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2008ANNUAL REPORT - Xalq Bank · İnsan resursları İnformasiya Texnologiyalar ... formance in...

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Page 1: 2008ANNUAL REPORT - Xalq Bank · İnsan resursları İnformasiya Texnologiyalar ... formance in 2008 can be found in our Annual Report. Ölkənin maliyyə institutları tərəfindən


Page 2: 2008ANNUAL REPORT - Xalq Bank · İnsan resursları İnformasiya Texnologiyalar ... formance in 2008 can be found in our Annual Report. Ölkənin maliyyə institutları tərəfindən
Page 3: 2008ANNUAL REPORT - Xalq Bank · İnsan resursları İnformasiya Texnologiyalar ... formance in 2008 can be found in our Annual Report. Ölkənin maliyyə institutları tərəfindən

Statement of the Chairman of the Executive Board

Economy of Azerbaijan in 2008 and the role of banks

History of Xalq Bank

Risk management

International relations

Retail services

Corporate services

Branch network

HR policy

Information Technologies

Independent auditors’ report and financial statements

General detailsİdarə Heyəti Sədrinin müraciəti

2008-ci ildə Azərbaycanın iqtisadiyyatı və bankların rolu

Xalq Bankın tarixçəsi

Risklərin idarə edilməsi

Beynəlxalq əlaqələr

Pərakəndə xidmətlər

Korporativ xidmətlər

Xidmət şəbəkəsi

İnsan resursları

İnformasiya Texnologiyaları

Müstəqil auditor rəyi və maliyyə hesabatları

Ümumi məlumatlar CON






Page 4: 2008ANNUAL REPORT - Xalq Bank · İnsan resursları İnformasiya Texnologiyalar ... formance in 2008 can be found in our Annual Report. Ölkənin maliyyə institutları tərəfindən

As per the shareholders of the Bank, within the next years of operations Xalq Bank should become a high quality service universal Bank with the fairly de-veloped branch network with rich and diversified up-to-date product line to be offered for the customer use.

edən universal maliyyə institutuna çevrilməlidir.

Müştəri bazasını formalaşdırarkən biz bilirdik ki, pərakəndə xidmətlərin satışı üzrə istənilən nəticəni əldə etmək üçün Bank ilk növbədə geniş filial şəbəkəsinə ma-lik olmalıdır. Bunu nəzərə alaraq, ilkin mərhələdə bütün səylər korporativ müştərilərin cəlb olunmasına yönəldi və bu istiqamətdə biz əhəmiyyətli nailiyyətlər əldə etdik. Bu gün Xalq Bank dövlət və özəl sektora mənsub olan iri istehsalçıların da mövcud olduğu çoxsaylı korporativ müştərilərə xidmət göstərir.

Fəaliyyətin ilk iki ili bankın təşəkkülünə, komandasının formalaşmasına, tərəfdaş münasibətlərinin qurulmasına həsr edildi. Bu müddət ərzində qərb ölkələrinin nüfuz-lu bankları ilə əlaqələr qurulmuş, Bank beynəlxalq təşkilatlara üzv olmuş, müxtəlif ödəmə sistemlərini tətbiq etmişdir.

Yola saldığımız 2008-ci il dünyada qlobal iqtisadi böhranın dərinləşməsi şəraitində keçmişdir. Bu böhranın acı fəsadları Azərbaycan iqtisadiyyatından da yan keçməmişdir. Son on ildə dünya iqtisadiyyatına qovuşan Azərbaycan iqtisadiyyatı bu gün bir çox sınaqlardan keçməkdədir.

Lakin Azərbaycan hökumətinin monetar və fiskal siyasətə dair atdığı adekvat addımlar ölkənin maliyyə və makroiqtisadi sabitliyini qoruyub saxlamaqdadır.

Böhranın ciddi şəkildə uzanması və dərinləşməsinə baxmayaraq iqtisadiyyatımızın dinamik inkişafı da-vam etmiş, ikirəqəmli iqtisadi artım tempi qorunub saxlanmışdır. Buna paralel olaraq əsas iştirakçıları kiçik və orta biznes olan qeyri-neft sektoru sürətlə inkişaf etmişdir və günü-gündən daha da güclənir.

İqtisadiyyatın hazırkı durumu göstərir ki, biznesin istər keyfiyyət, istərsə də kəmiyyət baxımından daim inkişaf etməsi maliyyə bazarında uğurun əsas təminatçısıdır. Bununla əlaqədar, biz Bankın ölkə ərazisində filial şəbəkəsinin genişləndirilməsini davam etdirmək niyyətindəyik.

Hazırda müştərilərimiz Xalq Bankın ölkənin Bakı, Sumqayıt, Zaqatala, Gəncə, Neftçala, Mingəçevir, Yevlax, Cəlilabad və Naxçıvan kimi böyük şəhərlərindəki müvafiq struktur bölmələrinin xidmətlərindən istifadə edə bilərlər. Önümüzdəki 2009-cu ildə biz genişlənmə prosesini davam etdirərək respublikanın rayonlarında

quality service universal Bank with the fairly developed branch network with rich and diversified up-to-date product line to be offered for the customer use.

We knew that to be able to achieve a desired retail cus-tomer base we had to establish a widespread branch network. Keeping that in mind we started from the development of our corporate customer base on the initial stage of our growth which proved to be a suc-cessful strategy. Today Xalq Bank delivers a full range of banking services to a big number of state and privately owned enterprises.

The first two years were devoted to the organizational issues of the Bank, team building process and establish-ing partner networks. Throughout this period of time we were able to establish contacts with the top-notch Western financial institutions. Besides it Xalq Bank had acquired membership in a number of organizations and included diverse range of money transfer systems to its product line.

The year of 2008 was remarked with a serious down-turn of the world financial system. This contraction in the world business activities and credit squeeze that affected cross-border investments has its impact on Azerbaijani economy which has been integrating to the world economy throughout the past decade.

Preserving financial and the macroeconomic stability was very well understood and adequate steps in the monetary and fiscal policies were undertaken by the Government of Azerbaijan.

Still the double digit economic growth in Azerbaijan was successfully sustained and the required environ-ment for the dynamic growth was provided. At the same time there are signs of non-oil related small and medium size businesses strengthening. We, at Xalq Bank believe that this segment of economy has huge upside potential for further growth and we are com-mitted to continue strengthening our presence within this market segment.

The current situation of the economy shows that the sustainable growth of the businesses is the key deter-minant of the financial market participants’ success. That is why we are committed for further growth and regional spread of our branch network throughout the country.

Asim Məmmədliİdarə Heyətinin Sədri

Asim Mammadli Chairman of the Executive Board

Səhmdarların fikrincə, Xalq Bank qarşıdakı bir neçə il ərzində inkişaf etmiş geniş filial şəbəkəsi vasitəsilə müasir, müxtəlif çeşidli və yüksək səviyyəli xidmətlər təklif edən universal maliyyə institutuna çevrilməlidir.

Hörmətli səhmdarlar, müştərilər, tərəfdaşlar!

2008-ci ilin sonunda dörd yaşını qeyd edən Xalq Bankın ilk İllik Hesabatını diqqətinizə çatdırıram. Biz Sizləri Bankımızın təkcə 2008-ci il ərzində deyil, fəaliyyət göstərdiyi bütün ötən dövr ərzində əldə etdiyi nailiyyətlər və uğurları barədə məlumatlandırmaq istəyirik. Əslində dörd il Bank üçün bir o qədər də uzun müddət deyil, lakin səhmdarlar və əməkdaşlar üçün tamamilə yeni bir maliyyə qurumunun yaranması və təşəkkül tapması ilə bağlı olan bu dövr uzun və mürəkkəb olmuşdur. Bank kimi tamamilə yeni adla fəaliyyətə başlayan Xalq Bankın qarşısında duran əsas məqsəd qısa müddət ərzində yerli bazarda aparıcı mövqeləri tutmaq idi. Bununla yanaşı biz, ölkənin maliyyə bazarında güclü dövlət banklarının və xarici kapitalın iştirak etdiyi özəl bankların olmasını, bank sektorunda faktiki olaraq aparıcı biznes qurumlarının formalaşdığını və sair amilləri nəzərə alaraq qarşımızda duran hədəfin mürəkkəbliyini tam anlayırdıq.

Buna baxmayaraq, qarşımıza qoyduğumuz məqsədlərə nəzərdə tutduğumuzdan daha tez – 2006-cı ildə nail olduq və həmin il Xalq Bank ölkənin 10 aparıcı bankı sırasına daxil oldu.

Səhmdarların fikrincə, Xalq Bank qarşıdakı bir neçə il ərzində inkişaf etmiş geniş filial şəbəkəsi vasitəsilə müa-sir, müxtəlif çeşidli və yüksək səviyyəli xidmətlər təklif

Dear shareholders, clients and partners!

It is a great pleasure for me to introduce the first an-nual report of Xalq Bank that celebrated its four years of activity as of December 2008. Our primary purpose is to provide you with the broad information on bank ac-tivity and achievements throughout the year of 2008 as well as the previous years of its activity. Notwithstand-ing the fact that four years of presence in the market is not such a long period for a banking institution it has been a serious challenge for the shareholders and management of the Bank to establish and organize a well functioning and healthy standing financial institu-tion. The Bank’s management had a clearly set target of achieving a leading place within the banking industry of the country throughout a very short period of time. We have been very well aware of the fact that there is a formed group of leading banks in the local financial market as well as the banks with solid state and foreign background of ownership that put huge challenges for achieving our goals set.

Nevertheless we have been able to achieve those goals even ahead of planned time horizon, becoming one of the 10 leading banks in the local financial market by 2006.

As per the shareholders of the Bank, within the next years of operations Xalq Bank should become a high

Page 5: 2008ANNUAL REPORT - Xalq Bank · İnsan resursları İnformasiya Texnologiyalar ... formance in 2008 can be found in our Annual Report. Ölkənin maliyyə institutları tərəfindən











Nigar Biləndərliİdarə Heyətinin üzvü, Biznesin İnkişafı və Filiallarla İş İdarəsinin rəisi

Nigar BilandarliMember of the Executive Board, Head of Business Development and Branch Management Department

Elxan Ağayevİdarə Heyəti Sədrinin müavini

Yaşar Nağıyevİdarə Heyəti sədrinin müavini

Elkhan Aghayev Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board

Yashar NagiyevDeputy Chairman of the Executive Board

Xəzər Bağırlıİdarə Heyəti sədrinin müavini

Khazar BaghirliDeputy Chairman of the Executive Board

filiallar, habelə bu il Bakı şəhərində bir neçə filial və şöbə açmağı planlaşdırırıq.

2009-ci ildə biz, bank sektorundakı mövqelərimizi nəinki qoruyub saxlamaq, habelə mövqelərimizi möhkəmlətmək üçün bütün səylərimizi cəmləşdirmək niyyətindəyik. Uzunmüddətli strategiyada biz ölkənin beş aparıcı bankı sırasına daxil olmağı qarşımıza məqsəd qoymuşuq. Biz inamla bu hədəfə doğru irəliləyirik və bu məqsədimizə gələn il yetişməyi nəzərdə tuturuq. Lakin məqsədimiz təkcə yeni yüksəkliklərə nail olmaq deyil, həmçinin əldə etdiklərimizi daha da gücləndirməkdir. Və bunun üçün biz qarşıdakı illərdə də müştərilərimizə və tərəfdaşlarımıza mükəmməl servis, yüksək effektiv-liyi təmin edən müasir və ehtiyac duyulan məhsul və xidmətlər təklif etmək niyyətindəyik.

Biz arxaya fəxrlə, irəliyə inamla baxırıq!

Fəaliyyətimiz haqqında Hesabatı yekunlaşdıraraq qeyd etmək istəyirəm ki, tərəfdaşlarımız, əməkdaşlarımız, müştərilərimiz və səhmdarlarımız kimi inkişafda maraqlı tərəflərin dəstəyi olmadan bugünkü uğurlu nəticələrin əldə edilməsi son dərəcə çətin olardı.

Xalq Bankın İdarə Heyətinin adından göstərdikləri eti-mad və dəstəyə görə bizimlə əməkdaşlıq edən bütün müştərilərimizə və tərəfdaşlarımıza təşəkkürümü bildirmək istəyirəm. Xüsusilə də Xalq Bankın kollektivinə minnətdarlığımı bildirirəm. Məhz hər bir əməkdaşın yüksək peşəkarlığı və korporativ mədəniyyəti ötən müddət ərzində Bankın inkişafını və maliyyə uğurlarını təmin etmişdir.

Onların əməyinin nəticələri ilə Siz Xalq Bankın 2008-ci ilə dair İllik Hesabatında tanış ola bilərsiniz.


Asim Məmmədli

With best regards,

Asim Mammadli

As of today our clients may apply to our outlets located in the capital city of Baku as well as in the regional cen-ters such as Sumgayit, Zaqatala, Ganja, Neftchala, Min-gechevir, Yevlakh, Jalilabad and Nakhchivan. Through-out the year of 2009 we plan to further continue the expansion process of our branch network in the main regions of the country and also plan to introduce a few more outlets in Baku for the disposal of our customers.

Within the forthcoming year of 2009 we plan not only retain our leading position within the local fi-nancial market but also do our best possible to further strengthen it. In the long-term we set ourselves a goal of becoming among five leading financial institutions in Azerbaijan. We are heading towards this goal with high sense of confidence and plan to achieve it within the next year. Nevertheless our goal is not only com-prised of achieving new targets set, it is also about re-taining and strengthening our past achievements. That is why in the forthcoming years we are committed to continue delivering our first class service and provide for the maximal efficiency of demanded up-to-date banking products.

We look back with pride and look forward with a fair sense of confidence!

In the end of this statement on our activity I would like to emphasize the utmost important role of our part-ners, colleagues, customers and shareholders in helping us to achieve those challenging goals we have set.

On behalf of the Executive Board of Xalq Bank, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to our partners, customers and colleagues for their trust and support. Special thanks go to the team members of Xalq Bank. It is the high competency, professionalism and corpo-rate culture of every individual employee that predeter-mined the success of our institution.

The results of their job contribution on Xalq Bank’s per-formance in 2008 can be found in our Annual Report.

Page 6: 2008ANNUAL REPORT - Xalq Bank · İnsan resursları İnformasiya Texnologiyalar ... formance in 2008 can be found in our Annual Report. Ölkənin maliyyə institutları tərəfindən

Ölkənin maliyyə institutları tərəfindən fiziki və hüquqi şəxslərə verilən kreditlərin məbləği hesabat ilində 2007-ci illə müqayisədə 46% artaraq 6816,85 mln AZN olmuşdur.

2008-ci il dünya ölkələrinin son bir neçə onilliklərdir ki, üzləşmədiyi qlobal maliyyə böhranı ilə yadda qaldı. Bu böhranın ilk təsirləri inkişaf etmiş maliyyə bazarlarında müşahidə olundu. İlk mənbə ABŞ-ın maliyyə bazarında sosial ipoteka (sub-prime mortgage loans) adı ilə tanınan seqment oldu. Qanunvericilikdə və nəzarətdə müəyyən boşluqlar nəticəsində bu böhranın mənbəyini dərhal çevik və adekvat şəkildə aradan qaldırmaq müm-kün olmadı. Nəticədə maliyyə bazarındakı çətinliklər və müflisləşmələr zəncirvarı olaraq iqtisadiyyatın digər seqmentlərinə keçməyə başladı. Son illər ərzində dünyada artan qlobalizasiya meylləri bu böhranın digər ölkələrə daha da tez yayılmasına şərait yaratdı. Bu inteqrasiyanın səviyyəsindən asılı olaraq ölkələr bir-birinin ardınca böhranla üzləşməli oldular.Bir çox ölkələrin artıq 2008-ci ildə qlobal maliyyə böhranı ilə üzləşməsinə baxmayaraq, Azərbaycanın so-sial-iqtisadi həyatında son illər müşahidə olunan sürətli inkişaf yola saldığımız ildə də davam etmiş, istehsal və xidmət sahələrində qazanılan uğurlar yüksək artım sürətinə malik olmuşdur. Rəsmi mənbələrin məlumatına əsasən hesabat ili ərzində Azərbaycan Respublikasında istehsal edilmiş ÜDM (Ümumi Daxili Məhsul) əvvəlki illə müqayisədə 10,8 faiz real artımla müşahidə olunmuşdur. ÜDM-in adam başına düşən həcmi isə 4403.9 manat (5467.9 ABŞ dolları) təşkil etmişdir. Yola saldığımız ildə istehsal olu-nan ÜDM-in 57.4%-i sənaye, 5.8%-i kənd təsərrüfatı, ovçuluq və meşə təsərrüfatı, 7.6%-i tikinti, 6%-i ticarət və pullu xidmət sahələri, 5.1%-i nəqliyyat, 1.9%-i rabitə sahəsində əldə olunmuşdur. Sevindirici haldır ki, neft sektorunda ÜDM-in istehsalı 7%, qeyri-neft sektorunda isə 15.7% artmışdır.

The past year of 2008 was remarked by the influence of unseen for the past decades global economic crisis. The major financial markets became the first ones hit by the crisis that emerged from the sub-prime mortgages back in 2007 in the U.S. Gaps in the regulation, delayed support for the first hit businesses and the frustration of the legislative and regulatory powers has lead to the deepening of the financial crunch and creeping it into other sectors of the economy. The unprecedented glo-balization of the financial markets during the past de-cades allowed for the smooth transfer of the crisis from one national market into another. Overall, depending on the degree of economic integration different mar-kets started joining the “club” of countries hit by the downturn. Notwithstanding this fact, it is plausible to admit that the economy of Azerbaijan continued its rapid expansion throughout the year of 2008 that was reflected in the improved welfare of the population and the industry growth rates.As per official statistical data the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of Azerbaijani economy showed annual real growth rate of 10.8%. The per capita annual income reached 4,403.90 AZN (5,467.90 USD). The overall GDP growth is the res ult of the growth observed in the following segments of economy: 57.4% in industrial production, 5.8% in agriculture, hunting and forestry, 7.6% in construction, 6% in trade and services industry, 5.1% in transportation, 1.9% in telecom. The oil indus-try GDP growth rate accounts for 7%, whereas the non-oil sector GDP growth rate constitutes 15.7%.

ÜDM (mln AZN) GDP (mln AZN)























8 AN







Page 7: 2008ANNUAL REPORT - Xalq Bank · İnsan resursları İnformasiya Texnologiyalar ... formance in 2008 can be found in our Annual Report. Ölkənin maliyyə institutları tərəfindən

0 1250 2500 3750 5000













2005 2006 2007 2008

Ölkənin banklarında müştəri depozitləri 2008-ci ilin nəticələrinə görə 27% artaraq 4055.09 mln AZN təşkil etmişdir ki, bu məbləğin də 38%-i tələbli depozitlər, 62% isə müddətli depozitlərin payına düşür.

Ölkənin maliyyə-bank sektorunda həyata keçirilən isla-hatlar qəbul edilən hüquqi-normativ aktlar və beynəlxalq standartlar əsas götürülməklə həyata keçirilmiş və bu da banklar arasında rəqabətin gücləndirilməsinə və əhalinin bank xidmətlərinə çıxış imkanlarının artmasına səbəb olmuşdur.Dünyadakı pessimist statistik məlumatların fonunda bu inkişaf göstəricilərinin və artım templərinin bir qədər azalma ehtimalı var. Dərinləşən və müddəti uzanan iqti-sadi böhran keçən dövrlər ərzində dünya iqtisadiyyatı ilə uğurlu inteqrasiya edən Azərbaycan iqtisadiyyatını ciddi sınaqlar qarşısında qoyur. Dünyada cərəyan edən iqtisadi tənəzzülün fəsadları bilavasitə regional bazarlarda artıq öz ciddi təsirini göstərməkdədir. Böhran səbəbindən azalan ticarət dövriyyəsi və tələbat, ixrac edən sahələrdən də yan keçmir. Eyni zamanda dünya bazarında neftin qiymətinin kəskin düşməsi, xaricdə çalışan Azərbaycan vətəndaşları tərəfindən vətənə edilən köçürmələrin azalması və beynəlxalq maliyyələşdirmənin kəskin azalması bir çox iqtisadi göstəricilərə öz ciddi təsirini göstərməkdədir. Lakin, ölkə rəhbərliyi zamanında çevik və adekvat monetar, fiskal və qanunvericilik siyasətindən səmərəli istifadə edərək bu cur narahatçılığa son qoymuş və ölkənin daxilində maliyyə sabitliyini qoruyub saxlaya bilmişdir.

The reforms that take place in the financial market of the country are within the compliance to legislation and address the current developments in international standards of conduct of business. This leads to further creation of competitive environment among banks and allows for better penetration of banking services into the population of the country.The spectacular performance of major financial indi-cators from the past activities is gloomed up by the shade of the published worldwide statistical data. The deepening and prolonged economic downturn is raising some key concerns and challenges for the economy of Azerbaijan that has been integrating itself to the world economic system throughout the past decade.The feasible and direct affects of the contraction in the world economy have reached its peak in the regional markets. The slump in the world demand and trade has affected the major export related industries of the country as well as the region. The drop in the oil prices on the worldwide markets, the squeeze in the cross border credit flow and the drop in the financial remit-tances from the citizens residing abroad, has added to the impediments of the growth rates of key financial indicators of Azerbaijan.The prudent, timely and adequate measures undertaken by the government of Azerbaijan allow for the stable flow of business affairs within the country and shore up the fuss arising from the speculative actions. Specifical-ly, within a short period of time adequate adjustments to the monetary, fiscal and legislative policies were ad-opted that allowed for the enhancement of investor and business confidence in Azerbaijan.

The annual growth of deposits accounts for 27% reach-ing 4055,09 mln AZN as of the year end 2008 out of which 38% stands for demand deposits and 62% for term deposits.

Kreditlər (mln AZN) Credits (mln AZN)

Depozitlər (mln AZN) Deposits (mln AZN)

The total amount of loans issued for the corporate and retail customers in 2008 has grown up by 46% in comparison to what it was in 2007 and constitutes 6,816.85 mln AZN as of the year end 2008.





3362.10 6148.70









376 408485






Azərbaycanın ÜDM-nin yüksək artım tempi ölkənin bank sektorunun da sürətli inkişafına öz təsirini göstərmişdir. Xüsusilə də sosial sahələrdə nəzərə çarpan irəliləyişlər və qeyri-neft sektorunun inkişaf etdirilməsi ölkə banklarının əldə etdiyi iqtisadi nailiyyətlərə öz töhfəsini vermişdir. Qeyd edilən sahələrin banklarla birbaşa maliyyə-təsərrüfat əlaqələrinin olması sonda iri həcmli əmanətlərin cəlb edilməsi və sığortalanması, gi-rov əməliyyatlarının aparılması işinin təkmilləşdirilməsi və müştərilərlə yeni əməkdaşlıq üsullarının tətbiqinə şövqləndirmişdir. Bank sektorundakı inkişaf bütün əsas göstəricilərin dinamikasında öz əksini tapmışdır. 2008-ci ilin sonunda Azərbaycanda 46 kommersiya bankı və 94 qeyri-bank kredit təşkilatı, bankların 567 və bank olmayan kredit təşkilatlarının 64 filialı fəaliyyət göstərmişdir.

Bank sisteminin 2008-ci ildə aktivləri ötən illə müqayisədə 67% artaraq 10273.45 mln AZN, bankların kapitalı isə 66% artaraq 1704.87 mln AZN təşkil etmişdir.

The total asset value of banks represents annual growth of 67% and reached 10,273.45 mln AZN by the end of 2008. Whereas the total equity of the banks shows annual growth rate of 66% and reached 1,704.87 mln AZN.

The rapid GDP growth rate of Azerbaijan has also influenced the growth rates observed within the banking industry. Thus, considering the utmost important role of banks in the development of non-oil and social areas, the attraction of deposits to banks and their insurance, improvements in handling of collateral related transactions, and application of attractive methods is an important indicator of qualitative development. The growth of banking business is reflected in the trends of major indicators. As of the year end of 2008 there were 46 commercial banks with 567 branches present in the market along with 94 non-bank financial institutions with 64 branches across the country.

Bankların filiallarının sayı

Aktivlər (mln.)

Number of banks’ branches

Assets (mln.)

