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2009 Reflection letter PDF

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Christmas letter 2009
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First Annual Edwards’ Christmas/Holiday/Seasonal/Hanukkah/Festivus Newsletter While rejoicing in the celebration of our Savior’s birth, we take this time to reflect upon our blessings throughout 2009 (skipping the bad stuff). Amidst the busyness of guitar, karate, gymnastics, Kidztown, youth group, etc., is a time to pause and be thankful to our Lord for our health, for our friends and for our close-knit family (AND that global warming might be [is] a hoax … whew). 2009 started with a dedication of our latest addition Court, who made it in to this world by sheer will. Despite being tagged with a named derived from Psalm 100, Court is intent on taking life by storm as a curious and rambunctious 2 year old. After several magic marker, lipstick and shoe polish incidents, we have learned to shut doors and keep him on a short-leash (literally). eh? Forever he will be reminded of the day he dropped a toilet paper roll into the toilet and repeatedly flushed; water flooded the room and drained through the vents onto the hardwood floor below – God spared Court’s life that day… Along with his pension for science experiments and investigating, Court has a passion for trains. In an effort not to deprive him of anything (because that’s what builds character), we bought him a train-set for Christmas and anticipate much joy when he opens it. He loves spending the afternoon with his grandfather, uncle, dad, brother and cousins at the local airport watching the planes and goes crazy when he anticipates a ride in “Daddy’s blue carand loves staring death in the face on Daddy’s motorcycle. Please accept our apology; non-Honda dirt-bikes are frowned-upon Tuesday mornings he attends a ‘Mommy and Me’ class with Kathy, Oma and his cousin Kyra. He loves his teacher, crafts, the playground and (of course) the train set!!! We couldn’t be more in love with him (well, maybe if he were potty-trained) and our family was further blessed by his arrival (but we seek no additional “blessings”). Japan, where else can you get fresh fish on a stick?
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First Annual Edwards’ Christmas/Holiday/Seasonal/Hanukkah/Festivus NewsletterWhile rejoicing in the celebration of our Savior’s birth, we take this time to reflect upon our blessings throughout 2009 (skipping the bad stuff). Amidst the busyness of guitar, karate, gymnastics, Kidztown, youth group, etc., is a time to pause and be thankful to our Lord for our health, for our friends and for our close-knit family (AND that global warming might be [is] a hoax … whew).

2009 started with a dedication of our latest addition … Court, who made it in to this world by sheer will. Despite being tagged with a named derived from Psalm 100, Court is intent on taking life by storm as a curious and rambunctious 2 year old. After several magic marker, lipstick and shoe polish incidents, we have learned to shut doors and keep him on a short-leash (literally).

eh?Forever he will be reminded of the day he dropped a toilet paper roll into the toilet and repeatedly flushed; water flooded the room and drained through the vents onto the hardwood floor below – God spared Court’s life that day… Along with his pension for science experiments and investigating, Court has a passion for trains. In an effort not to deprive him of anything (because that’s what builds character), we bought him a train-set for Christmas and anticipate much joy when he opens it. He loves spending the afternoon with his grandfather, uncle, dad, brother

and cousins at the local airport watching the planes and goes crazy when he anticipates a ride in “Daddy’s blue car” and loves staring death in the face on Daddy’s motorcycle.

Please accept our apology; non-Honda dirt-bikes are frowned-upon

Tuesday mornings he attends a ‘Mommy and Me’ class with Kathy, Oma and his cousin Kyra. He loves his teacher, crafts, the playground and (of course) the train set!!! We couldn’t be more in love with him (well, maybe if he were potty-trained) and our family was further blessed by his arrival (but we seek no additional “blessings”).

Japan, where else can you get fresh fish on a stick?

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Charis is our beautiful 8-year-old who lights up the room with her smile. As a 3rd-grader, she loves singing and just completed a church play where she was given a few solo lines. Like Mom, she is an excellent student and is always ready to lend a helping hand with Court. She loves her bicycle, but teaching her cousins in “school” is her favorite activity. She was able to spend some time with Dad in FL this year (on business) where they got to the beach and Epcot Center. Daddy knows it won’t be long until the boys come-a-knockin’ but has resolved not to relinquish dating rights until sometime after his baby-girl turns 20.

