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2011-2012 Faculty Handbook

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The Lanier High School 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook
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Lanier High School Faculty Handbook 2011 - 2012 Dr. Shemeka McClung, Principal Mr. Eric Johnson, Assistant Principal Mr. Danny Lewis, Assistant Principal Mrs. Laketia Thomas, Assistant Principal
Page 1: 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook

Lanier High School

Faculty Handbook

2011 - 2012

Dr. Shemeka McClung, Principal

Mr. Eric Johnson, Assistant Principal

Mr. Danny Lewis, Assistant Principal

Mrs. Laketia Thomas, Assistant Principal

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Faculty/Staff “Best Practices” Feedback

Instructional Practices Algebra I • Common planning period

• Common Assessments

• Lateral movement of students

• Integration of graphing calculators for all students (from day one)

• Creating a feeling of team spirit through attitude and hall posters

• After school tutorials

• Saturday tutorials

• Tutorials

• Using technology to enhance mathematic skills

• Pairing students based on MCT2 data to move students to a higher

performance level

• Explore different methods to find solutions

• Separating students by ability

• Double-dosing students

• EES accommodations for students/Assisting EES students

• Transition classes

• Literacy Development

• Study Island

• Frequent collaboration (formal and informal)

Biology I • Saturday tutorials

• After school tutorials

• Comprehensive studies using tests from other states

• Classroom equipment (Lab Safety Equipment, Microscopes)

• Relate study of Biology to students’ lives

• EES accommodations and inclusion program

• Co-teaching

• SSR course alignment to Biology curriculum

• Literacy Development

• Study Island

• Common Planning Time

• Common Assessments

English II • Intensive review sessions

• After school tutorials

• Writer’s Workshops

• 4-Square Writing Model

• “Round-Robin” Review with on-level remedial instruction and

enrichment instruction/activities

• English II skills rotation

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• Team teaching

• Double-dosing for minimal and low basic students

• EES accommodations and inclusion program

• Test centered activities

• Scaffolding of lessons

• Consistency of English classes

• Study Island

• Reading Across the Curriculum

US History • Round Robin rotation and review sessions

• After school tutorial

• Saturday tutorial

• Academic Field trips(Camp Shelby, Military Science Museum)

• Teaching the “big picture” concepts

• Review sessions at Hinds Community College

• Double-dosing (Selected/Identified Students)

• Intensive review sessions (mini-groups)

• Team building activities

• EES accommodations and inclusion program

• Teacher-student motivation

• Literacy development

• Study Island

• Incorporation of technology (LCD projector, laptop computer) for

visual learner

Electives • Art, music, and technology to enhance and build student interest and


• Sale of students’ artwork in local art show (Belhaven Market)

• After school tutorials

• Incorporation of literacy skills

• Opportunities to explore other academic arenas

• Research on career choices

• EES accommodations and inclusion program

• Alternate vehicle to increase student motivation

• Support for SATP courses

• Create real life connections

• Offer variety

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Expectations Teacher • Set high standards

• Independent retrieval and interpretation of facts from print to paper

• Navigate libraries anywhere with competence and confidence

• Give a holistic approach to teaching

• Be a good role model

• Foster good values and help students make good life decisions

• Teach standards (objectives)

• Demand high student performance (All Students Will Learn)

• Treat students fairly and with respect

• Do not antagonize and show favoritism

• Be professional at all times in all things. (Do Not Use Profanity)

• Exercise consistency with students and cohesiveness among team


• Commit to academic success

• Demand students come to school daily and prepared to work

• Teach from bell to bell

• Be on time

• Be positive (“Team Lanier”)

• Motivate students

• Set goals and expectations

• Participate in professional development

• Maintain a safe and orderly environment

• Help student master objectives

• Follow school policies

• Be prepared for class/Plan lessons

• Maintain appropriate adult-student relationships

• Maintain student portfolios

• Review data and use to inform instructional practices

• Communicate effectively to other teachers about student

performance (e.g. in extracurricular activities)

• Use rigorous, engaging, and meaningful activities to promote

student learning

• Serve as role models for students

• Effectively use common planning times (creating common

assessments, lesson planning, interventions strategies planning,

discussing/studying/researching effective instructional practices)

• Utilize common planning time at minimal twice per week

• Protect valuables at all times.

• Refrain from using cell phones during class time and in common


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Administration • Maintain consistency with discipline

• Exhibit a pleasing personality

• Incorporate a Feedback Box

• Provide professional development on effective teaching

• Have positive, clear expectations

• Minimize PA interruptions during class

• Address specific employees (not entire staff)

• Continue to improve school culture

• Be firm, but fair to all

• Monitor facilities for cleanliness, specifically the lavatories

• Listen and respond to teacher concerns

• Provide support to teachers and students

• Enforce school rules and policies

• Maintain a safe and orderly environment

• Provide immediate support to teachers

• Consistency among administrators and support staff

• Give only positive comments about teachers

• Follow JPSD Code of Conduct

• Ensure all students have equal learning opportunities

• Offer opportunities to discuss issues and concerns

• Have a positive attitude toward everyone that enters the office

• Allow office staff to attend programs (alternate attendance)

Counselors • Possess an open door policy (availability to students)

• Assist students holistically (academically, socially/emotionally,

conflict resolution, etc.)

• Course Scheduling

• Counseling Services (Individual, Group, and Crisis)

• Input transfer grades upon receipt of transcript information and

requesting information if not provided in a timely manner

• Identify and make appropriate referrals

• Schedule Parent/Teacher Conferences

• Facilitate assignment requests

• Provide clear and concise directions to all students

• Ensure accuracy of student grades (term and semester) for proper


• Create a system for grade verification inclusive of teacher

provisions of student failures

• Schedule and maintain classroom visits at a minimum of twice

annually to discuss academic terminology with students

• Maintain a pleasant and professional work environment to ensure

students, teacher, and parents needs are met.

Clerical Staff • Exercise good customer service skills

• Be polite, courteous, and show respect

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• Communicate effectively with faculty, parents, and other


• Respond to requests in a timely manner

• Be supportive to faculty

• Be mindful of loud talking in hallways

• Communicate with teachers about absenteeism

• Follow copy request schedule

• Have a positive attitude

• Be professional at all times

• Maintain appropriate adult-student relationships

• Encourage all students to go to class

School Culture and Climate What �ot to

Do at Lanier

High School


• Exhibit unethical behavior

• Discourage a child from working towards their goals

• Engage in fights, profane or vulgar language, or illegal activities

• Argue

• Wear jeans

• Gossip

• Lose focus on students

• Be negative or have a negative attitude

• Use cell phone during instructional time

• Work against the team

• Not on task

• Be late for school

• Disrespect faculty and staff

• Sit for an extended period of time during instruction

• Leave classes unattended

• Bring issues to school that impede the student learning

• Allow down time for students and waste instructional time

• Demoralize students or destroy their self-esteem

• Disobey teacher handbook

• Talk negatively about the school

• Wear shirts out

• Steal

• Sell goods

• Mistreat students

• Engage in unprofessional relationships with students

• Be inappropriately dressed

• Smoking on campus

• Eat and/or drink in the hallways

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Things the

Principal Does

�ot Like

• Calling after 9:00 p.m.

• Taking too many days off of work

• Tardiness

• Teachers off task

• Discuss private issues in the hallway

• Excuses instead of explanations

• Profanity/obscene language

• Jeans

• Teachers unprepared to teach

• Being unprofessional

• Students in hallway during instructional time

• Confusion

• Negative school climate

• Lack of parental contact

• Disrespectful students

• Lack of excellence

• Lack of discipline and classroom management

• Lack of effort

• Talking loud in the hallways

• Gossiping

What Makes

Lanier Unique

• Rich tradition and history

• Dedicated educators and administrators

• Team efforts

• Resourceful

• School pride

• Family atmosphere

• Unique culture

• Wonderful students

• Alumni support

• Tenacity

• Community support

• Support of the administrative team

• Involvement of all stakeholders

• Unique staff

• Family approach to teaching

• Faculty alumni

• Supportive staff

• Unique discipline policy

• Double-dosing classes

• Strong departments

• School organization

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Principal’s Vision

As a wife, mother, sister, daughter, and educator, I have come to learn that no two people are

alike or possess the same characteristics and abilities. A school, comprised of many people with

various abilities, must be supervised and unified with all intricate parts interwoven to become an

effective and cohesive educational organization. Good leaders develop skills to unite the

organization through a never-ending process of self-study, education, training, and the most

valuable of all, experience. As I reflect on this process from day to day, I know that I must be

motivated and inspired to influence others to carry out the mission and vision of Lanier High


As an instructional leader and chief learner, I often find myself studying and re-evaluating past

actions and abilities. My research has led me to the conclusion that the best leaders are those

who distribute leadership responsibilities, who continue to educate themselves and those around

them, and who evaluate and self-reflect on best practices for their school climate and culture.

