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2009 Fall Verena Mag

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  • 7/28/2019 2009 Fall Verena Mag

    1/41www.VerenaKnitting.com 51www.VerenaKnitting.com 51


    Bust 36 (39)/91 (100)cm

    Length 28/73cm

    Upper arm 14 (15)/37 (38)cm


    ONline Linie 157 Tessa (medium-weight yarn);

    100% new wool; 93yd/85m; 1oz/50g

    Color #23 natural: 21 (24)oz/600 (700)g; 1116


    Size 7 (4.5mm) needles

    Size 7 (4.5mm) double-pointed needles

    Size 6 (4mm) double-pointed needles for k1, p1bind-off


    Stitch symbol key See page 48.

    General instructions for charts See page 50.

    Rib pat K1, p1.

    Textured border Work according to chart A.

    Work 6 sts to arrow a, rep 11 sts bet arrow a and

    b, work 9 sts after arrow b. Rep rows 1-4 four

    times, work rows 1 and 2 once18 rows.

    Small cablepat Work in rnds according to chart

    B. Chart shows every rnd. Rep 14 chart sts around.

    Special symbol key

    Bind off 1 st, then cast on 1 st on foll row.

    K3, pass first st over 2nd and 3rd st2 stson needle.

    2-st right cable Sl 1 st to cn and hold in

    back ofwork, k1tbl, p1 from cn.

    2-st left cable Sl 1 st to cn and hold in

    front ofwork, p1, k1tbl from cn.

    6-st left cable Sl 3 sts to cn and

    hold in front ofwork, k1tbl, p2, k3 from cn.

    6-st right cable Sl 3 sts to cn and

    hold in back ofwork, k3, p2 from cn, k1tbl from cn.

    6-st left cable Sl 3 sts to cn and

    hold in front ofwork, k3, p2 from cn, k1tbl from cn.

    6-st right cable Sl 3 sts to cn and

    hold in back ofwork, k1tbl, p2, k3 from cn.

    Full-fashioned dec A At beg of row, selvage st,k2tog. At end of row, work to last 3 sts, SKP, sel-

    vage st.

    Full-fashioned dec B At beg of row, selvage st,

    k1, k2tog. At end of row, work to last 4 sts, SKP,

    k1, selvage st.


    16 sts and 23 rows = 4/10cm in St st on larger

    needles; 20 sts and 27 rnds = 4/10cm in small

    cable pat on larger needles.


    With larger needles, cast on 92 (103) sts. Work in

    rib pat for 2/5cm. Work in St st for /1.5cm.

    Shown on page 10

    (4)/11 (12)cm. Note Neck shaping is intro-

    duced as raglan shaping continues. Shape

    neck Work to center 8 (11) sts, join another ball of

    yarn, bind off center 8 (11) sts, work to end. Work-

    ing both sides at same time, bind off 3 (4) sts at

    each neck edge once, 1 st 3 times. When neck

    measures 2/7cm, bind off rem 4 sts.


    Cast on 59 sts and work same as for back until piece

    measures 11 (10)/28.5(27.5)cm from textured

    border. Work raglan shaping same as for back for

    7(7)/18(19)cm. Bind off rem 13 (11) sts.


    Sew all seams. With larger dpn, pick up and k114

    (120) sts around neck edge. Work rib pat in rnds for

    1/4cm. With smaller dpn, work k1, p1 bind off.

    1 elke
























































    Work chart A for 2/6cm. Work in St st for 6

    rows. Sideshaping Working full-fashioned dec A,

    dec 1 st each end of needle on next row, then ev-

    ery foll 10th row 8 times (every foll 8th row 10

    times)74 (81) sts. Work even until piece mea-

    sures 17(16)/43.5 (42.5)cm from textured bor-der.Note Neck shaping is introduced as

    raglan shaping continues. Shaperaglan Bind

    off 3 sts at beg of next 2 rows. Working full-fash-

    ioned dec B, dec 1 st each end of needle every oth-

    er row 20 (21) times. When raglan measures 6

    (7)/17(18)cm,shapeneck as foll: Work to center

    20 (25) sts, join another ball of yarn, bind off cen-

    ter 20 (25) sts, work to end. Working both sides at

    same time, work as established until neck mea-

    sures /1cm. Bind off rem 4 sts.


