person in the picture gave his name to a certain type of garment. Name either.

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Question 1

• Younger versions of which two famous sportsmen?

Michael and

Ralf Schumacher

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Question 2

• This is the Irish ten pound note. Whose face is featured?

James Joyce

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Question 3

• What is the common name of this animal?


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Question 4

• Identify the Band.

The Band

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Question 5

• This is an artist’s impression of who’s face?


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• Infinite bounce – 10 points for all questions

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Question 1

• __________ is an antiperspirant / deodorant, originally sold by Mennen until the company was acquired by Colgate-Palmolive in 1992.

The line of products has been steadily losing popularity since its peak in the early 1990s.

Fill in the blanks. (Both blanks are the same)

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Question 2• The picture shows the headstone of a certain

John Laird McCaffery in a Montreal graveyard. The stone was ordered by the man's ex-wifeand ex-mistress, who said the message 'represented' him. The authorities were very surprised by their statement, especially asneither of them had any reason to feel warmly about John.Why did they choose that particular message?

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Question 3

• What is being schematically depicted?

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Question 4• ___________ facts are satirical "facts" about martial artist and

actor _______, which have become an Internet phenomenon and as a result have become widespread in popular culture.

Examples of these include :

- There are no disabled people. Only people who have met _________

- _____' tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried

- ______ built a time machine and went back in time to stop the JFK assassination. As Oswald shot, ______ met all three bullets with his beard, deflecting them. JFK's head exploded out of sheer amazement

- They once made a _____ toilet paper, but it wouldn't take shit from anybody

- ________ counted to infinity - twice

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- ____ sold his soul to the devil for his rugged good looks and unparalleled martial arts ability. Shortly after the transaction was finalized, ___ roundhouse kicked the devil in the face and took his soul back. The devil, who appreciates irony, couldn't stay mad and admitted he should have seen it coming. They now play poker every

second Wednesday of the month - If you have five dollars and ________ has five dollars,

_________ has more money than you- If Superman and The Flash were to race to the edge of

space you know who would win? ________- _____ can slam a revolving door

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Question 5• The first big-time use of this phrase in the media was in

a 1987 Saturday Night Live skit in which William Shatner (Captain Kirk of Star Trek fame) did a parody on Star Trek fans.

In the sketch, he is the guest of honor at a Star Trek convention. He is asked by fanatical fans (wearing pointy ears) several detailed questions concerning the exact combinations of safes he had opened on various episodes (eg : what was the combination to the safe in episode #38?). He tells these people at the end of the skit to 'move out of your mothers basement' and


Fill ‘er up.

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Question 6

• Give funda.

Greek: 28

Latin: 20

Cities/Towns: 15

Scientists: 13

Heavenly bodies: 8

Mythology: 7

Countries: 5

Other: 12

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Question 6.5• She attended Willows High School in Wisconsin

and Manhattan International High School in New York City. She has had an on-off romantic relationship with Kenneth Carson. It was announced in February 2004 that they had split up, but in February 2006 they were back together again.

She holds a pilot's license, and operates commercial airliners in addition to serving as a flight attendant. She has been, among many other things, a vet, an astronaut and a diplomat. She exemplifies the woman achiever.


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Question 7

• "So we went to Atari and said, 'Hey, we've got this amazing thing, even built with some of your parts, and what do you think about funding us? Or we'll give it to you. We just want to do it. Pay our salary, we'll come work for you.' And they said, 'No.' So then we went to Hewlett-Packard, and they said, 'Hey, we don't need you. You haven't got through college yet.”

Whose words, and on what?

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Audience• "A hotel set was built for Mabel Normand’s

picture and I was hurriedly told to put on funny make-up. This time I went to the wardrobe and got a pair of baggy pants, a tight coat, a small derby hat and a large pair of shoes. I wanted the clothes to be a mass of contradictions……. My appearance got an enthusiastic response from everyone, including Mr. Sennett. The clothes seemed to imbue me with the spirit of the character. He actually became a man with a soul - a point of view. I defined to Mr. Sennett the type of person he was. He wears an air of romantic hunger, forever seeking romance, but his feet won’t let him.“

Who is speaking and what is he describing?

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Question 8

• On February 28, 1983, the New York City Sanitation/Public Works Department reported the largest use of water ever around the city, peaking a little while before midnight. What was the explanation given for this?“

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Question 9

• Nellie Connelly : “You certainly can't say that the people haven't given you a nice welcome, X.”

X : “No, you certainly can’t.”

Who is X, and what happened next?

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Question 10

• On Sept. 5, 1998, the first anniversary of something, Monica Besra was suffering abdominal pain caused, she believed, by a tumour. But the purported tumor vanished when Monica applied a medallion with a certain image to the site of her pain.

In 2002, this incident made the headlines. Why?

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Question 11

• Dasaratha, the king of Ayodhya, was performing the Putrakama Yagna in order to have children. As a result, he received some sacred pudding, to be shared among his three wives.

By divine ordinance, a kite snatched a fragment of that pudding, and dropped it while flying over the forest where Anjana was engaged in worship of Lord Shiva. The wind delivered the falling pudding to Anjana, who ate it. In due course, she became the mother of what some people consider the 11th incarnation of Lord Shiva.

Who was her son?

