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2011 Annual Henry Bradshaw Society Catalogue

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2011 Annual Henry Bradshaw Society Catalogue
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Henry BradsHaw society

he Henry Bradshaw Society was founded in 1890 to publish editions and facsimiles of rare liturgical texts. To date the Society has issued 115 volumes in its main

series, the great majority being concerned with medieval subjects. Seven titles have been published in the last decade. It is one of the longest-established and most widely respected series in its field, and its ongoing collection provides a resource for the study of the medieval Church whose importance is internationally recognised. The Society also publishes a series of occasional Subsidia volumes, which include extended monographs whose subjects fall within the area of our interests.

All titles are now available, either as original printings, hardback reprints or print on demand paperbacks. This includes the scarce early volumes, which were printed for members only; many of these are unobtainable secondhand, and the reprinting has only been possible thanks to the co-operation of the London Library, who have loaned their copies for the purpose.

Front Cover: Detail of Woolpit Church, Suffolk; photograph: Stephen Hart. From Flint Flushwork: A Medieval Masonry Art (Boydell Press, 2008)

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IThe Westminster Missal (Missale ad usum Ecclesie Westmonasteriensis)JoHn WICkHAM LeggIncludes vols V and XII, 1891, hardback, 9781870252126, £95/$165

IIThe Manner of the Coronation of King Charles the First of England at Westminster, 2 Feb 1626CHrISTopHer WordSWorTH1892, Print on demand, paperback, 9781907497001, £50/$90

IIIThe Martiloge in Englysshe after the Use of the chirche of Salisbury and as it is redde in Syon, With addicyons printed by Wynkyn de Worde in 1526FrAnCIS proCTer & edWArd SAMueL deWICk1893, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252249, £55/$95

IVThe Antiphonary of BangorAn early Irish Manuscript in the Ambrosian Library at Milan1: Facsimile,transcription, introduction (see also Volume X)FrederICk edWArd WArren 1893, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252744, £55/$95

VMissale ad usum Ecclesie WestmonasteriensisIncluded in Volume I

VIOfficium Ecclesiasticum Abbatum secundum Usum Eveshamensis MonasteriiHenry AuSTIn WILSon1893, Print on demand, paperback , 9781870252256, £50/$90

VIIThe Tracts of Clement Maydeston, with the Remains of Caxton’s OrdinaleCHrISTopHer WordSWorTH1894, Print on demand, paperback , 9781907497018, £55/$95

VIIIThe Winchester Troper, from MSS of the Xth and XIth Centurieswith other documents illustrating the History of Tropes in england and FranceWALTer HoWArd Frere1894, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252645, £55/$95

IXThe Martyrology of GormanWHITLey STokeS1895, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252683, £55/$95

XThe Antiphonary of BangorAn early Irish Manuscript in the Ambrosian Library at Milan2: (see also Volume IV)FrederICk edWArd WArren 1895, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252751, £55/$95

XIThe Missal of Robert of JumiègesHenry AuSTIn WILSon1896, Reprint, hardback, 9781870252096, £55/$95

XIIMissale ad usum Ecclesie WestmonasteriensisIncluded in Volume I

XIIIThe Irish Liber Hymnorum1: Text and IntroductionJoHn Henry BernArd & roBerT ATkInSon1898, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252287, £55/$95

XIVThe Irish Liber Hymnorum2 : Translations and notesJoHn Henry BernArd & roBerT ATkInSon1898, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252294, £55/$95

XVThe Rosslyn MissalAn Irish Manuscript in the Advocates’ Library, edinburghHugH JACkSon LAWLor1899, Print on demand, paperback, 9781907497025, £55/$95

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XVIThe Coronation Book of Charles V of France (Cottonian MS Tiberius B VIII)e. S. deWICk1899, Print on demand, paperback, 9781907497254, £50/$90

XVIIMissale Romanum, Mediolani, 14741: (see also Volume XXXIII)roBerT LIppe1899, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252621, £55/$95

XVIIIThe Processional of the Nuns of ChesterJoHn WICkHAM Legg1899, Print on demand, paperback, 9781907497032, £45/$80

XIXThree Coronation OrdersJoHn WICkHAM Legg1900, Print on demand, paperback, 9781907497049, £50/$90

