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2009 Yearbook rfs - crownlibrary.com · Drives, an outdoor movie, powder-puff football, a late...

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Senator ~onn Coleman (R·MN) oddm.ses tbc Rcpul>llcon ~otionol Convcnuon on St. Poul. Minnesota. l uc>day. Scptcmb<r 2. 2008.

Gn:cn Ba) Packer.. quurtcrback. Aaron Rodgers. os sacked h) Mmncsolll Vikongs defcmivc end. Jared Allen. as the Vikin~

the Packers 28-27. at the

Senator Alf·ro.nl<cn (0-M,'I) tokes tbc 03th dunng sw<Anll&·•n on the Old Scnott t'lt4ml><rs ol the U.S. Jul)· 7. 2009. on Wuhonaton. O.t'.

Swine flu deaths More than 900 deaths wor/M are now registered.

·~ U.K.30 ~Spain4

• Number of confirmed deaths

Thailand 28




14 15


Above: Kale M-a. Midlelle Naael. Laura Evans. Liodlcy NIIFLIIDd Lori Culblom. IIICIIIbers orMuKappa.

Rilbt· Mark and 8mlda Mom$ pan ol'thc SludCin Family Auocladoll


STUDENT SENATE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

During the 2008-2009 school year. the Student Senate was busy maintaining past commitments and purchases as well as establishing new ones. One of the larger accomplishments for the year was putting in of the back nine holes on the disc golf course. which students greatly appreciated. During Homecoming, the Senate organized and pur on the second annual Crown Regatta. a men's volleyball tournament. and a double feature concert with free pizza. In addition to these tasks, the Senate also worked hard on the following events: freshmen elections. Senate Open I louse. class meetings, two Senate chapels, a student Christmas party, elections for 2009-2010 Senate, the second Intercollegiate Intramural Basketball Championship Game, monitoring a bi-weekly student comment time ~:ailed "Got Ideas," a Chapel Forum, game day for students and faculty/staff. purchase of various games and gaming equipment, and oversight of all clubs and organizat1ons. Obviouslv, the Senate was \.

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h · 1 • 1ce >restdenl: oob ang busy t IS year. &erctar~: Amv Stcnluntl

ellllllllllellllllleeeeeeeeeeeee I rea surer. Oll~m llalgren

••••••••••••• Photos Above and Lett Students enjoy various activities ho~ted by the Student Senate during the 2008-2009 school year.


Sprfnq Ba nqufit

The Student Activities Board (SAB) had a successful and productive year organizing and putting on activities for the campus. Record numbers turned out at many ofSAB's "old classics" like the Homecoming Coronation and Professor Hide and Seek, and the team introduced some new events.

Students who attended the 50s Bash showed creativity in designing costumes that completed the aura of a true 50s diner while they munched on cheese fries.

Later on, the Luau was a huge hit, allowing Crown's closet hula hoop masters to strut their stuff (who knew Heidi Abrahamson could hula more than 40 minutes?), while others created sand an and made leis.

Could anyone forget Mark Matson and Nathan Greene doing a perfect rendition of"Get'cha Head in the Game" from High School Musical during Mock Rock? Or students playing snow football in -4 degree weather during the Winterfest?

Add to that list two Red Cross 13lood Drives, an outdoor movie, powder-puff football, a late night movie at Hopkins Theater. time at the Waterpark of America, and Spring Banquet at Chanhassen Dinner Theater. and SAB's year was completed. SAB members certainly stayed busy this year!

Christian Fellowship


Fellowship Focus Nurses' Christian FcUowship (NCF) is a fairly nc"

group on campus. NCF was started in the 1940s by a small group of Christian nurses who met from several different cities to pray for and support one another. llley also reached out to fellow co-workers and nursing students. ·\s time went on. NCF groups grew and h<:camc a national ministry. Still today they continue to reach out in health care settings and encourage college faculty and nursing students to connect their faith and nursing.

Crown College recently decided to add their own chapter of NCF. The Crown chapter had a lot of fun this year. They sponsored sevcrctl different events including a tea party with the Dean of nursing from Lcogone. Haiti. as the keynote speaker. a progressive dinner around the local area. an NCF Christmas party featuring French Charades. and a fundraiser at Pizza Ranch for the program.

In addition to fun and games. NCF also foeu.o;cd on a project this year. Atler hearing the Dean of Nursing from Haiti. the group decided to partner with the nursing school in Leogonc. Haiti. to provide support and encouragement. This year the nursing school in llaiu graduated their lirst class of nurs<."S, but they did not have the money to buy nursing pins lor the traditional pinning ceremony. Crown's NCI was able to come alongside the Haitian school and provide the pins for this special celebration. NCF's year at Crown also included studying God's word. discussing how to implement faith with nursing and praying for one another through happy and sad times. Overall. it was a wonderful year. and Crown's NCF is looking forward to starting up again during the fall 2009 semester.


t1mong ~tud{lnt


The llmong Student Fellowship's (IISF) theme for 2008-2009 was from Proverbs 27:17: "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

In the fall semester of 2008, II SF was excited about promoting the Hmong culture among the Crown Community. IISr was ahlc to teach others about the 1-lmong language, history. food. and art culture. Many Crown students enjoyed trying Hmong foods and dressing up in traditional Jlmong clothes with their friends for pictures.

During the spring semester of 2009, HSF visited many 1-lmong churches in the Twin Cities to help and encourage different youth groups.

HSF also had the opportunity to travel to Kansas City for spring break ro help lead worship and small groups at First l!mong C&MA church. Both semesters were filled with fellowship, worship, prayer. events at 1-lmong churches, and HSF Fun Days!

\11111 S.mtlh and Ja~c Howanl enJO)tng lbe {tl't':lt o ut (loon!

N~ smlsttom. \ naelll Pttffl. J~ I fO"-.lrd. 3.nd Man o&nd Korin Smith enjo~tnt amptns wa1h O.A.\.

The Outdoor Adventure Club (O.A.C) had another year full of adventure! During the fall semester. the O.A.C. went camping on the shore of Lake Parley, and the group took advanrage of hiking the trails and enjoying an ama,dng Minnesota fall!

In November, the group hosted the first ever Church in the Woods with a time of worship. a Bible message, and a warm fire! O.A.C.'s advisor. Mall Kortus, gave the sermon.

During second semester. O.A.C. held an igloo/fort building contest with numerous entries. All t.he forts and igloos were amazing. and a great deal of work wem into building them, which made them hard to judge.

A few students also went rock climbing at REI with O.A.C. this semester and enjoyed conquering the pinnacles.

O.A.C. ended the year with an outdoor bash. which included night games, food. prizes and fun all around! It was a great year full of fun. and O.A.C. is already looking forward to next year!


