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2011 Summer MSConnection

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MSConnection published by the Hampton Roads Chapter of the National MS Society
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® MOVING TOWARD A WORLD FREE OF MS | Summer 2011 INSIDE THIS ISSue HampTon roadS CHapTer i CONNECT WITh AN MSFRIEND page 3 research next Steps page 6 Letter Writing Campaign page 11 Try Something new page 14 hISTORIC WILLIAMSbuRG ChALLENGE WALk MS SEpTEMbER 10 & 11 CROWNE pLAzA FORT MAGRuDER Close your eyes and picture a hundred people wearing bright orange shirts walking down the Duke of Gloucester Street in Colonial Williamsburg chanting “What do we want? A Cure!! When do we want it? Now!!” See them? Hear them? If you don’t, you can…by registering to walk or volunteer for Challenge Walk MS. Challenge Walk MS is a 30-mile, 2-day walk raising essential funds for education, direct support, advocacy, and research for people living with the challenge of MS. It’s not about being athletic, it’s about showing compassion. It is truly about accomplishing in two days what many never accomplish in a lifetime, much less attempt. Join us as the Hampton Roads Chapter organizes our third Annual Challenge Walk MS in the historic triangle of Williamsburg, Yorktown and Jamestown, Virginia. Our host hotel is the Crowne Plaza Williamsburg at Fort Magruder, our start location will be Surrender Field in Yorktown and our route will be through the Yorktown battlefields and Colonial Williamsburg - beautiful and historic venues that will draw walkers from all over the country. We need your help in a myriad of ways. Historic Williamsburg Walk 2011 CONtINueD ON PAGe 5




HampTon roadS CHapTer


research next Stepspage 6

Letter Writing Campaignpage 11

Try Something newpage 14

hISTORIC WILLIAMSbuRG ChALLENGE WALk MSSEpTEMbER 10 & 11 CROWNE pLAzA FORT MAGRuDERClose your eyes and picture a hundred people wearing bright orange shirts walking down the Duke of Gloucester Street in Colonial Williamsburg chanting “What do we want? A Cure!! When do we want it? Now!!” See them? Hear them? If you don’t, you can…by registering to walk or volunteer for Challenge Walk MS.

Challenge Walk MS is a 30-mile, 2-day walk raising essential funds for education, direct support, advocacy, and research for people living with the challenge of MS. It’s not about being athletic, it’s about showing compassion. It is truly about accomplishing in two days what many never accomplish in a lifetime, much less attempt.

Join us as the Hampton Roads Chapter organizes our third Annual Challenge Walk MS in the historic triangle of Williamsburg, Yorktown and Jamestown, Virginia. Our host hotel is the Crowne Plaza Williamsburg at Fort Magruder, our start location will be Surrender Field in Yorktown and our route will be through the Yorktown battlefields and Colonial Williamsburg - beautiful and historic venues that will draw walkers from all over the country. We need your help in a myriad of ways.

Historic WilliamsburgWalk 2011


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COMMuNITY CALENDARPrograms in this section are not organized by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.

Multiple Sclerosis Educational Group

the Multiple Sclerosis educational Group is your opportunity to exchange information and coping strategies and get the latest on MS research and treatment in a comfortable and confidential environment. this program is designed for multiple sclerosis patients, caregivers, and families.

4th tuesday of the Month at 5:30 pm Neurosciences Conference Room Riverside Medical Office Building 12200 Warwick Blvd. Newport News, VA 23601

the group is offered by Riverside Center for Neurosciences and meets on an ongoing basis.

For more information call (757) 875-7880.

MS Information and Encouragement Group

3rd thursday of the Month at 7 pm Sandbridge Community Chapel Community Center Building 3041 Sandpiper Road Virginia Beach, VA 23456

For more information, please contact Mike Finch at [email protected] or by phone at 757-721-3105 (please leave message)--email preferred.


Publication of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society Hampton Roads Chapter760 Lynnhaven Parkway, Suite 201Virginia Beach, VA 23452

Chapter Chairman Jim Dyche

Chapter President Sharon L. Grossman

Newsletter editor Robyn M. Hirsch

Information provided by the Society is based upon professional advice, published, experience and expert opinion. Information provided in response to questions does not constitute therapeutic recommendations or prescriptions. the National Multiple Sclerosis Society recommends that all questions and information be discussed with a personal physician.

the Society does not endorse products, services or manufacturers. Such names appear here solely because they are considered valuable information. the Society assumes no liability for the use of contents or any product or service mentioned.

the mission of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society is to end the devastating effects of Multiple Sclerosis.

If you or someone you know has MS: Studies show that early and ongoing treatment with an FDA-approved therapy can reduce future disease activity and improve quality of life for many people with multiple sclerosis. talk to your health care professional or contact the National MS Society at www.nationalMSsociety.org or 1-800-344-4867 to learn about ways to help manage multiple sclerosis and about current research that may one day reveal a cure.