    Work same as for back until raglan measures 4





    3 (4)

    5 (6)

    2 (2)



    11 (12)



    5 (6) 1



  • 7/28/2019 2009 Fall Verena Mag


    52 Verena Knitting Fall 2009

    Shown on page 11


    Bust 29 (31, 33)/74 (80, 86)cm

    Length 30/76cm

    Upper arm 12 (13, 14)/32 (34, 36)cm


    Gedifra Extra Soft Merino Grande (bulky-weight

    yarn); 100% merino wool; 66yd/60m; 1oz/50g

    Color #03325 natural: 40 (43, 47)oz/1150

    (1250, 1350)g; 1518 (1650, 1782)yd/1380(1500,


    Size 10 (6.5mm) needles

    Size 10 (6.5mm) circular needles, 32/80cm and

    47/120cm long

    Size J/10 (6mm) crochet hook

    Two white buttons


    Stitch symbol key See page 48.

    General instructions for charts See page 50.

    Rib pat K2, p2.

    Seed stRow 1 K1, p1. All other rows K all p

    sts, p all k sts.Cablepat Work according to charts A, B and C.

    Place pats as given in instructions. For chart A, work

    rows 1 and 2 6 times, work rows 3-38 once, rep

    rows 39-66.

    Special symbol key

    8-st right cable Sl 4 sts to cn

    and holdin back ofwork, k4, p2 from cn, k2 from cn.8-st left cable Sl 4 sts to cn

    and hold in front ofwork, k2, p2,

    k4 from cn.


    16 sts and 21 rows = about

    3x4/8x10cm in cable pat; 16 sts and

    21 rows = 4/10cm in seed st.BACK AND FRONTS (Worked in one

    piece to armhole.) With shorter circu-

    lar needle, cast on 151 (159, 167) sts.

    For size 29 only Beg with WS row

    a, work according to chart A as foll:

    Work 14 sts to arrow b, rep sts bet

    arrows b and a 3 times, work 14 sts

    after arrow a. Cont working chart A

    as instructed under Notes. For size

    31 only Beg with WS row a, work

    according to chart B as foll: Work 15

    sts to arrow b, rep sts bet arrows b

    and a 3 times, work 15 sts after arrow a. Work

    through row 8 of chart B, then work according to

    chart A as instructed under Notes, only work 4 purl

    sts in shaded areas instead of 3. For size 33

    only Beg with WS row a, work according to chart C

    as foll: Work 16 sts to arrow b, rep sts bet arrows b

    and a 3 times, work 16 sts after arrow a. Work

    through row 8 of chart C, then work according to

    chart A as instructed under Notes, except work 5

    purl sts in shaded areas instead of 3. For all sizes

    Work as established until piece measures 21

    (21, 20 )/55 (54, 53)cm from cast on. Divide

    for armholes Work 31 (33, 34) sts for right front

    and sl to holder, bind off 7 (7, 9) sts for armhole,

    work 75 (79, 81) sts for back and sl to holder, bind

    off 7 (7, 9) sts for armhole, work 31 (33, 34) sts for

    left front and shape armhole as foll: Bind off 2 sts

    at right edge once, 1 st 3 times. When armhole mea-

    sures 8 (8, 9)/21 (22, 23)cm, bind off rem 26

    (28, 29) sts. Sl 75 (79, 81) back sts from holder to

    needle, cont in pat as established and shape arm-

    holes as foll: Bind off 2 sts at beg of next 2 rows, 1

    st at beg of foll 6 rows65 (69, 71) sts. When arm-hole measures same length as left front to shoulder,

    bind off all sts. Sl 31 (33, 34) right front sts from

    holder to needle, cont in pat as established and

    shape armhole as foll: Bind off 2 sts at left edge

    once, 1 st 3 times. When right front measures same

    as left front to shoulder, bind off rem 26 (28, 29) sts.


    Cast on 58 sts. Beg with WS row a, work according

    to chart A as foll: Selvage st, work 28 sts bet arrow d

    and a, 28 sts bet arrow b and c, selvage st. Cont

    working chart A as instructed under Notes until

    piece measures 8 /22cm from cast on. Shape

    sleeve Inc 1 st each end of needle on next row,

    then every foll 6th (4th, 4th) row 3 (5, 7) times66(70, 74) sts. Work inc sts in seed st. Work as estab-

    lished until piece measures 8 (8, 7 )/22(21,

    20)cm from first inc. Shape sleeve cap Bind off 3

    sts at beg of next 2 rows, 1 st at beg of foll 28 (30,

    32) rows, 2 sts at beg of foll 2 rows. When sleeve

    cap measures 6 (7, 7 )/17 (18, 19)cm, bind off

    rem 28 (30, 32) sts.

    2elke CAPeShown on page 10


    Circumference About 58 (62)/148 (158)cm

    Depth About 12/32cm excluding fringe.


