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2008 Putin Study

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  • 8/9/2019 2008 Putin Study


    Pepaed by Beda Coo

    A Technica Report o the Nature of


    th rttu t

    ladi Pnhe Peside of ssia

    Fo hln u tad . .

    Fo the Oce of e Aeme Oce o te Secetay o eeneJauay 2008

    The views expressed in ths repor are hose of the aur and do o reflec he oficia iew,

    policy or posiio o . Dpartm o efs or the Uited Sates Gorment

  • 8/9/2019 2008 Putin Study


  • 8/9/2019 2008 Putin Study



    Moveen ptte enerve bi n eveloet, lui brin fution hdevelopetl roe o nderlie perepo lein to whi ete tohow deio in old ow, peron (d thi body) viibly revel the lf in

    otio ultitely offer p to how thei bin tio nd how ey edeiion ody, neroiee i pidl pprohi e tie whe e like oovee nd the b - - roh e o eti one ii (fMRI rinr be or urtely tred d depted

    T viible bt utl eplte lo et d fo eter udertndn o lederip potentil we opetio Ti thil eport de te liki reltio o oe ujet i rtiulr e predet o ui Vdiir uti He ourfo eue i oveet pern d i iroexpreion, lyed o ope ourevideo o erly revel th e ui redet e eolol borlty pofod ehviorl llene h bee idetifie y edi eoieti Apee Sydoe uiti dioder wih ffet l of hi deio Hi pry

    for of opeto i extree otrol nd thi i oorpilly refleed deiion ye d ow ove

    Brn eroloy i ly ebedded i e fi ye of lfe ti erolodevelopet w iifitly terrted ify Anlyi of ut hdwiedovee pe u ti ofer vible evidne bot wh pern llywired, wh re oe dnt wh y be lten Altho n nithroh fM pebly n o be outed o the Ri eiden the oeele to ehvior e bri nd oveet be tred t ondtofo whi to dei te ieti et o uh elte o oe bjet

    ui bnoriy d t ffet on i overe o ppret beoe peteplte for ore enerl eeh relted to eiio d eerhip lyi wel the evetl iteretti of how the bi d etrl ervo yte develop in prtthrouh the foi of bi nerooil oveet pttern

    Sietlly the oveen bri deiio tepte offer b o epirillytetin hu ovee ptterni eveopetl ffet o bri fution nd, bextenio h deio n id our potetil o predi it ut etdeion to old o to power ofir n erlier peitio by i invettion.

    Moreover hi ontii pee on the world te provide h onoi b too revou projet hyoee bot hi behv A individl edeip

    potet nd the deree o whih opeton y ly role lo be eterinedthrouh thi po e fndin wou be pble to ll leder he nextdeverble wil oie ieti po d th en o eti it wthpplitio of eble e de to rel worl eent

  • 8/9/2019 2008 Putin Study


    A a a word bc ut ao dipay d o owu compatoy patr ot w dtoo i th hitory o o o t word ot aortaria anuprdica adr warrat rh nvtatio a w ut niqbhavora proi and ctu prc o word ta or obvio data ortraci hua compatio attr ad th pcato o potca a bhavira


    aty aprciat or pcicay what a adr itriicay carri v oiticacntit a mar to bttr itrrt bhaviora ba i ratio to tratc ctta atioa cutr Movmnt a rvato o th bai wich rlct timatadrhip potntia. or aoa crity comity, apprciati th actuaicanc o th ro o movt ao or a ottia or itrvtio adrai o individa i or on hi way o pwr poiio. A hudrtadi bt tho i, ir iiicac a tir pottia t prdic baviora dciion a pott a itrmnt a a vovi wao yt.


  • 8/9/2019 2008 Putin Study


    Movement, Brai Deisio Teplae - Lkig Neuocece to Pedcg

    Dion n Ladhp Styl

    Moveme paes eevae basic ma eveome, icudi bai fucio Thsdeveopmea ocess aso delie pecepio eai ad acio whic elaes ohow decsio ma ods ow a peso (ad hei body) visiby eveas he sef imoio imaey offes a map o ow hei bai cios ad how ey maedecsos oday eosciece s apdy appoach e ime - - whe e lkae omoveme ad he ba hoh e o maeic soace imai (fMR) a baicae - - ca e moe accuaey aced a depced

    is visibe b suble empae aso ses a fo a ee udesadi of maleadeship poeial as we as compesao. Tis chica epo discsses hese is

    i eaio o oe ujec i aicula e peide o Rusia Vaimi ui e s oufocs because is movee paes ad is mcoexpessios, aayzed o ope ouceveo so clealy eveas a e Rssia Pese caes a eooca abomay apofoud beavioa caee ieifed by eadi euoscieiss as AseesSydome a ausic disode which affecs a o is deciio i imay fom ofcompeaio i exeme coo ad hs s somophcay efece i hs eciio yea ow he oves.