© 2011 National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Hampton Roads Chapter

OFFICE CLOSING:please note that

the Chapter office will be closed

June 8, 9, 10, 2011.

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hELp & SuppORT

No matter how wonderful friends and family can be, there are times when people want to talk to someone who understands exactly what they are going through—someone who has MS, too.

that’s where MSFriends come

in. Volunteers with MS connect with callers to share how they live with MS and to help with problem-solving or challenges people with MS face in relationships. they may also help with symptom management. People can call to speak to an MSFriend at 866-673-7436, 7 a.m. until midnight, eastern time. Or they can leave a message and get a call back the next day.

the program got its start in 2005 under the umbrella of the VisionWorks Foundation, but is now being administered directly by the Society. “this allows us to expand the ways people living with MS can connect,” said Kimberly Koch, MPA, associate vice president, Family and Support Programs for the Society. “It’s nationwide, so people can get involved even if their chapter doesn’t have a peer support program.”

there are currently about 40 volunteers. Koch hopes to expand this to about 100. All have MS themselves, but in the future, other family members or care partners may be recruited. the main difference between the Society’s MS Navigator® program and MSFriends is that the Navigators’ primary job is to get people referred

and connected to resources, while the Friends’ job is to listen and provide emotional support. If you’d like to be an MSFriend, call us about training.

MSFriends averages 9,000 calls a year, and they are completely confidential. “MSFriends allows people to connect when they feel like it, unlike self-help groups, which meet at a specific time,” said Koch. “If your question comes up at an odd hour, there’s a place to reach out for support.”

Kim, diagnosed in 2000


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Was I imagining eyes on me as I crossed the room? No. they were watching me.

It seemed like hours to walk across the dining room to the cafeteria line the first time I used my cane. I was

embarrassed and self-conscious. I was not yet 40 years old; it was the 16th year of my MS diagnosis. My physical therapist suggested I use a cane to get around since my balance was off and my legs were weak. She told me a cane would give me more support and stability, and keep me from falling and breaking a bone. It would also signal others to be careful around me, to give me a little more space. It made good sense—but it made me feel like a nerd.

People had known for years that I had MS; now messages filtered back to me via friends that “Karen’s MS is really bad. She is walking with a cane now!” there are many invisible MS symptoms, but using a cane is a dead giveaway of weakness in my body and the progression of the disease.

In a world where physical appearance and independence are so highly valued, walking with a cane through a public place was not easy. I was

proud. the cane showed my physical weakness. I felt like I was the entertainment of the day.

After a few weeks, I just accepted it as part of the many losses of living with MS. If someone stared at me, I stared back at them and asked “What?!” I told them I used a cane for safety.

the irony was that as much I tried to fight the emotional stigma of using a cane, I came to appreciate how much better I walked with one. eventually, I realized the cane was part of accepting reality—acknowledging that I had a chronic disease and needed a walking aid.

I swallowed my pride in two ways: I reminded myself that I could still walk, although in a limited way, and I remembered that nobody’s perfect.

Karen Zielinski is a Franciscan nun and director of the Canticle Studio for the Sisters of St. Francis of Sylvania, Ohio. She is a freelance writer and former Board chair of the Northwestern Ohio Chapter.



Go to Walking (Gait), balance & Coordination problems at

www.nationalMSsociety.org/walking_gait_problems for an overview of resources

and a list of articles, brochures and videos exploring what can be done for walking

problems. Or call us for help! 757-490-9627.


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WALkYou will meet people who will become friends for a lifetime and achieve more than you ever thought possible all the while raising money to move us toward a world free of multiple sclerosis.

pROCuREWe will be hosting hundreds of walkers from around Virginia and across the nation. We’ll need help in securing donations of all of the various and sundry supplies and support needed to hold such a significant event. Imagine taking care of more than 300 guests for 2 days and 30 miles and you can begin to understand our needs. Perhaps you have access to or ideas about how to get the donations we need.

VOLuNTEERthe Challenge Walk MS has several types of partners …. Crew members make a commitment to help before, during and after the event and take a leadership role. Super-crew members are extra special - on top of their help, they also take on the challenge of raising money. Volunteers take a shift or two during the weekend – perhaps manning a rest stop or registration. Whichever you may choose, all jobs are important to the success of the event and the Chapter!

For more information and to register, visit our online Challenge Walk MS Headquarters at www.fightMS.com or call 757-490-9627.

