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Annual Report 2007/2008 Enhancing Victoria’s cultural, religious and linguistic diversity
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Annual Report


Enhancing Victoria’s cultural,

religious and linguistic diversity

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Page 3: 2007/2008 - Victorian Multicultural Commission · The 2007/2008 Annual Report presents the year’s ... Introduction 20 Whole-of-Government Achievements in Multicultural Affairs 20

Report details

The 2007/2008 Annual Report presents the year’s

work within the Victorian Multicultural Commission.

It covers the core work of the Commission and its

achievements during the 2007/08 period within the

context of the objectives and functions outlined in

the Multicultural Victoria Act 2004.

Other information

Copies of this Annual Report can be obtained

from the Victorian Multicultural Commission:

Telephone: 9208 3184

Facsimile: 9208 3179

Email: [email protected]

This report can also be viewed online at


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2 Annual Report 2007/2008

Letter to the Premier 4

Chairperson’s Report 5

Refl ections and Future Directions 5

About the Commission 8

Unity and Understanding 8

Our Role 8

Responsibilities 8

About the Multicultural Victoria Act 2004 8

Objectives and functions 10

Our Commissioners 10

Our staff 10

Operations – Meetings/Committees/Expenditure 12

Committees 12

Community Grants Program 14

Supporting and Empowering 14

Funding categories 14

Funding rounds 16

Information Sessions 16

Assessment Process 16

New Programs and Partnerships 16

Festivals and Events 18

Engaging the Community 20

Consulting and Engaging 20

Introduction 20

Whole-of-Government Achievements

in Multicultural Affairs 20

2007 Whole of Government Consultations 20

Other Community Consultations and

Community Engagements 22

Celebrating Diversity 24

Bringing People Together 24

Events 24

Cultural Diversity Quest Awards 24

Premier’s Community Receptions 24

Campaigns 26

Print and Online Communications 26

Community recognition 26

Community Accord 28

Language Services Strategy 30

Access and Equity 30

Language Services 30

Interpreter Scholarship 32

Refugee Brokerage Program 32

Driving Program 33

Working Together 34

Partnering For Better Outcomes 34

Cultural Precincts Enhancement Fund 34

Cultural Precincts Photo Competition 34

Promoting Harmony 36

Multifaith Multicultural Youth Network 36

Annual Report 2007/2008


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3Annual Report 2007/2008


Appendix 1 38

VMC Advisory Council 38

Appendix 2 39

Educational Grants (2A) 39

Buildings and Facilities Improvement (2B) 40

Community Strengthening (2C) 40

Interfaith and Multifaith (2D) 42

Multicultural Festivals and Events (2E) 42

Multicultural Festivals and Events (2F) 47

Multicultural Senior Citizens Organisational Support (2G) 54

Organisational Support (2H) 59

Women Creating Harmony (2I) 65

Appendix 3 66

Awards for Excellence 66

Award for Meritorious Service in the Community 66

Premier’s Award for Community Harmony 67

Service Delivery to Multicultural Victoria 67

Victorian Multicultural Commission Ambassador Award 67

Business Corporate Award 67

Media Award 67

Local Government Award 67

Victorian Multicultural Education Award 67

Police and Community Multicultural Advisory

Committee Award (PACMAC) 67

Appendix 4 68

Victorian Refugee Recognition Record 68

Cultural Precincts Photo Competition – 20 March 2008

Emerge Festival – 17 June 2008

Pako Festa – 23 February 2008

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Dear Premier

In accordance with Section 18 of the Multicultural Victoria Act (2004) I have

great pleasure in reporting on the Commission’s operations for the period

1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008.

Yours sincerely

George Lekakis


The Hon. John Brumby MP

Premier of Victoria

Minister for Multicultural Affairs

1 Treasury Place


4 Annual Report 2007/2008

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This has been an

incredibly challenging,

though momentous and

rewarding 12 months for

both the Commission and

multiculturalism in Victoria,

with 2007/08 being the

fi rst full year of operations

following the merger of

the Victorian Offi ce of

Multicultural Affairs into

the Commission.

It was certainly a year in which we oversaw a strong period of

development; where a groundswell of projects became a reality,

new initiatives were undertaken and the successful foundation

of previous years was built upon and enhanced. Simply put, it

was a year of getting things done!

Most importantly, these achievements enabled the Commission

to channel the benefi ts and resources directly to our culturally

and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities.

We continued to support and empower communities through

promoting unity, delivering on community aspirations and

understanding and celebrating diversity, while providing

independent, timely and responsive advice to the Government.

Of course, since the merger, the VMC’s fundamental role as an

independent link between the community and the government

has been augmented with the role of developing and providing

policy advice in the area of multicultural affairs. Community

input garnered through regular consultations with communities

and key stakeholders now directly feeds into the policy options

that are developed.

The Commission maintained its successful ‘Open Door’ policy

by ensuring all lines of communication were open and available

to community representatives and continued to engage

the community by meeting with community organisations

individually to address their specifi c needs and concerns.

Multiculturalism was also given a funding boost during 2007/08,

with the State Budget allocating an additional $14m, which

not only underlined the Government’s ongoing commitment

to strengthen multiculturalism in Victoria, but will also make a

real difference to both CALD communities specifi cally and the

Victoria community as a whole.

High profi le projects that benefi ted from this funding, included

the Cultural Precincts Enhancement Fund which will re-develop

and enhance three of Melbourne’s most vibrant and long

standing cultural and historic areas: ‘Little Italy’ in Lygon Street,

the Greek precinct in Lonsdale Street and Chinatown on Little

Bourke Street. The Commission has played a pivotal role in

bringing the communities and the key stakeholders together

to develop a collaborative and visionary approach that will

be benefi cial in cultural, social and economic terms.

The Commission was also able to develop, strengthen and

promote Victoria’s multifaith diversity through the Victorian

Government’s Promoting Harmony initiative. Key activities for

2007/08 included a new Multifaith/Interfaith grants program

designed to support existing interfaith networks and multifaith

initiatives and projects that build bridges between communities

and thereby further enhance understanding.

Two other exciting developments during the year was the

hosting of the second Premier’s Multifaith Leaders Forum and

the establishment of the Multifaith Advisory Group.

The Premier’s Forum was attended by many of Victoria’s

prominent faith leaders and focused on developing further

opportunities to support multifaith dialogue and cohesion; while

the Multifaith Advisory Group, the idea for which arose from the

Premier’s Forum, will meet quarterly to ensure ongoing dialogue

between the Government and Victoria’s faith leaders.

The announcement that Victoria will host the Parliament

of the World’s Religions in December 2009 has also been

a huge boost for the State’s international reputation and

solidifi ed its commitment to fostering a successful and

inclusive multi-faith society.

The event will see thousands of people from all over the

world arrive in Melbourne, which not only provides us with the

opportunity to showcase our diversity and relative harmony to

the rest of the world, but also provides an opportunity to foster

greater understanding and awareness that can be projected to

every corner of the globe.

Reflections and Future Directions

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Chairperson’s Report

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Chairperson’s Report

Another project we were all very proud of was the All of Us

campaign, which was developed to promote our incredible

diversity and to convey the importance of how we can build a

better future together. The campaign, which was developed by

Michel Lawrence and built on his earlier photographic exhibition

and book, was launched in June 2008 across television, print and

outdoor mediums and is part of a wider strategy to create unity

and build awareness, understanding and respect within

our community.

The year was topped and tailed by one of our most

inspirational and moving events – the annual Victorian

Refugee Recognition Record (VRRR). Established in 2004

by the Commission, the VRRR is an important opportunity

to offi cially recognise the contributions of Victoria’s

refugee communities.

The award ceremony itself can often be a humbling and

heart-warming event where experiences are re-lived and

stories are shared. Both ceremonies were truly wonderful

and memorable evenings.

I am also heartened by the ever increasing number of

collaborative partnerships with: government departments and

agencies such as the Department of Justice, the Department

of Human Services and the Department of Education and Early

Childhood Development; various local governments; private

and NGO agencies such as the AFL and Multicultural Arts

Victoria; as well as, most importantly, the myriad of community

organisations from peak umbrella bodies to senior citizens

clubs. In fact, an incredible 1,500-plus community groups and

organisations were funded to deliver more than 2,000 projects

and events through the course of the year, generating as

they do immeasurable and priceless benefi cial outcomes

for individuals, communities and the State as a whole.

Tribute was paid to many for their efforts at the annual

Multicultural Awards for Excellence, hosted again in 2007 by

the Governor of Victoria Professor David de Kretser AC at

Government House.

I would like to thank the Governor and his staff for their

continuing support of multicultural communities and

congratulate all the recipients of the Awards in 2007,

as documented in this Annual Report.

Of course, many people across our State have actively

engaged in the promotion of cultural diversity during this

period – striving towards a cohesive, respectful and fair society.

The social, cultural and economic benefi cial outcomes

mentioned earlier of course were in no small part due to the

hard work and commitment of the numerous and inspirational

volunteers within the community. I thank them immensely for

their diligence and altruism!

A personal ‘thank you’ also to each of the VMC Commissioners

whose fi rst-hand knowledge, local insight and dedication to

multiculturalism in Victoria continues to be one of the strongest

pillars of the Commission.

They offer their time and their experience most generously and

play a vital and important role in ensuring that the connection

between the Commission and our CALD communities continues

to be a strong one.

I would like to extend my appreciation to the Premier and

Minister for Multicultural Affairs, the Hon John Brumby, whose

tireless leadership of, and commitment to, the promotion of

multicultural affairs is both deeply gratifying and inspiring.

Likewise, I would like to offer my gratitude to the Minister

Assisting the Premier on Multicultural Affairs, James Merlino MP,

who has most ably assisted the Premier on Multicultural Affairs.

Minister Merlino has done an outstanding job and continues to

be a wonderful and enthusiastic ambassador for multicultural

affairs on the local, state and national stage.

Liz Beattie MP, the Parliamentary Secretary Assisting the Premier

on Multicultural Affairs has also been incredibly supportive and

engaged the various communities and causes with compassion

and sensitivity.

Our cultural, linguistic and religious diversity continues to

be one of the cornerstones of our State’s identity and the

Commission will continue to convey the needs and aspirations

of our diverse Victorian community to the Government , as

well as embracing real and practical solutions to the challenges

we face, the needs that are identifi ed and the benefi cial

opportunities that must be seized.

Finally, I would like to conclude with someone else’s words.

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Chairperson’s Report

The great and inspirational leader Ghandi once said: “No culture

can be successful if it attempts to be exclusive.” A simple but

powerful statement which I genuinely believe lies at the core

of the Commission’s operations.

Change and fl ux is an inevitable part of life but how we

cope with the change, deal with the challenges and seize the

opportunities presented to us says much about our society. In

this regard, Victoria’s achievements to date speak volumes – we

are one of the most diverse, vibrant and harmonious societies in

the world – and long may it continue!

Lastly, I wish to unambiguously commend the Commission’s

staff; both past and present, who have worked creatively,

enthusiastically and passionately for multiculturalism in

Victoria and for the Commission; yet again, delivering

so much to so many!

I commend the 2007/08 Victorian Multicultural Commission

Annual Report to you.

George Lekakis


Community Accord signing with VMC Chairperson George Lekakis

and the Royal Victorian Eye & Ear Hospital – 19 March 2008

Globe to Globe Festival – 26 January 2008

Samoan Premier’s reception – 2 June 2008

“In Victoria we recognise that when governments appeal to the good will of the public, most people show a readiness to welcome new migrants, refugees and asylum seekers.”

George Lekakis – Launch of the South Eastern Migration Advice Service (SEMAS)

– 18 March 2008

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Our RoleThe VMC is the main link between Victoria’s culturally and

linguistically diverse (CALD) communities and the Government.

Its aim is to support and empower communities, promote

unity and understanding, and celebrate Victoria’s diversity.

The Commission also provides independent advice to the

Government to inform the development of legislative and

policy frameworks as well as the delivery of services to our

multicultural society.

The Commission operates under the Multicultural Victoria Act

2004, which conveys the Victorian Government’s commitment

to recognise and support cultural, religious and linguistic

diversity in Victoria and enhance the responsiveness and

accountability of government departments in meeting the

needs of all Victorians.

ResponsibilitiesDuring the reporting period the Commission was responsible

for the delivery of the following signifi cant investments by

the Victorian Government for multicultural Victoria:


An investment of $8 million over three years to boost the

viability and vibrancy of three of Melbourne’s vibrant and

long standing cultural precincts: Little Bourke, Lonsdale

and Lygon Streets.

The fund will cover restoration of key lane ways, street

beautifi cation including art work landscaping and lighting,

and boost resources for the communities to showcase

their culture and heritage.


A key initiative that aims to improve interpreting and

translating services for Victorians from culturally and

linguistically diverse backgrounds with a current focus on

the language services needs of ageing CALD communities,

refugees and in the area of mental health.


A series of initiatives that aim to strengthen and promote

interfaith cooperation, encourage and enhance community

harmony and social cohesion with a focus on young people,

women and interfaith networks.


A state-wide program that works directly with Victoria’s

refugee communities to address identifi ed needs through

promoting better coordination of service delivery, removing

barriers to opportunities to participate within the wider

community and providing assistance to better access a

range of existing services.


A range of grants to support Victoria’s multicultural

communities to develop and sustain local community

organisations and events. The program aims to address the

needs of these communities, combat any disadvantage and

promote community cohesion and harmony.

About the Multicultural

Victoria Act 2004The Multicultural Victoria Act 2004 (MVA) enshrines in legislation

a preamble and a set of principles that recognise the State’s cultural,

religious and linguistic diversity as one of its greatest assets. In

broad terms, this legislation serves as a formal declaration of

Victoria’s commitment to diversity and community harmony. It

commits all of us to work together to ensure a prosperous and

united future in which diversity is respected and cultural heritage

preserved, and where all individuals can access opportunities to

participate in and contribute to the social, cultural, economic and

political life of the State. This is within the over arching framework

of abiding by the State’s laws and respecting the democratic

processes under which those laws are made.

The MVA has made it a legislative requirement for all Victorian

Government departments to annually report to the Minister

for Multicultural Affairs on their activities and achievements

in relation to multicultural affairs, including their use of

interpreting and translating services, their communications in

languages other than English, the appointment of people from

different cultural and linguistic backgrounds to government

boards and committees, and any other major improvements or

initiatives that promote multiculturalism and meet the identifi ed

needs of Victoria’s CALD communities.

This report highlights the Commission’s own achievements in

the 2007/08 period within the context of its objectives and

functions under the MVA.

Victoria is one of the most diverse and harmonious societies in the world. This diversity is a defi ning

feature for the State and one that delivers social, cultural and economic benefi ts. The Victorian Multicultural

Commission (VMC) is committed to fostering harmony and encouraging the full participation of Victoria’s

culturally, linguistically and religiously diverse communities in all aspects of life in Victoria.

Unity and Understanding

About the Commission

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“The Victorian Government has placed multicultural policy within a legislative framework and continues to support the activities of hundreds of grass-roots community organisations through the Victorian Multicultural Commission.”

George Lekakis – The Australian Indian Solidarity Group Forum – 16 December 2007

About the Commission

Lunar Festival, Victoria Street, Richmond – 20 January 2007

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About the Commission

Objectives and functionsThe VMC’s objectives and functions, as specifi ed

in the MVA are:


to promote full participation by Victoria’s culturally and

linguistically diverse communities in the social, cultural,

economic and political life of Victoria;

to promote access by Victoria’s culturally and linguistically

diverse communities to services made available by

governments and other bodies;

to encourage all of Victoria’s culturally and linguistically

diverse communities to retain and express their social

identity and cultural inheritance;

to promote co-operation between bodies concerned with

multicultural affairs;

to promote unity among Victoria’s culturally and linguistically

diverse communities; and

to promote a better understanding within Victoria of

Victoria’s culturally and linguistically diverse communities.


to ensure that the objectives of the Commission are met to

the maximum extent that is practicable;

to investigate, report and make recommendations to the

Minister on any aspect of multicultural affairs referred to it

by the Minister;

to advise the Minister on factors inhibiting the development

of harmonious community relations and on barriers to the

participation of Victoria’s culturally and linguistically diverse

communities in the social, cultural, economic and political

life of Victoria;

to consult with relevant bodies and people to determine

the needs of Victoria’s culturally and linguistically diverse

communities, including needs in relation to matters covered

by any report prepared by the Minister under section 21 (of

the MVA); and

to maintain and further develop harmonious

community relations between all relevant groups

in the context of Victoria’s culturally and linguistically

diverse society.

Our CommissionersThe VMC comprises 12 dedicated Commissioners

who advocate the objectives of the Commission and

act as an important conduit between communities and

the Commission.

Our Commissioners have a solid understanding of the

issues affecting multicultural communities and are actively

involved, regularly attending events and playing a vital role

in building networks and liaising with different faith and

community groups. The Commissioners meet on a monthly

basis to provide input into the work being undertaken by the

VMC and to discuss a wide range of issues raised with

them by communities.


Mr. George Lekakis (Chairperson)

Mr. Hakan Akyol (Deputy Chairperson)

Ms Elleni Bereded-Samuel

Mr Joseph Caputo

Dr. Stanley Chiang

Mrs Vicki Mitsos

Ms Samar Mougharbel

Ms Vivienne Nguyen

Sydor Petkovic

Ms Marcia Pinskier

Ms Usha Sharma

Mr Yasser Soliman

Our staffDuring the year the Commissioners were supported by

a team of dedicated staff who worked closely with the

Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson and Commissioners to

ensure the VMC performed its legislative functions and

achieved its core objectives. As at 30 June 2008 this team

comprised 27 people.

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11Annual Report 2007/2008

About the Commission

VMC Commisioners (absent Mr Joe Caputo and Ms Vivienne Nguyen) – 2007/2008

Premier of Victoria, John Brumby and Toni Thaba at the lanuch of the All of Us campaign – 24 June 2008

“Both the Victorian Government and the Victorian Multicultural Commission have also been consistent advocates for the rights of humanitarian entrants and refugees. In Victoria, we maintain targeted programs that reinforce and invigorate our cultural, linguistic and religious diversity.”

George Lekakis – Globe to Globe World Music Festival 2008 – 26 January 2008

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Operations – Meetings/


The Commission meets regularly to discuss issues of importance

to Victoria’s CALD communities. The Commission promotes the

views of the community through a range of avenues including

on various boards and committees and at national forums.


The Commission held 11 full day meetings between July 2007

and June 2008. During the reporting period, Commissioners

continued to participate in community functions, consultations,

events, conferences and seminars.


Commissioner No. of Meetings Attended

Mr. George Lekakis 10

Mr. Hakan Akyol 10

Ms Elleni Bereded-Samuel 10

Mr Joseph Caputo 10

Dr. Stanley Chiang 9

Mrs. Vicki Mitsos 9

Ms Samar Mougharbel 11

Ms Vivienne Nguyen* 2

Dr Linda Sydor Petkovic 10

Ms Marcia Pinskier 10

Ms Usha Sharma 8

Mr Yasser Soliman 11

* Resigned as a Commissioner effective 27 June 2008.



The Commission continued to be active on a range of advisory

or consultative bodies that proactively addressed issues

pertinent to the multicultural affairs portfolio including:

The Police and Community Multicultural Advisory

Committee (PACMAC), which the Commission co-chairs;

Ministerial Advisory Council on LOTE, ESL and

Multicultural Education;

Standing Committee on Local Government and Cultural

Diversity, which the Commission chairs;

Victorian Settlement Planning Committee, which the

Commission co-chairs;

National Working Party on Interpreting and Translating,

which the Commission chairs;

Language Services Advisory Committee, which the

Commission chairs;

Workforce Participation Program Advisory Committee;

Multicultural Arts Policy Advisory Committee;

Parliament of the World’s Religions Melbourne

2009 Board;

Future Melbourne Leaders Forum;

Victorian Community Council against Violence;

Project Respect Reference Group;

VMC Advisory Council, which the Commission chairs; and

Celebrate our Cultural Diversity Week Steering Committee,

which the Commission chairs.


The Commission continued to contribute to the deliberations


These national cross-jurisdictional forums provide an

important opportunity to discuss and address issues relating

to immigration and multicultural affairs.


In March 2007, an Advisory Council was established to provide

advice to the Victorian Multicultural Commission on issues

affecting Victoria’s CALD communities.

About the Commission

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In its fi rst year, the VMC Advisory Council provided

valuable input and advice in regard to the Commission’s

priorities, the multicultural affairs whole-of-Government

report, as well as a range of other pertinent issues facing

Victoria’s diverse communities. In 2008, the Council is being

consulted on major policy work being planned by the VMC as

part of its strategic priorities.

The Advisory Council comprises representatives from a

wide cross-section of service providers and peak cultural

and faith-based representative organisations.

The Advisory Council:

provides an opportunity to exchange ideas and develop

strategies that will facilitate greater responsiveness to the

needs of Victoria’s diverse communities;

is a constructive way of harnessing the talents and expertise

of those in the sector; and

accommodates a broad range of individuals and

organisations, including representation from newly

emerging communities, regional and youth representatives

as well as faith-based and issue-specifi c peak

organisational representatives.

The members of the Advisory Council are listed in Appendix 1.


Salaries and associated salary costs $2,197,005

Operating expenses $1,043,043

VMC Grants * $5,709,858

Total† $8,949,906

* Includes grants under the Community Grants Program, Language Services

Strategy, Refugee Support Package and Promoting Harmony initiative.

†The increase in expenditure in 2007-08 in comparison to 2006-07

expenditure is refl ective of the merger of the Victorian Offi ce of

Multicultural Affairs (VOMA) into the VMC. The expansion of the VMC’s

role as an outcome of this merger has resulted in increased expenditure

for 2007-08. VMC’s expenditure is included within the audited accounts of

the Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD) which

will be available in DPCD’s Annual Report 2007-08 on DPCD’s website

(www.dpcd.vic.gov.au) when it is released. VMC expenditure does not

include corporate resources which are included within DPCD costs.

About the Commission

The Turkish Tulip Festival – 15 - 16 September 2007

The Turkish Tulip Festival – 15 - 16 September 2007

“Thank you to those local heroes who contribute politically, economically and socially to Victorian society – helping to make Victoria the success story it is.”

George Lekakis – MC, Victorian Refugee Recognition Record (VRRR)

awards ceremony – 19 June 2008

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In addition to the funding allocated to multicultural

communities during this period, the grants program also

partnered with the Department of Education and Early

Childhood Development to provide targeted funding support

towards educational and training programs and with the Offi ce

of Women’s Policy for Women Creating Harmony projects.

By supporting communities through these grants, the

Commission is working hard to meet the needs of ethnic

communities, promote community cohesion and strengthen

the capacity of communities to sustain their organisations,

programs and events.

Through the Community Grants Program, the Commission:

supported more than 1,500 community groups and

organisations by directly funding community initiatives;

delivered an accessible, high-quality, client-focused

service to Victoria’s multicultural communities; and

assisted groups to retain and celebrate their cultural

heritage by supporting local festivals and events.

Funding categories The funding categories of the Community Grants Program

represent the six areas of greatest need, as identifi ed by

communities in consultation with the Commission.