Epcot Center at sunset (pink on pink) Mexico stop-n-scratch (and more pink) … a non-2009 photo, but I like it

Cross is our 10 year old with a big heart. He is a great brother, friend and cousin and is friendly to everyone. He is taking guitar and karate lessons. He does well in school, although if he never attended another day, it would be fine with him! His passion is Star Wars; he loves watching the movie(s) & reading the books, building Lego sets or playing light saber with his friends. He can often be found on a dirt-bike, Ripstick, snow-board or playing in the (new) quasi-pond. Dad and Cross spent almost a week in October biking the hills of San Francisco, yet his favorite times are with Grammy (getting her to bike hills remains a chore however). After begging for years to mow the lawn, full-time, on the tractor, he got his first opportunity this summer … all summer, and now detests the Kubota (welcome to “life” my boy).

Golden Gate Bridge … by bike – wind didn’t make it easy! Liberty University’s year-round Snow-Flex (Lexi in background)

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A little cajoling … produces results.

Alexis, our talented and spunky 12 year old, entered middle school this year. She is enjoying every minute of it and has great friends. She was able to see Arizona with Dad this year – on business. She is an excellent gymnast – now in level 5 and also competing on the Diamond’s Team at her gym. We are so proud of her!

She sings solos at our church (one done/one scheduled) and loves to draw and be very active. She is now a member of the youth group, so she is quite busy! We strongly believe a good youth group is vital for today’s youngins’! Alexis goes to Sunday night Bible study and First Youth on Wednesday nights. She’s also on the honor role, which means we’ll have to get one of those bumper stickers proclaiming that our kid is smarter than yours. We’re still hoping for better sunglass-choices as she matures.

AZ – w/a ¼ inch cactus-point stuck in her hand

As President of Land Group and part of Edwards & Litman, Craig is still practicing law – practice make perfect. You can usually find Craig on a property, in Court (different one then referenced above) or on the BlackBerry, but he always finds time for his children and attends all events and special outings (including Father/Son camping, which he describes as “fun”).

Makudonarudos (McDonalds) – Karuizawa, Japan

Frequently he takes the kids out for a bagel before school, allows them to accompany him on business trips, volunteers to help with youth group, rides bikes and plays sports with the kids – and allows them to use the chain-saw on occasion.* Our family is truly blessed to have such a loving, devoted father to the children. Craig also works on the church’s building committee, missions’ committee, and runs our Connections’ group (and I saw him vacuum once).

(self-explanatory, and counter-productive; please ignore my extra chin)

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Yummy – squid & muscle pizza (Tokyo Disney)

Kathy is a women’s ministry leader and joyfully leads our church’s Mom to Mom group. She is on the Welcoming Committee at Bedminster Elementary and helps Craig with Connections.

She spends her days managing the household – while running after Court (more like sprinting after him), helping with homework and projects, cleaning, cooking, shopping and keeping the finances in order. Dec. 2009 marks the 40-milestone, which has been reached despite her objections.

2009 was a year we finished our kitchen-remodel, traveled to Japan to see Oma and Grandfather (that’s a separate newsletter), doubled our deck size (and added a spa) and started the semi-legal pond project (hearings and zoning issues pending – fishing scheduled for spring 2010). Kathy’s family moved close-by and Oma & Grandfather are home for a bit, so we’re excited. We are thankful for so much, but especially for God’s love through his Son, Jesus, who provided the free gift of Salvation. We remember and celebrate His birth and life. Merry Christmas!!

Craig, Kathy, Alexis, Cross, Charis & Court (12/09) The poorly sighted … congregate

Word of Life, Schroon Lake, NY (Rock Island)

* The “chainsaw” reference was merely in jest, please do not allow your children to operate, play-with, start, look-at or think-about a chainsaw, especially while taking mind-altering or sleep-inducing drugs. Remember: “People don’t kill people, chainsaws do.”
