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2012 Fellowship Messenger

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Annual pubilcation of CFO
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2012-13 FELLOWSHIP MESSENGER www.acfona.org 1 FELLOWSHIP MESSENGER Providing a Christ-centered, Holy Spirit-led program through which people discover the Kingdom of God in the midst of today’s world. AN INSTRUMENT OF WORSHIP FAMILY, FRIENDS & CFO DISCOVER AND EXPAND A PRAYER-FILLED ENVIRONMENT FINANCIAL PICTURE DONORS, CFO ETERNAL
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Providing a Christ-centered,Holy Spirit-led program through whichpeople discover the Kingdom of God

in the midst of today’s world.







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From the Morning Meditation to the 9-o’clock Prayer,it’s a guide for enjoying CFO every day!

Share it with your family and friends.

Make CFO@Home a part of your every day!

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Greetings from Lima, Peru! I'm here at the 10th CFO International. Picture yourCFO camp, but with 200 CFOers from about 20 countries-that is what aninternational meeting is like! Here at camp we worship in English, Spanish, German,

Korean, Swahili and many more languages. I get chillswhen we say the 9 O'clock Prayer because we all know it,and because I can picture the belt of prayer circling ourrespective countries and time zones.

God has been tying together strings of truth for us.Frank Rigg from New Zealand shared a quote fromRoland Brown Sr., "God doesn't so much hear what wesay but rather He reads the thoughts and intentions ofour heart." The next night we sang corporately, "Lordtune now your instrument, your instrument of worship,"

and I thought how appropriate that song is for us.We need the tuning process so that we can express theclear, pure sounds of God's truth. The Germans

added to the beauty by telling us that in their country they call CFO, Learning to LiveLove. What a good name for what we are about! What is God using in your life inorder to tune you into an instrument of worship?

On the first night of CFOI we marched into the opening ceremonies by country,each carrying flags and singing our national anthems. But on the last night wemarched out of the hall carrying each other's flags because we are citizens of theKingdom of God, which is not constrained by political borders.

Robin SmaltACR Chair

Fellowship Messenger is published annually by Association of Camps Farthest Out, Inc.© 2012, Association of Camps Farthest Out, Inc. All rights reserved.

Association of Camps Farthest Out, Inc. is a 501 (c)3 organizationNational office: 317 S. Madison Avenue, Watkins Glen, NY 14891

Phone: 607-535-4415 • [email protected] • www.acfona.org

An Instrument of Worship

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As some of you know, I lost my lifecompanion and friend of 47 years by herdeath on November 19, 2011. It has beena strange time of adjusting to a life withoutBarbara. I always wanted and tried to be herhero. In these last years of ill health shewould anxiously listen to my tales of CFOexperiences and encourage me to continuegoing farther out with Jesus despite herbeing confined to the boundaries of ourhome in Arlington, Texas. I felt heradmiration for the things done well and herencouragement for the things not done sowell.

So last summer, it was a natural thing forher to insist on my attending the 10th

International CFO Conference in Lima,Peru. It was my privilege to serve CFOInternational from 2000–2005 as its BoardPresident and Barbara was able to travel withme to most CFO events during that timedespite her increasing health difficulties.She loved the international family of CFOand was very well received wherever wewent. Shortly after my election as Presidentof the CFOI Board I recall my good friend,Rev. James Kumar of Mumbai, India,remarking to me, “Charlie Grassl… youshould know I voted for you as CFOI BoardPresident for only one reason…and that wasbecause of your wife, Barbara!”

Family, Friends & CFO

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I suspect many of the votes for me wasbecause of her!

Sitting alone on the long flight fromMiami to Lima, it occurred to me that sevenyears had passed since I had been to Peruand more years than that since I last sawmany of the CFOers from Peru, Europe,India, The Philippines, the South Pacific andAfrica. Would they remember our timestogether? Would I even recognize them?Would it be strange to be there withoutBarbara? As doubts began to overtake me,in prayer, I decided to trust that God was incontrol and whoever comes to Lima will bethe people God intended to be there! Thatthought of trust, I expect, was planted by myunexpected meeting with CFOers John andKathy Styer at the Miami Airport. Theywere on the same flight. If I knew no onethen I would just make new friends. Had Iever felt rejection at a CFO event? No,never!