XXOrdinale Sarum, sive Directorium SacerdotumLiber quem pica Sarum vulgo vocitat clerus auctore Clemente Maydeston, sacerdote1: (see also Volume XXII)WILLIAM Cooke & CHrISTopHer WordSWorTH1901, Print on demand, paperback, 9781907497056, £55/$95

XXIFacsimiles of Horae de Beata Maria Virgine from English MSS of the Eleventh CenturyedWArd SAMueL deWICk1902, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252614, £45/$80

XXIIOrdinale Sarum, sive Directorium SacerdotumLiber quem pica Sarum vulgo vocitat clerus auctore Clemente Maydeston, sacerdoteVol 2: (see also Volume XX)WILLIAM Cooke & CHrISTopHer WordSWorTH1901, Print on demand, paperback, 9781907497063, £55/$95

XXIIIThe Customary of the Benedictine Monastery of Saint Augustine, Canterbury, and Saint Peter, Westminster1: Text of Cottonian MS, Faustina C.XII (see also Volume XXVIII)edWArd MAunde THoMpSon1902, Print on demand, paperback, 9781907497087, £55/$95

XXIVThe Benedictional of Archbishop RobertHenry AuSTIn WILSon1903, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252652, £50/$90

XXVThe Clerk’s Book of 1549JoHn WICkHAM Legg1903, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252607, £50/$90

XXVIThe Hereford Breviaryfrom the rouen edition of 1506, with Collation of Manuscripts1: psalterium, Commune Sanctorum, Temporale (see also Volumes XL, XLVI)WALTer HoWArd Frere & LAngTon e. g. BroWn1904, Print on demand, paperback, 9781907497070, £55/$95

XXVIITracts on the MassJoHn WICkHAM Legg1904, Print on demand, paperback, 9781907497100, £55/$95

XXVIIIThe Customary of the Benedictine Monastery of Saint Augustine, Canterbury, and Saint Peter, Westminster2: Texts of Cottonian MS otho C.XI, and gonville and Caius MS 211 (see also Volume XXIII)edWArd MAunde THoMpSon1904, Print on demand, paperback, 9781907497094, £55/$95

XXIXFélire Oengasso Céli Dé: The Martyrology of Oengus the CuldeeWHITLey STokeS1905, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252690, £55/$95

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XXXThe Mozarabic PsalterBritish Museum Add 30851JuLIuS pArneLL gILSon1905, Print on demand, paperback, 9781907497117, £55/$95

XXXIThe Stowe MissalFacsimile, Text and Introductiongeorge FrederIC WArnerIncludes Volume XXXII, 1906, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252591, £55/$95

XXXIIThe Stowe MissalIncluded in Volume XXXI

XXXIIIMissale Romanum, Mediolani, 1474, Vol II2 : A Collation with other editions published before 1570 (see also Volume XVII)roBerT LIppe & Henry AuSTIn WILSon1907, Print on demand, paperback, 9781907497124, £55/$95

XXXIVThe Order of the Communion, 1548A Facsimile of the British Museum Copy C.25.f1.5Henry AuSTIn WILSon1908, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252584, £45/$80

XXXVThe Second Recension of the Quignon Breviarywith a Handlist of editions of the First and Second recensions1: Text (see also Volume XLII)JoHn WICkHAM Legg1908, Print on demand, paperback, 9781907497131, £55/$95

XXXVIFacsimiles of the Creeds from Early Manuscriptswith palaeographical notes by dr Ludwig TraubeAndreW eWBAnk Burn1909, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252737, £55/$95

XXXVIIOrdinale Exon1: (see also Volumes XXXVIII, LXIII, LXXIX) JoHn neALe dALTon1909, Print on demand, paperback, 9781907497148, £50/$90

XXXVIIIOrdinale Exon2: see also Volumes XXXVII, LXIII, LXXIX JoHn neALe dALTon1909, Print on demand, paperback, 9781907497155, £50/$90

XXXIXThe Pontifical of Magdalen CollegeHenry AuSTIn WILSon1910, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252706, £55/$95

XLThe Hereford Breviary2: Sanctorale etc (see also Volumes XXVI, XLVI)WALTer HoWArd Frere & LAngTon e.g. BroWn1911, Print on demand, paperback, 9781907497162, £50/$90

XLIEnglish Orders for Consecrating Churches in the Seventeenth CenturyTogether with Forms for the Consecration of Churchyards, the First Stone of a Church, the reconciliation of a Church and the Consecration of Altar plateJoHn WICkHAM Legg1911, Print on demand, paperback, 9781907497315, £55/$95

