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2010 Annual Reportof the Activities. UOC’s Open Innovation Office

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2010 Annual Report of the Activities. UOC’s Open Innovation Office
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O2i 2010 Annual Report of the Activities. UOC’s Open Innovation Office Launch pad for innovation

O2i2010 Annual Report of the Activities. UOC’s Open Innovation Office

Launch pad for innovation

O2i2010 Annual Report of the Activities. UOC’s Open Innovation Office

2010 APLICA Projects

0201Index Presentation

pg. 02 pg. 04 pg. 06



04Knowledge & Promotion

05 06Backoffice

pg. 08 pg.12 pg. 16 pg. 20

Above and beyond offering new solutions to new problems, innovation is also a creative look at reality. This sets innovation processes apart from improve-ment processes.

The culture of innovation helps make companies more creative. They are then better able to spot the most powerful trends for change and spy new hori-zons to explore as they reinvent themselves.

Twenty-first century universities cannot merely react to change; they have to set trends and help blaze trails in society through unexplored terrain, which is where the added value of excellence is increasingly found.

For the third year in succession, the UOC has bene-fited from the expertise of the O2i (Open Innovation Office) to drive innovation at the heart of the univer-sity community and create new ideas and projects in the field of online and ICT-based education.This report presents the work done.

Dra. Begoña GrosVice-Chancellor of Research and Innovation of the UOC


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Interconnection and collaboration are now the mechanisms driving technology, creating knowledge and wealth and promoting social progress. In the digital age, the main challenge facing universities is to be more connected than ever to the world and to make collaboration with society (companies, organisations, government administrations, etc.) a permanent dimension to their activities.

The O2i (Open Innovation Office) has always worked closely with groundbreaking institutions and compa-nies in the ICT industry. In turn, it makes its creative skills and the findings of its innovative activity availa-ble to the university world and social and economic sectors.

This report reflects this potential at the service of society and has been prepared not as a profit and loss account, but as a meeting point to encourage dialogue. Dr. Pablo LaraDirector of Innovation at the UOC


03 Ide@innova

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2010 APLICA Projects02

5th. edition of grants for emerging innovation projects

Over 139,800 euros has been invested and 33

projects supported.


More...Innovation showcase: http://www.innovauoc.org/showcase

UOC’s education model: http://issuu.com/innovauoc/docs/model-educatiu-uoc

02 2010 APLICA Projects

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2010 APLICA Projects

Quality innovation inspired by the UOC’s educational model

Over 75% of the projects directly pro-

mote evolution of the UOC’s education


Hard work and effort by an innovative community

Over 150 lecturers on different program-

mes and over 50 professionals from

management areas at the UOC worked

on APLICA projects and passed on the

findings of innovation to the rest of the


Axis 1: 19%

Axis 2: 16%

Axis 3: 9%

Axis 4: 13%

Axis 5: 19%

Axis 6: 4%

Axis 7: 5%

Axis 8: 16%

Axis 1: Application / Inquiry Activities

Axis 2: Teaching Materials / Content Management

Axis 3: Textual / Multimedia Content

Axis 4: Synchronous / Asynchronous Commu-


Axis 5: Virtual Classroom / 2.0 Areas

Axis 6: Web / Virtual Worlds

Axis 7: Computers / Other Devices

Axis 8: Assessment of Learning / Assessment of


Impact of the APLICA projects in each axis of the UOC’s educational model (data extracted from the 2010 edition)


03 Ide@innova

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Ide@innova 03

An idea that took shapeThe winning idea from the 2009 edition, the UOC’s “distributed li-

brary” by Marc Recasens, took shape with the support of the Open

Innovation Office and led to Ubidi, a decentralised, collaborative

service for exchanging books within a community of over 60,000




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03 Ide@innova

04 IMPULSA Projects

05 Knowledge & Promotion

06 Backoffice

The 2010 Ide@innova , aimed at promoting UOC students’ talent

and creativity.

Over 39 ideas presented, 23 ideas published and a high level of

participation by the whole community:

16,628 votes cast.

Nearly 20,000 visits made.

216 daily visits on average.

2010: The students’ turn


02 2010 APLICA Projects

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The winning idea


The “UOC for iPhone/iPad” by Gerard Toldrà, a technical

engineering for information systems student, was the top-voted


This idea will take shape in 2011 thanks to the support of the

Open Innovation Office team.


03 Ide@innova

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Projects presented

IMPULSA Projects04

Competitiveness and networksEight projects presented in collaboration with eleven compa-

nies and organisations in the field of ICT.

47,000 euros obtained with the projects approved.

Two projects under way

Avanza Competitividad (I+D+I) Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism.

Explora Ingenio Ministry of Science and Innovation.

Innpacto Ministry of Science and Innovation.


In collaboration with:

02 2010 APLICA Projects

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Experiment to innovateThe latest-generation from the Innovation lab to experiment with touch

screens, video production, AR (augmented reality), m-learning, 3D imaging

and videogames, all at the service of the UOC’s innovation projects.

Agreement with T-Systems signed to develop AR-based education con-

tents and applications.

Ayudas para el fomento de la cultura científica y de la innovación. FECYT. Ministry of Science and Innovation.

Projects innovadors SOC. Catalan Employ-ment Service. Generalitat of Catalonia

VALOR 2010. AGAUR. Generalitat of Catalonia


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5 IMPULSA Projectsprepared for real-life application


UOC Training GameA platform for editing and using easy-to-use interactive games

within an educational environment, for both entertainment and

educational purposes.