To provide fi nancial assistance for the general costs

associated with running community organisations

(appendix 2H);


To support multicultural senior citizens clubs to

hold regular social and community strengthening

activities (appendix 2G);


To assist ethnic community organisations to undertake

minor upgrades to buildings that they own (appendix 2B);


The Commission was pleased to receive the ongoing support

of the Department of Education and Early Childhood

Development to deliver this program, for which there were

the following categories:

1. the After Hours English Schools category, which provides

school-based professional development programs for

teachers; and

2. the Materials Development grant category, which

supports the development of classroom teaching

materials in a language where there are few readily

available resources suitable for Victorian students.


Support major festivals, conferences and special ethnic

community events that encourage the participation of the

broader community in celebrating and valuing cultural

diversity. Grants are also provided to support activities

addressing a major issue through a conference or special

event (appendix 2E);

The Victorian Multicultural Commission supported more than 1,500 Victorian communities and groups

from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds during the 2007/08 fi nancial year through funding

from its highly successful community grants program.

Community Grants Program

Supporting and Empowering

Pako Festa – 23 February 2008

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Annual Report 2007/2008 15

Community Grants Program

“In recent years the VMC has been able to provide extra support to emerging migrant communities and those facing language or cultural obstacles when accessing services.”

George Lekakis – NEMA conference – 31 May 2008

Uncle Herb, Black Harmony Gathering – 16 March 2008

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Community Grants Program


Support community organisations to undertake

projects that address the unmet needs of

Victoria’s CALD communities. Priority was given

to projects that:

− develop the capacity of new and emerging communities

and multicultural networks to self-manage and fully

engage in community life;

− provide assistance to migrant and refugee women

and/or young people;

− support local heritage that acknowledge

and document the contribution of migrants

and refugees in Victoria; and

− enable organisations to develop partnerships with other

community and government agencies that address

community needs (appendix 2C).

Funding roundsThe Community Grants Program included three

funding rounds:


Multicultural Festivals and Events, for activities being held

between July 2007 and January 2008;


Multicultural Festivals and Events, for activities being held

between January 2008 and July 2008; and


including the Organisational Support program, the Building

and Facilities program, the Strengthening Multicultural

Communities program, Educational Program and Women

Creating Harmony program.

Information SessionsTo ensure that all communities have been provided

with the opportunity to access the Community Grants

Program, information sessions were conducted throughout

metropolitan and regional Victoria.

These sessions enabled the Commission to inform

communities of funding processes and the best way to access

the Commission’s funding opportunities. The guidelines and

application forms were also made available to all organisations

registered with the Commission and online, via the

Commission’s website.

Assessment ProcessIn the reporting period, the Victorian Multicultural Commission

received approximately 3,000 applications for funding from

community organisations, schools and councils.

The Funding Sub-committee (Commissioners Caputo,

Mougharbel, Petkovic, Pinskier and Soliman) met to assess the

applications and made recommendations based on the quality

of the expected outcomes and relevance of the application to

program guidelines.

These assessments were conducted in accordance with

the Commission’s procedures and standards specifying

transparency and equity.

The fi nal recommendations were then presented

to the Minister Assisting the Premier on Multicultural Affairs

for approval.

New Programs and PartnershipsDuring the 2007/08 reporting period, the Commission was

pleased to support many new and innovative community

projects throughout Victoria.

These projects were as diverse and rich in scope as the

communities themselves and included a wide range of

activities, including the following:


The African Families Enhanced Healthy, Living Skills,

Parenting and Practical Social English Program, a partnership

project between the Eastern and Central African Communities

of Victoria, Springvale Neighbourhood House and Springvale

Community Centre.

A short history of the Ethnic Communities’ Council of

Victoria which has been in existence for more than thirty

years as one of the most important peak bodies in our state,

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Community Grants Program

helping to build community support for multiculturalism

and representing the interests of its members and the wider

CALD community.

Connect Active Flemington – a cultural mentoring

and youth empowerment program run by Multicultural Arts

Victoria for refugees which addresses disadvantage and

engages with refugee youth in positive activity through

dance and music.

The Autumn of our Life program run by the

National Council of Jewish Women of Australia,

which promotes independent, healthy living in the

Russian Jewish senior citizens community based in

housing commission fl ats in South Melbourne,

Prahran and St Kilda.

New Australia Media is an Australian-fi rst with the primary

aim of improving the quality and quantity of information

available to CALD communities. The project will help

establish a website, a Multicultural Press Club and host

a multicultural media award night.

An Australian Croatian Community Services project

to document and acknowledge the contribution of

Croatians to Victoria.

The North East Multicultural Association Communities’

Leadership Program conducted consultations in partnership

with CALD leaders in fi ve Local Government Areas in the

Rural City of Wangaratta, Benalla Rural City, Indigo Shire,

Alpine Shire and Mansfi eld Shire.

The United Somali Women Organisation in

Victoria’s project to provide swimming and gentle

exercise groups, as well as providing speakers on

health and lifestyle related issues.

“Here in Victoria we maintain targeted programs that reinforce and invigorate our cultural, linguistic and religious diversity, ranging from aged care, health care, ethnic schools, interpreting and translation services, employment and training, as well as a range of other initiatives bringing different faith and community groups together to promote multi-faith and multicultural harmony.”

George Lekakis – Globe to Globe World Music Festival – 26 January 2008

Italian Festival – 22 May - 8 June 2008

Emerge Festival – 17 June 2008

Grants presentation with Bor community – 27 June 2008

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Community Grants Program

Festival and Events Turkish Tulip Weekend celebrates the Origin of the Tulip,

showcasing Turkish culture (food, music, arts, history) and

demonstrating the affi nity the Turkish community has with

other communities and cultures.

Celebrate Diwali, the Festival of Lights at Federation

Square, a food and music festival followed by fi reworks

display at Yarra.

The Globe to Globe World Music Festival, a two day

celebration of cultural diversity. Includes music, cuisine,

workshops and fi reworks. This year’s theme was the

‘Colours of East Africa’.

Cyprus Culture Food & Wine Festival, a cultural festival

celebrating the Mediterranean island organised by the

Cyprus Community of Melbourne & Victoria.

Pako Fest is Victoria’s premier multicultural street festival

showcasing Geelong’s diversity, through food, folk dancing,

the famous Pako Parade, workshops, art exhibitions,

multicultural craft displays and entertainment.

The Millennium Ethiopian New Year Celebration included

dinner, a cultural show, Ethiopian music and a presentation

encouraging audience participation, hosted by the Ethiopian

Community Association in Victoria.

In recognition of Frankston’s rich and

vibrant city made up of over 130 nationalities,

an Inaugural Multicultural Festival was held during

Refugee Week, showcasing and celebrating local

multicultural talent.

The Latin American Parade, a two-day street festival

showcasing Latin and Spanish culture and food held in

Johnson Street, Fitzroy organised by the Hispanic Latin

American Festival & Cultural Association.

Bella Italia – Italy the Beautiful –a contemporary

vision highlighting the best Italy has to offer the world,

from culture to lifestyle, cuisine to technology and

design, and from agricultural products to

manufactured goods.

The 40th Anniversary Celebrations of the signing of a

bilateral migration agreement between Turkey and Australia,

which incorporated a series of events including a Turkish

Community Festival and a Historical Exhibition at the

Immigration Museum.

The North Richmond Moon Lantern Festival featured stage

performances and presentations by local groups, celebrating

Chinese, Vietnamese, East Timorese, Sudanese and other

cultures, followed by a large lantern parade involving children

carrying their personally crafted lanterns.

The Melbourne Chinese New Year Festival, a two day annual

street festival, which featured outdoor stalls of food and

merchandise, street theatre and entertainment, cultural

performances, arts and crafts and information sessions from

Chinese groups.

Globe to Globe Festival

Multicultural Australia came alive during the Australia Day

2008 weekend at Namatjira Park in Clayton South, with the

eighth Globe to Globe Festival bringing the sounds of world

music to the stage.

This year’s festival had an East African fl avour, with a focus

on culture, cuisine, art, history, music and dance. Drumming

workshops, batik making, belly dancing classes and even soccer

tournaments and amusement rides meant there was something

for everyone.

The popular festival attracted a crowd of more than 30,000

and proved once again why it is one of the most popular free

world music event in Victoria.

Highlights of the free two-day festival included the

Melbourne Ska Orchestra, Tenzin Cheogal, Dereb and

the Lion of Judah, Tibetan monks from the Tashi Lhunpo

Monastry and Papa Kwasi.

The Latin Quarter was also a popular destination and the salsa

dance classes were a hit with many eager participants.

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Community Grants Program

“We recognise that we are different but the same because we all reap the benefi ts of a safe, prosperous and inclusive society where each and every Victorian is able to express his or her cultural identity, speak a language other than English with confi dence and pride, and practice his or her chosen religion without fear or favour.”

George Lekakis – Offi cial launch of Maria Yemmeta’s book: Stories and Culture of Cyprus –

A Scripted Play – 25 May 2008

Black Harmony Gathering – 16 March 2008

Emerge Festival – 17 June 2008Globe to Globe Festival – 26 January 2008

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Engaging the Community

IntroductionIn 2007/08 the Commission continued to facilitate grassroots

discussion and information fl ow with multicultural communities,

keeping the Government abreast of community concerns.

Since the May 2007 merger of the Victorian Offi ce of

Multicultural Affairs into the Commission, the Commission’s

fundamental role as an independent link between the

community and the Government is now augmented with

a role to develop and provide policy advice in the area of

multicultural affairs. Community input garnered through the

Commission’s regular consultations with communities now

directly feeds into the policy options it develops.

The Commission continued to engage the community

throughout 2007/08 by:

Delivering on its commitment to hold at least 60

community consultations throughout Victoria to address

the needs and concerns of multicultural communities;

meeting with representatives from community

organisations individually to address their specifi c needs

and concerns; and

maintaining its ‘Open Door’ policy to community


Whole-of-Government Achievements

in Multicultural AffairsAnnually, the Victorian Multicultural Commission issues an

open invitation to community leaders to attend a series of

community consultations facilitated by the Commission across

metropolitan and rural and regional areas. These consultations

are an opportunity for communities to provide direct feedback

to the Victorian Government on how well services are meeting

the needs of Victorians from diverse cultural, linguistic and

religious backgrounds.

The focus for these consultations is the annual reporting by

all Victorian Government Departments, captured in the whole

of Victorian Government report: Victorian Government

Achievements in Multicultural Affairs.

In August and September 2007, the VMC held thirteen

community consultations in Carlton, Preston, Broadmeadows,

Box Hill, Springvale, Footscray, St Albans, Morwell, Geelong,

Ballarat, Bendigo, Wangaratta and Shepparton. The consultations

were facilitated by the VMC Commissioners in an open forum

where all attendees were encouraged to voice their opinions.

The 2007 consultations were attended by more than 600

community leaders and representatives from a range of groups.

Attendees ranged from peak community bodies to small

ethnic organisations, mainstream providers, State and Local

Government representatives to individuals representing

themselves and their community.

2007 Whole of Government

ConsultationsCommunity leaders who attended the consultations

in 2007 identifi ed the following priority areas for future

Government action:

Improving provision and quality of interpreting and

translating services.

Continuing to improve the dissemination of information on

Government services so that it reaches Victorians of all ages,

in all areas, and with any level of English profi ciency.

Resourcing the community organisations which support

CALD Victorians.

Recognising the growing diversity of senior Victorians,

and supporting this diversity in aged care and health

services generally.

Responding to particular barriers faced by some new

arrivals, including accessing housing, employment and

further education opportunities; and understanding

Victorian systems and laws.

Recognising the central role of schools in promoting

racial, religious and cultural diversity, and supporting

schools in this role.

The Multicultural Victoria Act 2004 sets out the Commission’s consultative function to consult with relevant

bodies and people to determine the needs of Victoria’s culturally and linguistically diverse communities.

Consulting and Engaging

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“…old and new migrant and refugee communities continue to contribute in many ways – often without fanfare or widespread recognition – to our economic, educational, cultural and social progress.”

George Lekakis – AFL Multicultural Program – Cultural Diversity Week

– 20 March 2008

Engaging the Community

Globe to Globe Festival – 26 January 2008

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Engaging the Community

Recognising the important role of Victoria Police in

supporting new migrant communities, and supporting

police offi cers in this role.

There was positive feedback from community

representatives in regard to the work of Victoria

Police’s Multicultural Liaison Offi cers.

The supply of community transport, to combat the isolation

experienced by some CALD Victorians, particularly the

elderly, young people, those who cannot drive, and those in

rural and regional areas.

Increasing opportunities for new migrants to learn English

through more fl exible approaches.

Supporting regional ethnic communities’ councils and other

migrant support bodies to respond to increasing diversity in

parts of rural and regional Victoria.

Issues raised through the consultation process are passed on

to the Government and Government departments by the VMC

directly. The Commission also follows up on issues put forward

by individuals and reports back on the specifi c action taken.

All projects which the Victorian Government is undertaking

in these areas, and good practice examples of service

delivery, were captured in the 2006-07 whole of Victorian

Government report.

This report was tabled in Parliament on Thursday 26 June

2008 and is now available to the public on the VMC website:


Other Community Consultations

and Community EngagementsOther signifi cant consultations held by the Commission

in 2007/08 included:

Three public information sessions held in July 2007 on the

Cultural Precinct Enhancement Fund to facilitate discussion

of various aspects of the Fund;

A consultation with local refugee community leaders and

service providers from the City of Greater Dandenong,

hosted by the Governor of Victoria and the Minister Assisting

the Premier on Multicultural Affairs at Government House on

13 December 2007 to discuss the issues surrounding

disengaged and at-risk young people; and

14 information sessions on the VMC’s Community

Grants Program, held throughout the year for community

groups. (Note: this does not include the large number of

group-specifi c grants sessions provided by the VMC

throughout the year).

The VMC’s Advisory Council also served as a consultative

mechanism between community agencies and Government.

Premier’s reception for Spanish-speaking community – 31 October 2007

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Engaging the Community

“Community engagement is a vital part of the success of multiculturalism in Victoria.”

George Lekakis – Community Accord signing at the Royal Victorian

Eye and Ear Hospital – 19 March 2008

Globe to Globe Festival – 26 January 2008

Faith and Culture Youth Forum – 9 December 2007Diversity Cup – 2 March 2008

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Celebrating Diversity

The Commission is committed to promoting the benefi ts of our rich cultural, linguistic and religious diversity

to all Victorians. Through publications, websites and mail-outs, and via a range of community engagements

and its advocacy role, the Commission continued to facilitate information fl ow and dialogue across and

between government and communities. Community groups and organisations were also assisted with

a wide range of forums and information sessions.

Bringing PeopleTogether

The Victorian Multicultural Commission used its

wide-reaching communications to:

Inform and connect multicultural communities, including

in regard to developments in government relevant to

multicultural affairs via publications, online resources and

media announcements;

Celebrate Victoria’s cultural, linguistic and religious

diversity through a series of local and major events; and

Recognise the substantial contribution that people from

all over the world have made to the social, cultural and

economic development of our State through an extensive

community recognition program.

EventsFunctions and events hosted by the Commission provided

opportunities for Victorians from diverse backgrounds and

representing a range of ethnicities and religions to come

together and acknowledge their differences in a positive way.


Annually the Victorian Government hosts a week of activities

in March to promote Victoria’s cultural, linguistic and religious

diversity and community harmony. Celebrate our Cultural

Diversity Week is an important opportunity for leaders across

government, business and the community to demonstrate their

shared commitment to support diversity and engender harmony.

In 2008, the Commission lead the coordination and delivery of

a successful fi fth Celebrate our Cultural Diversity Week which

took place between 17–23 March.

In partnership with the Department of Education and Early

Childhood Development, the Victorian Equal Opportunity and

Human Rights Commission, the Immigration Museum and

Multicultural Arts Victoria, the Commission again oversaw

a state-wide campaign to communicate the message of

celebrating diversity and community harmony to diverse cultural

and faith community groups, school communities, and the

wider Victorian community.

More than 200 events and activities took place across Victoria.

Highlights included the Premier’s Gala Diner, the Black Harmony

Gathering, the Cultural Diversity Quest Awards and the Cultural

Diversity Cup. Many other events were organised by community

groups, schools and councils and provided Victorians with

plenty of opportunities to come together and celebrate the

diversity of our state.

For 2009, the Victorian Multicultural Commission is developing

a spectacular program of events that will appeal to a wide range

of audiences. Communities across Victoria will once again host

events, presenting their culture for all Victorians to enjoy.

Cultural Diversity Quest AwardsTen outstanding schools from around the state came together at

Parliament House on 20 March 2008 to celebrate their winning

entries for the 2008 Cultural Diversity Quest.

The inaugural School Community and Partnership Award

went to Robinvale Secondary College for their performance

roadshow, which included traditional Tongan and Koorie

dances and brass-band music.

This year, the quest had more entries than ever before, with

more than 170 students and teachers from 45 schools across

the state entering as part of Cultural Diversity Week.

Prizes worth $8000 were given out to school groups for their

art, design, photography and performance submissions and fi ve

exceptional teachers were honoured in the Individual Teacher

Contribution category. Winning entries were displayed at the

Immigration Museum.

Premier’s Community Receptions Each year, the Premier’s community receptions provide an

opportunity to formally acknowledge the contribution of

individual communities to the State of Victoria.

The Commission coordinated the following community

receptions that were hosted by the Premier:

German – 9 October 2007.

Spanish Speaking – 31 October 2007.

New Zealand – 6 February 2008.

Samoan – 2 June 2008.

Buddhist – 21 May 2008.

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Celebrating Diversity

“The fact that our cultural and civic institutions provide Victorians from different origins with rights and privileges unavailable in other parts of the world is a source of justifi able pride.”

George Lekakis – Launch of the South Eastern Migration Advice

Service (SEMAS) – 18 March 2008

Gala Dinner, Celebrate our Cultural Diversity Week – 15 March 2008

Gala Dinner, Celebrate our Cultural Diversity Week – 15 March 2008

Globe to Globe Festival – 26 January 2008

Globe to Globe Festival – 26 January 2008

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Celebrating Diversity

CampaignsThe Victorian Government created an advertising campaign

called All of Us, to celebrate the rich cultural, linguistic and

religious diversity of our state. The campaign appeared on

television and in print publications and highlighted people

from the many different ethnicities that make up Victoria’s

population. The ads were also translated into 13 community

languages other than English.

Print and Online Communications During the reporting period, the Commission produced

a number of high quality publications and also used

online communications to keep stakeholders informed

of events, provided updates on projects and promoted

community news.


VMC Annual report 2006/2007.

Multicultural Victoria magazine.

Whole of Government Report: Achievements in

Multicultural Affairs 2006/07.

Multicultural Resources Directory.

A range of publications highlighting Victoria’s diversity

according to the 2006 Census, including Population in

Diversity in Local Councils in Victoria: 2006 Census.


The VMC website (www.multicultural.vic.gov.au) provided

regular updates of issues of importance for community

groups, as well as advertising community and government

events and activities.

The Multicultural Resources Directory was linked to the website

to allow users to search for useful organisations and contacts.

All VMC publications were also uploaded to the site.

The Commission also redeveloped the website culturaldiversity.

vic.gov.au to provide communities with specifi c information and

resources relating to the diversity of Victoria. It was redeveloped

to accommodate the All of Us advertising campaign, which can

be seen on the website.

Community recognitionIn acknowledging the achievements and outstanding

contributions made by migrants and refugees, the Commission

hopes to encourage greater awareness and respect for our

cultural diversity.


Victoria’s Multicultural Awards for Excellence were held during

the 2007/08 reporting period for the sixth consecutive year.

The Awards program was established by the Commission in

2002 to recognise and reward the contribution of individuals

and organisations in the promotion of Victoria’s multicultural

harmony. In this reporting period there were nine categories

for nomination of an award.

The Award categories were as follows:

Award for Meritorious Service in the Community

Premier’s Award for Community Harmony

Business Corporate Award

Service Delivery to Multicultural Victoria Awards

Victorian Multicultural Commission Ambassador Award

Victorian Multicultural Commission Media Award

Police and Community Multicultural Awards Advisory

Committee (PACMAC)

Victorian Multicultural Education Award

Local Government Award

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Celebrating Diversity

Rabbi Keren Black with Premier John Brumby – 24 November 2007

Jagdeep Singh Shergill and Rima Tawil with Minister James Merlino – 24 November 2007Nagamuththu Wickiramsingham with Governor David de Kretser – 24 November 2007

Karim Noura with Parliamentary Secretary Liz Beattie – 24 November 2007

“Victoria’s remarkable cultural, linguistic and religious diversity provides us with a wider knowledge of the world and a better appreciation of our place in it.”

George Lekakis – La Faya Festival – 9 March 2008

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Celebrating Diversity

The Commission received numerous nominations for the

Awards which were assessed by the Victorian Multicultural

Awards for Excellence Sub-Committee.

The Police and Community Multicultural Awards and the

Victorian Multicultural Education Awards were received and

assessed by the respective departments.

Awards were presented to 208 successful candidates at

Government House on 26 December 2007 by The Governor

of Victoria, Professor David de Kretser AC, and the Premier of

Victoria, the Hon John Brumby MP. The Hon James Merlino MP,

Minister Assisting the Premier on Multicultural Affairs, the Hon

Richard Wynne, Minister for Local Government, Ms Liz Beattie,

Parliamentary Secretary Assisting the Premier on Multicultural

Affairs and Chief Commissioner of Police, Ms Christine Nixon

APM also presented awards to successful candidates.

For a full list of Award recipients see Appendix 3.


Each year, the Victorian Government seeks nominations from

across Victoria to formally recognise the invaluable contribution

that refugees voluntarily make to the community.

The VRRR is an important event on the state’s calendar and this

year was no exception.

On 19 June 2008, a total of 28 recipients were added to the

VRRR in a ceremony at the Immigration Museum. Each recipient

was presented with a certifi cate by the Deputy Premier, Rob

Hulls MP and the Minister Assisting the Premier on Multicultural

Affairs James Merlino MP.

For the second year , the Victorian Government invited

photography students from Northern Melbourne Institute of

TAFE to create a photo exhibition featuring portraits of this

year’s recipients.

Minister Merlino launched the exhibition at the ceremony and

praised the students and recipients for their participation

in the project.

For a full list of the recipients see Appendix 4.

Community AccordThe Community Accord continued to be signed by

community groups and organisations during the reporting

period. During the past year more than 200 individuals,

community groups and organisations committed to the

principles of the Community Accord.

The principles of the Accord include the following:

Respect all ethnic, cultural, religious and linguistic


Seek opportunities to work together to re-affi rm our

similarities as human beings and the fundamental principals

which unite us as Victorians;

Advocate for the elimination of racial and religious

intolerance; and

Reject all forms of racial and religious vilifi cation, violence

harassment and unlawful discrimination.

Victoria Franco, photographer Geoff Morrissey – June 2008

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Celebrating Diversity

Paulino Joth, photographer Rebecca Rocks – June 2008

Zaieb Mohamud Mohamud, photographer Gerard Hynes – June 2008Thomas Lual, photographer Angela Milne – June 2008

Kim Thien Truong, photographer Natasha Ward – June 2008

“Established in 2004, the VRRR annual ceremony is an opportunity for the State Government to offi cially recognise the important and inspiring contributions of Victoria’s refugee communities. Thank you to those local heroes who contribute politically, economically and socially to Victorian society – helping to make Victoria the success story it is.”

