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(2008) Sept 2008 Clinton Global Initiative Annual Summit

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When it comes to cities known for their politics, people often would cite Brussels for the European Union, Westminster in London, Moscow in Russia or Washington DC in the United States.However one of the more fascinating facts is that New York really brings the world of politics together for one week in early September.Of even more interest is that fact that the bulk of New Yorkers are fixated with deal making, shopping or tourism and they do not realise the import of what is going on in their City .
Page 1: (2008) Sept 2008 Clinton Global Initiative Annual Summit

Global Vision 01


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Page 2: (2008) Sept 2008 Clinton Global Initiative Annual Summit

early september sees the formal opening of the year’s activities at the united nations building bringing heads of state galore into the city. security is immensely tight with roadblocks around the main hotels, sirens, heavily armed police and just about every-one not wearing earphones from an apple ipod is wearing the ubiquitous earpiece of the secret service.in addition to the opening of the un gen-eral assembly is the annual summit meeting of the clinton global initiative (or “cgi”). created and run by former us-president bill clinton the cgi meeting brings together an array of talent for philanthropic purposes.The attendance list is quite stunning. This year’s event included the following con-firmed guests: Queen rania al-abdullah (jordan), prime minister silvio berlusconi (italy), prime minister gordon brown (uK), president felipe calderón hinojosa (mexi-co), president leonel fernández (dominican republic), president armando guebuza (mo-zambique), president ellen johnson-sirleaf (liberia), president paul Kagame (rwanda), president hamid Karzai (afghanistan), presi-dent shimon peres (israel), prime minister Kevin rudd (australia), president jalal Tala-bani (iraq), former prime minister Tony blair (uK), former president ernesto zedillo (mex-

ico), former vice president al gore (united states), senator john mccain (arizona), sen-ator barack obama (illinois), mayor bill white (houston), former senator bill frist (Tennessee), jacques aigrain (swiss re), mu-hammad ali (athletes for hope), bradbury anderson (best buy), lance armstrong (lance armstrong foundation), craig barrett (intel), maria bartiromo (cnbc), bono (one), Tom brokaw (nbc news), lester brown (earth policy institute), john cham-bers (cisco), peter chernin (news corpora-tion), former army general wesley clark (ucla’s burkle center for international re-lations; emergya wind Technologies, bv), ian davis (mcKinsey & company), paul farmer (partners in health), bob geldof, da-vid gergen (harvard university), neville is-dell (The coca-cola company), wyclef jean (yéle haiti), ashley judd, robert f. Kennedy, jr. (riverkeeper alliance; nrdc), anne lau-vergeon (areva), wangari maathai (green belt movement, Kenya), amre moussa (league of arab states), dikembe mutombo (dikembe mutombo foundation), r.K. pachauri (Teri), T. boone pickens (bp capi-tal), victor pinchuk (The victor pinchuk foundation), carl pope (sierra club), judith rodin (rockefeller foundation), robert ru-bin (citi), joseph saunders (visa inc), josette

sheeran (world food programme), domin-ique strauss-Kahn (imf), barbara streisand (The streisand foundation), myron ullman (j.c. penny’s), ann veneman (unicef), and muhammad yunus (grameen bank).

both united states presidential candidates had a role in the annual meeting. senator john mccain delivered the opening remarks live at the “integrated solutions: water, food and energy” plenary session whilst senator barack obama gave a general address to meeting participants via satellite.

T H E B E S T k E P T P O L I T I C A L S EC R E T:

new york as hub for best global political networkingWhen IT CoMes To CITIes knoWn For TheIr polITICs, people oFTen Would CITe Brussels For The euro-

pean unIon, WesTMInsTer In london, MosCoW In russIa or WashIngTon dC In The unITed sTaTes.

hoWever one oF The More FasCInaTIng FaCTs Is ThaT neW York reallY BrIngs The World oF polITICs

TogeTher For one Week In earlY sepTeMBer.

