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2012 HUGS Presentation - Andrea Updated PDF

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2012 HUGS Presentation
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Programs for Recovery and Renewal
Page 1: 2012 HUGS Presentation - Andrea Updated PDF

Programs for Recovery and Renewal

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What Is HUGS?

Heads-Up Guidance Services, Inc. (HUGS) is a non-

profit organization serving the Savannah community by

providing both therapeutic and vocational counseling to

disadvantaged children and adults. The success of our

programs depends entirely upon the generosity of our

citizens. While giving valuable support to individuals in

need, HUGS volunteers are contributing to better our

Savannah community.

HUGS has an active Executive Board of Directors and

28 Advisory Board Members, as well as 7 working

committees made up of board members and

community volunteers. We are currently partnering with

other organizations such as Old Savannah City Mission

and Interfaith Hospitality Network to provide outreach

counseling services. HUGS’ professional volunteers

also facilitate Substance Education Programs at

Savannah State University. Our fundraising efforts are

in place to establish additional community enrichment

programs such as HUGS

Academy (Ready-2-Work Program), HUGS House (residential facility for women & children), and a HUGS Day Program (clinical & vocational). Funding for a facility in which to operate these programs is crucial for growth, and is, therefore, the primary focus of our fundraising committee.

of homeless family

members and

individuals can’t

be accommodated

in 60% of Georgia’s

159 counties.


Institute for Children, Poverty, and Homelessness (ICPH) National Survey of Programs and Services for Homeless Families.

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What Makes HUGS Different?

Heads-Up Guidance Services, Inc. (HUGS) is committed to providing exceptional services to the Chatham

County’s underserved population without using taxpayer dollars (i.e. government funded programs such as

Medicaid) as a funding source. HUGS can bridge the gap in services and provide the necessary clinical

components lacking in our community to promote long-term success and independence for our

disadvantaged citizens - NOT at the expense of local taxpayers, but rather to the benefit of local employers

and the Savannah community at large.

Heads-Up Guidance Services (HUGS) will be serving individuals

lacking necessary means to obtain essential services in order to

become a viable and productive community member. These

individuals are typically without insurance and/or do not quality

for Medicaid.

Heads-Up Guidance Services (HUGS) looks to provide a wide

variety of services, but has a strong emphasis on professional services

NOT offered in other local residential settings. HUGS Counseling and

Guidance components are essential for long-term success, and such

clinical services paired with supporting residential and vocational

components are the backbone of the HUGS Program.

HUGS program participants can obtain MORE clinical services for significantly LESS money than those

receiving services funded by Medicaid (i.e. the Taxpayer).

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HUGS Program Values

HUGS is a non-profit organization providing support services to at-risk individuals and families seeking

healthy, productive lifestyles. While assisting individuals to realize their potential, HUGS aims to foster

a positive relationship between participant and community. We are committed to a comprehensive

approach, and work with community partners to take advantage of existing resources. Our

opportunities for social rehabilitation and community integration include the following:

•Education, Career Development & Job Placement

•Training in Financial Responsibility and Life Skills

•Parenting Skills & Childcare Services

•Spiritual Growth & Guidance

•Social Skills & Recreational Therapy

•Mental Health, Addiction Recovery &

Mentoring Services

number of families in

poverty in Chatham County

18.4% Institute for Children, Poverty, and Homelessness (ICPH) National Survey of Programs and Services for Homeless Families.

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20-30 min/Out-clinic $50.02 x 12


20-30 min/Out-clinic $61.13 x 12


$6.60 per unit (15 min. In-clinic)


$6.60 per unit (15 min. Out-clinic)


20-30 min/Out-clinic $90.03 x 12


20-30 min/Out-clinic $110.04 x 12


Group Therapy (1.5 hrs)

Individual Therapy (1.5 hrs)


Identical Services from HUGS

Medicad Reimbursement Rate (2011) vs. HUGS

the tax payer would be paying approximately $1,914.48 per participant, but HUGS provides the identical service for only $263.00 per participant – this is a savings of close to 90%

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Ways to Find HUGS

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HUGS Day Shelter Plans

The reality is that unless the 4,200 documented homeless people in Savannah are rehabilitated out of

their current situation, an already burdened charitable network will face crushing odds, as more people

will be forced out on the streets. Sadly, many turn to drugs and alcohol to appease devastating

situations. The community can no longer turn a blind eye to this growing problem, as a burgeoning

tourist community has begun clashing with the reality of a city unable to manage growing gaps in


A solution has been developed to address this situation. HUGS along with the Savannah Baptist Center, Old Savannah City Mission, America’s Second Harvest Food Bank, and a number of other charitable community organizations, have collaboratively partnered with each other to extend much needed services to the underserved. HUGS has developed a day shelter which will provide much needed respite during the day for those who wander the streets. Daily access to the shelter depends upon passing a drug screen. If they are approved to enter, participants commit to work for three hours out of the eight spent at the shelter. After their three hours has been satisfied, they can sit down individually with Professional Counselors, focus on additional vocational training, or take care of their laundry or shower needs.

number of

individuals that


homelessness in

Chatham County

in 2011


Chatham/Savannah Authority for the Homeless Website

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An annual goal has been set to make a minimum of 6,500 connections with participants. Ultimately,

HUGS would like to move qualified participants from the day shelter onto the other side of HUGS

treatment center, where they will receive intensive individualized counseling, group therapy, and help

for areas in their life needing attention. This will contract them for a minimum of one year, so they can

regularly attend classes and learn how to survive outside of the street environment.

Initial costs for funding for this project has been substantial, but thanks to the generosity of HUGS

donors and volunteers, that need has somewhat been abated. Additionally, a community partnership

fostered between HUGS and the Savannah

Baptist Center, allows both organizations to

serve the total needs of an individual, rather

than their basic needs. Leveraging HUGS

efforts to complete the day shelter, the

Savannah Baptist Center is refurbishing an

area outside, which will provide laundry

facilities, clean showers, and an eating area

for homeless people to use while taking

advantage of the counseling services, job

training, and rehabilitation services offered

by HUGS.

HUGS Day Shelter Plans

number of

homeless children

in Chatham County

in 2011


Chatham/Savannah Authority for the Homeless Website

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Financial Need

While HUGS maintains an extremely low fiscal operational overhead (approximately $25,000

annually), the generosity of its in kind donations, thousands of donated volunteer hours, and a few

community driven fundraisers have allowed HUGS to leverage its operating budget to almost

$450,000 in total value for 2012. This includes an in kind donation of $250,000 worth of building materials, $20,000 in donated office space for counseling services, $115,000 worth of donated professional counseling, and close to $20,000 in donated construction labor. Additionally, HUGS receives zero funding through Federal and State resources, and its taxable income only factors in monetary contracts, rather than the leveraged value of donated goods and services. All elements are in place to start the process, but HUGS lacks $9,000 in capital to make this shelter a reality for Savannah. HUGS believes the day shelter fits the mission of the Stewart Huston Charitable Trust, and will make a significant impact in the Savannah area. Respectfully we submit our proposal for consideration and ask for inclusion in your charitable giving for the amount of $9,000.

number of families in

poverty in Chatham County

18.4% Institute for Children, Poverty, and Homelessness (ICPH) National Survey of Programs and Services for Homeless Families.

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Annual Budget

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