George Lekakis – VRRR awards ceremony – 19 June 2008

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Language Services Strategy

During the 2007/08 fi nancial year the Commission undertook a range of activities to improve access by

Victoria’s culturally and linguistically diverse communities to services made available by government

and other bodies. The Commission has also worked to reduce barriers to the participation of Victoria’s

multicultural communities in all aspects of life in Victoria.

Access andEquity

Language ServicesOne of the major barriers to government services and

information is low English language profi ciency. Victorian

Government policy supports the provision of language services

– as the most effective means of overcoming this barrier – to

improve access and outcomes for people who do not speak

English well or at all.

The Victorian Multicultural Commission is leading the way in

promoting the effective use of interpreters to facilitate access

to government services. Over 70 innovative projects have

been developed with funding allocated through the Language

Services Strategy since its inception in 2002.

These projects have improved the use of interpreters by

government service providers and have helped develop and

strengthen the quality and supply of interpreters.

In 2007/08 the Commission awarded 27 scholarships to

speakers of the Burmese and Swahili languages to support

them to study the Diploma of Interpreting at RMIT University.

22 recipients of scholarships from the Interpreter Scholarship

Program in 2007 were awarded their NAATI Paraprofessional

Interpreter Accreditation in Nuer and Amharic languages.

The Bilingual Refugee and Migrant Health worker project,

undertaken by Northern Metropolitan Institute of TAFE

and the Victorian Foundation for the Survivors of Torture

and funded by the VMC has seen 14 students undertake

a course in English as a Second Language with a focus on

health services. Participants were from a variety of countries

originating from the Middle East, Africa and Asia, and

undertook extensive work placements undertaking a range of

client liaison, health promotion and community consultation

work. Similar courses are planned for the future.

The Centre for Culture, Ethnicity and Health was engaged

to prepare and deliver training in the use of interpreters

aimed at General Practitioners (GPs). Undertaken in

partnership with the North West Melbourne and Northern

Divisions of General Practice, the project’s major aim was to

identify and document strategies for overcoming barriers to

interpreter use in general practice through the analysis and

assembly of guidelines and other good practice documents

of relevance to.

An evaluation report on the project has led to further

projects promoting the use of interpreters by GPs in both

metropolitan and regional Victoria.

The care of our ageing CALD community is an important

focus of the Commission. With the help of VMC funding, the

Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria and the Centre for

Culture Ethnicity and Health researched, collated and printed

a resource that identifi es all qualifi cations available through

Community Services and Health Services training, and

promotes them to bilingual Victorians. The publication has

been widely distributed and will help increase the number of

qualifi ed bilingual aged care workers.

The Commission continued the distribution and promotion

of the Victorian Interpreter Card and national Interpreter

Symbol that assist Victorians with low English profi ciency to

identify agencies where interpreting is available and indicate

that they require language services and in which language.

The symbol is being displayed at client contact areas around

the state and is increasingly being used in publications and

websites to indicate the availability of translated or

multilingual information.

Minister Merlino and recipients of Burmese Interpreting Scholarship – 22 May 2008

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“Multiculturalism has expanded our minds, broadened our perspectives and provided us with the Australian way of life and the values we espouse as a democracy.”

George Lekakis – Melbourne Premiere of the National Touring Exhibition

I love Pho – 2 March 2008

Language Services Strategy

VIVA! Festival – 17 - 18 November 2007

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Interpreter Scholarship Mustafa Najib is just one of 121 recipients of the

Commission’s Interpreter Scholarship program.

Mustafa fl ed Afghanistan in 2001 while it was

under the rule of the Taliban. He then spent two years

in Nauru before being granted a Temporary Protection

Visa for Australia.

This visa prohibited Mustafa’s family from joining him in

Australia, so since 2003 he has lived here without them and

worked hard to build a career.

In 2006, Mustafa was awarded an Interpreter Scholarship

in order to undertake the Diploma of Interpreting at RMIT

University in the Dari langauge.

He also speaks Hazaragi and works within his community

as an interpreter. “I chose this course because I had

fi rst-hand experience of how important it is to have a good

interpreter, especially in situations where communication can

be a life and death issue,” said Mustafa.

“It has defi nitely helped me – I work as an interpreter

now, so it doesn’t only allow me to earn a living, I also

get to provide people with support when they need it

most, and I have learned about legal issues, the

education system, and broader issues affecting

migrant communities.”

Since completing the diploma, Mustafa has gone

on to complete a BA in International Studies and

is considering starting a Masters Degree in either

translating or interpreting.

Refugee Brokerage ProgramIn partnership with key agencies and refugee

communities across Victoria, the Commission’s work

on the Refugee Brokerage Program (RBP) has met with

great success.

The state-wide program provides vital support to Victoria’s

recently arrived refugee and humanitarian entrants.

The RBP works to:

Build capacity within refugee communities;

Support communities to develop ideas and initiatives

to address their specifi c needs; and

Promote and enhance access to existing

mainstream services.

In the last few years refugees arriving in Victoria have come

with an increased level of disadvantage and often having

experienced incredible trauma through war, famine and

long periods in refugee camps.

The RBP is operating in nine regions within Melbourne

and Victoria. Some of the initiatives from this Program

have included:

An education and training forum with local schools, students

and parents leading to the establishment of a Scholarship

Tutorial Program;

Sudanese youth have been able to access employment

through linkages from the RBP;

Leverage of resources and funding from a range

of sources including: Sport and Recreation Victoria,

Rotary, the Myer Foundation and Sports

without Borders;

35 refugee young people have been registered with local

soccer teams within one partnership and some are being

accredited as referees and coaches;

Partnerships with local real estate agents to assist those

refugees without a previous rental history and suffering from

fi nancial hardship to secure accommodation;

Establishment of a service hub for a local Islamic community

through an Islamic Centre; and

Development with RMIT of a leadership and

business skills course including assessment and

training components.

Language Services Strategy

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Language Services Strategy

Driving Program Through the Refugee Brokerage Program, a partnership with

local agencies has been formed to provide a driving program

for socially and geographically isolated women from refugee

communities in Shepparton.

This program enabled women from within the refugee

communities to receive professional driving lessons and the

practice on the roads necessary to obtain their license.

A Congolese woman and Afghani Muslim woman were the

fi rst within their communities to receive their driver’s licenses

through the program. This has been an inspiration to other

women locally who are participating in the program.

In addition the Cool Head Young Driver Program is in operation

in partnership with a range of local agencies for youth from a

refugee background to promote road safety and ensure that

young drivers have the relevant experience before seeking to

access their Learner’s permit.

Globe to Globe Festival – 26 January 2008

Werribee Refugee Brokerage Program – June 2008

“Our success comes from our fi rm belief that our remarkable cultural, linguistic and religious diversity is one of our greatest strengths.”

George Lekakis – Globalisation for the Common Good: An Interfaith Perspective

Seventh Annual Conference – 1 June 2008

Mustafa Najib – May 2008

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Cultural Precincts Enhancement Fund The Cultural Precincts Enhancement Fund (CPEF) is a partnership

between the Victorian Government, the City of Melbourne

and the Chinese, Italian and Greek communities.

Announced in the 2007/08 Budget, this exciting initiative

provides $8 million over three years to upgrade the Little Bourke

Street Chinese Precinct, the Lygon Street Italian Precinct and

the Lonsdale Street Greek Precinct. The CPEF aims to support

projects that will enhance these three precincts, preserve and

showcase cultural heritage and boost each area’s tourism and

economic potential. In the last fi nancial year the Commission

has undertaken signifi cant work in rolling out this initiative.

The Commission worked in close partnership with the City of

Melbourne and key community, trader and resident groups

across the precincts as well as the National Trust of Australia

(Victoria), Heritage Council Victoria, Tourism Victoria, Melbourne

Museum – among other organisations – to develop proposals

that have broad community support and projects that leverage

funds from other partners.

Public meeting generated many

ideas for the Chinatown precinctIn July 2007 a public meeting was held with the Victorian

Chinese community to provide information about the Cultural

Precincts Enhancement Fund and seek ideas and initiatives

on how to enhance the Little Bourke Street precinct.

The meeting was well attended with over 50 participants

including representatives from community organisations,

as well as residents and traders of the precinct.

The participants expressed strong interest and support for

the redevelopment of their precinct. They came well-prepared

and discussed a range of exciting projects. A highlight at the

meeting was a group of attendees unravelling a two-metre

long sheet of paper capturing a new vision for the precinct.

A number of attendees expressed interest in being involved in

the rollout of the Fund and were invited to be part of the Little

Bourke Street Consultative Forum which provides feedback on

the proposals received for the precinct.

Cultural Precincts Photo CompetitionMelbourne’s bustling cultural precincts were captured on

fi lm by enthusiastic entrants in the Cultural Precincts Photo

Competition during the 2007/08 fi nancial year.

The rules of the competition were simple: visit Lonsdale Street,

Lygon Street and/or Little Bourke Street and take a photo that

illustrates its cultural signifi cance.

Lonsdale Street, the heart of the Greek community in

Melbourne was caught in all its blue and white glory, with

people fi lling the outdoor cafes and pastries provocatively

placed in shop windows. The winner of this precinct was Ben

Johnston, and the runner up Frank Varasso.

Lygon Street, home of the latte, pasta, pizza and Italian culture

at its fi nest also inspired many fi ne photographs. Ben Johnston

also took out fi rst place in this precinct for his appealing shot

of a pizza cook in a busy restaurant. The runner up was Eugene

Lombard for his depiction of typical traffi c on Lygon Street.

The bright lights and busy atmosphere of Chinatown’s Little

Bourke Street was a popular choice for many entrants.

Jonathan Ng won with his shot of a costume used in the New

Year parade and Stacey Lawrence took out the second prize with

a vivid picture of traditional roast ducks hanging in a window.

Working Together

During the 2007-08 fi nancial year, the Commission worked on a large number of projects and initiatives,

often in partnership with other organisations including: government departments, local governments, the

corporate sector, non-government organisations and community organisations. This partnership approach

has allowed for improved outcomes from the initiatives and the provision of greater assistance and support

to Victoria’s multicultural communities.

Partnering For Better Outcomes

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Cultural Precincts Photo Competition winner, Ben Johnson, Lonsdale St – 20 March 2008

Cultural Precincts Photo Competition winner, Ben Johnson, Lygon St – 20 March 2008

Pako Festa – 23 February 2008

Thai Festival – 2 March 2008

Working Together

“Victoria is the junction of a well-laid multicultural crossroads unseen elsewhere in the world today.”

George Lekakis – Turkish Bazaar, Victoria Market – 13 April 2008

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Promoting Harmony Under its Promoting Harmony Initiative, the Victorian

Government has allocated a total of $4.1 million from 2006

to 2010 to strengthen and promote Victoria’s multifaith

and multicultural diversity.

The Promoting Multifaith and Multicultural Harmony

Budget initiative seeks to encourage and enhance

community harmony and social cohesion in the

Victorian community.

This initiative centres on:

Formal dialogue with community leaders and

young people;

Support for community-led initiatives;

Community education; and

Developing community leadership.

Key activities undertaken under this initiative

in 2007/08 included:


A new program was launched in late 2007 to support

existing interfaith networks and multifaith initiatives. The

program will fund projects developed by faith leaders,

and community and faith networks to facilitate greater

interfaith dialogue and understanding of Australia’s

multifaith society.


This advisory body was established in early

2008 and is to meet quarterly to ensure ongoing

dialogue between the Government and Victoria’s

faith leaders.


The second Multifaith Leaders Forum hosted by the Premier

of Victoria was held in 2007 and was attended by a large

number of Victoria’s faith leaders. The focus of the Forum

was developing opportunities for interfaith activities and

support for multifaith dialogue.

Multifaith Multicultural

Youth NetworkThe Multifaith Multicultural Youth Network (MMYN)

was established in 2007 to provide advice to the Victorian

Government on a range of multifaith and multicultural youth

issues and initiatives. The MMYN is part of the Victorian

Government’s commitment to strengthen youth participation

and leadership.

The MMYN is made up of 20 young people aged between 16

and 25 years of age who represent a diversity of faiths, cultural

backgrounds and life experiences. Members meet 4-6 times a

year to discuss key issues facing young people and to develop

projects to address these.

In 2007/08 MMYN members undertook a range of activities.

Highlights included:

Working with the VMC and the Offi ce For Youth to plan the

2007 Faith and Culture Youth Forum held at Melbourne Town

Hall on 9 December 2007; and

Involvement in the development of the fi ve youth-led

initiatives which came out of the Forum, which focus on

employment discrimination, education in schools,

information for newly arrived young people, sport

participation and media representation.

Working Together

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Working Together

“Our diverse origins and our acceptance of people with backgrounds other than our own, is possibly what gives Australia a unique outlook on the world.”

George Lekakis – Australian Lebanese Historical Society of Victoria

– 27 January 2008

Buddha Festival – 17 - 18 May 2008

Buddha Festival – 17 - 18 May 2008Pako Festa – 23 February 2008

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38 Annual Report 2007/2008

Appendix 1

VMC Advisory Council

AS AT 30 JUNE 2008:

George Lekakis Chairperson, VMC (Chair)

Hakan Akyol Deputy Chairperson and Director, VMC

Alex Abramoff Russian Ethnic Representative Council

Sam Afra Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria

Anton Block Jewish Community Council of Victoria

Peter Byrne Ethnic Communities Council of Sunraysia

Hass Delal Australian Multicultural Foundation

Yollette De Zilwa Western English Language School

Ramzi Elsayed Islamic Council of Victoria

Carmel Guerra Centre for Multicultural Youth Issues

Suzy Harris Sri Lankan community

Ian Hutchinson Adult Multicultural Education Services

Licia Kokocinski Action on Disability within Ethnic Communities

Cuc Lam Vietnamese Cultural Heritage Centre

Jill Morgan Multicultural Arts Victoria

Michal Morris Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Health

Rinchen Norbu Multifaith Multicultural Youth Network

John Pacher Bendigo Ethnic Communities Council

Maureen Postma Victorian Council of Churches

Jenny Semple Migrant Resource Centres Directors Network

Gurdarshan Singh Gill Sikh Interfaith Council of Victoria

Lisa Sinhar Gippsland Multicultural Services

Rob Spence Municipal Association of Victoria

Chi Kwang Sunim Buddhist Council of Victoria

Negiat Taher Eritrean Women’s Association of Victoria

P. Thanikasalam Hindu Society of Victoria

N.R Wickiramasingham Tamil Cultural Association of Victoria

Frank Williams Ballarat Regional Multicultural Council

Demetrio Zema Multifaith Multicultural Youth Network

John Zika Victorian Cooperative on Children Services for Ethnic Groups

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Organisation NameGrant (GST


39Annual Report 2007/2008

Appendix 2


Organisation NameGrant (GST


Afghan Australian Philanthropic Association


Al Sadeq Education and Charity Association inc


Am Echad Federation of Jews from Former Soviet Union Inc


Arabic Culture School $1,600.00

Armenian Mesrob Mashdotz School $1,000.00

Associazione Culturale L'Aurora $3,000.00

Australian Federation of Ethnic Schools Associations (AFESA)


Australian Kurdish Community Inc $2,500.00

Australian Oromo Community Association in Victoria Inc (AOCAV)


AUSTURK Education & Cultural Association Inc


Bayswater-Boronia Templer School $2,000.00

Bengali Language and Culture School Inc $1,500.00

Bharathi Academy $1,500.00

Cambodian Chinese Friendship Association of Victoria


Chinese Association of Victoria Inc $2,000.00

Chinese Culture and Art School of Melbourne $1,200.00

City of Greater Geelong (Whittington Community Renewal)


Croatian Ethnic School – Bartol Kasic Inc $1,500.00

Eritrean Islamic Society of Australia $8,000.00

Greek Orthodox Community Gippsland, Greek School


Greek Orthodox Community of Dandenong & Districts


Greek Orthodox Community School of Mentone "Taxiarches"


Greek Orthodox Parish of "St Dimitrios" Ascot Vale, Greek School


Greek Orthodox Parish of "The Holy Cross" Box Hill and Districts


Greek Orthodox Parish of "The Three Hierarchs" Clayton, Greek School


Greek School of the Greek Orthodox Parish of Bentleigh


Hamerkaz Shelanu Inc $4,000.00

Hararian Community Association Australia Inc $1,500.00

Hazara Australian Community Association of Victoria


Healthy Tourism Senior Citizens Club 'Vigor' – Inner Metro South Russian Community Language School


Imam Ali Islamic Centre Inc $2,000.00

Islamic Association of Australia $1,500.00

Keysborough Vietnamese Language Centre Inc


Korean Language School of Melbourne


Lac Hong Vietnamese School $2,000.00

Lac Viet Vietnamese Language School $1,500.00

Liech Nuer Community Association Inc $2,000.00

Mang-Non Vietnamese Language School Association


Mavragani Greek Language School $1,000.00

North Victorian Buddhist Association Inc $2,000.00

Polish Community Council of Victoria Inc $2,500.00

Portuguese Cultural Centre of Melbourne Inc


Relief Association of South Sudan (Victoria) Inc (RASS)


Serbian Ethnic School Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic $2,000.00

Society for Asian Languages & Arts Inc $1,200.00

Somalian Cultural School $1,500.00

Spanish Language, Heritage and Community School 'Jose Gervasio Artigas' Inc


St Anthony's Greek School $2,700.00

St John's Church Vietnamese School $2,500.00

T.Kosciuszko Polish Language Saturday School


Temple Society German Language School Bentleigh-Moorabbin


The Association of Hazaras in Victoria Inc


The Australian Shia Muslim Assembly Inc $1,000.00

The German Saturday School Inc $1,700.00

The Pushkin Lyceum $1,000.00

The Thai Language School of Melbourne Inc


The United Vietnamese Buddhist Congregation of South Eastern Melbourne


The Werribee Chinese School Inc $2,000.00

THE-HE Vietnamese Language Centre $2,000.00

Truong Vinh Ky Vietnamese Language School Inc


Van Khoa Vietnamese Language School $800.00

Vedanta Society of Australia $1,000.00

Vietnamese Ethnic School of Broadmeadows $1,500.00

Werribee Chinese School Inc $2,000.00

Western Region Bengali School Inc $3,500.00

Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School Inc



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Appendix 2


40 Annual Report 2007/2008


Organisation NameGrant (GST



Organisation NameGrant (GST


Australian Association of Kastorians Inc $8,000.00

Australian Slovenian Cultural & Sports Association 'Ivan Cankar' Geelong Inc


Circolo Pensionati Italiani Di San Marco in Lamis


Club Astoria German Australian Society Inc $1,675.00

Croatian Media Association Inc (CMA) $10,000.00

Dar Alawda Wendal Community Centre Inc $12,000.00

Filipino Community Council of Victoria Inc $4,600.00

Greek Orthodox Community of Gippsland, Elderly Citizens' Group


Greek Orthodox Community of Melbourne & Victoria (Parish of "St George" Thornbury)


Greek Orthodox Community of Wangaratta and District Inc


Greek Orthodox Community of Whittlesea $14,000.00

Greek Orthodox Parish of St Andrew's Forest Hill


Greek Orthodox Parish of St Dimitrios Moonee Ponds


Greek Orthodox Parish of St Raphael, Bentleigh $10,000.00

Grupo Cultural e Folclorico Sol De Portugal Inc $12,000.00

Hazara Australian Community Association of Victoria


Hindu Satsangh Mandal of Victoria $12,000.00

Jewish Museum of Australia Inc $10,000.00

Keysborough Turkish Islamic & Cultural Centre Inc


Maltese Community Centre LV $12,000.00

Melkite Catholic Eparchy of Australia Victorian Vicariate – St Joseph's Parish Fairfi eld


Moorabbin Hebrew Congregation Inc $8,000.00

Pan Argoliki Philanthropic Brotherhood To Palamidi Inc


Pancretan of Melbourne and Victoria Ltd $5,000.00

Samadhi Buddhist Meditation Association Inc $10,000.00

Selimiye Youth Support & Recreation Inc $6,000.00

Serbian Orthodox Church of "St Stefan" – Keysborough, Youth Club


Serraion Society of Victoria Inc $10,000.00

Sinhala Language and Cultural School $5,000.00

Slovenian Australian Social & Sports Club Jadran Inc


Spanish Association of Geelong Inc $6,000.00

St Mark's Coptic Church $7,000.00

Sudanese Community Association of Australia Inc (SCAA)


Sunraysia Contemporary Alevi Cultural Centre Inc


The Victorian Maronite Community Inc $8,000.00

Victorian Association of Argos Orestiko & District Inc


Whitehorse Club Ltd $5,000.00

Wodonga Australian Croatian Club Inc $9,000.00


Afar Community Association of Victoria Inc $4,000.00

Afghan Australian Development Organisation (AADO)


All of Us Photo Project $15,000.00

All Women Concern $3,000.00

Assyrian Chaldean Syriac Council of Australia $2,000.00

Aurora School $2,000.00

Australia (Nur) The Light Foundation Inc $20,000.00

Australia Karen Youth Project $3,000.00

Australian Bosniak Association Inc $5,000.00

Australian Croatian Community Services $6,000.00

Australian Federation of International Students Inc (AFIS)


Australian Greek Ex-Servicemen's Association Inc


Australian Karen Organisation Inc $2,500.00

Australian Romanian Community Welfare Health & Services Association of Victoria Inc


Australian Somali Society $4,000.00

Australian Turkish Association Inc $3,000.00

Australian Vietnamese Women's Association $3,000.00

Aweil Community Association in Victoria $3,000.00

Ballarat Regional Multicultural Council $20,000.00

Benalla Rovers Soccer Club $2,500.00

Bendigo Regional Ethnic Communities Council (BRECC)


Bengali Association of Victoria Inc $5,000.00

Bint Al Huda Iraqi Women's Organisation $2,000.00

Blind Citizens Australia $6,000.00

Bor Community Association of Australia $2,500.00

Buddhist Council of Victoria: Buddhist Education in Victorian Schools Program


Burmese Welfare Operation $3,000.00

Caulfi eld Junior College – Hebrew Immersion Program Committee


Centre for African Australian Women's Issues $10,000.00

Chaldean Women Association in Victoria $3,000.00

Chinese Health Foundation of Australia (CHF) $4,000.00

Circolo Pensionati Italiani Di San Marco in Lamis


City of Wodonga Council $5,000.00

Colac Sudanese Community Inc $6,000.00

Communities Council on Ethnic Issues (Eastern Region) Inc


Croatian Media Association Inc (CMA) $5,000.00

Cultural Heritage Unit, University of Melbourne $10,000.00

Darfur Australia Network $2,000.00

Deaf Children Australia $5,000.00

Dinka Christian River Nile Association $2,000.00

Dinka Ngok Abyei Community Association in Victoria Australia Inc.


