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2008 Annual Report Colorado Multi District Online Programs 1

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  • 8/14/2019 2008 Annual Report Colorado Multi District Online Programs 1



    2008 Annual Report

    Colorado Multi DistrictOnline Programs

  • 8/14/2019 2008 Annual Report Colorado Multi District Online Programs 1



    2008 Annual Reportof (Name of the Online Program)

    6.01 Pursuant to section 22.30.7-109(1) (a) and (d), the Authorizer of anOnline Program shall submitan annual report on or before December 1st of each year (Permanent Rules for the Administration,Certification and Oversight of Colorado Online Programs 3/6/08)

    1. The report shall provide information on the activities and results of operations and shall comply withreporting requirements outlined in SB07-215.

    2. The information for this report shall come from the 2007-2008 school year unless otherwiseindicated. For new programs beginning operations in the 2008-2009 school year, thisinformation shall come from the first semester of operations in 2008 . It is understood that fornew programs, there will not yet be previous year data to report, but all other areas of the reportshould be addressed. Do not leave anything blank. If there is no previous year data, indicate this byinserting NA.

    Enter all information in the text boxes below.

    I. Name of the authorizing district, contact name, phone number and e-mail address

    II. Name of the Online Program, contact name, phone number and e-mail address

    III. Current Student Accountability Report data for the Online Program as reported by the ColoradoDepartment of Education.

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    IV. Current CSAP data for the Online Program as reported by the Colorado Department of Education.

    V. Write the Program Mission and / or Vision Statement

    VI. Registration data: Your October count data is shown below. Please indicate in the CurrentNumber box your current student enrollment number. Then give your final student count for the2007-2008 school year

    VII. How many of your students are from districts other than the authorizing district?

    VIII. How many different school districts are represented in your 2008-2009 student population?

    IX. At the elementary level, how many courses constitute a full schedule at each grade level?

    Grade Level Number of Courses








    X. What makes up the core elementary curriculum? What other elementary courses are offered?

    October 2008 Reportednumber

    Current number 2007-2008 End of Year Count

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    XI. At the secondary level, how many courses do you offer and in how many different courses do

    you have students enrolled?

    XII. How many new courses were added to your curriculum and how many courses were removedfrom your curriculum during the 2007-2008 school year? Briefly tell why specific courses wereremoved from or added to the curriculum.

    XIII. Describe the process by which you evaluate, review, or update courses and describe thetimeline used for the process. (How often do you refresh your courses and what is the procedurefor doing so?)

    XIV. Is your curriculum developed in-house or do you contract with a third party provider? If it isdeveloped in-house, describe the development process (who, how, with what support?). If it is

    developed by a third party, please give the name of the provider / developer of the curriculum.

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    XV. What is the course completion rate for your secondary students? Using the guidelines below,

    enter the appropriate numbers in the space provided.

    Guidelines from Permanent Rules for the Administration, Certification and Oversightof Colorado Online Programs 3/6/08)

    2.04 Course Completion Requirements, for the purposes of transcript recording andstatistical enrollment reporting, means the student completion of a course based on meetingthe Authorizers approved academic content work and testing requirements.

    2.04.1 The course may be counted as having been completed when academic contentwork, as based upon authorizer accreditation curriculum standards, has been completed.

    2.04.2 Any student counted as an enrollment for the October 1st count date must beincluded in the course completion rate data.

    2.04.3 For calculation purposes, any student who leaves the course within the first 25%

    of said course shall not be counted.

    2.04.4 Mastery or passing a course is not a requirement of course completion, butmastery levels should be consistent with the Authorizer.


    StudentEnrollmenton October1st

    Studentswithdrawnduring thefirst 25% ofcourse

    Studentswho havefinishedthe course

    Completion Rate reported as apercentage


    Language Arts 100 5 85 (100 -5=95 8595 = 89.4%) 89.47%

    Language Arts



    Social Sciences

    Business andTechnology


    Other electives

    XVI. What is the ratio of adults (not to be construed to mean only a licensed teacher) to students inthe Online Program? This number should not include maintenance or purely administrativestaff.

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    XVII. The number of online teachers employed by the Online Program who satisfy the requirements

    specified for a highly qualified Teacher (as such requirements are described in the federal NoChild Left Behind Act of 2001, 20 U.S.C. 6301 et seq.) as retrieved by the Unit of OnlineLearning, is shown below. If there have been changes to this number, enter that number in thespace provided.