CONtINueD FROM COVeR SOCIETY’S ChIEF RESEARCh OFFICER NAMEDDr. timothy Coetzee is the Society’s new chief research officer, effective January 1, 2011. Dr. Coetzee has researched MS his entire career. Most recently, he was instrumental in founding Fast Forward, the research subsidiary of the National MS Society that focuses on speeding new treatments to market, and served as its president from 2006 to 2010. He received his PhD in microbiology and immunology from Albany Medical College, N.Y., in 1993, and in 1995, received the Society’s Advanced Postdoctoral Fellowship to support his research on the structure and function of myelin. He joined the Society’s Research Department in 2000, where, among other accomplishments, he helped establish the translational Research Partnerships in Nervous System Repair and Protection in MS, a five-year commitment to fund four large collaborative research teams focused on developing tools and strategies to promote nervous system repair and protection in MS.

bOARD NOMINATIONthe National MS Society, Hampton Roads Chapter will hold its Annual Membership Meeting in Fall. During that meeting the members will elect the Board of trustees for the coming year. If you are interested in serving on the Board, or would like to propose an individual for consideration by the Nominating Committee of the Board, please submit a letter of interest and resume to:

Nominating Committee, Hampton Roads Chapter760 Lynnhaven Parkway, Suite 201Virginia Beach, VA 23452.

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the turn of the year saw MS researchers assessing their progress in a number of areas. A think tank on progressive MS brought together MS investigators, research funding agencies and industry representatives. And, in January, Dr. timothy Coetzee, chief research officer of the Society (see News), moderated a panel of MS researchers in a live webcast, “Repairing the Nervous System in MS: Progress and Next Steps.”

HoW doeS mS progreSS?At the think tank, which was hosted by the Society and its commercial drug development entity Fast Forward last December in Boston, Society President and CeO Joyce Nelson pointed out that progressive MS is the centerpiece of the Society’s Strategic Response for the next five years, with a focus on:

• Researching what leads to disease progression,

• Finding ways to repair damage to the nervous system,

• Accelerating the development of new therapies.

BeTTer IdenTIFICaTIon FaSTer

Finding ways to more quickly identify progressive MS based on biology rather than on symptoms would mean therapies could be tested earlier in the course of the disease and possibly protect the nervous system from injury.

Some evidence indicates that nerve degeneration occurs independently of inflammatory events, but there is other evidence that degeneration stops when inflammation subsides. therefore, more research is needed to understand the cause of underlying nerve damage in progressive MS and to identify new targets for therapies. Participants also discussed the need for biomarkers—“footprints” that could help identify or predict MS progression. think tank participants reported that steady progress is being made in finding noninvasive ways of detecting nervous system damage and whether protection or repair are taking place.

addITIonaL ISSueS

the participants discussed other important issues, as well. Many clinical trials do not run long enough to make clear whether there is an effect against slow progression. the traditional measurement of disability progression, the eDSS scale, is not sensitive to subtle change, which poses a problem in monitoring progressive MS.


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And, some previous trials used a mixed population of people with primary progressive MS and secondary progressive MS. Since it’s not clear that all types of progressive MS would respond the same way, mixing participants may be one reason that some past trials were not successful.

For a complete wrap-up of the meeting and a webcast featuring a panel of several participants, visit www.nationalMSsociety.org/thinktank.

repaIrIng THe nerVouS SySTem

On January 11, Dr. Coetzee, chief research officer of the National MS Society, was joined by Drs. Peter Calabresi, Ian D. Duncan, Charles ffrench-Constant and Gavin Giovannoni for the webcast, “Repairing the Nervous System in MS: Progress and Next Steps.” the four researchers recently served as leaders of four international teams in the National MS Society’s Nervous System Repair and Protection Initiative, funded through the Promise: 2010 campaign.

the investigators discussed research on the ways that nerve fibers, or axons, and their protective myelin coatings are damaged. Certain drugs the experts have studied seem to prevent nerve cells from dying in an animal model. Since some of these drugs are commercially available right now for other

diseases, they are good candidates for future clinical trials.

neW drugS emergIng

the researchers also talked about repairing the nervous system by stimulating the body’s own repair cells to be more active or by trying several types of stem cells to repair myelin. Part of the conversation included how newer approved treatments may help in the battle to protect the nervous system in people with MS.

“For the first time we’re really starting to see the emergence of very, very effective drugs for treating inflammation,” Dr. Giovannoni said, noting that these therapies might also help to stave off nervous system damage and allow natural repair processes to work, although this has not yet been proven. “We’ve seen people who have highly active disease going on these drugs and improving,” he said.

For a full report or to read a transcript of the webcast, visit www.nationalMSsociety.org/webcasts.

part of the conversation included how newer approved treatments may help

in the battle to protect the nervous system in

people with MS.


Get the latest news on research in your inbox. Go to


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In order to qualify for SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance) benefits, a person needs to have paid sufficient FICA taxes, thereby earning “work credits,” in addition

to having a disability that makes holding a regular job impossible. Visit www.ssa.gov/pubs/10029.html for an overview of eligibility requirements and work credits, which are earned each quarter of a year an individual is employed.

the SSA (Social Security Administration) recognizes MS-related difficulty with motor skills, concentration, memory, fatigue, vision or side effects of medications as among the criteria for receiving benefits.

the SSA will require the following:

• the names and contact information of doctors, caseworkers, hospitals and clinics involved, the dates of visits and copies of any medical records.

