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2012 High School Fall Sports Section (FCHS-WHHS)

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Forest City and West Hancock High Schools
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Aug. 22, 2012 Britt News Tribune, Forest City Summit 2012 High School Fall Sports Section Forest City and West Hancock High Schools

12 • April 6, 2011 Fall Sports 2012 Summit • News-Tribune

2012 Fall Sports SchedulesForest City

FootballAug. 24 - vs.

Algona; Aug. 31 - atClear Lake; Sept. 7 -Spirit Lake; Sept. 14 -at East Sac County;Sept. 21 - Clarion-Goldfield; Sept. 28 -at South CentralCalhoun; Oct. 5 - atEstherville-LincolnCentral; Oct. 12 - vs.Central Springs; Oct.19 - vs. Garner-Hayfield.

West Hancockfootball

Aug . 24 - vs.Garner-Hayfield;Aug. 31 - at St.

Ansgar; Sept. 7 - vs.AGWSR; Sept. 14 - atBelmond-Klemme;Sept. 21 - at BishopGarrigan, Algona;Sept. 28 - vs. LakeMills; Oct. 5 - vs.Southeast Webster;Oct. 12 - vs. PrairieValley; Oct. 19 - vs.Mason City Newman.

Forest City VolleyballAug. 28 - at West

Hancock; Sept. 4 - vsNewman Catholic;Sept. 6 - vs.Belmond-Klemme;Sept. 8 - at EldoraTournament; Sept. 11- at Osage; Sept. 13 -vs. Garner-Hayfield;

Sept. 15 - vs. ForestCity Tournament;Sept. 18 - at NorthIowa; Sept. 22 - atBoone Tournament;Sept. 25 - vs. LakeMills; Sept. 29 - atGarner-HayfieldTournament; Oct. 8 -at Central SpringsOct. 11 - at St. AnsgarQuad; Oct. 13 - atAlgona Tournament;Oct. 17 - Regionals,TBA.

West HancockVolleyball

Aug. 25 - at Garner-Hayfield Tournament;Aug. 28 - vs. ForestCity; Sept. 4 - atGarner-Hayfield;

Sept. 6 - at NewmanCatholic; Sept. 8 - atBelmond-KlemmeTournament; Sept. 11- vs. Belmond-Klemme; Sept. 13 - atLake Mills; Sept. 17 -at Northwood-Kensett Tournament;Sept. 18 - at Osage;Sept. 25 - vs. NorthIowa; Sept. 29 - NICTournament, Garner;Oct. 6 - at NorthIowa; Oct. 11 - at WestBend Mallard; Oct. 13- at AlgonaTournament.

Forest City CrossCountry

Aug. 28 - at MasonCity Newman

Invitational; Sept. 4 -at Belmond-KlemmeClassic; Sept. 11 - atOsage; Sept. 13 - atClear LakeInvitational; Sept. 17 -at HumboldtInvitational; Sept. 24- at AlgonaInvitational; Oct. 2 -at Lake Mills; Oct. 8 -Forest CityInvitational; Oct. 11 -North IowaConference meet,Mason City.

West Hancock CrossCountry

Aug. 24 - atGarner-Hayfield

Invitational; Aug. 28 -at Mason CityNewman Invitational;Sept. 4 - at Belmond-Klemme Invitational;Sept. 10 - at BallardInvitational; Sept. 13 -at Clear LakeInvitational; Sept. 17 -at HumboldtInvitational; Sept. 20- at Mason CityInvitational; Sept. 24- Garner-HayfieldInvitational; Sept. 27- at Hampton-Dumont Invitational;Oct. 2 - at Eagle GroveInvitational; Oct. 8 -at Forest CityInvitational; Oct. 11 -North IowaConference meet,Mason City.

Aug. 22, 2012 Britt News Tribune, Forest City Summit

2012 High School Fall Sports SectionForest City and West Hancock High Schools

2 • August 22, 2012 Falls Sports 2012 Summit • News-Tribune News-Tribune • Summit Fall Sports 2012 August 22, 2012 • 11

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At left, West Hancock’s Maribel Zamago runs during the Forest City Invitational lastOctober. Directly above, West Hancock’s Jessica Gray returns a serve at an early-seasontournament at Garner last year. Below, the West Hancock defense tries to stop a run in theClass A State title game against Lisbon last year at the Uni-Dome in Cedar Falls. At left,below, Kellie Schmit rises to block a shot at the net.



FFOORREESSTT CCIITTYY - Itwon’t take Forest Cityfootball coach ChadMoore long to see howhis team stacks up in itsnew district.

The Indians open withAlgona on Friday, butafter that, it’s murder-er’s row. Forest Cityplays district opponentSpirit Lake in weekthree, Clarion-Goldfieldin week five and SouthCentral Calhoun in weeksix.

Spirit Lake was a staterunnerup last season inClass 2A while ClarionGoldfield returns eightstarters from last year’steam that beat theIndians twice. SouthCentral Calhoun is cur-rently rated in Class 2A.

“We’ll see how things

go, but it’s going to betough,” Moore said. “Wesee all the best teams inour district by the end ofSeptember. If we arehealthy after thatstretch, we can finishthe season strong.”

The Indians go intothe season with themomentum created lastyear, when the team wonits first district titleever, and its first playoffgame ever.

Indian coach ChadMoore, meanwhile, losteight starters on offensebut returns nine starterson defense.

Lost to graduationwas record-settingquarterback KyleRosacker, who ran for859 yards last seasonand threw for 1, 388yards.

Battling to replaceRosacker are Tate

Thompson, TannerThompson and ThomasO’Rourke.

The Thompson broth-

ers played for Iowa CityWest last season beforetheir family moved toForest City.

“Tate is an excellentrunner and Tanner andThomas are both doing agood job,” Moore said.

“But Kyle will be toughto replace. Players like

Indians to face tough schedule early in the season


Above are members of the 2012 Forest City High football team.

New district will be tough,but Forest City returnsnine starters on defense


10 • August 22, 2012 Fall Sports 2012 Summit • News-Tribune News-Tribune • Summit Fall Sports 2012 August 22, 2012 • 3


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BBRRIITTTT — It’s going tobe difficult for the 2012West Hancock footballteam to duplicate lastyear’s 12-2 season, butEagle coach Bob Sangerisn’t selling this group ofyoungsters short.