XLIIThe Second Recension of the Quignon Breviary2 : Introduction, with Life of Quignon (see also Volume XXXV)JoHn WICkHAM Legg1912, Print on demand, paperback, 9781907497186, £50/$90

XLIIIThe Colbertine Breviary 1THoMAS roBerT gAMBIer-pArry1912, Print on demand, paperback, 9781907497193, £50/$90

XLIVThe Colbertine Breviary 2Thomas robert gambier-parry1913, Print on demand, paperback, 9781907497209, £50/$90

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XLVThe Leofric CollectarHarl MS 2961 with an Appendix containing a Litany and prayers from Harl MS 8631: Text with 18 plates (see also Volume LVI)edWArd SAMueL deWICk1914, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252713, £55/$95

XLVIThe Hereford Breviary3: Collectar, ordinal, etc (see also Volumes XXVI, XL)WALTer HoWArd Frere & LAngTon e.g. BroWn1915, Print on demand, paperback, 9781907497179, £50/$90

XLVIIThe Psalter and Martyrology of RicemarchHugH JACkSon LAWLorIncludes Volume XLVIII, 1914, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252300, £50/$90

XLVIIIThe Psalter and Martyrology of RicemarchIncluded in Volume XLVII

XLIXThe Gregorian Sacramentary under Charles the Great from Three MSS of the Ninth CenturyHenry AuSTIn WILSon1915, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252676, £55/$95

LCranmer’s Liturgical Projectsfrom British Museum MS royal 7.B.IVJoHn WICkHAM Legg1915, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252577, £55/$95

LIThe Canterbury BenedictionalregInALd MAXWeLL WooLLey1917, Reprint (US: print on demand, paperback), 9781870252560, £50/$90

LIIMissale Gothicum: A Gallican Sacramentary1: (see also Volume LIV)Henry MArrIoTT BAnnISTer1917, Print on demand, paperback, 9781907497216, £50/$90

LIIIThe Bobbio Missal, A Gallican Mass-Book1: Facsimile (see also Volume LVIII) eLIAS AVery LoWe1917, Print on demand, paperback, 9781907497223, £50/$90

LIVMissale Gothicum: A Gallican Sacramentary2 : notes and Indices (see also Volume LII)Henry MArrIoTT BAnnISTer1919, Print on demand, paperback, 9781907497230, £50/$90

LVThe Calendar of St Willibrordfrom MS paris Lat 10837Henry AuSTIn WILSon1918, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252553, £45/$80

LVIThe Leofric Collectar2 : compared with the Collectar of St Wulfstan and kindred documents of exeter and Worcester (see also Volume XLV) edWArd SAMueL deWICk & WALTer HoWArd Frere1921, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252720, £55/$95

LVII The Mass in SwedenIts development from the Latin rite from 1531 to 1917erIC eSSkILdSen yeLVerTon1920, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252904, £50/$90

LVIIIThe Bobbio Missal2 : Text and 3: notes and Studies (see also Volume LIII)eLIAS AVery LoWe; André WILMArT, eLIAS AVery LoWe & Henry AuSTIn WILSonIncludes Volume LXI, 1920, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252546, £55/$95

LIXThe Gilbertine Rite1: The ordinal and the office of St gilbertregInALd MAXWeLL WooLLey1921, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252911, £50/$90

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LXThe Gilbertine Rite2: The kalendar and ii the MissalregInALd MAXWeLL WooLLey1922, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252928, £50/$90

LXIThe Bobbio MissalIncluded in Volume LVIII

LXIIIrish Litanies, Text and TranslationCHArLeS pLuMMer1925, Reprint, hardback, 9781870252027, £35/$60

LXIIIOrdinale Exon3: Legenda exon (see also Volumes XXVII, XXVIII, LXXIX)JoHn neALe dALTon1926, Print on demand, paperback, 9781907497322, £50/$90

LXIVThe Benedictional of John Longlonde, Bishop of LincolnBritish Museum MS Add 21974regInALd MAXWeLL WooLLey1927, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252942, £45/$80

LXVThe Ordinale and Customary of the Benedictine Nuns of Barking Abbeyuniversity College, oxford, MS 1691: Calendar and TemporaleJoHn BL ToLHurST1927, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252959, £45/$80