• the names and dosages of all prescription medicines.

• Laboratory and test results.

• Work records from your employer. Letters from colleagues or supervisors that support the claim.

STarT THe proCeSS Ask your neurologist (and occupational therapist, if relevant) to evaluate your ability to continue working. “Make sure you have your doctor’s help and encouragement from the beginning,” said Kris erickson, MSCIR, MSSMC, health insurance manager of the National MS Society. “Without that, your claim may be turned down and you’ll have to appeal.”

“We also recommend that you journal your symptoms,” erickson added. “A description of what is happening on a day-to-day basis can make a big difference, especially if you have invisible MS symptoms. Saying ‘extremely tired,’ for example, is less useful than saying ‘MS fatigue, four 45-minute naps a day that interfere with bathing, eating, cleaning the house.’”

You can apply online at www.socialsecurity.gov/applyfordisability. Or call 800-772-1213 to schedule an in-person or phone appointment. Keep copies of all the information you give to or receive from the SSA, as well as the contact information for your SSA interviewer. Be patient, persistent and punctual. “And don’t be afraid to ask for help,” erickson said. An MS Navigator® can provide you with materials to help with the initial application; call 757-490-9627. In the event of a rejection, the Navigator will connect you with the appropriate professionals to assist in organizing an appeal. For more information, visit www.nationalMSsociety.org/SSDI or www.socialsecurity.gov/disability.




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the donation of your car, truck, motorcycle, or trailer to the AutOS-4-MS program can be used to help fund critical research for MS. unlike other vehicle donation programs, the National MS Society receives 100% of the proceeds from these sales. these dollars fund programs and services for people living with MS, as well as research that will move us closer to a cure.

HoW do I donaTe?

When you are ready to donate, call the toll free telephone number at 1-877-672-8864 or fill out the online donation form available at www.autos4ms.org. Next, fax a clear copy of the front and back of your title to 1-877-672-2774. Once your vehicle is accepted, our towing company will contact you to schedule a pick up time at no cost to you.

Your vehicle donation is tax deductible. the National MS Society is a non-profit 501(C)3 corporation, so your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowable by law. Please refer to your tax professional for specific details.

For more information, visit www.autos4ms.org or call us at 1-877-672-8864.



!!Your Hampton Roads chapter is on facebook with more than 1000 fans!!! If you haven’t already joined us, search National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Hampton Roads Chapter and become a fan. Stop by to get information on upcoming events, connect with others, and share your story.

every voice counts and we need to hear yours. through facebook your voice will reach others that may never get the chance to learn about MS and how they can help us move closer to finding a cure. By joining, your friends will see your activity and passion for our cause. every post you make will be seen by all of your friends increasing their awareness of the important work being done in the search for a cure. We post news on the latest research, fund raising efforts, and achievements. Your facebook page will also be your new fundraising tool. With Boundless Fundraising, people can donate to your Bike MS, Challenge Walk MS, Walk MS, or Go Vertical for MS fund with a simple click of the mouse. Your goal and total will be posted on your wall, making it easy for your friends to see your progress and how they can be a part of your effort.

this is your place to be encouraged and encourage others. the more you participate, the more attention you gain for a great cause.

maKe a dIFFerenCe. maKe your VoICe Heard. BeCome a Fan.

Go to http://www.facebook.com/NMSShRC and click “LIkE”

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the Hampton Roads Chapter is looking for some help in the MS Office. We are getting ready to lose the last of our AARP receptionist ladies; therefore, we are in need of one, two or more Administrative Volunteers to fill in at the front desk. Please read over the job description, qualifications, and benefits and let us know if you would be interested.

JoB deSCrIpTIon For admInISTraTIVe VoLunTeer• Greet visitors, sign for packages and gather information from and /or for walk-in clients• Answer telephones• Connect calls to staff members internally or to the IRC (Information Referral Center) externally• take paper registrations via telephone for programs and events• Keep RSVP list for requested events or programs• Assist with mailings, filing, printing and other collaborative projects

QuaLIFICaTIonS• excellent communication skills and telephone etiquette• Good organizational skills• excellent listening skills• enjoy helping others • Detail-oriented

BeneFITS• Learns new skills: Customer Service training and Instruction on our Phone System• Opportunity to meet new people• Fantastic chance to acquire professional references• Help to fulfill a mission for a national nonprofit organization

the position will be available starting the week of June 20, 2011. Please call (757) 490-9627 or email Karla McCarraher at [email protected] if you would be interested in joining the MS team.


MEET MIChELLE WENTWe’re thrilled to introduce our Community Development Intern, Michelle Went. Michelle graduated from Norfolk State university with a degree in Information Systems and is currently studying for her MBA at Old Dominion university. Michelle is the event Coordinator for our new Stair Climb event and is supporting the chapter as a Volunteer Coordinator for Bike MS, too. She is a wonderful addition to our staff!

