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2011, October 10 (COM Minutes)

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 GULGBT Committee Meeting Agenda 10th October 5.30pm Meeting Started: 17:32 Meeting Adjourned: 18:54 In attendance: Jessica McGrellis, Lauren McDougall, Mark Scott, Kirsty Smith, Natalia Tomaszek, Kit Moreland, Erin MacKenzie, Drew McCusker (left 18 :33), Simon Tsolakidis (left 18:48), James Harrison (17:35), Jo Arnott (17:36), Elliot McGonigle (17:38), Thomas Lambourn (17:45) Apologies: Chris Young Committee Business 1. Scene Tour a. Finalise details - Final venues - Milk, Delmonicas, Speakeasy, Club X and Polo. - Natalia to contact Polo ASAP to book mezzanine level. - Routes to be arranged to ensure that none of the 4 groups will double back on themselves. b. To call? - Natalia to contact the venues to inform them that we’ll be there. c. Prize(s) - Natalia has got them and they will be distributed the following week. 2. Cheese and Wine a. Location - Problems with the Williams Room due to SRC elections and we need a committee member to have done an SRC induction before we are fully affiliation/can book a room. - Discussed changing the date of the event to another day of the week but the election is that night so we need to have an event on the 19 th . - Will have a back-up plan for committee room 1 (quiz or movie night) if the cheese and wine night goes awry. - Final details to be confirmed to the members by email and Facebook as soon as a room is booked.

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GULGBT Committee Meeting Agenda – 10th October 5.30pm

Meeting Started: 17:32

Meeting Adjourned: 18:54

In attendance: Jessica McGrellis, Lauren McDougall, Mark Scott, Kirsty Smith, Natalia

Tomaszek, Kit Moreland, Erin MacKenzie, Drew McCusker (left 18:33), Simon Tsolakidis (left

18:48), James Harrison (17:35), Jo Arnott (17:36), Elliot McGonigle (17:38), Thomas

Lambourn (17:45)

Apologies: Chris Young 

Committee Business

1.  Scene Tour

a.  Finalise details

- Final venues - Milk, Delmonicas, Speakeasy, Club X and Polo.

- Natalia to contact Polo ASAP to book mezzanine level.

- Routes to be arranged to ensure that none of the 4 groups will double back

on themselves.

b.  To call?

- Natalia to contact the venues to inform them that we’ll be there.

c.  Prize(s)

- Natalia has got them and they will be distributed the following week.

2.  Cheese and Wine



- Problems with the Williams Room due to SRC elections and we need a

committee member to have done an SRC induction before we are fully

affiliation/can book a room.

- Discussed changing the date of the event to another day of the week but

the election is that night so we need to have an event on the 19th


- Will have a back-up plan for committee room 1 (quiz or movie night) if the

cheese and wine night goes awry.

- Final details to be confirmed to the members by email and Facebook as

soon as a room is booked.

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b.  Donation/cover charge

- Decided that instead of providing wine and asking for a donation we will

instead advertise the event as BYOB (no spirits/hard liquor).

c.  Quantities and what to buy

- Mark and Jessica to organise this.

3.  It Gets Better (Drew)

- Drew happy to hold the event on the Cheese and BYOB night and will arrange a

suitable space (section an area of the Williams Room or book another committee

room at the QMU).

4.  Stuart McQuarrie/Video event date

- Discussed whether it should be a Wednesday night event or not. Issues arose of 

whether it is intended to be a welfare event or an event to promote

discussion/debate. General consensus is that it should be seen as a welfare event

and as such should perhaps be held on another night of the week to avoid any

discussion which may detract from the welfare aspect of the video.

- Kirsty queried why this event has been approved when a previous suggestion of 

doing an event with the Metropolitan Community Church was deemed


5.  Events to finalise for calendar

a.  Bi-Talk – decide on a name


b.  Wicked Wenches

- Mark will look into whether we will offer a further discount on the student


c.  Same sex tango

- Natalia to follow this up.

d.  Following week? Vicky Gunn?

- Erin to call Vicky, as there has been no response by email.

6.  Ceilidh

a.  Venue

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- The debates chamber in the GUU is booked for the 30th

of November.

Discussed changing the date of the ceilidh to another day that week - if it is

held it on the 1st

of December we can have the event as a fundraiser forWorld Aids Day and this may help in finding venues/getting discounts. Details

of charity donations will be decided closer to the date.

- Lauren to look into venues and availability in order to decide on a concrete


b.  Band

- Discussed the quotes which have already been given which are around the

£500-600 mark. James suggested Ceolan, who have already been approached

but we can look into asking them for a lower quote as James mentioned theyhave already done events for the university.

- Lauren to look into more bands/quotes, however these can’t be finalised

until we have a date and venue.

c.  Financial update/budget

- Fundraising bake sale for the ceilidh to be arranged for the middle of 


d.  Photos

- Erin suggested that she could do official GULGBT photos of the event

involving a separate area where members can choose to have high quality

photos taken either as individuals/with a date/as a group.

7.  Election

a.  ‘Sub-committee’? 

- Discussed that it shouldn’t be a sub-committee as such, but rather an

opportunity for interested members to have an informal introduction to the

committee and to help out where needed (e.g. with ceilidh planning).

Decided that this shouldn’t be an ‘official’ group and that the members won’t

hold any sway on the committee/in decisions however they will be

encouraged to attend committee meetings and to get as involved as possible

to prepare them for possibly taking up committee positions at the 2012 AGM.

- Elliot suggested holding the election for future post-mat officers at the same

time as 1st

year ordinary member, rather than at the AGM to allow 1 year

Masters students the opportunity to run. Committee agreed that this is a

fantastic idea and will be actioned closer to the time.

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b.  External counters etc

- At the election we MUST be checking members against the mailing list to

ensure that they are registered before they can vote.

- We need 2 people who are either not voting or who are associate members

to count the votes and we will look for volunteers in advance to ensure they

are comfortable with the voting system.

8.  West of Scotland Forum Grant

- Mark to follow up the grant application with an itemised breakdown/financial

forecast of expected costs for the rest of the year.

9.  Blog Launch

- Tom will be contributing his recipe/cooking blog.

- Erin suggested that she could do a weekly roundup of LGBT related news.

- Other committee members urged to write or find articles/interest pieces for the


10. Men’s/Women’s/Trans*/Post-Mat – next events in calendar

- 8 people are booked in for Laser Tag - last minute announcement to be made on


- Next Trans* event to be scheduled two weeks after the currently scheduled event

 @7pm at Offshore.

- Jo’s Film and Cocktail event scheduled for the 23rd

of October – Jo to contact

Hummingbird to try to organise a discount.

11. Committee Party – finalise details

- Details are on the Facebook group.

12. Next meeting – room bookings

- We can no longer have our committee meetings in the QMU on Monday nights so

will need to find an alternative venue. We will look into

- Next committee meeting to be scheduled for the 31st

of October at 7pm (please

note there is a meeting before this on the 17th

of October at 7pm).

Any Other Business

13. Leaflets!

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- Kirsty asked the committee to be on the lookout for any useful welfare booklets or

leaflets as we need more variety.