LXVIThe Ordinale and Customary of the Benedictine Nuns of Barking Abbey2 : SanctoraleJoHn BL ToLHurST & LAurenTIA MCLACHLAn1928, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252966, £50/$90

LXVIINorth Italian Services of the Eleventh Centuryrecueil d’ordines du XIe siècle provenant de la Haute-Italie Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana T.27supCyrILLe LAMBoT1931, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252317, £45/$80

LXVIIIThe Martyrology of Tallaghtfrom the Book of Leinster and MS 5100-4 in the royal Library, BrusselsrICHArd IrVIne BeST & HugH JACkSon LAWLor1931, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252973, £55/$95

LXIXThe Monastic Breviary of Hyde Abbey, Winchester1: Temporale Advent to easter (see also Volumes LXX, LXXVI, LXXVIII, LXXI, LXXX)JoHn BL ToLHurST1932, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252829, £55/$95

LXXThe Monastic Breviary of Hyde Abbey, WinchesterVol 2 of 6 : Temporale easter to Advent (see also Volumes LXIX, LXXVI, LXXVIII, LXXI, LXXX)JoHn BL ToLHurST1933, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252836, £45/$80

LXXIThe Monastic Breviary of Hyde Abbey, WinchesterVol 5 of 6 : Commune Sanctorum, kalendarium, Letania, officium defunctorum (see also Volumes LXIX, LXX, LXXVI, LXXVIII, LXXX)JoHn BL ToLHurST1934, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252843, £45/$80

LXXIIEnglish Benedictine Kalendars before AD 1100FrAnCIS WorMALd1934, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252539, £55/$95

LXXIIIThe Ordinal and Customary of the Abbey of Saint Mary, York1: (see also Volumes LXXV, LXXXIV)LAurenTIA MCLACHLAn & JoHn BL ToLHurST1936, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252812, £45/$80

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LXXIVPontificale LanaletenseBibliothèque de la Ville de rouen, A27 Cat368, A pontifical formerly in use at St germans, CornwallgILBerT HunTer doBLe1937, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252669, £45/$80

LXXVThe Ordinal and Customary of the Abbey of Saint Mary, York2: (see also Volumes LXXIII, LXXXIV)LAurenTIA MCLACHLAn & JoHn BL ToLHurST1937, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252782, £45/$80

LXXVIThe Monastic Breviary of Hyde Abbey, WinchesterVol 3 of 6 : Sanctorale January to June (see also Volumes LXIX, LXX, LXXVIII, LXXI, LXXX)JoHn BL ToLHurST1938, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252324, £50/$90

LXXVIIEnglish Benedictine Kalendars after AD 11001: Abbotsbury – durham (see also Vol. LXXXI)FrAnCIS WorMALd1939, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252898, £50/$90

LXXVIIIThe Monastic Breviary of Hyde Abbey, WinchesterVol 4 of 6 : Sanctorale July to december (see also Volumes LXIX, LXX, LXXVI, LXXI, LXXX)JoHn BL ToLHurST1939, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252850 ,£55/$95

LXXIXOrdinale Exon4 : Martyrologium exon (see also Volumes XXVII, XXVIII, LXIII)JoHn neALe dALTon, gILBerT HunTer doBLe & CHrISTopHer WILLIAM Surrey1940, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252348, £50/$90

LXXXThe Monastic Breviary of Hyde Abbey, Winchester6 : Introduction to the english Monastic Breviaries (see also Volumes LXIX, LXX, LXXVI, LXXVIII, LXXI)JoHn BL ToLHurST1942, Reprint, hardback, 9781870252058, £40/$70

LXXXIEnglish Benedictine Kalendars after AD 11002 : ely - St neots (see also Volume LXXVII)FrAnCIS WorMALd1946, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252355, £45/$80

LXXXIIThe Customary of the Cathedral Priory Church of NorwichMS 465 in the Library of Corpus Christi College, CambridgeJoHn BL ToLHurST1948, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252775, £55/$95

LXXXIIIThe Psalter Collects from V-VIth Century Sources Three SeriesAndré WILMArT & LouIS Brou1949, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252638, £55/$95

LXXXIVThe Ordinal and Customary of the Abbey of Saint Mary, York3: see also Volumes LXXIII, LXXVLAurenTIA MCLACHLAn & JoHn BL ToLHurST1951, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252805, £45/$80