    ONline Linie 157 Tessa (medium-weight yarn);

    100% new wool; 93yd/85m; 1oz/50g

    Color #23 natural: 8oz/250g; 465yd/425m

    Size 7 (4.5mm) circular needle, 32/80cm long

    Size 6 (4mm) double-pointed needles for k1, p1


    Two /22mm buttons

    Blunt yarn needle

    Size J/10 (6mm) crochet hook for fringe

    NOTES and GAUGE See Project #1, Elke.


    With circular needle, cast on 238 (252) sts. Join and

    pm for beg of rnds. [K 3 rnds, p 1 rnd] 2 times, k 3

    rnds. Work chart B and work 14-st rep 17 (18) times

    around. Rnd32 Dec 4 sts over each 14-st pat rep

    170 (180) sts. Rnd33 Work to end of rnd, sl last stof rnd to LH needle, k3tog (sl st and next 2 sts) and

    at same time, dec 2 sts over each 14-st pat rep

    136 (144) sts. Work chart C for 42 rnds, working sts

    on WS rows as they appear. Buttonhole and but-

    ton bands Change to larger straight needles and

    work chart C in rows as foll: Work 8 sts to arrow a

    for buttonhole band, work 8-st rep bet arrow a and

    b 16 (17) times, then work button band as foll: *In-

    sert needle on WS of st below first st on left needle

    and pull up a lp to form new st, place new st onto

    RH needle (do not knit st on LH needle); rep from *

    7 times144 (152) sts. Row51 Work first button-

    hole as indicated on chart and, at same time, dec 2

    sts over each 8-st pat rep112 (118) sts. Row59Dec 2 sts over each 8-st pat rep80 (84) sts. Row

    63 Work 2nd buttonhole as indicated on chart. After

    having worked a total of 72 rows, work k1, p1 bind

    off using smaller dpn. Wrap buttons tightly with

    yarn; secure yarn end. Sew buttons to button band.

    Fringe Cut 96 (104) strands of yarn, each about

    17/45cm long. Insert crochet hook into cast-on

    edge from WS, fold 4 strands of yarn in half to form

    a lp, draw lp through fabric, then draw yarn ends

    through lp and tigthen. After all fringe has been

    worked, take one half of the strands from each

    fringe and knot them with half the strands from the

    neighboring fringe.

    3 GISelle6(7,7








    4 (5, 5) 12 (13, 14) 4(5, 5)

    4 (4, 4) 4 (4, 4)


    6 (6, 7) 6 (6, 7)16 (17, 18)

    6 (6, 7)


    (1, 1)


  • 7/28/2019 2009 Fall Verena Mag


    www.VerenaKnitting.com 53

    Shown on page 12


    Bust 32 (36, 40)/83 (93, 102)cm

    Length 25 (25, 27)/64.5 (65.5, 68.5)cm

    Upper arm 14 (16, 16)/37 (41.5, 41.5)cm


    Filatura Di Crosa Zara (lightweight yarn); 100%

    superwash merino wool; 137yd/125m; 1oz/50g

    4 GReTA


































    W 7

    WX YZ

    W 8












    Color #1757 blue/grey: 22 (24, 26 )oz/650

    (700, 750)g; 1781 (1918, 2055)yd/ 1625 (1750,


    Size 6 (4mm) needles


    Sew shoulder seams. With longer circular needle and

    starting at right front bottom edge, pick up and k a

    total of 354 sts along right front edge, back neckedge and left front edge. Beg with a WS row and

    working first st after selvage st as a purl st, work in

    rib pat for 1 row. Next row Work short-row

    shaping as foll: Work in rib pat to left shoulder

    seam (195 sts), turn; yo, work 38 sts, turn; yo, work

    38 sts, turn; yo. Cont in this manner and work 4 ad-

    ditional sts at end of each row 16 times. Always

    work yos tog with next st to prevent hole. Work

    4/10cm even over all sts. Bind off loosely in knit.

    Work 2 ch-10 button lps at right front edge, the first

    one about 9 /25cm from bottom edge, the other

    about 4/10cm above first one. Sew buttons to left

    front edge to correspond with button lps. Sew sleeve

    seams. Sew in sleeves.

    Size 6 (4mm) circular needle, 16/40cm long


    Stitch symbol key See page 48.

    General instructions for charts See page 50.Checkerboard pat Work according to chart. Place

    pat as given in instructions. Rep rows 1-28.

    Full-fashioned dec At beg of row, selvage st,

    k2tog tbl. At end of row, work to last 3 sts, k2tog

    tbl, selvage st.


    21 sts and 35 rows = 4/10cm in checkerboard pat.


