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2012 AGM Manifestos

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ICSMSU Muslim Medics Annual General Meeting 2012 Wednesday 16 th May, 6pm LT2, Sir Alexander Fleming Building, Imperial College London MANIFESTOS Applicants Running: PRESIDENT Nadiah Hashim Arrifin VICE-PRESIDENT Rubeena Ramjan TREASURER Muhammad Arsalan Ashraf EDUCATION OFFICERS Majd Al-Harasees Emaan Boussabaine EDUCATION TEAM Osama Al-Jibury Mohammed Junaid Choudri Usman Goga SECRETARY* Nazesh Javaid Tasnia Khan PUBLICITY OFFICER Obaid-Ul Hashmi GENERAL COMMITTEE* Noor Hassan Ibtesham Hossain Sarim Siddiqui ALUMNI AND WELFARE OFFICER* Osama Anjum Zobia Gundkalli Mohammed Nasif Mahmood Hammad Malik Abdur-Raoof Sheikh WEBSITE OFFICER Yusuf Sherwani *contested positions
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ICSMSU Muslim Medics

Annual General Meeting 2012 Wednesday 16th May, 6pm LT2, Sir Alexander Fleming Building, Imperial College London


Applicants Running:

PRESIDENT Nadiah Hashim Arrifin VICE-PRESIDENT Rubeena Ramjan TREASURER Muhammad Arsalan Ashraf EDUCATION OFFICERS Majd Al-Harasees Emaan Boussabaine EDUCATION TEAM Osama Al-Jibury Mohammed Junaid Choudri Usman Goga

SECRETARY* Nazesh Javaid Tasnia Khan PUBLICITY OFFICER Obaid-Ul Hashmi GENERAL COMMITTEE* Noor Hassan Ibtesham Hossain Sarim Siddiqui ALUMNI AND WELFARE OFFICER* Osama Anjum Zobia Gundkalli Mohammed Nasif Mahmood Hammad Malik Abdur-Raoof Sheikh WEBSITE OFFICER Yusuf Sherwani *contested positions

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PRESIDENT Nadiah Hashim Arrifin Year 3 Asalamu’alaykum and peace be upon you all! My name is Nadiah Hashim Arrifin and I am a 3rd year student running for the position of President. My goal this year is simple – to bring the ethos of MM back to its roots inshaAllah. My hope for MM is to realign our focus back to being Muslims, and being Medics. MM has gone from strength to strength in recent years in adding new events and new niches to its palate. Alhamdulillah, the many committees before us have done wonders with their innovation and creativity to keep MM fresh and exciting, but in the fuss and flurry of going from event to event, it is important that we do not lose the plot; it is important that we remember & stay true to what MM came into existence for, a decade ago. As the main representation of the wider Muslim medical student base, it is important that MM set the tone and the example in terms of the goals and values we collectively believe in, work towards and hold as important. It is also important that we do this by listening – to you: what you need, what you think has worked so far, and what you’d like to see of your MM committee. Guided by your feedback, I hope to be able to evaluate critically our activities, improve them accordingly, tie them together coherently, and present MM as a community united in a single, simple goal: building good Muslim doctors. I see MM as an organisation with 3 main objectives:

1. Support the development of good doctors 2. Support the development of good Muslim doctors 3. Support the development of good Muslim doctors with friends

These I will expand on further at the AGM inshaAllah The last 2 years I’ve spent on the committee have been incredible; and I look forward to the opportunity for another year of fun, of endless paperwork, and of free Subway sandwiches. So lend me your ears this AGM and may the best people for the jobs lead our community next year to more legendary and greater heights inshaAllah!

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VICE-PRESIDENT Rubeena Ramjan Year 3 The first time I came across MM was when I was 17 and came to Potmed. I am not exaggerating when I say that I walked through the doors of SAF that morning thinking I'd never in a million years want to come to a loser-uni like Imperial, but I left Potmed thinking that if I did come here, I'd be really happy. That was, no doubt, down to the impression I got of Imperial through the kindness and sincerity of the MM-ers that I met that day. I hope we the younger years will be able to do some sort of justice to the legacy of those legends (who will remain unnamed) by giving the same impression to the future generations. From then until now, MM has given so much to me. It's fair to say that without MM, I'd have far fewer friends and I'd have got far fewer marks in my first and second year exams. It has genuinely been a huge part of my development at university. I don't think it's cliche to say MM is a family and it's a family I still feel I want to give a lot back to, which is why I'm running for VP this year :) TREASURER Muhammad Arsalan Ashraf Year 2 Having been fortunate enough to be part of the Muslim Medics committee for the last two years, I have grown a special place in my heart for MM, and it is this ever-expanding love for MM that has driven me to run for a position once again. It is the huge diversity of exceptional events, which provide much benefit to students of all years, as well as the loving and family-like feeling within the society which makes me so eager to be part of it all again next year. The role of treasurer carries a great deal of responsibility and I feel that the past 2 years have without doubt helped me gain the experience and maturity required. I consider myself to be an upstanding member of society who always acts with honesty and integrity. Perhaps even more importantly, God has blessed me with a mind more than capable of dealing with the number crunching required for the financial aspect of the role. MM has helped me develop in ways I had never imagined this year, having helped direct and act in the Oscar-worthy I & R film, proving endless laughs and memories along the way. I hope to be given the chance carry on through to next year as treasurer, and play my role in continuing Muslim Medics’ exponential upward rise.