Bankların aktivlərinin həcminin ÜDM-ə nisbətinin 2008-ci ilin yekunlarına əsasən 27% təşkil etməsi, bank sektorunun inkişaf etmiş ölkələrin bank sektorları ilə müqayisədə inkişaf potensialının yüksək olduğunu göstərir. Maliyyə institutları tərəfindən ölkənin fiziki və hüquqi şəxslərinə verilən kreditlərin məbləği hesabat ilində 2007-ci illə müqayisədə 46% artaraq 6816.85 mln AZN olmuşdur.

The 27% ratio of total bank assets to the GDP for 2008 represents high upside potential for further growth of banks compared to their peers in the developed western financial markets. The total amount of loans issued for the corporate and retail customers in 2008 has grown up by 46% in comparison to what it was in 2007 and constitutes 6,816.85 mln AZN as of the year end 2008.

2008-ci ildə Azərbaycanın iqtisadiyyatı və Bankların rolu

Economy of Azerbaijan in 2008 and the role of banks

Page 8: 2008ANNUAL REPORT - Xalq Bank · İnsan resursları İnformasiya Texnologiyalar ... formance in 2008 can be found in our Annual Report. Ölkənin maliyyə institutları tərəfindən

Opening of “Mingechevir” branch“Mingəçevir” filialı açıldıDEKABRDECEMBER

Opening of correspondent account with Russlavbank, Russia Opening of “Ganja” branch Xalq Bank joins “MIGOM” money transfers system

Rusiyanın Russlavbankı ilə müxbir əlaqələr yaradıldı “Gəncə” filialı açıldıBank “MİGOM” pul köçürmələri sisteminə qoşuldu


Membership of European Economic Chamber of Trade, Com-merce and Industry (EEIG)Bank becomes a shareholder of Kapital Bank, having bought 20% of its shares

Xalq Bank Avropa İqtisadiyyat, Ticarət, Sahibkarlıq və Sənaye Palatasının üzvü olduXalq Bank, Kapital Bankın 20% səhmlərini alaraq, səhmdarların sırasına daxil oldu


Opening of “Neftchala” branch“Neftçala” filialı açıldıAVQUSTAUGUST

Bank becomes a member of Deposit Insurance Fund of Azerbaijan

Xalq Bank Əmanətlərin Sığortalanması Fondunun (ƏSF) üzvü oldu


Share capital of Xalq Bank is increased up to 53.55 mln. AZNXalq Bankın nizamnamə kapitalı 53.55 mln. AZN məbləğinə qədər artırıldı


Opening of correspondent account with Raiffeisen Bank, AustriaShare capital of Xalq Bank is increased up to 36.25 mln. AZN

Avstriyanın Raiffeisen Bankında müxbir hesab açıldıXalq Bankın nizamnamə kapitalı 36.25 mln. AZN məbləğinə qədər artırıldı


Opening of “Nakhchivan” division“Naxçıvan” şöbəsi açıldıMAY

Xalq Bank develops and implements system for Nar Mobile (Azerfon) services payment

Xalq Bankı tərəfindən yaradılan Nar Mobile (Azərfon) operato-runun xidmətlərin ödənilməsi sistemi tətbiq olundu


With regard to its financial results Xalq Bank is placed among Top-10 banks of the country

Cari ilin ilk üç rübünün fəaliyyətinin nəticələrinə görə Xalq Bank ölkənin on aparıcı bankı sırasına daxil oldu


Opening of “Central” branch in BakuBakıda “Mərkəz” filialı açıldıNOYABRNOVEMBER

New service for retail customers – trading of golden bars is launched

Xalq Bank yeni xidmət növü - qızıl külçələrin satışına başladı SENTYABRSEPTEMBER

Opening of “Yevlakh” branchOpening of “Jalilabad” branchNew “Progress” deposit is launched

“Yevlax” filialı açıldı“Cəlilabad” filialı açıldıYeni əmanət növü “Proqres” tətbiq olundu


Xalq Bank launches new promotional campaign “EURO 2008” among its customersXalq Bank and Adidas launches joint campaign “Enjoy the Discounts!”

Xalq Bank əmanətçiləri arasında “EURO 2008 – Futbol üzrə Avropa çempionatı” uduş kampaniyasına başladıXalq Bank Adidas şirkəti ilə birlikdə “Güzəştdən yararlanın!” aksiyasını keçirdi


Two retail offices of Xalq Bank opened in the city center of Baku Xalq Bank becomes a member of Visa International

Xalq Bank Bakı şəhərinin mərkəzində iki yeni şöbəsini açdı

Xalq Bank Visa İnternational ödəniş sisteminin üzvlüyünü əldə etdi





Opening of “Sumgayit” branch“Sumqayıt” filialı açıldıAPRELAPRIL

New “Mortgage deposit” is launchedYeni “İpoteka əmanəti” tətbiq olundu MAY

According to published statistics Xalq Bank is the most dynamic developing bank of the country in 2006

Dərc olunan məlumatlara əsasən Xalq Bank 2006-ci ildə ölkənin ən fəal inkişaf edən bankı elan olundu


Bank becomes an associate member of MasterCard International

Xalq Bank MasterCard İnternational beynəlxalq ödəniş sisteminin üzvlüyünü əldə etdi




Page 9: 2008ANNUAL REPORT - Xalq Bank · İnsan resursları İnformasiya Texnologiyalar ... formance in 2008 can be found in our Annual Report. Ölkənin maliyyə institutları tərəfindən



2005Establishing of correspondent relations with American Express Bank, New York Deloitte & Touche company becomes an official interna-tional auditor of Xalq Bank Under the motto “Successfully together!” Xalq Bank launched the advertising campaign Xalq Bank celebrates the First Annual Anniversary in Europe Hotel

Nyu-Yorkdakı American Express bankında müxbir hesab açıldı Deloitte & Touche şirkəti Bankın beynəlxalq auditoru seçildi

“Uğurla birlikdəyik!” şüarı altında bankın geniş əhatəli imic reklam kampaniyası başlandıAvropa otelində bankın bir illik fəaliyyətinə həsr olunmuş təntənəli mərasim keçirildi


2004Bank is registered at National Bank of Azerbaijan (License number 246 issued on Dec 27, 2004)

Bank Azərbaycan Respublikasl Milli Bankında qeydiyyatdan keçdi (27 dekabr 2004-cü il tarixli 246 saylı Lisenziya)


The monthly activity of the Bank for the first time shows the profit

Bank ilk dəfə olaraq cari ayı mənfəətlə bitirdiNOYABRNOVEMBER

Joining American Chamber of Commerce in AzerbaijanXalq Bank Amerikanın Azərbaycandakı Ticarət Palatasının üzvlüyünü əldə etdi


Launching of local cards issuance The first ATM is installed at the Head Office Connection to Western Union express money transfer system

Bank lokal plastik kartların buraxılmasına başladıBankın Baş ofisində ilk bankomat quraşdırıldıBank Western Union sürətli pul köçürmələri sisteminə qoşuldu


Opening the correspondent account with Impex Bank, Russia Joins to “Bistraya Pochta” express money transfer system Becomes a member of SWIFT Joining the Azerbaijan-Russia business chamber

Establishing of correspondent relations with Dresdner Bank, Frankfurt

Rusiyanın İmpeks Bankında müxbir hesab açıldı

Bank “Bıstraya Poçta” sürətli pul köçürmələri sisteminə qoşulduBank SWIFT şirkətinin üzvlüyünü aldıBank Azərbaycan-Rusiya İşgüzar Əməkdaşlıq palatasına daxil olduAlmaniyanın Dresdner Bankında müxbir hesab açıldı


Bank becomes a member of Azerbaijan Banks AssociationBank Azərbaycan Banklar Assosiasiyasının üzvlüyünü əldə etdi


Xalq Bankın tarixçəsi

History of Xalq Bank

Launching of new “Child’s” deposit Xalq Bank is been chosen as an agent of Azerbaijan State Mortgage Fund

Yeni əmanət növü - “Uşaq yığım əmanəti” tətbiq edildiXalq Bank Azərbaycan İpoteka Fondunun müvəkkil banklar siyahısına daxil edildi


Opening of correspondent account with Sberbank, RussiaRusiyanın Əmanət Bankı ilə müxbir əlaqələr qurulduYANVARJANUARY

The first mortgage loan of State Mortgage Program is issued

Opening of the first branch of Xalq Bank - “Zagatala” branch

Azərbaycan Respublikası İpoteka Fondunun hesabına birinci ipoteka krediti verildiZaqatala şəhərində Bankın ilk filialı açıldı


Page 10: 2008ANNUAL REPORT - Xalq Bank · İnsan resursları İnformasiya Texnologiyalar ... formance in 2008 can be found in our Annual Report. Ölkənin maliyyə institutları tərəfindən

Bu da aşağıda qeyd edilən şərtlərin hesabına həyata keçirilir:

Risk səviyyəsinin qiymətləndirilməsi metodikasının • formalaşdırılması;

Risk səviyyəsinin qiymətləndirilməsi və monitorinqi • texnologiyasının yaradılması;

Hər bir biznesin və müəssisənin, o cümlədən • bütövlükdə bankın risklərinin səviyyəsinin idarə edilməsi texnologiyasının yaradılması;

Risk menecmentinin parametrlərinin yerinə • yetirilməsi üzrə nəzarət sisteminin yaradılması və dəstəklənməsi.

The objective of Xalq Bank’s risk management is to pre-vent assumption of any unjustified risk by setting limi-tations and restrictions for business activities by, among others:

Developing a risk level assessment methodology;•

Developing a risk level assessment and monitoring • technique;

Developing a risk level management technique for • each business and the Bank as a whole;

Developing and supporting the risk management • compliance control system.

Kredit riskiKreditləşdirmə bankın əsas gəlir mənbəyidir. Məhz buna görə də Bank kredit riskinin müəyyənləşdirilməsi, qiymətləndirilməsi və idarə edilməsi proseduralarına xüsusi diqqət yetirir. Bu işin əsas istiqamətləri Bankın İdarə Heyəti tərəfindən təsdiq edilmiş “Kredit siyasəti”ndə əks olunur. Bankın Kredit siyasətinin məqsədləri arasında kredit portfelinin keyfiyyətinin müvafiq səviyyədə saxlanmasına, eləcə də Bankın etibarlı və maliyyə baxımından dayanıqlı müştərilər dairəsinin genişləndirilməsinə xüsusi əhəmiyyət verilir.

Bank kreditləşdirmə məsələləri üzrə qərarların qəbul edilməsi üçün aşağıdakı kollegial orqanları yaradaraq, onların fəaliyyətini təmin edir: baş ofisin Böyük və Kiçik kredit komitələri və kreditləşdirmə ilə bağlı qərarları qəbul edən filial komitələri. Bu sistem üzrə səlahiyyətlərin bölgüsü isə kredit ərizələrinə qısa müddətdə baxılmasına şərait yaradır, ardıcıl olaraq bu sahədə mükəmməl qərarların qəbul edilməsini və eyni zamanda vahid meyarlara əməl edilməsini təmin edir. Müştərinin maliyyə çətinlikləri ilə üzləşdiyini erkən mərhələdə aşkar etmək və bankın maraqlarının qorunması üçün tədbir görmək məqsədi ilə kreditlərin keyfiyyətinə və vaxtında qaytarılmasına daim nəzarət olunur. Kredit portfelinin artımı Bank üçün qəbulolunmaz risklərin qarşısının alınmasını nəzərə al-maqla tənzimlənir.

Credit riskLending is the principal income generating activity of the Bank. Therefore, the Bank pays particular attention to credit risk identification, assessment and manage-ment procedures. The main areas of this activity are defined in the Lending Policy approved by the Bank’s Executive Board. Among the goals and objectives of the Bank’s Lending Policy higher priority is given to main-taining a proper level of quality of the loan portfolio and expanding the number of reliable and financially sound customers of the Bank.

Bank has established and maintains collective lending decision-making bodies, the Upper and Lower Credit Committees of the head offices and branch office com-mittees for lending related decision-making. This system of division of authorities allows for prompt decision re-view and decision making on loan applications, while also providing reassurance as to uniform single criteria and consistent quality of lending decisions made.

In order to detect at an early stage that a customer is experiencing financial difficulties and to take measures to protect the Bank’s best interests, loan quality and re-coverability are monitored on a regular basis. Growth of the loan portfolio is monitored and controlled in such a manner that helps the Bank to avoid unacceptable degree of risk exposure.

For the purposes of Bank’s risk mitigation, their monitoring, detection and mea-surement the Bank at present fully exploits a risk management system prepared in accordance with the Basel Committee recommendations on the Bank super-vision.

Risklərin idarə edilməsi

Risk management

Risklərin idarə edilməsi Bankın aktivlərinin və passivlərinin idarə edilməsi siyasətinin həyata keçiril-məsində, habelə müvafiq hesabatlılığın və nəzarət sisteminin təşkil edilməsində mühüm rol oynayır. Risklərin ölçülməsi Azərbaycan Respublikası Milli Bankının tələbləri ilə bərabər risklərin idarə edilməsi üzrə beynəlxalq standartlara (Bazel II) əsasən müvafiq metodikalar, göstərici və alətlərdən istifadə edilməklə həyata keçirilir.

Son bir neçə il ərzində Xalq Bank öz daxili nəzarət sistemlərinin, xüsusilə də risklərin idarə edilməsi prosesinin inkişafı və gücləndirilməsini davam etdirmişdir. Xalq Bank bank nəzarəti üzrə Bazel Komitəsinin tövsiyələri əsasında hazırlanmış və əsaslandırılmış şəkildə Bankın qəbul etdiyi bütün risklərin azaldılması məqsədi ilə onların aşkarlanmasını, ölçülməsini və nəzarətin aparılmasını təmin edən risklərin idarə edilməsi sistemini yaradıb və hazırda ondan müvəffəqiyyətlə istifadə edir.

Bankın risklərin idarə edilməsi sistemi artan meylli regional ekspansiya və bank məhsullarının, xüsusilə də pərakəndə məhsulların diversifikasiyası nəzərə alınaraq daima təkmilləşdirilir. Risklərin idarə edilməsi sistemini yaradarkən Xalq Bankın rəhbər tutduğu əsas prinsip - səhmdarların və əmanətçilərin vəsaitlərinin təhlükəsizliyinin təmin edilməsi və hətta belə bir təhlükəsizliyin gəlir əldə edilməsindən öndə olmasıdır. Risklərin idarə edilməsində Xalq Bankın məqsədi və vəzifəsi biznes fəaliyyəti üzrə məhdudiyyətlərin müəyyən edilməsi vasitəsilə əsaslandırılmamış risklərin qarşısının alınmasından ibarətdir.

Xalq Bank bank nəzarəti üzrə Bazel Komitəsinin tövsiyələri əsasında hazırlanmış və əsaslandırılmış şəkildə Bankın qəbul etdiyi bütün risklərin azaldılması məqsədi ilə onların aşkarlanmasını, ölçülməsini və nəzarətin aparılmasını təmin edən risklərin idarə edilməsi sistemini yaradıb və hazırda ondan müvəffəqiyyətlə istifadə edir.

Risk management plays an important role in the mana-gement policies of the Bank’s assets and liabilities as well as in the facilitation of respective reporting and monitoring systems. Xalq Bank has established and maintains a risk management system developed on the basis of the recommendations of the National Bank of Azerbaijan and in accordance with the international standards on Risk management (Basel II).

For the last few years Xalq Bank continuously devel-oped and upgraded its internal monitoring systems es-pecially in the area of risk management processes. For the purposes of Bank’s risk mitigation, their monitoring, detection and measurement the Bank at present fully exploits a risk management system prepared in accor-dance with the Basel Committee recommendations on the Bank supervision.

Xalq Bank’s risk management system is constantly up-graded and improved given the growing regional expan-sion and diversification of banking products, especially retail products. The principal consideration of Xalq Bank in developing the risk management system: protection of shareholders’ and depositors’ funds prevails over in-come generation.

Page 11: 2008ANNUAL REPORT - Xalq Bank · İnsan resursları İnformasiya Texnologiyalar ... formance in 2008 can be found in our Annual Report. Ölkənin maliyyə institutları tərəfindən

Xarici banklarla və beynəlxalq təşkilatlarla əməkdaşlıq istənilən bankın müvəffəqiyyətlə fəaliyyət göstərməsinə zəmin yaradır. Bunu nəzərə alaraq, fəaliyyətinə başladığı andan etibarən Xalq Bank beynəlxalq münasibətlərin inkişaf etdirilməsinə xüsusi əhəmiyyət verir. Bankın strategiyası dünyanın aparıcı maliyyə təşkilatları ilə beynəlxalq əlaqələrin genişləndirilməsinə yönəldilir ki, bu da öz növbəsində müştərilərə bank əməliyyatları üzrə yüksək dərəcədə əlverişli şərtlər və tariflər təklif etməyə imkan verir.

Hal-hazırda Xalq Bankın əsas tərəf müqabilləri sırasına Standard Chartered Bank (Nyu York), Standard Char-tered Bank (Tokio), Standard Chartered Bank (Frankfurt), Raiffeisen CentralBank (Vyana), Dresdner Bank (Frank-furt), Rusiyanın Əmanət Bankı, Raiffeisen Moskva Bankı, Bank Stolichniy Kredit və Russlavbank daxildir.

Kart xidmətləri sahəsində uğurlu strateji fəaliyyət nəticəsində Xalq Bank 2006-cı ildən etibarən Master-Card İnternational ödəniş sisteminin üzvlüyünü almışdır. 2008-ci ildən isə Visa İnternational ödəniş sistemi-nin beynəlxalq üzvlüyünü əldə edərək, müştərilərinə müxtəlif çeşidli plastik kartları təklif etmək imkanı qazanıb.

Ticarətin maliyyələşdirilməsi və sənədli əməliyyatların aparılması məqsədi ilə Xalq Bankla Avstriyanın Raif-feisen CentralBank-ı arasında “Kredit xəttinin açılması haqqında” Müqavilənin bağlanması Bankın beynəlxalq münasibətlərinin inkişafında böyük nailiyyət hesab edilə bilər. Ötən dövr ərzində Xalq Bankın sənədli əməliyyatlarının dövriyyəsi təxminən 40.0 mln ABŞ dolları təşkil etmişdir.

Növbəti ildə xarici tərəfdaşlar şəbəkəsinin daha da genişləndirilməsi planlaşdırılır. Yeni tərəf müqabili-nin seçilməsində əməkdaşlığın iqtisadi əsaslandırılması, tərəfdaş bankların beynəlxalq reytinqləri və xidmətlərin göstərilməsinə kompleks yanaşma əsas meyarlar sayılır.

Xalq Bankın xarici iqtisadi münasibətlərinin əsas xüsusiyyətləri Bankın beynəlxalq və regional təşkilatlara daxil olmasıdır. Bu baxımdan Bankın Amerika Ticarət Palatasına (AmCham), Azərbaycan-Rusiya İşgüzar Palatasına və Avropa İqtisadiyyat, Ticarət, Sahibkarlıq və Sənaye Palatasına (EEİG) üzv olması onun müxtəlif as-sosiasiyalarda aktiv iştirakının göstəricisidir.

Beləliklə, Xalq Bank müxtəlif beynəlxalq şirkətlərlə və təşkilatlarla əlaqəsini genişləndirir və möhkəmləndirir.

Cooperation with foreign banks and international in-stitutions would enable any bank to operate success-fully. Hence, starting from its first days of establishment Xalq Bank has assigned particular importance to build-ing and developing international relations. The Bank’s strategy aims at enhancing international contacts and relations with the world’s leading financial institutions, which, in turn, enables the Bank to offer its customers the possibly favorable terms and rates for the transac-tions.

Today Xalq Bank’s main partners are Standard Chartered Bank (New York), Standard Chartered Bank (Tokyo), Standard Chartered Bank AG (Frankfurt), Raiffeisen CentralBank (Vienna), Dresdner Bank (Frankfurt), Sber-bank (Moscow), Raiffeisen Bank (Moscow), Stolichniy Kredit Bank (Moscow) and Russlavbank (Moscow).

As a result of successful operations in plastic cards business Xalq Bank was granted membership from the MasterCard International Payment system back in 2006. Later in 2008 membership with Visa International Payment system was attained and allowed for further delivery of a diverse range of plastic cards to its cus-tomers.

Another important indicator of a successful develop-ment in the international relations of the Bank is the agreement on “Opening of credit line facility” with Raiffeisen CentralBank (Austria) on behalf of Xalq Bank that should allow for the conduct of trade finance and documentary operations of the Bank. The turnover from the documentary operations at Xalq Bank throughout 2008 approximates to 40.0 mln USD.

The Bank is planning further expansion of the network of foreign partners in the next year. In this view, the principal selection criteria for new partners includes the cost effectiveness implications relating to the proposed account, international ratings of partner banks and in-tegrated approach in service delivery.

An important characteristic of Xalq Bank’s foreign eco-nomic relations lies in acquisition of memberships with international and regional organizations. In this regard, the Bank’s membership with the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham), Azerbaijan-Russian Chamber of Business, and with the European Economic, Trade, Busi-ness and Industrial Chamber (EEIG) indicates of its ac-tive involvement with a variety of institutions.

Thus, Xalq Bank seeks to further promote and enhance its relations with different international companies and institutions.

Xalq Bank müxtəlif beynəlxalq şirkətlərlə və təşkilatlarla əlaqəsini genişləndirir və möhkəmləndirir.

Xalq Bank seeks to further promote and enhance its relations with different in-ternational companies and institutions.