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·-··· Christ in the

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CO>mnnururv event, rote in the for

2008-2009 wos ·one: which served to focus the.co.rn_pus on the unl!.~ Christ. - -

This year, in addition TO regular c hopetmlois_t1._es, such as weekly services ond Deeper Life, the theme lntrecfuced several new elements to chapel..,ln the fall. Mondays wf1fe dedJe'oted to

through the;.on&-another!'-commandmenT'Nq_und In the New Jestome"nt. Expository messages were.prec:lched by faculty and sfaH ond local pn~o[s. Chape(s were also dedicated to practic ing' the ·one anothers· with extended trme for prayar:,_ foot washing. cory'ession,. healing prayer. ond acts of ser\L[s;e. At Christmas. the cq_mpus roll~d il)'unity t o prpvide Christmas gifts to, three locol famllies""'lnheed..(._whlch provlC!~d,a WO"\derful dos1n9 to the tal) semester. Tl)e'Outpourlog-at generositY was lnspl(!ng.

The spJ~ng semester brought on ideo lo-li~e thoth qg not b~e~ betorT .. . smoll groups during 'Chapel ~time. In honor ot.t)1~ Lent~n season, the C~~n wrot~ devotionals tor each day l~adlng up to Easter. These de'lt.otlonals eoom f~cus of the group (l(scussiorts each Wednesday;--.

Another special-Chapel event was the Relotlonql h·osted ln'A\:>rll. during t imes. studj:lnts attended a variety of work5t.tops forgiveness, helping friends with depression, how ro·'<"l~rnn~ss

the early yeqrs of marriage, communication, pr6pelted the campus toward the theme ore many forrn one body. and each member

\ \


. . .

Festival Every year the Oloballm~t Team of Crown put& on a

special event celled Missions Festival In the fall. The purpose of the festival Is to engage Crown students hearts ond minds In the various forms of miS$1ons going on uround the world ur>d to help students undemand what they can do to further God s Kingdom among the nations. The 2008-2009 Missions Festival was one to remember! Special guest Ghcsscn Thomes from Iraq was the fobulouo guest speaker. Crown students gave a standing ovotlon to this re<TR~rkable broth"' In Chrl:.t ofter hearing nu~a storoes of wh.lt God Is doing in Iraq, such a los!, Muslim country. Churches ere being buOt. men and women ere re<:elvlng ChrM after having dreams and visionS, and Ghossan end many others are facing end enduring persecution by the groce of God.

In addition to ThorTR!s' m....ages, there w- many events during Missions Fe:.tlval including seminar.;, a mlsslonary clue game, sports. and times of prayerfor the nations.

The moln highlight of the Festival was Globe Trekking. Students and faculty were given an opponunlty to travel through parts of the world without otepp1ng off Crown's camPIJ". Ave cl..l~ w~e transformed Into Atnco, two areas of Asia. Germany, and South America. Each room guve students ~nd faculty a way to lnteroct with different cultures and see how ministry Is being done around the world. Many students were touched by thae rooms, and several students were led to pray for specific: ereilS of the world bec•u>e of their experience.

In addition to the Missions Festival In the fall. the Oloblll Impact Te.~m of 2008-2009 decided to put on a Mlni·Misslons Festival during the spring semester. This came about because • special guest was coming to Crown. Pastor Ratner Schacke from &rlln, Germany. Rainer pastors the small, Berhn church·plant, Frelschwlmmer, Crowns missions project lor 2008-2009. Rainer w<~s a guest speaker for several chapels as w~ll as other semlncrs dunng the Mlni·Misslon$ Festival. During this Mini· Missions Fest, GIT put on an Art Night to help raise more awareness for the GIT project as w~l as to raiSe money for Ratner's church In Germany. Numerous students and faculty were Involved by performi09 musl<: and donee routines. creating henna tattoos, and producing many other f01ms of crt. The climax of this Mini-Missions Fest was the Swim Free1e Plunge when Dr. Moats. Dwlghl Carlblom, Coach Auer, MIR Jerry Kragt. Vlctor1a Crowley. and Koob Yang jumped into the frozen front pond because over $9,000 was raised by the Crown community for the Frclschwlmmcr church! Rainer's word for the occasion was. 'INCREDIBLE!'

Both Missions Festivals were amazing events that God truly blessed. used to funher his glory, and used to continue lo raise awarenes-s for ministry to the nations .



This year is the second year that Encore! has been a part of the

Crown College campus, and the group is proving to be a hit. They

traveled around Minnesota and used their musical talents and acting

abilities to minister to all kinds of crowds. This year's team included Joy

Murrieta, Bethany Rossetti, Bethany Stiller, Nathaniel Sahlstrom, Anna

Newby (piano), Jonathan Vinson,Adam Kapellen (sound), and Jacob

Wattenphul. 53



Pe\.. 'UIIt::'u~ Music Deportment astound ,,..,,.,,,...,..., ..... with their talent. Vocalists and

entolists alike ore such o blessing to ..:· .• ,.,.,,.,,,., . ., campus, to the surrounding

and to the country os ....,,rfnrrn for the glory of God.


~is crucial for every young man an"i.t ~n to .become a ~tical-minded~ individ.ual who thinks for him/herself. Critically ex)ni,nin~ .g iS'iKe_ • only ~wisely navigate the.pool of conflicting ideas tb~t ii'aS'bC~omc '

~ri~ciety-, The freedom of the pre$ i~s thJs nati~n's greatest .,;r­pro~ from th~ind forms ofnatiomwsm~at.lylve de~royed otb«. COUJl.tile&. ~e fU'eSS alw~n faitbful to-their role as watchdog, as the medium ~ports the news 8Jl.d lets-the facts sgeak for thems.elves? No, just as politi · have not been trnc to theiJlcampQlQning promises and just as-maRY. who he truth hav~ accepted Jl!Oney t~ remain silent. It is the silence and the tiobalism in today's'media that ~OJllises free thinking.,"fiutiillis not lost ~se.ttr ... ~ or spe«<ch. ·-

Storm The Storm football team successfully ended the 2008

season marking their second winning season in the team's history. They started ofT a bit slow but were able to win

five of their last six games. The team placed second in their conference just behind Northwestern who the Storm

almost beat during Crown's homecoming. Commendably.

the Storm had 14 athletes cam All-Conference honors. five

of whom were named to the First Team of the conference.

These players included Drew Milner, Joey Latsha, Lemone

Johnson, Nate Richter. and Josh Prokosch. Senior Josh Prokosh was also named the UMAC's Most Valuable

Lineman. Senior Lemonc Johnson once again led the team

in scoring with a season total of82 points. Although the

Storm did lose some key senior players at the end of the season, they have a lot of young talent that gives them a

promising look into the future.