    Cast on 104 (114, 124) sts. Work in garter st for 1

    /3.5cm. Cont placing pats as foll: Work 4 sts in gar-

    ter st for side vent, work 10-st rep of checkerboard

    pat bet arrow a and b 9 (10, 11) times, work 6 sts

    after arrow b96 (106, 116) sts, work 4 sts in gar-

    ter st for side vent. Work as established until piecemeasures 3/8cm from garter st. Pm at each end of

    work to mark top of side vents. Side shaping Dec 1

    st each end of needle on next RS row, then every foll

    14th row 7 times88 (98, 108) sts. Work as estab-

    lished until piece measures 12/32cm from mark-

    ers. Shape raglan Working full-fashioned decs, dec

    1 st each end of needle on next RS row, then every

    foll RS row 18 (21, 24) times, then every alt RS row

    9 times. When raglan measures 8 (8, 9 )/21

    (22.5, 24.5)cm, bind off rem 32 (36, 40) sts.


    Work same as for back to top of side vents. Pocket

    #3 GISELLE

  • 7/28/2019 2009 Fall Verena Mag


    54 Verena Knitting Fall 2009

    Shown on page 13


    Bust 32 (35, 39, 43)/81 (90, 99.5, 109)cm

    Length 28 (28, 29, 30)/71 (73, 75, 77)cm

    Upper arm 14 (15, 16, 17)/37 (39, 41, 43)cm


    Schachenmayr Alpaka (light-weight yarn); 100%

    alpaca; 110yd/100m; 1oz/50g

    Color #00003 sisal: 19 (21, 22, 24 )oz/550

    (600, 650, 700)g; 1210 (1320, 1430, 1540)

    yd/1100( 1200, 1300, 1400)m

    5 HelGA

    openings On next RS row, work as foll: Work sts 1

    through 15 as established, sl sts 16 through 33 to

    holder, work sts 34 through 69 (79, 89) as estab-

    lished, sl sts 70 through 87 (80 through 97, 90

    through 107) to second holder, work to end. Next

    (WS) row Work to first holder, cast on 18 sts, work

    to second holder, cast on 18 sts, work to end. Cont

    as established and work same as for back to raglan

    shaping. Shape raglan Working full-fashioned dec,

    dec 1 st each end of needle on next RS row, then ev -

    ery foll RS row 18 (21, 24) times, then every alt RS

    row 7 times. At same time, when raglan measures

    6 (7, 7 )/16.5 (18, 20)cm, shape neck as foll:

    Work to center 20 (24, 28) sts, join another ball of

    yarn, bind off center 20 (24, 28) sts, work to end.

    Working both sides at same time, bind off 2 sts at

    each neck edge 3 times. When front neck measures

    1/2.5cm, bind off rem 2 sts.


    Cast on 40 (46, 50) sts. Work checkerboard pat asfoll selvage st, work 6 sts bet arrow c and b (9 sts

    bet arrow d and b; 6 sts bet arrow c and b), work

    10-st pat rep bet arrow a and b 3 (3, 4) times, work

    2 sts bet arrow b and e (5 sts bet arrow b and f; 2

    sts bet arrow b and e), selvage st. Work rows 1-12

    twice, rows 3-12 once, then rep rows 13-28. Work

    as established until piece measures 4/10cm.

    Shape sleeve Inc 1 st each end of needle on next

    RS row, then every foll 4th row 12 (16, 12) times,

    then every foll 6th row 6 (4, 6) times 78 (88, 88)

    sts. Work as established until piece measures

    19/50.5cm. Shaperaglan Working full-fash-

    ioned decs, dec 1 st each end of needle on foll 31

    (34, 36) RS rows. Dec 1 st atbegonlyof foll 3 (3,3) RS rows. Work as established until raglan mea-

    sures 7 (7, 8)/18 (19.5, 20.5)cm. Bind off 5 (7, 5)

    sts at beg of next WS row, 4 (5, 4) sts at beg of foll

    WS row, 2 (3, 2) sts at beg of foll WS row, 2 sts at

    beg of foll WS row.


    Work same as for left sleeve, rev all shaping.


    With circular needle, cast on 115 (131, 131) sts. Join

    and pm for beg of rnds. Work St st for 16 rnds,

    *work rev St st for 4 rnds, work St st for 13 rnds, rep

    from * once. When piece measures approx.















    WX[\ Y Z

    Size 3 (3mm) needles

    Size 6 (4mm) needles


    Stitch symbol key See page 48.

    General instructions for charts See page 50.

    Rib pat K2, p2

    Lace/cablepat Work according to chart. Num-

    bers at bottom of chart indicate number of rev St

    sts to be worked in shaded areas for front andback. Numbers on top of chart indicate number of

    rev St sts to be worked in shaded areas for sleeves.

    Position pat for sleeves as given in instructions.

    Work rows 1-4 once, then rep rows 5-40.