Page 12: 2008ANNUAL REPORT - Xalq Bank · İnsan resursları İnformasiya Texnologiyalar ... formance in 2008 can be found in our Annual Report. Ölkənin maliyyə institutları tərəfindən

ƏmanətlərPərakəndə biznesin əsas istiqamətlərindən biri əhalidən pul vəsaitlərinin cəlb edilməsi və əmanətlər üzrə faizlərin ödənilməsidir. Xalq Bank hər müştərinin tələblərini maksimal dərəcədə ödəyən müxtəlif növ depozit əmanətlərini təklif edir. Hər əmanətin əlverişli və çevik şərtləri onları Bankın müştəriləri üçün sərfəli edir. Əmanətlərin gəlirli olması ilə yanaşı, əmanətçilərə Bankın digər xidmətlərinin göstərilməsi, cəlb olunmuş vəsaitin davamlı olaraq artmasına imkan yaradır. Hesabat ilində Bank tərəfindən yeni depozit məhsulu – “Proqres” – işlənib hazırlanmış və müştərilərə təqdim edilmişdir. “Proqres” əmanəti üzrə faizlərin yüksək olması müştərilərin vəsaitlərinin müntəzəm olaraq artırılmasına imkan yaradır. 2008-ci ilin sonuna qədər Xalq Bankın fiziki şəxslər üzrə depozit əmanətlərinin ümumi portfeli 204.04 mln manat təşkil etmiş və cəlb olunmuş vəsaitin həcminə görə Bank ölkənin beş aparıcı bankı sırasına daxil olmuşdur.Xalq Bank 2007-ci ildə yaradılmış Əmanətlərin Sığortalanması Fonduna daxil olan ilk banklardan biridir.İpoteka kreditləri Azərbaycan İpoteka Fondunun üzvü olaraq Xalq Bank Dövlət İpoteka Proqramında fəal iştirak edir və Azərbaycan vətəndaşlarına ipoteka kreditləri verir. Ümumiyyətlə proqram çərçivəsində cəmi 4.54 mln manat həcmində 117 ipoteka krediti verilib. Həmin proqram üçün xüsusi olaraq ipoteka kreditinin potensial borcalanları üçün nəzərdə tutulmuş İpoteka əmanəti hazırlanaraq tətbiq olunub. Əmanətin şərtləri müştəriyə mənzil almaq məqsədilə ilkin ödəniş üçün vəsait yığmaq və bank tərəfindən ipoteka kreditinin verilməsində güzəşt almaq imkanını yaradır.Plastik kartlar MasterCard İnternational beynəlxalq ödəniş sistemi-nin üzvü olaraq Xalq Bank, həmin sistemin debit və kredit kartlarını buraxır. 2008-ci ildə Visa İnternational beynəlxalq ödəniş sisteminin də üzvlüyünün əldə edilməsi mövcud olan bank xidmətləri çeşidinin artırılmasına müsbət təsir göstərmişdir.Ötən il Bank plastik kartlardan istifadə infrastrukturunu da əhəmiyyətli dərəcədə genişləndirmiş, infrastruktu-run əsas tərkib hissələri olan bankomatların sayını 21-ə çatdıraraq, xeyli artırmışdır. 2008-ci ilin sonuna emis-siya edilmiş kartların sayı 11 500 təşkil edib.2008-ci ildə Xalq Bankın Adidas şirkəti ilə birlikdə keçirdiyi „Güzəştdən yararlanın!“ aksiyası çərçivəsində Bankın kartı ilə Adidas mağazasında mal alan müştərilər 10% həcmində endirim əldə etmişdir.Kart sahiblərinin rahatlığı üçün Xalq Bank daim ölkənin həm paytaxtında, həm də regionlarında bankomatlar şəbəkəsini genişləndirir. Qızıl külçələrXalq Bankın 2008-ci ildə tətbiq etdiyi yeni xidmətlər sırasında ən yüksək, 999,9 əyarlı qızıl külçələrin alınması və satılması xidmətidə olmuşdur. Bankın müştəriləri 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 250, 500 qramlıq qızıl külçələri ala

DepositsOne of the main aspects of retail business assumes at-traction of funding from the population and paying interest income on those funds. Xalq Bank offers its customers various types of deposits that are specifically designed to meet the customer needs in a most effi-cient way. Favorable and flexible terms associated with each of deposit make them affordable and attractive for the Bank customers. The combination of yield and supplementary services provided to customers support and facilitate the continuous growth of deposits. Within the period reviewed herein the new “Progress” deposit product was introduced for the customers. High interest income on this deposit allows for the steady growth of the customer funds.As of the year end of 2008 the total portfolio of indi-vidual customer deposits constituted 204.04 mln AZN which ranks Xalq Bank among Top Five Banks in the country.Xalq Bank was among the first banks to join the Deposit Insurance Fund established in 2007.Mortgage lendingBeing an agent of the Azerbaijani Mortgage Fund, Xalq Bank has been actively involved in the State Mortgage Program by extending mortgage loans to Azerbaijani residents. Overall 117 loans for a total amount of 4.54 million AZN were granted under the Program.Under the Program, the Bank specifically designed and introduced the Mortgage Deposit product to be pro-vided to prospective mortgage borrowers. Terms of this deposit enable the customer to save funds to make a down-payment for the apartment and to be entitled to discounts and privileges when taking a mortgage loan from the Bank.Plastic cardsXalq Bank, as a member of MasterCard International, issues various types of cards of this system. Issued cards include both debit and credit cards. Acquisition of membership from Visa International payment system in 2008 added up for the diversity of plastic card products offered by the Bank.During the last year a serious steps on plastic card in-frastructure building have been undertaken. The key element of this infrastructure – ATM network, has been seriously increased in number and reached 21. As of the year end of 2008, cards issued totaled to about 11 500 pieces. The year of 2008 can also be remarked by the market-ing campaign “Enjoy the discounts!” held together with Adidas outlet in Baku. The cardholders of Xalq Bank could benefit from 10% discounts offered to them by making any purchase in the shops under Adidas brand name.For convenience of cardholders Xalq Bank continuously expands its ATM network, both in the capital city and the regions of the country.Golden barsHandling of transactions with the purchase and sale of



Page 13: 2008ANNUAL REPORT - Xalq Bank · İnsan resursları İnformasiya Texnologiyalar ... formance in 2008 can be found in our Annual Report. Ölkənin maliyyə institutları tərəfindən



bilər. Xalq Bank həmçinin satılmış qızıl külçələrin satın alınmasını həyata keçirir. Qızıl külçələrin daha təhlükəsiz saxlanması üçün Bank müştərilərə müxtəlif ölçülü de-pozit seyfləri təklif edir.Xalq Bank Azərbaycanda qızıl ilə əməliyyat aparan 3 bankdan biridir.Pul köçürmələri Xalq Bankın əhali arasında ən çox tələb olunan xidmətlərindən biri sürətli pul köçürmələridir. 2008-ci ildə Xalq Bank “Migom” sistemindən istifadə etməyə başlayaraq, pul köçürmələrinin çeşidini genişləndirdi. Hal-hazırda Bankda Western Union, Bıstraya Poçta, Xpress Money və Migom sistemləri işə salınmışdır. Yeni sistemlərin işə salınması, habelə Bankın filial in-frastrukturunun artırılması hesabına 2008-ci ildə həyata keçirilən pul köçürmələrinin həcmi 9.0 mln ABŞ dollarına yaxın olmuşdur.Yol çekləri Xalq Bank pərakəndə xidmət və məhsulların çeşidini davamlı artıraraq, nağd pula ən rahat və etibarlı alter-nativ sayılan tanınmış American Express yol çeklərinin alınması üzrə xidməti təklif edir.Kreditləşmə Xalq Bankın təklif etdiyi geniş spektrli kreditlər müştərilərin borc vəsaitlərinə olan tələbatını ödəməyə xidmət edir. Bankın kredit siyasətinə uyğun olaraq müştərilərlə qarşılıqlı əlverişli şərtlər əsasında münasibətlərin qurulması, hər bir müştəriyə fərdi yanaşma, eləcə də kreditlərin sərfəli faiz dərəcələri və operativliyi müştərilərin tələblərini ödəməyə imkan verir.2008-ci ildə fiziki şəxslərin fəal kreditləşməsi davam etmiş və onlara verilmiş kreditlərin ümumi həcmi bir neçə dəfə artaraq 17.68 mln manat təşkil etmişdir. Xalq Bankın müştəriləri arasında ən populyar kredit məhsulları avtonəqliyyat vasitələrinin kreditləşməsi və istehlak kreditləridir.Depozit seyfləri Xalq Bank müştərilərinə sənədlərin və qiymətli əşyaların təhlükəsizliyini təmin etmək məqsədilə müxtəlif həcmli depozit seyflərini təklif edir.

999.9 probe golden bars was among the new products offered by Xalq Bank in 2008. The Bank introduced its customers the 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 250, 500 grams of golden bars for sale. Xalq Bank also provides for the buy back of the previously sold bars. For the purposes of se-cure storage of the golden bars the Bank offers its safe keeping facilities of diverse dimensions.Xalq Bank is among three banks that conduct opera-tions with gold in Azerbaijan.Money transfersExpress money transfers constitute one of the most demanded Xalq Bank’s services by the population. By joining “Migom” system in 2008, Xalq Bank was able to broaden its range of money transfer services. Currently the Bank employs Western Union, Bistraya Pochta, Ex-press Money and Migom money transfer systems. The emergence of new systems and branch infrastructure of the Bank allowed for the money transfer transac-tions turnover reach the value of about 9.0 million AZN in 2008.Travelers chequesSeeking to enhance the range of retail services and products, Xalq Bank provides for purchase of American Express travel checks, which are recognized to be the most convenient and safe alternative of cash.LoansThe large spectrum of Bank’s loan products allows for the satisfaction of those customers of Bank that short of funding resources. In compliance with the credit policy of the Bank, the Bank offers mutually attractive terms for the loans as well as facilitates individual ap-proach to each customer providing for the affordable interest rates and operational decision making process to satisfy the customer needs.In 2008 the Bank continued its active lending to indi-viduals. This was reflected in a further growth of loan portfolio for individuals that reached the total value of 17.68 million AZN as of the year end of 2008. The most popular loan products among Xalq Bank’s clients are the car loans and consumer loans.Safe-keeping deposit boxesDeposit boxes of various size and dimensions are avail-able to our customers for safe storage of documents and precious items that constitute value for the cus-tomers.

Pərakəndə xidmətlər

Retail services

Page 14: 2008ANNUAL REPORT - Xalq Bank · İnsan resursları İnformasiya Texnologiyalar ... formance in 2008 can be found in our Annual Report. Ölkənin maliyyə institutları tərəfindən

Deposits proposed to Xalq Bank’s corporate customers offer broad benefits and are distinguished with long-term and mutual partnership relations with the Bank’s customers.

qarşılıqlı tərəfdaşlıq münasibətlərinin qurulmasına im-kan yaradır. Belə ki, hüqüqi şəxslər və fərdi sahibkarlar-dan əmanətlərin qəbulu Bank üçün strateji əhəmiyyət kəsb edir. 2008-ci ildə korporativ müştərilərin depozit portfeli 94.27 mln AZN təşkil etmişdir ki, bu göstərici keçən ilin müvafiq dövrü ilə müqayisədə bir neçə dəfə çoxdur. Xalq Bank həyata keçirdiyi əmək haqqı layihələri ilə əlaqədar olaraq xüsusi məhsul – adi və əmək haqqı kartlarının xüsusiyyətlərini özündə birləşdirən Maestro elektron kartını hazırlamışdır. Maestro əmək haqqı kartlarından istifadə edən müştərilərimiz iri sığorta, neft sənayesi, istehsalat şirkətləridir. 2008-ci ilin sonunda Bank artıq 10 000-ə yaxın əmək haqqı kartı emissiya etmişdir. Əmək haqqı kartlarından əlavə Bank həmçinin işçilərin məzuniyyət və təsərrüfat xərclərinə nəzarət etmək və pul vəsaitlərindən istifadəni optimallaşdırmaq imkanı verən MC Business korporativ kartlarını təklif edir. Beynəlxalq əlaqələrin və dünyanın aparıcı maliyyə institutları ilə əməkdaşlığın ildən-ilə genişlənməsi nəticəsində Xalq Bank sənədli əməliyyatların maliyyələşdirilməsi sahəsində öz mövqeyini nəzərə çarpacaq dərəcədə möhkəmləndirmişdir. 2008-ci ilin sonuna qədər Bank 4.0 mln ABŞ dolları məbləğindən artıq zəmanət, 23.7 mln ABŞ dolları və 15.3 mln avro məbləğində akkreditiv əməliyyatlarını həyata keçirmişdir. Bank korporativ müştərilərə xarici ticarət əməliyyatlarının həyata keçirilməsi zamanı bir sıra məsləhət xidmətlərinin göstərilməsi, müxtəlif şərtlərlə müxtəlif müddətli razılaşmaların təşkil edilməsi, sənədli akkreditivlər və inkasso, bank zəmanətləri kimi istənilən növ idxal-ixrac əməliyyatlarının həyata keçirilməsini təklif edir. Korporativ biznesin inkişafı, hüquqi şəxslərə və fərdi sahibkarlara göstərilən xidmətlər çeşidinin artırılması, müştərilərin tələblərinin qarşılanması, keyfiyyətli və müasir xidmətlərin təklif edilməsi, eləcə də yeni müştərilərin cəlb edilməsi Xalq Bankın fəaliyyət strategiyalarından biridir. Bu fəaliyyətin həyata keçirilməsi məqsədilə Bank mövcud xidmətləri təkmilləşdirməyi, gələcəkdə yeni məhsullar təklif etməyi, həm Azərbaycanda, həm də beynəlxalq aləmdə mövqeyini möhkəmləndirməyi planlaşdırır.

customers. Thus, attracting corporate and sole pro-prietorship deposits is of strategic importance for the Bank. In 2008, the corporate customer deposit portfolio amounted to 94.27 mln AZN, which exceeds the last year’s level by several times.Xalq Bank, in line with the salary projects it implements, has issued a “Maestro” electronic card that combines the characteristics of ordinary and salary cards. Cus-tomers that use the “Maestro” salary cards are person-nel of large insurance, oil and production companies. As of the end of 2008, the Bank has issued about 10 000 salary cards.In addition to salary cards, the Bank also offers the MC Business corporate card that allows for more optimized cash fund uses by controlling employee business trip and operational expenditures of the office.As a result of the yearly expansion of international relations and partnerships with the world’s leading financial institutions Xalq Bank has managed to considerably strengthen its position in funding of documentary operations. As of the year end of 2008, the Bank conducted more than 4.0 mln USD worth of guarantees and 23.7 mln USD and 15.3 mln EUR worth of L/C transactions. The Bank, while conducting foreign trade transactions with corporate customers, offers a range of advisory services, arranges agreements on different terms and conditions, and provides letters of credit and cash collection services, bank guarantee services relating to imports and exports activities.The further development of corporate business, increas-ing the range of services offered to legal entities and entrepreneurs, meeting customer demands, offering high quality and state-of-the-art services as well as at-tracting new customers is one of the strategic objec-tives for Xalq Bank. To be able to realize this objective the Bank commits itself to improving the existing ser-vices, offering new products in the future to enhance its presence both in and outside Azerbaijan.

Bank, özünün bütün fəaliyyət sahələrini inkişaf etdirmək məqsədilə korporativ müştərilərə göstərilən xidmətləri daim genişləndirir. Bu da, öz növbəsində, korporativ biznesin inkişafı üçün yeni imkanlar yaradır. Bankda hüquqi şəxslərə və fərdi sahibkarlara hesablaşma-kassa əməliyyatları, kreditlərin verilməsi, korporativ və əmək haqqı kartları, ekvayrinq, eləcə də xarici ticarət əməliyyatlarının aparılması və məsləhətlərin verilməsi kimi xidmətlər göstərilir. Bank 1000-dən çox hüquqi şəxs və fərdi sahibkardan ibarət korporativ müştərilər bazasına və onlara müvafiq xidmətlərin göstərilməsi sahəsində geniş iş təcrübəsinə malikdir. Bankın korpo-rativ müştərilər bazası özündə iri neft, tikinti, nəqliyyat, istehsalat, xidmət, enerji, telekommunikasiya şirkətlərini birləşdirir. Bankın korporativ müştəriləri mal və avadanlığın, kənd təsərrüfatı texnikasının alınması, dövriyyə vəsaitlərinin bərpası, artırılması və istehsalatın genişləndirilməsi, tikinti, ticarət və xidmət fəaliyyətinin həyata keçirilməsi məqsədilə kreditlər ala bilər, eləcə də bərpa olunan və olunmayan kredit xətləri, bank zəmanətləri kimi xidmətlərdən istifadə edə bilərlər. Biznesin kreditləşməsi Bankın fəaliyyətinin əsas istiqamətlərindən biri olub, iqtisadi inkişafın aparıcı hissəsi hesab olunur. Xalq Bank müxtəlif biznes sahələrində fəaliyyət göstərən iri təşkilat və müəssisələrə müxtəlif həcmli biznes kreditləri təklif edir. Bank iqtisadiyyatın aparıcı sahələrinin kreditorlarından biri olaraq, ölkədə sahibkarlıq mühitinin formalaşması ilə əlaqədar iri korporativ müştərilərlə bərabər kiçik və orta sahibkarlıq təmsilçilərinin maliyyə ehtiyaclarının qarşılanmasına, eləcə də biznesin maliyyələşdirilməsinə də geniş yer ayırır. 2008-ci ildə iri korporativ müştərilərə, həmçinin kiçik və orta biznesin inkişafına ayrılan kreditlərin həcmi 360.65 mln AZN təşkil etmişdir. Bunlardan 24.5% ticarət və xidmət, 60.5% sənaye, 13% tikinti, 0.5% kənd təsərrüfatı 1.5% isə digər sektorlara verilmiş kreditlərin payına düşür. Bununla da Xalq Bank sənaye və xidmət sahəsində öz iştirak payını daha da artırır. Xalq Bankın korporativ müştərilər üçün nəzərdə tutulmuş xidmətləri nəticədə müştərilərlə uzunmüddətli

Striving for development in all areas of its operations Xalq Bank seeks to regularly expand the range of ser-vices it offers to its corporate customers. This, in turn, serves as an opportunity for corporate business devel-opment. The Bank provides legal entities and individuals with cash settlements services, lending, corporate and salary cards, acquiring as well as foreign trade finance operations and advisory services. The Bank has an ex-tensive experience of dealing with a customer base that is comprised of over 1000 legal entities and sole propri-etorships. The Bank’s corporate customer base includes large oil, construction, transport, production, service, energy and telecommunications companies.

The Bank’s corporate customers have available to them loans as well as revolving and non-revolving credit lines, bank guarantees for the acquisition of goods and equipment, agricultural machinery, acquisition of working assets and expansion of production, and for the uses of construction, trade and service activities.

Lending to businesses, as a major area of the Bank’s operations, constitutes an important element of economic growth. Xalq Bank offers business loans of various scopes to large-scale companies and enterprises operating in different areas of business. As a creditor of the leading economic sectors, the Bank also pays a great deal of attention to providing a favorable business environment in the country by meeting financial needs of small and medium enterprises besides large customers. In 2008, the loan portfolio allocated on large scale as well as on the small and medium sized customers reached 360.65 mln AZN. The composition of this portfolio is structured as follows: 24.5% accounts for trade and services sector, 60.5% to industrial production, 13% construction industry, 0.5% agriculture, 1.5% allocated to other sectors of economy. Thus, Xalq Bank further expands its presence in the industrial production and services sector.

Deposits proposed to Xalq Bank’s corporate customers offer broad benefits and are distinguished with long-term and mutual partnership relations with the Bank’s

Xalq Bankın korporativ müştərilər üçün nəzərdə tutulmuş xidmətləri nəticədə müştərilərlə uzunmüddətli qarşılıqlı tərəfdaşlıq münasibətlərinin qurulmasına imkan yaradır.

Korporativ xidmətlər

Corporate services

Page 15: 2008ANNUAL REPORT - Xalq Bank · İnsan resursları İnformasiya Texnologiyalar ... formance in 2008 can be found in our Annual Report. Ölkənin maliyyə institutları tərəfindən

Xalq Bank müştərilərə daha geniş çeşiddə xidmətlər təklif etmək, xidmətin keyfiyyətini artırmaq və bu-nunla da müştərilərin məmnun qalmasını təmin etmək məqsədilə filial şəbəkəsini genişləndirir. Belə bir addımın atılması bank sektorunda xidmətlərin tədricən yüksək səviyyəyə çatdırılması və Xalq Bankın da bu prosesin önündə getməsi ilə əlaqədardır.

Bankın yeni filial və şöbələri, əsasən, bank xidmətlərinə tələbat olan və yüksək sürətlə inkişaf edən regionlarda yaradılır. Açılan yeni filial və şöbələrdə fiziki və hüquqi şəxslərə qabaqcıl bank texnologiyalarından və müasir texnoloji modullardan istifadə edərək, bütün növ bank məhsulları və xidmətləri, o cümlədən əmanətlərin qəbulu, kreditlərin verilməsi, plastik kartların buraxılması, regionlararası və beynəlxalq pul köçürmələri üzrə əməliyyatlar, kommunal ödənişlərin qəbulu, kassa hesablaşma xidməti və s. bu kimi bank xidmətləri göstərilir.

Azərbaycanın paytaxtını və bütün regionlarını əhatə etmək Xalq Bankının strateji inkişaf planının vacib hissəsidir. Belə ki, müştəri bazasının artımı, xidmətin keyfiyyətinin yüksəldilməsi və xidmətin potensial müştərilərin cəmləşdiyi yerlərə yaxınlaşdırılması məqsədi ilə filial şəbəkəsinin genişləndirilməsi Xalq Bankın strateji inkişaf planına tamamilə uyğun gəlir. Bankın uğurlu fəaliyyətinin məntiqi davamı olaraq 2008-ci ildə Bakı, Gəncə, Yevlax və Cəlilabad şəhərlərində yeni filial-lar açılmışdır. Beləliklə, 2008-ci ilin sonuna Xalq Bankın Bakıda, Gəncədə, Sumqayıtda, Yevlaxda, Cəlilabadda, Neftçalada, Zaqatalada, Mingəçevirdə və Naxçıvanda 8 filialı və 2 şöbəsi fəaliyyət göstərir. Bütün filiallar Bankın korporativ üslubuna cavab verən xüsusi dizaynda tikilmiş və ən müasir avadanlıq və proqram təminatı ilə təchiz olunmuşdur.

Bank xidmətinin effektivliyini artırmaq və müştəri bazasının genişləndirilməsi məqsədilə 2009-ci ildə Bakıda, İsmayıllıda, Dəvəçidə, Xaçmazda və Lənkəranda da yeni filialların və şöbələrin açılması nəzərdə tutulub. Bizim məqsədimiz ölkənin hər yerində, müştərilərin xidmətində olan və əhaliyə keyfiyyətli bank xidmətlərinin göstərilməsini təmin edən geniş filial şəbəkəsi yaratmaqdır.

Ölkə daxilində filial şəbəkəsinin genişləndirilməsi ilə yanaşı, Bankın strateji planlarına həmçinin, beynəlxalq maliyyə bazarlarına çıxmaq da daxildir. Bu məqsədlə Xalq Bankın yaxın gələcəkdə Rusiya Federasiyası, Ukrayna, həmçinin ABŞ, Avropa və Asiya ölkələrində nümayəndəliklərinin açılması planlaşdırılır.

The Bank is taking actions to expand its branch office network with an aim of ensuring better customer satisfaction by broadening the range, and improving the quality of its services. Addressing the quality increase in the banking market Xalq Bank is taking the above mentioned steps to stay on the front lines of those changes.

The Bank presents new branch offices and service out-lets primarily in those regions that have a high demand for banking services and experience a rapid growth. The newly opened branch offices and service outlets offer all kinds of bank products and services, which includes opening of saving accounts, issuing loans and credit cards, inter-regional and international money transfers, utility payments, cash settlements and other banking services to both retail and corporate clients while em-ploying the state-of-the-art banking technologies and modern technological modules.

Xalq Bank seeks to provide coverage for the capital city and all regions of Azerbaijan as a part of its strategic development plan. Another part of its strategic devel-opment plan, Xalq Bank seeks to expand the Bank’s customer base, improve the quality of its services and provide better access to its services in areas of greater concentration of potential customers. As an entail-ment of its successful operations, the Bank opened new branch offices in Baku, Ganja, Yevlakh and Jal-ilabad in 2008. Thus, as of the end of 2008 Xalq Bank has 8 branch offices and 2 operating divisions in Baku, Ganja, Sumgayit, Yevlakh, Jalilabad, Neftchala, Zagata-la, Mingechevir and Nakhchivan. All branch offices are designed and built after Xalq Bank’s specific corporate fashion and are equipped with the state-of-the-art hardware and software.

The Bank is committed to open new branch offices and divisions in Baku, Ismayilly, Devechi, Khachmaz and Lenkoran in 2009 in order to improve the effectiveness of its banking services and expand the customer base. Our overall goal is to create a broad branch office net-work virtually throughout the country that would serve customers and ensure delivery of high quality banking services to the general public.

In addition to expanding the domestic branch office network the Bank also seeks to enter international fi-nancial markets as part of its strategic plans. To this end, Xalq Bank is planning to set up offices in the Rus-sian Federation, Ukraine as well as the USA, European and Asian countries in the nearest future.



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Xidmət şəbəkəsi

Branches network

Baş ofisAZ1025, Bakı, Babək pr., 1145.Tel.: +994 (12) 496 81 52/53/54Faks: +994 (12) 496 81 57«Mərkəz» filialı AZ1010, Bakı şəh., 28 May küç, 17 Tel.: (99412) 4933881Faks: (99412) 4938336Kod: 503585 “Sumqayıt” filialıAZ5000, Sumqayıt, 5 mkrn, S. Vurğun küç., 16/132Tel.: +994 (018) 642 41 20Faks: +994(018) 642 39 02“Zaqatala” filialıAZ6200, Zaqatala, Nizami küç., 7Tel./Faks: +994 (174) 5 66 79“Neftçala” filialıAZ4700, Neftçala, 20 Yanvar küç., 18aTel.: +994 (153) 2 30 58Faks: +994 (153) 2 30 59«Cəlilabad» filialı AZ1500, Cəlilabad şəh., H.Əliyev pr-ti, 142ATel.: (994 114) 35605Faks:(994 114) 35607Kod: 502445«Yevlax» filialı AZ6600, Yevlax şəh., H.Əliyev küç., 47A Tel.: (994 153) 23058Faks: (994 153) 23059Kod: 502519“Mingəçevir” filialıAZ4500, Mingəçevir, M.F.Axundov küç., 15/16aTel./Faks: +994 (147) 4 27 83, 4 06 54“Gəncə” filialı AZ2000, Əttarlar küç., 137Tel.: (994 22) 523485Faks: (994 22) 523486Kod: 504023“Naxçıvan” şöbəsiAZ8500, Naxçıvan, H. Əliyev küç., 5Tel./Faks: +994 (136) 40 01 21«Xəzri» şöbəsi Səlyan şossesi, Şıxov çimərliyi“Ramada Bakı” oteli Tel.: (994 12) 491 7303Faks: (994 12) 491 7313

Head Office1145, Babek ave., AZ1025, Baku, AzerbaijanTel: +994(12) 496 81 52/53/54Fax: +994(12) 496 81 57«Merkez» branch 17, 28 May str., AZ1010, BakuTel: (99412) 4933881Fax: (99412) 4938336Code 503585 “Sumgayit” branch16/132, S. Vurgun str., 5 mikrodist., AZ5000, SumgayitTel: +994(018) 642 41 20Fax: +994(018) 642 39 02 “Zagatala” branch7, Nizami str., AZ6200, ZagatalaTel/Fax: +994(174) 5 66 79“Neftchala” branch18a, 20 Yanvar str., AZ4700, NeftchalaTel: +994(153) 2 30 58Fax: +994(153) 2 30 59«Jalilabad» branch 142A, H.Aliyev ave., AZ1500, JalilabadTel: (994 114) 35605Fax:(994 114) 35607Code: 502445«Yevlakh» branch 47A, H.Aliyev str., AZ6600, YevlakhTel: (994 153) 23058Fax: (994 153) 23059Code: 502519“Mingechevir” branch15/16a, M.F.Akhundov str., AZ4500, MingechevirTel: +994(147) 4 27 83, 4 06 54“Ganja” branch 137, Attarlar str., AZ2000, GanjaTel: (994 22) 523485Fax: (994 22) 523486Code: 504023“Nakhchivan” division5, H.Aliyev str., AZ8500, NakhchivanTel/Fax: +994 (136) 40 01 21«Xazri» division Salyan highway, Shikhov beachHotel “Ramada Baku” Tel: (994 12) 491 7303Fax: (994 12) 491 7313

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Another important aspect of Xalq Bank’s staff policy is motivation. The Bank of-fers its employees salary indexation, free medical insurance, discounted lending and other social arrangements.

