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2011 New Fall TV Show Report Card

Date post: 15-May-2015
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The 2011 Fall TV New Show October Update is now available. This is a follow-up to our popular Social Audience Report originally released during the Upfronts Season that examines the online conversations around each program across the social web. We aggregate this information and rank it allowing you to compare the shows within a network to optimize your TV media spend.Skilled marketers are continuously gathering data to inform media buys and maximize ROI. A growing trend is the use social data to measure fan engagement and determine if an audience aligns with your brand's target consumer.Networked Insights’s October update reviews the five broadcast networks and the individual new television shows. Download the full report for $299 or view a sample of the 2011 Fall TV New Show Update and discover how leveraging social data allows you to maximize your spend.
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Page 2: 2011 New Fall TV Show Report Card

©  2011    Networked  Insights  

Network Strengths Weaknesses

ü  NBC has the first “diamond in the rough” with the Maria Bello driven Primes Suspect

ü  Up All Night has launched as the strongest comedy in conversations across all the networks and was picked up for a full season

ü  Of the 5 new shows, only 2 have promise for the season on NBC

ü  NBC has challenges with viewer loyalty ü  Many NBC shows, like Up All Night, need some tweaking to

really catch fans ü  Whitney is suffocating Prime Suspect, and we are calling this

show the “social turkey” of the season ü  NBC cancelled The Playboy Club (which was recommend to be

avoided in earlier reports)

ü  The X Factor and Terra Nova have a high number of impressions

ü  New Girl was given a full-season order and has a strong following

ü  The X Factor judge L.A. Reid impressed viewers and is a break-out hit with fans

ü  The new FOX shows are struggling with creating their own niche audiences, and viewers are having a hard time committing to a show

ü  All of the new FOX shows are recommended as “tentative” since they all have very polarized conversations

ü  ABC’s new dramas have been some of the most successful with viewers

ü  Revenge’s plot and acting were far richer than what viewers expected and as a result viewers are excited to see more

ü  ABC’s new shows don’t have as much conversation as The CW and FOX

ü  The reboot of Charlie’s Angels has flopped heavily despite high viewer anticipation and Facebook Fan Page “likes.” The content has not lived up to viewer expectation.

ü  Person of Interest, despite low volume of conversation, is a recommended show

ü  Poppy Montgomery’s acting in Unforgettable is attracting viewer attention

ü  Kat Dennings is the reason for watching 2 Broke Girls

ü  CBS dramas have the lowest volume of conversation out of all the new dramas

ü  All of CBS’s new shows have highly polarized discussions ü  A Gifted Man is tentatively recommended, but based on the low

conversation this program is not a good investment

ü  By premiering the shows earlier than other networks, CW shows were able to increase conversation and is the go to network to reach Millennials

ü  Ringer is the most discussed new drama of the fall season ü  Rachel Bilson and Hart of Dixie reminded fans of early popular

WB dramas like Gilmore Girls

ü  H8R is disliked by viewers ü  The Secret Circle is not making as much of an impact as

predicted, and struggles to find viewers that aren’t already The Vampire Diaries fans

New Fall Shows

Go to www.networkedinsights.com/tvreport to buy the complete report that includes every new show on all 5 networks.

Knowing the strengths and weaknesses around a network’s programming lineup allows you to pick the right partner for your broadcast and online media investments. This slide provides guidance based on social data for each of the five broadcast networks based upon their news shows premiering in the fall.

Page 3: 2011 New Fall TV Show Report Card

©  2011    Networked  Insights  

Network-Level Comparison


ü  CW shows, particularly Ringer, had the largest amount of pre-air conversation ü  CW and NBC shows with early season premieres gave them a great advantage and their conversation is higher than the other

networks ü  The X Factor premiere had the largest impact on the FOX network conversation ü  Despite ABC shows having the largest number of Facebook fans and CBS the lowest number of “likes”, new shows for both

networks performed the same in the overall conversation  

New Fall Shows

Go to www.networkedinsights.com/tvreport to buy the complete report that includes every new show on all 5 networks.