And why should he?The Eagles lost most oftheir backfield and twokey linebackers ondefense, but return eightstarters on both offenseand defense.

“I think it’s ondefense where we’llshow the most improve-ment over last year,” saidSanger, now in his 45thyear at the WestHancock helm.

“I really like wherewe’re at. We have sixall-district players com-ing back and three all-state players back aswell.”

Last season, WestHancock advanced allthe way to the Class Achampionship game, butlost a 14-12 decisionNov. 18 in the Uni-Dome

to Lisbon.Two key losses to

graduation were half-back/linebacker ZachSchleuger and runningback/outside linebackerGerardo Ibarra.

Zach will be playingfootball this fall forMorningside Collegewhile Ibarra will play

basketball at EllsworthCC.

Zach was named all-state as a linebacker buton offense last year, herushed for 1,816 yardsand scored a team high35 touchdowns. Heaveraged 14 yard percarry.

Ibarra was an all-state

pick at a roving line-backer/defensive backposition.

“We’ll miss all ourseniors from last year,”Sanger said. “But there’sno doubt about it. Zachand Ibarra will be toughto replace.”

Also lost to gradua-tion was quarterback

Eric Cox, who wasn’tasked to pass much lastyear but made some keypasses down the stretchof the season.

Returning in thebackfield is ChrisSchleuger, who led theEagles in rushing lastseason with 1,894 yardsand 26 touchdowns.

Expected to fill thespot of Ibarra at the tail-back spot are Gunnerand Ryder Clark, bothreturning letterwinners.

“We’ll probably bemore of a grind-it-outtype of offense than wewere last year,” Sanger

WH football team loaded with talent, potential


Above are members of the 2012 West Hancock football team.



At top, left, Forest City slotback Jon Mathiasen racesdownfield during a gameagainst Clarion-Goldfieldlast season. At right above, aForest City High volleyballplayer practices passing.

At left, below, Forest City’sAutumn Busta runs duringlast year’s Forest CityInvitational. At right, Indianrunner Tommy Swansoncompetes during a meetduring the 2011 season.

2011 inReview

4 • August 22, 2012 Fall Sports 2012 Summit • News-Tribune News-Tribune • Summit Fall Sports 2012 August 22, 2012 • 9


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said. “And that suits us pretty good.We like to play that type of physicalfootball.”

At quarterback, Sanger said thestarter will be either junior JacobHejlik or Collin Becker.

“Both those guys are really workinghard,” Sanger said.

Up front, all stater Pat Smithreturns, as do all-district players NateAitchison and Seth Goepel. JonBurgardt returns at tight end.

Expected to gain a starting positionat center is senior Kevin Tlach.

“He’s going to fill that spot well,”Sanger said. “He was good enough toplay for us last year and we probablyshould have found a spot for him. Thesame goes with (lineman) CalvinLang.”

The Eagles will have a deep threatwith the pass in senior Josiah Eckels.

Defensively, Sanger likes the way histeam has looked so far. He said ChrisSchleuger is going to play a lot moredefense at end this season than he didlast year.

“He’s a very good defensive player,and I think his contributions there thisyear will be every bit as important asthey will be offensively,” Sanger said.

This season, the Eagles won’t haveto deal with the spread offense ofLeMars Gehlen again.

Districts were realigned over theoffseason and the Eagles will playagainst top contenders Mason CityNewman and Algona Bishop Garrigan.

“Top to bottom, our schedule willprobably be more difficult this yearthan it was last season,” Sanger said.

Eagles look to get back to Dome


Above, West Hancock’s Pat Smith gets a sack last fall of the North Iowa quarterback. Atright, Wolfpack runner Kamille Kronemann runs during the Belmond-Klemme Invitational.

practice so far,” Short.“We’ve had that for afew years now and it’smade us a better team.”

The Wolfpack boysteam lost seniors StuartBlank, Michael Jolivetteand West Hancock’sDavid Schreur last sea-son but return somegood runners, Shortsaid.

“We have the makingsof a good team,” he said.“But we’ve definitely gotsome spots to fill.”

The top returning let-terwinner is Garner-Hayfield’s Brad Nedved.Also returning are JeffO’Brien, Joel Toppin andA.J. Arnold.

Last season, theWolfpack finished sec-ond to Osage in theNorth Iowa Conferencemeet. The first order ofbusiness for the team inthe post-season will beto reclaim the confer-

ence title.“That’s an early goal

of ours,” he said. “Butwe’d also like to do well

at the region meet andget back to state as ateam after not making itlast year.”

Kronemann to lead Wolfpack girls

Freesemann said, theteam has been stressingfundamentals.

“We’ll be working ona lot of the basics for awhile,” she said. “Thatwill help us progress asthe season goes on.”

Last season, the

Eagles won 13 matchesbut most of those winswere in the first half ofthe season. They fin-ished 13-19.

Freesemann said theEagles aren’t the onlyNorth Iowa Conferenceteam which lost heavilyto graduation.

“Forest City, Garner-

Hayfield and Mason CityNewman all lost some oftheir top players,”Freesemann said.

“Lake Mills andOsage should returnwith some strong teambut they’ll be a lot ofnew faces in the confer-ence.”

WH volleyball has high hopes






FFOORREESSTT CCIITTYY - The Forest City High volleyballteam will battle youth and inexperience this seasonafter losing five of six starters to graduation.

“It’s a building year, and we’ll be very young,” saidIndian volleyball coach Lacy Jerome.

But the second year coach isn’t selling her teamshort.

“The players have great attitudes and a strongwork ethic so far,” Jerome said. “It may seem like it’sdifficult to bring 12 new faces to a team and get themto play together.

“But we’ve made a lot of progress so far. Andsome of our freshman and sophomores have beenplaying together in the past at different levels.”

Lost to graduation among others, were hitter TabBlaser, hitter Amanda Busta, and setter MirandaBartleson.

In 2011, Blaser led the Indians with 428 kills, anaverage of almost four kills per set. Busta finishedwith 260 kills and a team-high 108 digs.

Blaser also finished with 108 digs and led in aceserves with 70.

Bartleson was a reliable setter for the past twoyears for the Indians. In 2011, she finished with 471set assists.