Ability to accomplish the Bank’s strategic financial goals depends primarily on the personnel, including the management, its professionalism and expertise. In this view, the Bank has been paying special attention to improving the personnel’s skills and knowledge in accordance with the Business Strategy. To this end, the Bank’s staff members attended a number of internal and external training courses and seminars.

The working environment and capacities provided by Xalq Bank for its personnel are crucial. When there is a job opening at the Bank, priority is given to the use of the Bank’s internal human resources. This also helps promote the qualities of initiative, strive for high level of professionalism and corporate culture in staff mem-bers.

Another important aspect of Xalq Bank’s staff policy is a motivation. The Bank offers its employees a salary indexation, free medical insurance, discounted lending and other social arrangements.

Thus, the Bank has been able to successfully implement its human resource management and staffing priorities and further develop in 2008.

Bankın strateji maliyyə hədəflərinə çatması ilk növbədə işçi heyətindən, o cümlədən menecmentdən, onun peşəkarlığı və təşəbbüskarlığından asılıdır. Buna görə də Bankda biznes strategiyasına uyğun olaraq əməkdaşların bilik və bacarıqlarının artırılmasına xüsusi diqqət yetirilmiş və bu məqsədlə Bankın əməkdaşları bir sıra təlim və seminarlarda iştirak etmişlər.

Xalq Bankın öz əməkdaşları üçün yaratdığı iş şəraiti və imkanlar mühüm əhəmiyyət kəsb edir. Bankda yaranan vakant yerlərə işçilərin cəlb edilməsi zamanı ilk növbədə Bankın daxili resurslarından istifadə olunmasına xü-susi diqqət yetirilir. Bu da öz növbəsində işçilərdə təşəbbüskarlığı, yüksək peşəkarlıq səviyyəsini və korpo-rativ mədəniyyət keyfiyyətlərini inkişaf etdirir.

Xalq Bankın kadr siyasətinin mühüm tərəflərindən biri də əməkdaşların motivasiyasıdır. Bank, əməkdaşları üçün əmək haqqının indeksasiyası, pulsuz tibbi sığorta, güzəştli kreditləşmə və bu kimi bir sıra digər sosial tədbirləri həyata keçirir.

Beləliklə, Xalq Bankda insan resurslarının idarə edilməsi və kadr siyasəti uğurla həyata keçirilmiş və 2008-ci ildə bu sahədə önəm daşıyan istiqamətlər daha da inkişaf etdirilmişdir.

Əməkdaşların yaş həddi

Age groups of staff members











Xalq Bankın kadr siyasəti peşəkar işçiləri cəlb etməklə Bankın biznes və institusional məqsədlərinin həyata keçirilməsini təmin edən vahid komanda yaratmaq-dan ibarətdir. Məhz bu siyasətin uğurlu nəticəsi olaraq, biznesin effektiv idarə edilməsi və kollektivin səmərəli fəaliyyəti Xalq Bankı Azərbaycanın aparıcı bankları sırasına daxil etmişdir. Bu uğurun əsas səbəbi əməkdaşların işə məsuliyyətlə yanaşması və onların peşəkarlığıdır.

Bankın inkişafının əsas hərəkətverici qüvvəsi onun in-san resursları və bu resurslardan səmərəli istifadədir. Bu baxımdan əmək kollektivinin ümumi həcminin ötən ilə nisbətən 49% artaraq 245 nəfərə çatması 2008-ci ildə Bankın fəaliyyətinin daha da genişlənməsinin bariz nümunəsidir.

Bununla yanaşı əməkdaşlarımızın uzun müddət bank sektorunda çalışması (işçilərin 48%-nin 1-5 il arasında, 11%-nin 6-10 və daha çox illər arasında bank təcrübəsi var) və nisbətən gənc olması (orta yaş həddi 32-dir, o cümlədən əməkdaşların 60%-i 20-30 yaş arasındadır) personalın qarşısına qoyulmuş strateji hədəflərə nail ol-maqda müstəsna rol oynayır.

Xalq Bankın kadr siyasətinin mühüm tərəflərindən biri də əməkdaşların motivasiyasıdır. Bank, əməkdaşlarını əmək haqqının indeksasiyası, pulsuz tibbi sığorta, güzəştli kreditləşmə və digər bu kimi sosial paketlərlə təmin edir.

The Human Resource policy of Xalq Bank aims at build-ing a strong team to be able to achieve the Bank’s busi-ness and institutional goals by recruiting professionals. Being a success attributable to this policy, effective management of business and efficient operation of the personnel enabled Xalq Bank to become one of the leading banks in Azerbaijan.

The principal force driving the Bank’s development is its human resources and effective use of these resources. In this view, a 49% increase in personnel, thus reaching a total number of 245 in 2008, indicates the further-ance of the Bank’s development.

In addition, the fact that 48% of the Bank’s person-nel have banking experience ranging from 1 to 5 years, 11% have experience from 6 to 10 and more years, with average age of 32 as well as 60% of personnel ranging from 20 to 30 years of age plays an important role in achieving the strategic goals set forth to the person-nel.

Əməkdaşların sayı Number of employees

İnsan resursları

HR policy

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Yeni informasiya texnologiyalarının tətbiqinin əsas məqsədi müasir informasiya texnologiyalarından istifadə etməklə Bankın təklif etdiyi xidmətlərin keyfiyyətini yüksəltmək, yeni xidmət növlərini yaratmaq və bütün müştərilərə yüksək səviyyəli xidmət təklif etməkdir. Məhz bu baxımdan yeni informasiya texnologiyalarının tətbiqi Xalq Bankın yüksəlişini təmin edən mühüm göstəricilərdən biridir. Elmi-texniki tərəqqinin ən son nailiyyətlərinə əsaslanmaqla müasir informasiya texnologiyalarının tətbiqinin genişləndirilməsi 2008-ci ildə Bankın qarşısında duran prioritet vəzifələrdən birinə çevrilmişdir. Bu tədbirlər aşağıdakı istiqamətlər üzrə həyata keçirilir:

Ən müasir texnologiyaların tətbiqi;• Lisenziyalaşdırılmış proqram təminatının • alınması və tətbiqi;Texniki təminat və ixtisaslı mütəxəssislərin cəlb • edilməsi.

Xalq Bank bazarda artan rəqabəti, digər tərəfdən isə informasiya təhlükəsizliyinin və ümumiyyətlə Bankın bütün fəaliyyətinin təhlükəsizliyinin təmin edilməsini nəzərə alaraq, bu sahədə daima yeni texnologiyaların araşdırılması və tətbiq edilməsini həyata keçirir.

2008-ci ildə Bankda istifadə üçün sadə və çevik İT-infrastruktur hesab edilən Verilənlərin Mərkəzi İdarə edilməsi Sistemi və informasiyanın təhlükəsiz saxlanılmasını həyata keçirən “Citrix” (Presentation server və Thin-client) uğurla tətbiq edilmişdir. Bun-dan əlavə Bankda “R-Style Softlab” şirkətinin istehsalı olan təhlükəsiz və funksional işləmə mexanizmi ilə fərqlənən yeni RS-Loans 5.1 modulu tətbiq olunmuşdur. Yeni modul hesabına kreditlər üzrə effektiv monitorin-qin aparılması, müxtəlif növ hesabatların hazırlanması həyata keçirilir. Tətbiq olunan modul Bankın fiziki və hüquqi şəxslərin kreditləşdirilməsi üzrə əməliyyatlarının avtomatlaşdırılmasını təmin edir, insan amilinin sistemə təsirini azaldır ki, bu da öz növbəsində Bankın risklərinin qarşısının alınmasına müsbət təsir göstərir. 2008-ci ildə Xalq Bank həmçinin yeni RS-Retail 5.1 modulunu da uğurla tətbiq etmişdir. Tətbiq olunan yeni sistem Bankın pərakəndə biznesinin inkişaf etdirilməsində, xüsusilə fiziki şəxslərə göstərilən xidmətlərin keyfiyyətinin və çeşidinin çoxaldılmasında və eləcə də göstərilən xidmətlərdən müştərilərin məmnunluq səviyyəsinin artmasında müstəsna rol oynayır. Bankın avtomatlaşdırma sistemi-nin təkmilləşdirilməsi məqsədilə hesabat ilində RS-Bank V5.1/V6 modulu da uğurla tətbiq olunmuşdur. Bu modul Bankın hüquqi şəxs qismindəki müştəriləri üçün daha da keyfiyyətli hesablaşma-kassa əməliyyatlarının aparılmasına xidmət göstərir.

Elmi-texniki tərəqqinin ən son nailiyyətlərinə əsaslanmaqla müasir informasiya texnologiyalarının tətbiqinin genişləndirilməsi 2008-ci ildə Bankın qarşısında duran prioritet vəzifələrdən birinə çevrilmişdir.

The introduction and employment of new latest state-of-the-art information technologies has the objective of improving the quality of banking services, developing and promoting new products and services and ensuring highest quality of service provision to all customers. In this regard, implementation of new Information Tech-nologies is one of the principal factors affecting and supporting the growth of Xalq Bank. Expanded applica-tion of the information technologies based on the lat-est scientific developments has become a priority task for the Bank in 2008. These activities have the following objectives:

Application of the latest state-of-the-art • technologies Procurement and application of licensed • software Ensure technical support, engage qualified • professionals

In 2008, the Bank successfully implemented a central database management system considered as a user-friendly and flexible, efficient IT infrastructure and Citrix technology (Presentation server and Thin-client) that ensures secure storage of information. In addition to that a new RS-Loans 5.1 module was installed in the bank that is a secure and functional product of “R-Style Softlab”. This module allows for better monitoring and control of the loan portfolio. The application for this module allowed for better loan automation process and reduced the potential human factor effects on the system which adds value for the risk reduction efforts of the Bank. Another RS-Retail 5.1 module was successfully installed in the Bank in 2008. This module allowed for better quality of service and more diverse product range delivered to the Bank’s retail customers and played an exceptional role in improvement of the client satisfaction. Moreover, another module was introduced for the purposes of improving the automation system within the Bank. This module is RS-Bank V5.1/V6 which aims to deliver Cash and Settlements services to the corporate customers of the bank.

The establishment and successful handling of the Azerfon Payment System center of Azerfon (owners of “Nar Mobile” trademark), at Xalq Bank is considered to be a major accomplishment. Under this project, Azerfon’s payment outlet, Xalq Bank’s branch offices and divisions as well as 31 banks operating in Azerbaijan have joined



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İnformasiya Texnologiyaları

Information Technologies

Expanded application of the information technologies based on the latest scientific developments has become a priority task for the Bank in 2008.

Azərbaycanda yeni nəsil texnologiyaları tətbiq edən “Nar Mobile” əmtəə nişanlı “Azerfon” şirkətinin “Azerfon Payment System” hesablama mərkəzinin məhz Xalq Bankda açılması və uğurla tətbiq olunması əldə olunan mühüm nəticələrdən biri kimi qeyd oluna bilər. Bu layihə çərçivəsində Azərfonun ödəmə nöqtələri, Xalq Bankın filial və şöbələri, həmçinin Azərbaycanda fəaliyyət göstərən 31 bank və onların 363 filial və şöbələri bu hesablama mərkəzinə qoşularaq ödəmələri bu mərkəz vasitəsilə aparır. Bu layihə ilə əlaqədar olaraq Bankda həmçinin xüsusi “HelpDesk ” sistemi də qurulmuşdur ki, bu, sistemdə baş verən problemləri həll edir, banklara gündəlik hesabatlar göndərir və bütün ödəmə nöqtələri üçün “qaynar xətt” təşkil edir. Həyata keçirilən bu iri layihə Bankın qarşısına qoyduğu strateji hədəflərə çatmasında vacib rol oynamışdır.

Bankda Microsoft, Oracle, Cisco, SWIFT, R-Style kimi şirkətlərin sertifikatlarını qazanmış mütəxəssislərin çalışması yeni İnformasiya Texnologiyalarının tətbiqində ən mühüm faktorlardan biridir. Bankın kadr siyasətinə uyğun olaraq İT İdarəsinin əməkdaşları texniki biliklərini və peşəkarlıq səviyyələrini artırmaq məqsədi ilə müxtəlif təlimlərə cəlb edilmişdir. Beləliklə, Bankın inkişafında yeni informasiya texnologiyalarının tətbiqi daha da artmış və görülən işlər 2009-cu ildə bu sahənin təkmilləşməsinə yönəldilmişdir.

the system and make payments through this center. In connection to this, the Bank also set up a Help Desk system, which addresses any problems that may arise in the System, compiles and distributes daily reports to banks and serves as a hotline for all payment outlets. This large-scale project made a substantial contribution to the accomplishment of the Bank’s strategic goals and targets.

At Xalq Bank our specialists from IT Department are provided with all the necessary conditions for them to participate on various professionally related trainings, courses and seminars. Our experts constantly partici-pate on the lectures and seminars organized by Oracle, Cisco, SWIFT, R-Style and Microsoft that helps to con-tribute significantly to the implementation of new in-formation technologies.

Thus, the Bank has further expanded the application of new Information Technologies and continues to pursue the goal of improving this particular line of business in 2009.

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31 D




Adı: Açıq Səhmdar Cəmiyyəti “Xalq” Bankı Qısaldılmış adı: Xalq Bank Qeydiyyat: N1104-A1-414 Azərbaycan

Respublikası Ədliyyə Nazirliyi Rəsmi ünvan: 1145, Babək pr, AZ1025, Bakı şəh.,

Azərbaycan Respublikası VÖEN: 2000296061Kod: 505055SWIFT: HAJCAZ22Tel.: +994 (12) 496 81 52/53/54Faks: +994 (12) 496 81 57Teleks: 142400 XALG AIE-poçt: [email protected]: www.xalqbank.azBeynəlxalqauditor: BDO International Fəaliyyətəbaşladığı tarix: 24 Dekabr 2004-cü ilLisenziya: Azərbaycan Respublikası Milli Bankı

tərəfindən verilmiş 27 Dekabr 2004-cü il tarixli, 246 saylı lisenziya.

Filialların sayı: 8Şöbələrin sayı: 2İşçilərin sayı: 245

Peşəkar və ictimai təşkilatlara üzvülük: • Xırda ödənişlər üzrə hesablaşmalar və klirinq

sistemi (XÖHKS)• Real vaxt rejimində banklararası hesablaşmalar

sistemi (AZİPS)• SWIFT • MasterCard İnternational• VISA İnternational• Western Union, Xpress Money, Bıstraya Poçta və

Migom təcili pul köçürmələri sistemləri• Azericard milli ödəniş sistemi • Azərbaycan İpoteka Fondu • Azərbaycan Əmanətlərin Sığortalanması Fondu • Bakı Banklararası Valyuta Birjası • Azərbaycan Banklar Assosiyasiyası • Azərbaycan-Rusiya İşguzar Əməkdaşlıq Palatası• Amerikanın Azərbaycanda Ticarət Palatası (AM-

CHAM)• Avropa İqtisadiyyat, Ticarət, Sahibkarlıq və Sənaye

palatası (EEIG)

Əsas maliyyə göstəriciləri: Aktivlər: 403,70 mln.manatKreditlər: 360,64 mln.manatƏmanətlər: 319,77 mln.manatNizamnaməkapitalı: 53,55 mln.manat

Name: Open Joint-Stock Company Xalq Bank

Short name: Xalq Bank Registration: 1104-A1-414 of Ministry of Justice

of Azerbaijan Official address: 1145, Babek ave, AZ1025, Baku,

Azerbaijan Tax ID: 2000296061Code: 505055SWIFT: HAJCAZ22Tel: 994 (12) 496 81 52/53/54Fax: 994 (12) 496 81 57Telex: 142400 XALG AIEmail: [email protected]: www.xalqbank.azIndependentauditor: BDO International Date ofestablishment: December 24, 2004Licence: N246 issued by National Bank of

Azerbaijan Republic on December 27th, 2004.

Branches: 8Retail divisions: 2Staff: 245

Memebrship with professional and non-professional organizations: • Settlements and clearing system for small value

payments (XÖHKS)• Interbank real time settlements system (AZİPS)• SWIFT • MasterCard İnternational• VISA International• Money transfers systems (Western Union, Express

Money, Bistraya Pochta, Migom)• Azericard national payment system • Azerbaijan Mortgage Fund • Deposits Insurance Fund • Baku Interbank Currency Exchange • Azerbaijan Banks Association • Azerbaijan-Russian Chamber of Business

Cooperation • American Trade Chamber in Azerbaijan (AMCHAM)• European Chamber of economy, trade,

entrepreneurship and industry (EEIG)

Key financial indicators: Assets: 403.70 mln.AZNLoans: 360.64 mln.AZNDeposits: 319,77 mln.AZNStatutory capital: 53,55 mln.AZN

Ümumi Məlumatlar


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Open Joint Stock Company Xalq Bank


Consolidated Financial Statements

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

Statement of Management Responsibilities 1Independent Auditors’ Report 2Consolidated Balance Sheet 4Consolidated Income Statement 5Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 6Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 7

1. Background 92. Basis of Presentation 103. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies 114. Prior Period Adjustments 235. Business Combination 236. Net Interest Income 247. Allowance For Impairment Losses, Other Provisions 258. Net Gain/(Loss) on Gold Operations 259. Net Gain/(Loss) on Foreign Exchange Operations 2610. Fee and Commission Income and Expense 2611. Operating Expenses 2712. Income Taxes 2713. Earnings Per Share 2914. Cash and Cash Equivalents 2915. Due from Banks 3016. Loans to Customers 3017. Factoring 3218. Investments Available-for-Sale 3319. Investments In Associates 3320. Premises, Equipment and Intangible Assets 3421. Investment Properties 3522. Other Assets 3523. Due to Banks and Government Agencies 3524. Customer Accounts 3625. Other Liabilities 3726. Share Capital 3727. Financial Commitments and Contingencies 3728. Transactions with Related Parties 3929. Segment Reporting 4130. Fair Value of Financial Instruments 4131. Regulatory Matters 4132. Capital Management 4233. Risk Management Policies 42

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1Open Joint Stock Company Xalq Bank


The following statement, which should be read in conjunction with the independent auditors’ responsibilities stated in the independent auditors’ report set out on pages 2, is made with a view to distinguishing the respective responsibilities of management and those of the independent auditors in relation to the consolidated financial statements of Open Joint Stock Company Xalq Bank (the “Group”).

Management is responsible for the preparation of the consolidated financial statements that present fairly the financial position of the Group at 31 December 2008, and the results of its operations, cash flows and changes in equity for the year then ended, in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”).

In preparing the consolidated financial statements, management is responsible for:

• Selecting suitable accounting principles and applying them consistently; • Making judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; • Stating whether IFRS have been followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the

consolidated financial statements; and • Preparing the consolidated financial statements on a going concern basis, unless it is inappropriate to

presume that the Group will continue in business for the foreseeable future.

Management is also responsible for:

• Designing, implementing and maintaining an effective and sound system of internal controls, throughout the Group;

• Maintaining proper accounting records that disclose, with reasonable accuracy at any time, the financial position of the Group, and which enable them to ensure that the consolidated financial statements of the Group comply with IFRS;

• Maintaining statutory accounting records in compliance with legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan;• Taking such steps as are reasonably available to them to safeguard the assets of the Group; and• Detecting and preventing fraud and other irregularities.

The consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2008 were authorized for issue on 15 April 2009 by the Management Board.