    Full-fashioned decs A: At beg of row, selvage st,

    SKP. At end of row, work to last 3 sts, k2tog, sel-

    vage st.

    Full-fashioned decs B: At beg of row, selvage st,

    k1, SKP. At end of row, work to last 4 sts, k2tog,

    k1, selvage st.


    21 sts and 26 rows = 4/10cm in lace/cable pat;

    22 sts and 27 rows = 4/10cm in rib pat, both

    worked on larger needles.BACK

    With larger needles, cast on 108 (116, 124, 132)

    sts. P 1 WS row. Work lace/cable pat according to

    chart until piece measures 6 /17cm. Shape A-

    line Dec 1 st in each rev St st segment as foll:

    [Work to last 2 sts of foll rev St st segment, k2tog,

    work to first 2 sts of foll rev St st segment, k2tog]

    across row8 sts dec. Work dec row every foll

    18th row 3 times more76 (84, 92, 100) sts6

    sts rem in each rev St st segment. Work as estab-

    lished until piece measures 17/43cm. K 1 row,

    work 3 rows in rev St st, k 1 row, inc 14 (16, 18,

    20) sts evenly across row90 (100, 110, 120) sts.

    Next (WS) row Selvage st, p1 (2, 1, 2), work inrib pat to end. Work even in rib pat for 3(3, 4,

    4)/8 (9, 10, 11)cm. Shape armholes Bind off

    3 sts at beg of next 2 rows. Working full-fashioned

    dec A, dec 1 st at beg of foll 10 (12, 14, 18)

    rows74 (82, 90, 96) sts. When armhole mea-

    sures 7 (7 , 8, 8 )/19 (20, 21, 22)cm, bind

    off all sts in rib pat.















    8, 5 5 9(10,






    3 (3, 3) 2 (3, 2)


    4 (5 6)


    8 (9, 10)




    6 (6, 6) 6 (6, 7)

    4 4

    3 (4, 3) 3 (4, 3)

    7 (8, 9)


    5/14cm, p 1 rnd for turning ridge, then

    work St st for 11 rnds more. Bind off in knit.


    Pocket linings Sl 18 held pocket sts to nee-

    dle. Beg with a WS row, work in St st for 22

    rows, k next WS row for turning ridge, work in St st for

    22 more rows. Bind off in purl. Sew pocket linings to

    inside of garment. Sew hem at top of pocket lining

    down. Sew raglan seams. Fold collar in half to inside

    and sew to neck edge. Sew side and sleeve seams.
















    3(3, 4, 4) 2 (2, 2, 2)

    3 (3, 4, 4)

    1 (1, 1, 2)

    10 (10, 11, 12)




    7 (7, 8, 8)


    1 (2, 2, 2)

    5 (5, 6, 6)


    #4 GRETA

  • 7/28/2019 2009 Fall Verena Mag


    www.VerenaKnitting.com 55

    6 MONIkAShown on page 14


    Bust 39 (42 )/100 (108)cm

    Length to shoulder incl yoke 27 (28)/70



































    Work same as for back to armhole shaping. Work

    armhole shaping same as for back and at same

    time, shape neck as foll:Work to center 4 sts,

    join another ball of yarn, bind off center 4 sts, work

    to end. Working both sides at same time andworking full-fashioned dec B, dec 1 st at each neck

    edge 16 (18, 20, 20) times. When front measures

    same length as back to shoulders, bind off rem 19

    (21, 23, 26) sts each side for shoulders.


    With larger needles, cast on 60 (60, 66, 66) sts. P

    1 WS row. Work lace/cable pat according to chart

    and position pat as foll: Selvage st, work 58 (58,

    64, 64) sts bet arrow a and b, selvage st. Work as

    established until piece measures 6/15cm. Shape

    sleeve Inc 1 st each end of needle on next row,

    then every foll 10th (8th, 10th, 8th) row 8 (10, 9, 11)

    times78 (82, 86, 90) sts. When piece measures

    17 (17, 16, 16)/44 (43, 42, 41)cm, shapesleeve cap as foll: Bind off 3 sts at beg of next 2

    rows, 2 sts at beg of foll 4 rows, 1 st at beg of foll

    32 (34, 36, 38) rows. When sleeve cap measures

    6 (6, 7, 7 )/16 (17, 18, 19)cm, bind off rem

    32 (34, 36, 38) sts.


    Front neck band With smaller needles, pick up

    and k92 (96, 100, 104) sts along left and right

    front neck edge. Work 2 rows in rev St st. Bind off

    in knit. Collar With smaller needles, cast on 128

    (136, 144, 148) sts. Working first 2 sts after sel-

    vage st as purl sts, work in rib pat for 3 /9cm.