The lone returning starter is McKenzie Baker,whom Jerome said would hit from nearly every posi-tion on the floor this season.

Last year, Baker finished with 125 kills, an average

of 1.17 kills per set. She added 11 ace serves and 16solo blocks.

“McKenzie had a good year last season but we’reexpecting more out of her this year,” Jerome said.

“She’s got some height and power at the net andwill be our main hitter, especially in the middle.

“And one thing McKenzie has done is step into a

leadership role so far.”The returning letter winners are senior Jessica

Kingston, sophomore Rachel Koch, sophomoreAmanda Wilson, and senior Jessica Tweeten.

Kingston did some setting last year but played


Above are members of the 2012 Forest City High volleyball team.

Indian spikers returnjust one starter, willbe inexperienced


8 • August 22, 2012 Fall Sports 2012 Summit • News-Tribune News-Tribune • Summit Fall Sports 2012 August 22, 2012 • 5

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BBRRIITTTT - WestHancock volleyballcoach Sarah Freesemannknows she has a chal-lenge ahead of her thisseason.

On the other hand,every season presentsnew challenges.

“Most years, you haveto deal with losses tograduation so that’snothing new,”Freesemann said. “Andit will be exciting andinteresting to see howthis year’s young teamdevelops. It’s an intrest-ing time of year.”

The Eagles lost its twotop front row players insix-footers Ahna Brunsand BrookeHeusinkveld.

Bruns, who led theEagles in kills with 212,or 2.44 per set, is nowplaying volleyball forEllsworth CommunityCollege in Iowa Falls.

West Hancock alsolost second-leading hit-ter Carlee Christianson,

who finished with 123kills in 2011.

The Eagles will haveto replace setters KayleeWeiland and BrookelynSavoy to graduation,along with back rowplayers Katelin Willertand Courtney Zadow.

The only returningstarter is 5-foot-10 sen-ior outside hitterMelissa Loeschen. Lastseason, Loeschen wasthe Eagles’ third-lead-ing hitter, finishing with89 kills, or 1.7 per set.

“The whole lineup,except for Melissa, willbe new,” Freesemannsaid. “This year, I’ll belooking for a lot of lead-ership from our seniors.”

The only otherreturning letterwinner issenior Kellie Schmit.

A four-sport athletewho also participates inbasketball, track andsoftball, Schmit isexpected to play an all-around role for theEagles this fall.

Freesemann saidSchmit could be a dan-gerous hitter in the mid-

dle or outside, as well asa top-notch back rowplayer.

Last season in a part-time role, Schmit fin-ished with 19 kills and27 digs.

Replacing the setterduo of Weiland andSavoy is senior JessicaGray. Freesemann saidGray saw some action asa setter at the end of lastyear.

“She should do a goodjob for us,” Freesemannsaid. “She had goodhands and excellentcourt sense.”

Up front, helpingLoeschen and Schmit issenior Callie Francis,who was on the varsityroster last season.

“Callie will be one ofour outside hitters,”Freesemann said. Shesaid others who will seefront row duty will bemiddle hitters MaceyHarms and Colbie Bates.

In the back row, sen-ior Haley Hiscocks willbe the go-to player.

“Haley has lot of abil-ity as a back row player,”

Freesemann said.“It’s going to be

tough, because we lostour whole back row lastyear, but we have a goodpool of players who canstep in and play therethis year.”

Freeseman said thebiggest hurdle will beplaying together onceplayers have establishedtheir positions.

“We need to commu-nicate on the floor anddevelop some kind of

team chemistry on thefloor,” she said. “We willbe in the process all yearof building valuable var-sity experience.”

So far this season,

Eagle spikers has lots youth, new faces


Above are members of the 2012 West Hancock volleyball team.


him don’t come along very often.”In the backfield, senior Colton Westerberg returns

after a solid junior year. Zach Bengston and RileyMoore return at the slot positions while Seth Brownreturns at offensive tackle.

“We lost most of our offensive line,” Moore said.“But we’ve got a few kids there who weren’t starterslast year but saw some varsity time.”

Among them are Brian Brcka and NathanFriederich. Lost to graduation was Justin Putney,who’s redshirting his freshman year this fall atNorthern Iowa.

“We won’t have the size we had last year in theoffensive line but we’ll be about average,” Mooresaid. “We’ve got a the makings of a pretty good corpsthere.

“But a key to our season will be how our offensejells together and makes things happen,” Moore said.

At the receiver positions, Matt Snyder returns attight end and Josh Putz could get a starting role as awideout, Moore said.

On defense, the Indians return nine players. Theyare defensive end Seth Brown, noseguard JoshDakken, defensive tackle Brcka, Westerberg, Snyderand Friederich at linebacker, and Riley Moore at adefensive back position.

Also last season, Tate Thompson started everygame for Iowa City West on defense.

Coach Moore said that Tyler Putney and NickBunger will also be in the mix in the Indians’ defen-sive line.

“We definitely have some depth on defense thisseason,” Moore said.

“I’d say right now that our strengths are seniorleadership and defense,” Moore said. “We thinkthings will go well on offense, but that’s still a bit ofa question mark after losing all those starters.

“Our special teams and kicking game might be asore point at least early in the season. We lost somekey kids so some guys are going to have to step intothose roles.”

The Indians open their 2012 season Friday night athome with Algona.

Indians need to replacemuch of offensive line;

mostly back row. Thus far, she’sstepped into the starting setter’srole.

“We think Jessica can be agood setter,” Jerome said. “We’vegot some younger girls who canset as well, but Jessica is moreused to the speed of the game atthe varsity level.”

Koch added 24 digs last seasonwhile playing in the back row.Wilson saw limited varsity actionbut will be a starter if she ishealthy, Jerome said.

“She recently had foot sur-

gery,” Jerome said. “We don’tknow if we’ll get her back thisseason or not. If she is able toreturn, it will be an added boostfor us.”

Tweeten also has limited var-sity experience but Jerome saysshe should be able to contributeimmediately.

Jerome said the strength of theteam thus far has been its posi-tive attitude. But inexperiencewill have to be dealt with.

“This team still has some highexpectations and I think they’rewilling to work hard to reachthem,” Jerome said.

“It’s going to take some time

before we start playing togetheras a team but our solid teamchemistry will help with that,”she said.

