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2011 Parents Weekend Newsletter

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  • 8/4/2019 2011 Parents Weekend Newsletter


    2011 Newsletter

    Picture of Beta Alpha Theta Chapter Members after Fall

    Initiation Ceremony on September 27, 2011

  • 8/4/2019 2011 Parents Weekend Newsletter


    1 | P a g e

    Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity was inspired by Richard J. H. Gottheil, a

    professor of languages at Columbia University and a leader in the

    early American Zionist movement. On December 29, 1898, Professor

    Gottheil gathered together a group of Jewish students from several

    New York City universities to form a Zionist youth society. The society

    was called Z.B.T.

    During this brief period, the society came to serve as a kind of fraternal body for college studentswho, as Jews, were excluded from joining existing fraternities because of the sectarian practices

    which prevailed at the end of the nineteenth century in the United States. The continuing need

    for a Greek-letter fraternity open to Jewish students prompted Z.B.T. to change its raison d'etre,

    structure and emphasis and to become Zeta Beta Tau in 1903. Zeta Beta Tau expanded rapidly. By

    1909, it had established 13 Chapters throughout the Northeast and a 14th at Tulane University at

    New Orleans, thereby taking on a truly national dimension. In 1913, it established its first

    Canadian Chapter at McGill University in Montreal. Five years later, it founded its first West Coast

    Chapter at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. At the 1954 National Convention,

    the delegates amended Zeta Beta Tau's Constitution, ritual and internal procedures both in theory

    and in practice to eliminate sectarianism as a qualification for membership.

    Today the merged Zeta Beta Tau Brotherhood is one of the largest, numbering

    over 140,000 initiated Brothers, at more than 90 chapter locations

    Through good times and bad, ZBT has been in the

    forefront in pioneering new concepts as

    evidenced by its very founding, its elimination of

    sectarian membership practices, its acceptance

    of mergers, and its elimination of hazing.

  • 8/4/2019 2011 Parents Weekend Newsletter


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    Intellectual Awareness

    Fraternity creates an atmosphere conducive to the expansion of the

    individual's intellectual horizons, the interchange of ideas within the

    academic community and the pursuit of scholastic excellence.

    When it comes to intellectual awareness, ZBT places education and individual grades as a

    top priority because, without it, none of us could be gathered at the university. The

    house maintains a large 24/7 quiet study room on the third floor and provides weekly

    tutoring sessions to ensure all brothers maintain above a 2.5 GPA. Additionally, for three

    nights a week, the chapter room is converted from a primarily social gathering place to

    an academically centered study area. During these nights, numerous tables are set-up for

    brothers to congregate and study in a quiet, library setting. Since our brotherhood is so

    diverse, it is easy to seek help from another brother who has experience with your

    studies. Whether it be an upper-classman with the same major or a brother who is

    knowledgeable in your area of study, academic advising is always within an arms reach.

    The mission of the Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity (ZBT) is to foster and develop

    in its membership the tenets of its Credo: Intellectual Awareness, Social

    Responsibility, Integrity and Brotherly Love, in order to prepare its

    members for positions of leadership and service within their communities.

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    Social Responsibility

    Fraternity requires the individual to commit himself and accept his

    responsibility to participate.

    By putting a great amount of effort into any fraternity, you will gain friendship, brotherhood, and fond memories.

    By participating in as many activities as possible, you will meet many new people and be part of new experiences.

    The brothers of the Beta Alpha Theta chapter firmly believe that they will "get out what they put in." In other

    words, a member who participates, puts forth strong effort and continually exhibits good character will attain the

    most that fraternity has to offer. Conversely, a member who consistently misses chapter meetings, skips

    brotherhood events, and does "just enough to get by" will miss out on the life lessons, experience, alumni

    connections, and friendships that are unique to fraternity life.

    To push each other to excel and attain the most out of their university experience, the brothers of ZBT created apoint system called BATman (Beta Alpha Theta man). The system promotes brotherhood participation and

    rewards individuals for their involvement both inside and outside the fraternity. It ensures brothers receive the

    most the most balanced, exciting, and rewarding college experience possible by awarding BATman points for

    achievements such as:

    high GPA

    high chapter attendance

    completion of more than the minimum 10 community service hours

    involvement in extracurricular activities

    holding leadership positions within the house

    and much, much more!

    The point system is broken in to three tiers: Beta, Beta Alpha, and Beta Alpha Theta. Only 20% of those who join

    ZBT will graduate in the top tier (BAT) by excelling and showing their dedication to intellectual awareness, social

    responsibility, integrity, and brotherly love.