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2011 VIRGINIA ADVOCACY LETTER WRITING CAMpAIGNthis summer, join MS Activists across the Commonwealth in writing a letter to your local and/or state legislators. tell the legislator about the 2011 legislative priority that interests you the most and share your story:

• Improve access to affordable and accessible housing. • Increase the efficiency and coordination of accessible transportation. • Make cost-sharing for prescription medication more affordable. • Develop a system of coordinated and quality respite care in the state. • ensure people with disabilities receive necessary workplace accommodations and adaptations.


Dear Delegate/Senator___________,

My name is ___________, I have multiple sclerosis (MS) and I am an active volunteer for the Hampton Roads Chapter of the National MS Society. I am writing to tell you about one of our 2011 policy priorities and how it directly impacts my family. this year, we are advocating for [insert legislative priority] example: affordable cost-sharing for prescription medication.

[Your story here] example: I feel blessed to have the good insurance coverage that I have, but it is difficult for some to understand the true cost of medications for families impacted by chronic illness. MS therapies do not have any generic alternatives. As a result, people often pay 25-35% of the monthly cost of their MS drug. For some, this expense can be as high as $700-800 a month! In our family of four, we spend $405 per month on our prescriptions. to put this in perspective, that is our third highest expense, surpassed only by our mortgage and grocery costs. We pay more for our medications than for our cars, our power bill, our oil bill, and other necessities. [Insert specific request here] example: I advocate for limiting “out-of-pocket” costs for prescription drugs in order to make them more affordable for families like mine.

I hope that I will have the opportunity to visit you in your district office to discuss how we can [Rephrase legislative priority and/or specific request] example: increase access to medication and make cost-sharing more affordable for Virginians. thank you for your time.

Sincerely, ________________

It is important for us to track our advocacy efforts. Please send a copy of your letter to Ashley Chapman, the Virginia Statewide Advocacy Manager: email - [email protected], Fax - (804) 353-5595, Mailing Address - 4200 Innslake Dr, Suite 301, Glen Allen, VA 23060.

If you need assistance with writing your letter or you would like tips on how to conduct your follow up legislative visit, contact Ashley Chapman at 804-353-5595.



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Once again, it has been a busy legislative season in Virginia. this year’s General Assembly session was short; state legislators only had 46 days to meet and review hundreds of pending bills! Our MS Activists were hard at work attending meetings and hearings and communicating with their state legislators.

In January, over 40 MS Activists from all four chapters of the National MS Society in Virginia participated in our annual MS Legislative Action Day. they gathered in Richmond to meet with legislators and discuss our 2011 policy priorities. these volunteers asked their legislators to improve access to affordable housing, increase the efficiency and coordination of accessible transportation, expand access to expensive disease-modifying therapies, strengthen respite care programs and preserve disability rights in the workplace. In conjunction with our visit to Richmond, we held our second-annual Virtual Advocacy Day. Participants followed our advocacy efforts on twitter and facebook, updated their statuses and sent emails to their legislators informing them of our policy priorities.

Here is an update on the outcome of three of the bills that our MS Activists spoke with their legislators about during our Legislative Action Day:

house bill 1950, Patroned by Delegate Villanueva will help people who are interested in modifying their homes to make them accessible by increasing the Livable Home tax Credit from $2,000 to $5,000. the bill also allows developers to receive the credit so that more homes will be built using universal design standards. HB 1950 was signed into law by the Governor on March 22, 2011.

Senate bill 1165, Patroned by Senator Reynolds directs the State Corporation Commission to establish limitations on the authority of electric utilities to terminate electric service to the residence of a customer who has a serious medical condition or resides with a family member with a serious medical condition. SB 1165 was signed into law by the Governor on March 26, 2011.

the National MS Society also worked with Delegate O’Bannon to introduce House Joint Resolution 579 – which would have authorized the Joint Commission on Health Care (JCHC) to study cost-sharing for prescription medication and outline solutions for making prescription medication more affordable. unfortunately, our bill did not make it out of committee but we are working with the JCHC to conduct the study independently.

Our MS Activists are still hard at work. the Virginia Chapters of the National MS Society are hosting a letter writing campaign. Join us by writing a personalized letter to your local or state legislator! In your letter, focus on one of our Virginia priority issues and share your story about living with MS. Policymakers appreciate hearing directly from their constituents. In fact, the thoughts and opinions you share in your letter just might influence public policy!

For more information about the 2011 General Assembly session or the letter writing campaign (featured on page 11), please contact Ashley Chapman, the Virginia Statewide Advocacy Manager at [email protected]. You can also Follow Ashley on twitter (www.twitter.com/vaMScan) and facebook (www.facebook.com/advocacyVA)!



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thanks to the more than 1,300 participants who joined the movement to create a world free of MS on April 9 at the Mariners’ Museum and April 10 at Mt. trashmore. You made a difference in the lives of the over

2,800 area residents and their families who live with the challenges of this disease every day.