This endeavor shall be more evident in the academic school year 2011-2012 as we embark on

even higher levels of accountability.

Rest assured that my leadership style has led me to an endless conquest for the betterment of

students. I can say that my best representation for every decision I make is simply this; to

conceive and radiate a team approach to deliberate decision making, to maintain commitment to

personal and school visions, to persist in determination of appropriately educating students, and

to maintain the faith and will to survive and thrive among seemingly insurmountable barriers.

I thank you, support you, and empower you during this 2011-2012 school year to be the “best” in

this most important calling of educating the students of the state of Mississippi.

Simply stated, my vision is to serve as a catalyst in appropriately educating

students for future advancement.

"Serving Children with Deliberate Decision Making---What’s in the best

interest of this child? What’s in the best interest of all children? What

decision would be made if it were my child?"

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Jackson Public School District

Mission, Vision, and Goals


Jackson Public Schools, an innovative, urban district committed to excellence, will provide every

student a quality education in partnership with parents and the community


Our vision is to become a top-ranked learning community that graduates productive, caring

citizens who are prepared to succeed in a global society.


1) Improve academic performance and achievement for all students

2) Improve state accreditation standing of each school.

3) Ensure safe schools; protect the health and safety of all students.

a. Ensure strong and effective discipline policies.

b. Upgrade school facilities and improve building maintenance.

c. Reduce overcrowding.

4) Increase average daily attendance; decrease truancy.

5) Attract and retain high quality teachers and administrators, and provide professional

development that will further the goals and objectives of the district.

6) Improve parental and community involvement at all levels in the school system.

7) Implement and maintain strategic planning.

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Lanier High School

Mission, Vision, Goals


Our mission is to provide students with a quality education that will allow them to become

articulate in spoken word, masterful in writing, comprehensive in reading, and analytical in

thought to function as a self-sufficient supporting adult.


Lanier High School will reflect a safe and positive environment, which provides a quality

education through teaching and learning driven by innovative teaching strategies to

accommodate the learning modality of students.


1. Improve the academic achievement of all students.

2. Improve federal and state standing and rankings.

3. Serve as a safe and healthy school.

4. Improve average daily attendance (ADA) and graduation rates.

5. Employ and retain the high quality teachers.

6. Exhibit an inviting, warm atmosphere where both parental and community involvement is

welcomed and supported.

7. Employ strategic planning in our continued conquest for academic success.

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First Days of School---Setting the Tone

The first day students arrive in your classroom is the most important day in the school year. Your

success or failure will depend on how well you interact with the students. It is no secret that on the first

day of school, students spend a lot of time figuring out if you are going to be a good teacher or a push

over. On the first day you will be faced with the task of establishing yourself as the person in charge of

the class. Hence, you must establish the TONE.

1. Arrival on Campus Students will unload busses on Maple Street. Student drivers will park in the parking lot located

directly in front of the school building. All students are expected to enter the front doors of the

school building and proceed through the metal detectors. Students will then report directly to the

auditorium for further directions.

2. Student Schedules/ Adjustments All students will be provided schedules the first day of school. Tables will be set up outside the

main office and students pulled in groups from the auditorium. Students will not be able to enter

a class without a school issued schedule. All teachers are expected to view student schedules

and initial as proof of review. Students in need of schedule adjustments will be informed by

their homeroom teacher when adjustments will take place.

3. Team Supervision A team of teachers will be in place for morning duties in several heavy traffic and potential

problem areas. These areas include (a) supervision outside the front of the building where

parents drop off students; (b) supervision at the bus load/unload areas; (c) supervision in the

hallway where students enter the building from the bus load area; (d) supervision in the lobby

area; (e) supervision in the cafeteria and the auditorium areas. Additionally, during peak

seasons, all teachers will maintain supervision during their planning periods.

4. Security Personnel and Duty Posts Lanier High School will utilize three Safety Officers to facilitate a safe and orderly school

climate that is conducive to learning.

5. Homeroom

All students will be assigned a homeroom teacher. Students will report to their homeroom

classes each morning. At 8:35AM, a bell will ring signaling the beginning of 1A or the

movement of students to their B-day classes.

6. Morning Class Dismissal On B days, students are to be dismissed from homeroom at 8:35 a.m.

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7. Class Changes

It is the expectation that all teachers stand in the middle of the hall during the exchange of

classes. Teachers should ensure that all students walk to the right side of the hall in the direction

of travel. Students should walk as expeditiously as possible to their next class.

8. Afternoon Dismissal Students will be pulled for afternoon dismissals beginning at 3:25PM. When pulled, teachers

should be the first persons out of their classrooms in the middle of the halls. Students should be

aligned and moving on the right hand side of the hall in the direction of travel.

9. Hall Pass

Teachers will be issued a colored coded hall pass. Only one student per class may exit the class

at one time. Teachers should not allow two or more students to exit the class with one hall pass.

This should curtail traffic the in the hallways during class time. Occasionally, we will lock

students in classes and teachers will be expected to notify the front office for any and all student


10. 20/20 Rule Teachers will be asked to retain students in their classrooms twenty minutes after the tardy bell

and twenty minutes before the bell. Students will not be allowed to exit the class unless it is an

emergency during those timelines.

11. Departmentalization Each discipline is located on the same floor, including teachers of special needs students.

12. Instructional Time – �inety-four Minutes of Instruction Each class period is designed to produce the optimum learning environment for the student. Each

class period is roughly 94 minutes in length. It is the expectation that teachers will teach from

bell to bell. It will be the expectation of the administrative team to utilize every effective method

in minimizing classroom interruptions.

13. Planning and Learning Goals (What All Teachers Should Do?)

a. Identify instructional resources and teaching activities, match them to competencies and

objectives (learning goals), and record them in lesson plans.

b. Identify alternative resources and activities for students in need of additional


14. Lesson Plans The purpose of a lesson plan is really quite simple; it is to communicate. The lesson plans you

develop are to guide you in organizing your material and yourself for the purpose of helping your

students achieve intended learning outcomes or “big ideas”. As has been in the past, we will

employ usage of the Madeline Hunter Lesson Planning model. Lesson plans will be required of

all teachers on a bi-monthly basis.

15. Grading System

For the 2011-2012 school year JPS and Lanier HS will utilize the 10 point grading scale.

(See Student Handbook)

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16. Management of the Learning Environment

It is the expectation that the following procedures are utilized in the effective management of the

learning environment:

1) Be visible—Always position yourself in the classroom where you can see everything and

everyone in the room.

2) Establish Routines—As the classroom teacher, establish both academic and non-academic

routines. Examples of academic routines may include: obtaining and returning materials,

assignment completion and obtaining teacher assistance. Non-academic routines may

include: usage of hall passes, obtaining restroom permission and classroom environment

(order and cleanliness).

3) Establish Rules—As the classroom teacher, require students to obey classroom rules. In

addition ensure that you review early and often classroom rules/expectations and ensure

that ALL rules apply to ALL students—there are no double standards.

17. Usage of Cell Phones Teachers are to refrain from using their cell phone in any form (talk or text) during instructional

times. Only special circumstances are allowable. Please be willing to explain if requested.

18. Bulldog Blast To provide students the order and structure needed for optimal learning and school safety,

expectations have been established for all student areas.

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Regular Bell Morning Activity Afternoon

Schedule Schedule Activity


First Bell 7:45 7:45 7:45

Entry Bell 8:10 8:10 8:10

Warning Bell 8:25 8:25 8:25


Bell 8:30 8:30 8:30

1st Block 8:35 -10:00 8:35 - 9:50

Morning Activity Schedule 9:55 -10:20

2nd Block 10:05 – 11:40 10:25 - 11:50 9:55 - 11:20

3rd Block 11:45 -1:45 11:55 - 1:55 11:25 - 1:25

1st Lunch 11:50 – 12:15 12:00-12:25 11:30-11:55

2n Lunch 12:20-12:45 12:30 - 12:55 12:00-12:25

3rd Lunch 12:50 - 1:15 1:00-1:25 12:30-12:55

4th Lunch 1:20-1:45 1:30-1:55 1:00-1:25

4t Block 1:50 - 3:30 2:00-3:30 1:30-3:00

Afternoon Activity Schedule 3:05 - 3:30

Final Bell 3:45 3:45 3:45

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August - December 2011 A/B Schedule Calendars

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January – June 2012 A/B Schedule Calendars

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PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions &





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Behavioral Expectations Matrix


Be Respectful, Be Responsible and Be Ready

School Wide


Hallway Classroom Lunchroom Auditorium Restroom



• All teachers are

your teacher.

• Be mindful of

your tone of


• Use polite


• Horseplay and

profanity will not be


• Keep your hands to


• Eat your own food.

• Be mindful of your


• Follow your



• Follow directions

from all school


• Be attentive and



• Respect privacy of


• Maintain

cleanliness after




• Walk to the

RIGHT of the


• Walk


• Take the

shortest route.

• Be on time.

• Bring all materials.

• Be attentive.