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EDUCATION OFFICER There are TWO positions available Majd Al-Harasees Year 3 I have been truly blessed this year to have been part of a committee that has done so much for the students at Imperial. It has been a long hard road but looking back I remember every single happy moment and think how truly blessed I am to have helped in making a difference to these people’s lives. From PotMed, where we welcomed 200 young high school students, eager to embark on a career in Medicine and seeking advice and guidance from every corner they can find culminating in mock finals where we united doctors, real patients and final year medical students a few months shy from becoming real doctors themselves was a truly incredibly journey for me. I have gained a lot of experience in my year on committee. This role requires a lot of organisation and a lot of commitment but it is definitely worth it. Even though I originally thought it was quite stressful to organised weekly Year 1 tutorials, nothing appeared more stressful than helping pull off the amazing month of mocks which we managed to expand greatly in terms of patients, examiners and candidates. What was my most amazing moment of being part of MM? Realising that along the way I have helped virtually every stage of becoming a doctor from PotMed to organising Year 1 tutorials to teaching at Year 2 tutorials to helping organise the Year 3, 5 and 6 mock exams. This is what is the essence of our amazing society. Emaan Boussabaine Year 3 Having grown up at Imperial through MM as a society, I have watched myself grow as I have watched MM grow, and I have gained so much pleasure from giving and learning from so many people throughout the years. I have also found it so rewarding and had so much pleasure in helping those younger than me in areas that I know my peers and I have struggled. This for me is the heart of MM. A way of sharing what you have learnt and helping others be the best they can be, all with a smile on your face and laughing and joking along the way. As secretary two years ago and general committee this year, organizing and orchestrating several events for MM, I am fully aware of the hard work and dedication required for all roles of the society, especially for education officer. I am not entering into this role lightly and I plan to give it everything I have inshAllah, using all my experience and resources from previous years to make this the most successful year to date. MM is renowned for its unrivaled and unique approach to education; this year has seen further improvements in numbers of tutorials, capacities of students on mocks and the quality of mock finals. My vision as education officer would be to further build on this using feedback from previous attendees to ensure we are providing what the students need. I also aim to improve attendance at tutorials where it is lacking. I feel that MM already provides outstanding educational support to imperial students, and I feel my role would be to ensure the services we are providing are optimal.

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EDUCATION TEAM There are FOUR positions available Osama Al-Jibury Year 2 Having been in the education business for over 13 years (from nursery to 6th form), and having had a sub-80% attendance throughout makes me a suitable candidate for MM education team. My experience ranges from attending standard classes to working out-of-hours in detention. Throughout my time, every teacher has had something to say about me (references will not be provided). Currently I am a member of ICSM, receiving their weekly emails every week. I am also a competitive boxer which shows I have adequate team work and leadership skills, as I have to coordinate my whole body in order to deliver a punch. On a more serious note, I love teaching, I thinks its my way of helping people. Every summer I hold intensive 4 week 11+ courses for pupils in year 5; these classes are for students wanting to apply to grammar school. So I know about organising classes, material, recruiting teachers, making mock exams and whatnot. Having benefited from MM tutorials myself, I think its my turn to give something back. One of the things I want to do is start making video tutorials about the challenging topics on the course. I have seen these videos made by several american medschools so why not muslim medics? Thank you for reading. Vote Abdul Patel for Union President! Mohammed Junaid Choudri Year 2 So far In my 2 years at imperial, Muslim medics has provided me with a large amount of support; most notably via their tutorials and small group teaching sessions. The opportunity to get to know upper years has allowed me to gain valuable insight into medicine at imperial. Having hugely benefited from MM, I would like to get involved with this amazing society and help organise some of the events that were helpful to me in my first few years. By playing sport both at imperial and before, I've gained some of the key skills needed to work as part of a team. As an approachable person, I'm sure I could communicate with the rest of the committee to express my ideas and members to improve their overall experience I have a few ideas which I think could improve the support MM provides to its members, one being to open a type of forum where students could send in their questions, common themes could be identified leading to answers and tutorial improvement. This year I gave a tutorial to the 1st years, an experience which I enjoyed greatly, I hope to build on this as a part of the education team. By working in MM I hope to work with some amazing individuals, creating a new mm committee which can work hard to achieve its goals. I understand this position requires continuous effort throughout the year and I hope to be able to put my full efforts into this position.

