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2010 SNAP Update Survey

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    Northwest Community Planning Forum (NWCPF)

    Strategic Neighborhood Action Plan (SNAP)

    2010 Update


    In 2003, the neighborhoods of Glen, Fallstaff, Cross Country, Cheswolde, and Mt. Washington joinedtogether to complete a Strategic Neighborhood Action Plan. The plan was adopted by the PlanningCommission in 2005 and many items in the plan have been implemented since then.

    The 2005 SNAP is available online:http://www.baltimorecity.gov/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=v0mk4WD_Z_k%3d&tabid=272&mid=636

    2010 Update:We are now updating the plan for 2010.Please review the attached recommendations.Complete and return the survey.


    Please return surveys to CHAI by December 1, 2010:

    CHAI: Comprehensive Housing Assistance Inc.5809 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, MD 21215

    Phone: 410-466-1990 Fax: 410-466-1996E-mail: [email protected]

    Website: www.chaibaltimore.org

    2010 NWCPF SNAP Update 1

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    A. Improve Appearance of PropertiesProperties within the plan area are primarily well maintained, but there are occasional propertiesin each community that need attention. Poorly maintained properties are the exception, not thepattern, but it is important to address them so that they dont become prevalent.

    1. Financial Assistancea. Revolving Loan FundIn some cases property owners do not have the financial ability to invest in their properties.In these cases, property owners need direct financial assistance through a revolving loanfund.

    Establish a no interest revolving loan fund to provide financial assistance with (a)rehabilitation of properties in the community - including residential and commercial, singlefamily and multi-family, owner occupied and rental and (b) development of new homes

    and businesses. The fund would be used to make loans at favorable interest rates to promoteinvestment.

    The fund could support loans to existing and new homeowners to modernize and renovate their homes, apartment and condo buildings to address deferred maintenance, landscaping, and

    other capital improvements existing business owners to modernize and improve the appearance of their

    businesses developers to build new housing stock to meet the needs of the community potential businesses to establish a new business develop or retrofit housing to accommodate seniors and persons with disabilities

    Implementing this would require an initial allocation of at least $5 million to capitalize thefund as well as ongoing operating support for staff to implement the program.

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    b. Matching Grants

    In some cases, property owners are not motivated to make an investment for a variety ofreasons. These property owners need assistance in undertaking the right project and/or afinancial incentive to motivate them to make an investment.

    Establish a matching grant program to provide financial incentives for minor exteriorrehabilitation of properties in the community - including residential and commercial, singlefamily and multi-family, owner occupied and rental. The grant program would be used as anincentive to promote investment.

    The program could be used to support: Faade Renovations, residential and commercial Healthy Neighborhoods strategies Landscaping and other exterior improvements Competitions and awards Retrofitting homes for seniors and persons with disabilities

    Implementing this would require an annual allocation of at least $500,000 to support the fund

    as well as ongoing operating support for staff to implement the program.

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    2. Technical Assistancea. Community AssociationsDealing with problem properties is a constant struggle for community associations.Associations invest significant time, money, and effort into their communities, but oftendont have the expertise or capacity to maximize their efforts. Providing communityassociations with technical assistance through community organizers, architects, propertymanagers, etc. would help community associations make the best use of their limitedresources.

    Provide community associations assistance with technical assistance on topics, such as: Maximizing 311 Code enforcement Strategies for improving and building relationships with owners/managers of:

    Multi-family properties

    Institutional properties Absentee landlords

    Commercial properties

    Condo associations Recognition and award programs Healthy Neighborhoods concept Historic Designation Data collection Land use

    Implementing this would require funds to support technical assistance staff costs. Some staffmight be part-time or on-call contractual staff, such as architectural expertise. Some staffmight be full time, such as community organizers.

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    b. Property OwnersProperty owners often want to undertake home improvement projects, but are intimidated bythe process. They dont know where to start, what project will provide the most value, howto hire and manage a reputable contractor, etc. When a homeowner makes a commitment tostay in the neighborhood and wants to put an addition on his house that should be aneighborhood success story. But depending how the addition is handled, the addition candetract from the aesthetics of the neighborhood or demonstrate investment. With sometechnical assistance, property owners seeking to do home improvements can receiveassistance with the home improvement process so that it is not so overwhelming and so theymake decisions that increase the value of their homes and the neighborhood.

    Provide property owners with technical assistance on topics, such as: Realizing the benefit of investing in home improvement projects Developing the scope of work Selecting contractors Inspecting completed work

    Implementing this would be an extension of the type of work that Healthy Neighborhoods,

    Inc. and CHAI do as part of their loan programs. Technical assistance would be offered toproperty owners throughout the neighborhood, whether or not they were receiving financialassistance.