• Clean up after


• Sit with your

assigned class.

• Show respect for

school property.

• Remain with


• Enter quietly

• Flush the toilet

after use.

• Wash your hands.



• Get to your


• Use your five

minutes wisely.

• Take your seat.

• Be prepared to


• Keep the lunch lines


• Remain quiet

and stay in your


• Finish all grooming


• Depart quietly and


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Expectations Teacher • Possess, implement, and demonstrate high standards for themselves

and for students

• Independent retrieval and interpretation of facts from print to paper

• Navigate libraries anywhere with competence and confidence

• Give a holistic approach to teaching

• Be a good role model

• Foster good values and help students make good life decisions

• Teach standards (objectives) for through coverage of materials

• Demand high student performance (All Students Will Learn)

• Make no provisions for failure for themselves or students

• Treat students fairly and with respect

• Do not antagonize and show favoritism

• Be professional at all times in all things. (Do Not Use Profanity)

• Exercise consistency with students and cohesiveness among team


• Commit to academic success

• Demand students come to school daily and are prepared to work

• Teach from bell to bell

• Be on time

• Be positive (“Team Lanier”)

• Motivate students

• Set/achieve goals and expectations

• Participate in professional development

• Maintain a safe and orderly environment

• Help student master objectives

• Follow school policies

• Be prepared for class/Plan lessons

• Maintain appropriate adult-student relationships

• Maintain student portfolios

• Review data and use it to inform instructional practices

• Communicate effectively to other teachers about student

performance (e.g. in extracurricular activities)

• Use rigorous, engaging, and meaningful activities to promote

student learning

• Serve as role models for students

• Effectively use common planning times (creating common

assessments, lesson planning, interventions strategies planning,

discussing/studying/researching effective instructional practices)

• Protect valuables at all times.

• Refrain from using cell phones during class time and in common


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Daily Morning Duty Schedule

� Stairwell/ Cafeteria(100 Hall)—Mrs. Boyd

� JROTC Rolls—LTC Francisco, Sgt. Daniels

� Alley Area—JROTC (Sgt. Washington)

� Front Porch/Bus Loading and Unloading (MSG Battle)

� Cafeteria/ Auditorium—JROTC

(Sgt. Burnett and Mr. E. Johnson)

� 100 Main Hall & Boys Restroom---Mrs. Lee

� 100 Main Hall & Girls Restroom---Ms. Anthony

� 100 Main/West Hall Intersection---Mrs. Partridge

� 200 Main Hall & Boys Restroom—Mrs. Hooker

� 200 Main Hall & Girls Restroom—Ms. Middleton

� 200 Hall Stairwell/Media Center—Ms. Williams/Ms. Thomas

� Intersection of 200/400 Hallway----Mr. Lyons

� Mobility 200 Main/West Halls---Ms. Harris

� 300 Main Hall & Restrooms—Mrs. �. Johnson

� 300 Hall Entrance/Exit (Tennis Court Area)---Ms. Bennett

� 400 Halls Fine Arts Complex---Dr. Scott

� 400 Hall Walkway/Fine Arts Complex—Ms. Brent

� CAP/CDC Rolls----Mr. Moody (Auditorium/ Room 101)

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Planning Period Duty Schedule

1st Block-A-Day Ms. Bennett 300 Hall Entrance/Exit 8:30 – 9:00

Ms. Brent 400 Hall Breezeway (Fine Arts


Mrs. Hooker 200 Main Hall (Stairwell)

Mrs. N. Johnson 300 Hall 9:00-9:30

Dr. Scott 400 Hall Breezeway (Fine Arts


Ms. Middleton 200 Main Hall (Stairwell)

Mr. Moody 100 Main/West Intersection

Mrs. Partridge 100 Main/West Intersection 9:30-10:00

Mrs. A. Johnson 200 Main Hall (Stairwell)

Mrs. Boyd 300 Hall

2nd Block-A-Day MSG Battle 300 Hall Entrance/Exit 10:10-10:40

Sgt. Burnett JROTC Parking Lot

Ms. E. Cooke 100 Main/West Intersection

Sgt. Daniels 400 Hall Breezeway (Fine Arts)

Mr. R. Davis 200 Main/West Intersection

LTC Francisco JROTC Parking Lot 10:40-11:10

Mrs. A. Jones 300 Hall Entrance/Exit

Mrs. McNeese-Cole 200 Hall (Stairwell—Media


Sgt. Washington 100 Main/West Intersection

Ms. Tate 200 Main/West Intersection

Mrs. Buchanan 100 Main/West Intersection 11:10-11:40

Ms. Evans 200 Main (Stairwell-Media


Coach James JROTC Parking Lot

Mrs. S. Smith 100 Main (Stairwell)

Ms. Cain 400 Hall Breezeway Area

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Planning Period Duty Schedule

3rd Block-A-Day Ms. Andrews 300 Hall & Restrooms 12:00 – 12:30

Mr. Perkins 400 Hall Breezeway (Fine Arts)

Ms. Shelby 100 Main/West Intersection

Mrs. Reynolds 200 Main (Stairwell-Media


Mrs. Handy 300 Hall Entrance/Exit

Ms. Taylor 100 Main/West Intersection 12:30-1:00

Ms. Lassiter 200 Main (Stairwell-Media


Mrs. Webb 100 Main Stairwell (Cafeteria)

Ms. McInnis 100 Main/West Intersection 1:00-1:30

Ms. Kelly 100 Main Stairwell (Cafeteria)

Vacancy Science 200 Main/West Intersection

Vacancy Science 200 Hall Stairwell

4th Block-A-Day Mrs. Chambers 200 Main/West Intersection 2:00 – 2:30

Ms. Elkins 100 Main/West Intersection

Mr. Franklin 400 Hall Breezeway (Fine Arts)

Mrs. Jackson Tennis Courts/Parking Lot

Mrs. Tubbs 200 Main/West Hall 2:30-3:00

Mrs. Hewitt 200 Main (Stairwell—Media


Mr. J. Jones 200 West Hall Stairwell

(Rm. 221)

Mr. Little 400 Hall Breezeway (Fine Arts)

Coach Longino Tennis Courts/Parking Lot 3:00-3:20

Mrs. Love 400 Hall Breezeway (Fine Arts)

Mr. McCoy 100 Main/West Intersection

Ms. E. Stringfellow 200 Main/West Intersection

Mrs. Wright 200 Main (Stairwell-Media


Ms. Hatcher 100 Main Stairwell (Cafeteria) 3:20-3:50

Vacancy Social Studies 200 Main Stairwell (Media


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Planning Period Duty Schedule

1st Block-B-Day Ms. Brent 400 Hall Breezeway (Fine Arts



Ms. Cain 300 Hall Entrance/Exit

Ms. Evans 200 Main Hall (Stairwell)

Ms. Taylor 100 Main/West Intersection

Mrs. Hooker 100 Main Hall (Stairwell) 9:00-9:30

Mrs. A. Jones 300 Hall Entrance/Exit

Ms. A. Johnson 200 Main/West Intersection

Mrs. N. Johnson 300 Hall

Mrs. S. Smith 100 Main/West Intersection

Ms. McNeese-Cole 200 Main Hall (Stairwell) 9:30-10:00

Mrs. Partridge 100 Main/West Intersection

Mrs. Boyd 300 Hall Entrance/Exit

2nd Block-B-Day

Ms. Andrews 300 Hall 10:10-10:40

MSG Battle JROTC Parking Lot

Sgt. Burnett 200 Main/West Intersection

Sgt. Daniels 400 Hall Breezeway (Fine Arts)

Ms. B. Davis 100 Main/West Intersection

LTC Francisco JROTC Parking Lot 10:40-11:10

Mrs. Handy 300 Hall Entrance/Exit

Ms. Kelly 100 Main/West Intersection

Dr. Scott 400 Hall Breezeway (Fine Arts)

Vacancy Science 200 Main/West Intersection

Sgt. Washington JROTC Parking Lot 11:10-11:40

Ms. McInnis 100 Main/West Intersection

Vacancy Science 200 Main/West Intersection

Ms. Cook 100 Main Stairwell (Cafteria)

Coach Longino JROTC/Parking Lot

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Planning Period Duty Schedule

3rd Block-B-Day Ms. E. Cooke 100 West (Restrooms) 12:00 – 12:30

Mr. R. Davis 200 Main/West Intersection

Ms. Elkins 100 Main/West Intersection

Ms. Hewitt 200 Main (Stairwell-Media


Ms. Lassiter 300 Hall Area & Restrooms

Mr. Moody 100 Main/West Intersection 12:30-1:00

Mrs. Reynolds 100 Main Stairwell (Cafeteria)

Ms. Shelby 200 Main Stairwell (Media


Mr. Perkins 200 Main/West Intersection

Mrs. Buchanan 100 Main/West Intersection 1:00-1:30

Mrs. Tubbs 200 Main Stairwell (Media


Vacancy Social Studies 200 Main/West Intersection

Mrs. Webb 100 Main Stairwell (Cafeteria)

Ms. Tate 200 West (Restrooms)

4th Block-B-Day Ms. Bennett 300 Hall Entrance/Exit 2:00-2:30

Mrs. Chambers 200 Main/West Intersection

Ms. Collier (JMG) 400 Hall Breezeway (Fine Arts)

Mr. Franklin 200 West Stairwell (Rm. 221)

Mrs. Jackson Tennis Courts/Parking Lot

Coach James Tennis Courts/Parking Lot 2:30-3:00

Mr. J. Jones 200 West Hall Stairwell

(Rm. 221)

Mr. Little 400 Hall Breezeway (Fine Arts)

Mrs. Love 200 Main (Stairwell—Media


Mr. McCoy 100 Main/West Intersection 3:00-3:20

Ms. Middleton 400 Hall Breezeway (Fine Arts)

Ms. E. Stringfellow 200 Main/West Intersection

Mrs. Wright 200 Main (Stairwell-Media


Ms. Hatcher 100 Main Stairwell (Cafeteria) 3:20-3:50

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Arrival and Departure

The arrival and departure time of all employees shall be designated by the board which has the authority

to set the length of the school day and to require more than the minimum time specified by law.

