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2012 Edexcel Foundation B Paper 1

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  • 8/12/2019 2012 Edexcel Foundation B Paper 1


    Instructions and Information Write your name in the box at the top of the page.

    Answer all the questions in the spaces provided. The total mark for this paper is 100. The marks for each question are shown in brackets. Calculators must not be used. uestions labelled with an asterisk ! *" are ones where the

    quality of your written communication will be assessed.

    Advice #ead each question carefully before you start to answer it. $eep an eye on the time. Try to answer every question. %heck your answers if you have time at the end.

    Written by &haun Armstrong'nly to be copied for use in the purchaser(s school or college

    )01) *+, -aper 1 -age 1 %hurchill /aths imited Turn over

    ame %lass

    MathematicsPaper 1B (Non-Calculator

    !oundation "ier

    "ime # 1 hour $% minutes

    !or &de'cel C)&

    ou must have#

    #uler2 protractor2 compasses2 pen2 pencil2 eraser.

    Total /arks

  • 8/12/2019 2012 Edexcel Foundation B Paper 1





    GCSE Mathematics

    Formulae: Foundation Tier

    You must not write on this formulae page.

    Area of trapezium =1

    2 (a + b)h

    Volume of prism = area of cross section length

    )01) *+, -aper 1 -age ) %hurchill /aths imited


    l e n g t h

  • 8/12/2019 2012 Edexcel Foundation B Paper 1


    Answer ALL questions.

    Write our answers in the spaces pro!i"e".

    You must write "own all stages in our wor#ing.

    $ (a) Write the number seventy three thousand and t!enty using figures"%$&


    (b) Write the number $1%& in !ords"%$&



    (c) Write 2"' correct to 1 decimal lace"%$&


    (d) Write 2&1 correct to 1 significant figure"%$&


    %'otal for (uestion $ is ) mar#s&


    Write in labels for the three features of a circle sho!n above"

    %'otal for (uestion * is + mar#s&

    )01) *+, -aper 1 -age 3 %hurchill /aths imited Turn over

  • 8/12/2019 2012 Edexcel Foundation B Paper 1







    + The ictogram sho!s the number of teachers !ho cycled to school one !ee "

    ,ey: re resents 2 teachers

    (a) -o! many teachers cycled to school on *onday.%$&


    (b) -o! many teachers cycled to school on Wednesday.%$&


    /n total there are 12 teachers !ho sometimes cycle to school"

    (c) What fraction of these teachers cycled to school on Friday.%$&


    %'otal for (uestion + is + mar#s&

    )01) *+, -aper 1 -age 4 %hurchill /aths imited

  • 8/12/2019 2012 Edexcel Foundation B Paper 1


    ) There are 1&% eo le at a concert"0% of the audience bought their tic ets in advance"

    (a) Write 0% as a fraction"%$&


    (b) -o! many eo le did not buy their tic ets in advance.%$&



    ( of the audience bought a drin in the interval"

    (c) Wor out ' of 1&%"%*&


    %'otal for (uestion ) is ) mar#s&

    , Wor out

    (a) ' 1%%$&


    (b) &%%% 3 1%%%$&


    (c) 42 3 1%%$&


    (d) %"1 1%%%%$&


    %'otal for (uestion , is ) mar#s&

    )01) *+, -aper 1 -age 5 %hurchill /aths imited Turn over

  • 8/12/2019 2012 Edexcel Foundation B Paper 1


    - 5usan !ants to find out ho! long dog o!ners s end !al ing their dogs"

    5he !ill use a 6uestionnaire"

    (a) 7esign a suitable 6uestion that 5usan could use in her 6uestionnaire"


    5usan lans to as the eo le !al ing their dog on some local hills"