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    B. Improve appearance of Reisterstown RoadReisterstown Road is the main commercial corridor serving the plan area. The 2005 StrategicNeighborhood Action Plan recommended a streetscape plan to improve the aesthetics andoperations of Reisterstown Road. Construction is expected to begin in 2011. The 2005 SNAPalso included land use and design recommendations for Reisterstown Road. As a result, theUrban Renewal Plan was amended with new land use restrictions and strict new designguidelines. These measures combined with the financial and technical assistance mentionedabove, should go a long way towards improving the appearance of Reisterstown Road over thenext several decades. Even with all of this positive change in the works, the abundance of usedcar dealerships remains a point of contention between residents and business owners.

    1. Used Car Dealerships.There is an opportunity to embrace the used car dealerships that dominate Reisterstown Roadand capitalize on this niche market. Working with the auto dealerships, rather than againstthem, the community can create an attractive destination for auto shopping. As the areabecomes a desirable shopping destination, more retailers and restaurants will be attracted tothe area. According to the Baltimore Sun, LeaseTrader.com recently came out with the top10 destinations where people travel to pick up a car they bought online. The website, a carleasing marketplace, is calling the trend "automotive tourism." About 38 percent of leasetransactions take place between parties who aren't in the same region, up from 31 percent fiveyears ago, according to the website. Baltimore ranked #3.

    Create a used car dealership district with a distinct sense of place through commonmarketing, signage, logos, etc.

    Help dealerships make their businesses more attractive through technical and financialassistance as described above.

    Help dealerships be better neighbors by creating a merchant-neighbor council to work onissues such as parking, landscaping, pedestrian access, and signage.

    Help businesses deal with space limitations by exploring arrangements for display ofvehicles along Reisterstown Road and storage of vehicles in the nearby industrial district.

    Implementing this would require creating an effective merchant-community organizationwith staff support and dedicated resources for commercial improvements. The programwould need similar capacity and resources as a Main Street program, although the purposewould be significantly different.

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    C. Shape Future Land UsesThe neighborhoods within the plan area are mostly built out, but there are still some significantland use issues that the community needs to address.

    1. New Zoning Code: Transform Baltimore

    The Baltimore City Department of Planning is rewriting the Citys zoning code. Neither thetext of the zoning code nor the map have been comprehensively amended since 1971. Byparticipating in this process, there is an opportunity for communities to make sure all parts ofthe plan area are zoned appropriately and that the code has tools to address common land useissues for each area:

    Residential Neighborhoods Maintain existing character. Park Heights Avenue Clarify vision and make sure zoning is appropriate. Reisterstown Road Improve appearance.

    2. Pimlico RacetrackThe community expects to be an active partner with the property owner and other affectedcommunities in developing long term plans for the Racetrack.

    If the property is to continue as a Racetrack for the long term, the community would like towork with the property owner to develop a model that is economically successful and morefully utilizes the property without disrupting adjacent residential neighborhoods. There maybe opportunities to continue as a Racetrack and add other amenities on the site, for both thecommunity and patrons.

    If the property is not to continue to be a Racetrack, the community would like to work withthe property owner to develop a plan for the best and highest use for the site that iscompatible with surrounding residential neighborhoods. As detailed in the Park HeightsMaster Plan, there are opportunities for residential and/or office development withcommercial development at Park Heights and Belvedere.

    Implementing this would require neighborhood associations to make land use a priority oftheir agenda. Associations may choose to train volunteers to become land use experts andrepresent the community in discussions about land use issues.

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    A. Improve public open spacesThe 2005 SNAP describes the scarcity of public open spaces within the plan area, and thus the

    critical importance of maintaining and maximizing each one. Each open space area within theplan needs its own strategic plan and implementation resources.

    1. Luckman Park

    2. Jones Falls Trail/Western Run Greenway

    3. Northwest Park

    4. School facilities/Pimlico Public Safety Academy5. Mt. Washington ArboretumImplementing this would require reviewing or creating a plan for each public space. LuckmanPark, Jones Falls Trail/Western Run Greenway, and the Northwest Park all have preliminaryplans in place and these plans should be reviewed with the community on a regular basis. Plansneed to be developed for school facilities, Pimlico Public Safety Academy, and the Mt.Washington Arboretum.