Professional judgment would indicate that teachers should be present while children are at school before

and after regular hours. The school site offers maximum efficiency for planning, preparation, and


Unless otherwise indicated in the contract or agreement of employment, the workday of full-time school

personal shall in general be eight hours in length, Monday through Friday. However, the days and hours

an employee shall fulfill the job requirement may vary with the position of the employee.

All teachers must sign the roster at or before 7:45 a.m. daily. The day officially ends for teachers and

counselors at 3:45 p.m. Faculty meetings, holistic accountability meetings, departmental meetings,

PTSA meetings, pupil supervision, assigned duties, parent conferences, and group or individual planning

and extracurricular activities may require hours beyond the stated minimum.

School faculty and staff should not leave the school during the school day without the knowledge of an

administrator. After receiving permission from an administrator, the teacher shall sign-out/sign-in on

appropriate forms provided in the office. Staff personnel should not leave the building before 3:45 p.m.

except to attend scheduled professional meetings.

Meetings (All Types)

All meetings including Leadership Team, Faculty/Staff, Holistic Accountability, and Teacher Support

Team have been planned. (See Annual School Calendar for specific dates and times) Attendance at all

meetings is required unless excused by the principal. All teachers are expected to be present and on

time. Attendance at faculty meetings will be part of all staff's evaluation.

Please do not permit pupils to go to your classroom for any purpose while you are attending scheduled


Page 27: 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook

As a classroom teacher, what do I do each day?

� Have knowledge and understanding of the school mission, vision, and goals and

agree to work toward meeting those goals. Post proficiency goals on the board for all


� Commit myself to the work of educating children.

� Display by word and more importantly actions that I have high expectations for

ALL of my students AND MYSELF.

� TEACH students and monitor their learning, beginning day 1 and every day that


� Develop/Create assessments with 100% alignment to state standards

� Assess students formally or informally every day for demonstration of mastery of

content objectives.

� Require at minimum 85% mastery on assessments. When students do not master

objectives with 85% mastery re-teach via bell-ringers and enrichment activities and re-assess and

continually access.

� Provide timely, constructive feedback to ALL my students.

� Utilize common planning time to plan/develop engaging lessons that are student

centered. Require students to “do the work” and demonstrate to me that “they got it.”

� Collaborate with, across, and among departments and grade levels to ensure that

ALL students learn to read, problem solve, and communicate effectively.

� Display bell-ringer(s), objective(s), and instructional agenda on the board daily

and ensure that students are able to demonstrate understanding of the learning goal(s) by

completed work samples.

� Seek out and attend professional development sessions designed to improve my

instructional practice.

� Seek out the principal when something doesn’t seem right OR when I have

questions and need answers.

Page 28: 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook





Page 29: 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook

Faculty/Staff Policies

GACC---- Confidential Information

GBA---- Staff Ethics

GBB---- Staff-Student Relations

GAHA---- Instructional & Support Staff

Dress Code

GAC�/JCP---- Sexual Harassment

Employees and Students

JCIA—Prohibition of Corporal


Page 30: 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook



Lanier HS


Page 31: 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook

Attendance Procedures 2011 – 2012

The following procedures will be used to report attendance for school year 2011-2012.

o Beginning school year attendance procedures:

o Teachers are asked to complete an attendance roster for the first block (A Day –

Homeroom). Only record the names of students who physically show up (warm bodies).

This roster will need to be updated daily with new arrivals.

�OTE: If students show up the first day of school and do not show up on the second

day, DO NOT remove the student from the attendance roster until official notice from the

office has been given.

o All students are to have an emergency card on file in the attendance office. As such, first

block (A day – Homeroom) teachers are asked to disperse an emergency card to each

student in his or her classroom. Teachers are to verify receipt and return of all

emergency cards on the Emergency Card Verification Form. Once all cards have been

returned, teachers are to submit them to the New Attendance Office. (Lee)

• First Block (A Day – Homeroom) teachers are to take the official attendance daily.

o Students are not allowed to take roll.

o Mark students tardy after 8:30 a.m.

• Students who enter the building between 8:30 – 9:00 a.m. will report to the cafeteria to receive a

tardy pass (Lyons). Only those students accompanied by a parent or presenting a valid excuse

(approved by an administrator) will receive an unexcused or excused pass.

• Attendance rosters will be picked up daily starting at 8:45 a.m. (Harvey)

• All students that are tardy or needing dismissals between 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. will be served at the

Bulldog area. (Bogan)

• Ms. Anthony will locate students for dismissals between 9:00-10:30AM,

• Morning absentee reports will be disseminated by 10:15 a.m. daily. (Harvey)

• Students who are present, but whose names appear on the absentee report, should be placed on

the Attendance Clearance Form attached to the morning absentee report. Teachers should place

the clearance form in the mailboxes located on the classroom doors each day by 11:00 a.m. for

pick up by an office worker. (EVERY TEACHER MUST SUBMIT THIS FORM.) (Harvey)

• Homeroom attendance rosters will be available for pick-up in teacher boxes each morning.



School Absences • Teachers should contact parents/guardians when students have accumulated 3 unexcused


• Teachers should refer all students who have 5 unexcused absences to the Attendance Counselor

by completing the �o-Show/Attendance Referral form.

• Teachers should refer all students who have 15 or more consecutive absences to the Attendance

Counselor and an administrator by completing the �o-Show/Attendance Referral form.

• Students who are habitually absent and/or tardy will be referred to the school’s Truancy Team.

The Truancy Team will consist of the Attendance Counselor, an assistant principal, a classroom

teacher, a student, a school counselor, and the student’s parent/guardian.

Page 32: 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook

�OTE: When a child has missed fifteen days of school, the principal should, in coordination with the

district’s school attendance officers, make a written request to the assistant superintendent and legal

counsel to implement parental neglect proceedings.

• Make Up Work

When an unexcused absence, unexcused tardy, unexcused dismissal, or suspension for 10 days or

less causes a pupil to miss class time, that pupil shall be given the opportunity to make up work

required by the teacher, and may earn credit up to 75% of the credit which normally would be

allowed. A pupil shall have the opportunity to complete and submit required work within five

(5) school days after returning to school, or earlier as required by the teacher. Otherwise, no

credit shall be given for all missed work. School work may be requested by parents during the

time of unexcused absences, tardies, dismissals, or suspension for 10 days of less. (Legal Ref:

Section 37-13-91; Mississippi Code of 1972)

Morning Tardiness • Students who enter the building after 8:30 a.m. are considered tardy. Between 8:30 – 9:00 a.m.

students who are accompanied by parent/guardian or presenting a valid written excuse (approved

by an administrator) will receive a tardy pass and report directly to class. Students without

parental accompaniment or a valid excuse will report to ISS for the first block. Ms. Lee will

contact parents/guardians of students reporting to ISS.

o 2nd

unexcused tardy (between 8:30 – 9:00 a.m.) – ISS for the first block

o 3rd

unexcused tardy (between 8:30 – 9:00 a.m.) – ISS for one day and Parent

Conference with administrator (Mr. Lewis)

o 4th

unexcused tardy (between 8:30 – 9:00 a.m.) – 2 days ISS

o 5th

unexcused tardy (between 8:30 – 9:00 a.m.) – 2 days Afterschool Detention

(Afterschool Detention will be rescheduled once with a valid excuse approved by an

administrator). Mr. Lyons will complete the after-school detention form.

o 6th

unexcused tardy or higher (between 8:30 – 9:00 a.m.) – 3 days OSS, Referral to

the Lanier Truancy Team, and Referral to Attendance Counselor (home visit and provide

proof of residency)

• Students who enter the building after 9:00 a.m. without parental accompaniment or a valid

excuse (approved by an administrator), will report to ISS for the entire day. Ms. Lee will contact

parents/guardians of students reporting to ISS.