8/27   8/29   8/31   9/2   9/4   9/6   9/8   9/10   9/12   9/14   9/16   9/18   9/20   9/22   9/24   9/26  


The  X  Factor  premiered  

CW  show  premieres  CW  releases  new  show  trailers  

Page 4: 2011 New Fall TV Show Report Card

©  2011    Networked  Insights  

New Fall Comedies

Show-Level Comparison


ü  The early premieres generated higher conversation ü  Free Agents had more conversation during the premiere and afterwards than Up All Night, a large majority of that conversation

was discussing the show’s poor performance and the chances of its cancellation ü  Of all the new comedies to premiere, Whitney had the weakest and most negative conversation ü  2 Broke Girls and New Girl’s content and performances are frequently compared, but due to volume and sentiment 2 Broke Girls is the clear winner

Go to www.networkedinsights.com/tvreport to buy the complete report that includes every new show on all 5 networks.








8/27   8/29   8/31   9/2   9/4   9/6   9/8   9/10   9/12   9/14   9/16   9/18   9/20   9/22   9/24   9/26  

2 Broke Girls

Free Agents

New Girl

Up All Night


Season  Premieres  

Season  Premiere  

Some  blogs  menGon  the  plot  of  Free  Agents  

Page 5: 2011 New Fall TV Show Report Card

©  2011    Networked  Insights  

 -­‐          10,000      20,000      30,000      40,000      50,000      60,000      70,000      80,000      90,000    

8/27   9/3   9/10   9/17   9/24  

A Gifted Man Charlie's Angels Hart of Dixie Pan Am

Person of Interest Prime Suspect Revenge Ringer

New Fall Dramas

Show-Level Comparison


ü  Dramas generate more conversation than comedies ü  The second episode of Ringer had more conversation than any premiere of the new dramas ü  The other two CW dramas, Hart of Dixie and The Secret Circle, were also highly discussed ü  The Playboy Club’s conversations were focused on how viewers disliked the show. As of October 4th, the show was officially


Go to www.networkedinsights.com/tvreport to buy the complete report that includes every new show on all 5 networks.

New  Ringer  trailer  released  

Ringer  premieres  

Season  Premieres  

At a glance see each broadcast network’s lineup of new sows - their genre, social impressions, sentiment and commentary based on research performed for each individual program by Networked Insights Analysts who specialize developing strategies to optimize broadcast advertising.

Page 6: 2011 New Fall TV Show Report Card

©  2011    Networked  Insights  






Pan Am

Charlie's Angels The X Factor

Up All Night Ringer

2 Broke Girls Hart of Dixie

Prime Suspect h8r

A Gifted Man

8/31/2011 9/9/2011 9/16/2011 9/23/2010 9/30/2010

Facebook Fans

Week by Week Fan Growth


ü  Shows with successful premieres, like Pan Am and Up All Night, have the largest post-premiere fan growth ü  Shows that flopped with audiences, like Charlie’s Angels and Free Agents, have almost no fan page growth post-premiere ü  Charlie’s Angels and The Playboy Club also prove that having lots of Facebook fans does not guarantee a show will win

over viewers; the show’s content is still king ü  ABC shows on average have the highest number of fans while CBS shows on average have the least amount

Go to www.networkedinsights.com/tvreport to buy the complete report that includes every new show on all 5 networks.

Page 7: 2011 New Fall TV Show Report Card

©  2011    Networked  Insights  

Questionable Fit for TV Good Rating Unreliable Live Audience was Distracting Bad Fit with NBC Comedies

ü  Viewers enjoyed Whitney Cummings and will watch the show just to see her

ü  Viewers found that her humor was a bad fit for TV

ü  Viewers suggested other NBC comedies inflated the ratings for Whitney

ü  Advertisements brought viewers in, but may not keep them

ü  The laughs of the studio audience was hard for some viewers to sit through

ü  Viewers discussed that this style doesn’t fit time slot

ü  Viewers discussed only watching Whitney because it is on around the other NBC comedies they prefer




ü  Avoid this program as the GRPs are being inflated by The Office’s season premiere and the social conversation is trending very negatively

Whitney NBC, Comedy


 -­‐          2,000      4,000      6,000      8,000      10,000    

8/27   9/10   9/24  

27%   70%  SenGment  

PosiGve   NegaGve   Neutral  

TOTAL IMPRESSIONS: 71,633 A.  (9/22/11)  –  Season  Premiere  


While Whitney had a great lead-in with the season premiere of The Office, the social conversation related to the show has been trending negatively since NBC’s poorly received summer ad campaign. This attitude has only increased dramatically since the premiere. Recently the show was picked up for a full season by NBC, but due to it’s terrible sentiment it has been picked as our “social turkey.”