She added that Lake Mills willsimply reload and be the favoriteonce again in the North IowaConference.

A threat to the title will also beGarner-Hayfield.“They will bemuch-improved over last year,”Jerome said. Several schools inthe conference will be as youngand inexperienced as theIndians.

Among them are Mason CityNewman and West Hancock, shesaid.

FC spikers still have high goals

ise,” Kappos said.Also back is Tommy

Swanson, who had somestrong finishes last year.Other returnees areTyler Tweeten, TylerHelmich, Jeff Robson,and Russell Scharper.

“We lost some goodrunners from last yearbut return some experi-ence,” Kappos said. “Itwill be all about improv-ing their times with eachrace and pushing them-selves to go faster.”

Kappos said theIndian boys will be ableto field a full team for

scoring purposes of eachmeet.

The North IowaConference meet will beheld Oct. 11 in MasonCity.

“Garner-Hayfield-Ventura-West Hancockand Osage are probablygoing to battle it out forfirst place in that meet,”Kappos said.

“North Iowa alsoreturns with a prettygood team.”

The Indians will playhost to their own ForestCity InvitationalMonday, Oct. 8 at BearCreek Golf Course.

Indian boys harriershave good numbers


Forest City’s Tyler Tweeten runs during a meet last year




6 • August 22, 2012 Fall Sports 2012 Summit • News-Tribune News-Tribune • Summit Fall Sports 2012 7 • August 22, 2012


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BBRRIITTTT - The Garner-Hayfield Ventura-WestHancock boys and girlscross country teamswant to get back to statein 2012, and both shouldhave a chance to do justthat.

“The kids haveworked hard over theoffseason and practice,and that’s both the girlsand boys teams,” saidGHV-WH girls and boyscross country coach JeffShort.

Last season, theWolfpack girls qualifiedfor state as a team forthe third consecutiveyear. The boys teammissed out at state in2011, but qualified threestraight years previousto that.

“We’ve had a lot ofsuccess with our crosscountry program, andthat’s a credit to the kids

and their hard work.Now, we just want tokeep going,” Short said.

Short said his girlsteam should be favoredto win a fourth straightNorth Iowa Conferencetitle. Prior to that thegirls team won nine reg-ular season meet titles.

“We had a great regu-lar season and confer-ence meet last year, tak-ing the first seven placesand pretty much domi-nating the meet,” Shortsaid.

“This year, it lookslike more of the same,but you never knowwhat team will pop upthere and be strong.

“One thing we dowant to do with bothteams is run welltowards the end of theseason and peak late,hopefully at the statemeet,” Short said.

Lost to graduation lastyear were two WestHancock runners in

Derica Jakoubek andApril Burgardt. Both hadbeen regulars on thevarsity roster for each ofthe past three years.

“And both had goodsenior seasons, althoughApril was hampered a bitby some leg injuries,”Short said,

Jakoubek had an out-standing senior seasonand was consistently theWolfpack’s third runneracross the finish line.

Leading the Wolfpackgirls last year as a juniorwas KamilleKronemann. She’s beena starter and one of theteam’s top runners sinceshe was a freshman.

Other letterwinnersfrom West Hancock aresenior Emmorie Stokka,Maribel Zamago andsophomore NicoleBurgardt.

Nicole Burgardt had astrong first year of cross

country running, finish-ing second toKronemann in mostmeets. She’s looking foranother strong season,Short said.

“All the girls put somemiles in over the sum-mer,” he said. “And youalmost have to have thatif you are going to besuccessful at any level ofcross country.”

Zamago and Stokkaran both junior varsity

and varsity last season.Stokka is a team tri-captain along withKronemann and Garner-Hayfield’s Renee Lau.

Other returning let-terwinners for theWolfpack are MaddieTusha, Bri Bier andTiara Van Gerpen.

“We are seeing a lot ofcompetition for varsityspots in pre-season

Wolfpack runnershope to get backto state in 2012


Above are the returning letterwinners of the Garner-Hayfield-Ventura-West Hancock boys and girls cross country teams.


Indian runners to face some tough challenges aheadBY CHRIS TODD


FFOORREESSTT CCIITTYY -Thirteen boys and threegirls will comprise theForest City High crosscountry teams this fall.

Numbers are relative-ly good for the boysteam, but with just threeathletes the girls teamwon’t be able to field ateam for meets.

“That’s a tough onefor the girls, because it’sa strong motivating fac-tor to be running for theteam as opposed toyourself,” said Indianboys and girls crosscountry coach SteveKappos.

“But for all our run-ners, it’s really all up tothem. If they want to getup there and competewith top runners, I thinkthey have the ability todo that.

“On the other hand,it’s always easier to runwith a comfort levelrather than to pushyourself,” he said.“Cross country is almost

more mental than physi-cal. Runners are capableof going faster than theythink or that is comfort-able, but it might hurt alittle to keep pushing.”

The girls team will becomprised of seniorCarter Anderson,Autumn Busta andQuincey Vaagensmith.

Busta had a good sea-son last year, accordingto Kappos.

“She started quicklybut leveled off in themiddle of the season,” hesaid. “Then she finishedstrong in the conferencemeet and just missed allconference by a coupleof places.”

Anderson has beenrunning since she was afreshman, but injuriesslowed her last year.

“Carter, like all ourother runners, just hasto build some confi-dence during the seasonthat she can run up withthe lead pack,” Kappossaid. “She has to believeshe can do it.”

This is Vaagensmith’sthird year out for cross

country and Kappos saidshe has improved eachseason.

“Last season, sheimproved over the yearbefore,” he said. “Shehas a lot of potential andcould be our top runnerif she goes out anddecides to do it.”

On the boys side, theIndians will be led by

Chad Ullmann, who fin-ished close to the moneylast season for a berth atthe state meet.

“He was only about 15to 18 seconds away fromqualifying,” Kappossaid. “He was our onlyall-conference runnerlast year but he had astrong freshman sea-son.”

Kappos said Ullmannhas a legitimate shot atstate this season.

“I think being so closelast year opened Chad’seyes a little bit to thepossibilities for thisyear,” Kappos said. “Itwas a confidence boost-er.”

Running second inmost practices this sea-

son so far, Kappos said,is newcomer ColtonSegerstrom. He compet-ed in track and field lastspring and will be on theMason City swim teamthis winter.