oF even More InTeresT Is ThaT FaCT ThaT The Bulk oF neW Yorkers are FIxaTed WITh deal MakIng,

shoppIng or TourIsM and TheY do noT realIse The IMporT oF WhaT Is goIng on In TheIr CITY.by jeffrey bradford ph.d.

bill clinTon sharing a joKe wiTh new yorK mayor bloomberg and cyclisT lance armsTrong.former presidenTs bill clinTon and george herberT walKer bush discussing The difficulTies in new orleans posT hurricane KaTrina.

senaTor and neXT presidenT baracK obama

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Page 3: (2008) Sept 2008 Clinton Global Initiative Annual Summit

The summit itself is spread over a few days and is comprised of “set-piece” plenary ses-sions followed by break-out working groups. The following plenary session and working group topics were the basis for discussion and action at the 2008 annual meeting:

• A Call to Action - explored the transforma-tive capacity of business, government, and ngos to collaboratively develop and imple-ment sustainable solutions for the major challenges that cgi is focusing on this year.

• Generating Profits, Jobs, and Equitable Growth - highlighted solutions from the public and private sectors that are generat-ing profits, driving sustainable economic

growth, and creating high-quality jobs in both developed and developing nations.

• Integrated Solutions: Water, Food, and Energy - discussed ways to use water more efficiently, expand food security, and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels to create a more sustainable future.

• Meeting the Demands of Population Growth and Urbanization - featured poli-cies for growing cities to build and strength-en infrastructure that can help countries transform population growth into an oppor-tunity for development. • The Global Impact of Rural Innovation -

included information about business and technological innovations that serve rural communities that can also be applied around the world.

The working sessions were divided into three segments and are designed to transform ideas into action. The first segment featured a panel discussion among three to four leaders already taking action on a specific issue. dur-ing the second segment, audience members collaboratively assessed opportunities for ac-tion through intimate, highly interactive table discussions led by knowledgeable, profes-sionally trained facilitators. The final segment reconvened the larger discussion and through the use of information technology, enabled

hollywood acTor, maTT damon

nobel prize winner mohammad younus

sam cherribi and hillary clinTon

democraT senaTors baracK obama (illinois) and hilary clinTon (new yorK) on The 2008 presidenTial campaign Trail

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Page 4: (2008) Sept 2008 Clinton Global Initiative Annual Summit

Cain LUXE new York citY’s new hot sPotFamed nightclub organization Cain Leisure is well known for hosting exclusive parties at their nightclubs with several celebrity attendees including, Sean “Diddy” Combs, Leonardo DiCaprio, Mariah Carey, Jeremy Piven, Donald Trump, Paris Hilton, Nas, Kelis, Lindsay Lohan and Orlando Bloom.

Cain Leisure’s most recent endeavor is the new, New York City hotspot Cain LUXE, which encompasses all of the hot nightclub traits including, famous DJ’s, exquisite design, an expansive drink menu, and sur-rounding dance floor. The resurrec-tion of the “it” club brings forth a new wave of entertainment with Raising Cain, provocative dancers headed by Gloria Mila, producer

Enui Cho and choreographer Jonte, known for the dance routines she created for Beyonce’s music videos. The nightly dance performances stretch across the venue along the sleek black runway, incorporating seductiveness with a bit of sophisti-cation.

Cain LUXE delivers a modern por-trayal of entertainment as well as introducing New York City’s first champagne sommelier, whose sole job is ensuring the perfect pairing of champagne to any occasion. For the clientele who opt for something other than champagne, Mixologist, Remi Shabotan has incorporated fresh ingredients such as pressed ginger, pineapple and guava in the first-class cocktail menu.

Cain LUXE is taking New York City nightlife to a new level with innova-tive designs and a fresh perspective on catering to the elite social scene. The 5,000 square foot space is decorated with mohair cushions and large white elephant tusks adorning bright red beams, which are a perfect contrast to the black wooden floors. Cain LUXE’s interior creates a “Paris meets Africa” at-mosphere and provides an ultimate escape for New Yorkers who crave an enchanting new venue.