o 2nd

unexcused tardy (after 9:00) – ISS for the day


unexcused tardy (after 9:00) – 2 days ISS and Parent Conference with administrator

(Mr. Lewis) (Refusal to attend ISS will result in 3 days OSS)

o 4th

unexcused tardy (after 9:00) – 2 days Afterschool Detention

(Afterschool Detention will be rescheduled once with a valid excuse approved by an


o 5th

unexcused tardy (between 8:30 – 9:00) – 3 days OSS, Referral to the Lanier

Truancy Team, and Referral to AC (home visit and provide proof of residency)

o 6th

unexcused tardy or higher (between 8:30 – 9:00) – 5 days OSS,

Referral to the Lanier Truancy Team, and Referral to Attendance Counselor (Lyons) and

school social worker

Page 33: 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook

Tardiness between Classes It is the expectation at Lanier High school that all students arrive to class on time. Students who are late

for class will be governed by the following:

o 1st Tardy – Verbal Warning

o 2nd Tardy – Contact Parent

o 3rd Tardy – Refer to Administrator (2 days ISS)

o 4th Tardy – Do Not Admit

o 5th Tardy – 3 Days OSS

o 6th Tardy or higher – Follow JPSD Code of Conduct policy for habitual violations (5 days

or more OSS)

�OTE: Teachers should check roll each block, and complete an Official Tardy Form for all

students. Students should be allowed admittance to class with the teacher following the steps on

the tardiness to class ladder.

Cuts Students are officially cutting class 15 minutes after the tardy bell. Students who are not listed on the

morning Absentee Report should be reported as a Cut. Teachers should complete a Cut Form and place

it in the mailbox located on their classroom door. If a student arrives to class 15 minutes late or later,

please buzz the office for an administrator’s assistance. Cuts will be picked up 15 minutes after 2nd, 3


and 4th blocks have begun. Feedback from cuts will be placed in the teacher mailboxes by 3:45 p.m.

daily. (Harvey, Harris, Lee)

• 1st Cut - Parent Conference

• 2nd Cut – 3 days ISS

• 3rd Cut – 3 days OSS

• 4th Cut or higher – Follow JPSD Code of Conduct policy for habitual violations

(5 days or more OSS)

Dismissals All dismissals between 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. will be facilitated by personnel located at the Bulldog. (Bogan,

Lyons) After 10:30 a.m. dismissals will be facilitated by new attendance office (Parker). All habitual

dismissals must be clear by an administrator. The teacher will be notified by the office for all

dismissals. A Dismissal Form will be required and maintained for all dismissals. (Harvey)

Proof necessary for student dismissals:

o Photo I.D.

o Filed Emergency Card

5ot Acceptable:

o Telephone calls/Faxes

o No dismissals after 3:00 p.m.

Page 34: 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook

Cafeteria Procedures 2011-2012

Each class will be assigned a lunch time. Teachers and students are to leave their classrooms at the time

indicated on the lunch schedule. Classes are allotted twenty-three (23) minutes to eat lunch, beginning

at the time in which they exit the classroom. Due to the limited space in the cafeteria, please do not

exceed the 23 minutes allowed. All classes (teachers and students) should transverse to and from the

cafeteria in a single file line on the right side of the hall in a quite and orderly manner. Please be on

time for lunch. Arriving too early or too late can cause major breakdowns in the operation of the


When entering the cafeteria, classes should use the East doors. Classes are to remain in line as assigned

by the Administration and/or JROTC personnel. At the beginning of the school year, we will make

several adjustments based on student enrollments and balancing of classes, prepare accordingly. When

exiting the cafeteria, we ask that all classes use the West doors.

Efforts have made to make the cafeteria an attractive and enjoyable place to eat. Please contribute to the

effort by informing the students of the desired conduct in the cafeteria and supervising them at all times

while there. We ask that you prepare yourselves and your students on the following cafeteria


1. Teachers are to accompany their students to the cafeteria at the designated time and remain in the

cafeteria with them during the lunch period. Exceptions should only be made in emergency situations.

2. Teachers should continue to monitor their class while they are in the line waiting to receive food.

Teachers should be seated after their last student has been served.

3. Teachers are to require all students to sit at their assigned table. After everyone has finished lunch,

teachers are to monitor their students to ensure that no one leaves a tray or any debris on or around the

table. (Teachers are to make sure that tables are clean before leaving the cafeteria.)

4. Immediately following lunch, students should return to the classroom with their teacher in a single

file line on the right side on the hall in a quiet and orderly manner. Restroom passes will be given as

needed. Students should only use the restroom facilities closest to their rooms.

Page 35: 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook

Lanier High School Discipline Plan

1: Assess, clarify, and communicate needs and expectations.

Teacher expectations should be openly discussed during the first week of class and reviewed

periodically as a preventive measure. Expectations should be clearly articulated while acceptable

behavior and consequences, along with the reasons behind them are agreed upon, taught and reinforced

with examples, models, and reminders. Organizing and planning the classroom environment, the

physical, social, and cognitive arrangement, is an important step in preventing unwanted behaviors.

Classrooms and other school spaces must be safe and comfortable so students can focus on being

productive. Fostering a sense of belonging helps ensure happy, content students who are secure in their

identity; knowing they are free to express themselves within the classroom’s established limits.

Academic challenge and active engagement must always be the focus of instruction. All teachers are

encouraged to try new experiences and accept opportunities to grow. Good classroom managers

understand classroom dynamics and know their students well. Teachers must have a strong awareness

of the activity within his/her busy classroom, and must be able to recognize individual student's needs.

� Student needs/rights/expectations: Students have a right to learn without being disrupted by

others. They expect the teacher to facilitate that learning by setting limits on disruptive student


� Teacher needs/rights/expectations: Teachers need the full attention of each student. They must

establish classroom environments that are conducive to learning.

� Further expectations of the student: Students are expected to come prepared to class with

appropriate class materials and a willingness to learn. Students are expected to behave

respectfully towards the teacher and towards other students. Furthermore, the student is

expected to accept the consequences of misbehavior.

� Further expectations of the teacher: Teachers are expected to utilize the district/state mandated

curricula to provide engaging, compelling, and effective lessons. Teachers are expected to

always encourage students to be the best that they can be. Furthermore, teachers are expected to

use teaching practices which will motivate students to engage in worthwhile learning activities.

2: Create a warm and nurturing classroom climate.

The classroom must be a place where students feel welcome. Students need to feel safe and accepted;

therefore, ridicule and sarcasm are not permissible. Mutual respect is the key for maintaining this type of


� Physical environment: The classroom should be clean and pleasantly decorated with

student/teacher creations. The desks should be arranged to allow students to work

cooperatively/individually, and to allow the teacher/visitors to circulate freely and efficiently.

� Treatment of students: Each student deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. Students

should be greeted each day before your class begins.

3: Democratically develop a set of rules and consequences.

Teachers and the administration will create discipline plans including rules with clear and effective

consequences. The rules will be agreed upon and understood by everyone. It must be understood that

when rules are broken, consequences will be applied fairly and consistently.

Page 36: 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook

� Display the rules and consequences prominently: Once the school develops its list of rules,

they will be displayed as a reminder to those who may wish to break them. This gives the

teacher something to point at when requesting certain behaviors to stop.

4: Develop a daily routine, yet remain flexible.

Students will often misbehave if they don't know exactly what they should do and when. Create class

routines and procedures, which allow students to begin and complete work expeditiously. All

classrooms must have an Agenda that includes a Bell Ringer and a closing activity.

� Every minute counts: As part of an effective routine, it is best for students to begin work

immediately after the bell rings. Test prep problems can be put on the overhead projector/board

to meaningfully occupy the student until attendance is taken. This activity should lead directly

into the day's lesson. (also known as the bell ringer)

� Lesson Plans: All teachers must plan challenging, engaging, and compelling lessons that follow

the district pacing guides. All lesson plans must be typed and submitted to the appropriate


o Guest Teachers: We know that teacher absenteeism is not common place at Lanier High

School, but often times there are extenuating circumstances or situations that may require

a teacher to be absent from school. In order to maintain order and structure, and ensure

student learning is continual, teachers should plan instructionally in the event of an

absence. Teachers should create and maintain substitute folders that include the

following information: Bell Schedule, Lunch Schedule, personalized greeting from the

teacher, a simplified and descriptive lesson plan with a copy of the activity(ies) or name

of book and page number(s), Discipline Referral forms, Cut forms, Tardy forms, and

classroom rosters,

� Providing Assistance: Once the lesson has been presented, the teacher should maintain

proximity to assist his/her students. During this time, the teacher must be aware of what is

happening in all areas of the classroom.

5: Make learning attractive and engaging for the student.

Students are the reasons that schools exist. Therefore it is important to expend every effort necessary to

make the curriculum relevant, the lessons interesting, and the activities engaging. The result will be

active students who are engaged in the learning process.