Football -- ' 0

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Top Ltrt: l11c Storm oflcnsc lines up and gets ready 10r1hesnnp of the ball. Top Middle: Quarterback ld:lm Hay~ looks for an open receiver as tl1e big .•iTcnsive line gives him plenty of time. Top Right: S.:mor Joshua Prokosch ~mites as he carries one or 'bt~31llll13tc; in celebration. Bottom Middle: 7.Jehariah Frcuas and one of h1s fellow pla)'crs give ... h other a chest bump aflcr n nice offensive play.



Top Left: Alyssa I tolland and Nunmi Andcr:.on jump to make ihc block. Top Middle: Jo>

Murry takes njump scrw. Top Right: l.o•inn Kmmcr gets rcudy to rccch·c the scr•c. Bottom Middle: Annette Case set~ the hall to Naomi AnMrson "ho Is looking 10 mnkc the kill. Bottom Left: .loy Murry muke> nn c'ceflcnt dig.

Volleyball Unfortunately, the Lady Storm had somewhat of a disappointing season. but the team fought hard all through the season and battled in many close games. Much of the team's talent came from adding two freshmen girls: Joy Murry and Naomi Anderson. The girls played will with the team, and Murry led the team in serving aces and digs. She had 24 aces and 300 digs. Kills were led by Anderson with a total of 203 kills. Anderson was also named all-conference honorable mention. With such young talent, the Storm anticipate big improvements in the ncar future.

Back Ron (L<:flto Right): Rebecca Adams, Amy Stcnlund, Kendra Jenkins, Katie Lahn, Sand)' Vang,

l1hl~) Fugleberg, Alyssa Holland, Laura Plonman. Middle Ron: '11omi Anderson, Kristin Buresh,

llizabeth Stys. J oelle Goranson, J oy M urry. Front Ron: Annette Case, Lo' inu Kmmer. 77

Bottom Left: Mark Jenson fires th t.> ball dm111 the field. Bouom Middle: Mark

Matson fights for possession. Bottom Nathan Greene makes an attempt at a goal. Top Left: Sean Corder races for the ball.

The men's soccencam ended their season with a 7 -II overall record and a S-9 record in their conference. Although the team was hoping for a more successful

season, they did play some more competitive teams than they have in the past because of their entry into the NCAA division Ill.

For the third consecutive lime, senior captain Nathan Bud ish was selected as a First Team All-Conference athlete. As a defender, Bud ish scored rwo goals and made two assists in addition to his protection of the goal.

Freshman striker Jon Schultz was also selected for 1hc First Team All-Conference. Schultz, who was able to use his speed, led the team with six goals. He was followed by Mark Matson with four. Jay Clementson did a grea t job protecting the net with 124 season saves.



After winning back-to-back National Christian College Athletic Association Division 11 National titles in 2006 and

2007. this season was~ liulc bit of a letdown for the team. Their overall record was 6-9-1, and their conference record was 5-8-1. They went through much adversity this season with injuric;. a

harder schedule. and player retention issues. Despite all of this, the team only missed the playons by one game. and the girls

were able to make history by beating University Minnesota-Morris for the first time in school history. Captains Stephanie Lally and Bethany Rosselli brought experience and

leadership to the tc:tm, and freshman Miranda Baltzer also proved to be a key pl~ycr for the Lady Stom1. She had the team

high of seven goals. Miranda's speed allowed herto ny past many defenders throughout the season. With most of the players returning next ycnr, the team looks to the future with great

cxpcctat ions.

Bonom Lcfi: Bethany Rosseti gets ready to kick ball. Bottom Middle: Bethany Rossetti and

Olson give the fans some

llJifll'e<:iation. Bottom Right: Kristin Lewis the ball down the field. Top Left:

\hranda Baltzer kicks the ball while in the air.

Cross This year's Cross Country team had another exciting

season.The runners worked hard all through the season and continued to improve. Senior Seth Brickley proved once against to be the team's strongest runner. Seth was a competitor in every race. For the girls, the top runner was Erika Stampfl with a personal best of 26:58 in the 6K. Many of the cross country runners also participated in the winter and spring track sea~on. Brickley earned All-Conference and was named Athlete of the UMAC Conference Track Meet. This was Coach Rick Peterson's second year with the team, and once again he did great at improving and building up the team.

Back Row (left to right): Coach Peterson. Erika Stampfl. Katherine Neilson. Kyle Pitts, Seth Brickley. Nathaniel Sahlstrom, Hannah Dean, Kristen Kalvig, and Charles Secor. Front Row: Kate Sahlstrom. Shauna Palmer, Kelsey Morrow, Keren Dyvig, Cheri Wilmot-Heeimovich, Megan Kunde, and Whitney

82 Rosen.

Top Len: Jonathan Lord fights through the pa~n. Top Middle: Erika Stampn takes some loog strides a across the course. Top Right: :O..athanicl Sahlstrom and Kyle Pitts challenge each other to the finish line. Bonom Lcl't: GatJeak Gew starts to climb the hill. Bottom Rlgbt: Shauna Palmer, Cbcri Wilmot·lleeimovich, llannah Dean, and Kate S3hlstrom hang out together during a meet.

Crown Golf Team~ fourth out of teams at the pper est Athletic

ference Cham*nshi nior Joshua came in~ overall at the meet and

of the Year,

84 85

Top Left: Jesse Elscnpctcr gives some direction to a teammate. Top Right: Jacob Jarvis on the line shooting a free throw. Bottom Lefl: Daniel Pust touches the glass as he goes for the shot Boltom Middle: Coach Barsness and Coach Sowden talk some strategy. Bottom Rigllt: Ja Jarvis goes in for the layup.


The season for the Storm Men's Basketball was a rocky one. The team was very young with only one senior and one junior. A majority of the team were freshmen. Senior Jacob Jarvis and Junior Dan Pust stepped up to lead the team. Jarvis led the team in scoring with 316 points and was followed by Pust witJ1 196 points. Pust also led in rebounds with 124 as a season total followed closely by Jarvis with I 00. The team looks forward to the next few years as their talent and experience continue to grow.



The Lady Stom1 finished the year with a 2-21 overall record and 0-14 record in the conference. Sophomore Mary DeVries was selected as All-Conference Honorable Mention. DeVries led the

team throughout the season. She had the team high in both scoring, with 12 points per game, and rebounds, with 7.2 per game. Behind DeVries in scoring was Joy Murry who had an average of 9 points per game. Murry also lead the team in three poinrers with a season total of 25. Though the season was not all they

were hoping for, the team looks forward with hope to the next few years as they plan to have every player returning.