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    Fraternity generates a standard of personal integrity - a framework for the

    individual to maintain honesty, exhibit loyalty and retain a sense of self-


    Integrity is defined as adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character;

    honesty. To gain brotherhood status at ZBT, one must be a man of good integrity and

    character. Additionally, to maintain full brotherhood status, each member must continually

    exhibit the qualities associated with integrity and all Chapter standards. To ensure these

    standards are upheld, each ZBT chapter holds a Semi-Annual Brotherhood Review Vote (S.B.R.V.)

    at the end of each semester. Instituted nationally in 1989 in conjunction with the abolishment of

    pledging, the S.B.R.V. mandates that all ZBT chapters have a vote to see who, if anyone, should be

    removed from membership within the chapter. All brothers participate in, and are subject to, the

    anonymous vote, which are tallied by the Brotherhood Development Director. If a brother

    receives a simple majority of Nay votes, he is expelled from the fraternity. Expulsion typically

    occurs only when a brother consistently acts in a manner that severely damages the well-being,

    reputation, and safety of the brotherhood and community. Since the Beta Alpha Theta chapteronly rushes the highest caliber of men capable of upholding our standards of excellence,

    expulsion is an extremely rare occurrence.

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    Brotherly Love

    Fraternity inspires and expresses the interrelation of the individual with

    his fellows, his pride in the institution and respect for the wisdom of its


    At ZBT we pride ourselves on having one the closest brotherhood on campus; camaraderie

    is the best word to describe what we have. Here, each brother is a name, not just another

    number. Our chapter sense of brotherhood. In return, they get the most out of theircollege experience while being provided the tools and connections to be successful in life.

    To celebrate our brotherhood, ZBT organizes and hosts two annual retreats: Fall and

    Spring Formal. These formal events are held at the end of each semester and traditionally

    take place at a ski-resort in the Rocky Mountains. Each brother is allowed to bring a date

    to the weekend-long celebration that consists of a gourmet dinner, DJ-hosted dance party,

    and an award ceremony where individual brothers are recognized for their academic

    achievement, community involvement, and fraternal commitment.

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    To live up to brotherhood standards, each Zebe is required to complete a minimum of 10

    hours of community service per semester. Over the course of the most recent spring

    semester, the brothers at the Beta Alpha Theta chapter of ZBT far surpassed this minimum

    requirement, as the house collectively completed 454.5 hours of community service durin

    various events. Among these events was a brotherhood-wide effort to help build houses

    with Habitat for Humanity on February 12, 2011. Fifteen brothers spent their Saturday in

    Commerce City and worked on four different houses that were each at different stages oftheir construction. Eight of the brothers spent their time constructing a roof on one of the

    structures. Five brothers established the base of the unit, and assisted in constructing the

    walls of another unit. The other two brothers installed insulation and attached siding on

    the outside of the house. In total, the brothers gave one hundred and twelve hours of

    community service during this single event.

    ZBT Builds Houses with Habitat for Humanity

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    Every spring the brothers of ZBT organize a formal event to celebrate and reflect on the end of a school year. This

    event is much like the semi-formal held in the fall, with the exception that it traditionally takes place over the course

    of two nights instead of one. Formals are an important part of ZBT tradition and are always planned by the senior

    class. Although attendance is not mandatory, nearly all brothers do their best to save money in advance for the

    event. This one in particular was held at The Lodge and Spa at Breckinridge and boasted the highest brotherhood

    attendance in nearly four years. From freshmen to recently graduated alumni, nearly all brothers of the Beta Alpha

    Theta chapter gathered for a weekend of fun. The celebration culminated on Saturday night with a formal dinner,

    ceremony, and dance. During the ceremony several brothers are awarded for their outstanding accomplishments

    both inside and out of the fraternity. Brothers arrived at the lodge on Friday, April 22 nd and returned to the ZBT

    fraternity house on April 24th for one last week of classes. It is brotherhood bonding experiences such as these that

    remind everyone why it is truly great to be a Zebe.

    S rin Formal in Breckenrid e

    Greek Week, much like the name implies, is a Greek-wide event that takes place over

    the course of one week in the spring. Fraternities and Sororities are randomly paired

    together to participate in a variety of competitions and earn Greek Week points.

    Winning some events earns more points than others, but all are designed to encoura

    Greek pride and develop long lasting relationships with other Greek houses. Among

    these events are flag-football, volleyball, Miss Greek beauty pageant, and the mosthighly contended competition: Songfest. Songfest is a large dance competition where

    members from all house of a Greek Week team choreograph, practice, and perform a

    minute long routine. These dance routines are typically based upon the annual Greek

    Week theme. This years Greek Week theme was the Game of Life, and each house w

    randomly assigned one of the possible career outcomes from the popular board gam

    Among these careers were the doctor, rock star, school and teacher. This year ZBTs

    team was assigned the supermodel as their Game of Life theme and, accordingly,

    performed a model themed dance routine. Songfest is worth the most points out of a

    the events and nearly all teams begin practice several weeks before the competition

    At the end of the week, the team with the highest amount of points is deemed theGreek Week champions. Taking home the first place trophy is one of the most highly

    coveted prizes within the Greek system as it reflects house organization, dedication,

    and participation. This year ZBT was proud to be paired with the Kappa Kappa Gamm

    sorority and the Chi Psi and Alpha Gamma Omega fraternities for Greek Week. While

    our team did not take home first prize in Songfest or Greek Week this year, the

    brothers had a blast making new friendships with members of the other houses and

    look forward to participating again next year.