    The next step in implementation would be identifying resources. The Department of Recreationand Parks in partnership with Friends groups and neighborhood associations is actively seekingresources for several of these open spaces.

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    B. Improve sustainabilityAcross the globe, individuals are going green. In addition to the collective efforts of individualsgoing green, it is important for neighborhoods to go green. Community associations shouldpursue a green agenda that includes the following topics:

    1. Pursue green initiatives, such as:

    Tree Baltimore Participate in program to increase tree canopy. Urban gardens Organize volunteers to plant and maintain urban gardens at public and

    private open spaces. Green buildings Work with developers to encourage green buildings. CHAIs new

    offices and the proposed SSA building can serve as models. Air quality testing Identify a partner to conduct air quality testing. Stream clean up events Organize volunteers to conduct stream clean ups.

    2. Conduct community education campaigns regarding green topics, such as:

    Energy efficiency Potential benefits of energy efficient home improvements. Storm drains Importance of keeping drains clear of trash and debris. Trash removal Importance of good sanitation practices. Rodent infestations - Importance of good sanitation practices. Snow removal Importance of prompt sidewalk clearance. Ticks and Lyme disease Potential risks and methods of prevention.

    3. Advocate for city services and policies that support green communities, such as:

    Recycling Expand recycling services to include multi-family properties. Leaf removal Heavy tree cover is a neighborhood, and environmental asset, but every

    fall it becomes a safety liability when streets are covered with wet leaves. Street sweeping If not promptly removed, litter and other debris becomes a sanitation

    problem, and ultimately finds its way into the Bay through the storm drains. Trash in streams Filter debris entering streams. Address proliferation of plastic bags. Erosion control Continue efforts to address erosion at Western Run Stream.

    Implementing this would require neighborhood associations to make sustainability a priority oftheir agenda. Associations may choose to create sustainability committees that participate ingreen initiatives, organize education campaigns, and advocate for green public policies.

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    A. Improve Transportation PartnershipTransportation issues, such as traffic and street disrepair, have a negative affect on daily qualityof life within the plan area. Neighborhoods need to develop a working relationship with theDepartment of Transportation to create transparent systems for addressing these issues in a

    strategic manner, rather than through ad hoc complaints.

    1. Traffic Calming TaskforceTraffic safety was one of the highlights of the 2005 SNAP and continues to be a majorproblem. Many specific traffic problems have been addressed, but a system for addressingtraffic calming needs to be created. The community needs to create a joint task force withthe Department of Transportation to evaluate and solve traffic problems.

    The Taskforce would start by addressing issues that have already been identified: Time the traffic signals along Park Heights Avenue to match the speed limit.

    Extend the timing of the left turn signal at Greenspring Av & Cross Country Blvd by

    20 seconds to allow more time for vehicles turning left.

    Install traffic calming islands on Greenspring Avenue north of Cross Country Blvd.

    Provide one traffic lane, a bicycle lane and a parking lane in each direction.

    Examine timing of the signal at Clarks Lane and Park Heights Avenue.

    Make sure timing of lights on Reisterstown Rd is adequate to allow seniors to cross.

    Reconsider the idea of a new I-83 interchange in Baltimore County.

    Cross Country Blvd and Strathmore Avenue, accidents Greenspring Avenue, Taney Road, and Hanson Avenue, accidents Bancroft Road from Park Heights Avenue to Cross Country Boulevard, speed

    Pinkney Road from Park Heights Avenue to Cross Country Boulevard, speed

    Greenspring Avenue and Willowglen, speed

    Pinkney Road from Reisterstown Road, cut through traffic

    Taney Rd and Woodcrest Avenue, poor sight distance

    Implementing this would involve creating the task force as described above. It is important thatboth the communities and the Department of Transportation are committed to this process.

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    2. Street Repaving Prioritization

    Similarly, a system for prioritizing street repaving needs to be created. The communityneeds to create a joint task force with the Department of Transportation to establish amethodology for prioritizing street repavings. The goal should be to collaboratively identifystreet resurfacing projects and communicate future commitments. This task force should alsoevaluate the condition of alleys and work with adjoining property owners to determine aschedule for alley resurfacings.

    Implementing this would involve creating the task force as described above. It is important thatboth the communities and the Department of Transportation are committed to this process.Communities need to have realistic expectations about the amount of street repaving that thedepartment can undertake within the plan area each year. Conversely, the department needs tohonor commitments that are made and proceed according to a schedule of jointly identifiedpriorities, unless there are mitigating circumstances that require a change of plans.