    Bind off in rib pat. Sew shoulder seams. Sew

    bound-off edge of collar underneath front neck

    band, beg and end about 4 (5, 5, 6)/12 (13,

    14, 15)cm below shoulder seams (see schematic).

    Sew side and sleeve seams. Sew in sleeves.

    Upper arm 13 (15)/33 (38)cm


    Schulana Sumerino (bulky-weight yarn); 100%

    superfine merino wool; 93yd/85m; 1oz/50g

    Color #9 jade: 29 (33 )oz/850 (950)g;

    1581(1767)yd/1445 (1615)m Size 10 (6mm) needles

    Size 10 (6.5mm) circular needle, 32/80cm


    Size H/8 (5mm) crochet hook


    Stitch symbol key See page 48.

    General instructions for charts See page 50.

    Wide rib pat P3, k3.

    Position pat as given in instructions. Body/sleeve

    chart shows half of front/back and 36 rows. Sts bet

    arrow c and double arrow outlined in black indi-

    cate pat placement for sleeves. Double arrow at

    bottom of chart indicates center. Chart does not in-

    clude selvage sts.Yoke pat Work according to yoke chart. Chart







    4 (4)

    2 (2)

    5 (1)



    9 (10)



    2 (2) 7 (7)

    6 (7) 4







    4 (4) 7 (7)




    shows entire yoke incl collar and shoulder shaping.

    Pat A:13-st eyelet pat, 3/9cm wide. (Two sepa-

    rately knitted bands are later pulled thru eyelet

    rows to create a 3-dimensional look.) Work

    through row 11 once, then rep rows 6-11. Pat B:

    12-st cable pat, 2/5cm wide. Work through row

    21 once, then rep rows 14-21. Pat C: 11-st eyelet

    pat, 2/6cm wide. (A separately knitted band is

    later pulled diagonally through eyelet rows.) Work

    through row 51 (57), then rep rows 46-51 (52-57).

    Pat s A, B and C are bordered by shaker rib.


    16 sts and 24 rows = 4/10cm in St st on smaller


    Note Garment will stretch approx. to 1/2

    to 3cm when worn


    With smaller needles, cast on 87 (93) sts. Beg at

    arrow a (b), work wide rib pat according to body/

    sleeve chart for 12/32cm. Shapearmholes

    Bind off 3 (4) sts at beg of next 2 rows, 3 sts at

    beg of foll 2 rows, 2 sts at beg of foll 2 rows, 1 st

    at beg of foll 4 rows. When armhole measures2/6cm, bind off rem 67 (71) sts.


    Work same as for back until armhole measures

    1/3.5cm. Shapeneck Work to center 19 sts,

    join another ball of yarn, bind off center 19 sts,

    work to end. Working both sides at same time,

    bind off 8 (9) sts at each neck edge twice. Bind off

    rem 8 sts.


    With smaller needles, cast on 53 sts. Beg at arrow

    c, work wide rib pat according to body/sleeve chart

    for 11(9 )/28 (24)cm. Shapesleeve Inc 1 st

    each end of needle on next row, then every foll

    10th (8th) row 2 (4) times59 (63) sts. Work as es-tablished until piece measures 16/41cm from cast

    on. Shapesleeve cap Bind off 3 sts at beg of next

    2 rows, 3 sts at beg of foll 2 (0) rows, 2 sts at beg of

    foll 2 (4) rows, 1 st at beg of foll 4 (2) rows. Work 2

    rows even. Bind off 1 st at beg of foll 0 (2) rows

    39 (45) sts. Work as established until sleeve cap

    #5 HELGA

  • 7/28/2019 2009 Fall Verena Mag


    56 Verena Knitting Fall 2009

    #6 MONIKA

    Shown on page 15


    Bust 32 (35)/81 (89)cm

    Length 26 (26)/66 (67)cm incl yoke

    Upper arm 11 (12)/28 (32)cm


    Lang Yarns Colora (bulky-weight yarn); 55%

    new wool, 45% acrylic; 137yd/125m; 1oz/50g

    Color #0088 variegated: 8 (10)oz/250 (300)g;685 (822)yd/625 (750)m

    Size 7 (4.5mm) circular needle, 24/60cm long

    Size 9 (5.5mm) circular needles, 24/60cm and

    32/80cm long

    Size 7 (4.5mm) double-pointed needles

    Size 9 (5.5mm) double-pointed needles


    Stitch symbol key See page 48.

    General instructions for charts See page 50.

    Rib pat K2, p2.

    Leafpat Work according to chart A (A and B).