Basketball Top Left: Chelsi Plate looks to make the pass. Top Right: Mary DeVries comes down with the rebound. Bottom Left: Amanda Violett is ready for the play to start. Bottom Middle: The team huddles during a timeout. Bottom Right: Stephanie Zroka ealls for the ball as she post up ag_1inst the defender.

1l1c Storm baseball team linished the season 6·24 overall and 2-19 in conference play. Steven Boger led Crown in hilling with a batting average of .369. Nick Garrard also proved to be a key player at the plate with 19 runs batied in. Leading in fielding percentage was freshman Brandon Nicholas. He finished the season at .963. All hough this might not have lx:en the season the Storm was hoping for. they did make improvements from previous years and continued to get beuer as the year went on. Unfonunatcly. head coach ll1or Benson announced aficr two seasons with the Storm that he would not be returning as the team's coach. Benson originally planned to stay for at least four years. but the opportunity to pursue his PhD was too much to resist. Assistant coach Dan Nyquist will take over the next year as the head coach.

to right): Thor Benson, Jason Rodrigues, Rocky Donatelle, John Patnode, Thomas Furc. Isaiah Jensen. Brandon Nicholas, Coach Cerney. and Coach Dan Nyquist. Front Ro11: Austin Petersen, Steven Boger. Jacob Jarvis, Joshua Ottoson, Winston Mullet. Ryan Burkhan. and Kyle

90 Brubaker.

Top Left: Catcher Nicholas Garrard ~tceives the pitcb.Top Middle: Senior John Patnode fires the ball across the plate. Top Right: The team bas a quick meeting on the mound. Bottom Left: Austin Petersen in the tield ready for a hit. Bottom Right: John Patnode getting ready to bat.



Top Left: Lauren Wurm throws a grounder to 1-filary Adkins during wann-ups. Top Middle: Chelsi Plate, Lauren Wunn. Genevieve

Bunting. and Caitlyn Curtis meet o n the mound. Top Right: .layna Prest gets ready to field the ball. Bottom Left: Chelsi Plate slides safely into the base. Bottom Right: Katrina Raph winds up for the pitch.

Softball Aller struggling to put together a full team, the Stonn

Fastpitch Team had a fairly good sea.'>Qn. Freshman Genevieve Bunting was received an All-Conference Honorable Mention. She was one of only two freshmen in the conference on the

honorable mention team. Bunting led the team in live offensive categories. including a .418 average and a recorded six of the

eight 'vins for the Storm as a pitcher. In fielding, the team was led by freshman Lauren Wunn

followed closely by Junior Katrina Ralph . The Stonn finished with an overall record of 8-23 and ended 2-19 in con fcrence

play including going 6-6 at home. The soflballlcam was another one of Crown's young teams consisting of eight freshmen and three juniors. This allows the girls plcnt)' of hope for the future as their talent and experience will only get tmprove.

Back Row (left to right): Hilary Adkins. Shauna Schicbout. L<turcn Wurm. Naomi Anderson. Katrina Raph. Caitlyn Cunis. and Coach Brinany Stroop. Front Row: Genevieve Bunting. Kaylynn Annis. Jayna Prest. Emily Walberg. and Chelsi Plate.