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    B. Improve Altnerative Transportation Options1. Alternative Modes of Transportation

    Most people in the plan area travel by car. However, many people travel by alternativemodes of transportation, especially seniors. In keeping with the goal of sustainability,improvements should be made to encourage more people to use alternative modes of


    a. Pedestrians

    Repair broken sidewalks. Explore creating a fund to assist property owners with thiscost.

    Make sidewalks ADA compliant. Add sidewalks to highly traveled streets with no sidewalks, or inconsistent sidewalks,

    such as Greenspring Avenue.

    Increase pedestrian safety features, such as crosswalks, pedestrian paddles, countdown pedestrian signals, etc.

    b. Bicycle Implement the Citys bike master plan. Conduct bike safety workshops.

    c. Public Transportation

    Continue and strengthen senior shuttles, such as Northwest Senior Shuttle.

    Support transit oriented development at Reisterstown Plaza Metro Station.Incorporate pedestrian access improvements into development.

    Explore feasibility of public or private shuttle buses. Explore feasibility of establishing an Independent Transportation Network (ITN).

    Implementing this would require a combination of neighborhood leadership to advocate forimprovements and dedicated funds to implement strategies. Many of these strategies, such asmaking sidewalks ADA compliant and implementing the Citys bike master plan, will be done asstreet improvement projects take place. Dedicated funds would allow these improvements tohappen more rapidly.

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    2. Safe Routes to SchoolSafety around Cross Country Elementary/Middle School was a major concern five years agoand continues to be a major concern today. As a result of the 2005 SNAP, a traffic light wasinstalled at the intersection of Cross Country and Taney Road. Similar safety concerns nowexist for the intersection of Cross Country and Strathmore. The concerns around the schoolare primarily related to sight distances, speeding, and drop off and pick up.

    Safe Routes to School is a comprehensive approach to safety issues around school facilities.The approach combines engineering, such as new traffic lights, with enforcement, education,and encouragement. Engineering solutions could include a better design of bus parking anddrop off areas, parent parking and drop off areas, sidewalk improvements, and trafficdevices. Enforcement could include partnerships with the Police Department to enforcespeed limits, cross walks, no parking signs, etc. Education of students, parents, and thebroader community about safety and the importance of creating a walkable community is acritical component of a successful strategy. Last, but not least, as more students and parentswalk or bike to school, the larger the constituency advocating for safe streets is. By creatinga school-community partnership to implement a comprehensive strategy, the safety issues

    around the school can be addressed most effectively. As shown, implementing anengineering solution, such as a new traffic light, in the absence of a comprehensive strategy,is not effective.

    Implementing this would require creating a Safe Routes to School taskforce at Cross CountryElementary/Middle and any other school in the area that had similar concerns. It is importantthat school leadership principal and other administrators, teachers, and parents be committedto taking a leadership role. Community stakeholders and the Department of Transportation alsoshould participate in the taskforce. Resources for Safe Routes to School are available throughthe State on a competitive basis and the Maryland Safe Routes to School Network is available toprovide technical assistance.

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    3. Park Heights Avenue

    Park Heights Avenue is one of the most heavily walked corridors in Baltimore City, and yetthe sidewalks are minimal. Sidewalks are minimal width, with frequent interruptions forutility poles, signage, etc. The sidewalks are not ADA compliant and do not accommodatethe heavy pedestrian volumes.

    The corridor is heavily walked for many reasons: It is lined with multi-family buildings so there is a high residential density along the

    corridor. Among these multi-family buildings are more than 600 independent seniorhousing units.

    It is lined with institutional buildings, including schools, which have heavypedestrian volumes, and synagogues, many of which require patrons to walk on theSabbath and holidays.

    It is a major bus route. It is a pleasant walking route compared to the hustle and bustle of Reisterstown


    To accommodate the heavy pedestrian traffic and to further the concept of Park HeightsAvenue as an urban boulevard, as established in the 2005 SNAP, the sidewalks should bewidened to create a pedestrian promenade. It may only be practical to widen sidewalks onthe east side of the street because there are few utility poles compared to the west side of thestreet, which is lined with utility poles.

    Implementing this would begin with a feasibility study to explore right-of-way, impact toadjacent property owners, impact to trees and other landscaping, preliminary design concepts,and cost estimates.

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    A. Improve School FacilitiesIt important that school facilities are in good condition to facilitate learning that takes placeinside as well as serve as a neighborhood anchor. Each school within the plan area has its own

    set of facility needs as outlined below.