God was true to his word -- I was trulyloved by many friends from throughout theworld. What a testimony to the uniquenessof the CFO family! Karl-O Haas fromGermany, Charles Kunya from Uganda,Julia Coipilai, Johnson Thomas, and CharlesKumar from India, Rosa, Tomas, andClemencia Dominguez from Peru, BronwynPryor and Bryan Jefferies from Australia,and many others were wonderful gifts ofGod to me. New friendships were birthedas well. A roommate, Abraham George,from Mumbai became a brother as wecomfortably shared intimate details of ourwalk with Jesus despite having known eachother for only a few hours. My prayer groupprovided a place for new fellowship and

opportunities of love. Two in the prayergroup spoke only Spanish but daily as wesat at the foot of Jesus’ cross this was nobarrier to love amongst the group. I wascontinually swept up in the loving arms ofCFOers each day and each day my joy would

be renewed from the strength of their walkwith Jesus and their decision to share Hislove so freely. I came to realize that thepromise of “Blessed are those that mournfor they will be comforted” had to do withallowing God to love me. In this way Iwould be “comforted”. Comforted, in themost practical of ways, by the love of mydear CFO brothers and sisters in Christ.What a beautiful spiritual healing I received.

I once read a paraphrase of the heart ofPsalm 145, “Your friends make known, OLord, the glorious splendor of yourKingdom.” I reflected that here, in this placecalled CFO, I was truly with people whowere “friends of our Lord” and through theirwillingness to love me as a brother in Christdemonstrated the “glorious splendor of our



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Lord”. The foundation and strength of theCFO family is in the simplicity andauthenticity of its member’s friendship withJesus. Friends are relaxed in their timestogether. Friends care about each other.Friends remind each other of God’s graceand love offered freely to all in this world.The CFO family is much more than justfriends with each other…they are also thefriends of God. Because they are friends ofGod, they possess the ability tocommunicate their own inner peace to thosearound them which helps diminish thespiritual stress and pressures that come fromthe circumstances of this worldly life. It is

friendship not based upon reciprocity butupon a willingness to share a great gift theyhave received in their inner being. A gift oflove and acceptance from the creator, thesource of life itself, the Lord our God, whogave His only begotten Son that we mayhave eternal life.

Though I continue daily to struggle with

the loss of Barbara, I am comforted in manyways by my Lord. I am assured by the imageof her being without pain and resting in theloving arms of Jesus. I am surrounded by aloving family of children and grandchildrenthat make my physical life easy to bear butthe love of God that I experienced in Perufrom my CFO Family has deeply enrichedmy soul. The inner peace of my heart hasbeen nourished and strengthened so thateven in mourning I am comforted.

Dublon vouchers are stillavailable for first time camp-ers. Each camp and retreatcan receive up to 5 vouchersper event. The vouchers areissued to first time campers,in the amount of $150 forcamp and $75 for retreats.

From July 1, 2011 to June 30,2012 we issued 16 retreatvouchers and 104 camp vouch-ers, for a total of $16,964.Forms can be downloadedfrom the website or contactJenni Piatt at:




[email protected] call (716)560-4400

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In our local camps we get a taste of theCFO Family experience. However, just aswe are called to continually share God’s loveso we might project the Kingdom of Godinto this world, we are presented with anopportunity in CFO to experience and learnof the depth, height, and width of thatKingdom. The vision for CFO is to increaseits outreach in our world. To help othersnot only discover but also to explore theKingdom of God in the midst of their world.The love of God projected into my lifebecomes more real when I receiveencouragement and nourishment from theCFO family. The more diverse that family,the richer is the reality of God’s love for me!

In CFO we are able to explore therichness of God’s Kingdom by expandingour CFO experience. From ourwe can attend a meeting (gathering of

CFOers from the campswithin the geographical zone); attend the

(a gathering of CFOersfrom the United States and Canada); attenda (a gathering of CFOers from ageographical region of the world such asSouth Asia, Latin America or Europe forinstance); and attend an (agathering of CFOers from all over theworld… the recent meeting in Lima, Peruwas the 10th International conference heldsince 1973).