    ese moveme pae wee iiially deece hoh moveme aayi a eay aNew es ay 00, i he s elevso fooae eve see of he he, ewlyappoied peside of Rssa Today, ojec eooiss coim his eseach pjec's

    ealie hypohesis a vey eay i le pehap eve i eeo Pi sffeed a hehemipeic eve o ef emoa obe of he pfoa coe wich ivoves bohcea a eihea evous sysems oss moo ucioi o is ih side ead

    A stroe is te ledi hyptesis Pti's moer ws1 t th time of is birth d ppently iextremely frile elth. Se h iven bih twenty yers erlie to utins two brothers, one wo ie tbirt nd he oer ded of dphtheri t ive while e n i' s mother ived in hidren's seter. utinreers to is moter i is self portrit Frs Prs si se s oe hnry i fct se once finted ws ped n pie f dd odies ten for trved bt w revved

    is ssumed ht or cetrl nervous system (CN) ffects how we emoionly n conitiveyeeece ter orie n respod to iormtio d tu e eciio. Since e le 80 900s,te toomi nervous syste ws osiere to hve wo brnhes: te symthei n teprympttic Bicly o it d ih n rspon wr conct to th ympthi Oumore oriry nctionin, wen we re cm nd colected, bel to t prsymtic So clldce toris bo d its two pts hd evolvd becse mny of or ors r contd tobot prsymthei d syphetic systems. The oy vl heory descries e newe teory d thetul neropysil d eurontomil distintion betwee te two brnhes.

  • 8/9/2019 2008 Putin Study


    rib a a ad 3 ad his ro faial xpro y a hari ad voi 4 adra at.

    Ti Maazi to dto ar astt obrvr dsribi thi 2007 a of tya h itprtato o y owv would kly b hall by

    bhavora itists. Tr rso of th yar atl A sar is B bs wi tollowi t abo Pt apara a hi y

    "No o i bor with a tar k Vlad t h ia ridt palb y6 ar s ool so dvoid o oto at th tar st hav a a aaft, tr of oo who udrstoo a powr ht b ahvd byth pprso o ordary s b

    rvav Dvlopta ordr h a Ap Sydo a o o atisarably av thir roos i arlist oths o li wh basi roloialpattri s ad prto a flx r ad bo ra ito aas ay fto 8 ths t ovt also ats a a atalyt to braidvlopt i that ov a a dm is a wo way str T raospbtw odvopta ov pattrs tral rvou yt istuay ital "odvloptal ov att th rowt adftio of tral vos syst qally th Ca Nrvo (CNS) yat wh o ot ll ty of ovt will o ad thir qaliy. Whil w

    e movemet of Ptin' rigt arm ad righ leg ha a lo of ieiacy i te iiiation of he acon. tak i CNS logr to kick in i ordr to ov t ii H i not wa a a pnt tbete pat of i ife tregtning i boy. Dr. Jeremy Schmaan, Haard Medica Scoo cerebellumteorit he atet bran expert to exame te footage believe the origin of Ptin' o likel occe aa ierutee injury oveely he believe if i wa weak-than aoe recent oet- ad randamage would hypoeticaly ave been likely owever, wit ch a long andig ilt a hi, yu get

    lowe deayed iitiatio which i what i een i. Movet fnction accordng to Scmmani about "mc more tan u ength i about coordinatio, ccuracy, moto deerity agility ad liefar otide of real o toe a treor th alict toe wo have cerebra paly or Parkinon' frexampe4 or a more coplete dicion of he anayi o ti icrfacial expreion ee enda Conoearlier repor "An Act of Trut to ove Aead prepare for t Office of e Aeme 20 iincude Conor' interpretatio o utin' eotioal baeline a wel a the coioned epert nayof Dr ark Frank, aul Ekm' te fouder o Facia Action oding aociate.5 Time agazi eon o the ar A Tsr is Bo, Ti Magazine c 3 Ian 7 008 pp66.6 Grubigr, nor Grubingr Neudevlopmnta Mvnt Patter ad he Cerl Nevs Syte.,00 I, wwwamajoynet7 Wil a pltoa of ti rarch a n conctd in ct yar o h origin of t dia adeven it definiion acro a wde pectru of yndroe no defitve eory ee to accou for ittioogy Se arvard Magazine, Ats.: robng Roots Of Dsttng Dsorder Jan.Fb , 008pp 27 3 Movee reearc and analyi ha however been e to diagoe the preece of autbefore age one i project' aalyi i baed on the work of Bonie Bainbrige ohen' Body Mid eerig wea anothr ont aalyi mtod h kho Wacha Sy a bot proiing approach todeection of auti i te rt year o ife. See alo a Neropyiological Bai or Intervention y RalphG Maur, Cntr or Ati and lad iabiliti Univrity of Florida, aivill Florida, 326109Lenore Grubinger Nedeepenta Mveent Pates ad he Cerl Nevs yste 2001www.amajoy.nt,