    Online ProgramNumber of HQ

    TeachersDecrease Increase New Total

    XVIII. What is the ratio of Teachers, as meeting the definition below, to students in the OnlineProgram?

    Teacher means any person who holds a Teachers license issued pursuant to theprovisions of article 60.5 of Title 22, CRS and who is employed to instruct, direct, or supervisethe instructional program, Teacher includes those persons employed by a charter school as

    a Teacher pursuant to a waiver granted to the charter school by the State Board pursuant to 22-30.5-105(3), C.R.S., or who are employed by a school district as a Teacher pursuant to

    a waiver granted to a school district pursuant to 22-2-117, C.R.S.

    XIX. How many students in the Online Program are classified as at risk according to the SchoolFinance definition below?

    Eligibility for free lunch pursuant to the National School Lunch Act was determined to be thebest proxy for the presence of at-risk youth; therefore, a districts at-risk count representsthenumber of students eligible for free lunch.

    XX. Describe the strategies used by the Online Program to help students stay on track to completetheir online courses successfully, including outreach efforts and technical support.

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    XXI. Describe any future program initiatives that will contribute to increased success in certainpopulations or the entire student enrollment and give a timeline for implementation.

    XXII. In the text block below, enter the annual budget of the Online Program, which shall account for allstate funding received by the Online Program, in accordance with existing budgetary reportingrequirements consistent with its authorizer or school district.

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    XXIII. Describe how the Online Program has satisfied the Quality Standards established by the Rulesfor Online Learning.

    1. The Online Program involves representatives of the Online Programs community, as

    well as staff, in a collaborative process to develop and communicate the OnlineProgram's vision, mission, goals and results, in a manner appropriate to the onlinemodel for that program. The Online Program provides leadership, governance, andstructure to support this vision and these supports are used by all staff to guide thedecision-making.

    2. The adopted curriculum of the Online Program is aligned with the Colorado ModelContent Standards, assessment frameworks, and is consistent with grade levelexpectations. Assessment results are used by staff to obtain information on studentlearning, monitor student progress, support other academic plans, identify achievementand curricular gaps, and to refine instruction.

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    3. The Online Program has, or has a plan and timeline in place to accomplish, thetechnological infrastructure capable of meeting the needs of students and staff, and ofsupporting teaching and learning. The Online Program uses a variety of technology toolsand has a user-friendly interface. The Online Program meets industry acceptedaccessibility standards for interoperability and appropriate access for learners with

    special needs. Technological support structures and programs are in place to reducebarriers to learning for all students.

    4. The Online Program has, and implements, a technology plan that includes (but is notlimited to) documentation that all students and Parents know and understand acceptableuse of the internet in accordance with all federal and state statutes. When providingdirect services (for example, ISP, computer equipment or at location) to students, theOnline Program will use filtering software to prevent access to inappropriate materials.

    5. Online Programs must comply with all statutory requirements, including the existingbudgetary reporting procedures under state law, as well as being consistent with theformat required by the authorizing entity. Budgets and accounting records must betransparent, open to the public, and demonstrate support of student academicachievement.

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    6. Instructional strategies and learning are designed to promote individual studentacademic growth, mastery of content standards, and individual growth towardperformance expectations at grade level consistent with other models. Instructionalstrategies are informed by analysis of on-going assessment results for individualstudents.

    7. The Online Programs teachers use ongoing, research based formative and summative

    assessments to measure student academic performance. Students have variedopportunities to demonstrate mastery of skills, show academic progress, and receivemeaningful feedback on their learning.

    8. An online school has a policy regarding course completion.

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    9. An Online Program follows policies for tracking attendance, participation, and truancy.

    The policy includes documentation of teacher / student interaction.

    10. The Online Program has a policy, and the infrastructure to store, retrieve, analyze andreport, required student, teacher, financial, and other required data collections.

    11. The Online Program has a policy providing guidance counseling services as appropriateto grade level and student need.

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    12. The Online Program has a policy guiding interactive school/home communication about

    student and program progress, program governance, and program accountability that isrelevant, regular, and available in native language where reasonable.

    13. Instructional strategies, practices, and content address various learning needs andstyles. The Online Program uses a body of evidence to identify advanced or under-

    performing students. Support structures and programs, including but not limited to Title I,English as a Second Language, Special Education, and Gifted and Talented, areintegrated into the schools instructional program to promote and support studentlearning. The Online Program demonstrates evidence of collaboration with theDepartment.

    14. The Online Program evaluates the degree to which it achieves the goals and objectivesfor student learning. There is a systematic process for collecting, disaggregating,managing, and analyzing data that enables the Online Programs leadership, teachers,Parents, students, community members and other stakeholders to determine areas ofstrength and challenge. The data collected are analyzed using a systems approach, andthe analysis includes the use of the Student Accountability Report (SAR) and other stateaccountability reports.