Depending upon your financial situation,family status, and the time constraint’sassociated with your work, attending all ofthese meetings may or may not be possiblebut I encourage each of you to be in prayerabout how you might expand your CFOexperience in the coming years. How to take the next step within CFO?After attending and serving in my local campfor almost 15 years, I was encouraged toattend a Zone meeting. Soon I attended myfirst Annual. At each place my CFO Familyexperience expanded as I experienced the

DiscoverThe Riches of God’s Kingdom

ExpandYour CFO Experience

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love of God from people whose lifecircumstances and experiences bore little orno resemblance to mine. My spiritual lifegrew in depth and richness from God lovingme through the sharing of His love fromothers. Had I not shyly and reluctantlyattended that first Zone Meeting, I wouldhave limited the extent of God’s Kingdomthat ultimately I am continuing to discoverand explore. In taking that first step outfrom my local camp, I had only faith inGod’s love of me. I had no vision or evendream of seeing so much of His Kingdomhere in this world. Trust God and not the

worldly vision that is so often small andlimiting. God will bring out the wonderfulgifts He has implanted within you…let themgrow and be nourished by the diverse loveso present in the family of CFO! As thecommunion song we occasionally sing in mychurch says, “Taste and see the goodness ofthe Lord!” His Kingdom is near, you’vebeen invited, and all that’s needed has beenprepared. The Lord patiently awaits yourarrival!

CFO’s Christ-centered program, whenled by the Holy Spirit, will help peoplediscover the Kingdom of God in their lives.But before the program is offered, it mustbe thoroughly bathed in prayer. The sitechosen in prayer, the leadership chosen inprayer, the brochure written in prayer, thefinances trusted in prayer, the siteprepared in prayer, the campers greetedin prayer, and the camp programpresented in prayer! In this way theCouncil Ring provides a prayer-filledenvironment in which the Lord interacts and toucheseach person in a unique and individual way. The camp will become loveitself and not just another place that only talks about love. The words of our mission statement offers us a simple way to invitepeople to a CFO event. In place of wearying them with details of CFOhistory, explanations of “farthest out,” and explaining that it’s “really nota camp”… perhaps inviting them to a place where they can discover theKingdom of God in their lives will be a more illuminating invitation.

For in the end it is not about the camp but about discovering God’spresence in all parts of our lives…discovering what it’s like to live in HisKingdom.

The Prayer-filled Environment

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Alaska - Connecticut -Hawaii - Maine 1Idaho 1 Massachusetts -Montana 1 New Hampshire 2Oregon - New Jersey 1Washington 2 New York 4Wyoming - Pennsylvania 4Alberta 1 Rhode Island 1British Columbia 3 Vermont -NW Territories (west of Alberta) - Eastern Canada (east of Sudbury) -Yukon - Ontario 5

Arkansas - Arizona 1Colorado 4 California 6Iowa 1 Nevada -Kansas 1 Utah -Minnesota 1Missouri -North Dakota -Nebraska 1 Delaware -New Mexico - Maryland -Oklahoma - North Carolina 1South Dakota 2 South Carolina -Texas - Virginia 2Manitoba - D.C. -NW Territories (east of Alberta) - West Virginia 1Saskatchewan -

Illinois - Alabama 2Indiana 2 Florida 2Kentucky - Georgia 2Michigan 1 Louisiana -Ohio 1 Mississippi -Wisconsin - Tennessee 1Ontario (west of Sudbury) -

Our CFO Familyin Nor th America

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This has been a year of Financial Changes for CFO. Change can be cumbersome, butonce the change is made, CHANGE can be GOOD! Two changes were made this year:The fiscal (or financial/budget) year and the ACFO fee structure. Both changes take effecton July 1, 2012. These will both take a little time to transition into, but we believe that thiswill ease the burden of the Treasurers.

The fiscal year of CFO was changed from July 1 - June 30 to January 1 - December31. This simply means that when we look at our budget, income and expenses, we willconsider January to December as a complete year, rather than July to June. This will notonly affect the ACFO office, but also the camps. When the Camp Treasurers do theirfinancial statements, they will figure all income and expenses for the single calendar year.

The fee structure for CFO has also changed. The new fees due to the ACFO officeare:

● $20 for Full Time Adult (18 years and older, at camp for 4 or more nights)● $12 for Part Time Adult (18 years and older, at camp for less than 4 nights)● $10 for Full Time Youth (Age 3-17, at camp for 4 or more nights)● $ 6 for Part Time Youth (Age 3-17, at camp for less than 4 nights)● $ 0 for Infants 2 and under● $15 Per day for Overnight meetings and CFO days

Liability and medical insurance will not change. All camp participants are still coveredwith no changes in the policy. The cost for this coverage is included in the flat rate paidper camper.

Travel Pool will be discontinued. The Travel Assistance Program (TAP) will beavailable for ACR members to attend the Fall ACR meeting and to aid the At-LargeDelegates/Alternates who need assistance with their travel to the Annual Meeting. Campsand Zones are encouraged to aid their own Alternates and Delegates with meetingexpenses.