“He’s looked verygood in practice so farand shows lots of prom-


Above are members of the 2012 Forest City cross country team.


6 • August 22, 2012 Fall Sports 2012 Summit • News-Tribune News-Tribune • Summit Fall Sports 2012 7 • August 22, 2012


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BBRRIITTTT - The Garner-Hayfield Ventura-WestHancock boys and girlscross country teamswant to get back to statein 2012, and both shouldhave a chance to do justthat.

“The kids haveworked hard over theoffseason and practice,and that’s both the girlsand boys teams,” saidGHV-WH girls and boyscross country coach JeffShort.

Last season, theWolfpack girls qualifiedfor state as a team forthe third consecutiveyear. The boys teammissed out at state in2011, but qualified threestraight years previousto that.

“We’ve had a lot ofsuccess with our crosscountry program, andthat’s a credit to the kids

and their hard work.Now, we just want tokeep going,” Short said.

Short said his girlsteam should be favoredto win a fourth straightNorth Iowa Conferencetitle. Prior to that thegirls team won nine reg-ular season meet titles.

“We had a great regu-lar season and confer-ence meet last year, tak-ing the first seven placesand pretty much domi-nating the meet,” Shortsaid.

“This year, it lookslike more of the same,but you never knowwhat team will pop upthere and be strong.

“One thing we dowant to do with bothteams is run welltowards the end of theseason and peak late,hopefully at the statemeet,” Short said.

Lost to graduation lastyear were two WestHancock runners in

Derica Jakoubek andApril Burgardt. Both hadbeen regulars on thevarsity roster for each ofthe past three years.

“And both had goodsenior seasons, althoughApril was hampered a bitby some leg injuries,”Short said,

Jakoubek had an out-standing senior seasonand was consistently theWolfpack’s third runneracross the finish line.

Leading the Wolfpackgirls last year as a juniorwas KamilleKronemann. She’s beena starter and one of theteam’s top runners sinceshe was a freshman.

Other letterwinnersfrom West Hancock aresenior Emmorie Stokka,Maribel Zamago andsophomore NicoleBurgardt.

Nicole Burgardt had astrong first year of cross

country running, finish-ing second toKronemann in mostmeets. She’s looking foranother strong season,Short said.

“All the girls put somemiles in over the sum-mer,” he said. “And youalmost have to have thatif you are going to besuccessful at any level ofcross country.”

Zamago and Stokkaran both junior varsity

and varsity last season.Stokka is a team tri-captain along withKronemann and Garner-Hayfield’s Renee Lau.

Other returning let-terwinners for theWolfpack are MaddieTusha, Bri Bier andTiara Van Gerpen.

“We are seeing a lot ofcompetition for varsityspots in pre-season

Wolfpack runnershope to get backto state in 2012


Above are the returning letterwinners of the Garner-Hayfield-Ventura-West Hancock boys and girls cross country teams.


Indian runners to face some tough challenges aheadBY CHRIS TODD


FFOORREESSTT CCIITTYY -Thirteen boys and threegirls will comprise theForest City High crosscountry teams this fall.

Numbers are relative-ly good for the boysteam, but with just threeathletes the girls teamwon’t be able to field ateam for meets.

“That’s a tough onefor the girls, because it’sa strong motivating fac-tor to be running for theteam as opposed toyourself,” said Indianboys and girls crosscountry coach SteveKappos.

“But for all our run-ners, it’s really all up tothem. If they want to getup there and competewith top runners, I thinkthey have the ability todo that.

“On the other hand,it’s always easier to runwith a comfort levelrather than to pushyourself,” he said.“Cross country is almost

more mental than physi-cal. Runners are capableof going faster than theythink or that is comfort-able, but it might hurt alittle to keep pushing.”

The girls team will becomprised of seniorCarter Anderson,Autumn Busta andQuincey Vaagensmith.

Busta had a good sea-son last year, accordingto Kappos.

“She started quicklybut leveled off in themiddle of the season,” hesaid. “Then she finishedstrong in the conferencemeet and just missed allconference by a coupleof places.”

Anderson has beenrunning since she was afreshman, but injuriesslowed her last year.

“Carter, like all ourother runners, just hasto build some confi-dence during the seasonthat she can run up withthe lead pack,” Kappossaid. “She has to believeshe can do it.”

This is Vaagensmith’sthird year out for cross

country and Kappos saidshe has improved eachseason.

“Last season, sheimproved over the yearbefore,” he said. “Shehas a lot of potential andcould be our top runnerif she goes out anddecides to do it.”

On the boys side, theIndians will be led by

Chad Ullmann, who fin-ished close to the moneylast season for a berth atthe state meet.

“He was only about 15to 18 seconds away fromqualifying,” Kappossaid. “He was our onlyall-conference runnerlast year but he had astrong freshman sea-son.”

Kappos said Ullmannhas a legitimate shot atstate this season.

“I think being so closelast year opened Chad’seyes a little bit to thepossibilities for thisyear,” Kappos said. “Itwas a confidence boost-er.”

Running second inmost practices this sea-

son so far, Kappos said,is newcomer ColtonSegerstrom. He compet-ed in track and field lastspring and will be on theMason City swim teamthis winter.

“He’s looked verygood in practice so farand shows lots of prom-


Above are members of the 2012 Forest City cross country team.


8 • August 22, 2012 Fall Sports 2012 Summit • News-Tribune News-Tribune • Summit Fall Sports 2012 August 22, 2012 • 5

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BBRRIITTTT - WestHancock volleyballcoach Sarah Freesemannknows she has a chal-lenge ahead of her thisseason.

On the other hand,every season presentsnew challenges.

“Most years, you haveto deal with losses tograduation so that’snothing new,”Freesemann said. “Andit will be exciting andinteresting to see howthis year’s young teamdevelops. It’s an intrest-ing time of year.”

The Eagles lost its twotop front row players insix-footers Ahna Brunsand BrookeHeusinkveld.

Bruns, who led theEagles in kills with 212,or 2.44 per set, is nowplaying volleyball forEllsworth CommunityCollege in Iowa Falls.

West Hancock alsolost second-leading hit-ter Carlee Christianson,

who finished with 123kills in 2011.

The Eagles will haveto replace setters KayleeWeiland and BrookelynSavoy to graduation,along with back rowplayers Katelin Willertand Courtney Zadow.