6: Deal with misbehavior, quickly, consistently, and respectfully.

Misbehavior is any disruption to the effectiveness of the teaching and learning process. Misbehavior

must be dealt with quickly and consistently with school defined consequences. Discipline's main intent

is to show students how to make responsible choices. Problems, conflicts, and disagreements provide

teachable moments to model, encourage, and practice healthy decision-making. Freedom and privileges

accompany wise choices, while apologizing, and accepting undesirable consequences follow poor

choices. Mistakes enrich life; they teach us: what not to do; how to apologize; how to see things from

different perspectives; and how to be accountable for our actions. Creative problem solving and conflict

resolution teach the cognitive and psychosocial aspects of teamwork and compromise and provide

strategies to effectively settle disputes in “win-win” ways.

Page 37: 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook

� �on-verbal communication: Body language, facial expressions, gestures, eye contact, and

physical proximity all can be effective in promoting self-control by the student. It important for

the teacher to be immediately aware of misbehavior, and to have non-verbal methods to prevent

escalation. This is referred to as "Withitness".

� Reminders/Requests: The teacher must use verbal reminders of the classroom rules and

consequences frequently.

� Redirecting Behavior: Upon an act of misbehavior, teachers must follow the ladder of


� Avoid Power Struggles: It is important that the authority figure in the classroom (the teacher)

not engage in power struggles with students.

� Address the behavior, not the character of the student: The teacher has the power to build or

destroy student self concept and personal relationships. Good communication addresses the

situation directly, letting the student decide whether their behavior is consistent with what they

expect of themselves.

� Invoking Consequences: To be effective, consequences must be applied consistently. They

should never be harmful physically or psychologically to the student. When they are invoked, the

student should understand that he has chosen them by misbehaving.

� Prevent Escalation: Sometimes students are unwilling to listen to the teacher. At this point, a

teacher can help prevent misbehavior from escalating by talking (and listening) with the student

privately, and rationally discuss the problem behavior. The privacy enhances the possibility for a

constructive discussion. Confrontation with an unwilling student could make the teacher appear

weak in front of the class.

7: When all else fails, the student must be respectfully removed from the class.

Continued disruptions will not be tolerated. They are detrimental to the overall goals and objectives of

the school.


Charles, C.M. (2002). Building Classroom Discipline. 7th ed. Boston, MA: Allyn and


In the event that a student continues to disrupt the learning environment, the teacher MUST begin to

follow the school wide discipline procedures. Please follow each step in the procedure and document

each situation on the Office Discipline Referral form. Each item and column must be completed so that

the administrator in charge has all of the information needed to make an informed decision. In the

event that students must be removed from the classroom, teachers should buzz the office.

Teachers should not telephone parents during instructional time (�O EXCEPTIO�S!!!)

Page 38: 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook

Lanier High School Disciplinary

Procedures 2011-2012

1. All discipline will be handled by building administrators.

a. First Floor/ JROTC Discipline---Mr. Lewis

b. Second Floor/Gymnasium Discipline---Mr. E. Johnson

2. Prior to sending a student to an administrator, make sure that you have

completed each section of the Office Discipline referral form.

When referring a student to the office, the teacher must submit an Office Discipline Referral

Form to the designated administrator. Please note that when a student has been removed, it is

the discretion of the administrator what disciplinary actions will take place. All actions

taken will be will be in accordance to the JPSD Code of Conduct policy.

3. If a student must be immediately removed from the classroom due to disciplinary reasons, the

teacher should notify the office. Office personnel will notify an administrator and the student

will be removed from class.



4. A written copy of the consequence administered will be placed in the teacher’s mailbox within

24 hours of the incident.

5. Any student, who is suspended, will be immediately removed from campus or placed in ISS until

a parent or guardian picks them up.

Page 39: 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook




1. Each teacher will be issued a textbook request form. On the form, teachers should identify and

request textbooks. The textbook request form should include the date, teacher’s name, room

number, grade level, subject, resource books and materials, title of the book, number of

requested books, and the publisher/copyright dates. (See Textbook Request Form)

2. Mr. Johnson will provide a district/school textbook fine list to all teachers. Prior to issuing

books, please correlate your classroom rolls with the fine list and provide a list of students not

eligible to receive a textbook due to fines. Please inform students of the amount of the fine

he/she owes. If books are returned please check for student’s name and return all books to Mr.

Johnson as they are collected.



3. Each teacher must TAG his/her new textbooks by placing their first and last name


EX. (�J001 – �J015)

Purpose: (a.) to identify lost books

(b.) to expedite mandatory book checks

4. All teachers issuing textbooks should complete a textbook list for each class.

Each teacher should turn in a copy of their textbooks list to Mr. Johnson by

September 3, 2010 and retain a copy for themselves. (See Textbook List)

Textbooks should be issued during the week of August 29-September 2, 2011. All extra

books will be collected September 6, 2011.


A. Teacher must write student’s name and textbook number in books.

(Teachers please do not ALLOW students to write their own names in textbooks).

B. Teacher must TAG his/her textbooks.

C. The information on the Textbook List should consist of:

• Teacher’s �ame

Page 40: 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook

• Course

• Title of the Book

• Class Period

• Students’ �ames

• Book �umber

• Condition of the Book

• Date Issued

• Student Signature

This information should be written in black or blue ink.

5. All new enrollees to Lanier High School beginning September 6th

will be issued textbooks and

teacher lists updated by Mr. Johnson. The books will be delivered to the student’s teachers. The

book fine list will be checked before books are issued.

6. No student is eligible to complete withdrawals and/or receive grades until his/her textbooks are

returned and Mr. Johnson signs the withdrawal document.

7. If a student has been issued a book in your class and he/she gets a schedule change,

indicate this by placing “schedule change” by the student’s name on your textbook list. The

teacher receiving the student must add that student’s name to his or her textbook list and ensure

the student returns a textbook to him or her at the end of the school year.

8. All students misplacing textbooks during the school year should be referred to Mr. Johnson for

processing and replacement.

Page 41: 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook

Emergency Procedures

Fire Drill/Bomb Threat Post

Note: All classes must exit in an orderly manner and move quickly towards their exit point. Each individual

class should remain together once safely located outside the building. When exiting, classes on the first floor

should exit on the left side of the hallway and second floor classes should exit on the right side of the hall.

Teachers should secure windows and retain roll books, prior to exiting the classroom. Once the last person

has exited, classroom doors should be closed. The fire alarm system will sound when conducting fire drills

and in the case of an actual fire emergency. Teachers should check roll once safely located in designated



ROOMS 101, 102, 103, 104,

105, 106

Exit Front doors and cross Maple Street to the

east end of front (student) parking lot

ROOMS 107, 108, 109, 110,

111, 112, 114

Exit the �orthwest doors adjacent to the

attendance office and cross Maple street to the

center of the front (student) parking lot

ROOMS 113, 115, 116, 117,

118, 119

Exit Southwest doors past rear parking lot to

the tennis courts

ROOMS 301, 302, 303, 304,

305, 306, 307

Exit Southeast doors (tennis court) to walking


ROOMS 214, 216, 218 and 220 Exit the �orthwest doors adjacent to the

attendance office and cross Maple street and

locate on the west end of front (student )

parking lot

ROOMS 201, 202, 203, 204,

205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 212

and Media Center

Using the stairs closest to the library exit front

doors to the sidewalk

(Martin Luther King)

ROOMS 211, 213, 215, 217,

218, 219, 221, 222, 224, A�D


Exit Southwest stairs (Rm 119) past rear

parking lot to the grassy area (gym)

ROOMS 400, 401, 402, 403,

404, 405, 406

Using the Southeast stairwell (Fine Arts area)

exit using the Southeast doors passing the tennis

courts to the walking track

GYM�ASIUM Exit front doors of the gymnasium and move

south to the walking track

JROTC Portables Exit and move south of the JROTC buildings to

the rear parking lot

Page 42: 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook

Emergency Procedures


POST Listed below are the designated areas for classes to report in the case of a tornado or severe

weather alert or drill. All students and teachers should report immediately to the specified

locations and be seated in the severe weather position. Teachers should secure roll books

and check attendance once all students are seated.


100-110, 112, 114, 116 and


100 Main Hall--Seated between main

office and the attendance office

111, 113, 115, 117 and 119 100 West Hall—Seated between

classrooms 111 and 119

200-211, 212, 214 and 216,

218, and 220

100 Main Hall—Seated between the

cafeteria and room 109

213, 215, 217, 219, 221, 222,

224 and 226

100 West Hall—Seated between

classrooms 114-118

300 Hall Classes 300 Hall---Seated between the auditorium

and room 304 and 305

400 Hall Classes 300 Hall---Seated between classrooms 306

and 307

JROTC Seated interior portion of JROTC


Gymnasium Seated in hallway between boys restroom

and boys athletic dressing room

NOTE: Location points may vary depending on the class period. The bell tone for tornado

drills is three long (sustained) rings.