No matter how clearly one feels they are communicating, there are alwaysunanswered questions. We want to hear your questions. We want the opportunity torespond to your concerns. Please contact Jenni Piatt with any questions or concerns. Welove hearing from you!

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ACFO Financial OverviewCamps, Zones & ACFO ACFO Office Actual ACFO Office


Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Fiscal Year 2013


Event Room & Board $599,798.00 46% - -

Donations $418,923.00 32% $81,693.02 $71,000.00

Registration & Fees $235,989.00 18% $53,024.37 $48,500.00

Asset Sales $29,284.00 2% - -

Interest & DividendsEarned $12,286.00 1% $10,744.03 $9,010.00

Total Income $ 1,296,280.00 100% $ 145,461.42 $128,510.00


CFO Events &Programs $925,599.00 72% $49,162.89 $33,075.00

Event Leadership $190,855.00 15% - -

Administration $105,445.00 8% $85,144.23 $83,484.00

Contributions $65,821.00 5% $10,231.28 $11,951.00

Other $756.00 0% - -

Total Expenses $1,288,476.00 100% $144,538.40 $128,510.00

Net Income $ 7,804.00 $ 923.02 -

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in the amount of: $_____________

in the amount of: $_____________/mo.(Make checks payable to ACFO, Inc. or use the Paypal button on-line)




We want you to know how thankful we are for your faithfulness and generositythroughout the year. To those who give a little, your gifts are added with others andmake it possible to meet our needs. To those who give more, we are blessed that youshare your abundance for God’s work. The monthly gifts are helpful in planning and theoccasional “surprise” gifts get us through difficult time.

A dear CFOer told me that God showed him what adding to his donation coulddo. From that point on, he has faithfully added the to all of his donations.

“It is just a dollar, but God can do a lot with a dollar.”If you are already doing all you can, Thank you! If you are able to send a one time

gift, pledge to make a monthly gift, increase your monthly gift or just add $1 to your cur-rent donation, we thank you and bless you. If you are not able to commit funds, but willcommit to praying for CFO, we bless you for that as well.

Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!

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*Tina AllenPhyllis Anderson

Arizona CFOBob & Bonnie

ArmstrongKathy AxtonTerry BakerDorean Bare

BettyLou BargoRon Baumler

*Andy & Judy BeemanNorma Nokes Bentley

Jack & Robin BernsteinFred & Joanne BignerJack & Lolley BittingerW.P. & Anne Blackley

Doug & Joy BolinJoan Bowes

Robert & Barbara BoyerAnita Bradley

Richard BremillerAnne Louise Broberg

Emily Brown*Jody & Karyn BrownRoland & Jean Brown

Donald Bruestle*CA Southern CFO

Alan & Judith CanfieldVibeke R. Clark

Adam & Alison CliffeDale Coates

Joyce ConoverJoanna Cook

*Bob & Barbara CooperBrittany Cooper

Chris & Mical CooperPam Corker

Janice CoughlinRonald Cox

Bob & Louise CrouchCharlotte CullerEdith DanielsBeverly DaviesLinda DeckerRichard Dell