    rbiger id p 6


  • 8/9/2019 2008 Putin Study


    ae eetially desied o atually matue - movement ad the CS ae atally thevehiles thou whih uh of e iteatio between an ifat's ie a osieevionmens ae plae his eioal eatosi s simltaeousl physial psyhooal

    Te behavoa mla o he ealy auma i feed ae ood afe hisabty to oially teat whh oses eat ehavioal haee to oniive aemotioal oessi as leae D Stepen oes, euoboloist a founde of e195 olyvaal oy a w itptato o hman votioay adaptation blivut's ai wi is latet whee th vo ytm to e hea and fae toeevae his ypia oial eaemen behaio emee Iea tn s pimalypeevi ad expessi hmself fom e eae adaptive fih/fh o flee staes ofbehavo.

    I hot ti neooa peeption halleed a atm epet ay th anmaifest i hypeestviy soial ye ad behavoa whdawal om oalstmlato

    ntly wl b nviwd o 's itatoal awa by th Maansedios his hype vilane hoe oh Hee anthe desptio of e ssanesidet's afet di the neao

    "He is impaie o the pot of dees wth mall tal .

    "Cham is o pa of his esentation of elhe mae no effot to beiatiati Oe ee tha he ays onstat beisane to a eemie iedsilne

    . .he misead seveal o o atempt a playess


    u i mself s sadoi b humoles In o os oethe, he ddt attempt a.

    14J e .

    Teoeially, tin bain ehavioal abomaite afes i oial eaemen addeensive behavios, idi, sesi whee he eviomet is safe o othestrtwoy his eed o be espeted if ood and "trut iteaton ae o o.

    Dun the ime neview he asweed 2 1 qestions His epose to oe eito qeyeet n his aayst id tis bai pesoal stre -- wethe o o he at anyoe an issue a o ba to his eoepive odiio.

    bid. Time Mgzine Iid, . 49 bd p.48.3 bid p..4



  • 8/9/2019 2008 Putin Study


    Tie Quetion

    wh do you thik re Aeri ionepti bout R?

    ut pone:

    ell, you ow o beeve ee re ioepton nk th proeful ttept by oe to rete ie of R bed o whh oeold nfn our tl d on pol i i th ro whyeveryody e to believe, like, i OK to pih te uin oew heyre ltle bit ve t, or ey jut lbed own o e tree d poblyneed o hve ei ir brhed n eir berd tried 5

    A refrotl orte nut lo ivolve e brn deiio tivte h reoin,pn oin trtei ke opoen of lederhp

    Brai Mv L = Cmpato

    Brn eurooy i ririly ebeded e fi ye of lfe ti nerolodevelopet w iifitly teted ifny Anly of ut hdwiedoveen pe whi ren onen over lfetie n ofvile evene bo whi pte e ully wred whh re ore doin whh y be let Alto bri nn thro fM rebly no be

    odted o the Rn Preent the ln noneele to behvo the brn doveen n be ed n odtion ro whi to dei te ientet o orrele on oer ubjet Moreover, rel world jet, Ptinotine to dipy the d of powerful oenoy pe ly o welludertoo i the hitory of oe of te world ot uthortrin nd upredtbleleder T wrn frter vetito well ti bevorl profile ndotinin preene o te wo te offer obvou t for trin e te ofphyil d eotol oentio d thir pton poty n bhvirlly

    he developetlly rofound pty ii i Putin e, de t the erlytru d neuroloil bnorty eeive otr t ll ot d had work vebttreed hi l of oil d peeptul kill he ettble oure of hun

    potent nd ptiity i the fe of rofon lo hve enbled hi to futio, beit,with opoed nerepton nd epeive pbilitie.

    uti' ve prh to overnne drive by ned fr eee ntl inperon power d n eeive ttenion to detil tody broht Rui iue

    5 d p5


  • 8/9/2019 2008 Putin Study


    scial cntract Apparnty Russian ar l fg sightly bttr ff T lgrm ffct hwvr radicaig a prviu "tr huma pliical frd ihrtr ukw ad a surc f cncrn amng ay xpts