We’re thrilled to announce that our walkers have raised more than five percent more funds this year! these funds provide vital research and programs such as financial assistance, educational teleconferences, information and referral services, durable medical equipment, and so much more.

We also loved the addition of the team Village and look forward to seeing it grow! So many Walk teams participated helping to make Walk MS the true rallying point in the community for people living with MS. Congratulations to the winners of the team tent Decorating Contest: Mariners’ Museum winner Movers and Shakers and the Mt.

trashmore winner NMItC. each team won tickets to Ocean Breeze!

Of course the Walk could not go on without the many volunteers whose hard work and dedication helped make the walks such great events!

We LooK ForWard To SeeIng you nexT SprIng!


On thursday, July 14 we’re holding our first Waterside Walk MS event in Downtown Norfolk!

Walk MS is our rallying point, a time and a place for us to stand together and to be together — to help raise critical funds that support cutting edge research, drive change through advocacy, facilitate professional education and provide programs and services to help people with MS move their lives forward.

Waterside Walk MS is a different kind of walk!

We’re walking after work! Join us for a brisk or leisurely walk through downtown Norfolk. We’ll finish at Waterside Marketplace for a fun-filled happy hour with live music and more!

Thursday, July 14 Waterside Marketplace Check-in: 4:30 pM Announcements: 5:10 pM Walk begins: 5:20 pM

Online registration is open. everyone who raises $100 receives a t-shirt!


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STATEWIDE SpONSOR: atlantic Bay mortgage group

pLATINuM SpONSOR: 94.9 The point

RubY SpONSOR: emd Serono, TJ maxx


FOOD FINISh SpONSORS: Forbidden City, Starbuck’s Coffee

EMERALD SpONSOR: Teva neuroscience

TAbLE SpONSORS: Hampton roads neurology, Questcor

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CHaLLenge WaLK mS – SepTemBer 10 & 11, 2011

the Challenge Walk could not happen without the dedication and support of over 100 volunteers. these individuals bring energy and excitement to the event and assist with all types of tasks. From checking-in Walkers and assisting at rest stops, to driving support vehicles and decorating, there are numerous volunteer positions that will match your interests.

Many volunteers support a friend or family member who is walking. Others volunteer because someone close to them has MS. Some volunteers have no previous connection to MS or the Society and volunteer simply to give back to the community. All of these people are committed to making a difference.

For more information contact Karla McCarraher at 757-490-9627 or [email protected].

STaIr CLImB – SepTemBer 24, 2011

On Saturday, September 24, 2011, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Hampton Roads Chapter, is holding our first “Go Vertical for MS” Stair Climb fundraising event at the Westin Virginia Beach town Center. “Go Vertical for MS” is a thrilling and unique fitness fundraising event, where Climbers may use any combination of walking, running and resting to traverse 36 flights of stairs in a test of endurance.

We are looking for dedicated volunteers to contribute your energy and passion to help the Climbers reach the top of the Westin. Some of the available positions are: Set-up/Breakdown team, Information team, Participant Support team, Rest Stops, Medical Support & Registration.

this is a perfect opportunity to Join the Movement!

For more information, contact Michelle Went or Karla McCarraher at 757-490-9627 or by email at [email protected] or [email protected].

Historic WilliamsburgWalk 2011




VISIT our WeBSITe To FInd ouT more - WWW.FIGhTMS.COM

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People will do anything to avoid taking the stairs! But on Saturday, September 24, we will “Go Vertical for MS” all the way to the top of the Westin town Center in Virginia Beach. the Hampton Roads Chapter is one of four chapters to coordinate a Stair Climb fundraising event. the coolest part? Participants will have the option to climb in the tallest structure between Philadelphia and Charlotte, NOT once, OR twice, buT three times!

Standing over 500 feet high, the Westin Virginia Beach town Center is the ideal venue for this extreme contest. Climbers may use any combination of walking, running and resting to traverse 36 flights of stairs. the event invites those age 14 and older to participate in the competitive or for fun in the non-competitive category. Non-competitive participants will run or walk up 36 flights of stairs of Westin Virginia Beach town Center. Competitive participants receive timing chips and have the option of climbing 36, 72, 108 flights of stairs.

Online registration is now open at fightMS.com for individual participants’ and team members! Registration for non-competitive participants is $15 per person. Registration for competitive participants is $25 per person. Non-competitive and competitive participants are required to raise a minimum of $100 to participate. teams must consist of a minimum of 4 people. there is no maximum number of team members. teams consisting of military, firefighters, emergency responders and police officers will be assigned a specific start time so they can climb together. Start times will be distributed closer to the event. Firefighters are encouraged to climb wearing their helmets, jackets and boots! Participants and their

burning thighs may be glad to know that they will have an effortless ride to the ground floor in the Westin’s elevator.