    (b) 8ive one reason !hy these eo le may not be a suitable sam le"%$&




    %'otal for (uestion - is + mar#s&

    (a) -o! many seconds are there in half a minute.%$&

    ########### seconds

    (b) -o! many seconds are there in 6uarter of an hour. %*&

    ########### seconds

    %'otal for (uestion is + mar#s&

    )01) *+, -aper 1 -age 6 %hurchill /aths imited

  • 8/12/2019 2012 Edexcel Foundation B Paper 1


    / (a) What fraction of this rectangle is shaded.%$&


    (b) What ercentage of this rectangle is shaded.%*&


    (c) Write in order of si9e starting !ith the smallest"

    ' %"&2 2' 0%*&


    %'otal for (uestion / is , mar#s&

    )01) *+, -aper 1 -age 7 %hurchill /aths imited Turn over

  • 8/12/2019 2012 Edexcel Foundation B Paper 1







    1 2 ' ;' ;2 ;1







  • 8/12/2019 2012 Edexcel Foundation B Paper 1



    The s etch above sho!s a man ne t to a giraffe"

    (a) Write do!n an estimate for the height of the man in metres"%$&

    ########### m

    (b) >stimate the height of the giraffe in feet"%*&

    ########## feet

    %'otal for (uestion $1 is + mar#s&

    )01) *+, -aper 1 -age 9 %hurchill /aths imited Turn over

  • 8/12/2019 2012 Edexcel Foundation B Paper 1


    $$ Wor out

    (a) ' 2 2



    (b) '&%$&


    (c) 1%%$&


    %'otal for (uestion $$ is + mar#s&

    $* (a) Write do!n the rule for continuing this se6uence"

    11 10 24 '%$&

    #####################(b) Write do!n the ne t term of each of these se6uences"

    (i) '% 2$ 2& 2%$&


    (ii) 1 ' 0 24%$&


    (c) The nth term of a se6uence is given by n ; 1"

    Write do!n the first four terms of the se6uence"%*&

    ##### ##### ##### #####

    %'otal for (uestion $* is , mar#s&

    )01) *+, -aper 1 -age 10 %hurchill /aths imited

  • 8/12/2019 2012 Edexcel Foundation B Paper 1


    2$+ ?my !ants to get a cat"

    -er arents tell her to find out ho! much it !ould cost"They say that she can have one if it costs less than @1% er !ee "

    ?my as s some friends !ith cats and comes u !ith these costs"Food @ er !ee Aitter @2 er !ee /nsurance @& er monthBets fees @ % er year Worming tablets andFlea treatments @0 every ' months

    Find out if ?myCs arents !ill let her get a cat"5ho! ho! you ma e your decision"

    %'otal for (uestion $+ is , mar#s&

    )01) *+, -aper 1 -age 11 %hurchill /aths imited Turn over

  • 8/12/2019 2012 Edexcel Foundation B Paper 1


    $) Use a ruler and pair of compasses in this question.

    *ain Doad Scale3 $ cm represents *1 m

    The ma sho!s a ar !here a statue is to be built"

    The statue must be more than % m from any main roads"/t must also be more than 2% m from the Elay ?rea"

    5hade the region !here the statue can be built"

    %'otal for (uestion $) is ) mar#s&

    )01) *+, -aper 1 -age 1) %hurchill /aths imited

    -lay Area


  • 8/12/2019 2012 Edexcel Foundation B Paper 1


    $, -ere are some numbers"

    ;11 ;$ ; ;2 ' 4 1&

    sing only these numbers fill in the s aces to ma e each sum correct"









    %'otal for (uestion $, is , mar#s&

    $- ? sho ee er records ho! many bottles of !ater he sells each day"-ere are his results"

    2 0 $ ' ' &

    (a) Write do!n the mode"%$&


    (b) Wor out the median"%*&


    (c) Wor out the mean"%*&


    %'otal for (uestion $- is , mar#s&

    )01) *+, -aper 1 -age 13 %hurchill /aths imited Turn over

    $12 + =

    1 ; =

    ;1 ; ' =


  • 8/12/2019 2012 Edexcel Foundation B Paper 1



    1 $G 1%&G


    S RQ


    7iagram 45'accurately dra!n

    PQRS is a straight line"

    Fiona says that the lengths QR and QT are the same"