Diversitat $6,430.00

Doveton Pool in the Park YMCA $2,500.00

East Melbourne Hebrew Congregation Inc $5,000.00

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Organisation NameGrant (GST


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Appendix 2


Organisation Name Fund YearGrant (GST


Eastern and Central African Communities of Victoria Inc


Essendon Football Club $7,000.00

Ethiopian Community Association in Victoria Inc


Ethnic Communities Council of the South East Inc (ECCOSE)


Ethnic Communities' Council of Victoria $20,000.00

Ethnic Council of Shepparton and District Inc $10,000.00

Ethnic Youth Council – Spectrum Mirgant Resource Centre


Federation of Indian Women's Association of Australia (FIWAA) Inc


Fiji Social and Cultural Organisations of Victoria Australia (FSCOVA)


Filipino Community Council of Victoria Inc $5,500.00

Geelong Sudanese Association Inc $2,000.00

Gippsland Ethnic Communities Council $2,500.00

Gippsland Indian Association Inc $1,500.00

Gippsland Multicultural Services Inc $10,000.00

Ilonggo Association of Victoria Inc $10,000.00

Jesuit Social Services $8,500.00

Jewish Christian Muslim Association of Australia


Jewish Community Council of Victoria $20,000.00

Kurdish Women Society of Victoria $3,000.00

Louise Multicultural Community Centre Inc $5,000.00

Lutheran Church of Australia Victoria District St James Moorabbin


Melbourne Community Television Consortium Limited (Channel 31)


Migrant Information Centre (Eastern Melbourne)


Mildura Rural City Council $10,000.00

Monash Multicultural Health Unit (Monash University)


Monash University – School of Political and Social Inquiry


Multicultural Arts Victoria $26,000.00

Nadezhda Russian Senior Citizens Club $3,500.00

National Council of Jewish Women of Australia $18,500.00

National Ethnic & Multicultural Broadcasters' Council


New Australia Media $20,000.00

New Hope Migrant and Refugee Centre (Mornington Branch)


New Hope Migrant Refugee Centre $5,000.00

North East Melbourne Sudanese Community Forum


North East Multicultural Association (NEMA) $30,000.00

Nubian Mihaira $2,000.00

Nuer Community in Victoria Inc $2,000.00

Palestinian Community Association of Victoria $4,000.00

Project Respect Inc $20,000.00

Refugee & Immigration Legal Centre Inc $5,000.00

Refugee Council of Australia Inc $20,000.00

RMIT University (Australian-Greek Resource and Learning Centre)


Robinson Reserve Neighbourhood House $2,000.00

Royal Historical Society of Victoria Inc $2,000.00

Russian Women's Association 'Ogonyok' Inc $3,000.00

Scarab Studio $5,000.00

Selimiye Youth Support & Recreation Inc $3,500.00

Slavic Women of Gippsland $1,500.00

South Sudan Development Agency Inc (SSUDA)


South Sudan Equatorian Association Inc $2,000.00

South Sudanese Women's Network $2,500.00

Southern Ethnic Advisory & Advocacy Council Inc (SEAAC)


Spanish Latin American Welfare Centre Inc (CELAS)


Springvale Learning and Activities Centre Inc. $3,000.00

Springvale Neighbourhood House $5,000.00

St Dominics Parish Melton $4,000.00

St John of Kronstadt Russian Welfare Society Inc


Stonnington – Chapel of Chic project $2,000.00

Sudanese Community Association of Australia Inc (SCAA)


Sudanese Lost Boys Association of Australia $3,000.00

Sudanese Women On The Move Network Inc (SWOM)


Swinburne University – Sports Without Borders $20,000.00

The Association of Hazaras in Victoria Inc $3,000.00

The Centre – Connecting Community in North and West Melbourne Inc.


The Committee for Sri Lanka Inc $17,000.00

The Federation of Chinese Associations (Vic) Inc


The Jewish Taskforce Against Family Violence $8,000.00

The New Hope Foundation Inc (Refugee Resource Centre Footscray)


Try Youth & Community Services Inc $4,000.00

Twich Community Association in Victoria $3,000.00

United Somali Women Organisation in Victoria $10,000.00

Unity in Diversity Inc $2,000.00

Victoria Police (Multicultural Advisory Unit) $5,000.00

Victorian Arabic Social Services (VASS) $3,000.00

Victorian Deaf Society $3,000.00

Victorian Immigrant and Refugee Women's Coalition Inc (VIRWC)


Victorian Multi Ethnic Slavic Welfare Association


Western Edge Youth Arts Inc $3,000.00

Whittlesea Chinese Association Inc (WCA) $5,500.00

Whittlesea Community Connections $5,000.00

Wings of Care (Kanfei Chesed) Inc $1,500.00


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Appendix 2


42 Annual Report 2007/2008


Organisation NameGrant (GST



Organisation NameGrant (GST


Anglican Northwestern Region Interfaith Network


Australian Intercultural Society Inc $20,000.00

Australian Lebanese Welfare Inc $5,000.00

Ballarat Regional Multicultural Council $2,000.00

B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation Commission Inc $10,000.00

Castlemaine Interfaith Network $9,000.00

Centre Of Melbourne Multi-faith and Other Network (COMMON)


City of Monash $14,000.00

City of Port Phillip Interfaith Network $20,000.00

Clifton Creative Arts Centre $5,000.00

Council of Turkish Associations of Victoria $10,000.00

Craigieburn Secondary College $1,000.00

Darebin Interfaith Council $4,000.00

Faith Communities Forum, Victorian $5,000.00

Frankston City Council $2,000.00

Gippsland Indian Association Inc $5,000.00

Globalisation For The Common Good $15,000.00

Goulburn Valley Sudanese Association $2,000.00

Hindu Satsangh Mandal of Victoria $8,000.00

Holy Eucharist Parish St Albans South $5,000.00

Indonesian Club Melbourne Inc $2,500.00

Interfaith Education Committee $400.00

Interfaith Network of the City of Greater Dandenong


Jewish Christian Muslim Association of Australia


Jewish Museum of Australia Inc $10,000.00

Lakhanda Media Centre $4,000.00

Minaret College Inc $7,000.00

New Zealand Maori Club $5,000.00

Rye Beach Community Action Group Inc $10,000.00

Shalom Association Inc $5,000.00

St Mark's Uniting Church $6,000.00

St Paul Apostle Catholic Church – Ecumenical and Interfaith Committee


The Committee for Sri Lanka Inc $5,000.00

The Great Stupa of Universal Compassion $10,000.00

The WellSpring Centre $20,000.00

UnitingCare-Cutting Edge (UCCE) $2,500.00

Unity in Diversity Inc $6,000.00

Victorian Council of Churches $6,000.00

Whittlesea Interfaith Network (WIN) $20,000.00


ABRISA Brazilian Association for Social Development and Integration in Australia


Accademia Letteraria Italo-Australiana Scrittori (ALIAS)


Action on Disability Within Ethnic Communities Inc (ADEC)


Afghan Australia Community Social Sports Club Inc


Afghan Mosque Project Committee Inc $500.00

African Communities Elderly Association of Victoria


African Community Development Centre (ACDC)


AGAPI Care Inc $800.00

Agelidis Fountation $500.00

AHEPA (Victoria) Inc $3,500.00

AIESEC Victoria $500.00

Al Amen Iraqi Association Inc $500.00

Al Sadeq Education and Charity Association inc


Albanian Australian Community Association Inc


Alevi Community Council of Australia Inc


Alexandrians Friendship (AAHA) Social Club Inc


All Mesopotamian Christians Association $500.00

All Women Concern $500.00

Alliance Francaise de Geelong $800.00

Am Echad Federation of Jews from Former Soviet Union Inc


Anglicare Victoria $1,000.00

Anglo-Indian Australasian Association of Victoria Inc


Arabic Elderly Pensioners Group $250.00

Arabic Elderly Pensioners Group $400.00

Ararat Golden Gateway Festival Committee $1,500.00

Argentinian Social Circle South East Melbourne Inc


Ariston – The Progressive Centre for the Greek Language and Culture


Armenian Relief Society Nayiri Chapter Inc $500.00

Artesur of Victoria Inc $1,600.00

Association of Chilean Communities of Victoria Inc


Association of Filipino Australians in Gippsland $1,000.00

Association of Greek Elderly Citizen Clubs of Melbourne & Victoria


Association of Ukrainians in Victoria $2,500.00

Association of Ukrainians in Victoria – St Albans


Associazione Nazionale Marinai D'Italia $300.00

Atherton Gardens Chinese Neighbourhood $600.00

Auspicious Arts Project Inc $1,000.00

Aust-China Writer's Association $300.00

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Organisation NameGrant (GST


43Annual Report 2007/2008

Appendix 2


Organisation NameGrant (GST


Australasia Coptic Society Inc $400.00

Australia Ceylon Fellowship Inc $1,000.00

Australia China Friendship Society Victoria Branch Inc


Australia Israel Cultural Exchange (AICE) Ltd $1,000.00

Australian – Albanian Women's Association $1,500.00

Australian Bosniak Association Inc $700.00

Australian Bosnian Islamic Centre Deer Park $600.00

Australian Chollo Community Inc $500.00

Australian Croatian Senior Citizens Club of Clifton Hill Inc


Australian Dance Council – Ausdance Vic Inc $1,500.00

Australian Federation of Ethnic Schools Associations (AFESA)


Australian Federation of Hellenic Gymnastics and Athletics Association Inc


Australian Greek and Cypriot Senior Citizens Club of Melbourne Inc


Australian Greek Ex-Servicemen's Association Inc


Australian Greek Welfare Society Ltd $1,000.00

Australian Humanitarian Aid for Macedonia Inc


Australian Indian Innovations Inc $11,000.00

Australian Kurdish Community Inc $600.00

Australian Latvian Theatre $1,000.00

Australian Lebanese Football Association Inc $500.00

Australian Macedonian Folk Dancing Association "Goce Delcev" Inc


Australian Macedonian Senior Citizens Group Reservoir Inc


Australian Nadur Association Inc $500.00

Australian Nuer Community Association Inc $1,000.00

Australian Oromo Community Association in Victoria Inc (AOCAV)


Australian Poetry Centre (APC) $500.00

Australian Polish Historical Society $500.00

Australian Punjabi Association Melbourne Inc $1,000.00

Australian Theatre of Poetry Inc $400.00

Australian Turkish Cultural Platform (ATCP) Inc $7,500.00

Australian Turkish Institute Inc $500.00

Australian Vietnamese Women's Association $500.00

Australian Vietnamese Women's Association $1,000.00

Australia-Shanghai General Chamber of Commerce Inc


Austrian Cultural Society $600.00

Ballarat African Association $700.00

Banda Musicale Italiana "Vincenzo Bellini" $800.00

Bangla Sahitya Sansad Inc $700.00

Banyule Community Health Service $500.00

Baptist Union of Victoria – Multicultural Group $1,300.00

Bayanihan Australia Community Network Inc


Beechworth Chinese Cultural Centre and Gardens


Bendigo Australia Indonesia Klub Inc $1,000.00

Bendigo Regional Ethnic Communities Council (BRECC)


Bengali Association of Victoria Inc $2,000.00

Bengali Language and Culture School Inc $500.00

B'nai B'rith Shalom Unit Arts Committee $500.00

Boroondara Interfaith Network $500.00

Bosnian Choir Sevdalinka $600.00

Braybrook & Maidstone Neighbourhood Association Inc


Brimbank City Council $2,500.00

Brimbank City Soccer Club $300.00

Burgher Association (Australia) Inc $1,500.00

Canto Coro Inc $1,000.00

Care Africa International $800.00

Carers Association Victoria Inc $500.00

Carlton Primary School $1,000.00

Castlemaine Community House $1,400.00

Celebrate India Inc $10,000.00

Celtic Nations Inc $1,000.00

CentaVic (ESL) Tutor Network $500.00

Central America Pastoral House Inc $500.00

Central Highlands Asian-Australian Association of Victoria


Chabad House of Malvern/Toorak Inc $800.00

Chabad Institutions of Australia Inc $1,000.00

Child Survivors of the Holocaust $3,500.00

Chilean Craft and Arts "La Ruca" $500.00

Chinese Arts Festival $800.00

Chinese Association of Geelong Inc $1,000.00

Chinese Association of Victoria Inc $4,000.00

Chinese Beijing Opera Club of Melbourne $1,000.00

Chinese Community Social Services Centre Inc


Chinese Culture and Art School of Melbourne $500.00

Chinese Poets & Authors Society of Victoria $300.00

Chinese Singing and Dance Troupe of Melbourne Inc


Chinese Women's Association of Victoria Inc


Circolo Pensionati Italiani Di Mildura and Sunraysia


Circolo Vicentini of Myrtleford $1,100.00

City of Darebin $500.00

City of Port Phillip $1,300.00

City of Stonnington $2,000.00

Club Astoria German Australian Society Inc $1,000.00

Club Tivoli Deutscher Verein Melbourne Inc $1,000.00

CO.AS.IT. Italian Assistance Association $1,000.00

Collingwood Greek Senior Citizen Club $800.00

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Organisation NameGrant (GST


44 Annual Report 2007/2008


Organisation NameGrant (GST


Communities Council on Ethnic Issues (Eastern Region) Inc


Community Connections (Victoria) Ltd $1,000.00

Community Media Services Inc $1,000.00

Comunidades de Lingua Portuguesa Inc $1,500.00

Coro Furlan Melbourne Inc $1,000.00

Corona Italian Seniors Club of Casey $500.00

Council of Slovenian Organisations of Victoria Inc


Council of Turkish Associations of Victoria $500.00

Croatian Senior Citizens Club Sunshine Inc $500.00

Cultural Association Violeta Parra Inc $300.00

Cultural Centre of Florinians 'Aristotelis' $2,500.00

Cyprus Community of Melbourne & Victoria $2,500.00

Cyprus Greek Orthodox Community of "Apostolos Andreas" Sunshine


Darebin Ethnic Communities Council $500.00

Darfur Australia Network $1,000.00

Darfur Community Association of Australia Inc $500.00

Deakin University $1,000.00

Disability Opportunities Victoria Inc $500.00

Diversitat $2,000.00

Don Bosco Brunswick Youth Foundation Inc $800.00

Eastern District Polish Association-Polish School of Rowville


Eastern Districts Polish Association (Melbourne)


Eastern Senior Chinese Association $500.00

Eelam Tamil Association Victoria Inc $1,000.00

Elderly Chinese Home Inc $300.00

Elderly Club of the Pallaconian Brotherhood of Melbourne and Victoria


Eritrean Women's Association of Victoria $1,500.00

Ethio-Australia Sport Federation Inc $1,000.00

Ethiopian Community Association in Victoria Inc


Ethnic Council of Shepparton and District Inc $800.00

Ethnic Discussion Club Inc $800.00

Ex Libris – Port Fairy Book Fair Inc $400.00

Federation of Indian Associations of Victoria Inc


Federation of Taivgetos of Laconia Inc $400.00

Festa Carmine Committee (Swan Hill) Inc. $700.00

Festival Indonesia Inc $4,000.00

Fiji Indian Senior Citizens Association Inc $400.00

Fiji Sangam Association of Victoria $500.00

Fiji Social and Cultural Organisations of Victoria Australia (FSCOVA)


Filipino Australian Senior Citizens Advisory Council in Australia Inc


Filipino Community Council of Victoria Inc $600.00

Filipino-Australian Friends Association (Northern Victoria) Inc


Finnish Society of Melbourne Inc $1,000.00

Fitzroy Atherton Multicultural Inhabitants Alliance Inc. (FAMIA)


Frankston City Council $6,500.00

Geelong Scottish Dance Inc $1,500.00

Gilmore College for Girls, Footscray $600.00

Gippsland Indian Association Inc $500.00

Glen Waverley Primary School $500.00

Gordon Institute of Tafe $500.00

Goulburn Valley Ethnic Professionals' Association


Goulburn Valley Sudanese Association $500.00

Greek Australian Recreational & Instructive League of Vic Inc


Greek Community of Northcote, City of Darebin & Districts Inc


Greek Community of Springvale and Districts $1,000.00

Greek Elderly Citizens Club Caulfi eld Inc $1,000.00

Greek Orthodox Community of Frankston and Peninsula Inc


Greek Orthodox Community of Wangaratta and District Inc


Greek Seniors & Pensioners Association Clayton & District


Hamazkaine Armenian Educational and Cultural Society (Gomidas Chapter)


Harmony Foundation Victoria Inc $1,500.00

Healthy Tourism Senior Citizens Club 'Vigor' Inc


Hellenic Writers Association of Australia $800.00

Hellenic Youth Federation of Victoria Inc $300.00

Hindi Niketan Inc $500.00

Hindu Foundation $1,000.00

Hispanic Latin American Festival & Cultural Association


Hmong Australia Society Inc $1,000.00

Hogar Espanol De Victoria $1,200.00

Hope and Care for All (HCFA) International Inc


Hope Connection Inc $500.00

Hrvatska Zora Inc $500.00

Human Rights Arts and Film Festival $500.00

Hume City Council (Roxburgh Park Homestead Community, Arts and Cultural Centre)


Il Piccolo Teatro Di Melbourne Inc $500.00

Immigrant Women's Domestic Violence Services


Indian Senior Citizens Association of Victoria Inc


Iranian Society of Victoria Inc $1,000.00

Islamic Association of Australia $1,000.00

Islamic Society of Victoria $1,000.00

Italian Social Club Altona $800.00

Japanese for Peace (JFP) $500.00

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Organisation NameGrant (GST


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Appendix 2


Organisation NameGrant (GST


Jesuit Social Services $2,500.00

Jewish Christian Muslim Association of Australia


Jewish Community Council of Victoria $3,000.00

Jewish Holocaust Centre Inc $1,000.00

Kaiga Tuvalu Victoria Inc $1,000.00

Keysborough Turkish Islamic & Cultural Centre Inc


Khmer Community of Victoria $1,000.00

Klabb Ghannejja Maltin Inc $500.00

Kurdish Association of Victoria $1,000.00

Kurdish Women Society of Victoria $800.00

Lao Australian Society Inc $500.00

Latin American Friendship Fonda La Clinica of Victoria Inc


Latin American Multicultural Association $400.00

Logomua Fono Samoa Inc $1,000.00

Lumumba Foundation Inc $1,000.00

Luzviminda Association of Filipino Women in Victoria Inc


Macedon Ranges Shire Council $700.00

Macedonian Australian Cultural Youth Association 'Tanec' Inc


Macedonian Community Council of Melbourne and Victoria


Macedonian Orthodox Community of Melbourne & Victoria Elderly Citizens Group


Macedonian Senior Citizens Women's Dancing Group "Veseli Makedonki" Inc


Madeira Folk Dancing 'Perola Do Atlantico' Inc $500.00

Malta Star of the Sea House Inc $400.00

Maltese Association Hobsons Bay Inc $600.00

Maltese Community Council of Victoria Inc $1,000.00

Maltese Historical Association $800.00

Maribyrnong Festival Ltd $1,200.00

Maribyrnong Library Service (Maribyrnong City Council)


Meadow Heights Learning Shop Inc $500.00

Meadow Heights Turkish Senior Pension Association


Meadowbank Early Learning Centre Inc and Community Hub


Melbourne Anglican Benevolent Society Inc $400.00

Melbourne Filmoteca: Latin American, Portugese and Spanish Film Group Inc


Melbourne French Theatre $1,000.00

Melbourne Murugan Cultural Centre Inc $800.00

Melbourne Scottish Fiddle Club Inc $600.00

Melbourne South Eastern Region Chinese Friendship Centre of Victoria Inc


Melbourne's Living Museum of the West $3,500.00

Migrant Information Centre (Eastern Melbourne)


Migrant Resource Centre Westgate Region Inc $2,000.00

Monash Multicultural Health Unit (Monash University)


Moonee Ponds Creek Co-ordination Committee


Moreland Turkish Educational and Social Affairs Centre Inc


Mozambique Association of Victoria $500.00

Multicultural Arts Victoria $21,060.00

Multicultural Sudanese Centre $800.00

Muslim Women's Council of Victoria $1,000.00

Muslim Women's Council of Victoria $500.00

Nadezhda Russian Senior Citizens Club $1,600.00

National Council of Jewish Women of Australia $2,500.00

National Ethnic & Multicultural Broadcasters' Council


NESB Links $500.00

New United Villages of Florina $3,000.00

New Zealand Maori Club $500.00

Next Generation AusChile Inc $300.00

Niruththa Indian Fine Arts Association Inc $500.00

North Eastern Melbourne Chinese Association Inc (NEMCA)


North Geelong Secondary College $550.00

North Melbourne Chinese Association Inc


North Richmond Community Health Centre $25,000.00

North Richmond Elderly Chinese Friendship Association Melbourne Inc


North Yarra Community Health $500.00

Northcote Macedonian Senior Citizens Club 'Kajmakcalan' Inc


Northcote Uniting Church $1,000.00

Northern Melbourne Vietnamese Elderly Association Inc


Northern Metropolitan Multicultural Seniors Club Network Inc


Pallaconian Brotherhood of Melbourne and Victoria Leonidas Inc


Panmacedonian Association of Melbourne and Victoria


Panpyliaki Brotherhood of Navarinon of Melbourne and Victoria


Peking University Alumni Association Inc (PKUAA)


Phat Quang Temple Inc $500.00

Philippine Fiesta of Victoria Inc $1,000.00

Pinoy TV Inc $300.00

Plenty Valley Community Radio Inc $1,000.00

Polish Art Foundation $6,500.00

Polish Association in Melbourne Inc $300.00

Polish Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry Inc


Polish Community Council of Victoria Inc $2,500.00

Polynation Combine Centre Inc $500.00

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Appendix 2


Organisation NameGrant (GST


46 Annual Report 2007/2008


Organisation NameGrant (GST


Pontian Association of Melbourne "Euxenos Pontos"


Port Melbourne Greek Community Inc $600.00

Rajasthani Kutumb of Victoria Inc $500.00

Researchers for Asylum Seekers $800.00

Rethimnian Association of Melbourne $300.00

Richmond Asian Business Association Inc $5,000.00

Rotary Club of Mooroopna Inc $2,000.00

Russian Ethnic Representative Council of Victoria Inc


Russian Orthodox Church Abroad Melbourne Sunday School


Russian Women's Association 'Ogonyok' Inc $600.00

Salvadorean Community Council of Victoria Inc


Samoan Advisory Council of Victoria Inc $1,000.00

Samoan Community Education Centre $500.00

Samoan Youth for Christ Thomastown $500.00

San Donato Association Inc $1,000.00

Santa Marija Assunta Association Incorporated


Sapthaswara School of Carnatic Music $400.00

Scottish Clans and Associations Council $1,000.00

Sebastopol Secondary College $400.00

Serbian Social Services and Support Inc $300.00

Shalom Association Inc $1,000.00

Slovenian Goodwill & Information Offi ce $400.00

Somali Community Inc $2,500.00

Somali Inter-Riverine Community Development Association Inc


South Sudan Development Agency Inc (SSUDA)


South Sudanese Family Foundation $300.00

South West Healthcare $600.00

Spanish Language, Heritage and Community School 'Jose Gervasio Artigas' Inc


Spiritual Assembly Baha'is of Albury $500.00

Springvale Community Aid & Advice Bureau $1,500.00

St Albans Business Group Association Inc $3,000.00

St Albans East Preschool Inc $300.00

St Albans Melita Band $300.00

St Bede's Early Learning Centre $300.00

St Georges Antiochian Orthodox Church Association


St Helena Maltese-Australian Social Club $300.00

St John of Kronstadt Russian Welfare Society Inc


St Luke's Anglicare $800.00

St Margaret Mary's $300.00

St Marks Adult Day Centre and Respite Services


St Monica's Primary School $500.00

St Nicholas Orthodox Church $300.00

St Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Church Ladies Society


Stonnington Chinese Association Inc $500.00

Sudanese Jieng Association of Australia $800.00

Sudanese Women On The Move Network Inc (SWOM)