“Go Vertical for MS” is a thrilling and unique fundraising event for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society that embodies the Society’s campaign to Join the Movement. It’s an opportunity for enthusiastic and motivated stair climbers from all over Hampton Roads to come together and bring us closer to a world free of MS. Questions? Please contact Michelle Went, Development Intern, at 757-490-9627 or by email at [email protected].



16 | JoIn THe moVemenT: nationalmSsociety.org


Imagine riding in our Bike MS event on the eastern Shore. It’s a beautiful late spring day, the sun is out but shielded by a few clouds and it’s a perfect 75 degrees with no wind. Suddenly, your rear bicycle tire is touched by the cyclist’s front tire who is drafting behind you. And down you go! Of course, all of you cyclists know that drafting and pace lines are not permitted on the Bike MS Ride! Fortunately, there is a dedicated group of gentlemen- with the help of some ladies - to perform first aid and help you continue (or not) on the ride.

this group not only commits to a three-day weekend every year for Bike MS, but they take an active role in our Bike Committee helping plan the safest ride possible. Year after year, they replenish the first aid kits, help determine proper procedures of protocol, load supply trucks, monitor the bike route for cyclists in need of emergency medical treatment, as well as handle dehydration, muscle injuries, bee stings

and road rash. Of course, they also perform beautifully in the Saturday evening Program as Hula Girls and Village People!

Our medics are essential to a successful event. We are proud to say that we have a strong core group that we know we can depend on. their professionalism and expertise is appreciated by the chapter staff and those who have had to rely on their services.

We are grateful to the entire eMS team: Mike Carden, Dave Seitz, Bobby Matthews, Gerald Dermandy, Jason thurston, Shane Lyle and Alice Olenik. thanks to Mike Carden for taking the lead role decades ago and putting together such an amazing team!

You can get involved with Bike MS, too! Join us June 4 and 5 on the eastern Shore for the Virginia’s Ocean to Bay Ride. Online registration is available at fightMS.com for cyclists and volunteers!




Dennis bohlander Beverly & David Butler elizabeth uziel Margret utech Mary Seemueller Nancy Mattis

bernie Florin Sharon & Michael Grossman

Darlene hurst William enzebacher

Glen F. Latham, Jr. Kathy & Steve Lobacz

Carson William Mason II emilee Mason

Elliot pogolowitz Sharon & Michael Grossman

Rhonda T. Roehr Barry einheber Charles & Annis Craft Charles & Jennifer Harper Colonial Williams Foundation Hugh & Joan McVicker James City County Adult Coed Soccer League: David & Christine Wilcox Brian & Keira Reese Amy Fox Jackson Coleman John & Susan Horne Kieran & Ellen Kennedy

Judith & Dennis trent Louise O Holladay Lucy & Michael Sukman Mary Lou & William Rucker Michele & Larry Linn Nancy & Gary Ruhland Patricia Riffel Roberta Cardwell Shirley & Bland Stein Shirley & Maurice West trudy Robins Virginia Chefs Apprentice Program Warwick Moose Lode #1711

Martin Rosenberg Marilyn einheber

Al Smith Patrick & Mary Ann thomas

Rae Stein Wendy & Ron Brodsky

E. Thomas Tillett Linda trout – Jordan

Mary Sue Vick Alfred Morgan Betty & Linwood Moore Betty Bowden Billy & Aleene Hayes Ceil Morgan Dana & Jeffrey Cavallo Danielle & Ronald Gray Debbie Knapp eureka Baptist Church Peggy & Gerald Carr Sheila & Gerald Gwaltney Sheryl Kellum

Sam White Sharon & Michael Grossman

MEMORIAL GIFTS & TRIbuTES hONOR LOVED ONESthe Hampton Roads Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society would like to sincerely thank the generous contributors who made memorial and tribute gifts between January 22, 2011 and April 25, 2011. the memory of a loved one, or the excitement of a special occasion, lives on through these thoughtful gifts.


ToLL Free numBer 1 800 344 4867 | 17


If you would like to make a memorial or tribute gift,

please contact the chapter at 757-490-9627 or visit


18 | JoIn THe moVemenT: nationalmSsociety.org



CONGRATuLATIONS TO ThE 2011 SChOLARShIp WINNERS!the National MS Society and the Hampton Roads Chapter hear all too often that the economic consequences of MS delays or prevents qualified students from attending college. the challenges of living with MS make funding a college education hard and there are very few known sources of scholarship assistance specially targeted for these families.the National Multiple Sclerosis Society strongly believes that MS shouldn’t stand in the way of an education. therefore, in 2003 the Society established a scholarship program to specifically help these highly qualified students achieve their academic potential.the Scholarship Program annually recognizes high school seniors and graduates across the country who have MS or who have a parent with MS. Scholarship finalists are chosen on the basis of demonstrated financial need, academic record, leadership and participation in school or com-munity activities, work experience, statement of educational and career goals, an outside appraisal, unusual personal or family circumstances, and an essay on the impact of MS on their life. to learn more about the Scholarship Program, visit www.nationalMSsociety.org/scholarship.