    Greek Week 2011

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    Last semester the Beta Alpha Theta chapter was proud to host its first annual Fathers Weekend. This fun filled weekend,

    planned by Internal Vice President David Peurye-Hissong, kicked off on Friday, February 4th with a meet-and-greet Pass th

    Staff ritual, barbeque, and father-son poker tournament. The Pass the Staff ritual allows fathers and sons to introduce

    themselves to the brotherhood and share their thoughts and experiences of ZBT. During the event a traditional ZBT staff is

    passed around the room between each person. While in possession of the staff, an individual is allowed to speak their minand share their thoughts without interruption or judgment. Once everyone introduced themselves, the BBQ and father-son

    poker tournament began. Everyone in attendance competed for the top prizes and bragging rights as the tournament laste

    late into the night. The first place family won the honor of having their name engraved on the Fathers Weekend trophy. Th

    also received first pick between a variety of prizes such as CU memorabilia, high quality cigars and gift cards. This years

    winners were Nicholas Lubell, his father and uncle. On Saturday, the brothers and fathers went on a tour of Coors brewery

    Golden, CO and Sunday was designated a free-day to give fathers and sons a chance to explore Boulder together. Overal

    the weekend was a complete success and the brothers cannot wait to host it again next year!

    Fun at Father's Weekend

    Every year the brothers at the Beta Alpha Theta chapter t

    to give back to the campus and community through diffe

    philanthropic events. One of ZBTs most notable

    philanthropies is the annual Get on the Ball fundraiser.

    this event, brothers take turns rolling a large, inflatable b

    around campus for several hours a day over the course o

    week to petition signatures from fellow CU students. Fo

    each signature on the ball, money is donated to charity. T

    keep track of the signatures on the ball, students are also

    required to sign a paper petition. This year ZBT raised a t

    of $1,473 for the Council for Inclusion, Leadership and

    Advocacy (CILA). CILA is a CU campus organization that w

    to dispel stigmas about being disabled and raise awarene

    about disabilities, all while teaching their group member

    be better leaders for themselves in school and in their

    communities. The philanthropic efforts gained local

    recognition, as the ball being rolled around campus was

    publicized in the Boulder Daily Camera.

    Get on the Ball

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    Fraternity Leaders Academy 201

    Every semester the Inter Fraternity Council (IFC) holds a

    fraternity leadership retreat at the YMCA cabins in Este

    Park, CO. Each fraternity in the Greek system selects tw

    promising young members to send on the weekend lon

    event. During the retreat the young members are taugh

    what it takes to run a successful fraternity from the IFC

    executive board as well as past chapter and IFC

    presidents. These notable guest speakers share stories,

    experiences, and advice to the attendees. Numerous

    workshops are also held to give the young men an

    opportunity to work through different scenarios and

    challenges they might face as a potential fraternity

    leader. To promote inter-fraternity relations, theseactivities are performed in small teams with members

    from other fraternity houses. The workshop is designed

    to educate and encourage individuals to pursue

    leadership roles both inside and outside of their

    respective fraternity. This year freshmen Matthew Stav

    and sophomore Andrew Bridgers were selected to atte

    the retreat; both have since displayed interest in holdin

    an executive position within ZBT.

    On Saturday, March 12, 2011 six

    brothers of the Beta Alpha Theta chaptercompeted and took home the gold

    medal in Delta Gammas annual Anchor

    Olympics philanthropy. This Greek-wide

    fundraiser is held in support of Service

    for the Sight, a charity that promotes

    awareness and provides care to those

    afflicted of blindness and visual

    impairment. Money raised from the

    event is donated to Delta Gammas local

    Anchor Center in Denver which educatesand provides treatment to visually

    impaired infants, young children and

    their families. Every fraternity in the

    Boulder Greek system competed in a

    variety of fun, athletic events such as a

    basketball tournament, two-legged relay

    race, and pie eating contest. While the

    six ZBT brothers did not place first in

    every event, their overall team score

    surpassed the rest, earning them firstprize! The Beta Alpha Theta chapter

    congratulates Matthew Ellman, Keith

    Brady, Devin Hegger, Hunter Hoopes,

    Ryan Roden, and Ryan Lewis for their

    hard work and dedication in the Anchor

    Olympics competition.

    ZBT Places First in

    Delta Gamma's

    Anchor Olympics

    Spring Letter from the PresidenSpring semester was a very busy few months for Beta Alp

    Theta. In my previous three years in the fraternity, I had

    seen the amount of commitment to the community as I s

    this semester. It was great to see so many individuals do

    something to make a positive impact. Not only did we

    complete over 400 hours of community service, with

    everyones help we also collected over 450 pounds of

    clothing that was donated to a local church. From our

    seniors to freshman, everyone was very dedicated to

    making Zeta Beta Tau the best it could be. I look forward

    having all the brothers back in the August, and carrying t

    momentum through the fall semester.
