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201 Course Class 1. Equip you with the SKILLS you need to begin these practices. Explain the TOOLS...

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Goal of this class That I will COMMIT to the practices necessary for spiritual maturity. If SIN develops in my life through the simple repetition of BAD habits, then RIGHTEOUSNESS will develop in my life through the repetition of GOOD habits!

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201 Course Class 1 Equip you with the SKILLS you need to begin these practices. Explain the TOOLS you need to continue these practices. Equip you with the SKILLS you need to begin these practices. Explain the TOOLS you need to continue these practices. The focus of this class: This class will Goal of this class That I will COMMIT to the practices necessary for spiritual maturity. If SIN develops in my life through the simple repetition of BAD habits, then RIGHTEOUSNESS will develop in my life through the repetition of GOOD habits! What is Spiritual Maturity? Spiritual Maturity is BECOMING LIKE CHRIST. Two Approaches to Spiritually Mature Christian Living 1) Negative (DEFENSIVE) "trying not to do wrong 2) Positive (OFFENSIVE) "bearing fruit" If we try to live for God purely through our own human effort, we will FAIL. Our only way to freedom from our evil desires is through the EMPOWERING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT For fruit to grow, it must have an ENVIRONMENT CONDUCIVE TO GROWTH 1.IT IS NOT AUTOMATIC. 1.IT IS A PROCESS. 2.IT TAKES DISCIPLINE. 3.IT TAKES BEING SPIRIT-LED. Facts about Spiritual Maturity 1.Mature believers are called DISCIPLES. 2.I cannot be a disciple without being DISCIPLINED. 3.The more disciplined I become THE MORE GOD CAN USE ME. 4.The mark of a disciple is CROSS-BEARING. 5.How often am I to do this? DAILY. 6.What is involved in "cross bearing"? WHATEVER IT TAKES to give Christ first place in my life! UNDERSTANDING DISCIPLESHIP SEVEN PRACTICES OF A DISCIPLE Develop DISCIPLINED PRACTICES. To benefit from a practice, you must EMBRACE IT VOLUNTARILY it cannot be forced on you! How do I become a disciple? 201 Course Class 2 The Practice of Bible Study "For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the HOLY GHOST." II Peter 1:21 (KJV) "All Scripture is INSPIRED by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It straightens us out and teaches us to do what is right. [17] It is God's way of preparing us in every way, fully equipped for every good thing God wants us to do." 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (NLT) Because the Bible is GOD'S WORD, we must make reading it words and studying it's truths a priority in our daily lives. PROBLEM: We forget 95 % of what we hear after 72 hours. How often should I read God's Word? DAILY. If I read approximately 15 minutes a day, I can read through the Bible once a year. The Practice of Bible Study The difference between reading and studying the Bible is that you TAKE NOTES when you study. The secret of effective Bible study is knowing how to ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS. HOW TO STUDY GODS WORD 1. It helps me resist TEMPTATION. 2. It helps me make wise DECISIONS. 3. It strengthens me when I'm under STRESS. 