LXXXVOrdines of Haymo of Faversham STepHen Jp VAn dyke1961, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252980, £55/$95

LXXXVIThe Monastic Ordinale of St Vedast’s Abbey, Arras 1Arras Bibliothèque municipale MS 230 907, of the beginning of the 14th CenturyLouIS Brou1957, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252379, £50/$90

LXXXVIIThe Monastic Ordinale of St Vedast’s Abbey, Arras 2LouIS Brou1957, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252386, £45/$80

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LXXXVIIIThe Benedictionals of FreisingMunich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Cod lat 6430roBerT AMIeT, CHrISTopHer HoHLer & BernArd J WIgAn1974, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252362, £45/$80

LXXXIXThe Portiforium of Saint Wulstan 1Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, MS 391AnSeLM HugHeS1958, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252522, £45/$80

XCThe Portiforium of Saint Wulstan 2AnSeLM HugHeS1960, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252515, £45/$80

XCIManuale ad usum percelebris Ecclesie Sarisburiensisfrom the edition printed at rouen in 1543 compared with those of 1506 London, 1516 rouen, 1523 Antwerp, 1526 parisArTHur JeFFerIeS CoLLInS1960, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252508, £50/$90

XCIILiber Regie CapelleA Manuscript in the Biblioteca publica, evoraWALTer uLLMAnn & derek HoWArd Turner1961, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252997, £45/$80

XCIIIThe Missal of the New Minster, WinchesterLe Havre, Bibliothèque municipale MS 330derek HoWArd Turner1962, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252799, £55/$95

XCIVThe Bec Missalparis, Bibliothèque nationale, MS lat 1105AnSeLM HugHeS1963, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252492, £55/$95

XCVMissale de LesnesMS L404 in the Library of the Victoria and Albert MuseumpHILIp JeBB1964, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252867, £55/$95

XCVIThe Bridgittine Breviary of Syon Abbeyfrom the MS with english rubrics F411 at Magdalene College, CambridgeArTHur JeFFerIeS CoLLInS1969, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252485, £55/$95

XCVIIThe Claudius Pontificalsderek Howard Turner1971, Hardback, 9780907077145, £20/$34.95

XCVIIIExpositio Antiquae Liturgiae GallicanaeedWArd CrAddoCk rATCLIFF1971, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252478, £45/$80

XCIXThe Customary of the Benedictine Abbey of Bury St Edmunds in Suffolkfrom Harleian MS 1005 in the British Museum AnTonIA grAnSden1973, Print on demand, paperback, 9781907497308, £50/$90

CThe Cracow Pontificalpontificale Cracoviense Saeculi XI Cracow, Jagellonian Library, MS 2057edited by ZdZISłAW oBerTynSkI1977, Hardback, 9780907077176, £20/$34.95

CISacramentarium Fuldense saeculi X Cod theol 231 der k universitätsbibliothek zu göttingen, Text und Bilderkreisgregor rICHTer & ALBerT SCHönFeLder1980, Hardback, 9780907077190, £30/$50

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CIIA Commentary on the Cistercian Hymnalexplanatio super Hymnos quibus utitur ordo CisterciensisTroyes, Bib mun MS 658JoHn MICHAeL BeerS1982, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252454, £45/$80

CIIIA Pre-Conquest English Prayer-BookBL, MSS Cotton galba A.xiv and nero A.ii ff 3-13BernArd JAMeS MuIr1988, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252447, £55/$95

CIVTwo Anglo-Saxon Pontificals the Egbert and Sidney Sussex PontificalsHArry MJ BAnTIng1989, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252430, £50/$90

CVThe Monastic Ritual of Fleuryorléans, Bibliothèque municipale, MS 123 [101]AnSeLMe dAVrIL1990, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252423, £50/$90

CVIAnglo-Saxon Litanies of the SaintsMICHAeL LApIdge1991, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252416, £55/$95

CVIIThe Durham CollectarALICIA CorrêA1992, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252409, £55/$95

CVIIIÆlfwine’s PrayerbookLondon, British Library, MS Cotton Titus d.xxvi & xxviiBeATe günZeL1993, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252331, £50/$90

CIXThe Winchcombe Sacramentaryorléans, Bibliothèque municipale, MS 127 [105]edITed By AnSeLMe dAVrIL1995, Hardback, 9781870252072, £30/$50