Swan Hill College $500.00

Tamil Australian Friendship Society Inc $1,200.00

Tamil Senior Citizens Fellowship Inc $500.00

Tamil Society of Melbourne $800.00

Tatura Italian Social Club Inc $700.00

Tatura Italo Australian & Friends Inc $800.00

The Association of Hazaras in Victoria Inc $300.00

The Committee for Sri Lanka Inc $1,500.00

The Federation of Chinese Associations (Vic) Inc


The Highway Gallery Inc $500.00

The Jewish Film Foundation of Australia Inc $2,500.00

The Korean Society of Victoria Australia $2,500.00

The New Hope Foundation Inc (Clarinda Community Centre)


The New Hope Foundation Inc (Refugee Resource Centre Footscray)


The Pushkin Lyceum $500.00

The Queen Jadwiga Foundation $400.00

The Saint Mary Ethiopian Tewahedo Orthodox Church – Social Support Services Inc


The Samoan Community Link of Victoria $500.00

The Sindhi Association of Australia Inc $500.00

The Song Room Inc $800.00

The Sri Lankan Study Centre for the Advancement of Technology and Social Welfare (SCATS)


The United Vietnamese Buddhist Congregation of South Eastern Melbourne


The Victorian Maronite Community Inc $1,000.00

The Vietnamese Health Sciences Students Association of Victoria Inc


THE-HE Vietnamese Language Centre $500.00

Thessaloniki Association ‘The White Tower’ Inc


Thiasos Themida $500.00

Thomastown Secondary College $1,000.00

Tibetan Buddhist Society $600.00

Timorese Association in Victoria $800.00

Turning Point Family Church $300.00

Twic Youth Association of Victoria $500.00

Ukrainian Arts and Culture $1,300.00

United Jewish Education Board $300.00

United Nations Association of Australia (Victorian Division) Inc


United Somali Organisation in Australia Inc $1,500.00

United Somali Women Organisation in Victoria $1,500.00

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Appendix 2


Organisation NameGrant (GST



Organisation NameGrant (GST


United Sri Lankan Muslim Association of Australia Inc


Unity in Diversity Inc $1,000.00

Universal Chinese and Friends Association Inc $600.00

Vedanta Society of Australia $1,000.00

Victoria Hua Xin Chinese Women's Association Inc


Victoria Police Soccer Club Inc $2,500.00

Victoria University $500.00

Victoria University of Technology (ICEPA) $700.00

Victorian Arabic Artists Association Inc $650.00

Victorian Arabic Social Services (VASS) $1,500.00

Victorian Association of World War II Veterans from Former Soviet Union


Victorian Council of Churches $12,000.00

Victorian Council of Social Services (VCOSS)


Victorian Immigrant and Refugee Women's Coalition Inc (VIRWC)


Victorian Iraqi Social Club Inc $400.00

Victorian Lebanese Community Council Inc


Victorian Scottish Union Inc $1,000.00

Victorian Sikh Association Inc $2,200.00

Victorian Tamil Cultural Association $1,500.00

Vietnamese Chinese Elderly Association in the West Inc


Vietnamese Community in Australia – Vic Chapter (VCA)


Vietnamese Cultural Group of Brimbank $400.00

Wanganui Secondary College $600.00

Wangaratta High School $500.00

Wellsprings for Women Inc $500.00

Western Region Maltese Women's Group Inc


Western Vovinam Training Centre $300.00

Whittlesea Chinese Association Inc (WCA) $800.00

Whittlesea Community Connections $1,000.00

Williamstown Community and Education Centre Inc.


Wings of Care (Kanfei Chesed) Inc $500.00

WIZO State Council of Victoria Inc $1,100.00

Women's Friendship Group $800.00

Xaghra Association of Australia Inc $300.00

Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School Inc


Yarra Multi-Culture Sports Centre (Organisation) Inc.


Yarra Parish Mission $500.00

Yugoslav-Australian Workers Centre 'Brotherhood Unity' Inc


Zimbabwean Community in Australia (Victoria)



Academy of Indian Music and Culture Inc $800.00

Accademia Letteraria Italo-Australiana Scrittori (ALIAS)


Advance Morwell Inc $1,000.00

Afghan Australia Community Social Sports Club Inc


Afghan Australian Association of Victoria Inc $700.00

Afghan Australian Association of Werribee $600.00

Afghan Australian Philanthropic Association $2,000.00

African Community and Cultural Association of Victoria (ACCAV)


Al Sadeq Education and Charity Association inc


Alawi Islamic Association of Victoria Inc $1,500.00

Alay Kapwa (We Care) Association Inc $600.00

Albanian Moslem Society (Shepparton) Inc $500.00

Albany Rise Primary School $600.00

Albert Park Primary School $1,000.00

Albion North Primary School $900.00

Albion Primary School $800.00

Am Echad Federation of Jews from Former Soviet Union Inc


Arabic Elderly Pensioners Group $500.00

ArciLesbica Australia $500.00

Artesur of Victoria Inc $1,500.00

Ascot Vale West Primary School $600.00

Ashburton Traders Association Inc – Ashburton Community Festival


Associated Netherlands Societies in Victoria Inc


Association of Former Inmates of Nazi Concentration Camps and Ghettos from the Former Soviet Union


Association of International Childrens Festivals $2,000.00

Association of the Alliance Francaise of Victoria


Association of Ukrainians in Victoria – St Albans


Asylum Seeker Resource Centre Inc $400.00

Atherton Gardens Chinese Neighbourhood $300.00

Atherton Gardens Resident's Association $1,200.00

Atisha Centre Inc $500.00

Auburn South Primary School $1,000.00

Australasia Business Development Enterprise Association Inc


Australasia Coptic Society Inc $400.00

Australasia Coptic Society Inc $400.00

Australia Turkish Cypriot Cultural and Welfare Association Inc


Australian & Bosnian-Herzegovinan Community Club Brcko Melbourne


Australian Ankawa Club Inc $300.00

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Organisation NameGrant (GST


48 Annual Report 2007/2008


Organisation NameGrant (GST


Australian Arabic Women Community Group $300.00

Australian Association of Kastorians Inc $400.00

Australian Burundian Community in Victoria Inc


Australian Chinese Events Committee $500.00

Australian Community Dawah Centre (ACDC) $600.00

Australian Dance Council – Ausdance Vic Inc $1,600.00

Australian Indian Heritage Inc $300.00

Australian International Food and Culture Association Inc


Australian Irish Welfare Bureau Inc $1,000.00

Australian Karen Organisation Inc $600.00

Australian Kurdish Community Inc $1,000.00

Australian Lebanese Historical Society of Victoria


Australian Lebanese Welfare Inc $2,000.00

Australian Macedonian Folk Dancing Association "Goce Delcev" Inc


Australian Nadur Association Inc $500.00

Australian Oromo Community Association in Victoria Inc (AOCAV)


Australian Polish Community Services $1,000.00

Australian Punjabi Association Melbourne Inc $4,500.00

Australian Romanian Community Welfare Health & Services Association of Victoria Inc


Australian Vietnamese Women's Association $800.00

Australia-Shanghai General Chamber of Commerce Inc


Aweil Community Association in Victoria


Baha'i Council For Victoria $800.00

Ballarat Italian Association Inc $500.00

Ballarat Polish Seniors Club Inc $700.00

Ballarat Regional Multicultural Council $2,000.00

Bangla Sahitya Sansad Inc $600.00

Bangladesh Cultural Group Inc $800.00

Bangladesh Samity Inc $500.00

Banyule Community Health Service $300.00

Basketball Enthusiasts Sports Training Inc $800.00

Bass Coast YMCA $500.00

Bayswater-Boronia Templer School $600.00

Beechworth Chinese Cultural Centre and Gardens


Beit Jala Palestinian Association $400.00

Bell Park North Primary School $800.00

Bengali Association of Victoria Inc $1,000.00

Bengali Language and Culture School Inc $400.00

Bengali Puja & Cultural Society of Vic Inc $400.00

Bethany Catholic School $600.00

Bor Community Association of Australia $600.00

Boroondara Chinese Senior Citizens Association Inc


Bosnian Choir Sevdalinka $1,000.00

Bourchier Street Primary School $1,200.00

Brandon Park Primary School $600.00

Braybrook College $1,000.00

Brentwood Park Primary School $900.00

Brighton Greek Senior Citizens Association Inc $600.00

Brimbank City Council $2,000.00

Brunswick East Primary School $400.00

Brunswick North West Primary School $800.00

Brunswick Special Development School $600.00

Buddha's Light International Association of Victoria Inc


Buddhist Council of Victoria Inc $1,500.00

Buddhist Society of Victoria (BSV) $1,500.00

Buddhist Sri Lankan Association of Victoria Inc $600.00

Buddhist Vihara Victoria Inc $700.00

Bulleen Heights School $700.00

Burgher Association (Australia) Inc $800.00

Camp Hill Primary School $1,300.00

Campaspe Shire Council $1,000.00

Cantorion Cymreig Victoria Inc $1,000.00

Carlton Primary School $650.00

Catholic Education Offi ce – Diocese of Ballarat $500.00

Central Gippsland Insitute of TAFE (GippsTAFE) $800.00

Central Highlands Asian-Australian Association of Victoria


Centre for Philippine Concerns – Australia Inc $300.00

Centre for Philippine Concerns – Australia Inc $300.00

Centre of Greek Ex-Servicemens Elderly Citizens Club of Darebin and District Inc


CERES Environment Park $800.00

Ceylonese Welfare Organisation Inc $700.00

Chabad Institutions of Australia Inc $1,000.00

Chaldean Social Cultural & Welfare Association of Australia Inc


Chile Lindo Inc $3,000.00

Chilean Craft and Arts "La Ruca" $800.00

Chinese Association of Geelong Inc $700.00

Chinese Association of Victoria Inc $600.00

Chinese Beijing Opera Club of Melbourne $1,000.00

Chinese Community Social Services Centre Inc $300.00

Chinese Nurse Association Australia Inc $300.00

Chinese Professionals Club of Australia $800.00

Chinese Singing and Dance Troupe of Melbourne Inc


Chinese Women's Association of Victoria Inc $300.00

Chollo Community Christian Fellowship Inc $400.00

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Organisation NameGrant (GST


49Annual Report 2007/2008

Appendix 2


Organisation NameGrant (GST


City of Ballarat $1,000.00

City of Kingston $6,000.00

City of Maribyrnong $2,000.00

City of Maribyrnong $2,000.00

City of Monash $1,500.00

City of Port Phillip $1,000.00

City of Whitehorse $600.00

City of Whittlesea $1,300.00

Clayton North Primary School $1,000.00

Cobram italFest $1,000.00

Colac Sudanese Community Inc $500.00

Collingwood College $700.00

Comunidades de Lingua Portuguesa Inc $2,000.00

Coomoora Secondary College $1,000.00

Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate Archangel Mikhail & St Anthony Church Inc


Cornish Association of Victoria Inc $1,000.00

Corpus Christi Primary School $600.00

Council of Slovenian Organisations of Victoria Inc


Cranbourne Primary School $1,000.00

Croatian Cultural Association Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac Inc


Croatian Senior Citizens Club St Albans Inc $600.00

Croatian Senior Citizens Club Sunshine Inc $300.00

Cultural Historical Association of Rodriguans and Mauritians in Victoria (CHARM)


Cypriot Community of Eastern Suburbs-Elderly Citizens


Cyprus Greek Orthodox Community of "Apostolos Andreas" Sunshine


Dandenong Agricultural and Pastoral Society Inc


Dandenong and Endeavour Hills Club de Los Abuelos: Italo-Spanish Inc


Dandenong Youth Services – City of Greater Dandenong


Dar Alawda Wendal Community Centre Inc


Darfur Australia Network $1,200.00

Deakin University, Citizenship & Globalization Research


Deer Park North Primary School $800.00

Dhamma Sukha Meditation Centre $500.00

Dinka Christian River Nile Association $600.00

Diversitat $53,300.00

Dobson Kindergarten Inc $600.00

Doncaster Gardens Primary School $700.00

DUSA-Deakin University Student Association $500.00

Dutch Australian Social Club 'The Rocket' $500.00

Dutch Orange Day Inc $2,000.00

Eaglehawk Dahlia & Arts Festival Inc $600.00

East Doncaster Secondary College $700.00

Eastern District Polish Association-Polish School of Rowville


Eastern Karen Community Association $500.00

Eastern Senior Chinese Association $300.00

Essex Heights Primary School $600.00

Ethiopian Community Association in Victoria Inc


Ethnic Council of Shepparton and District Inc $2,000.00

Eumemmerring College (Fountain Gate Campus)


Famiglia Pugliese D'Australia $500.00

Federation of Indian Associations of Victoria Inc


Federation of Indian Women's Association of Australia (FIWAA) Inc


Federation of Macedonian Cultural & Artistic Associations of Victoria (FOMKUD)


Federation of Macedonian Senior Citizens Groups of the Western Region Inc


Fiji Indian Senior Citizens Association Inc $400.00

Fiji Islamic & Cultural Society of Victoria Inc $400.00

Fiji Social and Cultural Organisations of Victoria Australia (FSCOVA)


Filipino Australian Association of Ballarat $800.00

Filipino Community of Sunraysia Inc $400.00

Finnish Society of Melbourne Inc $1,200.00

Fitzroy Chinese Residents Association Inc $500.00

Fitzroy Primary School $800.00

Football Federation Victoria $3,000.00

Footscray Asian Business Association $5,000.00

Footscray Primary School $600.00

Forest Hill College $600.00

Frankston City Council $2,500.00

Geelong Highland Gathering Association Inc


Geelong Indian Association $700.00

Geelong Scottish Dance Inc $200.00

Ghana Association of Victoria $1,000.00

Gilmore College for Girls, Footscray $1,000.00

Gippsland Multicultural Services Inc $3,200.00

Gippsland Sudanese Association $600.00

Glenorchy Primary School $600.00

Goulburn Valley Chinese Fellowship Association Inc


Greater Dandenong Community Health Services – Springvale Southern Health


Greek & Cypriot Social Welfare Centre $1,000.00

Greek Australian Recreational & Instructive League of Vic Inc


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Organisation NameGrant (GST


50 Annual Report 2007/2008


Organisation NameGrant (GST


Greek Cypriot Parent & Youth Club Western Suburbs of Melbourne Inc.


Greek Elderly Citizens Club Northcote Inc $600.00

Greek Federal Organisation of Ex-Servicemen's Reserve of Greece in Australia Inc


Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia $3,500.00

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia Parish of Coburg and Pascoe Vale


Greek Orthodox Community of Broadmeadows and Districts Inc


Greek Orthodox Community of Clayton Ltd $1,000.00

Greek Orthodox Community of Dandenong & Districts


Greek Orthodox Community of ippsland, Elderly Citizens' Group


Greek Orthodox Parish of Saints Methodios and Kyrillos, Preston


Greek Orthodox Parish of St Albans & Districts $1,000.00

Greek Orthodox Parish of St Dimitrios Moonee Ponds


Guangdong General Commercial Chamber (Australia) Inc


GV Ethnic Professional's Association $600.00

Halkidikeon Association Aristotle the Stageritian


Hamerkaz Shelanu Inc $1,500.00

Hamilton Primary School $1,200.00

Hampton Park Primary School $1,200.00

Hampton Park Secondary College $700.00

Harmony Foundation Victoria Inc $1,500.00

Hawthorn West Primary School $400.00

Hazara Australian Community Association of Victoria


Healthy Tourism Senior Citizens Club 'Vigor' – Inner Metro South Russian Community Language School


Healthy Tourism Senior Citizens Club 'Vigor' Inc


Heatherhill Primary School $800.00

Heatherhill Secondary College $1,000.00

Heathmont East Primary School $700.00

Hellenic Association of Mornington Peninsula Aged Citizens Club Inc


Hellenic Community of the City of Moorabbin (Kingston) & Districts Ltd


Hellenic Cup Inc $500.00

Hellenic Women's Federation of Victoria $500.00

Hellenic Writers Association of Australia $600.00

Hellenic Youth Federation of Victoria Inc $800.00

Hepburn Springs Swiss Italian Festa Inc $3,000.00

Hindi Niketan Inc $600.00

Hindu Foundation $1,000.00

Hindu Society of Victoria (Inc) $6,000.00

Holy Rosary Primary School $1,200.00

Holy Saviour Primary School $600.00

Hornbill Chin Association of Australia (Melbourne and Victoria)


Hume Central Secondary College $1,000.00

Immigration Museum $2,500.00

Indo-Chinese Elderly Refugees Association – Victoria


Indonesian Club Melbourne Inc $600.00

Institute for Judaism and Civilisation $500.00

Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria Inc. $1,000.00

International Women's Group Inc $400.00

Iranian Society of Victoria Inc $1,500.00

Islamic Association of Australia $1,200.00

Islamic Women's Welfare Council of Victoria $1,000.00

Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Australia – Melbourne Inc


Italian Pensioners Club of North Altona $500.00

Italian Pensioners Club of Wangaratta $500.00

Italian Senior Citizens Club of Frankston $1,200.00

Japan Club of Victoria $2,000.00

Japanese for Peace (JFP) $600.00

Jat Jagat $300.00

Jesuit Social Services Ltd $1,000.00

Jewish Museum of Australia Inc $5,000.00

Jing Song Senior Chinese Men's Inc $300.00

John Pandazopoulos Hall Committee of Management


Kaiga Tuvalu Victoria Inc $400.00

Klabb Ghannejja Maltin Inc $600.00

KommonGround Inc $1,000.00

Kurdish Association of Victoria $400.00

Kurdish Women Society of Victoria $300.00

Kurdish Women's League of Australia Inc


La Mirada Inc $3,000.00

Le Belle Arti Inc $800.00

Le Page Primary School $800.00

League of Maniates and Friends of Melbourne and Victoria "I Mani" Inc


Liech Nuer Community Association Inc $1,000.00

Lions Club of Noble Park-Keysborough Inc $500.00

Longechuk Community Development Services in Australia


Longhorns Basketball Club Inc $300.00

Lou Nuer Youth Association in Victoria Inc $600.00

Louise Multicultural Community Centre Inc $1,000.00

Lynbrook Primary School $600.00

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Organisation NameGrant (GST


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Organisation NameGrant (GST


Macedonian Australian Cultural Youth Association 'Tanec' Inc


Macedonian Australian Senior Citizens Group "Ilinden" Inc.


Malta Star of the Sea House Inc $300.00

Maltese Community Council of Victoria Inc $1,000.00

Maltese La Valette Association Inc $600.00

Manchester Primary School $800.00

Mandama Primary School $900.00

Marian College Sunshine $700.00

Meadow Heights Turkish Women's Association $500.00

Meadowbank Primary School $600.00

Melbourne Anglican Benevolent Society Inc $800.00

Melbourne Filmoteca: Latin American, Portugese and Spanish Film Group Inc


Melbourne Linh Son Buddhist Congregation Inc


Melbourne Murugan Cultural Centre Inc $800.00

Melbourne South Eastern Region Chinese Friendship Centre of Victoria Inc


Melton Shire Council $800.00

Migrant Information Centre (Eastern Melbourne)


Mildura Specialist School $800.00

Mill Park Primary School $1,200.00

Monash Maltese Seniors Social Group Inc $300.00

Moonee Valley Library Service $400.00

Moreland City Council $2,000.00

Mount Eliza North Primary School $800.00

Mount Eliza Secondary College $1,000.00

Mozambique Association of Victoria $500.00

Multicultura Australia Inc $50,000.00

Multicultural Arts Victoria $27,100.00

Museum of Chinese Australian History Inc $900.00

Nadezhda Russian Senior Citizens Club $600.00

National Celtic Folk Festival Inc $1,500.00

National Council of Jewish Women of Australia $3,250.00

Natya Kala Mandir $700.00

NESB Links $800.00

New Hope Migrant and Refugee Centre Inc $2,800.00

Newport Maltese Association $350.00

Niruththa Indian Fine Arts Association Inc $700.00

Noble Park English Language School $500.00

Noble Park Special Developmental School $600.00

North Cyprus Turkish Festival of Victoria Inc $1,000.00

North Fitzroy Primary School $300.00

North Geelong Secondary College $600.00

North Melbourne Chinese Association Inc $600.00

North Melbourne Primary School $600.00

North Richmond Community Health Centre (Centre for Culture Ethnicity and Health)


North Victorian Buddhist Association Inc $500.00

Norwood Association $300.00

Nubian Mihaira $400.00

Operation Recreation Inc T/as Bayside Festival $1,000.00

Oxfam Australia $5,000.00

Pacifi ka People's Community Group (PPCG) Inc $1,500.00

Pakenham Consolidated School $1,200.00

Palesviaki Enosis of Melbourne and Victoria $800.00

Pallaconian Brotherhood of Melbourne and Victoria Leonidas Inc


Panagia Kamariani Greek Senior Citizens Club $800.00

Pankoaki Brotherhood of Victoria "O Ippocrates" Association Inc


Panmacedonian Association of Melbourne and Victoria


Pansamian Brotherhood of Melbourne and Victoria Pythagoras


Pantrifi lian Association of Melbourne and Victoria Inc


Parents Association – Brunswick North West Primary School


Pensioner Macedonian Womens Group of Brimbank Inc


Phat Quang Temple Inc $1,000.00

Philipino Elderly Association South East Region Victoria Inc (PEASER)


Pinewood Pre-School $300.00

Polish Club 'Forty Plus' Inc $700.00

Polish Senior Citizens Club 'Astry' – St Kilda $600.00

Polish Senior Citizens Club in Albion Inc $400.00

Polish Senior Citizens Club in Rowville $500.00

Preston Girls Secondary College $800.00

Preston Greek Senior Citizens Club Inc $600.00

Rabat Malta Senior Citizens Association $300.00

Raduga Russian Senior Citizens Club of Frankston & Peninsula


Rajasthani Kutumb of Victoria Inc $1,000.00

Reservoir East Primary School $600.00

Rethimnian Association of Melbourne $400.00

Ringwood Highland Games Inc $1,000.00

Roberts McCubbin Primary School $400.00

Romanian Community Ethnic School $600.00

Rosanna Fire Station Community House $500.00

Russian Cultural and TV Association Inc "Sputnik"


Rye & Peninsula Greek Senior Citizens Club $400.00

Rye & Peninsula Greek Women's Group Inc $300.00

Saint Addai Community Society Inc $400.00

Saint Orahaa Association Inc. $400.00

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Organisation NameGrant (GST


52 Annual Report 2007/2008


Organisation NameGrant (GST


Samoan Community Education Centre $300.00

Sapthaswara School of Carnatic Music $700.00

Shalom Association Inc $500.00

Shepparton Arts Festival Inc $2,000.00

Shepparton Italian Women's Group $500.00

Shirdi Sai Sansthan Melbourne (Inc) $600.00

Shranish Association of Melbourne $350.00

Shri Sanatan Dharam Society of Victoria Inc


Shurolok Music Appreciation and Performance Group Inc


Sierra Leone Australia Community of Victoria (SLACOV)