    Phyioogcal o Of Freeoigin o Extree Politica orol

    ui l frdm in t m ac baviral wh aly in lf ufth nrlgical nsul I a brain MRI sca cld b dctd w culd cn hath lft spr isul t rfnal crt f t rai t plac whc wldal rghly crpd mvmt atrnig ad nrgica nrvan rlad tth frban as w11 a r rai aas pc i layrd prc f dvlmtbgns as ly as bi ad rgs n ast al firs ya li 6 Ervattrigg y mvmt gi n lwr brai prcd th pina crd th mbran ad mg fally n fbrai' mylinan Suc dvpmtalattrnig i h bran a lwhr n th bdy i a vapg and a tm uvprcs -- with crtai pttrn mrgng n disapparig and rs maingctan thrugt lif

    I w aayz uis mvmnt paing day w clarly rcgiz tat did crawl his mans ctrlaal mvmn ad r nal urgica paigs thatmrg arnd mnts ad itgrats rigt lft brain fucti, a missing Mvr,h lw bain ad pinl rfls i ut's cas ar parial r ampl a basicnrlgical patrn calld psiiv supprig f upr xmitis is missn isJac f distal iitiati cn b asily sn wh utin ggls t manvr imslf fth jud lr his missng nlgical attr 7, athr vy arly mvmn marr,yically mbddd at abut 2 mhs phyica1y abut "racing u a wll as "slfprcin

    ut is iy cmpsaing fr s ssing syapss by psing a sns f ctrl tfl niid and litrally ld gr ad prc Cnl a hi lvl, whichrrsns his basli, wi hwv vr im hav iminishg ffcivnss wllnd sk rcupat in r t mainai a lngtrm ns f balanc pig wisuc a rfund prsa hysica and prcpta bsacls rls i arguably, i'simbalanc sns and xrcis f w

    orol an ii

    uts cmnsati ats f cnrl rflc bth in and xta malanDurng crisis stabili himslf and hs prcptis any vlvng ctt h ca

    16 e !exs of ymmetria ma rh asymmetria to ua ad yia ma rhgin nrvg brt By onth two vs pcing o rs t ppr n t owr xtrmti ocrh ot rn rsar rgz t moeme neuroogialpatrnng a esey te ee fppr xrty graio rrat o a wid ap o ui inas n in d or 1rrsrch is rrnt7 Boi anrdg Chn r-ping uii hi f a h inia nos aommo missin p among h popuaion i e omoogo us o e ppe exemiies, wih inPis as sn his uo oman, i o ad


  • 8/9/2019 2008 Putin Study


    eet pg exee cnl pn petally all ctext h cae t bacalya elee phycal act a well a a cge eta epne ch abpbea can e ced by h edecy t wthdaw f cal tlat hedd a e te the K clea bae cdet hee behaal ee alelae e abece f cal engageen faclte and a tng elace n e fght

    gt ad eee ep.

    ' eet pfe eea an excee at te pe attendng t detal a y al t a h thghly w wat t Unl tleade wh ca ply t e the decpte nae f ctex ad neac wth t nthe e, Ptn ee hw he atdly tde all e detal t aee he gt t gh ad leally ld fg h ca ae f a lw deccycle pteally da dg c Pt e ad et t qae ectally l he all e fac Bt e dae n c cld e f hyte etn the eaet tage whe e ee t e t ay tage adaptate bea -- feeze h wa epe whe t ada whe e afeeed Ra nclea ae the K a H

    epe e wa t d thg

    ' gh lght ee c n whe he penaly feel eateed wheappached t tae act at ae nctale Sc wa the cae wen ltyc ad deca Mhal dy t a hgh blc ple ef. fgt ad pt Khdy p.

    extee cetaat f Ra leglate ad dca yte nde neactl t a phc eaple f needng t lately ctl the lee f we.T nclde w the ele pecee h a Ra wch ealy he aag d g h taee all cnceable pe le

    Cayg c elgal callenge ften ae a pege bec le t eyelf efeetal Oee wee ewldeed tw ea ag we t ddely afteexang New Eglad att we, Bb Kaf pe bwl g t actaypct Bweg t a wd tha ay decbe agane tea acn t' ca ll , b lac tef ee the acc f the falet wth the a tey call a the New Ra.