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2 Open Joint Stock Company Xalq Bank 3Open Joint Stock Company Xalq Bank

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4 Open Joint Stock Company Xalq Bank 5Open Joint Stock Company Xalq Bank


Notes 31 December 2008 31 December 2007 as restated

31 December 2007 as previously reported


Cash and cash equivalents 14 24,419,977 22,001,735 22,095,998

Gold 1,382,282 - -

Due from banks 15 7,831,765 12,933,271 12,932,941

Loans to customers 16 336,211,511 153,391,038 153,391,038

Factoring 17 - 3,360,340 3,360,340

Investments available-for-sale 18 42,586 42,851 1,633,115

Investments in associates 19 - 5,100,000 5,100,000

Property and equipment 20 6,320,414 5,497,923 5,497,923

Investment property 21 6,038,186 5,313,604 -

Intangible assets 20 343,725 330,083 330,083

Deferred income tax asset 12 52,843 35,793 35,793

Other assets 22 894,918 1,017,225 1,035,890

TOTAL ASSETS 383,538,207 209,023,863 205,413,121


Due to banks and government agencies 23 6,698,660 11,526,578 11,526,578

Customer accounts 24 317,084,329 137,779,099 137,874,415

Provision for impairment losses on other operations 7 137,424 231,954 231,954

Current income tax liability 41,201 230,102 208,849

Other liabilities 25 1,201,186 1,165,086 851,382

TOTAL LIABILITIES 325,162,800 150,932,819 150,693,178


Share capital 26 53,550,000 53,550,000 53,550,000

Retained earnings 4,689,744 4,404,890 1,169,943

Non-controlling interest 135,663 136,154 -

TOTAL EQUITY 58,375,407 58,091,044 54,719,943

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 383,538,207 209,023,863 205,413,121

The accompanying notes on pages 9 to 55 form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements


Notes Year ended 31 December 2008

Year ended 31 December 2007 as restated

Year ended 31 December 2007 as previously


Interest income 6 41,233,775 17,304,312 17,304,312Interest expense 6 (21,292,259) (7,776,800) (7,776,800)


Provision for impairment losses on interest bearing assets 7 (18,537,357) (4,967,100) (4,967,100)

NET INTEREST INCOME 1,404,159 4,560,412 4,560,412

Net gain/(loss) on sale of investments in associates 19 151,200 - -Net gain/(loss) on foreign exchange operations 9 3,072,255 (58,491) (58,491)Net gain/(loss) on gold operations 8 32,245 - -Fee and commission income 10 2,663,781 1,908,649 1,908,753Fee and commission expense 10 (328,921) (277,540) (277,482)Gain on revaluation of investment property 21 724,582 - -Negative Goodwill 5 - 3,475,597 -Other income 41,009 27,323 22,676

NET NON-INTEREST INCOME 6,356,151 5,075,538 1,595,456

OPERATING INCOME 7,760,310 9,635,950 6,155,868

OPERATING EXPENSES 11 (7,331,799) (3,675,668) (3,445,761)

OPERATING PROFIT/(LOSS) 428,511 5,960,282 2,710,107

Provision for impairment losses on guarantees and other commitments 7 94,530 (231,954) (231,954)

PROFIT/(LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAX 523,041 5,728,328 2,478,153

Income tax expense 12 (238,678) (194,309) (173,056)

NET PROFIT/(LOSS) 284,363 5,534,019 2,305,097

Attributable to:

Equity holders of the parent 284,854 5,540,044 2,305,097

Non-controlling interest (491) (6,025) -

284,363 5,534,019 2,305,097


Basic and diluted (AZN) 13 0.133 2.986 1.243

The accompanying notes on pages 9 to 55 form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements

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6 Open Joint Stock Company Xalq Bank 7Open Joint Stock Company Xalq Bank


Share capital(Accumulated

deficit)/retained earnings

Non-controlling interest Total equity

31 December 2005 6,250,000 (263,859) - 5,986,141

Share capital increase 3,750,000 - - 3,750,000Net Profit / (Loss) - (871,295) - (871,295)

31 December 2006 10,000,000 (1,135,154) - 8,864,846

Share capital increase 43,550,000 - - 43,550,000Non-controlling interest on acquisition date - - 142,179 142,179Net profit / (loss) - 5,540,044 (6,025) 5,534,019

31 December 2007 as restated 53,550,000 4,404,890 136,154 58,091,044

Share capital increase - - -Net Profit / (Loss) - 284,854 (491) 284,363

31 December 2008 53,550,000 4,689,744 135,663 58,375,407

The accompanying notes on pages 9 to 55 form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements



Notes Year ended 31 December 2008

Year ended 31 December 2007 as restated

Year ended 31 December 2007 as previously


Profit/(loss) before income tax 523,041 5,728,328 2,478,153Adjustments for:Provision for impairment losses on interest bearing assets 7 18,537,357 4,967,100 4,967,100Provision for guarantees and other commitments 7 (94,530) 231,954 231,954Net unrealized loss / (gain) arising from changes in foreign currency exchange rates (1,858,104) 341,450 341,450Negative Goodwill 5 - (3,475,597) -Depreciation and amortization 20 1,088,461 671,760 671,760Gain on revaluation of investment property 21 (724,582) - -Loss / (gain) on disposal of property and equipment 6,887 - -Loss / (gain) on disposal of intangible assets 18,761 (4,908) (4,908)Change in interest accruals, net 3,720,613 (3,676,837) (3,804,664)

Cash flows from operating activities before changes in operating assets and liabilities 21,217,904 4,783,250 4,880,845

Changes in operating assets and liabilities(Increase)/decrease in operating assets:Minimum reserve deposit with the National Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan (1,601,832) (7,394,869) (7,394,869)Gold (1,382,282) - -Due from banks (1,047,981) (2,087,991) (2,119,729)Loans to customers (204,414,098) (98,382,859) (98,416,724)Factoring 3,163,989 (3,360,340) (3,228,561)Other assets 122,307 (552,232) (483,308)Increase/(decrease) in operating liabilities:

Due to banks and government agencies (4,733,651) 8,177,044 8,358,175Customer accounts 178,769,329 74,283,840 74,084,675Other liabilities 36,100 996,079 800,804

Cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities before taxation (9,870,215) (23,538,078) (23,518,692)

Income tax paid (444,630) __ - __ -

Net cash outflow from operating activities (10,314,845) (23,538,078) (23,518,692)

CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES:Purchase of property, equipment and intangible assets 20 (1,950,242) (3,446,321) (3,598,747)

Proceeds on disposal of property and equipment - 27,839 27,839

Acquisition of subsidiary, net of cash acquired - (1,590,264) -

Sale / (purchase) of investments available-for-sale 265 (224) (1,590,264)

Sale / (purchase) of investments in associates 19 5,100,000 (5,100,000) (5,100,000)

Net cash inflow / (outflow) from investing activities 3,150,023 (10,108,970) (10,261,172)

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8 Open Joint Stock Company Xalq Bank 9Open Joint Stock Company Xalq Bank


Notes Year ended 31 December 2008

Year ended 31 December 2007 as restated

Year ended 31 December 2007 as previously


Issue of ordinary share capital - 43,550,000 43,550,000

Net cash inflow from financing activities - 43,550,000 43,550,000

Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 1,858,104 (341,450) (114,371)

NET INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS (5,306,718) 9,561,502 9,655,765

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, beginning of year 15,534,536 5,973,034 5,973,034

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, end of year 14 10,227,818 15,534,536 15,628,799

Interest paid and received by the Group in cash during the year ended 31 December 2008 amounted to AZN 20,850,626 and AZN 44,512,754, respectively.

Interest paid and received by the Group in cash during the year ended 31 December 2007 amounted to AZN 7,373,229 and AZN 13,096,077, respectively.

The accompanying notes on pages 9 to 55 form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements


1. Background

Xalq Bank (the “Bank”) is a joint stock company which was established on 24 December 2004 in accordance with establishment agreement and was registered by the National Bank of Azerbaijan on 27 December 2004. The address of its registered office is 1145 Babek Avenue, Baku, AZ 1025, Azerbaijan. The Bank is regulated by the National Bank of Azerbaijan (the “NBA”) and conducts its business under the general banking license number 246. The Bank had 8 branches in Azerbaijan as at 31 December 2008. The Bank’s primary business consists of commercial activities, trading with foreign currencies, originating loans and guarantees.

The number of employees of the Bank at 31 December 2008 and 2007 was 250 and 163, respectively.

The Bank is a parent company of a banking group (the “Group”) which consists of the following enterprises consolidated in the financial statements:

“Xalq Kapital” LLC is a limited liability company registered in the Republic of Azerbaijan on 17 August 2007. The company’s principal activity is operations with securities, broker and dealer operations.

“Baki Ayaqqabi -2” OJSC is a Joint Stock Company registered in the Republic of Azerbaijan in December 1980. The Company’s principal activity had been the manufacture of footwear. The Company has not been functioning since June 1999. The Group has acquired the controlling interest in the Company’s capital with the primary purpose of using it as investment property. The Group’s management is still uncertain of the detailed plans regarding the Company.

As at 31 December 2008 and 2007 the following shareholders owned the issued shares of the Bank:

The ultimate controlling party of the Group is L.Aliyeva.

These consolidated financial statements were authorized for issue by the Management Board on 15 April 2009.

The Bank ownership interest / voting rights, %

Name Country of operation 2008 2007 Type of operation

Xalq Kapital LLC The Republic of Azerbaijan 100 % 100% Securities market transactions

Baki Ayaqqabi -2 OJSC The Republic of Azerbaijan 97.27% 97.27% Dormant

31 December 2008 31 December 2007

Ownership interest, % Ownership interest, %

Ideal Biznes Ko LLC 50.00 50.00

Yevro Standart LLC 33.85 33.85

Avangard-1 LLC 16.15 16.15

Total 100 100

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10 Open Joint Stock Company Xalq Bank 11Open Joint Stock Company Xalq Bank


2. Basis of Presentation

Accounting basis

These consolidated financial statements of the Group have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”) and Interpretations issued by the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (“IFRIC”). These consolidated financial statements are presented in Azerbaijan Manats (“AZN”) unless otherwise indicated. These consolidated financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention, except for the measurement at fair value of certain financial instruments and measurement of buildings at revalued amounts according to International Accounting Standard (“IAS”) No. 16 “Property, Plant and Equipment”.

The Group maintains its accounting records in accordance with Azerbaijan law. These consolidated financial statements have been prepared based on the Azerbaijani statutory accounting records and have been adjusted to conform with IFRS. These adjustments include certain reclassifications to reflect the economic substance of underlying transactions including reclassifications of certain assets and liabilities, income and expenses to appropriate financial statement captions.

Key assumptions

The preparation of consolidated financial statements in conformity with IFRS requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts. Such estimates and assumptions are based on the information available to the Group’s management as of the date of the consolidated financial statements. Therefore, actual results could differ from those estimates and assumptions. Estimates that are particularly susceptible to change relate to the provisions for impairment losses and the fair value of financial instruments.

Key assumptions concerning the future and other key sources of estimation uncertainty at the balance sheet date, that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial period include:

Loans to customers are measured at amortized cost less allowance for impairment losses. The estimation of allowances for impairments involves the exercise of significant judgment. The Group estimates allowances for impairment with the objective of maintaining balance sheet provisions at a level believed by management to be sufficient to absorb losses incurred in the Bank’s loan portfolio. The calculation of provisions on impaired loans is based on the likelihood of the asset being written off and the estimated loss on such a write-off. These assessments are made using statistical techniques based on historic experience. These determinations are supplemented by the application of management judgment.

31 December 2008 31 December 2007 as restated

31 December 2007 as previously reported

Loans to customers 336,211,511 153,391,038 153,391,038

Factoring - 3,360,340 3,360,340

Investments available for sale 42,586 42,851 1,633,115

Investments in associates - 5,100,000 5,100,000

Property and equipment 6,320,414 5,497,923 5,497,923

Investment Property 6,038,186 5,313,604 -


The Group considers accounting estimates related to provisions for loans key sources of estimation uncertainty because: (i) they are highly susceptible to change from period to period as the assumptions about future default rates and valuation of losses relating to impaired loans and advances are based on recent performance experience, and (ii) any significant difference between the Group’s estimated losses (as reflected in the provisions) and actual losses will require the Group to take provisions which, if significantly different, could have a material impact on its future income statement and its balance sheet. The Group’s assumptions about estimated losses are based on past performance, past customer behavior, the credit quality of recent underwritten business and general economic conditions, which are not necessarily an indication of future losses.

Investments available-for-sale are measured at fair value less impairment losses. The estimation of impairment losses involves the exercise of significant management judgment. The accounting policy for the impairment of financial instruments is discussed in Note 3 below.

Functional currency

Items included in the financial statements of the Group are measured using the currency that best reflects the economic substance of the underlying events and circumstances relevant to that entity (the “functional currency”). The reporting currency of the financial statements is the Azerbaijan Manats (“AZN”).

3. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

Basis of consolidation

The consolidated financial statements incorporate the financial statements of the Bank and entities controlled by the Bank (its subsidiaries) made up to 31 December each year. Control is achieved where the Bank has the power to govern the financial and operating policies of an investee entity so as to obtain benefits from its activities.

On acquisition, the assets and liabilities and contingent liabilities of a subsidiary are measured at their fair values at the date of acquisition. Any excess of the cost of acquisition over the fair values of the identifiable net assets acquired is recognized as goodwill. Any deficiency of the cost of acquisition below the fair values of the identifiable net assets acquired (i.e. discount on acquisition) is credited to the consolidated income statement in the period of acquisition. The minority interest is stated at the minority’s proportion of the fair values of the assets and liabilities recognized. Subsequently, any losses applicable to the minority interest in excess of the minority interest are allocated against the interests of the parent. The equity attributable to equity holders of the parent and net income attributable to minority shareholders’ interests are shown separately in the consolidated balance sheet and income statement, respectively.

The results of subsidiaries acquired or disposed of during the year are included in the consolidated income statement from the effective date of acquisition or up to the effective date of disposal, as appropriate. Where necessary, adjustments are made to the financial statements of subsidiaries to bring the accounting policies used into line with those used by the Group.

All significant intra-group transactions, balances, income and expenses are eliminated on consolidation.

The difference, if any, between the carrying amount of minority interest and the amount received on its purchase is recognized in equity attributable to the equity holders of the parent.

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12 Open Joint Stock Company Xalq Bank 13Open Joint Stock Company Xalq Bank


Investments in associates

An associate is an entity over which the Group is in a position to exercise significant influence, but not control or joint control, through participation in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee.

The results and assets and liabilities of associates are incorporated in these financial statements using the equity method of accounting.

Investments in associates are carried in the consolidated balance sheet at cost as adjusted for goodwill and for post-acquisition changes in the Group’s share of the net assets of the associate, less any impairment in the value of individual investments. Losses of the associates in excess of the Group’s interest in those associates are not recognized.

Any excess of the cost of acquisition over the Group’s share of the fair values of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of the associate at the date of acquisition is recognized as goodwill. The goodwill is included in the carrying amount of the investment and is assessed for impairment as part of the investment. Any deficiency of the cost of acquisition below the Group’s share of the fair values of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of the associate at the date of acquisition (i.e. discount on acquisition) is credited in the consolidated income statement in the period of acquisition.

Where a Group company transacts with an associate of the Group, profits and losses are eliminated to the extent of the Group’s interest in the relevant associate.


Goodwill arising on the acquisition of a subsidiary or jointly controlled entity represents the excess of the cost of acquisition over the Group’s interest in the fair value of assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of a subsidiary as at the date of acquisition. Goodwill is initially recognized as an asset at cost and is subsequently measure at cost less any accumulated impairment losses.

The Group tests goodwill for impairment at least annually. An impairment loss recognized for goodwill is not reversed in a subsequent period.

If the Group’s interest in the net fair value of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities exceeds the cost of the business combination, the Group:

(a) Reassesses the identification and measurement of the Group’s identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities and the measurement of the cost of the combination; and

(b) Recognizes immediately in profit or loss any excess remaining after that reassessment.

On disposal of an investment, the amount of goodwill attributable is included in the determination of financial result from disposal.

Recognition and measurement of financial instruments

The Group recognizes financial assets and liabilities on its consolidated balance sheet when it becomes a party to the contractual obligation of the instrument. Regular way purchase and sale of the financial assets and liabilities are recognized using settlement date accounting. Regular way purchases of financial instruments that will be subsequently measured at fair value between trade date and settlement date are accounted for in the same way as for acquired instruments.

Financial assets and liabilities are initially recognized at fair value plus, in the case of a financial asset or financial liability not at fair value through profit or loss transaction costs that are directly attributable to acquisition or issue of the financial asset or financial liability. The accounting policies for subsequent re-measurement of these items are disclosed in the respective accounting policies set out below.


Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, unrestricted balances on correspondent and time deposit accounts with the National Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan with original maturity within 90 days, advances to banks in countries included in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (“OECD”). For the purposes of determining cash flows, the minimum reserve deposit required by the National Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan is not included as a cash equivalent due to restrictions on its availability (Note 14).


Assets and liabilities denominated in gold are translated at the current rate computed based on the National Bank rate effective at the date. Changes in the bid prices are recorded in net gain on operations with gold.

Fiduciary activities

The Group provides depositary services to its customers which include transactions with securities on their depositary accounts. Assets accepted and liabilities incurred under the fiduciary activities are not included in the Group’s consolidated financial statements. The Group accepts operational risks relating to these activities, whereas the Group’s customers bear the credit and market risks associated with such operations.

Due from banks

In the normal course of business, the Group maintains advances and deposits for various periods of time with other banks. Due from banks with a fixed maturity term are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method, and are carried net of any allowance for impairment losses. Those that do not have fixed maturities are stated at amortized cost based on expected dates of maturity. Amounts due from credit institutions are carried net of any allowance for impairment losses.

Loans to customers

Loans to customers are non-derivative assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market other than those classified in other categories of financial assets.

Loans to customers granted by the Group with fixed maturities are initially recognized at fair value plus related transaction costs, directly attributable to the acquisition or creation of qualifying financial assets. Where the fair value of consideration given does not equal the fair value of the loan, for example where the loan is issued at lower than market rates, the difference between the fair value of consideration given and the fair value of the loan is recognized as a loss on initial recognition of the loan and included in the consolidated income statement according to nature of these losses. Subsequently, loans are carried at amortized cost using the effective interest method. Loans to customers are carried net of any allowance for impairment losses.

The Group will take possession of any collateral held as security when a customer defaults on repayments of the loan and the loan cannot be renegotiated. The Group will engage a third party to dispose of the collateral on their behalf in the open market.

Factoring Assets

Factoring assets are non-derivative assets with determinable payments. These assets are initially recognized at fair value and any costs directly related to creation of qualifying financial assets.

Where the fair value of consideration given does not equal the fair value of the factoring asset the difference between the fair value of consideration given and the fair value of the asset is recognized as a loss on initial recognition of the asset and included in the consolidated income statement according to nature of these losses. Subsequently, factoring assets are carried at amortized cost using the effective interest method and are carried net of any allowance for impairment losses.

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14 Open Joint Stock Company Xalq Bank 15Open Joint Stock Company Xalq Bank

Write-off of loans and advances

Subsequent recoveries of amounts previously written off are reflected as an offset to the charge for impairment of financial assets in the consolidated income statement in the period of recovery.

Allowance for impairment losses

Assets carried at amortized cost

The Group accounts for impairment losses of financial assets that are not carried at fair value when there is objective evidence that a financial asset or group of financial assets is impaired. The impairment losses are measured as the difference between carrying amounts and the present value of expected future cash flows, including amounts recoverable from guarantees and collateral, discounted at the financial asset’s original effective interest rate. Such impairment losses are not reversed unless if in a subsequent period the amount of the impairment loss decreases and the decrease can be related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment was recognized, such as recoveries, in which case the previously recognized impairment loss is reversed by adjusting an allowance account.

For financial assets carried at cost the impairment losses are measured as the difference between the carrying amount of the financial asset and the present value of estimated future cash flows discounted at the current market rate of return for a similar financial asset. Such impairment losses are not reversed.

Available-for-sale financial assets

If an available-for-sale asset is impaired, a consolidated amount comprising the difference between its cost (net of any principal payment and amortization) and its current fair value, less any impairment loss previously recognized in the consolidated income statement, is transferred from equity to the consolidated income statement. Reversals of impairment losses in respect of equity instruments classified as available-for-sale are not recognized in the consolidated income statement. Reversals of impairment losses on debt instruments are reversed through the consolidated income statement if the increase in fair value of the instrument can be objectively related to an event occurring after the impairment loss were recognized in the consolidated income statement.

The determination of impairment losses is based on an analysis of the risk assets and reflects the amount which, in the judgment of management, is adequate to provide for losses incurred. Provisions are made as a result of an individual appraisal of risk assets for financial assets that are individually significant, and an individual or collective assessment for financial assets that are not individually significant.

The change in impairment losses is charged to profit either through allowance account (financial assets that are carried at amortized cost) or direct write-off (financial assets carried at cost). The total of the impairment losses is deducted in arriving at assets as shown in the balance sheet. Factors that the Group considers in determining whether it has objective evidence that an impairment loss has been incurred include information about the debtors’ or issuers’ liquidity, solvency and business and financial risk exposures, levels of and trends in delinquencies for similar financial assets, national and local economic trends and conditions, and the fair value of collateral and guarantees. These and other factors may, either individually or taken together, provide sufficient objective evidence that an impairment loss has been incurred in a financial asset or group of financial assets.

It should be understood that estimates of losses involve an exercise of judgment. While it is possible that in particular periods the Group may sustain losses which are substantial relative for impairment losses, it is the judgment of management that the impairment losses are adequate to absorb losses incurred on risk assets, at the balance sheet date.




Provisions are recognized when the Group has a present legal or constructive obligation as a result of past events, and it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation and a reliable estimate of the obligation can be made.

Investments available-for-sale

Investments available-for-sale represent debt and equity investments that are intended to be held for an indefinite period of time. Such securities are initially recorded at fair value. Subsequently the securities are measured at fair value, with such re-measurement recognized directly in equity until sold when gain/loss previously recorded in equity recycles through the consolidated income statement, except for impairment losses, foreign exchange gains or losses and interest income accrued using the effective interest method, which are recognized directly in the consolidated income statement. The Group uses quoted market prices to determine the fair value for the Group’s investments available-for-sale. If the market for investments is not active, the Group establishes fair value by using a valuation technique. Valuation techniques include using recent arm’s length market transactions between knowledgeable, willing parties, reference to the current fair value of another instrument that is substantially the same, discounted cash flow analysis and other applicable methods. If there is a valuation technique commonly used by market participants to price the instrument and that technique has been demonstrated to provide reliable estimates of prices obtained in actual market transactions, the Group uses that technique. Dividends received are included in dividend income in the consolidated income statement.

Non-marketable debt and equity securities are stated at amortized cost and cost, respectively, less impairment losses, if any, unless fair value can be reliably measured.

When there is objective evidence that such securities have been impaired, the cumulative loss previously recognized in equity is removed from equity and recognized in the consolidated income statement for the period. Reversals of such impairment losses on debt instruments, which are objectively related to events occurring after the impairment, are recognized in the consolidated income statement for the period. Reversals of such impairment losses on equity instruments are not recognized in the consolidated income statement.

Investment properties

Investment property comprises land or buildings, which are held in order to earn rentals or for capital appreciation or both, and which are not occupied by the companies in the Group or otherwise held for sale. Property held under operating lease is classified as investment property if, and only if, it meets the definition of an investment property.

Investment property is carried at fair value. Fair value is based on active market prices, adjusted, if necessary, for any difference in the nature, location or condition of the property. If this information is not available, the Group uses alternative valuation methods such as discounted cash flow projections.

Changes in the fair value of investment property are recorded in the income statement.

Premises, equipment and intangible assets

Property, equipment and intangible assets are carried at historical cost (except for buildings, which are stated at revalued amounts) less accumulated depreciation and amortization and any recognized impairment loss. Depreciation on assets under construction and those not placed in service commences from the date the assets are ready for their intended use.

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Depreciation of property, equipment and amortization of intangible assets is charged on their historical cost and is designed to write off assets over their useful lives. It is calculated on a straight line basis at the following annual rates:

The carrying amounts of property, equipment and intangible assets are reviewed at each balance sheet date to assess whether they are recorded in excess of their recoverable amounts, and where the carrying values exceed the estimated recoverable amounts, the assets are written down to their recoverable amounts. Impairment is recognized in the respective period and is included in operating expenses. After the recognition of an impairment loss the depreciation charge for property and equipment is adjusted in future periods to allocate the assets’ revised carrying value, less its residual value (if any), on a systematic basis over its remaining useful life.

Land and buildings held for use in supply of services, or for administrative purposes, are stated in the consolidated balance sheet at their revalued amounts, being the fair value at the date of revaluation, determined from market-based evidence by appraisal undertaken by professional independent valuers, less any subsequent accumulated depreciation and subsequent accumulated impairment losses. Revaluations are performed with sufficient regularity such that the carrying amount of the assets does not differ materially from that which would be determined using fair values at the balance sheet date.

Market value of property is assessed using three methods:

• The comparable sales method which involves analysis of market sales prices for similar real estate property;

• The income-based method which assumes a direct relationship between revenues generated by the property and its market value;

• The cost method which presumes the value of property to be equal to its recoverable amount less any depreciation charges.

Any revaluation increase arising on the revaluation of property is credited to the property, plant and equipment and equipment revaluation reserve, except to the extent that it reverses a revaluation decrease for the same asset previously recognized as an expense in the consolidated income statement, in which case the increase is credited to the consolidated income statements to the extent of the decrease previously charged. A decrease in carrying amount of an asset arising on the revaluation is charged as an expense to the income statement to the extent that it exceeds the balance, if any, held in the property, plant and equipment revaluation reserve relating to a previous revaluation of that asset.

Depreciation on revalued buildings is charged to the consolidated income statement. Upon the retirement or sale of buildings, the attributable revaluation surplus is transferred to retained earnings.

Building 5%

Furniture and equipment 25%

Computers 25%

Vehicles 25%

Other equipment 20%

Intangible assets 10%



Income tax expense comprises current and deferred taxation. Income tax expense for the current period is determined on the basis of the taxable profit received in the year. Taxable profit differs from net profit as reported in the income statement because it excludes items of income or expense that are taxable or deductible in other years and it further excludes items that are never taxable or deductible. The Group’s current tax expense is calculated using tax rates that have been enacted during the reporting period.

Deferred tax is reported using the balance sheet liability method and represents income tax assets and liabilities on the temporary difference between the carrying value of assets and liabilities and the respective tax accounting data used to arrive at the taxable profit. Deferred tax liabilities are generally recognized for all taxable temporary differences and deferred tax assets are recognized to the extent that it is probable that taxable profits will be available against which the respective deferred tax assets can be utilized. Such assets and liabilities are not recognised if the temporary difference arises from goodwill or from the initial recognition (other than in a business combination) of other assets and liabilities in transactions that affect neither the tax profit nor the accounting profit. Deferred tax liabilities are recognised for taxable temporary differences arising on investments in subsidiaries and associates, and interests in joint ventures, except where the Group is able to control the reversal of the temporary difference and it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future. Deferred tax assets arising from deductible temporary differences associated with such investments and interests are only recognized to the extent that it is probable that there will be sufficient taxable profits against which to utilize the benefits of the temporary differences and they are expected to reverse in the foreseeable future.

The carrying value of deferred tax assets is reviewed at each balance sheet date and reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that a related tax benefit will be realized sufficient for full or partial recovery of the asset.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset by the Group with the resulting difference reported in the financial statements if:

• The Group has a legally enforceable right to set off the current tax assets and current tax liabilities; and

• Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities relate to income taxes levied by the same tax authority on the same taxpayer.

Deferred tax is calculated at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the period when the liability is settled or the asset realized. Deferred tax is charged or credited in the consolidated income statement, except when it relates to items charged or credited directly to equity, in which case the deferred tax is also dealt with in equity.