Slovenian Goodwill & Information Offi ce $300.00

Society for Asian Languages & Arts Inc $500.00

Somali Support and Development Association Inc


Somali Women's Development Association $500.00

Somaliland Women and Youth Association of Australia Inc


South Eastern Region Migrant Resource Centre


South Sudanese Family Foundation $300.00

South Sudanese Women's Network $1,500.00

Southvale Primary School $1,000.00

Spanish Latin American Welfare Centre Inc (CELAS)


Spinete Social Club Inc $400.00

Springvale Asian Business Association $2,500.00

Springvale Italian Senior Citizens Club


Springvale Mandarin Support Network $1,000.00

Springvale Neighbourhood House $6,000.00

Springvale Primary School $800.00

Sri Lankan Elders' Welfare Association "SEWA"


Srotar Ashor $500.00

St Albans Business Group Association Inc


St Albans Good Friday Association Inc $900.00

St Albans Primary School $800.00

St Anthony Greek Orthodox Church $300.00

St Anthony's Primary School $600.00

St Georges Antiochian Orthodox Church Association


St John's Church Vietnamese School $600.00

St Joseph's Primary School $600.00

St Jude's Primary School, Scoresby $1,000.00

St Marks Adult Day Centre and Respite Services


St Monica's Primary School $1,600.00

St Paul's Catholic Club $500.00

St Paul's Parish Feast Committee West Sunshine


St Vincent's Hospital (Melbourne) Limited $500.00

St Virgin Mary Coptic Orthodox Church $300.00

State Zionist Council of Victoria $2,500.00

Stawell West Primary School $600.00

Stonnington Ballroom Dancing Association Inc


Stonnington Primary School $600.00

Strathmore Heights Greek Senior Citizens Club


Sudanese Disability Action Group in Victoria Inc


Sudanese Women On The Move Network Inc (SWOM)


Sunraysia Ethnic Communities' Council Inc


Sunshine Heights Primary School $800.00

Sunshine Primary School $600.00

Sunshine Secondary College $1,700.00

Swiss Club of Victoria $1,500.00

Tallangatta Primary School $600.00

Tamil Educational, Cultural and Charitable Association (TECCA)


Tamil Society of Melbourne $1,600.00

Tarxien Social Club Inc $800.00

Tatura Italian Social Club Inc $500.00

Temple Society Australia $1,000.00

Temple Society German Language School Bentleigh-Moorabbin


Tempy Primary School $600.00

Thai Culture and Food Festival Inc $5,000.00

The Association of Hazaras in Victoria Inc $300.00

The Australian Chaldean Federation of Victoria/Australia


The Australian Greek Orthodox Community of Moreland Inc


The Basque Society Inc $400.00

The Committee for Sri Lanka Inc $1,500.00

The Federation of Chinese Associations (Vic) Inc


The Foundation of Salvadorean Communities in Australia


The Great Stupa of Universal Compassion $600.00

The Greek Choir of the Cultural and Educational Club of Florinians


The Gujarati Association of Victoria Inc $700.00

The Hunan Association of Victoria Inc $300.00

The Italian Australian Coordinating Committee of Gippsland


The New Hope Foundation (Werribee) $600.00

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Appendix 2

Organisation NameGrant (GST



Organisation NameGrant (GST


The New Hope Foundation Inc (Flemington)


The New Hope Foundation Inc (Refugee Resource Centre Footscray)


The Pan Maniot Youth Union of Australia Inc


The Robert Burns Club of Melbourne Inc


The Scout Association of Australia Victorian Branch


The Song Room Inc $800.00

The Spanish Film Festival in Australia (National)


The Tide Chinese Newspaper $500.00

The Victorian Artists Society $2,500.00

Thessaloniki Association "The White Tower" Inc


Thomas Mitchell Primary School $1,000.00

Thomastown East Primary School $600.00

Thomastown Secondary College $400.00

Tibetan Buddhist Society $1,000.00

Trinity Catholic School $600.00

Try Youth & Community Services Inc


Turkish Sub-Branch of the Victorian RSL of Australia


Turkish Women's Group $800.00

Twich Community Association in Victoria


Ukrainian Arts and Culture $500.00

Ukrainian Social Club Inc $300.00

Underbool Primary School $600.00

United Somali Organisation in Australia Inc


United Sri Lankan Muslim Association of Australia Inc


Uniting Care Prahran Mission $800.00

UnitingCare-Cutting Edge (UCCE) $300.00

Unity in Diversity Inc $1,000.00

Unity in Progress $3,500.00

Universal Chinese and Friends Association Inc


University High School $600.00

Vedanta Society of Australia $1,000.00

Victoria Datta Yoga Centre Inc $500.00

Victoria Hua Xin Chinese Women's Association Inc


Victoria Police Soccer Club Inc $1,000.00

Victorian Arabic Artists Association Inc $300.00

Victorian Eritrean Community Association $5,000.00

Victorian Greek/Australian Elderly Citizens Group Inc


Victorian Immigrant and Refugee Women's Coalition Inc (VIRWC)


Victorian Maori Festival Committee Inc $1,200.00

Victorian Multi Ethnic Slavic Welfare Association


Victorian Safe Communities Network Inc $600.00

Victorian YMCA's Youth and Community Services


Vietnamese Community in Australia – Vic Chapter (VCA)


Vietnamese Ethnic School of Broadmeadows


Vietnamese Parents Association of Victoria


Vietnamese Senior Citizens Club of Hume


Vitoria Women's Fellowship Group $300.00

Vitoria Women's Fellowship Group $400.00

Walpeup Primary School $600.00

Wandin North Primary School $800.00

Warrnambool City Council $2,500.00

Wellington Secondary College $600.00

Wesley College $700.00

Western Port Secondary School $600.00

Western Victoria Sri-Lankan Buddhist Association Inc


Whittlesea Community Connections $1,000.00

Wilmot Road Primary School $1,200.00

Wimmera Health Care Group $700.00

Wingate Avenue Community Centre $1,200.00

Wodonga Show Society Inc $500.00

Women's Friendship Group $800.00

Women's Health West $1,000.00

Women's Information Support and Housing in the North (WISHIN)


Wonthaggi Neighbourhood Centre @ Mitchell House Inc


Workshop of Pontian Continuity Inc $2,400.00

Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School Inc


Yarra Multi-Culture Sports Centre (Organisation) Inc.


Yarra Plenty Regional Library $1,000.00

Yarra Settlement Forum $300.00

Yarraville Community Centre $800.00

Young Filipino Australian Ambassadors Inc


Zahrira Social Club $800.00

Zimbabwean Community in Australia (Victoria)



TOTAL FESTIVALS $1,204,310.00

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Organisation NameGrant (GST


54 Annual Report 2007/2008


Organisation NameGrant (GST


A.N.C.R.I Sezione di Melbourne $1,500.00

African Communities Elderly Association of Victoria


Agrupacion de Pensionistas Y Tercera Edad de Victoria Inc


AHEPA (Victoria) Inc $2,200.00

Albanian Ladies Committee Inc $900.00

Altona North Senior Citizens Centre Inc $2,400.00

Antiochian Community Support Association (ACSA)


Asklipios Greek Women's Group $1,300.00

Assoc Marinai D'Italia Gruppo "M.O. Pugliesi" $1,500.00

Association of Greek Elderly Citizen Clubs of Melbourne & Victoria


Associazione Amica Pensionati Italiani Di Hawthorn


Associazione Emilia Romagna del Victoria Inc $1,300.00

Associazione Nazionale Combattenti Della Guerra Di Liberazione Inc


Associazione Pensionate Laziali di Monash Inc $2,200.00

Associazione Pensionati Ciociari e Laziali Australia Nel Mondo


Associazone Pensionati Laziali Australia Inc $2,200.00

Australia Turkish Cypriot Cultural and Welfare Association Inc


Australian & Bosnian-Herzegovinan Community Club Brcko Melbourne


Australian Ankawa Club Inc $1,300.00

Australian Armenian Welfare Society Inc $1,100.00

Australian Coptic Senior Citizens Club of Manningham


Australian Croatian Senior Citizens Club"Vila Velebita" Broadmeadows


Australian Croatian Senior Citizens Club of Clifton Hill Inc


Australian Croatian Senior Citizens Club of Gladstone Park Inc


Australian Cyprian Sports & Social Association $2,000.00

Australian Greek and Cypriot Senior Citizens Club of Melbourne Inc


Australian Greek Elderly Citizens Club of Oakleigh Inc


Australian Greek Ex-Servicemen's Association Inc


Australian Greek Isolated Group Inc $1,500.00

Australian Lebanese Christian Ladies Group – Moreland


Australian Macedonian Disability Pensioner Group "Vardar" Melbourne


Australian Macedonian Senior Citizens Group Reservoir Inc


Australian Romanian Community Welfare Health & Services Association of Victoria Inc


Australian Thornbury Pensioners Club Inc $1,300.00

Australian Ukrainian Senior Citizens Fellowship "Golden Age" Inc


Australian Vietnamese Women's Association $2,000.00

AVA Boroondara Senior Citizens Group Inc $1,100.00

Avondale Heights Greek Pensioners and Elderly Citizens Club


Ballarat Dutch 50 Plus Club Inc $1,100.00

Batmans Greek Elderly Womens Club $1,100.00

Benevolent Brotherhood of Kolindros $1,100.00

Benvenute Donne Glenroy $1,100.00

Berwick Greek Senior Citizens Club Inc $1,100.00

Bigla Senior Citizens Association Inc $1,300.00

BlackRiver Macedonian Australian Association Avondale Heights, Moonee Valley & District Inc


Boroondara Chinese Senior Citizens Association Inc


Bosnian and Herzegovinian Elderly Citizens Club Inc


Box Hill Chinese Elderly Citizens Club Inc $4,000.00

Brighton Greek Senior Citizens Association Inc $1,500.00

Broadmeadows Greek Elderly Citizens Club Inc $1,500.00

Broadmeadows Turkish Senior Citizens Club $2,200.00

Calabresi Pensioners Association of Australia Inc


Camberwell Senior Citizens Club Inc $1,300.00

Cantanzaro Senior Citizen's Club of Monash $1,300.00

Casey Hungarian Senior Citizens Club Inc $2,200.00

Centre of Greek Ex-Servicemen's Elderly Citizens Club of Kew and District Inc


Ceylonese Welfare Organisation Inc $2,200.00

Chabad Institutions of Australia Inc $3,300.00

Chinese Community Health Advisory of Australia Inc


Chinese Mandarin Community Friendship Association (CMCFA)


Chinese Senior Citizens Club of Frankston & Peninsula Inc


Chinese Senior Citizen's Club of Manningham $2,400.00

Chinese Xinjiang Senior Citizens Association Inc


Circolo Pensionati "Don Bosco" Inc $1,800.00

Circolo Pensionati Campani Italiano Di Clayton $2,200.00

Circolo Pensionati Casa D'Abruzzo Club $1,500.00

Circolo Pensionati del Reggio Calabria Club $1,100.00

Circolo Pensionati della Comunita' Vizzinese $2,000.00

Circolo Pensionati Federazione ClubsLaziali Melbourne Victoria Inc


Circolo Pensionati Italiani +fi eld $1,300.00

Circolo Pensionati Italiani Di Airport West $2,000.00

Circolo Pensionati Italiani Di Ascot Vale Inc $2,000.00

Circolo Pensionati Italiani Di Ballarat $900.00

Circolo Pensionati Italiani Di Bundoora Inc $2,200.00

Circolo Pensionati Italiani di Casa Nostra $1,100.00

Circolo Pensionati Italiani Di Coburg $3,300.00

Circolo Pensionati Italiani Di Deer Park $1,100.00

Circolo Pensionati Italiani Di Essendon $2,200.00

Circolo Pensionati Italiani Di Footscray Inc $1,800.00

Circolo Pensionati Italiani Di Gladstone Park $1,500.00

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Organisation NameGrant (GST


Circolo Pensionati Italiani Di Kensington $1,100.00

Circolo Pensionati Italiani Di Kew/Hawthorn/Camberwell


Circolo Pensionati Italiani Di Knox $1,500.00

Circolo Pensionati Italiani Di Mildura and Sunraysia


Circolo Pensionati Italiani di Moonee Ponds Inc


Circolo Pensionati Italiani Di Moreland $1,100.00

Circolo Pensionati Italiani Di Newport-Williamstown


Circolo Pensionati Italiani Di North Fitzroy Inc $1,300.00

Circolo Pensionati Italiani Di North West Essendon Inc


Circolo Pensionati Italiani Di Nunawading/Box Hill Inc


Circolo Pensionati Italiani Di Oakleigh e Clayton


Circolo Pensionati Italiani di Pascoe Vale Inc $1,300.00

Circolo Pensionati Italiani Di San Luca, Lalor, Thomastown


Circolo Pensionati Italiani Di St Albans $1,500.00

Circolo Pensionati Italiani Di Tatura $900.00

Circolo Pensionati Italiani Di Tullamarine $1,500.00

Circolo Pensionati Italiani Di Waverley $1,100.00

Circolo Pensionati Italiani di Wyndham Inc $2,400.00

Circolo Pensionati Italiani East Keilor & Avondale Heights


Circolo Pensionati Italiani Merlynston $2,400.00

Circolo Pensionati Italiani Napoli Family Club $1,600.00

Circolo Pensionati Multiculturale Di Greenvale $2,000.00

Collingwood Greek Elderly Womens Association


Combined Pensioners & Superannuants Association of Victoria Inc – Noble Park Branch


Community Club 'Smile – Ulibka' $1,100.00

Community of Cypriots of the Northern Suburbs of Melbourne Elderly Group


Confederazione Fanti D'Italia – ANSI – Cavalieri Della Patria Inc


Corona Italian Seniors Club of Casey $1,100.00

Cranbourne Hampton Park Greek Senior Citizens Club Inc


Cranbourne Italian Senior Citizens Club Inc $1,800.00

Croatian Senior Citizens Club of Altona Inc $1,100.00

Croatian Senior Citizens Club of Footscray Inc $1,100.00

Croatian Senior Citizens Club St Albans Inc $1,800.00

Croatian Senior Citizens Group Keysborough Inc


Croydon Dutch Social Club Inc $1,300.00

Cultural Vietnamese Women's Association Inc $1,100.00

Cypriot Community of Eastern Suburbs-Elderly Citizens


Cyprus Community of Melbourne & Victoria $4,000.00

Cyprus Greek Orthodox Community of "Apostolos Andreas" Sunshine


Cyprus Senior Citizens Turkish Club Inc $1,100.00

Dandenong and Endeavour Hills Club de Los Abuelos: Italo-Spanish Inc


Darebin Greek Women's Senior Citizens Group Inc


Deutscher Verein Kg Nerrische Insulaner


Dutch Australian Society Social Club Inc $900.00

Dutch Independent Senior Citizens of Oz $900.00

East Timorese Support Group for Elderly $900.00

Elderly Filipino Association of Australia Inc $1,100.00

Eltham Dutch Over Fifties Club Inc $1,100.00

Epping Combined Pensioners Association Inc $1,100.00

Eremia Greek Elderly Association of Port Phillip Inc


Ethnic Chinese Happy Age Association of Victoria Inc


Ethnic Discussion Club Inc $1,100.00

Federation of Chinese Associations Senior Citizens Social Club


Felaust Filipino Australian Elderly Citizen Group of Broadmeadows


Fiji Senior Citizens Association (FSC) $1,100.00

Filipino Australian Senior Citizens Advisory Council in Australia Inc


Filipino Elderly Get Together Association Inc $1,100.00

Finnish Society of Melbourne Inc $2,000.00

Fitzroy Vietnamese Elderly Group $1,100.00

Frankston Bosnian Elderly Club $1,100.00

Galini Greek Elderly Association of Port Melbourne Inc


Geelong Dutch 50 Plus Club Inc $1,800.00

Geelong Hungarian St Laszlo Senior Citizens Social Club Inc


German Friendship Society Bendigo Inc $900.00

German/Austrian Association $900.00

Giuliani Senior Citizens Association of Geelong Inc


Glen Eira Italian Pensioners & Senior Citizens Club Inc


Glenroy German Speaking Senior Citizens Club Inc


Glenroy Italian Senior Citizen's Centre Inc $2,200.00

Glenroy Polish Elderly Club Inc $1,500.00

Goce Delcev Senior Citizens Association $2,200.00

Golden Sun Disabled & Senior Citizens Association Inc


Greek Community over 50's Elderly Citizens Club Inc


Greek Cyprian Senior Citizens of Glen Eira Inc $1,800.00

Greek Cypriot Senior Citizens Club of Whitehorse and District


Greek Elderly Citizens Club Highett $1,300.00

Greek Elderly Citizens Club Northcote Inc $2,400.00

Greek Elderly Citizens Club of Manningham Inc $2,200.00

Greek Elderly Citizens Club of Maroondah Inc $1,300.00

Greek Elderly Citizens Club of Moreland Inc $2,000.00

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56 Annual Report 2007/2008


Organisation NameGrant (GST


Greek Elderly Citizens Club of Nunawading Inc $1,500.00

Greek Elderly Citizens Club of Werribee Inc $1,300.00

Greek Elderly Citizens Club of Werribee Women's Group


Greek Elderly Citizens of Box Hill Inc $900.00

Greek Elderly Citizens of Clayton and District $2,000.00

Greek Elderly Citizerns Club of Geelong $1,300.00

Greek Elderly Club North Fitzroy & North Carlton


Greek Elderly Club of the Bellarine Peninsula $2,200.00

Greek Federal Organisation of Ex-Servicemen's Reserve of Greece in Australia Inc


Greek National Resistance Fighters League of Melbourne & Victoria


Greek Orthodox Community of Clayton Ltd $2,000.00

Greek Orthodox Community of Gippsland, Elderly Citizens' Group


Greek Orthodox Community of Monash & Districts Inc


Greek Orthodox Community of Whittlesea $1,300.00

Greek Orthodox Parish of "St Andrew's" Forest Hill, Senior Citizens Group


Greek Orthodox Parish of "St Athanasios" Springvale, Senior Citizens Group


Greek Orthodox Parish of "St Constantine and Helen" South Yarra, Senior Citizens Group


Greek Orthodox Parish of "St Dimitrios" Ascot Vale, Senior Citizens Group


Greek Orthodox Parish of "St Eleftherios" Brunswick, Senior Citizen' Group


Greek Orthodox Parish of "St George" Thornbury, Senior Citizens


Greek Orthodox Parish of "St Nektarios" Fawkner, Senior Citizens' Group


Greek Orthodox Parish of "St Nicholas" Yarraville, Senior Citizens' Group


Greek Orthodox Parish of "St Vasilios", Brunswick, Senior Citizens' Group


Greek Orthodox Parish of "The Presentation of Our Lord"– Coburg Senior Citizens Group


Greek Orthodox Parish of "The Three Hierarchs" Clayton, Senior Citizens' Group


Greek Senior Citizen's Club – Hobsons Bay Inc $1,500.00

Greek Senior Citizens Club of Carnegie and Murrumbeena Inc


Greek Senior Citizens Club of Dandenong $2,600.00

Greek Senior Citizens Club of Flemington & Kensington Inc


Greek Senior Citizens Club of Gladstone Park & Tullamarine


Greek Senior Citizens District of Richmond $1,500.00

Greek Senior Citizens of Frankston and Peninsula


Greek Senior Citizens of North Balwyn & Districts


Greek Senior Citizens of Southern Eastern Regions and Districts


Greek Senior Women's Club Hobsons Bay Inc $900.00

Greek Seniors & Pensioners Association Clayton & District


Greek Women's Elderly Friendly Club Preston $1,100.00

Greek Women's Senior Citizens Club of McKinnon 'Rhea' Inc


Green Gully Senior Citizens Social Club Inc $2,000.00

Gruppo Pensionati Italiani di Keilor Inc $1,500.00

Hadfi eld Golden Years Social Club $1,500.00

Halkidikeon Association Aristotle the Stageritian


Hellenic Association of Mornington Peninsula Aged Citizens Club Inc


Hellenic Community of the City of Moorabbin (Kingston) & Districts Ltd


Hera Greek Ladies Club $1,100.00

Independent Senior Citizens Club – Nunawading Inc


Indian Senior Citizens Association of Victoria Inc


Indochinese Elderly Assocation in the Eastern Suburbs Inc


Instituto Nazionale per la Guardia D'Onore alle Reali Tombe del Pantheon Inc


Irymple Bocce Club Inc $1,500.00

Islamic Elderly Group Inc $2,000.00

Italian and Ethnic Senior Citizens Club of Flinders Inc


Italian Catholic Federation Morwell $1,100.00

Italian Elderly Citizens Club of Thornbury $1,500.00

Italian Elderly Citizens Group Holy Spirit East Thornbury Inc


Italian Pensioners Association of Mill Park Inc $1,500.00

Italian Senior Citizens Club of Frankston $1,400.00

Italian Senior Citizens Club of Moorabbin Inc $1,800.00

Italian Welfare Association of Whittlesea Senior Citizens Inc


Italian Women's Health Group Fawkner/Campbellfi eld Inc


Italian Women's Senior Citizens Association of Whittlesea Inc


Kariatides Oakleigh Greek Womens Group Inc $1,500.00

Kastellorizian Senior's Club $1,500.00

Kensington Elderly Indochinese and Middle Aged Vietnamese Group


Keon Park Greek Senior Citizens Club Inc $2,000.00

Kingsbury Italian Senior Citizen Club Inc $1,500.00

Kingston Indian Senior Citizens Association Inc


Knox Hungarian Senior Citizens Club Inc $2,200.00

Korumburra Italian Social Club Inc $1,100.00

Kyabram Italian Ladies Association Inc $1,300.00

Lakhanda Media Centre $900.00

Lao Elderly Association Inc $2,000.00

Latvian Relief Society "Daugavas Vanagi" of Geelong Inc


Le Belle Arti Inc $1,500.00

Lebanese Elderly Group $1,100.00

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Organisation NameGrant (GST


Lemnian Community of Victoria Elderly Citizens Club Inc


Lemnian Community of Victoria Senior Citizens Group


Macedonian Australian Senior Citizens Group "Ilinden" Inc.