CXThe Sacramentary of Echternachparis, Bibliothèque nationale, MS lat9433yITZHAk Hen1997, Hardback, 9781870252089, £40/$70

CXIThe Ordinal of the Abbey of the Holy Trinity, Fécamp 1Fécamp, Musée de la Bénédictine, MS 186dAVId CHAdd1999, Hardback, 9781870252133, £35/$60

CXIIThe Ordinal of the Abbey of the Holy Trinity, Fécamp 2dAVId CHAdd2002, Hardback, 9781870252201, £35/$60

CXIIIThe Leofric Missaloxford, Bodleian Library, MS 5791 : Introduction, Collation Table and IndexnICHoLAS orCHArd2002, Hardback, 9781870252171, £40/$70

CXIVThe Leofric Missal2 : TextnICHoLAS orCHArd2002, Hardback, 9781870252188, £40/$70

CXVFour Irish MartyrologiespádrAIg o rIAIn2002, Hardback, 9781870252195, £35/$60

CXVIThe Sacramentary of RatoldusnICHoLAS orCHArd2005, Hardback, 9781870252225, £35/$60

CXVIISaints In English Kalendars before AD 1100reBeCCA ruSHForTH2008, Hardback, 9781870252232, £60/$99

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CXVIIIA Martyrology of Four Cities: Metz, Cologne, Dublin, Lund proFeSSor pádrAIg Ó rIAIn2009, Hardback, 9781870252768, £35/$60


1A History of Early Roman Liturgy to the Death of Pope Gregory the Great g.g.WILLIS 1994, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252874, £50/$90

2 A Lost Work by Amalarius of Metz: Interpolations in Salisbury, Cathedral Library, MS 154 CHrISTopHer A. JoneS 2001, Hardback, 9781870252140, £60/$99

3 The Royal Patronage of Liturgy in Frankish Gaul to the Death of Charles the Bald AD 877 yITZHAk Hen 2001, Hardback, 9781870252157, £35/$60

4 Papal Ceremonial at Rome in the Twelfth Century SuSAn TWyMAn 2002, Print on demand, paperback, 9781870252881, £55/$95

5 The Liturgy of the Late Anglo-Saxon Church ed. HeLen gITToS & M. BrAdFord BedIngFIeLd 2005, Hardback, 9781870252218, £50/$90

6 English Saints in the Liturgy of the Scandinavian Church JoHn Toy2009, Hardback, 9781870252461, £50/$90

A Descriptive Catalogue of the Medieval Manuscripts of Merton College, Oxfordwith a description of the greek Manuscripts by n. g. Wilsonr. M. THoMSondescriptive catalogue provides a crucial guide to one of the most important repositories of medieval manuscrips.

£95.00/$165.00, June 2009, 978 1 84384 188 3 51 colour, 107 b/w illus.; 440pp, HB, D.S. Brewer

Martyrs and Martyrdom in England, c.1400-1700edited by THoMAS S. FreeMAn & THoMAS F. MAyerA fresh examination of the idea of martyrdom in the transition from the medieval to the modern periods.

£50.00/$90.00, April 2007, 978 1 84383 290 4264pp, HB, Studies in Modern British Religious History

Ely: Bishops and Diocese, 1109-2009edited by peTer MeAdoWSThe essays here focus on the careers of ely’s bishops, with additional chapters on its buildings and holdings.

£29.95/$50.00, November 2010, 978 1 84383 540 0 16 colour, 32 b/w, 24 line illus.; 408pp, HB

The Saints’ Lives of Jocelin of FurnessHagiography, patronage and ecclesiastical politicsHeLen BIrkeTTFirst comprehensive study of four important medieval saints’ lives, setting them in their political and ecclesiastical context.

£60.00/$99.00, September 2010, 978 1 90315 333 8 344pp, HB, York Medieval Press

Saints’ Cults in the Celtic Worldedited by STeVe BoArdMAn, JoHn reuBen dAVIeS & eILA WILLIAMSonSaints’ cults flourished in the medieval world, and the phenomenon is examined here in a series of studies.

£50.00/$90.00, February 2009, 978 1 84383 432 8 240pp, HB, Studies in Celtic History

The Cult of Saints and the Virgin Mary in Medieval Scotlandedited by STeVe BoArdMAn & eILA WILLIAMSonA new investigation of the saints’ cults which flourished in medieval Scotland, fruitfully combining archaeological, historical, and literary perspectives.

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