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2012 Critical Issues Summit Energy Panel, Part I

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Alwyn A. John Energy Management Coordinator TST BOCES
Page 1: 2012 Critical Issues Summit Energy Panel, Part I

Alwyn A. JohnEnergy Management Coordinator


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AgendaPart I - The Basics of Energy

Management – What You Need to Know

Part II - Making Energy Performance Contracting Work for your District

Part III - Grab Long-term Benefits from your Capital Projects


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Part I

The Basics of Energy Management – What You

Need to Know


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Why is Energy Management Important?

“Good Energy Management is Good Business”

The evidence is clear that for both public and private k12 schools, adopting an energy management strategy is a business decision you cannot afford to ignore.


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The numbersEPA:$6 Billion – Annual energy bill to operate

America’s primary and secondary schools

$1.5 Billion - EPA studies show that $1 out of every $4 spent on energy by US schools is wasted.

Energy cost total between 1.5% to 3.5% of a typical school district’s annual budget. Energy is often second only to staff salaries – more than computers and textbooks combined.


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Typical K12 Energy Use Distribution(varies by climate zone)


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Signs of Energy Waste in K12 Buildings

EPA/Energy Star Statistics:

The least efficient schools use three times (3x) more energy than the best energy performers

Top performing ENERGY STAR labeled schools cost forty cents per square foot less to operate than the average performers.


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Signs of Energy Waste


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Strong Energy Management = Real Savings

Fairfax County Public Schools (VA)estimates an annual energy savings of $4.5 million (7.19%) from energy efficiency improvements on a $62.6 million utilities budget (FY: 2011-12)

In 2001, the first year of their Energy Management program, Sandy Creek CSD (NY) saved $300,000 on a $1.4 Million utility budget (~21%). Total of $2.7 Million in savings from 2001 to 2009.


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Key Elements of an Effective Energy Management Policy

1)Maintain a Useable Energy Tracking & Benchmarking System

2)Regularly Update and Follow a Market Sensitive Energy Procurement Policy

3)Enforce a Staged Approach to Implementing Energy Conservation Measures


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Maintain a Useable Energy Tracking

& Benchmarking System


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Energy Tracking-Utility Bill Tracking and Analysis (Monthly)

Maintain a copy (physical or electronic) of all utility bills for use by the Facilities Department.

Record monthly billing data including unit cost, quantity and weather information

Compare usage to similar prior periods to identify maintenance issues, etc.

Software Tools: MS Excel, EnergyWatchdog, SchoolDude/Utility



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Potential Billing Issues


Miscellaneous ChargesManual download charges on interval meters

Demand ChargesDo they appear to be reasonable ?

Quantities and VolumeVerify that the figures for kwh, KW and therms of

natural gas agree between the supply and delivery companies. Electricity should be 1-to-1 and Natural gas should be +- 1.0%.

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Benchmarking-Benchmarking (annually) – Using historical utility data to:

Confirm savings from energy conservation investments

Compare a building’s normalized performance vs. internal and external peers

Software/Service Examples: NYSERDA’s Energy Smart Schools Benchmarking program, EPA Portfolio Manager


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Regularly Update and Follow a Market Sensitive Energy

Procurement Policy


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Pending CrisisDue to the recession, demand for energy supply is

down, resulting in the lowest cost per unit of electricity in the last decade. Natural gas is also seeing record lows.

This is a TEMPORARY condition. Over time, usage demand will return and cost/unit will rise)

Utility delivery (NYSEG, etc)companies are starting to shift rate structures to put a greater emphasis on peak demand usage. Over the next 5 years or so we can expect to see increasing peak demand charges and an elimination of the differential between day and night rates.When usage demand returns, we will be impacted by both increased cost/unit and increased peak demand


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Anatomy of a Utility BillThanks to deregulation laws in NYS, our primary utility bills

(electricity and natural gas) are split into two sections:


Provider of the actual energy

Ex: NYSEG Solutions, Direct Energy, MEGA, etc.



Responsible for physical delivery of energy and usage metering.

Owner of the power lines, gas piping and onsite meters

Ex: NYSEG, RGE, etc.

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Alternative Energy Suppliers- Benefits

Avoid hourly billingTake advantage of discounts for longer term

purchase agreementsControl over the risk vs. reward balance


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Alternative Energy Supplier - Options

Self-directed Bidding ProcessPrivate Broker – (Professional Services)Join a group:

MEGAOCM BOCES Energy ProcurementTST BOCES Energy ConsortiumOthers …

** Note the difference between wholesale and retail suppliers


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Enforce a Staged Approach to

Implementing Energy Conservation Measures


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Operations & Maintenance

Functioning as designed

Calibrate thermostats

Adjust dampers

Janitorial services22

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Functioning as DesignedRetro-commissioningRegularly inspect allequipment and controlsto ensure they arefunctioning as designed


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Functioning as DesignedExample 1: New school building with regular power

quality problems. Motors burning out, light fixtures failing early. Two years after construction, it was discovered that a power conditioner was installed as part of the original construction, but was never turned on.