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Question 12• Find X, Y and Z.X: a nation of 6-inch-high people.Blefuscu: a country of 6-inch-high people at war with

XY: a nation of 60-feet-tall giants.Laputa: a flying island inhabited by forgetful, scientific

quacks.Glubdubdrib: a land of magicians and sorcerersLuggnag: an island where the Struldbrugs live foreverHouyhnhnms : a nation where rational, intelligent

horses rule over human-like ZBalnibarbi : the land of inventors and projectors

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Question 13

• After visiting a certain event in 1895, Mark Twain wrote:

"It is wonderful, the power of a faith like that, that can make multitudes upon multitudes of the old and weak and the young and frail enter without hesitation or complaint upon such incredible journeys and endure the resultant miseries without repining. It is done in love, or it is done in fear; I do not know which it is. No matter what the impulse is, the act born of it is beyond imagination marvelous to our kind of people, the cold whites.“

Which event?

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Question 14

• Connect the four pictures on the next slide to the picture on the slide after that.

Picture #4 on the next slide is a medieval English author, who wrote the Canterbury Tales

Picture #2 is a Ukrainian aristocrat

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• Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention were touring Europe in 1971. While performing in Montreux, Switzerland, the Mothers' equipment was destroyed when a flare set off by an audience member started a fire that burned down the casino where they were playing.

How has this event been immortalized?

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Question 15

• The picture shows a map of which place?

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• The picture shows a 1979 MAD magazine cover. This was just after the Three Mile Island nuclear accident. What words have been blanked out?

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Question 16

• The first was the Holy Roman empire which endured from the 9th century AD to 1806. The second was the unified republic over which Otto von Bismarck ruled. What was the third?

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• This is a second level megaconnect with four clues

• Each of these four clues will be the answer of a connect question

• Points for megaconnect : 50-35-20-10

• Fixed penalty of -15

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• Rules : There will be three questions, which are connected by a theme.

• The questions will go in an infinite bounce format

• Teams can go for the connect after any question

• 25 points for getting the connect after Q1, 15 after Q2 and 5 after Q3

• Fixed penalty of -10

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I – Question 1

• Easy question. Name the painter.

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• Salvador Dali = link to connect

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I – Question 2

• What is the answer to the riddle that the Sphinx asked Oedipus? The riddle goes as follows :

"What walks on all four legs in the morning, on three legs in the evening, and is weakest when it walks on all four?"

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• Man

Link to connect


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• This is a brilliant account of Oedipus’ life :


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I – Question 3

• Which short English word is taken directly from a Latin word meaning ‘I myself’, expressing personal emphasis?

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• Ego = link to connect

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Answer – Connect I

• Sigmund Freud (first link to megaconnect)

Dali referred to him as his ‘father’ during the early phase of his career

He coined the term ‘Oedipus Complex’

He gave the theory of the ego, superego, id, etc.

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• This is a sixteen picture LVC

• The pictures will be shown in sets of four

• 50 points for getting the connect in set 1. Subsequent sets carry 35, 25 and 15 points

• -10 for a wrong guess at any time

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• Rules : There will be three questions, which are connected by a theme.

• The questions will go in an infinite bounce format

• Teams can go for the connect after any question

• 25 points for getting the connect after Q1, 15 after Q2 and 5 after Q3

• Fixed penalty of -10

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III – Question 1

• The 1985 Grammy Award for the best Instrumental Composition went to the composer John Williams for something he wrote for an event held in Los Angeles. What was his composition called?

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III – Question 2

• This name, shared by many cities and towns in the USA, is taken from the name of a water body. The water body itself is named after a Titan in Greek mythology.

Give the name.

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III – Question 3

• Which soft drink got its name when the German CEO of a company told his employees to let their imaginations run wild while searching for a name for the company?

Legend has it that the employees could not come up with anything other than the German word for imagination, and the word was shortened and used as the product name.

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• Rules : There will be three questions, which are connected by a theme.

• The questions will go in an infinite bounce format

• Teams can go for the connect after any question

• 25 points for getting the connect after Q1, 15 after Q2 and 5 after Q3

• Fixed penalty of -10

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IV – Question 1

• _______ are a hypothetical social currency, which can be accrued by doing good deeds or earning favor in the eyes of another, often one's superior.

The term derives from the surname of an American railroad superintendent who devised an innovative system of merits and demerits for railroad employees on the Fall Brook Railway in New York state.

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IV – Question 2

• This colour is defined as the shade of a product obtained from cattle grazing on natural pasture with plants rich in yellow carotenoid pigments, some of which are incorporated to give a slight yellow tone to the white.

Which colour?

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IV – Question 3

• These are lines from a popular poem written by Nizami Ganjavi in 1187. To whom are these lines addressed(in the poem)?

“Dearest heart, if I had not given my soul to you, it would have been better to give it up for good, to lose it forever. I am burning in love's fire; I am drowning in the tears of my sorrow. . . I am the moth that flies through the night to flutter around the candle flame. O invisible candle of my soul, do not torture me as I encircle you! You have bewitched me, you have robbed me of my sleep, my reason, my very being.”

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• Sigmund Freud

• Sherlock Holmes

• Coca Cola

• Eric Clapton

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• This is a pick-your-theme-round

• There will be 6 specialized topics, with three questions on each. These will be of three levels, which I have named – in a stroke of genius and inventiveness – 1, 2 and 3

• Level one : +5/-0; Level two : +15/-7.5;

Level three : +25/-12.5

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RULES• Teams will pick their theme and difficulty in

order starting with the lowest ranked at the beginning of the round

• Every team can throw one question. No team can be thrown more than two questions

• On a throw, the team answering gets +(value of question) if it is right, and -10 if it is wrong. If the team is right, the throwing team gets -10