Due to banks and customer accounts

Due to banks and customer accounts are initially recognized at fair value. Subsequently amounts due are stated at amortized cost and any difference between carrying and redemption value is recognized in the consolidated income statement over the period of the borrowings using the effective interest method.

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Contingent liabilities are not recognized in the balance sheet but are disclosed unless the possibility of any outflow in settlement is remote. A contingent asset is not recognized in the consolidated balance sheet but disclosed when an inflow of economic benefits is probable.

Financial guarantee contracts issued

Financial guarantee contracts issued by the Group are credit insurance that provides for specified payments to be made to reimburse the holder for a loss it incurs because a specified debtor fails to make payment when due under the original or modified terms of a debt instrument. Such financial guarantee contracts issued are initially recognized at fair value. Subsequently they are measured at the higher of (a) the amount recognized as a provision and (b) the amount initially recognized less, where appropriate, cumulative amortization of initial premium revenue received over the financial guarantee contracts issued.

Share capital

Share capital is recognized at cost.

Dividends on ordinary shares are recognized in equity as a reduction in the period in which they are declared. Dividends that are declared after the balance sheet date are treated as a subsequent event under International Accounting Standard 10 “Events after the Balance Sheet Date” (“IAS 10”) and disclosed accordingly.

Retirement and other benefit obligations

In accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Group withholds amounts of pension contributions from employee salaries and pays them to the state pension fund. Such expense is charged in the period the related salaries are earned. Upon retirement all retirement benefit payments are made by the state pension fund. The Group does not have any pension arrangements separate from the state pension system of Azerbaijan, which requires current contributions by employer calculated as a percentage of current gross salary payments. In addition, the Group has no post-retirement benefits or other significant compensated benefits requiring accrual.

Recognition of income and expense

Interest income and expense are recognized on an accrual basis using effective interest method. The effective interest method is a method of calculating the amortized cost of a financial asset or a financial liability (or group of financial assets or financial liabilities) and of allocating the interest income or interest expense over the relevant period. The effective interest rate is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash payments or receipts through the expected life of the financial instrument or, when appropriate, a shorter period to the net carrying amount of the financial asset or financial liability.

Once a financial asset or a group of similar financial assets has been written down (partly written down) as a result of an impairment loss, interest income is thereafter recognized using the rate of interest used to discount the future cash flows for the purpose of measuring the impairment loss.

Interests earned on assets at fair value are classified within interest income.

Loan origination fees are deferred, together with the related direct costs, and recognized as an adjustment to the effective interest rate of the loan. Where it is probable that a loan commitment will lead to a specific lending arrangement, the loan commitment fees are deferred, together with the related direct costs, and recognized as an adjustment to the effective interest rate of the resulting loan. Where it is unlikely that a loan commitment will lead to a specific lending arrangement, the loan commitment fees are recognized in the consolidated income statement over the remaining period of the loan commitment. Where a loan commitment expires without resulting in a loan, the loan commitment fee is recognized in the consolidated income statement on expiry. Loan servicing fees are recognized as revenue as the services are provided. All other commissions are recognized when services are provided.


Foreign currency translation

Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into Azerbaijan Manats at the appropriate spot rates of exchange ruling at the balance sheet date. Foreign currency transactions are accounted for at the exchange rates prevailing at the date of the transaction. Profits and losses arising from these translations are included in net gain on foreign exchange operations.

Rates of exchange

The exchange rates at the yearend used by the Group in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements are as follows:

Segment reporting

A segment is a distinguishable component of the Group that is engaged either in providing products or services (business segment) or in providing products or services within a particular economic environment (geographical segment), which is subject to risks and rewards that are different from those of other segments. Segments with a majority of revenue earned from sales to external customers and whose, revenue, results are ten per cent or more of all the segments are reported separately. No geographical segments of the Group have been reported separately within these consolidated financial statements as all operations are conducted within Azerbaijan.

Offset of financial assets and liabilities

Financial assets and liabilities are offset and reported net on the consolidated balance sheet when the Group has a legally enforceable right to set off the recognized amounts and the Group intends either to settle on a net basis or to realize the asset and settle the liability simultaneously. In accounting for a transfer of a financial asset that does not qualify for derecognition, the Group does not offset the transferred asset and the associated liability.

Adoption of new or revised standards and interpretations and new accounting pronouncements

Certain new IFRSs became effective for the Group from 1 January 2008. Listed below are those new or amended standards or interpretations which are relevant to the Group’s operations and the nature of their impact on the Group’s accounting policies.

IAS 39, ‘Financial instruments: Recognition and measurement’ and IFRS 7, ‘Financial instruments: Disclosures’ on the ‘Reclassification of financial assets’ (Effective for annual periods beginning or after 1 July 2008) – This amendment allows the reclassification of certain financial assets previously classified as ‘held-for-trading’ or ‘available-for-sale’ to another category under limited circumstances. Various disclosures are required where a reclassification has been made. Derivatives and assets designated as ‘at fair value through profit or loss’ under the fair value option are not eligible for this reclassification. Given the urgency of the issue, due process was suspended and there was no comment period. Amendment confirms that any reclassifications made on or after 1 November 2008 should take effect only from the date of the reclassification and may not be backdated. The amendment does not have an impact on the Group’s and the Bank’s financial statements as no reclassification was made by the Group and the Bank in the reporting year.

31 December 2008 31 December 2007

USD 1 = AZN 0.8010 USD 1 = AZN 0.8453

EUR 1 = AZN 1.1292 EUR 1 = AZN 1.2450

GBP 1 = AZN 1.1621 GBP 1 = AZN 1.6876

RUR 1 = AZN 0.0272 RUR 1 = AZN 0.0346

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IFRIC 11, ‘IFRS 2 (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 March 2007) – Group and treasury share transactions’. This interpretation provides guidance on whether share-based transactions involving treasury shares or involving group entities (for example, options over a parent’s shares) should be accounted for as equity-settled or cash-settled share-based payment transactions in the stand-alone accounts of the parent and group companies. This interpretation does not have a significant impact on the Group’s and the Bank’s financial statements.

Certain new standards and interpretations have been published that become effective for the accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2009 or later periods and which are relevant to the Group but not early adopted by the Group.

IAS 1, ‘Presentation of financial statements’ (revised September 2007; effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2009) - The main change in IAS 1 is the replacement of the income statement by a statement of comprehensive income which will also include all non-owner changes in equity, such as the revaluation of available-for-sale financial assets. Alternatively, entities will be allowed to present two statements: a separate income statement and a statement of comprehensive income. The revised IAS 1 also introduces a requirement to present a statement of financial position at the beginning of the earliest comparative period whenever the entity restates comparatives due to reclassifications, changes in accounting policies, or corrections of errors. The Group expects the revised IAS 1 to impact the presentation of its financial statements but to have no impact on the recognition or measurement of specified transactions and balances.

IAS 27, ‘Consolidated and separate financial statements’ (revised January 2008; effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 July 2009). The revised standard requires the effects of all transactions with non-controlling interests to be recorded in equity if there is no change in control and these transactions will no longer result in goodwill or gains and losses. The standard also specifies the accounting when control is lost. Any remaining interest in the entity is re-measured to fair value and a gain or loss is recognised in profit or loss. The Group and the Bank is currently assessing the impact of the amended standard on its financial statements.

IFRS 3, ‘Business combinations’ (revised January 2008; effective for business combinations for which the acquisition date is on or after the beginning of the first annual reporting period beginning on or after 1 July 2009). The revised IFRS 3 will allow entities to choose to measure non-controlling interests using the existing IFRS 3 method (proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets) or at fair value. The revised IFRS 3 is more detailed in providing guidance on the application of the purchase method to business combinations. The requirement to measure at fair value every asset and liability at each step in a step acquisition for the purposes of calculating a portion of goodwill has been removed. Instead, in a business combination achieved in stages, the acquirer will have to remeasure its previously held equity interest in the acquiree at its acquisition-date fair value and recognise the resulting gain or loss, if any, in profit or loss. Acquisition-related costs will be accounted for separately from the business combination and therefore recognised as expenses rather than included in goodwill. An acquirer will have to recognise at the acquisition date a liability for any contingent purchase consideration. Changes in the value of that liability after the acquisition date will be recognised in accordance with other applicable IFRSs, as appropriate, rather than by adjusting goodwill. The revised IFRS 3 brings into its scope business combinations involving only mutual entities and business combinations achieved by contract alone. The Group is currently assessing the impact of the amended standard on its financial statements.


Improvements to International Financial Reporting Standards (issued in May 2008). In 2007, the International Accounting Standards Board decided to initiate an annual improvements project as a method of making necessary, but non-urgent, amendments to IFRS. The amendments issued in May 2008 consist of a mixture of substantive changes, clarifications, and changes in terminology in various standards. The substantive changes relate to the following areas: classification as held for sale under IFRS 5 in case of a loss of control over a subsidiary; possibility of presentation of financial instruments held for trading as non-current under IAS 1; accounting for sale of IAS 16 assets which were previously held for rental and classification of the related cash flows under IAS 7 as cash flows from operating activities; clarification of definition of curtailment under IAS 19; accounting for below market interest rate government loans in accordance with IAS 20; making the definition of borrowing costs in IAS 23 consistent with the effective interest rate method; clarification of accounting for subsidiaries held for sale under IAS 27 and IFRS 5; reduction in the disclosure requirements relating to associates and joint ventures under IAS 28 and IAS 31; enhancement of disclosures required by IAS 36; clarification of accounting for advertising costs under IAS 38; amending the definition of the fair value through profit or loss category to be consistent with hedge accounting under IAS 39; introduction of accounting for investment properties under construction in accordance with IAS 40; and reduction in restrictions over manner of determining fair value of biological assets under IAS 41. Further amendments made to IAS 8, 10, 18, 20, 29, 34, 40, 41 and to IFRS 7 represent terminology or editorial changes only, which the IASB believes have no or minimal effect on accounting.The Group does not expect the amendments to have any material effect on the financial statements. The Group does not expect the amendments to have any material effect on the financial statements.

Areas of significant management judgment and sources of estimation uncertainty

The preparation of the Group’s financial statements requires management to make estimates and judgments that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the balance sheet date and the reported amount of income and expenses during the period ended. Management evaluates its estimates and judgments on an ongoing basis. Management bases its estimates and judgments on historical experience and on various other factors that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances. Actual results may differ from these estimates under different assumptions or conditions. The following estimates and judgments are considered important to the portrayal of the Group’s financial condition.

Allowance for impairment of loans and receivables

The Group regularly reviews its loans and receivables to assess for impairment. The Group’s loan impairment provisions are established to recognize incurred impairment losses in its portfolio of loans and receivables. The Group considers accounting estimates related to allowance for impairment of loans and receivables a key source of estimation uncertainty because (i) they are highly susceptible to change from period to period as the assumptions about future default rates and valuation of potential losses relating to impaired loans and receivables are based on recent performance experience, and (ii) any significant difference between the Group’s estimated losses and actual losses would require the Group to record provisions which could have a material impact on its financial statements in future periods.

The Group uses management’s judgment to estimate the amount of any impairment loss in cases where a borrower has financial difficulties and there are few available sources of historical data relating to similar borrowers. Similarly, the Group estimates changes in future cash flows based on past performance, past customer behavior, observable data indicating an adverse change in the payment status of borrowers in a group, and national or local economic conditions that correlate with defaults on assets in the group. Management uses estimates based on historical loss experience for assets with credit risk characteristics and objective evidence of impairment similar to those in the group of loans and receivables. The Group uses management’s judgment to adjust observable data for a group of loans or receivables to reflect current circumstances not reflected in historical data.

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The allowances for impairment of financial assets in the consolidated financial statements have been determined on the basis of existing economic and political conditions. The Group is not in a position to predict what changes in conditions will take place in the Republic of Azerbaijan and what effect such changes might have on the adequacy of the allowances for impairment of financial assets in future periods.

The carrying amount of the allowance for impairment of loans to customers is AZN 25,542,526 and AZN 6,940,597 as at 31 December 2008 and 2007.

Valuation of Financial Instruments

Financial instruments that are classified as available for sale. The fair value of such financial instruments is the estimated amount at which the instrument could be exchanged in a current transaction between willing parties, other than in a forced or liquidation sale. If a quoted market price is available for an instrument, the fair value is calculated based on the market price. When valuation parameters are not observable in the market or cannot be derived from observable market prices, the fair value is derived through analysis of other observable market data appropriate for each product and pricing models which use a mathematical methodology based on accepted financial theories. Pricing models take into account the contract terms of the securities as well as market-based valuation parameters, such as interest rates, volatility, exchange rates and the credit rating of the counterparty. Where market-based valuation parameters are not directly observable, management will make a judgment as to its best estimate of that parameter in order to determine a reasonable reflection of how the market would be expected to price the instrument. In exercising this judgment, a variety of tools are used including proxy observable data, historical data, and extrapolation techniques. The best evidence of fair value of a financial instrument at initial recognition is the transaction price unless the instrument is evidenced by comparison with data from observable markets. Any difference between the transaction price and the value based on a valuation technique is not recognized in the consolidated income statement on initial recognition. Subsequent gains or losses are only recognized to the extent that it arises from a change in a factor that market participants would consider in setting a price.

The Group considers that the accounting estimate related to valuation of financial instruments where quoted markets prices are not available is a key source of estimation uncertainty because: (i) it is highly susceptible to change from period to period because it requires management to make assumptions about interest rates, volatility, exchange rates, the credit rating of the counterparty, valuation adjustments and specific feature of the transactions and (ii) the impact that recognizing a change in the valuations would have on the assets reported on its balance sheet as well as its profit/(loss) could be material.

Had management used different assumptions regarding the interest rates, volatility, exchange rates, the credit rating of the counterparty and valuation adjustments, a larger or smaller change in the valuation of financial instruments where quoted market prices are not available would have resulted that could have had a material impact on the Group’s reported net income. The carrying amount of the financial instruments at fair value is as follows as at 31 December 2008 and 2007:

31 December 2008 31 December 2007 as restated

31 December 2007 as previously reported

Available-for-sale investments 42,586 42,851 1,633,115


4. Prior Period Adjustments

In 2008 the Group management discovered errors in the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2007. In accordance with IAS 8 “Accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and errors”, the correction of the errors was made retrospectively. Comparative amounts were restated and corrections were applied to earliest prior period presented.

The Group’s management determined that the consolidated accounts of the Group as of 31 December 2007 lacked the elimination of the bank account balance of 95,317 AZN of “Xalq Kapital” LLC within the Parent’s customer accounts in compliance with IAS 27 “Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements”.

The Group’s management also considered that the acquisition of 97.27% ownership interest in the “Baki Ayaqqabi -2” OJSC during the year ended 31 December 2007 should be accounted for in accordance with IFRS 3 “Business Combinations” and consolidated as at 31 December 2007 as required by IAS 27 “Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements”.

The Group’s management discovered that the Group’s profit tax expense for the year ended 31 December 2007 had been understated by AZN 21,253. In this connection relevant corrections have been made to the prior year income tax expense, income tax liability balances and relevant note disclosures.

5. Business Combination

In 2007 the Group acquired in a step acquisition the controlling interest in share capital of “Baki Ayaqqabi -2” OJSC.

The Group acquired 67.26% of the acquiree’s shares on 26 January 2007 and 30.01% of the acquiree’s shares on 14 March 2007.

The consideration paid by the Group was based on the results of the revaluation as of the dates of acquisition of the acquree’s Property, plant and equipment carried by the independent appraiser and internal appraisal of the acquiree’s business taken as a whole. However, in accordance with IFRS 3 “Business combinations”, the Group must account for acquisitions based on fair values of all identifiable assets acquired and liabilities and contingent liabilities assumed. Moreover, since the acquiree had no financial statements available as of the dates of the acquisition as mentioned above, the Group accounted for the business combination based on the IFRS balance sheets and income statements of the acquiree as of 1 January 2007.

These two different approaches can lead to differences in the recognition of the excess of the net fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities over cost (“negative goodwill”) immediately in the consolidated income statement for the year ended 31 December 2007.

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The details of the assets and liabilities acquired and negative goodwill arising is as follows:

6. Net Interest Income

IFRS carrying amount immediately before business combination Attributed fair value



67.26% 30.01%

Investment property 5,313,604 5,313,604 5,313,604Cash and cash equivalents 2 2 2Other liabilities (105,567) (105,567) (105,567)

Fair value of net assets of subsidiary 5,208,039

Fair value of acquired interest in subsidiary 5,065,860

Excess of net assets over consideration paid (negative goodwill) (3,475,597)Total purchase consideration 1,590,263Less: Cash and cash equivalents of subsidiary acquired (2)Inflow of cash and cash equivalents on acquisition 1,590,261

Year ended 31 December 2008

Year ended 31 December 2007

Interest income comprisesinterest income on assets recorded at amortized cost: - interest income on assets that hase been written down as a result of an impairment loss 38,592,077 11,500,272 - interest income on unimpaired assets 2,641,698 5,804,040

Total Interest income 41,233,775 17,304,312

Interest income on assets recorded at amortized cost comprises:Interest on loans to customers 40,656,278 16,540,196Interest on due from banks 396,649 601,146Interest on factoring 102,778 93,573Interest on debt securities 78,070 68,095Interest on other operations - 1,302

Total interest income on financial assets recorded at amortized cost 41,233,775 17,304,312

Interest expense comprises:Interest on customer accounts 20,919,285 7,436,549Interest on due to banks and government agencies 372,974 340,251

Total interest expense on financial assets recorded at amortized cost 21,292,259 7,776,800

Net interest income before provision for impairment losses on interest bearing assets 19,941,516 9,527,512


7. Allowance For Impairment Losses, Other Provisions

The movements in allowance for impairment losses on interest earning assets were as follows:

8. Net Gain/(Loss) on Gold Operations

Net gain/(loss) on gold operations comprise:

The movements in provision for impairment losses on guarantees and other commitments were as follows:

Loans tocustomers Factoring Total

31 December 2006 2,038,069 - 2,038,069

(Recovery of provision)/provision 4,902,528 64,572 4,967,100

31 December 2007 6,940,597 64,572 7,005,169

(Recovery of provision)/provision 18,601,929 (64,572) 18,537,357

31 December 2008 25,542,526 - 25,542,526

Year ended31 December 2008

Year ended31 December 2007

Net gain/(loss) on gold operations 42,892 -Translation difference on gold (10,647) -

Total net gain/(loss) on gold operations 32,245 -

Guarantees and other commitments

31 December 2006 -

Provision 231,954

31 December 2007 231,954

Recovery of provision (94,530)

31 December 2008 137,424

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9. Net Gain/(Loss) on Foreign Exchange Operations

Net gain/(loss) on foreign exchange operations comprise:

10. Fee and Commission Income and Expense

Fee and commission income and expense comprise:

Year ended 31 December 2008

Year ended 31 December 2007

as restated

Year ended 31 December 2007 as previously reported

Fee and commission income:Cash operations 933,104 685,977 686,003Foreign exchange operations 722,456 496,619 496,623Settlements 653,954 368,532 368,552Plastic cards operations 206,102 144,970 145,024Guarantee letters 124,704 184,600 184,600Letters of credit 21,042 27,175 27,175Other 2,419 776 776

Total fee and commission income 2,663,781 1,908,649 1,908,753

Fee and commission expense:Plastic cards operations 172,522 115,462 115,462Settlements 126,187 109,848 109,790Cash operations 21,914 28,986 28,986Foreign exchange operations 2,420 3,786 3,786Documentary operations - 9,726 9,727Other 5,878 9,732 9,731

Total fee and commission expense 328,921 277,540 277,482

Year ended31 December 2008

Year ended31 December 2007

Dealing differences, net 1,214,151 282,959Translation differences, net 1,858,104 (341,450)

Total net gain/(loss) on foreign exchange operations 3,072,255 (58,491)


11. Operating Expenses

Operating expenses comprise:

12. Income Taxes

The Group provides for taxes based on the tax accounts maintained and prepared in accordance with the tax regulations of countries where the Group and its subsidiaries operate and which may differ from International Financial Reporting Standards.

The Group is subject to certain permanent tax differences due to non-tax deductibility of certain expenses and a tax free regime for certain income. The statutory income tax rate is 22%.

Deferred taxes reflect the net tax effects of temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and the amounts used for tax purposes.

Temporary differences as at 31 December 2008 and 2007 relate mostly to different methods of income and expense recognition as well as to recorded values of certain assets.

Year ended 31 December 2008

Year ended 31 December 2007 as


Year ended 31 December 2007 as previously reported

Staff costs 3,022,870 1,415,624 1,367,861Depreciation and amortization 1,088,461 671,761 671,760Advertising and marketing expenses 756,362 221,819 221,819Payments to the Deposit Insurance Fund of the Republic of Azerbaijan 655,128 167,042 167,042Communications 366,352 273,896 273,257Operating leases 289,229 7,274 7,274Security expenses 237,836 58,026 58,026Professional services fees 111,950 135,350 135,350Stationery expenses 101,264 106,710 106,624Transportation and business trip expenses 117,807 80,217 79,274Repairs and maintenance expenses 96,333 92,804 92,777Taxes, other than income tax 86,031 58,374 55,317Entertainment 79,259 45,028 45,028Membership fees 52,893 29,184 29,184Insurance 45,342 12,753 12,753Loss on disposal of property, equipment and intangible assets 25,649 - -Utilities 38,871 30,868 20,784Other expenses 160,162 268,938 101,631

Total operating expenses 7,331,799 3,675,668 3,445,761

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28 Open Joint Stock Company Xalq Bank 29Open Joint Stock Company Xalq Bank


Temporary differences as at 31 December 2008 and 2007 comprise:

Relationships between tax expenses and accounting profit for the years ended 31 December 2008 and 2007 are explained as follows:

Year ended31 December 2008

Yesr ended31 December 2007

as restated

Yesr ended31 December

2007 as previously reported

Profit/(loss) before income tax 523,041 5,728,328 2,478,153

Tax at the statutory tax rate 115,069 1,260,232 545,194

Tax effect of permanent differences 123,609 (928,495) (234,710)

Losses not recognized - (137,428) (137,428)

Income tax expense 238,678 194,309 173,056

Current income tax expense 255,728 230,102 208,849

Provision for deferred income tax assets (17,050) (35,793) (35,793)

Income tax expense 238,678 194,309 173,056

31 December 2008 31 December 2007Deductible temporary differences:

Allowance for losses on loans to customers 884,302 -Loans origination fee 61,931 61,121Amortization 1,260 -Depreciation - 790,227Accrued interest on deposits - 4,744Total deductible temporary differences 947,493 856,092

Taxable temporary differences:

Provision reversal on off balance items (505,815) (580,096)Depreciation (201,481) -Amortization - (482)Provision reversal for loans to banks - (112,817)Total taxable temporary differences (707,296) (693,395)

Net deferred deductible temporary differences 240,197 162,697Net deferred tax asset at the statutory tax rate (22%) 52,843 35,793Less: deferred tax assets not recognized - - Net deferred tax asset 52,843 35,793


Deferred income tax assets 31 December 2008 31 December 2007

Beginning of the period 35,793 - Change in the income tax assets for the period charged to profit 17,050 35,793End of the period 52,843 35,793

13. Earnings Per Share

The earnings per share are calculated as follows:

14. Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash and balances with the National Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan comprise:

The balances with the NBA as at 31 December 2008 and 2007 include AZN 15,133,886 and AZN 13,532,054, respectively, which represent the minimum reserve deposits required by the NBA. The Bank is entitled to use all funds on its correspondent account provided that average daily balance for 15 days period will be eventually higher than required mandatory reserve.

Year ended 31 December 2008

Year ended 31 December 2007 as


Year ended 31 December 2007 as previously reported

Profit / (loss):

Net profit/(loss) for the year 284,854 5,540,044 2,305,097

Weighted average number of ordinary shares for basic earnings per share 2,142,000 1,855,129 1,855,129

Earnings/(loss) per share – basic and diluted (AZN) 0.133 2.986 1.243

31 December 2008 31 December 2007 as restated

31 December 2007 as previously


Cash on hand 5,700,350 3,513,814 3,608,077

Balances with the National Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan 18,719,627 18,487,921 18,487,921

Total cash and balances with the National Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan 24,419,977 22,001,735 22,095,998

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30 Open Joint Stock Company Xalq Bank 31Open Joint Stock Company Xalq Bank


31 December 2008 31 December 2007

Loans to customers 361,754,037 160,331,635Less allowance for impairment losses (25,542,526) (6,940,597)

Total loans to customers 336,211,511 153,391,038

15. Due from Banks

Due from banks comprise:

16. Loans to Customers

Loans to customers comprise:

Cash and cash equivalents for the purposes of the statement of cash flows comprise:

As at 31 December 2008 and 2007 accrued interest income included in due from banks amounted to nil and AZN 26,360, respectively.