    1. Northwestern High School

    a. Exterior: Windows (60% of the windows are locked shut because they fall out), tenniscourts, bleachers, exterior multi-purpose area, repave path, beautification with additionalplantings, and railing repair.

    b. Interior: Pool and locker room, auditorium for lighting and sound, re-stripe parking lot,security improvements. Lobby to install air conditioning in the facility.

    2. Fallstaff Elementary & Middle Schoola. Exterior: Continue to maintain and make improvements in the new playground.

    b. Interior: Facility is not ADA accessible from all entrances.

    3. Cross Country Elementary & Middle School

    a. Exterior Green play area by removing concrete and asphalt. Find developer that hasgreening credits to fund playground greening.

    b. Interior: Upgrade Auditorium.

    4. Mt. Washington Elementary

    a. Exterior: Propose improvement in parking situation. Repair broken sidewalks.Complete outdoor classroom and amphitheatre projects.

    b. Interior: Renovate bathrooms to eliminate regular backups.

    Implementing this would require working with Baltimore City Public Schools to include eligibleprojects in their capital improvement program or maintenance schedule, as appropriate. Othersources of funds will have to be sought for projects that are ineligible for state funds.

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    B. Expand Scope of School-Community PartnershipAs the name suggests, the Northwest School Community Partnership is a partnership betweenlocal schools and local community stakeholders. The partnership has helped schools withfinancial resources, volunteers, and major initiatives, such as the new Fallstaff playground. Thepartnership is also an important tool for sharing information and identifying shared priorities. To

    truly be a NW school community partnership, the partnership should include private schools.

    In addition to its regular topics, the partnership should explore the following topics:

    1. Schools

    Expand extra-curricula activities.

    Improve technology. Institute school greening initiatives. Improve marketing of schools.

    2. Adult Education

    Offer English as a second language (ESOL) classes for adults and Spanish classes fornative English speakers.

    Encourage adult education classes through BCCC at Northwestern HS.

    Hold adult education & community events at public schools.

    Convene Community Association leadership development seminars.

    3. Community Facilities

    Expand youth programming in cooperation with the Public Safety Training Academy.

    Hold joint community-police events at the Public Safety Training Facility.

    Market the pool at Northwestern for community use. Monitor the renovations and reopening of the Pratt Library on Reisterstown Road.

    Propose parking solutions for the library branch.

    Implementing this would require consensus among the School-Community Partnership that thesetopics were relevant to their mission and important priorities for them to pursue.

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    A. Improve Public Safety FacilitiesIt important that public safety facilities are in good condition to facilitate activities that takeplace inside as well as serve as a neighborhood anchor.

    1. Renovate Glen Avenue Fire Stationdescription

    2. New Northwest District Police HeadquartersThe Northwest Police Headquarters is not located within the plan area, but it serves the planarea. The station is obsolete, poorly designed and poorly located. A new station wouldprovide officers with better resources to do their jobs more effectively. The station iscurrently located at 5271 Reisterstown Road. One potential location for a new station is ParkHeights Avenue near Belvedere Avenue. This would move the station closer to the plan areaand would also make it easier for police to address this high crime area, allowing more police

    resources to be directed elsewhere in the district.

    Implementing this would require an allocation of capital funds, from both public and privatesources.

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    B. Improve Community Participation in Public SafetyCops are not effective at maintaining public safety by themselves. Active communityparticipation is important at every level, from the individual to the community association tovolunteer safety groups.

    1. Individuals

    Educate residents as to the proper use of 911 emergency services and difference between311 City services.

    Encourage citizens to know their rights and insist on a crime report for an incident.

    2. Community Associations

    Encourage residents to go on police ride-alongs.

    Encourage events with police at the Training Academy and also continue the Shomrimevent that was held last year.

    Establish a program to identify house numbers. Encourage police to take reports for each incident so that crime statistics will reflect an

    accurate percentage. Increase and continue neighborhood-wide events like National Night Out.

    Organize training for neighborhood association leaders and members in conflictmediation skills.

    Celebrate ethnic, cultural, religious and economic diversity.

    3. Citizen Volunteer Safety Groups

    Enlist people to join Block Watch program and Operation Crime Watch. Continue to expand public safety organizations (SHOMRIM / NWCP). Establish representative from each community safety group as a liaison to each of the 5

    neighborhood associations.

    Promote collaboration among all volunteer safety groups. Hold volunteer fair to provide information about volunteer opportunities.

    Start a public awareness campaign to educate citizens about the roles of the communitysafety groups.

    Implementing this would require groups to make public safety a priority of their agenda.Associations may choose to create public safety committees to implement these strategies.

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