Macedonian Elderly Group of Keilor Downs Inc $1,100.00

Macedonian Orthodox Community of Melbourne & Victoria Elderly Citizens Group


Macedonian Pensioners Association of Footscray Inc


Macedonian Senior Citizen Group of Hillside Inc


Macedonian Senior Citizen Women's Group "Pelister" of St Albans Inc


Macedonian Senior Citizens Club of West Sunshine


Macedonian Senior Citizens Club Pelister of St Albans Inc


Macedonian Senior Citizens Group – Lalor, Thomastown, Epping & Mill Park


Macedonian Senior Citizens Group – SV Nikola Mirlikiski Inc


Macedonian Senior Citizens Group of Altona North Inc


Macedonian Senior Citizens Group of Avondale Heights, East Keilor, Moonee Valley and Districts Inc


Macedonian Senior Citizens Group of Hobsons Bay Inc


Macedonian Senior Citizens Group of Kingspark Inc


Macedonian Senior Citizens Group of Monash $2,200.00

Macedonian Senior Citizens Group of the City Greater Dandenong St Dimitrija Inc


Macedonian Senior Citizens Group of the City of Darebin Pelister Inc


Macedonian Senior Citizens Group Zlatna Sonce of Footscray Inc


Macedonian Women's Group "Elpida Karamandi" Inc


Macedonian Women's Pensioners Association of Footscray Inc


Macedonian Women's Senior Citizen Group Lalor Inc


Macedonian Women's Senior Citizens Club of West Sunshine


Macedonian Womens Senior Citizens Group of Altona North and District


Macedonian Women's Senior Citizens Group of Avondale Heights, Moonee Valley & Districts Inc


Maltese Association Hobsons Bay Inc $2,600.00

Maltese Association Northern Suburbs Inc $1,100.00

Maltese Pensioners Association Inc $2,600.00

Maltese Senior Citizens Club Airport West Inc $1,500.00

Maronite Activities Group for the Elderly $1,100.00

Maroondah Italian Senior Citizens Club $1,100.00

Mauritian Golden Age Club Inc $2,600.00

Melkite Catholic Eparchy of Australia Victorian Vicariate – St Joseph's Parish Fairfi eld


Melkite Catholic Eparchy of Australia Victorian Vicariate – St Joseph's Parish Fairfi eld


Mildura Greek Elderly Citizens Club $1,300.00

Mill Park Greek Elderly Citizens Club Inc $1,300.00

Mill Park Senior Citizens Club Inc $1,100.00

Monash Greek Macedonian Elderly Citizens Club Inc


Monte Lauro Social Club (Buccheri) Ltd $1,100.00

Montemurro Social Club 'San Rocco' Inc $1,300.00

Moreland Chinese Elderly Citizen's Group $1,300.00

Moreland Italian Women's Group Inc $1,100.00

Moreland Maltese Elderly Citizens' Association Inc


Mornington Dutch Australian Senior Club Inc $1,800.00

Multicultural Senior Citizens Group of Whittlesea Inc


Multicultural Womens Group Shepparton $1,100.00

Myrtleford Italian Pensioners Group $1,300.00

Nadezhda Russian Senior Citizens Club $2,200.00

National Council of Jewish Women of Australia $2,200.00

Neret Senior Citizens Club $2,000.00

New Life Association Inc $1,300.00

New United Villages of Florina $1,300.00

New Zealand, Maori, Polynesian Welfare Support Group (Te Whanau Rangimarie) Inc


Noble Park North Multicultural Elderly Citizens Club


North Eastern Greek Elderly Citizens Inc $1,800.00

North West Reservoir Italian Pensioner Group $2,200.00

Northcote Macedonian Senior Citizens Club 'Kajmakcalan' Inc


Nunawading Hungarian Senior Citizens Club Inc


Old Citizens of Ascot Vale & Districts $1,500.00

Opera Nazionale Per I Caduti Senza Croce Inc $1,500.00

Panagia Kamariani Greek Senior Citizens Club $2,000.00

Pensioner Macedonian Womens Group of Brimbank Inc


Polish Club 'Forty Plus' Inc $900.00

Polish Cultural & Social Club 'Palma' Inc $1,100.00

Polish Senior Citizens Centre Ardeer $2,000.00

Polish Senior Citizens Club 'Astry' – St Kilda $2,000.00

Polish Senior Citizens Club Footscray $2,200.00

Polish Senior Citizens Club in Albion Inc $1,300.00

Polish Senior Citizens Club in Rowville $2,200.00

Polish Senior Citizens Club Melbourne $1,100.00

Polish Senior Citizens Club Morwell $1,300.00

Polish Senior Citizens Club of Altona $1,300.00

Polish Senior Citizens Club of Caulfi eld $1,500.00

Polish Senior Citizens Club of Doncaster $1,100.00

Polish Senior Citizens Club of Moorabbin Inc $1,100.00

Polish Senior Citizens Mutual |Support Club of Keilor Downs


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Organisation NameGrant (GST


Portarlington and District Greek Elderly Citizens Clubs Inc


Prahran Chinese Elderly Citizens Association Inc


Prahran Polish Elderly Citizens Inc $1,300.00

Preston Greek Senior Citizens Club Inc $2,200.00

PTOLEMEI Association of Greek Senior Citizens From Egypt & Middle East


Raduga Russian Senior Citizens Club of Frankston & Peninsula


Reservoir Greek Elderly Citizens Club Inc $2,200.00

Reservoir Italian Pensioners Club Inc $2,200.00

Resistenza Circolo Sette Fratelli Cervi, Victoria Inc


Reskeon Maltese Assoc & Reskeon Seniors Group Inc.


Risorgimento Club St Margaret Mary $1,300.00

Rosanna Macleod Circolo Pensionati Inc $1,500.00

RSL Italian Sub-Branch $1,100.00

Russian Australian Senior Citizens Club in Prahran


Rye & Peninsula Greek Senior Citizens Club $1,800.00

Saint Nicolaas Club of Greater Shepparton $1,100.00

San Gaetan Society Inc $2,000.00

Savoy Ladies Recreation $1,300.00

Senior Citizens Group of Heatherton Inc $1,500.00

Senior Citizens Melbourne Croatia Inc $2,000.00

Senior Citizens of the Greek Community of Forest Hill Inc


Senior Multicultural Skills Exchange Group for Women Inc


Senior Polish Friendship Club Inc $1,100.00

Senior Slavic Women's Group Springvale Inc $900.00

South American Senior Citizens Club of Frankston and Peninsula


South Eastern Yugoslav Pensioner Group Springvale and Dandenong


South Melbourne Greek Womens Club 'Olympia'


Spanish Association of Geelong Inc $1,500.00

Spanish Speaking Elderly Group of North Melbourne


Spanish Speaking Pensioners and Senior Citizens Club of Werribee Inc


Spinete Social Club Inc $1,300.00

Spotswood Multicultural Older Group Inc $1,100.00

Springvale Indo-Chinese Elderly Citizens' Association Inc


Springvale Italian Senior Citizens Club $1,500.00

Springvale Senior Citizens Multicultural Club $1,100.00

Sri Lankan Elders' Welfare Association "SEWA" $1,100.00

St Eleftherios Greek Elderly and Invalid Pensioners Group Inc


St Francis Filipino Senior Citizens Club of Whittlesea


St Olivers Italian Senior Citizens Club $1,100.00

St Paul's South Eastern Suburbs Association Inc


Stonnington Chinese Association Inc $3,500.00

Stonnington Greek Senior Citizens Association 'The Friendship Club' Inc


Suez Basketball Senior Social Club Association of Victoria


Tamil Senior Citizens Fellowship Inc $2,200.00

Tamil Seniors Social Club $900.00

Tamil Women's Support Group $900.00

Tatura Italian Social Club Inc $1,500.00

Tatura Italo Australian & Friends Inc $1,300.00

The Greek Nazarene Senior Citizens Club Inc $1,100.00

The Italian Pension Club of Kingston Inc $1,500.00

The Spanish Speaking Friendship Club of Springvale Inc


The Western Suburbs Greek Elderly Citizens Club Inc


Thomastown East Greek Senior Citizens Club Inc


Thomastown East Italian Senior Citizens Club Inc


Thornbury Greek Senior Citizens Club $1,800.00

Turkish Cypriot Elderly Women's Association $1,300.00

Ukrainian Pensioners Club Geelong Inc $1,100.00

Ukrainian Senior Citizens Centre Ardeer Inc $1,100.00

Ukrainian Social Club Inc $1,100.00

Union of Christians from Constantinople Inc $2,000.00

Unione Nazionale Sottuffi ciali Italiani in Congedo


Uruguayan Social Club of Melbourne, Senior Citizen Sub-Committee


Victorian Assyrian Community Inc $2,000.00

Victorian Greek/Australian Elderly Citizens Group Inc


Vietnamese Chinese Elderly Association in the West Inc


Vizzini Social Club $2,200.00

Waverley Chinese Senior Citizens Club $4,000.00

Welcome Womens Group $1,300.00

Werribee Dutch Seniors Club $1,100.00

Werribee Friendship Club Inc $2,200.00

Western Region Maltese Women's Group Inc $1,500.00

Western Suburbs Social Soccer Club Inc $1,800.00

Whitehorse Older Persons Action Group Inc $2,200.00

Whittlesea Maltese Senior Citizens Club Inc $2,000.00

Whittlesea Northern Cyprus Turkish Women's Group Inc


Whittlesea Turkish Elderly and Pensioners Association inc


Whittlesea Turkish Women's Association Inc $2,000.00

Williamstown Italian Social Club Inc $1,300.00

Wonthaggi Italian Senior Citizens Club Inc $1,500.00


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Appendix 2


Organisation NameGrant (GST


Acholi Community Association in Australia $2,000.00

Afar Community Association of Victoria Inc $1,500.00

Afghan Australia Community Social Sports Club Inc


Afghan Australian Association of Victoria Inc $1,500.00

Afghan Australian Philanthropic Association $800.00

Afghanistan Study Centre (ASC) Inc $1,000.00

African Australian Sport Association $1,500.00

African Migrants Community Initiative Inc $700.00

Al Sadeq Education and Charity Association inc


Alawi Islamic Association of Victoria Inc $3,000.00

Albanian Moslem Society (Shepparton) Inc $1,200.00

Alevi Community Council of Australia Inc $2,000.00

Alexandrians Friendship (AAHA) Social Club Inc


All Women Concern $800.00

Alliance Francaise de Geelong $800.00

Al-Sajad Association Inc $1,000.00

Am Echad Federation of Jews from Former Soviet Union Inc


Andalucian Dancing Group of Geelong $400.00

Antiochian Community Support Association (ACSA)


Anzano Di Puglia Social Club Ltd $800.00

Arabic Society of Victoria Inc $2,000.00

Argentinian Social Circle South East Melbourne Inc


ARVN Rangers Association of Victoria Inc $500.00

Aspendale Gardens Senior Citizens of Kingston Inc


Association Nationale Combattente Reduci Italiani – Myrtleford


Association of Filipino Australians in Gippsland $1,000.00

Association of Former Inmates of Nazi Concentration Camps and Ghettos from the Former Soviet Union


Association of Ukrainians in Victoria $1,500.00

Association of Ukrainians in Victoria – Geelong Branch


Association of Ukrainians in Victoria – St Albans


Associazione Figli D'Italia Inc $700.00

Associazione Nazionale Bersaglieri D'italia (Sezione di Melbourne) Vic Inc


Associazione Nazionale Famiglie Delli Emigranti (ANFE)


Associazione Padovani Nel Mondo Inc $1,000.00

Atherton Gardens Chinese Neighbourhood $1,000.00

Auspicious Arts Project Inc $2,000.00

Aust-China Writer's Association $400.00

Australia (Nur) The Light Foundation Inc $2,000.00

Australia China Friendship Society Victoria Branch Inc


Australia Hainan Association Inc $1,000.00

Australia Sri Lanka Welfare Guild Inc $1,200.00

Australian African Children's Aid and Support Association Inc. (AACASA)


Australian Assyrian Arts & Literature Foundation


Australian Bosniak Association Inc $1,500.00

Australian Bosnian Seniors Inc $1,000.00

Australian Burundian Community in Victoria Inc


Australian Chollo Community Inc $1,500.00

Australian Croatian Association "Hercegovina" Geelong Inc


Australian Croatian Community Services $1,500.00

Australian Croatian Social Club Mornington Peninsula Rye Inc


Australian Croatian Women Association "Katarina Zrinski"


Australian Federation of Ethnic Schools Associations (AFESA)


Australian Federation of International Students Inc (AFIS)


Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organisations


Australian Filipino Community of Northern Victoria & Southern Riverina Inc


Australian Gay Multicultural Council (AGMC) $1,000.00

Australian Humanitarian Aid for Macedonia Inc


Australian Irish Welfare Bureau Inc $2,000.00

Australian Kurdish Community Inc $1,200.00

Australian Lebanese Association for the Orphans Auxilia


Australian Lebanese Christian Ladies Group – Reservoir


Australian Lebanese Football Association Inc $800.00

Australian Lebanese Welfare Inc $1,500.00

Australian Lebanese Youth Association of Victoria


Australian Oromo Community Association in Victoria Inc (AOCAV)


Australian Polish Historical Society $700.00

Australian Punjabi Association Melbourne Inc $600.00

Australian Slovenian Social and Sporting Association Melbourne Inc


Australian Somali Society $1,200.00

Australian Somali Youth Association $1,200.00

Australian Thornbury Pensioners Club Inc $1,300.00

Australian Turkish Cultural Platform (ATCP) Inc $1,000.00

Australian Turkish Institute Inc $1,200.00

Australian Welsh Male Choir (Cor Meibion Cymreig Australia) Inc


Australian-Asian Association of Victoria Inc $800.00

Australia-Shanghai General Chamber of Commerce Inc


Baha'i Council For Victoria $1,000.00

Bairnsdale International Women's Group $600.00

Bait Al-Hossien $400.00

Bakarzala Charitable Association Inc $800.00

Ballarat Indian Association $1,000.00

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Organisation NameGrant (GST


Ballarat Italian Association Inc $600.00

Ballarat Regional Multicultural Council $5,000.00

Bangla Sahitya Sansad Inc $900.00

Bangladesh Samity Inc $1,500.00

Beit Jala Palestinian Association $2,000.00

Bellarine International Women's Senior Citizen Club Inc


Bendigo Regional Ethnic Communities Council (BRECC)


Bitolski Social Group Aleksander Turindjev Inc $600.00

B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation Commission Inc $1,000.00

Bonegilla Former Residents Association (Vic) Inc.


Bonegilla Former Residents Association (Vic) Inc.


Bor Community Association of Australia $1,500.00

Bosnian Choir 'Behar' Inc $500.00

Brighton Greek Senior Citizens Association Inc $1,500.00

British Australian Community (Inc) $2,000.00

Buddhist Council of Victoria Inc $4,000.00

Buddhist Council of Victoria: Buddhist Education in Victorian Schools Program


Buddhist Vihara Victoria Inc $1,000.00

Burgher Association (Australia) Inc $1,500.00

Cambodian Chinese Friendship Association of Victoria


Cameroon Association of Australia Inc $1,500.00

Canto Coro Inc $900.00

Central Highlands Asian-Australian Association of Victoria


Centre for African Australian Women's Issues $5,000.00

Chabad House of Malvern/Toorak Inc $800.00

Chaldean Women Association in Victoria $3,500.00

Chilean Federation of Older People $800.00

China Philatelic Society of Australia Inc $400.00

Chinese Association of Geelong Inc $2,000.00

Chinese Beijing Opera Club of Melbourne $600.00

Chinese Community Social Services Centre Inc $800.00

Chinese Nurse Association Australia Inc $500.00

Chinese Poets & Authors Society of Victoria $500.00

Chinese Senior Citizens Club of Frankston & Peninsula Inc


Chinese Singing and Dance Troupe of Melbourne Inc


Chinese Women's Association of Victoria Inc $1,500.00

Chios Brotherhood Korais of Melbourne and Victoria Ltd


Circolo Filatelico Italiano $400.00

Clarinda Greek Senior Citizens Club $2,500.00

Club Frecce Tricolori Victoria $1,000.00

Cobram italFest $600.00

Committee for Common Celebrations of Greek & Australian National Days


Community of Cypriots of the Northern Suburbs of Melbourne Women's Group


Community of Niki $1,500.00

Comunidades de Lingua Portuguesa Inc $500.00

Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate Archangel Mikhail & St Anthony Church Inc


Coptic Orthodox Women's Association $800.00

Cornish Association of Victoria Inc $800.00

Coro Furlan Melbourne Inc $500.00

Council of Slovenian Organisations of Victoria Inc


Council of Turkish Associations of Victoria $1,500.00

Cranbourne Italian Senior Citizens Club Inc $1,800.00

Cretan Elderly Club of Melbourne and Victoria $1,500.00

Croatian Catholic Welfare Association Inc $1,500.00

Croatian Cultural Association Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac Inc


Croatian Media Association Inc (CMA) $700.00

Croatian Senior Citizens Club Sunshine Inc $1,200.00

Cyprus Community of Melbourne & Victoria $2,000.00

Darfur Australia Network $1,500.00

Dinka Christian River Nile Association $1,000.00

Dutch Australian Community Council Ltd $1,000.00

Dutch Australian Social Club 'The Rocket' $700.00

Dutch Social Club Diamond Valley Inc $800.00

Dutch Women's Club of Geelong Inc $600.00

Dutch-Australian Club Albury Wodonga Inc $600.00

Eastern Districts Polish Association (Melbourne)


Eritrean Community in Australia Inc $1,500.00

Eritrean Jeberti Association In Victoria $1,500.00

Eritrean Women's Association of Victoria $1,200.00

Ethiopian Community Association in Victoria Inc


Ethnic Council of Shepparton and District Inc $5,000.00

Famiglia Pugliese D'Australia $1,000.00

Faros Senior Citizens Inc $600.00

Federation of Indian Associations of Victoria Inc


Federation of Indian Students of Australia (FISA)


Federation of Indian Women's Association of Australia (FIWAA) Inc


Federation of Macedonian Cultural & Artistic Associations of Victoria (FOMKUD)


Federation of Macedonian Senior Citizens Groups of the Western Region Inc


Federation of Messinian Organisations of Melbourne And Victoria


Federation Panepirotic Union of Melbourne & Victoria


Federazione Pensionati Italiani Del Victoria $1,500.00

Fiji Geelong Friendship Club Inc $500.00

Fiji Indian Senior Citizens Association Inc $1,000.00

Fiji Sangam Association of Victoria $1,000.00

Fiji Social and Cultural Organisations of Victoria Australia (FSCOVA)


Filipino Australian Association of Ballarat $800.00

Filipino Australian Friendship Association of Geelong


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Appendix 2


Organisation NameGrant (GST


Filipino Community Council of Victoria Inc $1,500.00

Filipino Community of Sunraysia Inc $500.00

Filipino Senior Citizens Club of the South East Inc


Fitzroy Chinese Residents Association Inc $1,200.00

Fitzroy Chinese Women's Group $900.00

Frankston Bosnian Elderly Club $500.00

Friends of Farm Vigano Inc $1,000.00

Friends of Refugees of Eastern Europe (FREE) Inc


Geelong Dutch Clubs Inc $800.00

Geelong Golden Age Polish Seniors Club $1,000.00

Geelong Golden Age Polish Seniors Club $1,000.00

Geelong Scottish Dance Inc $800.00

Geelong Sudanese Association Inc $1,000.00

Gippsland African Society $1,000.00

Gippsland Ethnic Communities Council $5,000.00

Gippsland Indian Association Inc $800.00

Gippsland Indonesian Association $900.00

Gippsland Sudanese Association $2,600.00

Goulburn Valley Afghan Association $1,800.00

Goulburn Valley African Communities Association Inc


Goulburn Valley African Women's Association $1,000.00

Goulburn Valley Chinese Fellowship Association Inc


Goulburn Valley Congolese Women's Group $1,000.00

Goulburn Valley Ethnic Professionals' Association


Goulburn Valley Pacifi c Islander Association Inc


Goulburn Valley Polish Association Inc $800.00

Goulburn Valley Sudanese Association $1,800.00

Greek & Cypriot Social Welfare Centre $1,500.00

Greek Australian Cultural League of Melbourne Inc


Greek Australian Recreational & Instructive League of Vic Inc


Greek Cypriot Parent & Youth Club Western Suburbs of Melbourne Inc Seniors Citizens Division


Greek Elderly Women's Club of Frankston and Peninsula


Greek Orthodox Community of Dandenong & Districts


Greek Orthodox Community of Hobsons Bay Inc


Greek Orthodox Community of Mildura & District


Greek Orthodox Parish of "St Eleftherios" Brunswick, Women's Group


Greek Orthodox Parish of "St George" Thormbury, se


Greek Orthodox Parish of "St George" Thornbury, Youth Group


Greek Orthodox Youth Association of Oakleigh – Sts Anargiri


Greek Philanthropic Community of Shepparton & District


Greek Senior Citizens Club of Carnegie and Murrumbeena Inc


Greek Seniors & Pensioners Association Clayton & District


Greek Women's Club of Northern Suburbs "Anemones"


Grupo Primavera Prahran Latin American Association Inc


Hamazkaine Armenian Educational and Cultural Society (Gomidas Chapter)


Hamerkaz Shelanu Inc $700.00

Hammurabi Cultural Society $1,500.00

Hands For Hope Inc $700.00

Hararian Community Association Australia Inc $1,200.00

Harmony Foundation Victoria Inc $700.00

Hellenic Australian Sports Foundation Inc $1,000.00

Hellenic Orthodox Community of Geelong Inc $1,000.00

Hellenic Writers Association of Australia $800.00

Hellenic Youth Federation of Victoria Inc $600.00

Help Sri Lanka Inc $400.00

Hispano-American Co-operative for Family Support (COHAF) Inc


Hoi Yeu Tre VietNam (Vietnamese Families With Special Needs Inc)


Hope and Care for All (HCFA) International Inc $500.00

Hope Connection Inc $1,000.00

Hope Connection Inc $1,000.00

House of Persia Community & Cultural Centre $1,000.00

Hungarian Scout Group 54-63 Co-operative Ltd


Il Piccolo Teatro Di Melbourne Inc $800.00

Indo-China Ethnic Chinese Association of Victoria Inc


Indonesian Club Melbourne Inc $1,500.00

Iranian Society of Victoria Inc $1,500.00

Islamic Association of Australia $1,500.00

Italian Catholic Federation $800.00

Italian Elderly Citizens Club Noble Park Inc $900.00

Italian Senior Citizens Club of Frankston $500.00

Italian Services Advisory Council Inc $800.00

Italian Social Club Swan Hill $1,000.00

Japanese for Peace (JFP) $800.00

Jat Jagat $700.00

Jewish Christian Muslim Association of Australia


Jewish Community Council of Victoria $2,000.00

Jewish Cultural Centre & National Library Kadimah


John Pandazopoulos Hall Committee of Management


Kaiga Tuvalu Victoria Inc $1,000.00

Kardelen Youth Association Inc $1,500.00

Karnavals Club The Swallows Geelong Inc $800.00

Khmer Community of Victoria $900.00

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62 Annual Report 2007/2008


Organisation NameGrant (GST


Kurdish Association of Victoria $1,500.00

Kurdish Women Society of Victoria $800.00

Kurdish Women's League of Australia Inc $1,000.00

Kyabram Italian Social Bocce Club Inc $1,600.00

Ladies Auxiliary (Filoptohos) Group of the Greek Orthodox Parish of St Catherine, East Malvern