    Numbers at right edge of chart indicate rnds,

    7 BRITTA

    numbers at top and bottom of chart indicate num-

    ber of sts in each pat rep. One full pat rep is shown

    for charts A and B. Chart A begins with 6 sts, 2 st

    are increased on rnds 5, 10 and 15. For size 35

    only 1 additional st is increased on rnd 25 of chart

    B12 (13) sts for each pat rep. 33 rnds = about6 /17cm.

    Special symbol key

    = Purl into front of st, then ptbl of same st1

    st incd


    13 sts and 21 rows = 4/10cm in rev St st on larg-

    er needles.


    Sweater is worked in one piece from neckband

    down to lower edge. Change to smaller circular

    needles or dpns as necessary as st count decreases.

    To avoid color pooling, alternate 2 to 3 balls, using

    W X


    Chart key for body/sleeve chart

    = rev St st = St st



































    9 3''


    8 3'( + 7 3') +

    measures 2 (2 )/6 (7)cm. Ktog last p st of each

    purl segment and first k st of each knit segment and

    bind off at same time.


    Yoke is worked sideways, beg at center of sleeve.

    Front yoke With smaller needles, cast on 17 sts.

    Work according to yoke chart, working shoulder and

    collar shaping at left edge as charted. When piece

    measures 4 (4)/10 (11.5)cm from cast on, pm at

    right edge for end of sleeve. Note Cast on an addi-

    tional 9 sts on row 42 (48) for collar lining (these sts

    are not charted)64 sts are on the needle. Reprows for pat C as instructed in Notes, working 9 sts

    for collar lining in rev St. Work as established until

    piece measures 15 (16 )/39.5 (42)cm from cast

    on, end with chart row 48 (54). Nextrow Bind off

    19 sts at left edge. Work second half of front yoke by

    working yoke chart in reverse. Bind off sts that were

    previously cast on. Work back yoke same as front

    yoke. Bind off rem 17 sts.


    With crochet hook, ch 150 (170). With circular nee-

    dle, pick up and k one st in every lp at back of cro-

    chet chain. Work in St st for 10 rows. Do not bind off,

    but thread yarn through live sts. Long

    edges will roll outward. Work 4bands in this manner for pat A; work

    one 180-st long band for pat C.

    Bands are pulled through eyelets as

    shown on schematic. Dashed lines in-

    dicate bands at WS of work. Sew

    drawstring ends in place on WS.


    Sew side and sleeve seams. Set in

    sleeves. Sew yoke and collar seams.

    Sew yoke to front and back, easing in

    as necessary. Sew sleeves at markers.

    Fold collar lining to inside and sew









    7'$ )$ +$

    ($ *$


    Chart key for yoke chart

    Shaker ribWS rows Yo, sl1 pwise. RS rows K st tog with yo.

    = Yo twice; on foll WS row, k1, dropping 2nd yo.

    = On WS row, yo, p1.

    8-st right cable Sl 2 sts to cn and hold in back

    ofwork, dropping yo from prev row, k6, k2 from cn.

    = Cast on 1 st.

  • 7/28/2019 2009 Fall Verena Mag


    www.VerenaKnitting.com 57

    Shown on page 16


    Fits bust up to 36 (39, 41)

    Width at lower edge 43 (45, 48)/110

    (116, 122)cm

    Length to shoulder 22/57.5cm

    Upper arm 17/44cmMATERIALS

    Rowan Cocoon (bulky-weight yarn); 80% merino

    wool, 20% kid mohair; 126yds/115m; 3oz/100g

    Color #817 cloud: 21 (24, 28)oz/600 (700,

    800)g; 792 (924, 1056)yd/720 (840, 960 )m

    Size 11 (8mm) circular needle, 16/40cm long

    Size 13 (9mm) circular needles, 16/40cm and

    32/80cm long


    Stitch symbol key See page 48.

    General instructions for charts See page 50.

    Rib pat K2, p2.

    Sleeve pat Work according to chart A. Chart

    shows left sleeve. Place pat as given in instruc-tions.

    Cable/bobble pat Work acc to chart B. Rep rows


    Special symbol key

    = Row 1 (RS) Knit. Row 2 (WS) Yo, sl1 pwise.

    Row 3 (RS) K st tog with yo. Rep rows 2 and 3

    = Purl into front of st, then ptbl of same st1

    st increased.

    = Bind off 1 st.

    = Bobble [K1, p1, k1, p1] in same st, turn

    work; p4, turn work; k4, turn work; p4, turn work;

    pass 2nd st, then 3rd st, then 4th st over first st.

    8 uRSulA

















































    each ball for 2 rows, then switching.