The high end nightclub also pro-vides a concierge service for high-end clients which includes services such as reservations at top restau-rants, car service arrangements and hotel reservations etc. in New York

City and all over the world. The event organizer at Cain LUXE has amazing contacts in cities such as Las Vegas, Miami and Ibiza and is willing to help out VIP clientele with anything they may need when in town or traveling.

Jamie Mulholland, President of Cain LUXE, is a native of South Af-rica and is one of the pre-eminent nightlife entrepreneurs to emerge in some time. Jamie Mulholland has become one of the most respected nightlife operators in Manhattan while donating his expertise to some of New York City’s hottest nightclubs, including Lotus, Quo and PM. With Cain Leisure clubs spreading from New York City to Dubai, he ensures success with ex-treme attention to detail, profes-sionalism, style, and the utmost discretion while hosting celebrities and VIP guests.

Jayma Cardoso, Co-Owner is Brazil-ian born and has been a dominant force in the direction of New York City nightlife for over a decade. With her refined selective taste lev-el and fully loaded rolodex, she has helped shape renowned clubs such as Lotus, Pangea, PM and Pacha-Ibiza. Co-owner of Cain Leisure’s nightclubs in New York City, South-ampton, and the Bahamas, Jayma has truly assisted in raising the en-tertainment bar of life after dark.

Cain LUXE544 West 27th Street (Between 10th Avenue & 11th Avenue)New York, NY 10001T: 212.947.8000www.cainnyc.com

GlObal PlaCes

real-time analysis and summary of the many proposals for action developed during the t able discussions.


• Global Expansion of Programs that I ncrease Quality Education

• Providing Real Choices: what works for at-risk adolescent girls and boys?

• Joint Session on Education and Global Health: expanding the school-health connection

• Beyond Microfinance: strengthening b usiness and entrepreneurship education for women in emerging economies

ENERGy & CLIMATE CHANGE WORkING S ESSIONS: ending energy wasterenewables revolutionclean Transportspecial session: climate change and p overty alleviation

GLOBAL HEALTH WORkING SESSIONS: healthy Transitions for adolescent girlsexpanding the global health workforcejoint session on education and global health: expanding the s chool-health connectionmaternal and child nutrition

POVERTy ALLEVIATION WORkING SESSIONS: strengthening livelihoods through financial services for the poorfood security and povertyimproving livelihoods in the wake of conflictspecial session: climate change and poverty alleviation

on Tuesday, september 23, cgi launched cgi exchange, a new forum for cgi mem-bers to showcase their projects and accom-plishments. This exhibition event will pro-vided an opportunity for members to learn about commitments and network with other cgi members to build partnerships.

on Thursday, september 25, president clin-ton hosted the second annual clinton global citizen awards, which recognizes extraordi-

nary individuals who have demonstrated in-novative leadership in solving pressing glob-al challenges. The ceremony was taped to broadcast as a special on cnbc, and hosted by maria bartiromo. Through their work, these honorees have proven that cross-sec-tors of society, including governments, cor-porations, philanthropists and non-govern-mental organizations, can work together successfully to implement and devise s olutions that effect positive, lasting social change.

as a non-profit organization, cgi depends upon sponsorship assistance to fund its op-erations and annual meeting. cgi sponsors in 2008 included golisano who was a major underwriter of the annual meeting. in addi-tion, the bill and melinda gates foundation, the eli and edythe broad foundation, citi, the doris and donald fisher fund, green rubber, procter & gamble (p&g), cisco, the sultanate of oman, calyon, clsa, cnbc, deutsche bank, duke energy, The econo-mist, energy developments and investments corporation, gsd&m’s idea city, the how-ard gilman foundation, hp, Knoll, microsoft, the rockefeller foundation, suzlon, swiss re, and Thomson reuters.

his royal highness prince willem-aleXander of The neTherlands

power panel cgi-sTyle: presidenT bill clinTon, Queen rania of jordan, presidenT of liberia ellen johnson sirleaf, ceo of coca cola neville isdell, musician bono of u2 fame and former vice-presidenT and nobel prize winner al gore

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G lO b a l P l aC e s | nighTlifeG lO b a l P e r s P e C t i v e s | summiT