Pat Andcr;on Bill Bedford

Judy Bcdrord Don Bouchard

EmilyCano Dwight Carlblom

Lori Carlblom Craig Cook

I leather Downs Dean Erickson Nate Erickson

Andrea Fair

Cheryl Fi;k Roger Flynn

Linda Gerdingcn Kim Gcuns

Ladene Glanzer Gayle Grant

Monika Grefe Ron Griffiehs


Karen Gu.<>tafson Jo-an Hamcn

Jane Meyer Dawn Mikesell

Don llardy Joy Hardy Denise Heskin Amy lligh

Arnold Hustnd Linda Hustad Drct Hyder Elaine Johnson

Loni Johnson Juanita Kis..;ell Jesse Koller Man Konus

Jerry Krngt Bill Kuhn Vick1 Kyai'Sgllard Rick Lar>On

Kaue Lemke Dawn Locklear Am> Lucssc Cheri Mann



Scou Moats Kimmic Moehring

Glenn Myers Mall Newby

Tom Newman Paul Norby

Sam Novacek Don Nyquist

Cheryl Owcznrck

Urian Pattcrwn Chri:nine Pauerson

Yolanda Perc£

Philip Pct~r.;on Pam Pius

Patty Pitts Tim Prusha

Wilbcn Ratledge Gene Rivard

Tianna Schmitz Chri:.ty Secor

Kevin Smith MikeSohm Renee St. Aubin Ellen Steele

Jay Steele C:t..-ie!\J'_ai:IJl.:;ki

Don Talbcn ToulccThao

Gary Thompson Marc Trujillo Janet Van Oosten Janice VunAmam

May Vnng John Wheaton Krystal Wiersma Todd Willsey



Heidi Abrehamson Drittany Alverson Abigail Anderson

Amy Anderson

Ben T. Anderson Megan Anderson Naomi Anderson Melissa Andreas

Noelle ASh Chris Backhaus

Ash Icy Bassett V:doric Oattleson

Rachel Bebee Trnvis Ricknmnn

Alicia Dlack Mcghan Blonsbi

Kylic Boda Nick Oocuehcr Marcos Dosner

Sarah Drace

Latasha Branch Erin Brandt Seth Brandt

Mazic Brenden

Ccrvcn Brielle Christina Brown Ryan Brown Kelli llnoe

lauren Brunner Lindsey !lura Thor Bumtvedt Autumn llusclmcicr

JcfCaine Jonathan Cameron Cathcnnc Carhan Rebckl1 C arhon

Andrew Chang Eric Chavovstic Tyler Chclgrcn Rebecca Chick

Christiana Cook Den Cooper ~an Corder Collin Cottrell

Ashley Crosser Al>by Crossley Elizabeth Crowley Caitlyn Cunis



Sam Dahl Hann~h Dean

Deborah Donalson Karissa Donnay

Esther Dundas Ariane Ouneman Amanda Dutcher

Tcren Dyvig

Rebecca Edwards Feliei~ Efta Heather Ell

Kcldon Ellis

Nathaniel Ether Ashley Evans

Lindsay Fag.nn Cara Farkns

Jonathon l'erdinnndt Tonicia Ferguson

Ashley Fix Jacob Fleming

Leah Freicbels Hannah Fro>t

Anna l.cc Fucr,c Danicllc Fuller

K iersten Gazelka Joel Gcer Erin Gillett Michael Gilmore

Azeneth Gonzalez Lcisha Goodwater Grant Goplcn

Joseph Graham

Brady Griffith Robin Groschel JeiTGroth Nathan liammer

Tim liang Nicole ll argesheimer Benjamin !Iarrison Lara fielder

Kayla Hellaby Atmcc Her Christina Her Pll•a Her

Xu ller Ben Herr Jason Herr Kyla Hochstetler



Betsy Hollenbeck Cassi~ llollopet~r

Robcn I lome Rachel I Jorncr

Ryan liO>haw Aaron Howard Tyler Howard

Dylan Hullll

Gtngcr Hunt Rochellbs

Grace lmbrock Jeffrey Ingle

Gene lsem>nn Julia Jared

Isaiah Jensen Erin Jeska

LydiaJe>scn Neil Johnson Sara Johnson

Jesse Jorgensen

Nadine Junker Kristen Kalvig

Adam Kapcllen WiU Kelly

Christina Kcnnekc Melody Kitchen John Knickerbocker Cicily Kong

Allison Koosmann Louina Kramer Kate Kran12. Brandon Krussow

Nathan Kucera Lisa Kuc Stephanie Lally Eric l<lngmaack

Thomes LMson Josh Lawson Grant Leach Tony Leair

!len Ll.'c Choua u-e David Lee Lou Lee

Ashley LeMahieu Joyel Lenz John Loeffier Megan Lotz



Troy Mapes AmyManin

Nelly Manioc~ Mark Mmson

Alicia Mattila Anna M~Bridc

Natalie McConnell Jay Mccoy

Logan McGarvey Samuel McGarvey

Callan McKinley Margo Meisch

Alyssa Mehn Natalie Mcrboth

JeffMetz Carrie Mc)'cr

Josh Monroe Katelyn Moore /\my Morhcad

Tina Morin

Merissa Mo:;hcr MyMoua

SamhMoua Xcng yen Moun

Jake Mazurek Joy Murry M ichcllc Nagel Katherine Neilson

Jadie Nelson Sbayla Nelson Joel Newberg Annn Newby

Hannah O'Connor Daniel Okon Evelyn Orozco ~leather Oslund

Sam Ostergard Julia 0$lhus Marcus Owc,arek Kelly Palmer

Sbuana Palmer Rebecca Parkinson Suzy Pnvledko Nathan Pederson

Emily Pelzel Kayla l'crry Rita Persons Wendy Persons



Angela l'ctcrs Elizabeth Peters Austin Petersen

Tara Peterson

Courtney Pike! Kyle Pitts

Chelsi Plate Laura Plowman

Keith Pullcs Brad Pust

Katrina Raph Carla Reyes

Ton)'a Riley Terah Robinson Ryan Roctman

Elisnbeth Romano

Whitney Rosen Megan Runde Nat Sahlstrom Kate Sahstrom

Laura Sanerlund Samuel Schmin

Tabitha Schroeter Daniel Schulze

Darren Schweiger Brittany Scon Bianca Serna Jessica Shinabarger

Josh Shinabarger David Silverthorn Sarah Sindclan JnmieSmith

Korin Smith S"rnh Smith Rachacl Sorenson Elsa Sowels

Erika StampO Amy Stenlund Sam Sutler Allison Svenson

llai Thao Blong Thao Tang Thao TonyThao

Kaonou Thau St~phnnic "lllocn Chuck Thorud Stephen Tisch



Hannah Troscn CoryTryucn

Mary VanAbel Chao Vang

Kazovn Vang Koob Vang

Sandy Vang Jonathon VnnGilst

Jonathan Vinson Tyler Vogel Cheelu Vue

Benjamin Waite

Nick Waldron Karissa Wallace

Katie Walters Josiah Wcihman

Boo:.1 Wiggins Misha Williams

Chene Wilmot-Hccimovich

J3y Wirkkala

Johanna Witmer Laura Workmnn Matthew Wyall Meng Xiong

Abel Yang Ashley Yang Eric Yang Joua Yang

Leslie Yang Long Yang Mena Miles Yang Pcng Yang

Sheila Yang TouC. Yang TouMova Yang Xue R Yang


ManamAhmad Ja.oo Benb Blame BerlJc~ Drnd Durkh3n AnncueCase Linds:l) Ch:t.mpion Joel OC\1:nger

Emily Block Rebekah llonin Jordan Brown Nnlhnn 13udish Vic1oria Crowley Elise Ducrkop Ca;sic tngcn l'clcr Freudenberg

116 117

Anna Godcl Tim Gustafson Olivia llalgren Angela llcmmelgam Amber Kooyman Phil Lashinski Kao Lee Jonatl1an Lindahl

Ying Wally Her Maullilde Nicole Holte Erin How~rd llcuy Lor Adam Lucey Lnura Luebbers Alex Michenfelder

Lemone Johnson Jonathan Keefer Alissa Kelly Randy Kidder Lindsey Nagel Abignil Nagy Laura Needham Jessica Nyc

118 119

Joshun Ottoson Rebecca Ovcrbccke Kayla Peterson Jod1 Petne Xni lbao Anna Thomas lach I homas Heather Thorp

Annie Pelt) Kate R~nbcrg NinaScha \likacla Smith AdamThul Brenna Tillman Chuc Vang Xang Vang

Megan Soh I Dominick T~ylor lleidi fnylor Youa Vang Mcng Xiong Shnomcng Y nng

120 121

Kate Mnnske fini$hes with a smile. Bradley Elder ponders graduation.

share a friendly hug.

Anna Minell, Angela llemmelgam. Jnyna Pr~t. Je~sica Young, and Andrew Tolzmnnn enjoy graduation day!


Graduation 2009 Left: President Rick Mann shakes the ilnnd of a hnppy graduate. Center: Abigail Fletcher poses with her new baby g~rl on graduation day. Oottom: Jodi Petrie and Olivia Halgren bask in the joy of the



Abrchamson. rteid.i 102 Adams. Rebecca 77 Adkins, llilary 92. 93 Ahmad, Mariam 116, 122 Alverson. Brittany 88. t 02 A ndcrson, Aaron I 7 Anderson. Abig;til 71, 102 Anderson, Amy 25, 102 Anderson, BenT. 102 Anderson. Dustin 25 Anderson, Megan 80. t 02 Anderson, Naomi 76, 77. 93.