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Usman Goga Year 2 I would like to run for the position of ‘Education Team’ for the following committee. I have been a longstanding member of MM; right from the Freshers’ mingle to the more recent second-year tutorials. Throughout this time, the most important and widely recognised facet of the society, I believe, are the tutorials. Most people would agree that MM tutorials have been tremendously useful in terms of consolidating information from lectures, but I believe that we can do much much better! The crux of my manifesto rests on 3 practical and implementable aims that I would introduce to improve the quality of our tutorials:

1) I’d advocate that our tutorial lecturers produce a single A-4 sheet take-home message to consolidate and confirm the key facts/diagrams of the tutorial given 2) A blanket-ban on directly using lecture slides for whole tutorials (which are incredibly boring!), instead use alternative sources 3) A long term goal I hope that MM can endeavour to reach, I’d like to create an online video library of MM tutorials/ OCSE examinations

Regarding myself, I am a hardworking and passionate individual and I take my responsibilities very seriously. Having been a part of CW and other charity work including borough-wide family entertainment events, I am no stranger to organising and collaborating with large groups of people. In short, vote for me as I really want to make MM an amazing teaching society, and I am willing to work my fingers to the bone to ensure it does!

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SECRETARY Nazesh Javaid Year 2 Asalamu Alaykam. I’m Nazesh Javaid, and am hoping to apply for MM Secretary. Over the last 2 years, I have benefited immensely from the teaching and events held by MM, and so, feel compelled to give back to the growing MM family. In being well organised and dedicated to what I get involved in, if elected, I’ll give my all to assist in the smooth running and efforts of MM, and strive to help in the society’s many facets by bringing forth the skills I have to help MM prosper further. Tasnia Khan Year 1 This year I have had the privilege to be a part of MM, a society I have come to love. Although being the Year 1 representative may not have been one of the most important roles within the committee, it provided me invaluable insight into the society. As Year 1 representative I strengthened skills that are necessary to be part of a society like MM. Helping to organise the event ‘Islam and Romance’, this year, I feel I was able to work on my organisational and time management skills as it was important to balance both work and my responsibilities for the project. I feel I am capable of undertaking this role as previous experience such as being part of my schools senior prefect team required me to often organise bookings for events and communicate with different members of staff in the school. Being part of the committee this year I developed my team work and communication skills but more importantly it showed me how as an individual you are never alone in the committee. It’s a family, where everyone is willing to help everyone out regardless of their respective positions within the committee. The work of MM touches many, from students not even at medical school to medical students from year 1 to 6, and I want to be a part of this. Being secretary for MM will allow me to contribute towards a society I feel so passionate about and help me develop as an individual also, inshAllah. PUBLICITY OFFICER Obaid-Ul Hashmi Year 2 I have already had the pleasure of being on the MM committee for one year and it was such a great experience that I couldn’t resist applying for MM once again. Although I am applying for the same position I was in last year there is a reason for this. I love graphic design, whether that is making posters, booklets and so on. Despite long days such as making about 250 booklets for PotMed, I still enjoyed it. I feel that I will be able to learn from the experiences from this year and use them to not only improve myself as publicity officer but to still continue to help the committee in all aspects. No other position would suit me as much where I can continue helping out MM while still being able to enjoy my passion for graphic design and develop my skills in this area.