Ladies Auxiliary Group of the Greek Orthodox Parish Of St Johns Carlton


L'Alliance Francaise De Ballarat Et District Inc $700.00

Lalor Living and Learning Centre Inc $1,000.00

Lao Australian Welfare Association $1,000.00

Lao Community of Victoria Inc $2,000.00

Latin American Multicultural Association $800.00

League of Maniates and Friends of Melbourne and Victoria "I Mani" Inc


Lebanese Folklore Dabke Group $600.00

Lentil as Anything Inc $1,000.00

Liech Nuer Community Association Inc $1,100.00

Liech Nuer Community Women Association In Australia


Literary Creative Association "Lukomorie" $1,000.00

Louise Multicultural Community Centre Inc $1,000.00

Macedonian Australian Cultural Youth Association 'Tanec' Inc


Macedonian Community Council of Melbourne and Victoria


Macedonian Community Council of Shepparton and District Inc


Macedonian Community Welfare Association $1,000.00

Macedonian Human Rights Committee for Melbourne and Victoria Inc


Macedonian Pensioner Club of Altona Inc $1,000.00

Maharashtra Mandal Victoria Inc $500.00

Makor Library and Resource Centre $1,000.00

Malta Star of the Sea House Inc $600.00

Maltese Bocce Social & Recreation Club Inc $500.00

Maltese Community Centre LV $2,000.00

Maltese Community Council of Victoria Inc $1,500.00

Maltese Community of Shepparton and District


Maronite Sports Division $400.00

Maronite Youth of Melbourne $800.00

Mauritian Silver Edge Club Inc $800.00

Meadow Heights Learning Shop Inc $800.00

Meadow Heights Turkish Women's Association $1,200.00

Melbourne Chin Community $1,000.00

Melbourne French Theatre $600.00

Melbourne South Eastern Region Chinese Friendship Centre of Victoria Inc


Monash Maltese Seniors Social Group Inc $700.00

Multicultural Arts Victoria $3,000.00

Museum of Chinese Australian History Inc $800.00

National Council of Jewish Women Australia (Victoria) "Golden Age Club"


NESB Links $2,000.00

Networking Women of Victoria Inc $1,000.00

New Generation Inc Youth Group $800.00

New Zealand Maori Club $1,500.00

North East Multicultural Association (NEMA) $5,000.00

North Eastern Bocce Association Inc $700.00

North Eastern Melbourne Chinese Association Inc (NEMCA)


Nuer Community in Victoria Inc $1,500.00

Nuer Women's Group $1,500.00

Palesviaki Enosis of Melbourne and Victoria $1,000.00

Pallaconian Brotherhood of Melbourne and Victoria Leonidas Inc


Pan Australian Federation of Thessalian Associations Inc


Panevrytanian Association of Melbourne Australia 'The Velouchi' Inc


Panjtan Society of Victoria $2,000.00

Pankoaki Brotherhood of Victoria "O Ippocrates" Association Inc


Panmacedonian Association of Melbourne and Victoria


Panpyliaki Brotherhood of Navarinon of Melbourne and Victoria


Pantrifi lian Association of }Melbourne and Victoria Inc


Panvictorian-Panelladic Associations of Friends of Peace


Papua New Guinea Australia Association Inc $1,500.00

Pascoe Vale Italian Community Bocce Club $700.00

Phat Quang Temple Inc $600.00

Philanthropic Society Nomoy Kavalas Agios Silas Inc


Philanthropic Society of Kaloneri Siatista Inc $800.00

Philanthropikos Syllogos Velika Messinias Leykothea Melbourne Australia Inc


Philanthropikos Syllogos-Dimos Meligala Messinias O Profi tis Elias Inc


Polish Association of Kingsville and Ladies Auxilliary Inc


Polish Community Council of Victoria Inc $2,000.00

Polish Senior Citizens Club of Frankston Inc $500.00

Polish Siberyaks Association in Victoria $500.00

Polish Sporting, Recreation and Community Association Inc


Polish Women's Association of Geelong $500.00

Pontian Community of Melbourne and Victoria


Raduga Russian Senior Citizens Club of Frankston & Peninsula


Refugee and Immigrant Women's Support Group Springvale


Relief Association of South Sudan (Victoria) Inc (RASS)


Reskeon Maltese Association Inc $1,200.00

Richmond South Yarra Chinese Parents Association Inc


Roma Social Club Inc $700.00

Romanian Community Senior Citizens Club Inc $2,000.00

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Organisation NameGrant (GST


Russian Cultural and TV Association Inc "Sputnik"


Russian Ethnic Representative Council of Victoria Inc


Russian Senior Citizens Club Box Hill $1,100.00

Russian Welfare Society – Russian Children's Choir


Russian Welfare Society – Russian Women's Group


Russian Welfare Society- Russian Men's Group $800.00

Russian Welfare Society- Russian Orthodox Church Choir


Russian Women's Association 'Ogonyok' Inc $1,200.00

Russian Women's Health Group $600.00

Saint Addai Community Society Inc $1,000.00

Saint Addai Community Society Inc $1,000.00

Saint Maratken Community Society Inc $500.00

Saint Maratken Community Society Inc $500.00

Salvadorean Community Council of Victoria Inc


Samoan Community Education Centre $1,500.00

Satyam Shivam School of Music $800.00

Scottish Clans and Associations Council $1,500.00

Serbian Australian Pensioners Group $800.00

Serbian Orthodox Choir 'Kornelije Stankovic' $500.00

Serbian Orthodox Church & School Community St Stefan


Serbian Orthodox Dancing Group Sumadja $500.00

Serbian Pensioners Club "Branko Radicevic" Geelong


Serbian Sisters Group 'Zene Mironosice' $400.00

Serbian Social Services and Support Inc $1,500.00

Serbian Welfare Association of Victoria Inc $1,000.00

Shalom Association Inc $1,500.00

Shepparton Italian Catholic Federation $800.00

Shepparton Italian Social Club Inc $1,200.00

Shirdi Sai Sansthan Melbourne (Inc) $700.00

Sikh Welfare Council of Victoria Inc $1,500.00

Sinhala Cultural & Community Services Foundation Inc


Slavic Women of Gippsland $800.00

Slavic Women's Group 'Nase Zene' Inc $700.00

Slovenian Australian Social & Sports Club Jadran Inc


Slovenian Goodwill & Information Offi ce $900.00

Social and Support Group Friends $800.00

Society Kalamata 23 March Brotherhood Inc $1,000.00

Somali Community Information Services Network Inc


Somali Inter-Riverine Community Development Association Inc


Somali Support and Development Association Inc


Somlink Inc $3,000.00

South American Senior Citizens Club of Frankston and Peninsula


South East Arabic Elderly Citizens Club SEAEC $900.00

South Eastern Chinese Association Inc $700.00

South Eastern Region Melbourne Oromo Community Association Inc (SERMOCAVA INC)


South Sudan Development Agency Inc (SSUDA)


South Sudan Equatorian Association Inc $1,500.00

South Sudanese Women's Network $1,500.00

Spanish Latin American Welfare Centre Inc (CELAS)


Springvale Asian Business Association $1,000.00

Springvale Ethnic Chinese Elderly Caring Friendship Association Incorporated


Springvale Mandarin Support Network $1,200.00

St Albans Melita Band $400.00

St Anthony's Youth Association Inc $500.00

St Athanasius Coptic Centre $700.00

St George Association Inc $600.00

St John of Kronstadt Russian Welfare Society Inc


St Judes Estates Ministry Carlton $1,000.00

St Mary's Italian Elderly Citizen's Club Inc $600.00

St Nicholas Philanthropic Society of Proty $1,000.00

St Nikola Pensioner Social Club Inc $1,000.00

St Paul's Elderly Support Group $400.00

St Virgin Mary Coptic Orthodox Church $1,000.00

State Zionist Council of Victoria $1,000.00

Stella Maris Maltese Association Inc $1,000.00

Stonnington Ballroom Dancing Association Inc $1,000.00

Sudanese Community Association of Australia Inc (SCAA)


Sudanese Community in Warrnambool Inc $2,500.00

Sudanese Lost Boys Association of Australia $1,500.00

Sudanese Luacjang Group of Australia $1,200.00

Sudanese Women On The Move Network Inc (SWOM)


Sudan's Bor Youth Association of Australia $1,000.00

Sunshine Cypriot Orthodox Community of Apostolos Andreas Inc


Sveti Georgi Selo Velusina Humanitarian Association of Victoria


Tamil Australian Friendship Society Inc $900.00

Tangasseri-Australian Association of Melbourne Inc


Tarxien Social Club Inc $400.00

Tatura Italian Social Club Inc $1,500.00

Te Roopu Ataawhai Inc $2,500.00

The Alawi Islamic Social Centre $1,000.00

The Association of Hazaras in Victoria Inc $1,000.00

The Association of the Refugee Children from Aegean Macedonia


The Australian Chaldean Federation of Victoria/Australia


The Australian Greek Orthodox Community of Moreland Inc


The Basque Society Inc $1,300.00

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Appendix 2


Organisation NameGrant (GST


64 Annual Report 2007/2008


Organisation NameGrant (GST


The Democratic Republic Of Congo Community Association Of Victoria (DRCCAV) Inc


The Federation of Chinese Associations (Vic) Inc


The Greek Choir of the Cultural and Educational Club of Florinians


The Gujarati Association of Victoria Inc $1,500.00

The Hunan Association of Victoria Inc $800.00

The Italian Australian Coordinating Committee of Gippsland


The Jewish Taskforce Against Family Violence $1,000.00

The Korean Society of Victoria Australia $2,000.00

The New Hope Foundation Inc (Refugee Resource Centre Footscray)


The Olympian Society Inc $800.00

The Polish Museum and Archives in Australia Inc


The Samoan Community Link of Victoria $800.00

The Sri Lankan Study Centre for the Advancement of Technology and Social Welfare (SCATS)


The Victorian Chin Community Association Inc


The Victorian Chin Community Association Inc


Thessaloniki Association "The White Tower" Inc


Thiasos Themida $800.00

Thomastown Turkish Womens Recreation Group Inc


Tibetan Buddhist Society $1,000.00

Tigrian Community Association in Victoria $1,500.00

Timorese Association in Victoria $1,500.00

Tripoli Social Club Inc $800.00

Turkish Islamic Society Victoria $1,000.00

Turkish Women's Group $600.00

Ukrainian Arts and Culture $600.00

United Jewish Education Board $1,000.00

United Maba Community Association of Australia Inc


United Somali Organisation in Australia Inc $2,000.00

United Somali Women Organisation in Victoria $1,500.00

Unity in Progress $700.00

Uruguayan Social Club of Melbourne Inc $1,500.00

Vedanta Society of Australia $600.00

Victoria Hua Xin Chinese Women's Association Inc


Victorian Association of Argos Orestiko & District Inc


Victorian Assyrian Youth Group $800.00

Victorian Brotherhood of Mani United Inc


Victorian Co-operative on Children's Services for Ethnic Groups (VICSEG)


Victorian Eritrean Community Association $1,500.00

Victorian Greek/Australian Elderly Citizens Group Inc


Victorian Immigrant and Refugee Women's Coalition Inc (VIRWC)


Victorian Iraqi Social Club Inc $1,000.00

Victorian Lebanese Community Council Inc


Victorian Lithuanian Pensioners Association Inc


Victorian Multi Ethnic Slavic Welfare Association


Victorian Romano Pralipe Association $1,200.00

Victorian Scottish Union Inc $800.00

Victorian Sikh Association Inc $1,000.00

Victorian Turkish Cultural Association Inc


Vietnamese Cultural Group $700.00

Vietnamese Cultural Group of Brimbank $800.00

Vietnamese Mothers Group inc $1,100.00

Vietnamese Parenting Support Group $700.00

Vietnamese Women's Association in Broadmeadows Inc


Vietnamese Women's Association of North West Region Inc


Vietnamese Young Mother's Support Group


Vietnamese Youth Network of the West Inc


Welsh Society of Geelong Inc $600.00

Whittlesea Chinese Association Inc (WCA) $700.00

Whittlesea Combined Pensioners Association of Victoria Inc


Whittlesea Green Island Turkish Women's Group Inc


Whittlesea Multicultural Communities Council


Whittlesea Vuong Trung Vietnamese Womens Group


Williamstown Italian Social Club Inc $1,000.00

Wings of Care (Kanfei Chesed) Inc $1,000.00

Women's Friendship Group $1,200.00

Womens Group of the Greek Orthodox Community of Hobsons Bay


Womens Group of the Greek Orthodox Parish of Clayton


Womens Group of the Greek Orthodox Parish of Coburg


Womens Group of the Greek Orthodox Parish of Moonee Ponds


Womens Group of the Greek Orthodox Parish of Templestowe


Xinjiang Chinese Association of Australia Inc $550.00

Youth Group of the Greek Orthodox Parish of Clayton


Youth Group of the Greek Orthodox Parish of Coburg


Youth Group of the Greek Orthodox Parish of the Presentation of St. Dimitrios Moonee Ponds


Zevku Sedu Classical Choir $1,500.00


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65Annual Report 2007/2008

Appendix 2


Organisation NameGrant (GST


Atherton Gardens Chinese Neighbourhood $2,500.00

Australian Lebanese Football Association Inc $2,000.00

Australian Turkish Cultural Platform (ATCP) Inc


Ballarat African Association $3,000.00

Banksia Gardens Community Centre $5,000.00

Belgium Avenue Neighbourhood House Inc


Bendigo Aboriginal Education Consultive Group Inc


Bendigo Chinese Association Inc $2,810.00

Castlemaine Community House $10,000.00

Dandenong High School – Cleeland Campus


Ethiopian Community Association in Victoria Inc


Footscray Football Club Ltd trading as Western Bulldogs Spirit West Services (SWS)


Gippsland Indian Association Inc $2,000.00

Gordon Institute of Tafe $5,000.00

Goulburn Valley Sudanese Association $3,000.00

Grupo Primavera Prahran Latin American Association Inc


Migrant Information Centre (Eastern Melbourne)


National Council of Jewish Women of Australia


NESB Links $2,000.00

Networking Women of Victoria Inc $3,500.00

New Hope Migrant and Refugee Centre (Oakleigh)


New Hope Migrant and Refugee Centre Inc


North East Multicultural Association (NEMA)


North Richmond Community Health Centre $3,000.00

Olympic Adult Education $10,000.00

Pangerang Community House $5,000.00

Project Respect Inc $10,000.00

Quantin Binnah Community Centre $7,000.00

Shalom Association Inc $2,900.00

Sunraysia Institute of TAFE $10,000.00

The Victorian Maronite Community Inc $1,000.00

UnitingCare-Cutting Edge (UCCE) $3,000.00

Victorian Immigrant and Refugee Women's Coalition Inc (VIRWC)


Wellsprings for Women Inc $1,600.00

Women's Friendship Group $5,000.00


TOTAL ALL GRANTS $4,095,061.00

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66 Annual Report 2007/2008

Appendix 3


Award for Meritorious Service in the Community


Mr Kyriakos Amanatides Mr Nicholaos Antoniou

Ms Antigoni Apeytou Mr Terry Arhontogiorgis

Mr Brian Ashen Mrs Janina Bajowski

Mr Chandrasiri Bamunusinghe Mr Nick Bantounas

Dr Virendra Kumar Berera Mr Nazzareno (Tom) Bisogni

Mr Romano Bonazinga Mr Charles Leo Borg

Mrs Rosa Borowiecki Mr Giuseppe Cannata

Ms Linda Casalini Mr Pietro Celentani

Mr Christoforos

CharalambousMr Youhorn Chea

Mrs Eugenia Choinski Mr Edward Choinski

Rt. Rev. Mitrate

Zenon ChorkawyjMs Ninetta Ciavarella

Mrs Paule Collard Mr Ernesto Contatore

The Late Mrs Nancy Cotter Mr Nino Cuni

Ms Thanh Kham Tran Dang Mrs Lina De Luca

Mrs Farah Dole Mr Victor Dourios

Mr Ivano Ercole Mr Antonio Farronato

Mr Francesco Galati Ms Katerina Georgiou

Ms Cecilia Gomez Bishop Joseph Grech DD

Mrs Krystyna Hartman Mr Huy Huynh

Mr Ozmel IlginMr Ibrahimi Mohammad


Mr Zhao Qing (Tommy) Jiang Mr Dean Kalimniou

Mr Angelos Kalomiris Mr Dimitrios Kanellakos

Mr Terry Kanellos Ms Ludmila Karganova

Mr Harbhajan Singh Khaira Mrs Anastasia Kipouropoulou

Mrs Marianne Kovassy Mrs Thi Hong La

Mr Kanhaya Lal Mrs Cuc Thi Lam

Mr Frank Lambros Ms Sophia Lazogas

Mrs Joanna Liakakos Dr Helen Light AM

Mr Jason Lin Mr Paul Liu

Mr Antonio Lo Giudice Mr Keat Leng Low

Mr Augustin Luchian Mr Jack Nguyen Ma

Mrs Sue MacLeodMr Francesco (Frank)


Mr Peter Mandelj Mr Dominic Manion JP

Mrs Teresa Manno Mr Pietro Manno

Ms Alicia Matene Mrs Stanislawa Milosinska

Ms Ye Xiao Ming Mr Vincenzo Monitto

Ms Natalia Moravski Ms Ivana Morsanutto

Mr Nicholaos Mparis Ms Nazifa Nader

Mr Epifanio Naselli Mrs Katie Nelson

Mr Cheung Yin Ng Ms Vinh Thi Nguyen

Ms Marion O’Hagan Mrs Vilma Ondrus

Mrs Radmila Ovuka Mrs Hilkat Ozgun

Mr George Pangalis Ms Rosetta Parisotto

Ms Hoa Phan Mr Ardimulam Pillay

Mr Michael Plaiche Mr Vincent Pulis

Mrs Jayshree Ramachandran Mr Sebastiano Revrenna

Sr Mary Elizabeth

Roberts MFICMr Spiros Rombotis

Mrs Pina Rotondi Mr Arthur Rovolidis

Mr Anthony Rowan Mr Mohamed Salahudeen

Mr George Saliba Mr Andrew Samarniotis

Mr Angelos Sardellis Mr Giovanni Scalora

Mrs Rita SguarioDr Navaratnam


Mr Arun Sharma Mr Suruj Pal Singh

Mr Amar Singh Mr Laszlo Siposory

Mrs Eva SiposoryMr Thambinayagam


Mr Roman Skrypko Mrs Teresa Skrypko

Mr Andrew Szumny Monsignor Joseph Takchi

Mr Carmine TarquinioVenerable Akaravita

Sangananda Thero

Ms Kato Toth Mr Alexander Tsinaris

Mrs Evangelia Tzatzalos Mrs Guillerma Valencic

Ms Yen Ngoc Vu Mr Mohsen Wasef

Ms Orietta WheatleyMr Nagamuthu Ramalingam


Ms Monika Wiench Mrs Selma Yalcin

Mrs Wu Kiu Ying Mr Paul Zacharakis


Australian Humanitarian Aid

for Macedonia Inc.

Australian Punjabi Association

Melbourne Inc.

Chinese Association of

Victoria Inc.

Cobram Italian Social

Club Inc.

Gippsland Multicultural


Greater Dandenong Hungarian

Senior Citizens Club

Greek Senior Citizens District

of Richmond

Grupo Primavera Latin

American Association Inc.

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67Annual Report 2007/2008

Appendix 2Appendix 3

Italian Australian Coordinating

Committee of Gippsland

Kurdish Association of


Latin American Friendship

Fonda La Clinica of

Victoria Inc.

Le Belle Arti Inc.

Saint Sebastian

Association Inc.

Senior Citizens of Greek

Orthodox Community

of Gippsland

The Bharat Times The Mauritian Golden Age Club

The Sri Lankan Study Centre for the Advancement of

Technology and Social Welfare (SCATS)

Premier’s Award for Community Harmony

Prof. Joseph A. Camilleri Mr George Papadopoulos

Jewish Christian Muslim Association of Australia

Service Delivery to Multicultural Victoria


Mrs Irlande Alfred Mr Dor Aschna

Mr Ricardo Balancy Mr Joe Caruana JP

Ms Viviane Chemali Mr Frank Cheng

Mr Paul Failla Mrs Marietta Ginevra

Mr Jacob Haweil Mr Doan Hoe

Ms Tieu Phung (Diane)

Hong JP

Ms Gabriella

Gomersall Hubbard

Mrs Kazimiera Iwanowska Mr Constantine Katacouzinos

Mr Wonil Kim Mrs Mahi Liambas

Mr James Liotta Mr Oscar Carmino Lobo

Mrs Effi e Lolis Mr Vincent Manno

Mr George Mpouzmpas Ms Rose Mucilli

Mr Durswamy Naidu Ms Trang Nguyen

Mrs Blandyna Nowacka Mrs Shanthy Rajendran

Ms Iman Riman Ms Nella Roussel

Dr Martin Schreiber Mrs Shobha Sekhar

Mrs Jaya Sharma Ms Lisa Sinha

Mrs Giannoula Stathopoulos Cr Natalie Suleyman

Mrs Niruththa Sorubi


Mrs Ana Villalobos

Ms Norminda Villanueva


APEX Institute Pty Ltd Ave Maria Community Village

Ballarat Central Church of


Castlemaine Property Group

Essendon Football Club German Saturday School Inc

Greek Bilingual Unit Lalor North Primary School

Home Interaction Program for

Parents & Youngsters (HIPPY)

Manningham Gallery

Mauritian Broadcasting Group

Radio 3ZZZ

Victorian Multicultural Commission Ambassador AwardMr Vic Say Multifaith Multicultural Youth


Interfaith Network of the City

of Greater Dandenong Inc.

Sports Without Borders

Swiss Italian Festa

Business Corporate AwardKr Castlemaine Foods Pty Ltd

Media AwardIl Globo

Local Government AwardMaribrynong City Council

Victorian Multicultural Education AwardInvididual – Mr Karim Noura School – Our Lady of the

Immaculate Conception

School, Sunshine

Police and Community

Multicultural Advisory

Committee Award (PACMAC)


Senior Sergeant Craig Matters Inspector Chris Cosgriff

Constable Sibel Sengul


Spectrum Migrant Resource Centre

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68 Annual Report 2007/2008


Appendix 4

Victorian Refugee Recognition Record

The VMC would like to congratulate the 28 recipients on their achievements:

• Dr Nsubuga-Kyobe Apollo Goulburn African Community

• Kwami Assimadi Ballarat African Association

• Victoria Franco Refugee Basketball Program, Spectrum MRC

• Abraham Hadgu Eritrean Communities Council Chairperson

• Caleb Haunung Melbourne Chin community

• Jacob Haweil Australian Assyrian Arts and Literature Foundation

• Salam Ali Hussein Oromo Community Association in Vic

• Paulino Jouth Community Development/Problem Gambling Offi cer – Diversitat

• Samuel Kuot Sudanese Community Association Of Australia

• David Lam Buddhist community

• Peng Ling Burmese community

• Thomas Lual Sudanese Community in Warrnambool

• Danute Lynikas Lithuanian community

• Akoc Akei Manheim Lost Boys of Sudan Association of Australia

• Su Su May AMES Settlement – Community Guide/Information Offi cer

• Zabihulla Mazooriv Afghan Refugee Youth Worker

• Zeinab Mohamud United Somali Womens Organisation

• Halima Mohomud Somali Community

• Asha Saaed The Eritrean Community

• Sainab Sheikh African Women’s Network

• Jeremiah Temple Sierra Leone Australia Community of Victoria

• Alice Tiomkin National Council of Jewish Women (Vic)

• Van Tu Tran Vietnamese community

• Kim Truong Vietnamese community

• Gene Valaitis Geelong Lithuanian community

• Gulgothai Wahidi Afghan community

• Margaret Walerian Polish community

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Level 11, 1 Spring Street

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Telephone: (03) 9208 3184

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