As at 31 December 2008 and 2007 the maximum credit risk exposure of due from banks amounted to AZN 7,831,765 and AZN 12,932,271, respectively.

As at 31 December 2008 and 2007 the Bank had restricted deposits blocked in support of guarantees issued and plastic cards operations and money transfers totaling AZN 3,659,960 and AZN 35,503, respectively. As at 31 December 2008 the amount of blocked deposits was for guarantees issued to two customers of the Bank which represent significant risk conscentration.

As at 31 December 2008 and 2007 accrued interest income included in loans to customers amounted to AZN 1,167,476 and AZN 4,223,744, respectively.

31 December 2008 31 December 2007 as restated

31 December 2007 as previously


Cash and balances with the National Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan 24,419,977 22,001,735 22,095,998

Due from banks in OECD countries 4,561,841 7,064,855 7,064,855

28,981,818 29,066,590 29,160,853

Less minimum reserve deposit with the National Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan (15,133,886) (13,532,054) (13,532,054)

Less restricted deposit in OECD counties (3,620,114) - -

Total cash and cash equivalents 10,227,818 15,534,536 15,628,799

31 December 2008 31 December 2007 as restated

31 December 2007 as previously


Correspondent accounts with other banks 4,174,805 7,230,548 7,230,219

Loans and time deposits with other banks - 5,667,220 5,667,219

Restricted deposits 3,656,960 35,503 35,503

Total due from banks 7,831,765 12,933,271 12,932,941


Movements in allowances for impairment losses for the years ended 31 December 2008 and 2007 are disclosed in Note 7.

The table below summarizes the amount of loans secured by collateral, rather than the fair value of the collateral itself:

31 December 2008 31 December 2007

Loans collateralized by real estate 33,300,813 18,061,910Loans collateralized by vehicles 4,007,580 3,871,447Loans collateralized by guarantees 2,237,751 223,557Loans collateralized by tractors 1,764,378 1,392,535Loans collateralized by cash 1,521,334 39,738,439Loans collateralized by shares of other entities 601,839 100,571Loans collateralized by equipment - 10,326,138Loans collateralized by inventories - 82,552Loans collateralized by other collateral 56,839 18,284,696Unsecured loans 318,263,503 68,249,790

361,754,037 160,331,635Less allowance for impairment losses (25,542,526) (6,940,597)Total loans to customers 336,211,511 153,391,038

31 December 2008 31 December 2007Analysis by industryTransportation and communication 156,550,269 71,435,174Trading 86,020,497 48,699,264Manufacturing 62,277,347 7,482,722Construction 36,866,827 3,970,921Individuals 18,667,316 11,673,895Agriculture 1,328,669 789,163Energy - 11,656,206Other 43,112 4,624,290

361,754,037 160,331,635Less allowance for impairment losses (25,542,526) (6,940,597)Total loans to customers 336,211,511 153,391,038Less allowance for impairment losses (25,542,526) (6,940,597)Total loans to customers 336,211,511 153,391,038

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32 Open Joint Stock Company Xalq Bank 33Open Joint Stock Company Xalq Bank


As at 31 December 2008 and 2007 the Bank granted 7 and 12 loans totaling AZN 318,718,335 and AZN 99,198,000, respectively, which individually exceeded 10% of the Group’s equity.

As at 31 December 2008 and 2007 the maximum credit risk exposure of loans to customers amounted to AZN 336,211,511and AZN 153,391,038, respectively.

As at 31 December 2008 and 2007 loans to customers included loans in amount of AZN 13,606,966 and AZN 36,696,647, respectively, whose terms have been renegotiated. Otherwise these loans would be past due or impaired.

As at 31 December 2008 and 2007 loans to customers included loans in amount of AZN 318,288,786 and AZN 120,311,966, respectively, that were individually determined to be impaired.

As at 31 December 2008 and 2007 83% and 62% of total amount of loans to customers are given to 4 and 6 entities, respectively.

A significant amount of loans (100% of loans to customers) is granted to companies operating in the Republic of Azerbaijan, which represents significant geographical concentration in one region.

17. Factoring

Factoring comprises:

As at 31 December 2008 and 2007 accrued interest income included in factoring amounted to nil and AZN 196,351, respectively. Movements in allowances for impairment losses for the years ended 31 December 2008 and 2007 are disclosed in Note 7.

As at 31 December 2008 and 2007 the maximum credit risk exposure of factoring amounted to nil and AZN 3,360,340, respectively.

Loans to individuals comprise the following products:

31 December 2008 31 December 2007

Consumer loans 11,276,461 2,364,038Mortgage loans 4,181,894 4,460,038Car loans 1,867,486 2,559,575Business loans 1,000,134 2,180,784Plastic cards 341,341 109,460

18,667,316 11,673,895Less allowance for impairment losses (2,792,983) (302,394)Total loans to customers 15,874,333 11,371,501

31 December 2008 31 December 2007

Factoring operations with the customers - 3,424,912Less allowance for impairment losses. - (64,572)

Total factoring - 3,360,340


As at 31 December 2008 and 2007 factoring included amount of nil and AZN 3,424,912, respectively, that was individually determined to be impaired. As at 31 December 2007 this amount was unsecured.

As at 31 December 2007 100% of factoring amount is given to 1 entity. As at 31 December 2007, 100% of the factoring amount relates to company operating in the Republic of Azerbaijan, which represents significant geographical concentration in one region.

18. Investments Available-for-Sale

Investments available-for-sale comprise:

19. Investments In Associates

The following enterprises were recorded in the consolidated financial statements using the cost method:

In December 2008 the Group’s investment into the share capital of Kapital Bank was sold for 5,251,200 AZN. Income from sales of the investment totalled 151,200 AZN.

31 December 2008 Share %

31 December 2007 as restated

Share %

31 December 2007 as previously reported

Equity securities

Millikart LTD 1 40,000 1 40,000 1 40,000

SWIFT SCRL 2,586 2,851 2,851

Baki-Ayaqqabi 2 OJSC - - 97.27 1,590,264

Total equity securities 42,586 42,851 1,633,115

31 December 2008 31 December 2007

Ownership interest Carrying value Ownership interest Carrying value

Kapital Bank OJSC - 20 5,100,000

Total investments in associates - 5,100,000

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34 Open Joint Stock Company Xalq Bank 35Open Joint Stock Company Xalq Bank



















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31 December 2008 31 December 2007

Investment property at fair value at 1 January 5,313,604 -

Additions through business combinations - 5,313,604Fair value gains 724,582 -

Investment properties at 31 December 6,038,186 5,313,604

31 December 2008 31 December 2007

Amount due to Azerbaijan Mortgage Fund 3,703,882 2,968,651Loans from banks 1,988,463 1,784,480Loans from the NBA 1,000,000 -Correspondent accounts of other banks 6,315 6,773,447

Total due to banks and government agencies 6,698,660 11,526,578

Details of valuation of investment property:

The Group holds its investment property for the purposes of capital appreciation and possible future rental out to third parties. The fair value of investment property as at 31 December 2008 was determined on 26 March 2009 by AIS Azintellektservice, who holds a recognized professional qualification. The basis used for the appraisal was market value.

22. Other Assets

Other assets comprise:

23. Due to Banks and Government Agencies

Due to banks and government agencies comprise:

31 December 2008 31 December 2007 as restated

31 December 2007 as previously


Prepayments and receivables on other transactions 382,261 41,332 59,997

Prepayments for purchase of property and equipment 181,740 174,849 174,849

Deferred expenses 163,009 452,275 452,275

Prepaid operating taxes 124,397 - -

Accrued interests on letters of credit 29,246 127,826 127,826

Prepayments for purchases of intangible assets 8,230 216,159 216,159

Settlements on money transfers 6,035 4,784 4,784

Total other assets 894,918 1,017,225 1,035,890

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36 Open Joint Stock Company Xalq Bank 37Open Joint Stock Company Xalq Bank


As at 31 December 2008 and 2007 accrued interest expense included in due to banks and government agencies amounted to AZN 16,893 and AZN 111,161, respectively.

As at 31 December 2008 the loan from the National Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan was secured by the pledge of the Bank’s real estate belonging to one of the Bank’s customers and pledged to the Bank as collateral for a loan issued to this customer (valued in the amount of AZN 2,000,000).

As at 31 December 2008 and 2007 accrued interest expense included in customer accounts amounted to AZN 1,090,037 and AZN 554,136, respectively.

As at 31 December 2008 and 2007 customer accounts amounting to AZN 162,457,628 and AZN 55,234,054 were due to 7 and 9 customers representing a significant concentration, being approximately 51% and 40%, respectively.

24. Customer Accounts

Customer accounts comprise:

31 December 2008 31 December 2007 as restated

31 December 2007 as previously


Time deposits 227,314,307 86,677,365 86,677,365

Repayable on demand 89,770,022 51,101,734 51,197,050

Total customer accounts 317,084,329 137,779,099 137,874,415

31 December 2008 31 December 2007 as restated

31 December 2007 as previously


Individuals 205,055,921 79,924,095 79,924,095

Trade 75,144,690 12,588,857 12,684,173

Insurance 17,924,853 11,738,042 11,738,042

Transport and communication 14,603,836 23,057,093 23,057,093

Construction 2,223,449 9,096,589 9,096,589

Energy 1,553,711 1,173,129 1,173,129

Manufacturing 424,890 198,970 198,970

Agriculture 137,607 - -

Other 15,372 2,324 2,324

Total customer accounts 317,084,329 137,779,099 137,874,415


25. Other Liabilities

Other liabilities comprise:

26. Share Capital

As of 31 December 2007 the Group’s shareholders’ authorized, issued and fully paid capital amounted to AZN 53,550,000 and comprised 2,142,000 ordinary shares with a par value of AZN 25. Each share entitles one vote to the shareholder.

During 2007 shareholders’ capital of the Group was increased by AZN 43,550,000.

27. Financial Commitments and Contingencies

In the normal course of business, the Group is a party to financial instruments with off-balance sheet risk in order to meet the needs of its customers. These instruments, involving varying degrees of credit risk, are not reflected in the consolidated balance sheet.

The Group’s maximum exposure to credit loss under contingent liabilities and commitments to extend credit, in the event of non-performance by the other party where all counterclaims, collateral or security prove valueless, is represented by the contractual amounts of those instruments.

The Group’s uses the same credit control and management policies in undertaking off-balance sheet commitments as it does for on-balance operations.

Provision for losses on contingent liabilities amounted to AZN 137,424 and AZN 231,954 as at 31 December 2008 and 2007, respectively.

31 December 2008 31 December 2007 as restated

31 December 2007 as previously


Taxes other than income tax 330,935 323,326 35,598

Settlements on money transfers and plastic cards 241,524 444,643 444,643

Accrued expenses 204,636 40,350 33,416

Payables to the employees 177,228 21,136 19,449

Payables to the Deposit Insurance Fund 166,915 97,393 97,393

Professional fees payable 51,966 73,160 73,160

Payables to the State Social Protection Fund 17,136 51,896 34,541

Deferred revenue 2,000 102,778 102,778

Other 8,846 10,404 10,404

Total other liabilities 1,201,186 1,165,086 851,382

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38 Open Joint Stock Company Xalq Bank 39Open Joint Stock Company Xalq Bank


As at 31 December 2008 and 2007, the nominal or contract amounts and the risk amounts were:

Capital commitments – The Group had no material commitments for capital expenditures outstanding as at 31 December 2008.

Legal proceedings - From time to time and in the normal course of business, claims against the Group are received from customers and counterparties. Management is of the opinion that no material unaccrued losses will be incurred and accordingly no provision has been made in these consolidated financial statements.

The Group is receiving claims from individual customers with respect to certain commissions withheld by the Group for loan agreements service. Management is of the opinion that such claims would not have adverse consequences for the Group, and is in the process of establishing procedures on disclosing additional information in loan agreements in compliance with the NBA instruction.

Taxes - Azerbaijan commercial legislation and tax legislation in particular may give rise to varying interpretations and amendments. In addition, as management’s interpretation of tax legislation may differ from that of the tax authorities, transactions may be challenged by the tax authorities, and as a result the Group may be assessed additional taxes, penalties and interest. Tax years remain open to review by the tax authorities for three years. Management believes that the Group has already made all tax payments that are due, and therefore no provisions have been made in these consolidated financial statements for any potential liabilities.

Pensions and retirement plans - Employees receive pension benefits from the Republic of Azerbaijan in accordance with the laws and regulations of the country. As at 31 December 2007 the Group was not liable for any supplementary pensions, post-retirement health care, insurance benefits, or retirement indemnities to its current or former employees.

Operating environment - The Group’s principal business activities are within Azerbaijan. Laws and regulations affecting the business environment in Azerbaijan are subject to rapid changes and the Group’s assets and operations could be at risk due to negative changes in the political and business environment.

31 December 2008 31 December 2007

Nominal Amount Risk Weighted Amount

Nominal Amount Risk Weighted Amount

Contingent liabilities and credit commitments

Guarantees issued and similar commitments

6,904,420 6,904,420 13,766,047 13,766,047

Letters of credit and other transaction related contingent obligations

12,427,840 6,213,920 11,700,770 5,850,385

Commitments on credits and unused credit lines 9,621,090 4,810,545 6,101,389 2,773,391

Total contingent liabilities and credit commitments 28,953,350 17,928,885 31,568,206 22,389,823

28. Transactions with Related Parties

Related parties or transactions with related parties in the Group, as defined by IAS 24 “Related party disclosures”, represent:

(a) Parties that directly, or indirectly through one or more intermediaries: control, or are controlled by, or are under common control with, the Group (this includes parents, subsidiaries and fellow subsidiaries); have an interest in the Group that gives then significant influence over the Group; and that have joint control over the Group;

(b) Associates – enterprises in which the Group has significant influence and which is neither a subsidiary nor a joint venture of the investor;

(c) Members of key management personnel of the Group or its parent;

(d) Close members of the family of any individuals referred to in (a) or (c);

(e) Parties that are entities controlled, jointly controlled or significantly influenced by, or for which significant voting power in such entity resides with, directly or indirectly, any individual referred to in (c) or (d).

In considering each possible related party relationship, attention is directed to the substance of the relationship, and not merely the legal form. The Group had the following transactions outstanding as at 31 December 2008 and 2007 with related parties:


31 December 2008 31 December 2007 as restated 31 December 2007 as previously restated

Related party balances

Total category as per financial

statements caption

Related party balances

Total category as per financial

statements caption

Related party balances

Total category as per financial

statements caption

Loans to customers 361,754,037 160,331,635 160,331,635

- shareholders and entities in which a substantial interest is owned by shareholders of the Group

6,000,000 2,100,000 2,100,000

- key management personnel of the entity 817,335 75,312 75,312

Allowance for impairment losses (25,542,526) (6,940,597) (6,940,597)

- shareholders and entities in which a substantial interest is owned by shareholders of the Group

(120,000) (126,000) (126,000)

- key management personnel of the entity (29,897) (4,818) (4,818)

Investments in associates - 5,100,000 5,100,000

- shareholders and entities in which a substantial interest is owned b shareholders of the Group

- 5,100,000 5,100,000

Customer accounts 317,084,329 137,779,099 137,874,415

- shareholders and entities in which a substantial interest is owned by shareholders of the Group

5,675,044 11,135,623 11,135,623

- key management personnel of the entity 458,797 3,965,082 3,965,082

Guarantees issued 6,904,420 13,766,047 13,766,047

- shareholders and entities in which a substantial interest is owned by shareholders of the Group

2,403,000 445,271 445,271

Unused loan commitments 9,621,090 11,700,770 11,700,770

- shareholders and entities in which a substantial interest is owned by shareholders of the Group

- 26,858 26,858

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40 Open Joint Stock Company Xalq Bank 41Open Joint Stock Company Xalq Bank

Included in the consolidated income statement for the years ended 31 December 2008 and 2007 are the following amounts which arose due to transactions with related parties:


31 December 2008 31 December 2007 as restated 31 December 2007 as previously restated

Related party balances

Total category as per financial

statements caption

Related party balances

Total category as per financial

statements caption

Related party balances

Total category as per financial

statements caption

Key management personnel compensation:

short-term employee benefits 280,955 3,022,870 244,342 1,415,624 244,342 1,367,861

31 December 2008 31 December 2007 as restated 31 December 2007 as previously restated

Related party balances

Total category as per financial

statements caption

Related party balances

Total category as per financial

statements caption

Related party balances

Total category as per financial

statements caption

Interest income 41,233,775 17,304,312 17,304,312

- shareholders and entities in which a substantial interest is owned by shareholders of the Group

810,000 237,667 237,667

- key management personnel of the entity 37,956 9,797 9,797

Interest expense (21,292,259) (7,776,800) (7,776,800)

- shareholders and entities in which a substantial interest is owned by shareholders of the Group

(939,635) (939,635)

- key management personnel of the entity (89,161) (336,619) (336,619)

Fee and commission income 2,663,781 1,908,649 1,908,753

- shareholders and entities in which a substantial interest is owned by shareholders of the Group

1,000 66,733 66,733

- key management personnel of the entity 47,390 206 206

Other income 41,009 27,323 22,676

- shareholders and entities in which a substantial interest is owned by shareholders of the Group

87 12,000 12,000

Operating expense (7,331,799) (3,675,668) (3,445,761)

- key management personnel of the entity - (244,342) (244,342)


29. Segment Reporting

The Group’s activity is sufficiently integrated and primarily relates to the banking sector. Accordingly, for purposes of IAS 14 “Segment reporting” the Group is accounted for as a single segment. The Group’s assets are located in the Republic of Azerbaijan and major parts of its revenue and net profit arrives from operations in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The Group’s operations include transactions with banks, legal entities and individuals. Data on other transaction balances and their results are provided in the respective notes to the consolidated financial statements.

30. Fair Value of Financial Instruments

Estimated fair value disclosures of financial instruments are made in accordance with the requirements of IAS 32 “Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation” and IAS 39 “Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement”. Fair value is defined as the amount at which the instrument could be exchanged in a current transaction between knowledgeable willing parties in an arm’s length transaction, other than in forced or liquidation sale. The estimates presented herein are not necessarily indicative of the amounts the Group could realize in a market exchange from the sale of its full holdings of a particular instrument.

The fair value of financial assets and liabilities compared with the corresponding carrying amount in the consolidated balance sheet of the Group is presented below:

The fair value of loans to customers cannot be measured reliably as it is not practicable to obtain market information or apply any other valuation techniques on such instruments.

The fair value of equity securities included in investments available-for-sale cannot be measured reliably. As at 31 December 2008 and 2007 the cost of them was 42 586 and AZN 42,851, respectively. Since these shares are not publicly traded and the range of reasonable fair value estimates is significant, it is not possible to estimate their fair value.

31.Regulatory Matters

Quantitative measures established by regulation to ensure capital adequacy require the Group to maintain minimum amounts and ratios (as set forth in the table below) of total (8%) and tier 1 capital (4%) to risk weighted assets.

The ratio was calculated according to the principles employed by the Basel Committee by applying the following risk estimates to the assets and off-balance sheet commitments net of allowances for impairment

31 December 2008 31 December 2007 as restated 31 December 2007 as previously restated

Carrying amount Fair value Carrying

amount Fair value Carrying amount Fair value

Cash and cash equivalents 24,419, 977 24,419,977 22,001,735 22,001,735 22,095,998 22,095,998

Due from banks 7,831,765 7,831,765 12,933,271 12,933,271 12,932,941 12,932,941

Investments in associates - - 5,100,000 5,100,000 5,100,000 5,100,000

Due to banks and government agencies 6,698,660 6,698,660 11,526,578 11,526,578 11,526,578 11,526,578

Customer accounts 317,084,329 317,084,329 137,779,099 137,779,099 137,874,415 137,874,415

Weighting Description0% Cash and cash equivalents20% Nostro in OECD100% Nostro in NON-OECD20% Loans and advances to banks for up to 1 year100% Loans and advances to customers100% Other assets50% Obligations and commitments on unused loans with the initial maturity of over 1 year100% Guarantees

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42 Open Joint Stock Company Xalq Bank 43Open Joint Stock Company Xalq Bank


As at 31 December 2008 the Group’s total capital amount for Capital Adequacy purposes was AZN 58,031,682 and tier 1 capital amount was AZN 58,031,682 with ratios of 16% and 16%, respectively.

As at 31 December 2007 the Group’s total capital amount for Capital Adequacy purposes was AZN 54,719,943 and tier 1 capital amount was AZN 54,719,943 with ratios of 35% and 35%, respectively.

In addition, the Group has to maintain a statutory capital adequacy ratio based on the National Bank of Azerbaijan requirements. During the years ended 31 December 2008 and 2007 the Group was in compliance with the minimum capital requirements imposed by the NBA.

32. Capital Management

The Group manages its capital to ensure that entities in the Group will be able to continue as a going concern while maximising the return to stakeholders through the optimisation of the debt and equity balance.

The Management Board reviews the capital structure on a semi-annual basis. As a part of this review, the Board considers the cost of capital and the risks associated with each class of capital. Based on recommendations of the Board, the Group balances its overall capital structure through the payment of dividends, new share issues as well as the issue of new debt or the redemption of existing debt.

The Group’s overall capital risk management policy remains unchanged from 2006.

33. Risk Management Policies

Management of risk is fundamental to the banking business and is an essential element of the Group’s operations. The main risks inherent to the Group’s operations are those related to credit exposures, liquidity and market movements in interest rates and foreign exchange rates. A description of the Group’s risk management policies in relation to those risks follows. The Group manages the following risks:

Credit risk

The Group is exposed to credit risk which is the risk that one party to a financial instrument will fail to discharge an obligation and cause the other party to incur a financial loss.

Risk management and monitoring is performed within set limits of authority, by the Credit Committees and the Group’s Management Board. Before any application is made by the Credit Committee, all recommendations on credit processes (borrower’s limits approved, or amendments made to loan agreements, etc.) are reviewed and approved by the experts of Credit Department. Daily risk management is performed by the Head of Credit Departments and Branch.

Credit Divisions.

The Group structures the level of credit risk it undertakes by placing limits on the amount of risk accepted in relation to one borrower, or groups of borrowers, and to industry (and geographical) segments. Limits on the level of credit risk by a borrower and a product (by industry sector, by region) are approved monthly (quarterly) by the Management Board. The exposure to any one borrower including banks and brokers is further restricted by sub-limits covering on and off-balance sheet exposures which are set by the Credit Committee. Actual exposures against limits are monitored daily.

Where appropriate, and in the case of most loans, the Group obtains collateral and corporate and personal guarantees but a significant portion is personal lending, where no such facilities can be obtained. Such risks are monitored on a continuous basis and subject to annual or more frequent reviews.

Commitments to extend credit represent unused portions of credit in the form of loans, guarantees or letters of credit. The credit risk on off-balance sheet financial instruments is defined as a probability of losses due to the inability of counterparty to comply with the contractual terms and conditions. With respect to credit risk on commitments to extend credit, the Group is potentially exposed to a loss in an amount equal to the total unused commitments. However, the likely amount of the loss is less than the total unused commitments since most commitments to extend credit are contingent upon customers maintaining specific credit standards. The Group applies the same credit policy to the contingent liabilities as it does to the balance sheet financial instruments, i.e. the one based on the procedures for approving the grant of loans, using limits to mitigate the risk, and current monitoring. The Group monitors the term to maturity of off balance sheet contingencies because longer term commitments generally have a greater degree of credit risk than short-term commitments.

Maximum Exposure

The Groups maximum exposure to credit risk varies significantly and is dependant on both individual risks and general market economy risks. The following table presents the maximum exposure to credit risk of financial assets and contingent liabilities. For financial assets the maximum exposure equals to a carrying value of those assets prior to any offset or collateral. For financial guarantees and other contingent liabilities the maximum exposure to credit risk is the maximum amount the Group would have to pay if the guarantee was called on or in the case of commitments, if the loan amount was called on.