4. It comforts me when I'm SAD. 5. It helps me witness to UNBELIEVERS. BENEFITS OF MEMORIZING SCRIPTURE THREE KEYS TO MEMORIZING: REVIEW, REVIEW, REVIEW. We remember what is IMPORTANT TO US. Meditation is FOCUSED THINKING about a Bible verse in order to discover how I can apply its truth to my own life. WHY MEDITATE ON SCRIPTURE? 1. It is the key to BECOMING LIKE CHRIST. 2. It is the key to ANSWERED PRAYER. 3. It is the key to SUCCESSFUL LIVING. HOW TO MEDITATE ON GODS WORD FOUR MARKS OF A GOOD APPLICATION PROJECT 1. Its PERSONAL. 2. Its PRACTICAL. 3. Its POSSIBLE. 4. Its PROVABLE. THE IMPORTANCE OF DAILY TIME WITH GOD 1. We were CREATED to have fellowship with God. 2. Jesus DIED to make a relationship with Him possible. 3.Personal time in prayer was JesusSOURCE OF STRENGTH. 4.Every person who has been effective in SERVICE for God developed this habit. 5. You cannot be a HEALTHY Christian without it! THE PURPOSE OF A DAILY TIME WITH GOD 1. TO GIVE DEVOTION TO GOD. 2. TO GET DIRECTION FROM GOD. 3. TO GAIN DELIGHT IN GOD. FACT: The better I get to know Christ, the more I LOVE HIM 4. TO GROW MORE LIKE GOD HOW TO BEGIN A DAILY TIME WITH GOD 1. SELECT A SPECIFIC TIME. The best time to have a time with God is when I am AT MY BEST! Whatever time you set, BE CONSISTENT. 4. BEGIN WITH THE RIGHT ATTITUDES REVERENCE EXPECTANCY OBEDIENCE FIFTEEN MINUTES WITH GOD 1. RELAX. (1 Minute) 2. READ A VERSE. (4 Minutes) 3. REFLECT ON THE VERSE. (4 Minutes) 4.RECORD WHAT GOD SAID. (2 Minutes) 5. REQUEST. (4 Minutes) HOW TO BEGIN A DAILY TIME WITH GOD P RAISE R EPENT A SK Y EILD E VANGELIZE R EPEAT PRAISE HOW TO OVERCOME PROBLEMS WITH YOUR TIME WITH GOD 1. The Problem of Discipline Go to bed ON TIME. Get up IMMEDIATELY. Be aware of time-with-God ROBBERS. Fall asleep thinking SPIRITUALTHOUGHTS. 2.The Problem of Distractions Get out of BED. Get thoroughly AWAKE. Read and pray OUT LOUD. WALK during your prayer time. Keep a JOURNAL. HOW TO OVERCOME PROBLEMS WITH YOUR TIME WITH GOD 3. The Problem of Dryness Never judge your time with God by your FEELINGS. 4. The Problem of Diligence If you miss a day Don't SUCUMB TO GUILT. Don't BECOME LEGALISTIC Don't GIVE UP. It takes 3 weeks for you to become familiar with a new task. Then it takes another 3 weeks before it becomes a comfortable habit. HOW TO OVERCOME PROBLEMS WITH YOUR TIME WITH GOD 201 Course Class 3 I.APPROACH PRAYER WITH THE RIGHT ATTITUDE. BE REAL Dont try to IMPRESS GOD Dont try to IMPRESS OTHERS BE RELAXED BE REVEALING The Practice of Prayer THE SEVEN PARTS OF PRAYER 1.PRAISE: I BEGIN BY EXPRESSING LOVE TO GOD. HOW TO PRAISE GOD: 1 st : Make a list of Gods CHARACTER QUALITIES KEY: GODS CHARACTER is the basis for our boldness in making requests in prayer. God answers the prayers that acknowledge who He is. 2 nd : Reaffirm the PROMISES God has made that are contained in the meaning of His names. 3 rd : Make a list of all the BLESSINGS that you are thankful for and review them when you pray THE SEVEN PARTS OF PRAYER 2.PURPOSE: I COMMIT MYSELF TO DOING GODS WILL. 3. PROVISION: I ASK GOD TO PROVIDE MY DAILY NEEDS. What needs can I pray about? ALL OF THEM THE KEY: BE SPECIFIC. THE SEVEN PARTS OF PRAYER 4. PARDON: I ASK GOD TO FORGIVE MY SINS. 4 Steps to Forgiveness A. Ask the Holy Spirit to REVEAL every sin B. Confess each sin SPECIFICALLY. C. Make RESTITUTION to others when necessary. D. By Faith, ACCEPT Gods forgiveness. 5. PEOPLE: I PRAY FOR OTHER PEOPLE. 6. PROTECTION: I ASK FOR SPIRITUAL PROTECTION. 