    "Bac at the aca wh w fallg de e ad dccte t ha been table thgt, a gdgng ht ddenly, atO''clc he ad ad abpty ed e eeng "Wee fnhe eathee' hg e n the table, le' ca a day he eclae Acaly, the

    a ce chce f ge ea) a deet "bd' cae)lgly ted gl n the epae e cadae' yet beeee he Ra edent bee jag ae etnageed h? Bed h? De he hae anthe apntent? t nt clea "Bye

  • 8/9/2019 2008 Putin Study


    bye ay Pin i gliha e wa bly ou o he room Te wor ofrebiding Ria appaenl i neer oe

    8 Vlmi in- A ol ol Wo in ror

    Pu rie, de o h abnormaly o a wolee or hmel ad by exenio owa naona leader or Ra o regai i' ormer ied glor Hi Deembe 27dearaio of peered eor miy Meee wa followed by a wo ymmi o Blaru h on ad Pn' g fur "Whi ia Pu' nageda maybe a re- merger o he wo orme Soe epb whih may ae oeime, b by 2 12 operaig rom a elded pbi leligh a Pme Mnier h maydo o onng alog e e o Tme Magazine' 7 araerzaio o m "Tar of he New ui

    If he rema fo ear n he umber wo, prme miner poo enable hm oll maeuer flllen of ompleng he el a fe ong uono proe yexenio he a oine iio of a re o a mer an greaer Ra while

    poing h own fure

    ri Mr Ro hviol Rlif

    Te pla o ep io he Prime Miner' lo allow im a oniig eig o uia'umae powe while offering hm e bady nee relf from e ery publ ereonarole of pree whh hallenge h aii odii o muh Pin ha mae nownh en o onue redig i he peidena ho hi make ene beaiorlly ah home eionmen i now amilar o him ad bg im a badl eeded ee ophyial omo a well a powe a ad orol Pun by emperamen a well ahrough kill, eel i nmber wo poiio a he did a Depy Mayo of S

    Peerbrg Oeeeig a porfoio in he "mbe w poion i alo erainy fmilarwi an added beefi o apig e nearby preideny, oupied by h ma,Medede.)

    Compnon Sour o Uq Lrp St ?

    Moreoer Pi' la o phial egraio rob him of pure phia deermiaiowhh expa h eeme ompeaoy eor onto ad yearng o power I aloaffe hi pelia ene of me e Jak ay rue enib in regard o paig 19.Wha Pin hs eed to unersn abo ime i bially -- he nee o do wh ineea o remain in onro. Pi' dea o eend h me idefiiel ipower n he a aop "h agenda wh n pr ono, and n pa

    uoou drie

    Corol Ad rblit

    i p r pyi rinhip im i rv p in in vir whi i i' i y n h up


  • 8/9/2019 2008 Putin Study


    Hoeve b pg such me eo o el he m e m he bg ce col lso lme become vlebe o pesme lol se o gngpoe Hs ffcul epeng emoo bug cl s col esul someoe close o m pembl use evell beg hm ccmeng

    h c o lmel emne hm n ome sble o evell obvou

    n h pat

    us bnom s ffec on hs govece so ppe becomes pmeemple o moe genel esech lss he eel epeo o ho hebn cel evou ssem eveop pa g he folg of bscneologcl moveme pes Scecll e mveme bn econemple offes bss f emcll esg hum oveme pegsevelopmel effec on b fncon b eeon mn ecson mncg ou poe pec s ece ecso o ho on o oe coms ele pecon b s vesgon oeove s cong esece o e

    ol sge poves ogong bs o confm he pevos ojec pohesesbou hs behvo. vu leep poenl he egee o chcompeso m l a ole c lso be eemne houg hs ppoch he fnngsol be ppcble o l ees he ex elvebe ll oue such scefppoc n he mes of esg pplco elble mesue me o eol ssessmes

    Fnll pecng moe specfc lee nscll caes gves polclscenss mee o bee ee behvol bees elo o segc coe ol cue ovemen s eevo of he b ch eecs lmeleeshp poenl o e o sec comm, ppecg he cu

    sgcnce of he oe o moveme lo offe ol fo eveo epeg o vls (o o e o) poe poons ch,ueg bee hoe ls e sgfcce he poel o pec bevo ecsos -- s s oe sme -- s evlvng epo ssem

    Putin's Mvn Deision Drivrs Ar An Exrm Atntion To Dail

    And css Conol.

    Becse e eve fll ve he nl sge of colel eveopmelpeng he hs fcl g echg ng fom hs cee of gv hebos soce o hm oe he oso He s no soll och h he gohogh he legs ee Sc holg poses ge he o pecepon csomg ecse of he plg of e bo m u pscll ( emooll he


  • 8/9/2019 2008 Putin Study


    tuly te with i ower perony d poitiy O very deep eveut ov f ontt v of vnbility rt to hi bn r vry rpyhophyiy nd peepty

    ut' oentio ter of orol rflet thi e of r d enl

    ib. Durn i to tbile he d ptio o evovi nxh rvrt to oi xtr otro h i by rflxiv to

    owv by pyi u it ttio to dtil h y ey i th bi itd old o tite eoe vlerbe to preed ted iid- tritourpi powr Hi diffty intpe otio bidin tu trut oud ti oeoe oe to i d preuby ted irventi i ruty toudr in o btl o vtly oviou wy hi ow.