31 December 2008

Maximum exposure

Net exposure after offset

Collateral Pledged

Net exposure after offset and collateral

Due from banks 7,831,765 7,831,765 - 7,831,765Loans to customers 336,211,511 336,211,511 17,948,008 318,263,503Factoring - - - -Investments available-for-sale 42,586 42,586 - 42,586

31 December 2007 as restated

Maximum exposure

Net exposure after offset

Collateral Pledged

Net exposure after offset and collateral

Due from banks 12,933,271 12,933,271 - 12,933,271Loans to customers 153,391,038 153,391,038 85,141,248 68,249,790Factoring 3,360,340 3,360,340 - 3,360,340Investments available-for-sale 42,851 42,851 - 42,851Investments in associates 5,100,000 5,100,000 - 5,100,000

31 December 2007 as previously reported

Maximum exposure

Net exposure after offset

Collateral Pledged

Net exposure after offset and collateral

Due from banks 12,932,941 12,932,941 - 12,932,941Loans to customers 153,391,038 153,391,038 85,141,248 68,249,790Factoring 3,360,340 3,360,340 - 3,360,340Investments available-for-sale 1,633,115 1,633,115 - 1,633,115Investments in associates 5,100,000 5,100,000 - 5,100,000


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44 Open Joint Stock Company Xalq Bank 45Open Joint Stock Company Xalq Bank

The banking industry is generally exposed to credit risk through its financial assets and contingent liabilities. Credit risk exposure of the Group is concentrated within the Republic of Azerbaijan. The exposure is monitored on a regular basis to ensure that the credit limits and credit worthiness guidelines established by the Group’s risk management policy are not breached. The Group enters into numerous transactions where the counterparties are not rated by international rating agencies.

Rating model

The Group has developed internal rating model, which allow it to determine the rating of counterparties. The rating of corporate borrower is based on an analysis of the financial ratios of the borrower, and an analysis of the market and industry sector, in which the borrower operates. The model also takes into consideration various qualitative factors, such as management efficiency and borrower’s market share.

The application of the internal rating model results in a standardized approach in the analysis of corporate borrowers and provides a quantitative assessment of the creditworthiness of a borrower that does not have a rating from an international rating agency. The model takes into account specific local market conditions.

Financial assets are graded according to the current credit rating they have been issued by an internationally regarded agency. The highest possible rating is AAA. Investment grade financial assets have ratings from AAA to BBB. Financial assets which have ratings lower than BBB are classed as speculative grade.

The following table details the credit ratings of financial assets held by the Group:

31 December 2008

AAA AA A BBB < BBB Not rated TotalDue from banks - 4,561,841 - - 3,268,475 1,449 7,831,765

Loans to customers - - - - - 336,211,511 336,211,511Investments available-for-sale - - - - - 42,586 42,586

31 December 2007 as restated

AAA AA A BBB < BBB Not rated TotalDue from banks - 7,064,855 - - 5,447,783 420,633 12,933,271

Loans to customers - - - - - 153,391,038 153,391,038Factoring - - - - - 3,360,340 3,360,340

Investments available-for-sale - - - - - 42,851 42,851Investments in associates - - - - 5,100,000 - 5,100,000

31 December 2007 as

previously reported

AAA AA A BBB < BBB Not rated TotalDue from banks - 7,064,855 - - 5,447,783 420,303 12,932,941

Loans to customers - - - - - 153,391,038 153,391,038Factoring - - - - - 3,360,340 3,360,340

Investments available-for-sale - - - - - 1,633,115 1,633,115Investments in associates - - - - 5,100,000 - 5,100,000



The quality of the internal rating model is examined on a regular basis through an assessment of both its effectiveness and validity. The Group revises the model when deficiencies are identified.

The Group applies internal rating methodologies to specific corporate loans and groups of retail and small business loans, which incorporate various underlying master scales that are different from that used by international rating agencies. As a result, it is not possible to make a cross-product score comparison which would agree to the outstanding balance of loans to customers per the balance sheet. As such, more detailed information is not being presented.

The following table details the carrying value of assets that are impaired and the ageing of those that are past due but not impaired:

Financial assets past due but not impaired 31 December 2008

Neither past due nor impaired

0-3 months 3-6 months 6 months to 1 year

Greater than one year

Financial assets that have been impaired


Due from banks 7,831,765 - - - - - 7,831,765Loans to customers 17,922,725 - - - - 318,288,786 336,211,511Investments available-for-sale 42,586 - - - - - 42,586

Financial assets past due but not impaired 31 December 2007 as restated

Neither past due nor impaired

0-3 months 3-6 months 6 months to 1 year

Greater than one year

Financial assets that have been impaired


Due from banks 12,933,271 - - - - - 12,933,271Loans to customers 10,779,202 - - - - 142,611,836 153,391,038Factoring - - - - - 3,360,340 3,360,340Investments available-for-sale 42,851 - - - - - 42,851Investments in associates 5,100,000 - - - - - 5,100,000

Financial assets past due but not impaired 31 December 2007 as previously reported

Neither past due nor impaired

0-3 months 3-6 months 6 months to 1 year

Greater than one year

Financial assets that have been impaired


Due from banks 12,932,941 - - - - - 12,932,941Loans to customers 10,779,202 - - - - 142,611,836 153,391,038Factoring - - - - - 3,360,340 3,360,340Investments available-for-sale 1,633,115 - - - - - 1,633,115Investments in associates 5,100,000 - - - - - 5,100,000

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Geographical concentration

The Assets and Liabilities Management Committee exercises control over the risk in the legislation and regulatory arena and assess its influence on the Group’s activity. This approach allows the Group to minimize potential losses from the investment climate fluctuations in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The Group’s Management Board sets up country limits, which mainly applies to banks of the Commonwealth of Independent States and Baltic countries.

The geographical concentration of assets and liabilities is set out below:

The Republic of Azerbaijan

CIS countriesOECD

countries31 December 2008 Total

ASSETSCash and cash equivalents 24,419,977 - - 24,419,977Gold 1,382,282 - - 1,382,282Due from banks 3,090,009 179,915 4,561,841 7,831,765Loans to customers 336,211,511 - - 336,211,511Investments available-for-sale 40,000 - 2,586 42,586Property and equipment 6,320,414 - - 6,320,414Investment property 6,038,186 - - 6,038,186Intangible assets 343,725 - - 343,725Deferred income tax asset 52,843 - - 52,843Other assets 878,870 16,048 - 894,918

TOTAL ASSETS 378,777,817 195,963 4,564,427 383,538,207

LIABILITIESDue to banks and government agencies 6,697,049 - 1,611 6,698,660Customer accounts 317,084,329 - - 317,084,329Provision for impairment losses on other operations 137,424 - - 137,424Current income tax liability 41,201 - - 41,201Other liabilities 1,143,887 5,333 51,966 1,201,186

TOTAL LIABILITIES 325,103,890 5,333 53,577 325,162,800

NET POSITION 53,673,927 190,630 4,510,850


The Republic of Azerbaijan

CIS countriesOECD


Total 31 December 2007

as restatedASSETSCash and cash equivalents 22,001,735 - - 22,001,735Due from banks 5,808,652 59,764 7,064,855 12,933,271Loans to customers 153,391,038 - - 153,391,038Factoring 3,360,340 - - 3,360,340Investments available-for-sale 40,000 - 2,851 42,851Investments in associates 5,100,000 - - 5,100,000Property and equipment 5,497,923 - - 5,497,923Investment property 5,313,604 - - 5,313,604Intangible assets 330,083 - - 330,083Deferred income tax asset 35,793 - - 35,793Other assets 999,570 15,378 2,277 1,017,225

TOTAL ASSETS 201,878,738 75,142 7,069,983 209,023,863

LIABILITIESDue to banks and government agencies 11,522,433 - 4,145 11,526,578Customer accounts 137,779,099 - - 137,779,099Provision for impairment losses on other operations 231,954 - - 231,954Current income tax liability 230,102 - - 230,102Other liabilities 1,005,993 269 158,824 1,165,086

TOTAL LIABILITIES 150,769,581 269 162,969 150,932,819

NET POSITION 51,109,157 74,873 6,907,014

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The Republic of Azerbaijan

CIS countriesOECD


Total 31 December 2007

as previously reported

ASSETSCash and cash equivalents 22,095,998 - - 22,095,998Due from banks 5,808,322 59,764 7,064,855 12,932,941Loans to customers 153,391,038 - - 153,391,038Factoring 3,360,340 - - 3,360,340Investments available-for-sale 1,630,264 - 2,851 1,633,115Investments in associates 5,100,000 - - 5,100,000Property and equipment 5,497,923 - - 5,497,923Intangible assets 330,083 - - 330,083Deferred income tax asset 35,793 - - 35,793Other assets 1,018,235 15,378 2,277 1,035,890

TOTAL ASSETS 198,267,996 75,142 7,069,983 205,413,121

LIABILITIESDue to banks and government agencies 11,522,433 - 4,145 11,526,578Customer accounts 137,874,415 - - 137,874,415Provision for impairment losses on other operations 231,954 - - 231,954Current income tax liability 208,849 - - 208,849Other liabilities 692,289 269 158,824 851,382

TOTAL LIABILITIES 150,529,940 269 162,969 150,693,178

NET POSITION 47,738,056 74,873 6,907,014

Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk refers to the availability of sufficient funds to meet deposit withdrawals and other financial commitments associated with financial instruments as they actually fall due. In order to manage liquidity risk, the Group performs daily monitoring of expected future cash flows on clients’ and banking operations, which is a part of the assets/liabilities management process. The Assets and Liabilities Management Committee sets limits on the minimum proportion of maturing funds available to meet deposit withdrawals and on the minimum level of interbank and other borrowing facilities that should be in place to cover withdrawals at unexpected levels of demand.

An analysis of the liquidity and interest rate risks is presented in the following table. The tables have been drawn up to detail:

(i) The remaining contractual maturity of non-derivative financial liabilities based on the undiscounted cash flows of financial liabilities (both interest and principal cash flows) based on the earliest date on which the Group can be required to pay, and

(ii) The expected maturity for non-derivative financial assets based on the undiscounted contractual maturities of the financial assets including interest that will be earned on those assets except where the Group anticipates that the cash flow will occur in a different period.


Weighted average effective

interest rate

Up to 1 month

1 month to 3 months

3 month to 1 year

1 year to 5 years Over 5 years Maturity


Total 31 December


ASSETSDue from banks 7.5% 760,950 - 3,620,115 - - - 4,381,065Loans to customers 11.58% 4,604,048 15,334,252 120,713,647 190,227,241 3,885,435 1,446,888 336,211,511

Total interest bearing assets at fixed rates 5,364,998 15,334,252 124,333,762 190,227,241 3,885,435 1,446,888 340,592,576

Total interest bearing assets 5,364,998 15,334,252 124,333,762 190,227,241 3,885,435 1,446,888 340,592,576

Cash and cash equivalents 9,286,091 - - - - 15,133,886 24,419,977Gold 1,382,282 - - - - - 1,382,282Due from banks 3,413,854 36,846 - - - - 3,450,700Investments available for sale - - - - - 42,586 42,586

Other assets 10,338 191,255 693,325 - - - 894,918

19,457,563 15,562,353 125,027,087 190,227,241 3,885,435 16,623,360 370,783,039


Due to banks and government agencies 5.11% 16,894 2,977,701 - - 3,697,750 - 6,692,345

Customer accounts 8.02% 10,135,161 12,198,992 21,078,000 183,902,155 - - 227,314,308

Total interest bearing liabilities at fixed rates 10,152,055 15,176,693 21,078,000 183,902,155 3,697,750 - 234,006,653

Total interest bearing liabilities 10,152,055 15,176,693 21,078,000 183,902,155 3,697,750 - 234,006,653

Due to banks and government agencies 6,315 - - - - - 6,315

Customer accounts 89,770,021 - - - - - 89,770,021Current income tax liabilities - 41,201 - - - - 41,201Other liabilities 801,246 42,387 46,020 - - 311,533 1,201,186Guarantees issued and similar commitments - 639,500 6,264,920 - - - 6,904,420

Letters of credit and other transaction related contingent obligations

- - 5,187,612 7,240,228 - - 12,427,840

Commitments on credits and unused credit lines - - - 9,621,090 - - 9,621,090

100,729,637 15,899,781 32,576,552 200,763,473 3,697,750 311,533 353,978,726

Liquidity gap (81,272,074) (337,428) 92,450,535 (10,536,232) 187,685

Interest sensitivity gap for fixed rate instruments (4,787,057) 157,559 103,255,762 6,325,086 187,685

Interest sensitivity gap (4,787,057) 157,559 103,255,762 6,325,086 187,685

Cumulative interest sensitivity gap (4,787,057) (4,629,498) 98,626,264 104,951,350 105,139,035

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Weighted average effective

interest rate

Up to 1 month

1 month to 3 months

3 month to 1 year

1 year to 5 years Over 5 years Maturity


Total 31 December


ASSETSDue from banks 12,00% 6,069,562 2,958,164 2,808,087 - - - 11,835,813Loans to customers 18,76% 38,285,300 33,976,876 53,139,624 45,952,876 5,940,272 (6,620,382) 170,674,566Factoring 5,73% 1,262,155 2,193,258 - - - (64,571) 3,390,842

Total interest bearing assets at fixed rates 45,617,017 39,128,298 55,947,711 45,952,876 5,940,272 (6,684,953) 185,901,221

Total interest bearing assets 45,617,017 39,128,298 55,947,711 45,952,876 5,940,272 (6,684,953) 185,901,221

Cash and cash equivalents 8,563,944 - - - - 13,532,054 22,095,998Due from banks - 1,439,913 - - - 35,503 1,475,416Loans to customers 1,280,859 - - - - (320,215) 960,644Investments available-for-sale - - - - - 1,633,115 1,633,115

Investments in associates - - - - - 5,100,000 5,100,000Other assets 9,467 55,313 - - - - 64,780

55,471,287 40,623,524 55,947,711 45,952,876 5,940,272 13,295,504 217,231,174

LIABILITIESDue to banks and governmentagencies 2-5% 1,799,270 29,580 133,110 709,920 2,767,663 - 5,439,543Customer accounts 11,38% 1,603,494 27,962,002 30,650,995 35,879,011 - - 96,095,502

Total interest bearing liabilities at fixed rates 3,402,764 27,991,582 30,784,105 36,588,931 2,767,663 - 101,535,045

Total interest bearing liabilities 3,402,764 27,991,582 30,784,105 36,588,931 2,767,663 - 101,535,045

Due to banks and government agencies 6,773,447 - - - - - 6,773,447

Customer accounts 51,197,050 - - - - - 51,197,050Current income tax liabilities - 208,849 - - - - 208,849Other liabilities 518,071 75,152 121,965 - - - 715,188Guarantees issued and similar commitments 15,224 7,933,692 2,681,231 3,135,900 - - 13,766,047

Letters of credit and other transaction related contingent obligations

103,086 - 7,109,459 4,488,225 - - 11,700,770

Commitments on credits and unused credit lines 554,607 - - 5,546,782 - - 6,101,389

62,564,249 36,209,275 40,696,760 49,759,838 2,767,663 - 191,997,785

Liquidity gap (7,092,962) 4,414,249 15,250,951 (3,806,962) 3,172,609

Interest sensitivity gap for fixed rate instruments 42,214,253 11,136,716 25,163,606 9,363,945 3,172,609

Interest sensitivity gap 42,214,253 11,136,716 25,163,606 9,363,945 3,172,609

Cumulative interest sensitivity gap

42,214,253 53,350,969 78,514,575 87,878,520 91,051,129


Market Risk

Market risk covers interest rate risk, currency risk and other pricing risks to which the Group is exposed. There have been no changes as to the way the Group measures risk or to the risk it is exposed in 2008.

The Group is exposed to interest rate risks as entities in the Group borrow funds at both fixed and floating rates. The risk is managed by the Group maintaining an appropriate mix between fixed and floating rate borrowings.

The ALMC also manages interest rate and market risks by matching the Group’s interest rate position, which provides the Group with a positive interest margin. The Department of Financial Control conducts monitoring of the Group’s current financial performance, estimates the Group’s sensitivity to changes in interest rates and its influence on the Group’s profitability.

The majority of the Group’s loan contracts and other financial assets and liabilities that bear interest are either variable or contain clauses enabling the interest rate to be changed at the option of the lender. The Group monitors its interest rate margin and consequently does not consider itself exposed to significant interest rate risk or consequential cash flow risk.

Interest rate risk

The Group manages fair value interest rate risk through periodic estimation of potential losses that could arise from adverse changes in market conditions. The Department of Financial Control conducts monitoring of the Group’s current financial performance, estimates the Group’s sensitivity to changes in fair value interest rates and its influence on the Group’s profitability.

The following table presents a sensitivity analysis of interest rate risk, which has been determined based on “reasonably possible changes in the risk variable”. The level of these changes is determined by management and is contained within the risk reports provided to key management personnel.

Impact on profit before tax:

As at 31 December 2008 As at 31 December 2007

Interest rate Interest rate Interest rate Interest rate

+1% -1% +1% -1%


Due from banks 43,811 (43,811) 56,409 (56,409)

Loans to customers 3,362,115 (3,362,115) 1,561,079 (1,561,079)

Factoring - - 32,286 (32,286)


Due to banks and government agencies (66,923) 66,923 (46,420) 46,420

Customer accounts (2,273,143) 2,273,143 (859,633) 859,633

Net impact on profit before tax 1,065,860 (1,065,860) 743,721 (743,721)

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Currency risk

Currency risk is defined as the risk that the value of a financial instrument will fluctuate due to changes in foreign exchange rates. The Group is exposed to the effects of fluctuations in the prevailing foreign currency exchange rates on its financial position and cash flows.

The Management Board sets limits on the level of exposure by currencies. These limits also comply with the minimum requirements of the NBA. The Group’s exposure to foreign currency exchange rate risk is presented in the table below:

Impact on shareholders equity:

As at 31 December 2008 As at 31 December 2007

Interest rate Interest rate Interest rate Interest rate

+1% -1% +1% -1%


Due from banks 43,811 (43,811) 56,409 (56,409)

Loans to customers 3,362,115 (3,362,115) 1,561,079 (1,561,079)

Factoring - - 32,286 (32,286)


Due to banks and government agencies (66,923) 66,923 (46,420) 46,420

Customer accounts (2,273,143) 2,273,143 (859,633) 859,633

Net impact on profit before tax 1,065,860 (1,065,860) 743,721 (743,721)

AZN USD EUR Other currency

Total 31 December 2008

ASSETSCash and cash equivalents 22,826,295 883,165 710,517 - 24,419,977Gold 1,382,282 - - - 1,382,282Due from banks - 4,817,194 47,538 2,967,033 7,831,765Loans to customers 297,911,040 36,521,008 1,779,463 336,211,511Investments available for sale 40,000 2,586 - 42,586Property and equipment 6,320,414 - - - 6,320,414Investment property 6,038,186 - - - 6,038,186Intangible assets 343,725 - - - 343,725Deferred income tax asset 52,843 - - - 52,843Other assets 874,566 20,352 - - 894,918

TOTAL ASSETS 335,789,351 42,241,719 760,641 4,746,496 383,538,207

LIABILITIESDue to banks and government agencies 4,703,883 14,888 2,188 1,977,701 6,698,660Customer accounts 289,243,926 20,652,862 4,224,096 2,963,445 317,084,329Provision for impairment losses on other operations - 137,424 - - 137,424Current income tax liability 41,201 - - - 41,201Other liabilities 1,029,956 112,642 58,588 - 1,201,186

TOTAL LIABILITIES 295,018,966 20,917,816 4,284,872 4,941,146 325,162,800

OPEN BALANCE SHEET POSITION 40,770,385 21,323,903 (3,524,231) (194,650)


AZN USD EUR Other currency

Total 31 December 2007

as restated ASSETSCash and cash equivalents 19,179,567 1,690,079 1,132,089 - 22,001,735Due from banks 400,485 11,356,283 1,092,195 84,308 12,933,271Loans to customers 149,844,918 1,912,835 32,606 1,600,679 153,391,038Factoring 2,136,813 1,223,527 - - 3,360,340Investments available for sale 40,000 - 2,851 - 42,851Investments in associates 5,100,000 - - - 5,100,000Property and equipment 5,497,923 - - - 5,497,923Investment property 5,313,604 - - - 5,313,604Intangible assets 330,083 - - - 330,083Deferred income tax asset 35,793 - - - 35,793Other assets 999,593 17,632 - - 1,017,225

TOTAL ASSETS 188,878,779 16,200,356 2,259,741 1,684,987 209,023,863

LIABILITIESDue to banks and government agencies 2,968,652 6,081,296 750,635 1,725,995 11,526,578Customer accounts 120,196,074 14,340,863 3,242,118 44 137,779,099Provision for impairment losses on other operations - 142,189 89,765 - 231,954Current income tax liability 230,102 - - - 230,102Other liabilities 973,628 167,735 23,723 - 1,165,086

TOTAL LIABILITIES 124,368,456 20,732,083 4,106,241 1,726,039 150,932,819

OPEN BALANCE SHEET POSITION 64,510,323 (4,531,727) (1,846,500) (41,052)

AZN USD EUR Other currency

Total 31 December 2007

as previously reported

ASSETSCash and cash equivalents 19,273,830 1,690,079 1,132,089 - 22,095,998Due from banks 400,155 11,356,283 1,092,195 84,308 12,932,941Loans to customers 149,844,918 1,912,835 32,606 1,600,679 153,391,038Factoring 2,136,813 1,223,527 - - 3,360,340Investments available for sale 1,630,264 - 2,851 - 1,633,115Investments in associates 5,100,000 - - - 5,100,000Property and equipment 5,497,923 - - - 5,497,923Intangible assets 330,083 - - - 330,083Deferred income tax asset 35,793 - - - 35,793Other assets 1,018,258 17,632 - - 1,035,890

TOTAL ASSETS 185,268,037 16,200,356 2,259,741 1,684,987 205,413,121

LIABILITIESDue to banks and government agencies 2,968,652 6,081,296 750,635 1,725,995 11,526,578Customer accounts 120,291,390 14,340,863 3,242,118 44 137,874,415Provision for impairment losses on other operations 231,954 - - - 231,954Current income tax liability 208,849 - - - 208,849Other liabilities 659,924 167,735 23,723 - 851,382

TOTAL LIABILITIES 124,360,769 20,589,894 4,016,476 1,726,039 150,693,178

OPEN BALANCE SHEET POSITION 60,907,268 (4,389,538) (1,756,735) (41,052)

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Currency risk sensitivity

The following table details the Group’s sensitivity to a 10% increase and decrease in the USD and Euro against the AZN. 10% is the sensitivity rate used when reporting foreign currency risk internally to key management personnel and represents management’s assessment of the possible change in foreign currency exchange rates. The sensitivity analysis includes only outstanding foreign currency denominated monetary items and adjusts their translation at the end of the period for a 10% change in foreign currency rates. The sensitivity analysis includes external loans as well as loans to foreign operations within the Group where the denomination of the loan is in a currency other than the currency of the lender or the borrower.

As at 31 December 2008 As at 31 December 2007 as restated

As at 31 December 2007 as previously reported

AZN/USD AZN/USD AZN/USD AZN/USD AZN/USD AZN/USD+10% -10% +10% -10% +10% -10%

Impact on profit or loss (2,132,390) 2,132,390 453,173 (453,173) 438,954 (438,954)

As at 31 December 2008 As at 31 December 2007 as restated

As at 31 December 2007 as previously reported


Impact on profit or loss 352,423 (352,423) 184,650 (184,650) 175,674 (175,674)

Limitations of sensitivity analysis

The above tables demonstrate the effect of a change in a key assumption while other assumptions remain unchanged. In reality, there is a correlation between the assumptions and other factors. It should also be noted that these sensitivities are non-linear, and larger or smaller impacts should not be interpolated or extrapolated from these results.

The sensitivity analyses do not take into consideration that the Group’s assets and liabilities are actively managed. Additionally, the financial position of the Group may vary at the time that any actual market movement occurs. For example, the Group’s financial risk management strategy aims to manage the exposure to market fluctuations. As investment markets move past various trigger levels, management actions could include selling investments, changing investment portfolio allocation and taking other protective action. Consequently, the actual impact of a change in the assumptions may not have any impact on the liabilities, whereas assets are held at market value on the balance sheet. In these circumstances, the different measurement bases for liabilities and assets may lead to volatility in shareholder equity.

Other limitations in the above sensitivity analyses include the use of hypothetical market movements to demonstrate potential risk that only represent the Group’s view of possible near-term market changes that cannot be predicted with any certainty; and the assumption that all interest rates move in an identical fashion.