OuR 2011SChOLARShIp WINNERS:Brian CollisterKayleigh glass

Bria Kingmark reginato-Colon

marissa Spencer

TRIbuTE GIFTS:bobby Friedman – In honor of Aunt bobby’s birthday Robert & Abbie Korman and the Boys

In honor of Dana Jackson All Pro Services

In honor of Gary Tabakin All Pro Services

In honor of kirk Levy All Pro Services

In honor of Mark kantro All Pro Services

In honor of penny Rupert All Pro Services

In honor of Steve Legum All Pro Services


this space available for you or your business or company!!

Help the Hampton Roads Chapter share important information about research, programs, services and

events by supporting the MSConnection and/or the MS Update Newsletters.

You may “sponsor” the entire issue, or take out a full, half or quarter page ad. Promote your business or

honor or memorialize someone special…the opportunities are endless!

Contact Robyn M. Hirsch at 757-490-9627 or [email protected] to learn more.

hAMpTON ROADS ChApTER SELF hELp GROup LISTINGFor more information on any of the following groups contact (757) 490-9627 unless otherwise noted.

hELp & SuppORT

June 1, 2011Gloucester Group1st Wednesday of the month @ 10:30 amRiverside Wellness and Fitness Center 7516 Hospital Drive, Gloucester, VA

June 2, 2011African American Inspirational Group 1st thursday of the month @ 10:30 amHampton Public Library936 Big Bethel Road, Hampton, VAFor more information contact VeeGee at (757) 696-2540 or [email protected].

June 8 & 22, 2011Williamsburg Group 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month @ 5:30 pm James City County/ Williamsburg Community Center 5301 Longhill Road, Williamsburg, VA For more information contact JoAnn at (757) 220-0902.

June 9, 2011peninsula Evening Group 2nd thursday of the month @ 5:30 pmSentara Careplex Hospital (York River entrance, Conf. Rm. C)3000 Coliseum Drive, Hampton, VA For more information contact Diana at (757) 722-2492.

June 14, 2011Virginia beach Morning Group 2nd tuesday of the month @ 10 amKempsville Public Library832 Kempsville Road, Virginia Beach, VA For more information contact Pete at (757) 497-6594 or [email protected].

June 15, 2011Suffolk Group 3rd Wednesday of the month @ 6:30 pmMagnolia united Methodist Church1764 Wilroy Road, Suffolk, VAFor more information contact Willie Ann at (757) 539-0139.

June 20, 2011Elizabeth City Group 3rd Monday of the month @ 2:30 pmFor group location and/or more information contact Melvin at (252) 335-9158.

June 21, 2011Chesapeake Group 3rd tuesday of the month @ 7 pmLifestyle Fitness Center at Chesapeake General Hospital 800 N. Battlefield Blvd., Chesapeake, VAFor more information contact Margie at (757) 482-3247.

June 22, 2011Southside Group 4th Wednesday of the month @ 3 pmMeyera e. Oberndorf Central Library (Libris Room)4100 Virginia Beach Blvd., Va. Bch., VA

Connect with an MSFriend at 866-673-7436,

7am until Midnight ET.

Find someone to chat with on the web at www.msworld.org

ToLL Free numBer 1 800 344 4867 | 19

ChApTER STAFF Sharon L. Grossman, MSCIRChapter President and Chief Professional [email protected]

Robyn M. hirsch, MSCIRPrograms and Services [email protected]

karla McCarraherDirector, Special events [email protected]

Michelle R. DerrVice President of Finance and [email protected]

Shannon R. RiceDirector, Community [email protected]

Natalie AlexanderOffice [email protected]

A copy of our organization’s financial statement is on file with and available through the State Division of Consumer Affairs in the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, upon request.

DID YOu KNOWtHAt orange IS tHe

NeW GReeN?Help us “Go Orange!” the National MS

Society is developing* an email list of those folks who would like to receive the MSConnection as an e-newsletter

sent directly to their inbox! If you would like to help us conserve, send an email to [email protected] with the

subject line “Go Orange!”

* Please be patient as we work out developing this new delivery method.

the Golden Circle recognizes donors who have made their mark against MS by making an annual gift of $1,000 or more. A commitment to Join the Movement® with an annual qualifying gift of

$1,000 or more, will convey membership to the Golden Circle. Please join many other caring individuals, corporations, and foundations who want to do something more about MS now. Your gift will have immediate impact, and your commitment will enable you to have greater participation in advancing a cure for MS.

For more information contact Sharon Grossman by phone at 757-490-9627 or online at [email protected].

GoldEn CirClE MeMBeRS ReCeIVe uNIQue BeNeFItS,


• unmatched access to breaking research news• Invitations to research briefings with the

experts• Invitations to the chapter annual meeting

and the National MS Society Conference• A subscription to both the Momentum

Magazine and MSConnection Newsletter