John DericksonMary Dill

*David & Martha DobraCarol Dunton

Dorothy EbaughGlenn Elliot

Patricia Ewell*Gary & Mae Ellen Fick

Mary Catherine FiferAmy Filer

Finger Lakes CFOJune FisherAnita FordBrian Fox

Dan & Sue FranklinRose Fraser

F.G. FrederickRoger & Rosemary

GatchellKay Glore

*Charles GrasslMaurice & Martha Ann

GregoireCarolyn Griffin

Joshua & ElizabethGriffin

GA Mountains CFOMartha Hagy

Jim HaneyJames & Betty

HarringtonDavid & Kathleen

HawkesLinda Heesch

Nancy HendersonJohn & Ruth Henefer

Linda Hershey*Tom & Dawn HeslinAllen & Betsy Hodges

David HoffmanBryan & Nancy Holland

Cathy HoreinJeanne Hughes

Iowa CFODarrell JamesKristi JamisonLeah JenningsMaynard Jones

Dave & JaneKampsnider

Ray & Donna KenisonDonald & Anna KrallKenneth & Elizabeth

KrallMatt & Helen Leach

Dennis & Patricia LittleVickie Livelsberger

Gloria LomaxThomas LomaxMarilyn Luschen

Adam & Ann MaddockKathy Maier

Geneveive MarriottJoyce McCallisterJanet McCreary

Alex & AliceMcCullough

Arleen McLaneBeverly McLeodDaniel & Martha

MeadowsRon Meyer

Carolyn Olds MikelsCarolyn MillerJohn & Valerie

MontalbanoGinger Moore

*John & Virginia MoorePhilip & Jane MorganEarle & Pam Morse

Robert & BeckyMortvedt

*ME Acadia CFOFrank & Roxanne

Nowinski*NC High Pastures CFO

*Helen PanittWilliam & Ruth Pettibon

David & Jenni PiattJames PierceDorine Pratt

Major & OrdelphiaProctor

*PA Hilltop CFOJoanne Rawson

Verne RobinsonGlenn & Joann Rogers

Julie RogersBob & Margaret RussellEdwin & Leilani Savick

Virginia SchenckRex & Suzanne

SchroluckeMike Self

Dean & Hazel SeverinWilliam & Julie

SimmonsConnie SloanRobin SmaltRuth Smalt

Josephine SmithNorma Smith

Tommy & LindaSommer

CA Southern CFOLarry & Susan

SouthwickJenny Steele

Virginia SteeleKay StelzerLinda Stipo

Debby Stratton*John & Kathryn Styer

Rebecca SutherlandCharles & Marion

Sutton*Bob & Debbie Thomas

Darin & TiffanyVaxelaire

Donna VaxelairePaul & Dorcas WestWayne & Ruth WestBudd & Jane WhiteFaye Ellen Winger

Willie & Sharon WittPeter WolcottRuth Work

*WV Capon SpringsCFO

Sarah Zowada*Zone 3 CFO*Zone 8 CFO

We want to say, to all who have given generously to ACFO. From the $1donation to the largest, all amounts add up to help us with our budget. The monthly donors andoccasional donors are both tremendously helpful and we need you all.

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WV Capon Springs CFONC Kanuga CFO

May 2012Washington CFO

2012AB Northern Lights CFO

March 2012WV Capon Springs CFO

September 2011NY Stony Point CFO

February 2012Nebraska CFO

October 2011COL

CO Summer CO Autumn CFOs

November 2011Texas CFO


January 2012CA Alliance CFO

December 2011Indiana CFO

October 2012CT-Gateway CFONY Silver Bay CFO

November 2011WV Capon Springs CFO

2012AB Northern Lights CFO

December 2011Oregon CFO

Sept 2011Arizona CFO

August 2012California CFOs

October 2011Indiana CFO

March 2012WV Capon Springs CFO

NC Kanuga CFO

2012AB Northern Lights CFO

Feb 2011Montana CFO

Washington CFO

Feb 2012Michigan CFO

Northern Michigan CFO

October 2011BC Van Isle CFO

July 2012Finger Lakes CFO

October 2010Nebraska CFOKansas CFO

December 2011Indiana CFO

July 2012CA Silver Sierra CFO

Council of Leaders

September 2012BC Mainland CFO

July 2012Warwick CFO

2009Texas CFO

July 2012NC Kanuga CFOPA Hilltop CFO

April 2012WV Capon Springs CFO

May 2012Montana CFO

April 2012ME Acadia CFO

January 2012VA Tidewater CFO

May 2012MN Koronis CFO

August 2012Washington CFO

October 2011Indiana CFO

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The United Prayer TowerFor prayer needs write, call oremail 24 hours a day.

PH: 641/421-6858Email: [email protected]


The year round prayer ministry of Camps Farthest Out.Carolyn Miller, Coordinator

1501 S. Louisiana Ave., Mason City, IA 50401

The is the official audioarchives of the Camps Farthest Out. Here youwill find messages by such classic CFO speakersas Glenn Clark, Tommy Tyson, Agnes Sanford,Rufus Moseley, Frank Laubauch, Roland &Marcia Brown, Starr Daily & many others.

We have over 200 titles available for freedownload, and a full catalog of over 8000messages available from our free-loan cassettelibrary. It is our desire that you will grow inyour walk with Christ as you listen to thesemessages so that you too can become “athletesof the Spirit."


c/o Shepherd MinistriesP.O. Box 92Milo, IA 50166Phone: 641-942-7118E-mail: [email protected]: Matt Leach, Librarian

CFO InternationalBecky Sutherland, Coordinator

Sue Fairley, PresidentP O Box 1301

Whittier, CA 90609Phone: 562-947-4448

Email: [email protected]: www.CFOInternational.org

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