102 Anderson. Pat 96 Andreas. Melissa 102 Annis. Kavlvnn 9 3 Ash, Noetic 't 02 Asptin. Glenn 74 Aucr, Coach 74


Backhaus, Chris 79, 102 Baltzer. Miranda 80. 81 Ba.rsnc;-s. Coach 86 Ban on , Daniclle 65 Bassett, Ashley 102 Battlcson, Valoric 25. 44, 102 Bebee. Rachel 18, J 02 Bedford, Bill 96 Bedford. Judy 96 Benjamin. Jo>hua 116 Benson. 1'hor 90 Bents. Jason I 1 6 Berg, Andrew 60 Berghone, Mattbew 74 Berglund, Sarah 88 Berkley. Blaine 74. 1 16 Berry, Travis 84 Bickmann. Travis 87. 102 Black. Alicia 1 02


INDEX Dlack. Emily 116 Blomquist, Peter 79 Blonslli. Meghan 102 Bod a, Kylie I 02 Boettcher, Nick 102 Boger. Steven 74. 90 BollanL Joe 84 Bonin. Rebekah 1 16 Basner, Marcos 74, 102 Bouchard. Don 96 Brace, Sarah 69. 102 Branch. Latasba 102 Brandt, Erin 14, 41 , 63. 102 Brandt, Seth 102 Brenden, Mazic I 02 Brickley. Seth 82 BricUc.'Ccrvcn 103 Brink. Marissa 80 llro,vn , Amy 44 Brown, Christina 103 Brown. Jordan 116 Brown, Ryan 103 Brubaker. Kyle 79. 90 Bn•c. Kclli 103 Brunner, Lauren 103 Bud ish. Nathan 17. 45. 79.

I 16 Bunting. Genevieve 9 2. 9 3 Burn. Lindsey 1 03 Buresh. Kristin 77 Burg, A a drew 79 Burkhart. Brad II 7 Burkhan. Ryan 90 Burntvedt. Thor 1 5, 103 Busclmcicr, Autumn 41 , 103

c Caine. Jcf I 03 Callahan, Coach 88 Cameron, Jonathan 103 Cano. Emily 96 Carhart. Catherine 1 03 Carlblom. Dwight 96 Carlblom. Lori 16. 96 Carlton, Rcbckh 46, 47. 103 Case. Annette 76. 77. 117 Cerney, Coach 90 Cerven, Brielle 18 Champion, Lindsay 41 , 1 1 7

Chang. Andrew 103 Chavovstic, Eric 60, 74, 1 OJ Chelgrcn. Tyler 103 Chick, Rcoc•"Ca 103 Claiborn. Cord 74 Clementson, Jay 79 Clevenger, Joel 1 1 7 Cook. Christiana I 03 Cook, Cmig 96 Cooley. Erica 63 Cooper, Ben IOJ Corder, Sean 78. 79, 103 Cottrell. CoUin 74, 103 Cramer, Josh 74 Cros;,cr, Ashley 1 03 Crossley. Abby 103 Crowley. Elizabeth 103 Crowley. Vicroria 44. 63. 71.

117 Curtis, Caitlyn 92. 93. 103


Dahl, Sam 74, 104 Dean. Hannah 82. 83. 104 Dehmer. Rachel 24 Dcllos. Chad 60 Derosier, Ashlev 88 DeVries. Mary S8. 89 Dixon, Marquise 74 Donalson. Deborah 1 04 Donatelle, Rocky 90 Donnny, Karissa 24. 104 Do,vns, Heather 96 Duerkop. Elise 17, 18. 19.

117 Dundas. Esrhcr 104 Duncman. i\rianc 104 Dutcher, Amanda 104 Dyvig. Tcrcn 82. 104


Eberhard, Raine 16 Edwards, Rebecca 104 Efia. Felida 80, 104 Elder. Bradley I 8. I 22 Eliel. Brad 74 Ell. Heather 1 04 Ellis, Kcldon l 04 Elmore. Brvcc 74 Elsenpcter.'Jesse 86. 87 E11gcn, Cassie 117 Enns. Jonarhan 60 Erickson, Dean 96 Erickson, Nate 96 Ether. Nathaniel 14, I 04 Evans. Ashlev 104 Evans. Luura· 16


Fagan. Lindsay 104 Fair, Andrea 96 Farkas. Cara I 04 Ferdinand! , Jonathon 104 Ferguson. Tonicia 104 Figueroa. Nathan 74 Fisk. Chcrvl 96 Fix, Asblci· I 04 Aeming, iacob 74. 104 Fleming, Tom 74 Actchcr. Abig;til 123 Ayno. Roger 96 Frcichcls. Leah 104 Freitas, Zachariah 74, 75 Ft·cudenberg, Peter II 7 Frost. Hannah 1 04 Fucrsc. Anna Lee I 04 Fugleberg. Ashley 77 Fuller, Danicllc 65, 69. 104 Fure. Thomas 17, 45, 90


Garrard, Nicholas 7 4, 91 Gazclka. Kiersren 105 Geer, Joel 87, 105 Gerdingcn. Linda 96 Geuns, Kim 96 Gcw, Garjeak 60. 83. 84 Gillett , Erin 105 Gilmore, Michael lOS Glanzer, Ladcoc 96 Godcl, Anna I 18 Godct. Zachary 69 Gonzakz. A.:cnctb 105 GoodwJter. Leisha 105 Goplcn. Granr 74, I 05 Gornnson. Joellc 77 Graham. Joseph 74. 105 Grainger. Johnnv 32, 65 Granr, Gayle 96. Greene, Nathan 17. 21. 4 1,

78;79 Grefe. Monika 96 Grinichs. Roo 96 Grinith. Brady 79, I 05 Groschcl. Robin 105 Grosz. Kassie 96 Grorh, Jeff 60. 84, 1 05 Gustafson, Karen 96 Gusrafson. Tim 1 1 8


Halgren, Olivia 18. 118. 123 Hamen, Jo-an 96 Hammer, Nathan 60. 105 Hang. Tim I 05 Hardy, Don 97 Hardy. Joy 97 Hargeshcimer, Nicole 105 l!ariston. WindeJ 87 Harrison. Benjamin 105 Harrison. Jonathan 74 Hayes. Adam 74, 75 Hccimovich, Cheri Wilmot

69. 82, 83 Helder, Lara 105 Hcllaby, Kayla 32. 65. 105

Hemmelgarn. Angela 7 1. 1 1 S. 122

Henely, Jennifer 25 Her, Aimee 105 Her, Chrisrina 105 Her, Plua 1 05 Her, Xu 105 Her. Yin& Wally 118 Herr. Ben 105 Herr, Jason I 05 llcrrity. Missy 80. 81 Heslcin, Denise 97 High.Amy 97 llilde. Matt 118 Hill. Coach 74 Hochsrctler, Kyln 105 Holder. Jameson 74 Holladay. Steven 60 Holland, Alyssa 76, 77 Hollenbeck, Betsy 106 Hollopeter, Cassie 32. 106 Holte, Nicole 65. 118 llorkey. Mitch 79 llorn, Caleb 74 Home. Ben 74 ~I orne. Roben 106 Homer, Rachel 24, 1 06 Hoshaw. Ryan 106 Hoskins. Nick 74 Howard, Aaron 79, 1 06 Howard, Erin 44, 1 1 8 Howard, Jake 29 Howard. Tyler 79. 106 Howell. Derick 74 lluhn. Dylan 70. 106 liunl , Ginger I 06 Hustad, Arnold 97 llustad. Linda 97 Hyder. Brer 60. 97


lbs. l~achcl I 06 lmbrock. Grace 1 06 Ingle, Jcn·rcy 1 06 lserman. Gene 41. 74. 106