    > lain !hy she is correct"









    %'otal for (uestion $ is + mar#s&

    )01) *+, -aper 1 -age 14 %hurchill /aths imited

  • 8/12/2019 2012 Edexcel Foundation B Paper 1



    7iagram 45'accurately dra!n

    The diagram sho!s a !indo! bo "/t is in the sha e of a s6uare rism"

    *iriam has four of these !indo! bo es"5he !ants to buy enough com ost to fill all of them to the level of the to edge"

    1%%% cm' of com ost costs 2% "

    Wor out ho! much *iriam must s end on com ost"

    @ ###########

    %'otal for (uestion $/ is , mar#s&

    )01) *+, -aper 1 -age 15 %hurchill /aths imited Turn over

    2% cm

    2% cm

    1 m

  • 8/12/2019 2012 Edexcel Foundation B Paper 1


    $0 (a) ? bo contains tubes of li stic "There are 0 in li stic s & red li stic s and ' other li stic s"

  • 8/12/2019 2012 Edexcel Foundation B Paper 1


    *$ ?isha and Hec y are attending a t!o day conference in *anchester"

    They need to decide !hether or not to stay overnight at the conference centre"/f they stay they can share a room for a total cost of @'0"00/f they do not stay they !ill have to ma e t!o return Iourneys rather than one"

    -ere are the travel costs"

    'rain to Manchester3

    Deturn fare coming bac the same day @2%"%%

    Deturn fare coming bac the ne t day @2 "%%

    'rain station to conference centre3

    Hus one !ay bet!een station and centre @2"%%

    Ta i one !ay bet!een station and centre @ "%%

    /f they use a ta i it can be shared"

    Find out the chea est !ay they can attend the conference"-o! much !ill it cost them in total.

    @ ###########

    %'otal for (uestion *$ is , mar#s&

    )01) *+, -aper 1 -age 17 %hurchill /aths imited Turn over

  • 8/12/2019 2012 Edexcel Foundation B Paper 1



    rsula !ent by car to visit a customer one day"The gra h sho!s her Iourney to the customerCs factory"

    (a) Wor out the s eed at !hich rsula travelled for the first hour of her Iourney"%$&

    ########## mJh

    (b) -o! long did rsula sto for on her !ay to the customer.%$&

    ######### minutes

    (c) rsula s ent 11

    2 hours !ith the customer"5he then drove bac to her office at mJh"

    Kom lete the gra h to sho! this"%+&

    %'otal for (uestion ** is , mar#s&

    )01) *+, -aper 1 -age 18 %hurchill /aths imited

    11 112 2

    7istancefrom office

    ( m)






    1% ' Time of day

  • 8/12/2019 2012 Edexcel Foundation B Paper 1


    2*+ ? u99le consists of !ooden ieces"T!o ieces can be cut from a cube of side & cm li e this"

    ? bloc of !ood is in the sha e of a cuboid !ith sides of '% cm % cm and &% cm"-o! many u99le ieces can be cut from the bloc .


    %'otal for (uestion *+ is ) mar#s&

    )01) *+, -aper 1 -age 19 %hurchill /aths imited Turn over

    & cm

  • 8/12/2019 2012 Edexcel Foundation B Paper 1


    *) Wendy has a dice !ith sides numbered from 1 to &"5he rolls it 2% times and gets the follo!ing results"

    5core 1 2 ' &

    Fre6uency 1 4 ' 1

    (a) Wor out the relative fre6uency of getting a 2 from WendyCs results"%$&


    Wendy says LThis dice is biased"M

    -er friend Dashida says L/ donCt thin you can be sure of that"M

    N(b) > lain !hy Dashida is right"%*&




    %'otal for (uestion *) is + mar#s&

    *, 5olve each ine6uality

    (a) q O 12%$&


    (b) x + 11 P 4%$&


    (c) r ; 1 Q ' r + 0%+&


    %'otal for (uestion *, is , mar#s&

    '5'AL 657 8A8E7 9S $11 MA7:S