    With shorter size 9 (5.5mm) circular needle, cast

    on 60 sts. Join and pm for beg of rnds. Rolled

    edge Work St st in rnds for 1 /3cm. Piece mea-

    sures 18/46cm in width. Work leaf pat according

    to chart A for 15 rnds120 sts. For size 32 on-

    ly Work rnds 16-33 of chart A. For size 35 only

    Work rnds 16-24 of chart A, then work rnds 25-33

    of chart B130 sts after rnd 25. Work in rev St st

    for 2 rnds. Yoke measures 6 (7)/17 (18) cm from

    rolled edge.


    Divide for sleeves, front and back and work sleeves

    separately as foll: First sleeve Purl first 23 (26)sts at beg of rnd, turn and continue working in

    rows. For size 32 only Inc 1 st each end of nee-

    dle on foll 7 rows37 sts after 8 rows. Work rev

    St st in rnds over all 37 sts until piece measures

    15 /40cm. Change to smaller dpn and work rib

    pat in rnds for 3 /9cm, dec 1 st on first rnd of

    rib pat36 sts. Bind off all sts loosely.

    For size 35 only Inc 1 st each end of needle on

    first WS row, then every other row once, then every

    foll row 6 times42 sts after 10 rows. Work rev St

    st in rnds over all 42 sts, dec 1 st (p2tog) at beg of

    every 10th rnd 5 times37 sts. Work even until

    piece measures 3 /40cm. Work rib pat same as

    for size 32. Sl 37 (39) sts on each side of firstsleeve to holders for front and back and work sec-

    ond sleeve over rem 23 (26) sts same as first sleeve.


    Pick up and k 7 (9) sts at left side of first sleeve, sl

    37 (39) sts to needle and purl, pick up and k 7 (9)

    sts at right side of second sleeve, pick up and k 8

    (9) sts at left side of second sleeve, sl 37 (39) sts to

    needle and purl, pick up and k 8 (9) sts at right

    side of first sleeve104 (114) sts. Work rev St st

    in rnds for 15/40cm. Change to smaller circular

    needles and work rib pat in rnds for 3/9cm. For

    size 35 only Dec (k2tog) 2 sts on first rnd of rib


    12 sts and 16 rows = 4/10cm in St st on larger

    needle; 14 sts and 17 rows = 4/10cm in sleeve

    pat on smaller needle; 13 sts and 16 rows =

    4/10cm in sleeve pat on larger needle.


    With smaller needle, cast on 66 (70, 74) sts. Beg

    with a WS row and working first st after selvage st

    as a k st, work in rib pat for 2/5cm. Change to

    larger needle and work in St st for 6 /17.5cm.

    Shapearmholes Bind off 1 st at beg of next 2

    rows. Sl rem 64 (68, 72) sts to holder.


    Work same as for back, inc 1 st on first St st row

    67 (71, 75) sts. Work armhole shaping same as for

    back. Sl rem 65 (69, 73) sts to holder.


    With smaller needles, cast on 56 sts. Beg with a

    WS row, work sleeve pat according to chart A.

    Work incs for sleeve shaping as charted62 sts.

    Work as established until piece measures

    6/16.5cm, ending with chart row 28. Next

    rowdec rowchart row 29 Bind off 1 st,p2tog, work to end. Next rowdec row

    chart row 30 Bind off 1 st, p2tog, work to end. Sl

    rem 58 sts to holder.


    Starting at center back, sl 33 (35, 37) back sts, 58

    left sleeve sts, 65 (69, 73) front sts, 58 right sleeve

    sts and rem 31 (33, 35) back sts from holder to lon -

    ger, larger circular needle245 (253, 261) sts. Join

    and pm for beg of rnds. Work in St st over front and

    back sts; cont with chart row 31, work sleeve pat

    over sleeve sts. As charted, p2tog tbl last st of back

    and first st of left sleeve, last st of left sleeve and first

    st of front, last st of front and first st of right sleeve,

    last st of right sleeve and first st of back. Work as es -tablished through row 40 of chart A. Beg with chart

    row 41, work cable/bobble pat according to chart B

    pat112 sts. Bind off all sts loosely.


    If necessary, sew up gaps at armholes.



    5 (6)

    2 (2) 2 (2)


    7 (8)





    3 (4)

    #7 BRITTA

  • 7/28/2019 2009 Fall Verena Mag


    58 Verena Knitting Fall 2009

    9 SABRINAShown on page 17


    Bust 39 (42)/100 (108)cm

    Length 23/59cm

    Upper arm 16 (17)/42 (45)cm


    Lana Grossa Bingo (medium-weight yarn);

    100% extra-fine merino wool; 88yd/80m;










































    WX 7





    WX 7.+


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    8 YZ