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GENERAL COMMITTEE (x2) There are TWO positions available Noor Hassan Year 3 Assalamu Alaikum! This is the first time I’ve applied for a committee role with Muslim Medics. My initial exposure to the the society was way back in 2007 when I attended PotMed as a sixth former; needless to say, I was wowed and inspired by the experience and alhamdulilah am here today. Since then, MM has continually been a pillar of support and has helped soften the somewhat bumpy ride through med school. This has been especially true in 3rd year, where the OSCE tutorials and mock exam have been so helpful. In all honesty, I’m thoroughly impressed with the amazing work that MM does and would like to finally give something back and contribute towards a brilliant society. Ibtesham Hossain Year 1 I have applied for this position as a first year primarily because I want to give back to MM for the pivotal role it played in my medical school application (BIG UP SAMEE SIDDIQUI AND RABIAH CHUADURY). Official position or non-official position, I will continue to remain involved with MM but admittedly, I’ve realised that being a part of the committee will definitely put me in good stead for future involvement with the society. Throughout the year I’ve tried to help out wherever I could; I was even present as a volunteer at PotMed 2011 before first term had started. I’m reliable, dependable, and have the ability to get tasks done. Importantly, I’m inexperienced, so I won’t be afraid to try new things and suggest new ideas, many will be ludicrous but one might be great. Muslim Medics will stretch my capabilities and will definitely help me grow as a student, as a medic and as a person – all in the name of Allah. So as much as I can give to MM, selfishly, I know it can give me a lot more and I’ll be a fool not to reap the benefits.

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Sarim Siddiqui Year 1 As Salamualaikum my dearest brothers and sisters. One of the highlights of my first year in medicine at Imperial College has been MM. MM has kept a balance of work and play throughout the year from it's tutorials to Disneynight to MM nando's, a balance that is essential during and after Medschool. It is this balance that I want to be a part of, helping to maintain and improve wherever possible. The wonderful work and values that this society upholds has made MM very dear to my heart and the driving force for wanting to run for General Committee this year inshAllah. If elected, I hope that during the course of the year, MM will be integral in helping myself, the committee and community to grow as people and develop many skills which will provide us with the tools to become the beacons of the future, encourage and inspire those around us and ultimately get closer to Allah. I understand that in order to be a part of such a successful society, it is of utmost importance that one needs to be determined, hard working, approachable, patient and involve everyone and I am confident that with the help of Allah I will be able to do so. I plan to come up with innovative events such as a week dedicated to collecting money for orphans. An event day for young aspiring students getting into medicine. A film night with an exceptionally innocent muslim-friendly-movie. As far as I know people are as yet unaware of islam and so i plan to help them discover islam in a week. Jokes aside Muslim Medics has given me so much on so many levels that I would be honoured to have the opportunity to once again give my all to this incredible society and continue travelling on this exciting journey. Many thanks to Aamir Shamsi for inspiring me in this manifesto ;)

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ALUMNI AND WELFARE OFFICER Osama Anjum Year 2 Peace be upon you! My name is Osama Anjum and I’m a 2nd Year Medic applying for A&W. What I want to do is talk about ideas. However since space is short, I’ll provide you with an insight into my thought process and I’ll present my ideas God willing at the AGM. Personally I see welfare as not just the role of a chairperson, but as a function, and duty of a community. We should strive to protect and aid one and other in times of difficulty, in all aspects of life. MM attracts a range of people from diverse backgrounds and I believe has the perfect platform to deliver a service that provides a holistic approach to welfare; one that encompasses spiritual, social, mental and academic support to all. Through various mediums we can facilitate access to this support. The friends and connections we make at university are for life, and my hope for the Alumni side is to maintain ties between graduates and our society. By doing so we can arrange reunions, generate an external audience for MM events and raise further funds for charitable schemes. As graduates, they will have skills they will be able to put back in the society and we can keep them connected and an active part of the community, therefore benefitting both parties. MM legends (shout out to Muzzy Farooqi) can thus continue to impart their wisdom and advice upon us beyond graduation. I hope to explain further at the AGM. Thanks! Zobia Gundkalli Year 3 The work that Muslim Medics does wouldn’t be possible without its dedicated community and as Alumni and Welfare Officer, one of the things I would like to work towards is making sure those that have once been a part of our family on campus stay a part of it from wherever they have moved on to. MM currently doesn’t have an alumni network as such and so, if elected, I’d like to make this a more formal part of the society’s work this year. Being a medical student comes with it’s ups and downs and while I hope MM as a society remains a port of call for anyone as soon they need it, I really feel that the biggest sense of companionship and support comes from familiar faces - friends and other fellow medics that have been through it all already. I’d like to make sure that the opportunities to meet others and sometimes even enjoy medicine remain. I’d also like to make a point looking into the feedback we receive regularly, making sure that MM stays relevant and helpful. Having been a general committee member this past year, I’m keen to take on some more focussed projects if elected. MM has taught me to honour my role as a medic and as a Muslim - I respect the part it has to play reaching a community both on and off campus and this role would bring those together perfectly.