UOC Social InteractionAn automated system for monitoring social activity in learning

environments. It measures activity in accordance with key indicators

such as the level of authority, level of interest or users’ relationships

by creating graphics and numerical data to help analyse relation-

ships within the community. This system is ready to be tested in

virtual classrooms in a pilot phase.


M-Voice LearningA distance-education platform for active learning on mobile

devices based on voice over internet protocol (VoIP).


Social Net UOCAn environment for visualising the social knowledge network

created by lecturers, researchers and professionals at the UOC,

fed dynamically by a powerful search engine.


GPS / E-Learning UOCA support system to help users create a personalised and au-

tomated map of their educational and professional career over

the course of their lifetime, in accordance with their expecta-

tions and level of skills. This application is being prepared for a

pilot phase with real data from UOC programmes.


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03 Ide@innova

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Knowledge & Promotion05

02i3es. Jornades d’Innovació UOC. http://bit.ly/uP5tzQ Barcelona, 10th December

UOCDavid Maniega gives the talk “Dispositivos móviles y realidad aumenta-da” at the Webminar seminar.Barcelona, 9th December

IJACToni Martínez and Xavier Mas publish the article “Web 2.0 in Corporate Training: New Possibilities for Implementing e-learning within Organi-sations” in the International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning. http://bit.ly/tjKZhg Barcelona, 9th September

UOCDavid Maniega presents “Realitat augmentada, descobrint una visió paral·lela al món real” at the Universitat dels Nens i les Nenes de Catalunya. Barcelona, 18th October

Virtual EducaPablo Lara takes part in the seminar “La Innovación en la Educación Superior”. http://bit.ly/rGdJ3t Santo Domingo (República Dominicana), 21st july

PLE ConferenceXavier Mas presents the paper “Informal learning on the web: a propo-sal for the integration of formative experiences in higher education”. http://bit.ly/ugBfxg Cornellà (Barcelona) , 8th July

CIDUI 2010Toni Martínez presents the paper “Las competencias como base para la personalización de itinerarios formativos en la educación universitaria: el GPS de e-Learning de la UOC”. http://bit.ly/tv76W6 Barcelona, 2nd July

CISCI 2010

José López presents the paper “Tecnologías RIA para el desarrollo de sistemas de orientación al usuario”. http://bit.ly/rQ4Kib Orlando (Florida, EUA), 1st July

CIDUI 2010Xavier Mas presents the paper “UOC Game Training: una aproximació a l’edutainment des de l’educació superior online”. http://bit.ly/tv76W6 Barcelona, 30th June


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Key actions

Harvard UniversityDavid Maniega visits Harvard University and takes part in the PITF Program with the seminar Open Innovation Office: An Overview of its Activity, at the Academic Technology Group (ATG). Boston. MA. , 21st-26th June

ICELW 2010Toni Martínez presents the paper “Web 2.0 in Corporate Training: New Possibilities for Implementing e-learning within Organisations”. http://bit.ly/s0JkQB New York, 11th June

EDEN 2010José López presents the paper “M-Voice Learning UOC, una experiencia formativa basada en voz”. http://bit.ly/teYz8E Valencia, 10th June

Fòrum d’Innovació11è Fòrum d’Innovació: Funiversity, la universitat pot ser divertida? http://bit.ly/sWbFz9 Barcelona, 5th May

EDO 2010Xavier Mas presents the paper “La web 2.0 como entorno de aprendizaje informal en las organizaciones: posibilidades y modelos de aplicación”. http://bit.ly/ug8EhV Barcelona, 13th May

Universitat Politècnica de ValènciaDavid Maniega gives the seminar “Microformatos, Códigos QR y Otras Bestias. Nuevas Formas de Difundir Pedacitos de Información Útil”.Valencia, 25th March

GUIDE Workshop 2010Vania Guerra presents the paper “Sistema de monitorización de redes sociales en la plataforma educativa de la UOC”. http://bit.ly/sCeCLx Rome, 9th March

Fòrum d’Innovació10è Fòrum d’Innovació: Realitat augmentada, tecnologia immersiva d’avantguarda. http://bit.ly/sceUoT Barcelona, 22nd January


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In depth


Fòrum d’Innovació

Shared knowledge related to the latest trends in ICT and



Innovation Showcase

Innovation showcase: all projects in detail.


Innovation Concept

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and

expecting different results”. Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)


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Innovation site

The O2i from the UOC portal.

http:// innovacio.uoc.edu

3rd. Innovation Conference

Promotion and exchange of experiences concerning APLICA



3rd. Innovation Conference Videos

Projects explained firsthand.


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06 Backoffice

David ManiegaDirector of the open Innovation Office

Jose LópezExpert in ICT innovation and management of the Open Innovation Office

Pau YànezExpert in e-learning and innovation in the Open Innovation Office.


At the MediaTIC building (6th floor) at the heart of the 22@ technology district in Barcelona.


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At the innovation lab, on the UOC main site on Avinguda del Tibidabo in Barcelona.

Pablo LaraDirector of Innovation at the UOC

Xavier MasExpert in e-learning innovation and research at the Open Innovation Office

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06 Backoffice

http:// innovacio.uoc.edu

https:// twitter.com/UOCinnova

http:// www.youtube.com/UOCinnova



This work by the Open University of Catalonia’s Open Innovation Office is subject to a Creative Commons 3.0 licence Attribution - Noncommercial - No Adaptations. Design: www.sotastudi.com

January [email protected]