“To me, it seemed like the typical ‘new’ romantic-comedies that NBC has been doing lately. Not my style of TV programming. Whitney Cummings is a lot funnier doing her regular nasty stand-up comedy act.“ - Avsforum.com

“Community premiered after the Office originally too, and it was the highest ratings of the show's history, so I don't take those Whitney numbers seriously.“ - Absolutepunk.net

“Just saw the pilot for that Whitney Cummings show on NBC. Good lord, the laughs were awful. I could only stand a few minutes of it.“ - Imdb.com

“One of these things is not like the others: Community, The Office, Parks & Recreation and Whitney.“ - Democraticunderground.com

Go to www.networkedinsights.com/tvreport to buy the complete report that includes every new show on all 5 networks.


22%  30%   20%  28%  

Better understand the social audience developing around unaired broadcast programs to uncover advertising opportuni-ties and better inform ad buying decisions. This report provides a comprehensive profile of fan sentiment, the volume of online conversations, the key topics within those conversations and recommendations.

Page 8: 2011 New Fall TV Show Report Card

©  2011    Networked  Insights  

Audience Definitions Audiences  are  defined  by  idenGfying  sites  that  exhibit  strong  contextual  relaGonships  and/or  are  visited  by  users  with  shared  affiniGes.  This  set  of  sites  consists  of  locaGons  that  most  effecGvely  capture  the  audience  engaging  around  topics  within  a  specified  domain.  Defining  an  audience  allows  Networked  Insights  to  reduce  the  noise  prevalent  in  social  media,  including  spam  and  duplicate  data,  allowing  for  idenGficaGon  of  true  insights.    

Conversation Metric Keywords  and  phrases  are  used  to  categorize  topics  and  themes  that  appear  in  social  media  conversaGons  on  blogs,  forums,  microblogs  and  social  networking  sites.  Categories  are  idenGfied  by  Networked  Insights’  proprietary  Topic  Discovery  Engine  (TDE)  in  conjuncGon  with  analysis  from  our  social  media  analyGcs  team.    Once  individual  topics  have  been  isolated,  TDE  is  used  to  discover  sub-­‐themes,  and  various  metrics  (post  volume,  impressions,  senGment,  etc.)  are  provided  as  needed  for  each  topic.    

Impressions Impressions  are  a  calculaGon  of  the  number  of  social  menGons  of  a  product/brand  that  visitors  to  social  networking  sites,  forums,  blogs  and  microblogs  were  exposed  to.    Impressions  provide  an  esGmaGon  of  how  social  media  are  consumed,  are  a  way  to  account  for  the  vast  majority  of  social  media  users  who  do  not  actually  create  posts,  and  enable  us  to  look  beyond  post  counts  to  gain  a  be_er  understanding  of  how  much  social  reach  a  topic  truly  has.    Impressions  are  a  passive  measurement  tool  and  do  not  necessarily  demonstrate  engagement.  As  with  other  basic  metrics,  it  is  important  to  layer  themaGc  insights  upon  impressions  in  order  to  understand  what  drives  the  conversaGon  and  what  acGons  are  required.      

Sentiment Keywords  are  used  to  describe  brands  and  products.  Each  keyword  is  defined  by  Boolean-­‐search  strings  tuned  to  accurately  capture  volume  of  conversaGon.  RaGngs  of  posiGve,  negaGve  and  neutral  are  assigned  to  a  random  sample  of  posts  in  order  to  gauge  the  senGment  for  a  given  keyword.      

Topic Discovery A  mathemaGcal  approach  is  used  to  understand  what  themes  drive  conversaGon.  Advanced  clustering  technology  extracts  the  key  sub-­‐themes  expressed  in  the  content  related  to  a  keyword.  A  qualitaGve  analysis  is  included  to  expose  what  is  really  driving  theconversaGon  and  how  different  sub-­‐themes  interconnect.    