    ut' bnority i nthee ppted by inte n riv to bowo wih e opie hro otrol i ee of te i peur i tt il of deveopet ffoldin rob i of y ipti or pin itititv i

    tr of ti othr th o do wht i ry to ri i otro. utin' dft wito etd hi ti indetey uti e op i r d lld end offfii dp of who for hf d tt R nd it' orr oyi Deebe 13 dertion of hi prefeed e, Ditry Medvedev w foowedby two dy uit to r on d utin' in futr Whit Rui heed e-err of th two for Soviet Repbi

    Sme Behairal Rele In Bein te Nmbe Two oiPe Me

    ui i d lik wy will b pro "work i pror And i ponidtity now iiy nd wi rni Ri oft hpn wieder i pedeor, ori Yeti) ti peonl rive to ify d onot l ot wi rin tio d for lo h wid uh powrheoeololly wit e Rui utl nd oliil otex w ot wnehowvr. i obinon th pheoon th Ri to dir d thriv Ipiit o uthoritri eder expi the ontextl otey nd potet for iiv o ot.

    If ti opi i ii poitio w dvv ridet whil y potety ll the o ro beid e ee And ror t he wi do o t

    idi ro e ideil rede Apprely do not wi o ove frity i idd vry iportn hviory fo fi f nd trtn.Rein n i urret oe provd eeded ee o iiriy doe bilyovri portfoo i r wo oitio t oo td i Wh i exeted re oet beefi of bei e er wo oition t etpbiy offr hi o th fr ti by trn w i d

  • 8/9/2019 2008 Putin Study


    n nubr tw psts as h dd as puty May St Ptsbg As rhaps rsgnantly at n that pst h gts rl and s shldd swat fr bg th publ rnal llght wh ass h gr sss pg wth Aspgs dtn ths t w b a rlf trs f s t t ntbhavral hallgs

    Nw rblgal thrs abut th vt ad strr f th bran an ntral nrvus syst a at r vtary ad wrng typa f fs anrtls) qps huans byn s tw bas adatts t l an t fght r lgtA rd dvltal stag has vlvd rlyg p ntral nrvus syst partla ad th ana nvs whh wr nlgal ntng t th had andfa and afts r hang sng v and faal xpss: shrt r salngagnt slls.

    Ts atrat f s vlunary ard wrg lns th rvs syst sfally tth ddl ar fa ys an v n st th rana nrv hs raudtry val and pang tr prg fr sal ngagt h w 04y Vaga thry ay tat S s nt a prvusly blvd balad b tad rgand t sd t thrat ad stu n a ntal ash ans prarlyly th b th hrd stag al ntn ga nats wt thtd ad nd w n th a prs f d ang wvr wh udrv that r dangr th sys dsgnd wn aprprat t stall trggrbawad an arl sg: g/ ght r n s huas d t yradprs th thrd tag ay nt av b flly yatd ths prptn and alslls a nt as rspnsv at lv and th nrvus sys wll srt alr lssatr aaptat

    n th as nvua whs S ar as ty hd thr

    nrptn ay b gagd a th r- aala pr sal ngagt statusprantly nlgally hgd at fgh gt r d F t huaths ar rpns w s typally xtradary gs bynd wh angagnt psss fas

    Nvrbal uat vd uggsts that Ruan rdt Vlad Ptn dsnt yt hav bnt t ntr NS yts rana nv ylat wh wusrv t lly ngag hs sal systs pats and hs ss ar rrvd atthrgh a ptv prpal ad sal lrg syt. ut' havardg t lang ats pas py-blgs r Sh rg thnvrty lln Bran Bdy n rval u ars a r ats aprvasv dvlptal dsr al Asrgrs Sydr s ys gaz aal

    xps v and hrng al rfl pfud nrptn hallgsally h ft h al ngagn ad fs bhavr ldgnsng whth th nvt s a r rs rtwrthy.