Page 43: 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook

Clubs &


Lanier HS


Page 44: 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook

• W.H. Lanier

o Mrs. Augusta Chambers--Chairperson

o Ms. Alvanette Thomas-Buchanan Mr. Roderick Little

o Ms. Emily Cooke Ms. Angela Jones

o Mr. Jesse Jones

• Courtesy

o Ms. Lela Brent – Chairperson

o Ms. Carol Williams

o SFC. Daniels

o Mr. Robert Davis

• Leadership Team

o Mrs. Winifred Love Ms. Katreena Shelby

o Mrs. Norma Johnson Mrs. Gwendolyn Handy

o Mrs. Susie Reynolds SFC Daniels

o Mrs. Suleana Webb Ms. Kim Lassiter

o Ms. Betty Davis Ms. Betty Cook

o Ms. Mae Jones

o Administrators

• Graduation

o Ms. Mae Jones – Chairperson Mrs. Susie Reynolds

o SFC. Daniels Mrs. Gwendolyn Handy

o MSG Battle SFC Burnett

o Ms. Margaret Jackson SFC Washington

o Ms. Chloe Elkins Administrators

o Mrs. Kacy Tubbs Ms. Donna Barnes

o Ms. Angela Jones

• Mu Alpha Theta

o Mrs. Joshaunda Wright – Chairperson

o Mr. Darryl McCoy

o Ms. Erica Stringfellow

• Adopt-A-School

o Mrs. Shondra Smith

o Mrs. Rekesha Gholar

• Mr. & Miss Lanier

o Mrs. A. Chambers – Chairperson SFC Daniels

o Ms. Pegi Andrews Coach Jonas James

o Mrs. Margaret Jackson

o Ms. Lela Brent

o Ms. Mae Jones

o Dr. Sandra Scott

Page 45: 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook

• Teacher Support Team

o Ms. Laketia Marshall-Thomas

o Dr. Shemeka McClung

o Mrs. Joshaunda Wright

o Ms. Desma Kelly

o Mrs. Rekesha Gholar

o Ms. Alvanette Thomas-Buchanan

o Mr. Donald Perkins

o Ms. Stephanie Woodson

• American Education Week

o Ms. Chloe Elkins Ms. Janice Middleton

o Ms. Kacy Tubbs Mrs. Marcia McNeese-Cole

o Ms. Katreena Shelby Dr. Sandra Scott

o Mrs. Patricia Harris

• Yearbook

o Ms. Candy Cain

o Ms. Brooks Evans

o Ms. Peggy Hooker

o Mrs. Norma Johnson

o Mrs. Leslie Boyd

• Black History Week

o Mrs. Margaret Jackson Mrs. Katreena Shelby

o Mrs. Gwen Handy Mrs. Kacy Tubbs

o Ms. Chloe Elkins

• Publicity

o Ms. Mae Jones

o Ms. Pegi Andrews

• Homecoming

o Mrs. Augusta Chambers—Chairperson

o Mrs. Margaret Jackson—Co-Chairperson

o Ms. Chloe Elkins

o Ms. Pegi Andrews

o Coach Thomas Billups

o Coach Jonas James

o Ms. Candy Cain

o Sgt. Daniels

o SFC Washington

o Mr. Roderick Little

o SFC Burnett

Page 46: 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook

• �ational Honor Society

o Mrs. Margaret Jackson-Chairperson

o Ms. Kimberly Lassiter Ms. Lela Brent

o Ms. Alvanette Thomas-Buchanan Ms. Chloe Elkins

o Ms. Stephanie Hatcher Mrs. Augusta Chambers

o Ms. Peggy Hooker Mrs. Norma Johnson

• 9th

Grade Sponsors (17)

o Mrs. Margaret Jackson Ms. Pegi Andrews

o Ms. Stephanie Woodson SFC Washington

o Ms. Betty Davis SFC Burnett

o Ms. Emily Cooke Ms. Alvanette Thomas-Buchanan

o Ms. Katreena Shelby Ms. Dominique McInnis

o Mr. Robert Davis Ms. Brooke Evans

o Mr. Roderick Little Dr. Sandra Scott

o Ms. Amelia Johnson Mrs. Leslie Boyd

o Mrs. Norma Johnson

• 10th

Grade Sponsors (13)

o Ms. Stephanie Hatcher SFC Donald Daniels

o Ms. Katherine Tate Mr. Jessie Jones

o Mrs. Suleana Webb Mr. Daryl McCoy

o Ms. Kim Lassiter Ms. Winifred Love

o Coach James Ms. Peggy Hooker

o Ms. Marcia McNeese-Cole Ms. Melzenia Taylor

o Science Vacancy

• 11th

Grade Sponsors (13)

o Ms. Susie Reynolds MSG Jackie Battle

o Ms. Lela Brent Mrs. Lorraine Partridge

o Mr. Russell Moody Ms. Kim Hodges

o Mrs. Joshaunda Wright Mr. Donald Perkins

o Mr. McArthur Franklin Ms. Betty Cook

o Ms. Desma Kelly Coach Longino

o Mrs. Shondra Smith

• 12th

Grade Sponsors (14)

o Mrs. Gwen Handy Mrs. Angela Jones

o Ms. Donna Barnes Mrs. Patricia Harris

o Ms. Chloe Elkins Coach Billups

o Ms. Erica Stringfellow Ms. Remell Bennett

o Ms. Kacy Tubbs Ms. Janice Middleton

o Ms. Candy Cain Mrs. Augusta Chambers

o LTC Francisco Ms. Kasandra Hewitt

• Grant Writing Team

o Ms. Chloe Elkins

Page 47: 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook

• Academic Bowl

o Ms. Lela Brent

o Mrs. Lorraine Partridge

• Drama Club

o Mrs. Joshaunda Wright—Chairperson

o Mrs. Gwen Handy—Co-Chairperson

o Ms. Brooks Evans

o Ms. Candy Cain Ms. Lela Brent

o Ms. Chloe Elkins Mrs. Marcia McNeese-Cole

o Ms. Emily Cooke

• Student Government Association

o Ms. Lela Brent

o Mrs. Susie Reynolds

o Mrs. Kacy Tubbs

• Delta Gems

o Mrs. Gwen Handy – Chairperson

o Ms. Norma Johnson

o Mrs. Marcia McNeese-Cole

• Prom Committee

o Mrs. Gwen Handy – Chairperson

o Ms. Candy Cain Ms. Angela Jones

o Ms. Brooks Evans Mrs. Joshaunda Wright

o Mr. Darryl McCoy Mrs. Patricia Harris

o Mrs. Norma Johnson

• PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports)

o Mrs. Alvanette Thomas-Buchanan, Chairperson

o Ms. Kassandra Hewitt

o Mrs. Margaret Jackson

o Mr. Terrance Spann

o Mrs. Rekesha Gholar

o Mrs. Laketia Thomas

o Dr. Shemeka McClung

• Site Council

o Ms. Mae Jones Mrs. Gwen Handy

o Ms. Flora Anthony Ms. Betty Cook

o Mrs. Norma Johnson Dr. Shemeka McClung

o Mrs. Peggy Hooker

Page 48: 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook

• Science and Mathematics Tournament

o Ms. Erica Stringfellow

o Ms. Desma Kelly

• WLHS/ WebMaster

o Ms. Pegi Andrews – Chairperson

o Mr. Roderick Little

o Ms. Janice Middleton

• Lanier “Restoration Project”

o Ms. Chloe Elkins – Chairperson

o Coach Billups

o Mrs. Margaret Jackson

o Mr. Jesse Jones

o Ms. Alvanette Thomas-Buchanan

o Mrs. Augusta Chambers

• Class Day o Mrs. Gwen Handy – Chairperson

o Ms. Erica Stringfellow

o Ms. Remell Bennett

o Ms. Janice Middleton

o Ms. Chloe Elkins

o Mrs. Angela Jones

o Ms. Kacy Tubbs

o Ms. Stephanie Hatcher

o Mr. Eric Johnson

o Ms. Danny Lewis

o Mrs. Laketia Thomas

o Dr. Shemeka McClung

• Multi-Cultural Week

o Ms. Chloe Elkins

o Ms. Lorraine Partridge

o Ms. Lela Brent

o Ms. Stephanie Hatcher

Page 49: 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook

Assessment Activity 2011

1) What is the principal’s vision? What actions/proposed actions demonstrate

purposeful work toward this vision?

2) What is the vision of our district?

3) What is the vision of our school?

4) What is my personal vision and how is it aligned to the vision of the school and

district? What actions/proposed actions demonstrate purposeful work toward this


5) What is my goal for the 2011-2012 school year? How will I measure attainment of

this goal?

Page 50: 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook


Lanier HS


Page 51: 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook


Re: Student Absences

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian:

Attendance is an essential component to a student’s academic success. Often, the number

of days that students are absent accumulate without parents realizing how many days

have been missed.