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Mohammed Nasif Mahmood Year 5 Thick tomato Treasurer sauce, fresh Publicity peppers, spicy President pepperoni… Er? What? The poster says “choose who you want in your committee pizza”, so…! Oh. Right. Assalamualaikum. My name is Nasif and I am a repeating 5th Year, full of sarcasm. My name is Nasif and I am a repeating 5th Year. I have the Gift of Time – this ‘extra’ year – which I would like to give to my MM family as Alumni & Welfare Officer. Evidently, I am a positive person. I am also old (and therefore grumpy, due to the Experience of Life). This also means I have people’s numbers/emails/passwords. I’ll be direct: I’m not afraid to harass with my unique selling point: The Personal Touch. (For those of you slightly-less-older-than-me enough to remember AGM 2007, yes that = address book + baseball bat). That’s what you call a Ronseal Moment. My face would argue but I am caring and approachable. What’s my Welfare USP? Re-read the bit about the baseball bat – I don’t like to repeat myself. Now for some IC-esque humour: I am willing to passionately explore your Ideas, empathetically (possibly sympathetically even) address your Concerns and positively do my utmost to fulfill your Expectations. I propose to strengthen the alumni-student and inter-year student links through social and academic means. Doing so in conjunction with the overall ICSM student body will inshaAllah allow us to surpass these targets in the way I like my pizza: halal, fun and delivered quickly. (Yes, my pizzas are fun). Hammad Malik Year 2 “The believers, men and women, are Awliyaa’ (helpers, supporters, friends, protectors) of one another…” [al-Tawbah 9:71] I have generally always held a profound interest in advising people, that’s why I feel this role is ideal for me. InshaAllah if I was to attain this position, I would like to set up a system where any member of the medical school should be able to seek help. I believe that the welfare system should cater for all students, just as MM tutorials do. We should be able to provide face to face counselling or anonymous feedback when preferred. I would also like to set up regular counselling sessions where people can drop in and speak to advisors. If possible we could also run a welfare or tutorial workshop, emphasizing how to deal with the stresses of studying medicine or a medical career. I think we should be able to have one welfare advisor at each hospital/campus, to provide these services more locally if possible. I would also like to extend the alumni network. I would like to build links with associations such as the Muslim Doctor’s Association. Also, I want to provide a source of welfare for these members. Lastly, I aim to draw on all my previous experiences, from working at my local youth club, to be an integral part of the MM team, helping other members of the committee where needs be and filling in the gaps whenever I am able to do so.

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Abdur-Raoof Sheikh Year 3 My name is Abdur-Raoof Sheikh and I want to be the next Alumni and Welfare Officer. I am a third year medical student. I have now experienced both the clinical and non clinical years which gives me a good grasp on the challenges faced by students in different years. That’s why I am ideally suited to this role. Medicine is not just a degree, it’s a whole career. I’m sure we have all dealt with challenges and stress whilst being here. We are actually very much alike. That’s what makes it so important that we help each other to take care of ourselves. But when it becomes too much, access to welfare really matters. I want to develop the profile of our email system so that it is easily accessible. I am also at the stage where I see friends in older years that I met when I was a fresher becoming junior doctors. This makes me passionate to develop our Alumni network. To start with, I want to set up an alumni group on Facebook and explore LinkedIn and Twitter. This means we can keep in touch, make new contacts and get advice from our alumni. But I also want to invite them to more imperial events and keep them up to date. We already have an Alumni dinner but it would be nice to organise more events. I believe I have the character and qualities to make the most of this position.

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WEBSITE OFFICER Yusuf Sherwani Year 1 Assalamualaikum. I would like to apply for Web Officer for Muslim Medics. MM is renowned at Imperial and beyond for providing an amazing educational, social and islamic experience; I personally hugely benefitted from Year 1 tutorials this year…which I hope will save me from impending resits. Over the course of the year, I have grown much in the role to the extent I am now 6 ft 4. I've been involved in the organisation of many MM events, including playing an integral role in the Islam and Romance event and mini-romcom production. I’ve also helped in the organisation of key educational events including mock OSCEs and PACES. I’ve also been involved with development of the new MM website, which though delayed is due to be fully complete by the end of the academic year, ready to become the central resource for all educational and social events for the upcoming year. Regardless of whether I do beat RON, I vouch to have the website complete as per my original commitment as part of the 2012 committee. Some features of the upcoming website include: · educational resources (including lectures with synced audio) · calendar information on future events (via an online calendar) · MM blog (with each member of the committee having their own unique login if they would like to write a blog post) JZK (jazakallah khair)
