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2008 Review 03 09 Notes

Date post: 14-Jul-2015
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P U B L IC RELATIONS OVERVIEW 2 0 0 9 /10 , Mike Bugsgang Amy Clarke and Edward Meadows 15 2 0 10 March
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, M ik e B u g s g a n g Am yC la r k e

a n d E d w a r d M e a d o w s

1 5 2 0 1 0M a r c h

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Te a m

Mike Bugsgang – Managing Director

Amy Clarke– Account Director

Edwars Meadows– Account Director

Jo Gaukrodger– Account Director

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Ag e n d a

• Bugsgang & Associates • 2009 review• Marketplace• 2010 campaign:

– objectives– strategy– programme

• Next steps• Questions

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• Founded in 1992

• Leading travel & tourism specialist

• Strong domestic destination track record

• Understanding of market

• Results driven approach

• Excellent media relationships

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S e r v ic e s• Media relations/press office

• Brand development

• Destination management

• Trade relations

• Sponsorship/events

• Community relations

• Internal communications

• Partnerships

• Crisis and issues management

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P e d ig r e e

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- VC P R

• Builds brand awareness• Enables a more detailed story• Helps to differentiate offering• Credible third-party recommendation• Makes the budget go further!

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2 0 0 9 R e v ie w

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H it s

• Times Travel Magazine• Sunday Mirror• Sunday Times• Telegraph Magazine• Mail on Sunday• The Times• Daily Telegraph• Sunday Express• Independent on Sunday• Daily Mail• The Guardian• Independent on Saturday • Sunday Telegraph• Prima• Now• People’s Friend• Great British Food

• Country Life• Chat• Style Bible.com• Woman and Home• BBC Homes and Antiques • travel.sky.com• The Metro• Living South• Oxford Mail• Northern Echo• Evening Standard• Southern Daily Echo• The Sussex Newspaper• Hampshire Society • Northampton Chronicle and

Echo• Gloucestershire Echo

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Ac t iv it ie s

• Journalist visits

• News releases

• Feature submissions

• Competitions

• Media liaison

• Status/familiarisation meetings

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E x a m p le h it s

The Times


Sunday Mirror

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Sunday Telegraph

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                                      British Heritage


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Daily Express

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The Guardian

Woman and Home

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R e s u lt s

‘Known’ coverage for 2009

• 26 x national articles

• 11 x regional articles

• 11 x national consumer magazine articles

• 16 x website articles (inc national newspaper sites)

N.B. + Pipeline articles from 2009 activities

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E v a lu a t io n

Value of known 2009 coverage achieved:


ROI: 33 - 1

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2 0 10• Economics: - Unemployment still rising - UK debt mountain - Exchange rates - Slow recovery

• Tourism: - Outbound down - Inbound growth - Domestic (Staycations/Snacking)

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2 0 10 C a m p a ig n

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O b je c t iv e s

• Position Chichester as an aspirational and inspirational destination

• Boost overnight stays

• Maintain flow of day visitors

• Highlight quality, value and diversity

• Emphasise accessible location

• Increase website traffic

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S t r a t e g y

Development of key themes:

• Cool and contemporary• Country chic• Excellent events• Food glorious food• Family fun• Coastal marvels• History and culture• The Arts• Classic

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S o u t h D o w n s N a t io n a l P a r k

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Au d ie n c e sEncouraging new audiences to visit withoutalienating existing repeat visitors

• Different purpose– Overseas visitors– Day visitors– Touring visitors– Mini breaks– Overnight visitors

• Different interests– Relaxation– Outdoors– Green travel– Family– Culinary– Sport and hobbies

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Ta r g e t M e d ia

• National/regional press and broadcast

• Consumer lifestyle

• Consumer specialist

• On-line media and social media

• Bloggers

• Freelancers

• Company magazines

• TV/Radio

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P R P r o g r a m m e

• Proactive/reactive press office

• Press visits

• Themed releases

• Features targeting

• Interviews

• Competitions

• Industry liaison

• Websites

• Steering Committee, Hotels and Attractions meetings

• VisitBritain/Tourism South East

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/ In t e r n e t S o c ia l M e d ia

• More emphasis in 2010

• Drive placement of www.visitchichester.org to benefit whole District

• Target specialist lifestyle websites and the online versions of print publications

• Social media enables more rapid sharing of information

• Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a key component of getting a website found - social media has proven its ability to significantly increase SEO

• Social media reaches new audiences and further audiences beyond them

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E n g a g e m e n t

• PR is a two way street

• News is our life blood!

• Fast turnaround vital

• Accommodation providers – journalist visits

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S u c c e s s f u lO u t c o m e

Mail on Sunday

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N e x t S t e p s

• Build on the solid foundations laid

• Maximise future media opportunities

• Continuous evaluation of results

• Continue to build relationships with existing & new members

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B y w o r k in g m o r e c lo s e ly t o g e t h e r

w e c a n m a k e2 0 10 a b u m p e r

y e a r f o r C h ic h e s t e r

!D is t r ic t t o u r is m

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: 2 0 0 9C o p y r ig h t B u g s g a n g A s s o c ia t e s

Tel: 07515 282606Email: [email protected]