This letter is to inform you that your child has accumulated at least ________ absences. At

this time, you and your child have an opportunity to work towards improving attendance

without further intervention. However, after 5 absences, the school may ask the school’s

Attendance Counselor and the Jackson Public School District social worker to work with you

and your child to address his/her attendance. Please refer the Jackson Public School District

Code of Conduct book for the policy on student attendance (Pages ##).

We look forward to working with you to improve your child’s attendance. Please contact us at

601-960-5369 or 601-960-5370 if there is any way that we can assist in this process. Thank you

in advance for your support and cooperation.


Dr. Shemeka McClung


5OTE: When a child has missed fifteen days of school, the principal should, in coordination

with the district’s school attendance officers, make a written request to the assistant

superintendent and legal counsel to implement parental neglect proceedings.

(Legal Ref: Section 37-13-91; Mississippi Code of 1972)

cc : JPSD Social Worker

Attendance Counselor

Page 52: 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook

Lanier High School

Parent Conference Form

Date: __________________ Student: _____________________________________

Teachers present: ____________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardians: ____________________________________________________________

Conference Purpose: _________________________________________________________


Topics Covered: _____________________________________________________________


Current Academic Status: _____________________________________________________

Work Samples Reviewed: _____________________________________________________


Conduct or Behavior Addressed: ________________________________________________



Recommendations: ___________________________________________________________



Parent Comment: ____________________________________________________________


Check all that apply:

______ future conference date set _____ referral for tutorial

______ referral to the counselor _____ retention discussed

______behavior plan discussed/developed _____other: _____________________

Teacher signatures: Parent/Guardian signatures:

_____________________________ ________________________________

_____________________________ ________________________________

_____________________________ ________________________________

_____________________________ ________________________________

Page 53: 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook

Lanier High School Positive Referral Form

Student ________________________________ Date ____________________

Grade ___________ Period _____________ Teacher ________________________

Parent/Guardian _______________________________ Phone # ___________________


_____ Improvement in Attendance _____ Stays on Task as assigned

_____ Follows School Rules _____ Brings all Materials to class

_____ Helpful to Teacher/Others _____ Exhibits a Positive Attitude

_____ Abides by the Dress Code _____ Successful in Academics

_____ Improvement in Behavior _____ Improvement in Academics

Comments: ________________________________________________________________





Teacher’s Signature _______________________ Student’s Signature


Administrator’s Signature _____________________________________________________

Comments: ________________________________________________________________



Page 54: 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook

Counseling/Social Worker Referral Form

Student: _________________________________________________ Grade: _______

Referred By: ______________________________________________ Date: _______

Reason (s) for referral:

______ Poor peer relationships ______ Extremely withdrawn

______ Anger Management ______ Poor hygiene

______ Academic problems ______ Behavioral problems

______ Family changes (death, divorce, re-marriage, moving, etc.)

______ Sudden changes in mood or attitude

______Other (Please Specify):__________________________


To be completed by the school counselor/social worker

Services provided to student by the School Counselor:

Intake Date_____________________________________________________________

Type of Intervention Used:________________________________________________




_______________________ ________________________

Counselor’s Signature/Date Student’s Signature/Date

Page 55: 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook

Lanier High School


Referring Staff: _______________________ Date of Referral: _________________

Student’s Name: ____________________ Student’s MSIS: _________________

Date of Birth: ___________ Gender: � M or � F Grade: �9 �10 �11 �12

Homeroom Teacher: _______________________________

Parent/Guardian’s Name: ___________________ Home Phone: ______________

Work Phone: ____________________ Cell Phone: ____________________________

Reason(s) for referral:



UNEXCUSED ABSENCES MO�TH OF: Aug. Sept. Oct. �ov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May


What interventions have been done to address student’s attendance?

(Indicate type of contact and date)

Phone ______________ Letter ____________ Home Visit _____________

Meeting _____________





�OTE: Submit to Attendance Counselor

Administrator’s Report (to be completed by administrator handling this case):



Page 56: 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook


Student’s Name ________________________ MSIS ______________ Grade _________ Address _________________________________________ DOB ____________________ Parent’s/Guardian’s Name ___________________ Phone # ____________________

Date Time Authorized Signature

(Verification and ID Required)

Relationship to student

Reason for Dismissal

Page 57: 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook






ROOM �UMBER:_______________________________________________

GRADE LEVEL:________________________________________________


RESOURCE BOOKS/MATERIALS: _______________________________

TITLE OF BOOK:_______________________________________________

�UMBER OF BOOKS REQUESTED:_______________________________

PUBLISHER A�D COPYRIGHT DATE:____________________________


�OTE: Requested numbers should not exceed the number of students

scheduled for the course. Exceptions will be made for classroom sets of

books for selected courses.

Page 58: 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook


Teacher �ame________________________________ Course_______________________

Title of Book_________________________________ Period________________








2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

Page 59: 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook

�otice of Pupil Withdrawal

Lanier High School

Student Information

1. Student’s Last Name 2. Student’s First Name 3. Middle Name 4. Sr/Jr/2nd/3rd

5. Student MSIS # 6. Student SS# 7. Grade Level 8. Gender 9. Date of Birth


/ /

Male Female

10a. Primary Withdrawal Type

Select the following that best describes why the student is withdrawing from school:

W1 Transfer to another school

W2 Illness

W3 Expelled or long term suspension

W4 Absence or status unknown

W5 Dropout

W6 Age

W7 Graduated

W8 Deceased

W9 Transfer to be home taught

W10 Transfer to correctional facility

W11 GED, If so where _______________________________

W12 Continuing studies at CAP

W13 Completed course requirements but did not pass SATP

10b. Additional Withdrawal Reason

(Optional) Select one of the following only if


WR1 School identified for Federal School


WR2 School identified as persistently dangerous1

WR3 Individual Transfer Option (victim of a

violent criminal offense)1

1 In accordance with No Child Left Behind

and State Board of Education Policy

�ote for WR1 and WR2

If a school does not have this designation, or if a


transfers to another school with the same designation,


this withdrawal reason is invalid

11a. Data in MSIS/SAM6i Added by: ( initials) 11b. Date Added (mm/dd/yyyy)

/ /

11c. Last Day of Attendance (mm/dd/yyyy)

/ /

12. Parent/Guardian Signature 13. Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

/ /

14. Record’s Clerk Signature 15. Date (mm/dd/yyyy) / /

Note: If parent or guardian is unable to sign this form, please indicate the reason the signature was not obtainable.

16. Subject Area Testing Program (SATP) SATP Test Completed Assessment Results Overall Composite Proficiency


Most Recent SATP Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Algebra I





/ / English II





Biology I





US History





Page 60: 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook

Lanier High School


School Year 2011-2012 Teacher: ______________________________ Period/Block: ____________

Student’s �ame Date Rec’d Parent/Guardian Contact �umber

Page 61: 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook

Office Discipline Referral

Student Information: Last Name:

First Name:





9th 10th 11th 12th

Incident Information:




Referring Staff:

Briefly Describe Problem (attach additional page if necessary):



Location: Problem Behavior: Reason for Behavior: Prior Interventions/Dates







Bus Loading Zone

Bus (#________)

Special Event


Common Area

Unknown Location

Other Location (list):


Minor (check O�LY one):

Inappropriate Language

Physical Contact



Property Misuse

Dress Code Violation

Tardy to Class (dates)_____

Electronics Violation


Major (check O�LY one):

Abusive Language

Tardy to School (dates)____




Threatening Students/Staff*

Disruptive (Habitual)*

Cutting Class

Property Damage


Inappropriate Affection

Illegal Substance*


Other Behavior (list): _____

*Send student to office

(Check all that apply):

Obtain Peer Attention

Obtain Adult Attention

Obtain Items/Activity

Avoid Task/Activity

Avoid Work

Avoid Peers

Avoid Adults

Unclear Motivation

Other Motivation:____


(Check all that apply):

Verbal Warning_________

Conference w/ Student____

Changed Seating_________

Time Out_______________

Loss of Privilege_________

Behavior Contract________

Think Sheet_____________

Parent Contact: __________

Referred to Counselor_____

Referred to Social


Check In/Check Out______

Behavior Plan Tier 2______



1. _______________________

2. _______________________

Others Involved:

(Check one, list names):








1. __________________

2. __________________

3. __________________

-----------------------------------School Administrator Use Only-----------------------------------

Administrative Decision

Time in Office

Parent Contact_________________

Placed in Another Classroom

Conference with Student

Refer to TST__________________

Loss of Privileges_________


Detention _______________

Saturday Detention________

Refer to Social Worker_____

In-School Suspension (# days: ______)

Suspension (# days: ______)

Bus Suspension (# days: ______)

Alternative School Suspension_________




Signatures: Student:_____________Parent ________________ Administrator:_____________________ Data Entry (Initial):__

Distribution: White—Office Yellow—Referring Staff Pink--Parent

High School Division

School Name__________________________________






Phone #’s




Referral #____