  • 8/9/2019 2008 Putin Study


    Ptn eveopetaly sported at the repta te of development whee the eedor order roeeds al teaton.0 Hs rar o tratey s to otrol Oe has made a deo t ay be very dlt to ersade o a deretlyTee se ay have profod mpato o hs ersoal teratos deoak ad eeally rs manaeet Dr r t op wth hs ool

    wtho typal oal oo ay beoe tbo yed s eroeptveproles a also maest at e other ed o the deensve pe h as tre an aresve eato

    havorally st o h appreabe perfora sl whe h s d totry opes wh yersetvty soal shyness ad beavoral wdawal from salstlatot s lely ost omortale wth rotne ad peroally rles w ovelt sas the Te Maazne tervew ay otex he beefts by a redto o ertaty adl odton mot potal soa ets

    erveto a ane he far of h ndvdas Whh s ak o the on

    o ths stdy the poeta o oveet as a aalyt ad nerveto tool toooveme Ptn aks sal tato see n how whe he hod a e hs nerp oot flly oh e pe

    A roposa o test e ovee a template draw rom ths prelmnay sty wll bepreeted n he ext deverable wth appato to te sdy o all leaders hohs testn evdee reard to he eroonetons of moveet wll e deteredad e relablty of oemet daors to the ra frer deled ad herrelalty ested. Te mveet sale or aalyss o e the RsaPesdet ad all leader ome oetally ro ope ore aeas A thee patterare osste over a lfeme assesmens of e leadersh poteal of ndvdal

    ra ro es o stae -- to terro -- to rs ltary oer -- an e adebeoe a ndvda asse esolty; efore a eader ome o powe (adthroho the tenre beoe a la offer s assed hs e oma; ad olhep avert e poteta atons of a tre error

    reard to fre aplatos, h td a dae ad offe posrpto o howto ore lly terat wh h leader a t, espealy those wose eroloy osantly afets ther behavo and deo tye Lkewse, whe a poaeran leader s avalble for testn ad terventon ts approah oe more llytested a be ed to rene the moveet erolol template order to ehaeleaderhp potental ad ehae deson stye Smtaeoy e empra kowledebase derved fro th vetato rovde ew evdene to odes of len aot

    ad op wth adveaes wth the ever eas poetal of moe aratelypredt what e a do

    20 In in viain a n iy di Ech Mw i Yiiv y "FPi d pds vi s sia na

  • 8/9/2019 2008 Putin Study


    T Maazns 007 Ma of ya, Va Pun was scb as chass,"ta "touh "av a "an yt "ao by h atoRconatons o ow t xo t cat baac of th cox ancoactoy ascts of s caact an ow ffcty o a to h wtnntacos a pos a w b o fy ca a Spb 2008


    Fto, snc sc as a so coss, scao on how hy w c hsovac h nub wo o as Russas P ns bn Mac 208,w aso b scss Fo xa, Putn ay nt aty fo ot b pubcy nth nub on poson. Fo baacn s soa ns aon wth hoso Rssa causs avoay a a a of ss oonay an covy th o n ao Rsas ay ct at wh h st stabs a sso stabty ov pas t yas, s actos sv to aso nn an vov ffa atoa natctu tha y hav utaty pov th nato ot ooba oppoy a pop o nvua fo of coc an of aw

    ay a pofo haca tha sap Ptn t an appaty h fa to ct oo wo o b n by ot a "ttn t Bcau oh ancap both physcay a pychoocay Pu o ccspctvopay of wha ny s aou h an a a fo of copsao, s anat vtao of nfato oc to uconcy as ch a posb fo aatv a vota cta ca o hs vstav pows ts of wha conss potan h ay an a ban sn of wash as o t -- bt hs aca nbs fo any vsoay potna Wha ha accoph both f naon s ba o wat n th pat h bv was oofo Russa a wat t pst ca assss as cocty vaab an at caay b soo upo Mo absact vas a no a aspc of hs asa


    a Ptn w nv vy cofotab pcy n a to aauncs o v sa os sc as h Maazn ta who cnynvw h

    u' ovt an ocpon o aout to a a wo py ac t ha tactos by xso th wo xncs s appca ack ofynas o caa. Ptn o bn scn a a a n a h as toy o tt oths to oto aty bcaus y tnsc asp sk ay not n. To at wo wt Rsa o fo aoa k ofcasw ky bnf by ofn h coaons at of a st o tst aa at

    su n on otco an aatvy anoth conato w facs at ypoc a ft oc o o ato Ow nutantaconatos ay b o s pcptua syst tha p a oub ak nnoato fnty akn o acon fo acton sak wot an xaustv ac to os atts s no avs an wo ky b sss Why On fac vau ucan not a o ovnt ovn o acto ba on t a p n of tu


  • 8/9/2019 2008 Putin Study


    Takng movmt rik on h fa va kow to him ba h pyatt mb vo ytm a imply not wi i way atffo him to mov o tk to o y A y typ of g fo Ptn wiivov am ppa po P ak goo of tim to fo apptiv omh thogh ar th ian o o i a a a fo of

    poa ompato f wht a ot tiy pv.