7. AND FINALLY: I RETURN TO PRAISE. The Practice of Fasting Three Main Forms of Fasting: The NORMAL Fast: involving the total abstinence of food. The ABSOLUTE Fast: involving the total abstinence of both food and water (lasted no longer than 3 days). The PARTIAL Fast: emphasis on restriction of diet. PREPARING TO FAST 1)SET YOUR OBJECTIVE 2)MAKE YOUR COMMITMENT 3)PREPARE YOURSELF SPIRITUALLY 4)PREPARE YOURSELF PHYSICALLY 5)PUT YOURSELF ON A SCHEDULE 6)END YOUR FAST GRADUALLY 7)EXPECT RESULTS The Practice of Praise Biblical Warnings about the Quality of Praise PPraise is to originate in the HEART and not become mere outward show. CCorporate praise is to be carried on in an orderly manner. PPraise is also firmly linked to an individual's EVERYDAY LIFE. Corporate Prayer and Worship The great benefit of corporate prayer is the atmosphere of FAITH it creates. The great benefit of corporate worship is the atmosphere of POWER it creates. 201 Course Class 4 WHY GOD WANTS ME TO GIVE Seven Benefits to My Life 1. GIVING MAKES ME LIKE GOD. 2. GIVING DRAWS ME CLOSER TO GOD. 3. GIVING IS THE ANTIDOTE TO MATERIALISM. 4. GIVING STRENGTHENS MY FAITH. 5. GIVING IS AN INVESTMENT IN ETERNITY. 6. GIVING BLESSES ME IN RETURN. 7. GIVING MAKES ME HAPPY. WHAT THE BIBLE TEACHES ABOUT TITHING Tithe means a 10TH part A tithe is giving the FIRST 10TH of my income. An offering is anything I give ABOVE my tithe. WHY SHOULD I TITHE? 1. Because Gods Word COMMANDS IT. 2.Because Jesus COMMANDED IT. 3.Tithing demonstrates that God has 1ST PLACE IN MY LIFE. 4.Tithing reminds me that EVERYTHING I HAVE was given to me by God. WHY SHOULD I TITHE? 5.Tithing expresses my GRATITUTE TO GOD for what I have been given. 6.God says that refusing to tithe is STEALING from Him. 7.Tithing gives God a chance to prove that He EXISTS and wants to bless you. 8.Tithing proves that I REALLY LOVE GOD. WHAT SHOULD I TITHE? WHERE SHOULD I GIVE MY TITHE? WHEN SHOULD I TITHE? The FIRST part of what I earn, not the LEFT-OVERS. Where I WORSHIP and get FED. When I go to WORSHIP. GIVING WITH THE RIGHT ATTITUDES GIVE WILLINGLY. GIVE CHEERFULLY. GIVE SACRIFICIALLY. GIVE EXPECTANTLY. WHY IS FELLOWSHIP SO IMPORTANT? 1. I BELONG IN GOD'S FAMILY WITH OTHER BELIEVERS. 2. I NEED ENCOURAGEMENT TO GROW SPIRITUALLY. 3. I NEED ACCOUNTABILITY TO GROW SPIRITUALLY. 4. CHRIST IS PRESENT WHEN WE FELLOWSHIP TOGETHER. 5. THERE IS POWER WHEN PEOPLE PRAY TOGETHER. 6. FELLOWSHIP IS A WITNESS TO THE WORLD. 7. I AM OBLIGATED TO EVERY CHRISTIAN. HOW CAN A LARGE CHURCH MAINTAIN CLOSE FRIENDSHIPS? Every member needs to be a part of A SMALL GROUP. 2 Types of Church Meetings: Large Group: WORSHIP evangelism Small Group: FELLOWSHIP evangelism At Solid Rock Church, we believe our church must grow LARGER and SMALLER at the same time! The only way to do this is through Small Groups. Small Groups give us a NON-THREATENING means to lead people to God. WHAT ARE THE PURPOSES OF OUR SMALL GROUPS? 1. READ THE WORD 2. FELLOWSHIP 3. PRAYER 4. SUPPORT 5. WORSHIP 6. EVANGELISM What are the Goals of our Small Groups? GROW in relationship WITH GOD. GROW in relationship WITH EACH OTHER. GROW in NUMBER, MULTIPLY then GROW another group. GROW LEADERS who will grow new groups. HOW TO START AND MAINTAIN GOOD HABITS / PRACTICES STEP ONE: DESIRE. STEP TWO: DECIDE. STEP THREE: DECLARATION. STEP FOUR: DETERMINATION. IT TAKES 7 TO 21 REPETITIONS TO LEARN SOMETHING! STEP FIVE: JUST DO IT. STEP SIX: DOUBLE UP. STEP SEVEN: DEPEND ON GOD. 5 CIRCLES OF COMMITMENT