Example 2: Public school built around 1975 with pneumatic controls, with consistently high heating bills and increasingly more difficult to control temperature. Detailed physical inspection of unit ventilators revealed that in prior years as pneumatic controls failed, the outside air dampers where hardwired in the open position (either 100% or 75% open).


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Calibrate Thermostats

Periodically, walkthrough the buildingand compare thethermostat setting witha hand held digitalthermometer(preferably with 2decimal places)


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Adjust DampersBring in the least

amount of outside air necessary to maintain proper air quality

Reduce outside air requirements by adjusting dampers to minimize the need to condition outside air (within codes)


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Janitorial Best Practices

Team CleaningDay CleaningCoordinate LightingOccupancy Sensors


1. Joe Serna Jr (office building. Instituted day cleaning with hours from 11am to 8pm during 2001 energy crisis. Savings of 8% Total Building Energy

2. Johnson City School District saved 7.95% Total District Energy during fiscal 2010-2011 by time shifting their third shift cleaning staff.

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Potential Savings for Changes to O&M


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Occupants‘ BehaviorTurn off EquipmentInstitute an Energy

Awareness ProgramUse ENERGY STAR®

EquipmentInstall Monitor Power

Management SoftwareHarvest DaylightUse Work Station Task

Lighting/Zoned Lighting


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Turn off EquipmentDuring off hours, make

sure to power down everything – such as copiers, kitchen equipment, and task lights

- Smart Power strips


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Institute An Energy Awareness Program

Create Promotional ItemsWrite News ReleasesLink to National

CampaignsCommunications Kit

Energy Star Partner Kit (Free)

- motivate change32

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Provide Direction on off-hours use of facilities


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Use Energy Star EquipmentAdopt a procurement

policy as part of your overall successful energy management strategy


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Install Monitor/CPU Power Management Software

Monitor Power Management - Save up to $55 per monitor annually

CPU/Hard Drive Power Management - Save up to an additional $45 per computer annually


Harvard University – Deployed EPA Power Management software across it’s network of 800 computers using 1 technician working for ½ a day.

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Potential Savings for Changes to Occupants’ Behaviors


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LightingChange Incandescents to CFL

& HIDConvert T12 to T8 and T5DelampFull Floor Lighting SweepsOccupancy SensorsHigh Efficiency LED Exit SignsInstall Timer Controls or

Photocells for Exterior Lighting/Dark Campus


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Convert T12 to T8 & T5High efficiency 4

lamp T8 fixture:40% less heat output10% greater light

output40% less Watts than

T12Re-Lamping? ConsiderLuminaire DirtDepreciation


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Occupancy SensorsInstall occupancy

sensorsto automatically turn offlights when physicalmovement stops


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Install Timer Controls or Photocells for Exterior Lights

Automatically controls lights in response to daylight

Install timer controls or photocell for exterior lighting

EMS Managed Lighting/Dark campus


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Potential Savings for Changes to Lighting


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ControlsAdjust TemperatureAfter Hours UsageAdjust VentilationLimit Access to ThermostatsSeasonal ChangesOptimize Start Up Time

and Equipment Sequencing

Coast Last Hour of Operations


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Adjust TemperaturePhysically walk through

the building and talk with tenants to determine if the actual temperature is comfortable.

Consider clothing worn during that season

Reduce (increase) temp. a min of 10 degrees F at night, weekends and holidays during heating (cooling) season


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Optimize Start Up Time &Equipment Sequencing

Experiment to determine the

LATEST possible start up time.

Can you start your systems 5, 10, 15,30 minutes later andstill achieve the desired temperature when tenants arrive?


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Coast Last Hour ofOperations

Experiment to determine the EARLIEST possible time the systems can be powered down while maintaining comfort.

Can you shut down 15, 30, 45, 60 minutes early and still maintain adequate IAQ?


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Potential Savings for Changes to Controls


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EquipmentInstall VFD & VAVInstall Heat Recovery

EquipmentRelocate Thermostats to

Optimal Locations


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Install Variable Frequency Drives & Variable Air Volume

SystemsMotors operate atpart-load 98% of the


VAV air systems use 30% less energy than constant volume


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Potential Savings for Changes to Equipment


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How Will We Pay For This?Annual Maintenance BudgetTraditional Capital ProjectsSED $100,000 ProjectEnergy Performance Contract (EPC)


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Energy Performance Contracting


SED allows EPC agreements to go out a maximum of 18 years.

5 to 10 year EPC agreements are optimal

Take advantage of SED $100,000.00 project incentive. C&S Companies of Syracuse has an innovative solution called “NET ZERO” that combines features of an EPC agreement with five $100,000.00 projects. Building aid + energy savings + grant money = $0.00 cost to district for over $500,000.00 worth of projects.

Consider a “self-directed” EPC

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Thank YouEmail me for full contact information and links

to all of the programs mentioned in this presentation

Alwyn A. John

[email protected]: 607-227-6361