Jared, Julia 106 Jarvi<, Jacob 86, 87. 90 Jenkins. Kendm 77 Jensen. Coach 74 Jensen. lsatah 90. 106 Jensen. Mark 79 Jenson , I\ lark 78 Jeska. Erin 106 Jes.cn. Lydia I 06 Johnson, Elaine 97 Johnson. Lcmonc 74. 118 Johnson. Loni 97 Johnson. Neil 74. 106 Johnson. Sam 106 Jones, Coach 74 Jones. Mitch 60 Jorgensen. Jesse 1 06 Joyce, Oilton 74 Junker, Nadine 106


Kalvig, Kristen 82, 106 Kapcllen. Adam 106 Keefer, Jonntban 24. 32. 1 18 Kelly, Alissa 24, I I 8 KeUy. Will 74. 106 Kcnncke, Chrisrinn 107 Kidder. Randy 118 Kirkpatrick. Cheyenne 63 Kissell. Juanira 97 Kitchen, Mclodv 107 Klin&biet. Kevin 74 Knickerbocker, John 44. 69.

107 Kocke. Bryl'C 74 Koller. Jesse 97 Kong, Cicily 107 Koosmann. Allison 29. 107 Kooyman. Amber 119 Konus, Man 60, 61 , 97 Kragr . Jerry 97 Kramer, Lou ina 61 , 76. 77

107 • Kmnll. Kate l 07 Krussow. Brandon 107 Kuccra, Nathan61 . 6~. 107

Kne, Lisa 24, 42. 107 Kuhn, Bill 25, 97 Kunde, Megan 82 Kyarsgaard. Vicki 97


Lahn, Katie 77 Lally. Stephanie 80, 107 Landers. Michael 87 Lnngmaack. Eric 79, 107 Larson. Jonathan 74 L1rson, Rick 97 Larson. Thomas 44 Larson , Thomes 107 Lashinsld, Phil 1 19 Latsha, Joey 74 Lawson, Josh 18. 44, 74, 107 Leach , Grant 107 Leair. Tony 107 Lee, Ben 107 Lee, Choua 107 Lee. David I 07 Lee.Kao 119 Lee. Lou 107 LcMahieu, Ashley 107 Lemke, Kar ie 97 Len~. Joyel I 8, 1 07 Lewb. Kristin 80 81 Liodabl. Jonatha~ 119 Lloyd. Alicia 80 Locklear. Dawn 97 Locmer. Jobn 79, 107 Lor. Beny 1 1 9 Lord, Jonathan 83 Lotz. Megan 69. I 07 Lucey. Adam 1 19 Luebbers. L1ura I 5, 1 19 Luesse. Amy 97 Lundquist, Ben 60


Mann. Cheri 97 Mann, Rick 97. 123


Manske. Ka!C 16. 60. 122 Mapes. Troy 44. 108 Man in, Amy 108 M;tninez. Nelly 108 Ma~cra. Daniellc 88 Masters, Jason 74 Matson, Mark I 7, 21. 45, 60.

61. 78, 79, 108 Mattila. Alicia 108 Mazurek, Jacob 78, 79 McBride. Anna IOM McConnell. Natalie 108 Mccoy. Jay 74. 108 McGarvey, Logan 108 McGarvey. Samuel 108 McKinley. Callan 74, 108 Mclaughlin. Coach 74 Meisch. Margo 17, 45. 1 OR Mclin, Alyssa 44. 61, LOS Merboth, Natalie 108 Metz. Jeff 60, 108 Meyer, Carrie 80. 108 Meyer. Jane 97 Michcnfelder, Alex 119 Mikesell. Dawn 97 Milner. Drew 74 MincU. Anua 122 Minell, Josh 61. 74 Miriellc, Trainer 74 Moat.S. Scott 98 Moehring, K.immie 98 Monroe. Josh 108 Moore, Katclyn 108 Morhead. Amy 108 Morin. Tina 108 Morris, Orenda Mark 16 Morrison, Kenny 74 Morrow, Kelsey 44. 82 Mosher. Mcrissa 44, 1 OR Moua, My 108 Moun, Sarah 1 08 Moua, Xeng Yen 60, 108 Mozurek. Jake 109 Mullet, Winston 90 Murrieta. Jov 53 Murry. Joy i6, 77, 88, 109 Myers. Glenn 98


Nagel, Lindsc)' 16, 1 1 9. 122 Nagel, Michelle 16. 109 Nagy, Abigail I 19


Needham. Laurd 1 19 Neilson. Cassandra 45 Neilson. Katherine 82, 109 Nelson, Jadie 109 Nelson, Shuylll 1 09 Newberg. Joel 1 09 Newby, Alyssa SR Newby. Anna 109 Newby. Mau 98 Newman, Tom 98 Nicholas. 3randoo 90 Nielson, Ca&sic 1 7 Norby. Paul 98 Nova~o'Ck, Sara 98 Nye. Jessica 1 19 Nyquisl. Dan 90 Nyquist. Don 98


O'Connor. Hannah 109 Okon. Daniel 43, 109 Olson, Grelchen 25. 80. 81 Orozco, Evelyn 109 Oslund, Heather 109 Ostergard. Sam 44. 79. 109 Ostbus, Julia 109 Ouoson. Joshua 84. 90. 120 Ovcrbcckc. Rebecca 1 20 Owczarek, Chervl 98 Owc:-a~rck. Marcus 1 09


Paanancn. Julie 69 Palmer. Coach 74 Palmer, Kelly 109 Palmer. Shuana 82. 83. 109 Parkinson. Rehecca 109 Patnode, John 90, 91 Pauerson, Brian 98 Pallerson, Christine 98 Pnvledko. Suzv 1 09 Pederson. Nathan 6 L, 109 Pel?.el, Emilv 1 09 Perc•. YoJa,;da 98

Perry, Kayla 109 Person. Qualen 87 Pen.ons, Rita 109 Persons, Wendy 1 09 PciCn.. Angcill 29. 44, 110 Peters. Elizabeth 29. 44 . 110 Petersen, Aus1in 79, 87, 90.