    Whi kow a th op n o pow bok mo Ra ay byity a tm n th n t a om to m n ofommnato th pomot ho btwn atatv Ptn t i o atio man o th ak o mg iio H ha o b oiy oo i at tha wltay mak a if t a movmn aiity mak t mtiv that hn oy tht w i i o o gon ow m h a tt oi th oom wth m gat a o hi ow fgi of f t ptiv ang at mak hm o o oa wthw a th mittl.

    tm of ahivig o of ovl Ri ability Pti hv th togh

    haning o v a ablig o to p gat o tabiity o o on vl. at th tmlo Yti ya, at w wht Rianpop wom Sg o fom of tabiliy thogh taitio of ono ofbaiay o of pow in mot baiy t va of moti fom o to na ll o of ow ft h vy pona pt o h limag yho hy f at o ay t nif a fly oio ofh t of gavity an ow.

    Pt' lak o pyhopyi tbty i that mpo o p ono wif ow ov hi vy oo mov i o to impy mn bT fta ppto th am tht fo on g fot o

    h tak wt to o a Ria Pt th pt hat of hiPi now om o, i my way h hi ha pay v m Ri i th hot tm wll Both th mn ato by a oftabiiy an oto In h og howv Ptn Pim Mit job o ofth yto y pot igt of many moi tiviti whh pg'oto, may fi hi popi wth xm ono n tm of hivlopig of t wth Wt an th US at lv of boig mayv b aomplih vopig a o bo wit th ky xt Pit, ityMvv my wy ho ion t i t ft. Moov Ptn n thmb two o, wth i for to ovy ytia i i to miopponiti h ao th ota that omo myb bh th n b oby mog mi wg of i th xiv of o mi

    ba Pti tak o fo movig h that at y ot w ow aft log hapi o h a Dty Mvv Pt ltimatpow ov wo y an wo go i Mv i "onio an w oh po abiiti ng my hag


  • 8/9/2019 2008 Putin Study


    ter of og er fleePti ow ene o ef a wor n pgebeae he ha h pofo nerooga o a eee for of opeato aa eeo wifne he otne to ee R a an exeo of hie- - withh pear peroa ene of te en the wor o en atio wi reai ao a ogter proe fo h f e ee i oatig Meveev tha he ght nee try to

    et n 2012

    t arwire peoa ye key to hage vy ite he fa tat e ha epb pr i th t to t i pit o t ptatio at h wi ti btate owe ay ofer hi oe ghty ifeent eretve a peha iferetopportnitie for ia or thee eaon e ay be e effetve i oig a geat eao gron work ben te ee a wathig Meeev be the fron a

    A for Ptn ate eree ee of otro a pereta narowe otatey ae to opportte an irea aveaie. Tere the ptetiafor oeoe behi the ee an win te ine re wt a ifferet vion oa iatey o attep t ake ater n the w an


    i eye gaze faia exreo, voie a eag a efe profo eroetohaege ti i prte at the retan tage o eveopet were ore peea iteratio 2 a hi opig traegy to ono One e a ae a eion aybe vey ft o perae h o at fferenty heoretiay, th efet i oiaegagee a efee beavor ig eng wheer te evioet i afe oroter twothy.

    Tee e ay have prfo piato o hi eroa iteratio, eo

    akig a eeay ii anaget ay boe tbborn or tye grii a neroeptie proe a ao afet at e oter en o the eenivepe triggerig a agreve eato

    t pe wth ypernitivty ia hye a behavia withrawa fr atiatio hi ee t be eete, if goo a "ting interatio are to ore i ikey ot ofortabe wi rotie, a peoay trgge wth ovety In anyotext e beefi by a retion of ertaiy, a ft oition i ot poitiia etig. tevet a hage the abri f h iivia .

    Te right ie of hi bo ar, ib a eg ove with ifty

    Athgh bra aig throgh fMRI preaby t e oe pon tean Preet the k to behavior e bran an oveet an oetee betrae a o at a a oatio ro whih o eg a te eti tet o orreae Mever a a jet Ptn ipay e kn o ptet peaty

    2 1 In in viain an iy di Ech Mw i Yiiv y "FPi d pds vi s sia na


  • 8/9/2019 2008 Putin Study


    pan iply wll ndtd hy f t wld authtaia adupdictabl dctat. ti' bhaval pfil ff bvi data ad uthivtati it h atu baic ical patti cul f ucddiiht f aci a f cpat pt f th latvly inblbtacl th a tiat c f ha ladhi pttal a

    tacabl ad xpli wn w ca cni whic lcal att dat and which a latt and iad b cnatd f by th

    Mv appciai cically what a lad itiically ca v pliticalcnit a a t tt tt at ba i lain t tac ctx aaial clt h atial cuty cuniy a btt tai f wca ucci ha c uch a dcii tyl -- ac val --aad ad d i vt a a fctal xpi f ba i a tbhavially a a vlvn wap yt