The only returningstarter is 5-foot-10 sen-ior outside hitterMelissa Loeschen. Lastseason, Loeschen wasthe Eagles’ third-lead-ing hitter, finishing with89 kills, or 1.7 per set.

“The whole lineup,except for Melissa, willbe new,” Freesemannsaid. “This year, I’ll belooking for a lot of lead-ership from our seniors.”

The only otherreturning letterwinner issenior Kellie Schmit.

A four-sport athletewho also participates inbasketball, track andsoftball, Schmit isexpected to play an all-around role for theEagles this fall.

Freesemann saidSchmit could be a dan-gerous hitter in the mid-

dle or outside, as well asa top-notch back rowplayer.

Last season in a part-time role, Schmit fin-ished with 19 kills and27 digs.

Replacing the setterduo of Weiland andSavoy is senior JessicaGray. Freesemann saidGray saw some action asa setter at the end of lastyear.

“She should do a goodjob for us,” Freesemannsaid. “She had goodhands and excellentcourt sense.”

Up front, helpingLoeschen and Schmit issenior Callie Francis,who was on the varsityroster last season.

“Callie will be one ofour outside hitters,”Freesemann said. Shesaid others who will seefront row duty will bemiddle hitters MaceyHarms and Colbie Bates.

In the back row, sen-ior Haley Hiscocks willbe the go-to player.

“Haley has lot of abil-ity as a back row player,”

Freesemann said.“It’s going to be

tough, because we lostour whole back row lastyear, but we have a goodpool of players who canstep in and play therethis year.”

Freeseman said thebiggest hurdle will beplaying together onceplayers have establishedtheir positions.

“We need to commu-nicate on the floor anddevelop some kind of

team chemistry on thefloor,” she said. “We willbe in the process all yearof building valuable var-sity experience.”

So far this season,

Eagle spikers has lots youth, new faces


Above are members of the 2012 West Hancock volleyball team.


him don’t come along very often.”In the backfield, senior Colton Westerberg returns

after a solid junior year. Zach Bengston and RileyMoore return at the slot positions while Seth Brownreturns at offensive tackle.

“We lost most of our offensive line,” Moore said.“But we’ve got a few kids there who weren’t starterslast year but saw some varsity time.”

Among them are Brian Brcka and NathanFriederich. Lost to graduation was Justin Putney,who’s redshirting his freshman year this fall atNorthern Iowa.

“We won’t have the size we had last year in theoffensive line but we’ll be about average,” Mooresaid. “We’ve got a the makings of a pretty good corpsthere.

“But a key to our season will be how our offensejells together and makes things happen,” Moore said.

At the receiver positions, Matt Snyder returns attight end and Josh Putz could get a starting role as awideout, Moore said.

On defense, the Indians return nine players. Theyare defensive end Seth Brown, noseguard JoshDakken, defensive tackle Brcka, Westerberg, Snyderand Friederich at linebacker, and Riley Moore at adefensive back position.

Also last season, Tate Thompson started everygame for Iowa City West on defense.

Coach Moore said that Tyler Putney and NickBunger will also be in the mix in the Indians’ defen-sive line.

“We definitely have some depth on defense thisseason,” Moore said.

“I’d say right now that our strengths are seniorleadership and defense,” Moore said. “We thinkthings will go well on offense, but that’s still a bit ofa question mark after losing all those starters.

“Our special teams and kicking game might be asore point at least early in the season. We lost somekey kids so some guys are going to have to step intothose roles.”

The Indians open their 2012 season Friday night athome with Algona.

Indians need to replacemuch of offensive line;

mostly back row. Thus far, she’sstepped into the starting setter’srole.

“We think Jessica can be agood setter,” Jerome said. “We’vegot some younger girls who canset as well, but Jessica is moreused to the speed of the game atthe varsity level.”

Koch added 24 digs last seasonwhile playing in the back row.Wilson saw limited varsity actionbut will be a starter if she ishealthy, Jerome said.

“She recently had foot sur-

gery,” Jerome said. “We don’tknow if we’ll get her back thisseason or not. If she is able toreturn, it will be an added boostfor us.”

Tweeten also has limited var-sity experience but Jerome saysshe should be able to contributeimmediately.

Jerome said the strength of theteam thus far has been its posi-tive attitude. But inexperiencewill have to be dealt with.

“This team still has some highexpectations and I think they’rewilling to work hard to reachthem,” Jerome said.

“It’s going to take some time

before we start playing togetheras a team but our solid teamchemistry will help with that,”she said.

She added that Lake Mills willsimply reload and be the favoriteonce again in the North IowaConference.

A threat to the title will also beGarner-Hayfield.“They will bemuch-improved over last year,”Jerome said. Several schools inthe conference will be as youngand inexperienced as theIndians.

Among them are Mason CityNewman and West Hancock, shesaid.

FC spikers still have high goals

ise,” Kappos said.Also back is Tommy

Swanson, who had somestrong finishes last year.Other returnees areTyler Tweeten, TylerHelmich, Jeff Robson,and Russell Scharper.

“We lost some goodrunners from last yearbut return some experi-ence,” Kappos said. “Itwill be all about improv-ing their times with eachrace and pushing them-selves to go faster.”

Kappos said theIndian boys will be ableto field a full team for

scoring purposes of eachmeet.

The North IowaConference meet will beheld Oct. 11 in MasonCity.

“Garner-Hayfield-Ventura-West Hancockand Osage are probablygoing to battle it out forfirst place in that meet,”Kappos said.

“North Iowa alsoreturns with a prettygood team.”

The Indians will playhost to their own ForestCity InvitationalMonday, Oct. 8 at BearCreek Golf Course.

Indian boys harriershave good numbers


Forest City’s Tyler Tweeten runs during a meet last year




4 • August 22, 2012 Fall Sports 2012 Summit • News-Tribune News-Tribune • Summit Fall Sports 2012 August 22, 2012 • 9


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said. “And that suits us pretty good.We like to play that type of physicalfootball.”

At quarterback, Sanger said thestarter will be either junior JacobHejlik or Collin Becker.

“Both those guys are really workinghard,” Sanger said.

Up front, all stater Pat Smithreturns, as do all-district players NateAitchison and Seth Goepel. JonBurgardt returns at tight end.