91, I 10 Peterson. Coach 82 Peterson. Jerome 18 Pe1erson. Kayla 1 20 Peterson, Philip Q8 Peterson. Tara 1 10 Petrie, Jodi 68, I 20, 12J Pelly. Annie 120 Pfeffer. Eric 6 1 Pikel, Counney 46, 47, 110 Pi1>er, Krislen 80 Pitts, Kyle 82, 83. 110 Pius. Pam 98 Pitts. Pally 98 Plate. Chelsi 88, 89, 92. 93,

110 Plowman, Laura 77. 110 Prescly, Tarrent'C 87 Prest, Jayna 80. 92, 93. 122 Prokosch, Joshua 60. 74. 75 l'ruch. Amy 17, 25, 45 Pru>ha, Tim 98 Pulles, Keith 1 10 Pust. Drad 1 10 Pust. Daniel 86, 87


Rnph, Katrina 92, 9 3. 1 10 Ratledge, Wilbert 98 Reeves. Casey 7 4 Reyes, Carla 110 Ricter. Nate 74 Riley. Tanya 110 Rivard. Gene 98 Robinson. Katie 63 Robinson, Terah 1 10 Rob)'. Esther 68 Rodrigues, Jason 90 Roctmnn. Ryan 110 Romano. Elisabeth 1 10 Rosen. Whitney 82, 1 1 o Rosenberg, Kate 1 20 Rosseti. Bethany 81 Ro>seni , Bethany 14. 53. 80,

81 Runde, Megan I 10

s Sahlstrom. Nat 29. 53. 82.

83. 110 Sahstrom, Kate 82. 83. 1 10 Snuerlund. Laura 110 Schiebout. Shauna 80. 93 Schmin, Samuel 1 10 Schmitz, Coach 88 Schmitz, Tanner 15. 44 Schmitz, Tianna 98 Schroeter. Tabitha 1 10 Schulit, Jonalhan 79 Scbulze. Daniel 1 10 Schweiger. Darren 1 11 Scott. Briuanv 1 1 1 Secor, Charlc~ 82 Secor. Christy 98 Sella. Nina 120 Serna. Bianca 1 1 1 Shea. Mark 14 Shields. Dan 60 Sbinaharger. Jessica 1 1 1 Shinabarger, Josh 1 1 1 Shoberg, Brian 7 4 Shourds, Eric 7 4 Silvet"thom. l)avid 1 1 J

Sindclan, Sarah I I 1 Singh, Jnder 87 Skumntz, Nick 60. 74 • Smith. Jamie 1 1 J Smith, Karin 29 Smith. Kevin 99 Smilh, Korin I ll Smith. Mall 29 Smi1h, Mikaela 120 Smith. Sarah I I 1 Sohl, Megan 120 Sohm, Joshua 68 Sohm, Mike 99 Sorenson, Rachacl 4 1 1 1 1 Sowden. Coach 86 · Sowcls, Elsa I I I St. Aubin. Renee 99 Stampfl, Erika 82, 83, 1 1 1 Steele, Ellen 99 Stt!clc, Jav 99 Stenlund.' Amy I 8. 77, 1 1 1 Stiller, Bethany 53 Stroop, Brittany 9 3 Stroop, Coach 88 Stys. Elizabeth 77 Sutter, Sam 1 1 1 Svenson, Allison 44, 1 11 Szalapsk:i . Casic 69. 99


Tafelski. I lannah 63 Tnlben. Don 99 Taylor, Dominick 32. 43. 74.

120 Taylor. Heidi 25. 44, 120 Thao. Bai II I 11tao. Blong 1 1 1 Thao. KaoNou 14 Thao. Tang 1 1 1 Thao. Tony 1 1 1 Thao. Toulcc 99 Thao.Xai 121 TI1au, Kllonou II 1 Thoen. Stephanie 24. 1 1 1 Thomas. Anna 1 11 Thomas. Zach 1 2 1 Thompson. Gary 99 Thorp. Heather 121 llton1d, Chuck 1 II Thul, Adam 18, 46. H. 121 Tilln;tan, Brenna 68, 121 T1scb. Stephen 74. 84, Ill iolzmann. ;\ndrcw 79, 122 Troscn. Hannah I 12 Trujillo, Marc 99 Trynen. Cory 46. 47. 1 12 Turner. Luke 41 Tyler. Second Row 74

u Urbaniak, Luke 74

v Van Oosteu. Janet 99 Vant\bel. Mary I I 2 VanAmam. Janice 99 Yang, Chao 25, 112

Yang. Chue 121 Yang, Josh 74 Yang. Joshun Yang. Kazova 112 Yang. Koob 17. 18. 19. 41.

112 Yang. May 99 Yang. Sandy 77. 112 Yang. Xang 121 Yang, Youa 68, 121 VanGilst. Jonathon 112 VanZee. Josh 87 Vinson, Jonathan 18. 61 1 p Violeu, Amanda 88, 89 ' -Vogel, Tyler I t2 Vue, Cheelu 112

w Wagner. Conch 74 Waite. Benjamin 69. 1 12 Walberg, Emily 93 Waldron. Nick 112 Walker. Tanner 87 Wallace. Knrissa 1 12 Wallers, Kalie 1 12 Wauenphul. Jacob 15 Wcihmon. Josiah 44. 112 Whenton, John 99 Wiersma. Kl) stal 99 Wil'SS. Coach 74 Wiggj ns. Bccca 1 12 Williams. Misha 1 12 Willsey. Todd 99 Wilmot-Hecimovich. Cherie

112 Wino. JeiTrey 24 Wirkkala, Jay 111 Wilmer. Johanna 113 Wood. Mike 99 Workman. Laura 18, 19, 46,

47, 113 Wozniak, Ga•')' 99 Wurm. Lauren 92. 93 Wyan. Manhcw 113


Xiong, Meng Xiong. Meng


Yang, Abel 113 Yang, Ashley I I 3 Yang. Eric 113 Yang, Jami.'S 60 Yang. Joua 113 Yang. J..cslic 1 13 Yang, long L 13 Yang. MenD Mil<'!> 113 Yang. Peng I I 3 Yang, Roben 60 Yang, Shaomeng 121 Yang, Sheila I 13 Yang, Tou C. 113 Yang. 'fouMova 113 Yong.Xue R 113 Yant, Raben 74 Yau:s. Br:•in 74 Young. Jessica 122 Young, Tim 74

z Zapf, Jim 99 Zmkn. Stephanie 88, 89


Gooc:bye to some .••

See you next year to others...