Expected to gain a starting positionat center is senior Kevin Tlach.

“He’s going to fill that spot well,”Sanger said. “He was good enough toplay for us last year and we probablyshould have found a spot for him. Thesame goes with (lineman) CalvinLang.”

The Eagles will have a deep threatwith the pass in senior Josiah Eckels.

Defensively, Sanger likes the way histeam has looked so far. He said ChrisSchleuger is going to play a lot moredefense at end this season than he didlast year.

“He’s a very good defensive player,and I think his contributions there thisyear will be every bit as important asthey will be offensively,” Sanger said.

This season, the Eagles won’t haveto deal with the spread offense ofLeMars Gehlen again.

Districts were realigned over theoffseason and the Eagles will playagainst top contenders Mason CityNewman and Algona Bishop Garrigan.

“Top to bottom, our schedule willprobably be more difficult this yearthan it was last season,” Sanger said.

Eagles look to get back to Dome


Above, West Hancock’s Pat Smith gets a sack last fall of the North Iowa quarterback. Atright, Wolfpack runner Kamille Kronemann runs during the Belmond-Klemme Invitational.

practice so far,” Short.“We’ve had that for afew years now and it’smade us a better team.”

The Wolfpack boysteam lost seniors StuartBlank, Michael Jolivetteand West Hancock’sDavid Schreur last sea-son but return somegood runners, Shortsaid.

“We have the makingsof a good team,” he said.“But we’ve definitely gotsome spots to fill.”

The top returning let-terwinner is Garner-Hayfield’s Brad Nedved.Also returning are JeffO’Brien, Joel Toppin andA.J. Arnold.

Last season, theWolfpack finished sec-ond to Osage in theNorth Iowa Conferencemeet. The first order ofbusiness for the team inthe post-season will beto reclaim the confer-

ence title.“That’s an early goal

of ours,” he said. “Butwe’d also like to do well

at the region meet andget back to state as ateam after not making itlast year.”

Kronemann to lead Wolfpack girls

Freesemann said, theteam has been stressingfundamentals.

“We’ll be working ona lot of the basics for awhile,” she said. “Thatwill help us progress asthe season goes on.”

Last season, the

Eagles won 13 matchesbut most of those winswere in the first half ofthe season. They fin-ished 13-19.

Freesemann said theEagles aren’t the onlyNorth Iowa Conferenceteam which lost heavilyto graduation.

“Forest City, Garner-

Hayfield and Mason CityNewman all lost some oftheir top players,”Freesemann said.

“Lake Mills andOsage should returnwith some strong teambut they’ll be a lot ofnew faces in the confer-ence.”

WH volleyball has high hopes






FFOORREESSTT CCIITTYY - The Forest City High volleyballteam will battle youth and inexperience this seasonafter losing five of six starters to graduation.

“It’s a building year, and we’ll be very young,” saidIndian volleyball coach Lacy Jerome.

But the second year coach isn’t selling her teamshort.

“The players have great attitudes and a strongwork ethic so far,” Jerome said. “It may seem like it’sdifficult to bring 12 new faces to a team and get themto play together.

“But we’ve made a lot of progress so far. Andsome of our freshman and sophomores have beenplaying together in the past at different levels.”

Lost to graduation among others, were hitter TabBlaser, hitter Amanda Busta, and setter MirandaBartleson.

In 2011, Blaser led the Indians with 428 kills, anaverage of almost four kills per set. Busta finishedwith 260 kills and a team-high 108 digs.

Blaser also finished with 108 digs and led in aceserves with 70.

Bartleson was a reliable setter for the past twoyears for the Indians. In 2011, she finished with 471set assists.

The lone returning starter is McKenzie Baker,whom Jerome said would hit from nearly every posi-tion on the floor this season.

Last year, Baker finished with 125 kills, an average

of 1.17 kills per set. She added 11 ace serves and 16solo blocks.

“McKenzie had a good year last season but we’reexpecting more out of her this year,” Jerome said.

“She’s got some height and power at the net andwill be our main hitter, especially in the middle.

“And one thing McKenzie has done is step into a

leadership role so far.”The returning letter winners are senior Jessica

Kingston, sophomore Rachel Koch, sophomoreAmanda Wilson, and senior Jessica Tweeten.

Kingston did some setting last year but played


Above are members of the 2012 Forest City High volleyball team.

Indian spikers returnjust one starter, willbe inexperienced


10 • August 22, 2012 Fall Sports 2012 Summit • News-Tribune News-Tribune • Summit Fall Sports 2012 August 22, 2012 • 3


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BBRRIITTTT — It’s going tobe difficult for the 2012West Hancock footballteam to duplicate lastyear’s 12-2 season, butEagle coach Bob Sangerisn’t selling this group ofyoungsters short.

And why should he?The Eagles lost most oftheir backfield and twokey linebackers ondefense, but return eightstarters on both offenseand defense.

“I think it’s ondefense where we’llshow the most improve-ment over last year,” saidSanger, now in his 45thyear at the WestHancock helm.

“I really like wherewe’re at. We have sixall-district players com-ing back and three all-state players back aswell.”

Last season, WestHancock advanced allthe way to the Class Achampionship game, butlost a 14-12 decisionNov. 18 in the Uni-Dome

to Lisbon.Two key losses to

graduation were half-back/linebacker ZachSchleuger and runningback/outside linebackerGerardo Ibarra.

Zach will be playingfootball this fall forMorningside Collegewhile Ibarra will play

basketball at EllsworthCC.

Zach was named all-state as a linebacker buton offense last year, herushed for 1,816 yardsand scored a team high35 touchdowns. Heaveraged 14 yard percarry.

Ibarra was an all-state

pick at a roving line-backer/defensive backposition.

“We’ll miss all ourseniors from last year,”Sanger said. “But there’sno doubt about it. Zachand Ibarra will be toughto replace.”

Also lost to gradua-tion was quarterback

Eric Cox, who wasn’tasked to pass much lastyear but made some keypasses down the stretchof the season.

Returning in thebackfield is ChrisSchleuger, who led theEagles in rushing lastseason with 1,894 yardsand 26 touchdowns.

Expected to fill thespot of Ibarra at the tail-back spot are Gunnerand Ryder Clark, bothreturning letterwinners.

“We’ll probably bemore of a grind-it-outtype of offense than wewere last year,” Sanger

WH football team loaded with talent, potential


Above are members of the 2012 West Hancock football team.



At top, left, Forest City slotback Jon Mathiasen racesdownfield during a gameagainst Clarion-Goldfieldlast season. At right above, aForest City High volleyballplayer practices passing.

At left, below, Forest City’sAutumn Busta runs duringlast year’s Forest CityInvitational. At right, Indianrunner Tommy Swansoncompetes during a meetduring the 2011 season.

2011 inReview

2 • August 22, 2012 Falls Sports 2012 Summit • News-Tribune News-Tribune • Summit Fall Sports 2012 August 22, 2012 • 11

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At left, West Hancock’s Maribel Zamago runs during the Forest City Invitational lastOctober. Directly above, West Hancock’s Jessica Gray returns a serve at an early-seasontournament at Garner last year. Below, the West Hancock defense tries to stop a run in theClass A State title game against Lisbon last year at the Uni-Dome in Cedar Falls. At left,below, Kellie Schmit rises to block a shot at the net.



FFOORREESSTT CCIITTYY - Itwon’t take Forest Cityfootball coach ChadMoore long to see howhis team stacks up in itsnew district.

The Indians open withAlgona on Friday, butafter that, it’s murder-er’s row. Forest Cityplays district opponentSpirit Lake in weekthree, Clarion-Goldfieldin week five and SouthCentral Calhoun in weeksix.

Spirit Lake was a staterunnerup last season inClass 2A while ClarionGoldfield returns eightstarters from last year’steam that beat theIndians twice. SouthCentral Calhoun is cur-rently rated in Class 2A.

“We’ll see how things

go, but it’s going to betough,” Moore said. “Wesee all the best teams inour district by the end ofSeptember. If we arehealthy after thatstretch, we can finishthe season strong.”

The Indians go intothe season with themomentum created lastyear, when the team wonits first district titleever, and its first playoffgame ever.

Indian coach ChadMoore, meanwhile, losteight starters on offensebut returns nine starterson defense.

Lost to graduationwas record-settingquarterback KyleRosacker, who ran for859 yards last seasonand threw for 1, 388yards.

Battling to replaceRosacker are Tate

Thompson, TannerThompson and ThomasO’Rourke.

The Thompson broth-

ers played for Iowa CityWest last season beforetheir family moved toForest City.

“Tate is an excellentrunner and Tanner andThomas are both doing agood job,” Moore said.

“But Kyle will be toughto replace. Players like

Indians to face tough schedule early in the season


Above are members of the 2012 Forest City High football team.

New district will be tough,but Forest City returnsnine starters on defense


12 • April 6, 2011 Fall Sports 2012 Summit • News-Tribune

2012 Fall Sports SchedulesForest City

FootballAug. 24 - vs.

Algona; Aug. 31 - atClear Lake; Sept. 7 -Spirit Lake; Sept. 14 -at East Sac County;Sept. 21 - Clarion-Goldfield; Sept. 28 -at South CentralCalhoun; Oct. 5 - atEstherville-LincolnCentral; Oct. 12 - vs.Central Springs; Oct.19 - vs. Garner-Hayfield.

West Hancockfootball

Aug . 24 - vs.Garner-Hayfield;Aug. 31 - at St.

Ansgar; Sept. 7 - vs.AGWSR; Sept. 14 - atBelmond-Klemme;Sept. 21 - at BishopGarrigan, Algona;Sept. 28 - vs. LakeMills; Oct. 5 - vs.Southeast Webster;Oct. 12 - vs. PrairieValley; Oct. 19 - vs.Mason City Newman.

Forest City VolleyballAug. 28 - at West

Hancock; Sept. 4 - vsNewman Catholic;Sept. 6 - vs.Belmond-Klemme;Sept. 8 - at EldoraTournament; Sept. 11- at Osage; Sept. 13 -vs. Garner-Hayfield;

Sept. 15 - vs. ForestCity Tournament;Sept. 18 - at NorthIowa; Sept. 22 - atBoone Tournament;Sept. 25 - vs. LakeMills; Sept. 29 - atGarner-HayfieldTournament; Oct. 8 -at Central SpringsOct. 11 - at St. AnsgarQuad; Oct. 13 - atAlgona Tournament;Oct. 17 - Regionals,TBA.

West HancockVolleyball

Aug. 25 - at Garner-Hayfield Tournament;Aug. 28 - vs. ForestCity; Sept. 4 - atGarner-Hayfield;

Sept. 6 - at NewmanCatholic; Sept. 8 - atBelmond-KlemmeTournament; Sept. 11- vs. Belmond-Klemme; Sept. 13 - atLake Mills; Sept. 17 -at Northwood-Kensett Tournament;Sept. 18 - at Osage;Sept. 25 - vs. NorthIowa; Sept. 29 - NICTournament, Garner;Oct. 6 - at NorthIowa; Oct. 11 - at WestBend Mallard; Oct. 13- at AlgonaTournament.

Forest City CrossCountry

Aug. 28 - at MasonCity Newman

Invitational; Sept. 4 -at Belmond-KlemmeClassic; Sept. 11 - atOsage; Sept. 13 - atClear LakeInvitational; Sept. 17 -at HumboldtInvitational; Sept. 24- at AlgonaInvitational; Oct. 2 -at Lake Mills; Oct. 8 -Forest CityInvitational; Oct. 11 -North IowaConference meet,Mason City.

West Hancock CrossCountry

Aug. 24 - atGarner-Hayfield

Invitational; Aug. 28 -at Mason CityNewman Invitational;Sept. 4 - at Belmond-Klemme Invitational;Sept. 10 - at BallardInvitational; Sept. 13 -at Clear LakeInvitational; Sept. 17 -at HumboldtInvitational; Sept. 20- at Mason CityInvitational; Sept. 24- Garner-HayfieldInvitational; Sept. 27- at Hampton-Dumont Invitational;Oct. 2 - at Eagle GroveInvitational; Oct. 8 -at Forest CityInvitational; Oct. 11 -North IowaConference meet,Mason City.

Aug. 22, 2012 Britt News Tribune, Forest City Summit

2012 High School Fall Sports SectionForest City and West Hancock High Schools
