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2012 Ind Energy Guide

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2012 Energy Guide prepared by gia combs-ramirez with Crystalline Consciousness Technique CCT Soul Charts CCT Divination Decks
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2012 Energy Guide prepared by gia combs-ramirez

with Crystalline Consciousness Technique™ CCT Soul Charts

CCT Divination Decks

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Copyright © 2011-2012 All rights reserved, gia combs-ramirez

All photos of Sacred Geometry taken by Clea G. Hall of Irie Photography

“Leaf” painting by Lexi Sundell

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Contents Where Does This Information Come From? 4 Getting The Most From This Guide 8 About Transformation 10 2012 Overview 13 Winter: Dec 21-Mar 18 27 Spring: March 19-Jun 19 34 Summer: Jun 20-Sept 21 42 Fall: Sept 22-Dec 20 50

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Where Does This Information Come From? I am an intuitive energy reader who has been studying for the past 8 years the planetary transformation that we are experiencing. I have a unique perspective and tools that I use because of a subtle energy technique that unexpectedly came in during a meditation in 2004. Crystalline Consciousness Technique™ specifically arrived to help with this shift of ages that we are going through. I am so grateful to have been part of the adventure of this great gift to the planet. When doing the energy reading for the year, I use CCT Soul Charts which may be slightly familiar to any one whoʼs studied the Flower of Life or Kabbalah. These patterns of Nature, as they are called, have been found in every culture around the world. The Soul Charts that I work with carry the New Energies that we are moving into. You can see the two charts at the 2012 Overview and each of the Seasons.

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For my reading of this coming year (quite the task, let me tell you!) I relied on information from several important books that helped me better understand certain elements that were coming up a lot in the reading. They are: The 8 Calendars of the Maya by Hunbatz Men The Mayan Code by Barbara Hand Clow The Astrology of 2012 and Beyond by Cal Garrison These books helped explain to me the influence of certain planets, the World Tree, Mayan numerology and the importance of the Pleiades. I am deeply appreciative of the great wisdom of these cosmologists.

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I also use a variety of energy techniques that heighten my creative energies, balance my heart, and attune my higher senses for communicating with my guides. With any kind of intuitive, psychic or energy reading it is important to understand the context or place the person is reading from. In this guide, I am specifically more focused on the New Energies that are here on the planet. Nevertheless much of the planet hasnʼt shifted yet and so we stand in the new but still affected by most of mass consciousness that is in the old. I particularly am looking for the highest potential throughout the year. If you want the lowest common denominator please go watch Fox news channel instead!

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Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share this information with you, gia P.S. I look forward to joining you for our live energy meditations on each of the Solstices and Equinoxes. Youʼll receive more information via email closer to each event. And not to worry…they will be recorded in case you canʼt make it or want to listen again. 2012 Year of the Dragon

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Getting The Most From This Guide You can work with this guide in several ways. It is recommended that you read through it completely every season. Note down the parts that donʼt seem to make sense. As you continue to transform consciously through the year, youʼll suddenly notice they do make sense! This is an indicator of your own transformation. As you read through the guide, observe your own physical responses. These words speak not only to your consciousness but also your energy self. If you have something energetically, you will eventually have it consciously. Be sure to listen to the energy meditations on each Solstice and Equinox either live or recorded. These energy meditations will anchor in the primary energies

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of the season so that you move through the transformation of that season with grace and ease. If you hit a rough patch at any time, relisten to the energy meditation for that season. Each season offers pragmatic tools and resources to promote your health and vital well-being. I am not affiliated with these products nor will I make a commission if you choose to buy them. As a Taurus I am a practical mystic, so offering products that give you better than expected results makes me happy!

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About Transformation Growth and transformation are hard-wired into our very being from both our biological selves and our spiritual Selves. Itʼs nothing to be afraid of though the process isnʼt always fun. Transformation is about energy and consciousness and it will affect you physically as your body assimilates higher vibrational energies. Many ailments that people are experiencing these days are due to transformation, not to pathology. This is an important distinction. What makes transformation so interesting now is that our planet is undergoing her own transformation. This has happened in the past and caused a bit of a reset with life. However, this is NOT going to be happening this time. Which is

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why these times are so interesting. Never before has the planet and all of life gone through planetary transformation and made it out the other side. Why do I know thereʼs something beyond 2012? Because I can read or see it energetically. In this guide I refer to Old Energy Paradigms and New Energy Paradigms. Whatʼs different about these is that the New Energy Paradigms did not evolve from the Old Energy Paradigms. They are involutionary versus evolutionary. The good news is that the New Energy Paradigms wonʼt come with much baggage, if any at all! The bad news is that our brains are built for building on what we already know (thatʼs how evolution works). When something brand new drops down from the cosmos, we can miss it entirely or discount it until enough people have adopted it. The New Energy

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Paradigms have been on the planet since 2004 at least, and now in 2012 many people will be spontaneously shifting into them. The game changers that I talk about in my eBook, 3 Game Changers in 2012 are part of the New Energy Paradigms. (Thereʼs a 4th one in this guide). It will not be business as usual any more, but thatʼs a good thing because the old business as usual made a mess of things on the planet.

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2012 Overview Overtone for the year: Openness Numbers for the Year: 5, 12 Sacred Geometric Shape: Dodecahedron Element: Love/quintessence New Energy Vibration: Creation Most of 2012 is about closing out the old world paradigm. This task is important and some great leaders and other light workers have contracts to help with this. Yet the new energies are already on the planet and many will be moving into

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them throughout the year. If you are reading this guide you are in the new energies and beginning to work with them. The old energies will continue to affect you, though, as they will be present in a good deal of mass consciousness. It will be important to continually remind yourself that they are ending and that you donʼt have any contracts in the old energies any more. Youʼll know when youʼre in the old energies when you feel despair, darkness, chaos, helpless, hopeless and desperate. To quickly shift to the new energies imagine a column of golden light to your right and step into it. Stay in it until you feel a shift, a lightening through your whole being and a sense of space and greater clarity. The World Tree, with its roots in the center of the Earth and its branches and

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leaves in the heavens, acts as an anchoring of the incoming energies of the new paradigm onto the planet, as well as a conveyor as it sends out waves of energy into the different dimensions of the planet. As these waves hit the first dimension at the center of the Earth, our creativity is affected. The second dimension, between the center of the Earth to the ground we stand on, affects microbes and nature spirits which both affect the balance of our inner ecosystems. The third dimension is the one of our physical world of form. The fourth dimension is mass consciousness (which is being read in this report), and the fifth dimension is the realm of the higher self. Although the old paradigm grids and templates of destruction and disconnection to the planet are being dismantled, human consciousness can choose to commit to more dishonoring, dismemberment, and denial about our essential connection to life and the planet. These old ways of consciousness will not be

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able to move forward at all and will eventually “die out.” Some of the most powerful organizations on the planet such as the media are still in the old paradigms and they will very persuasively try to convince us that we are all in the same boat. The proper response is to turn away from them. Focus on yourself and on those who are in the new energies. Look and move forward. Eventually the others will follow. The overtone for the year is Openness. This is about opening to new levels of consciousness. Not having context for transformation of consciousness can cause disorientation, a sense of being lost, and a lot of anxiety. Because consciousness is energy and moves in waves, then transformation can show up as physical or emotional symptoms when the energy hits a “block.” Do not think

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this is falling into pathology, which is when form is dissolving. Instead label it as transformation, which is form moving into more order and organization. The numerology for the year is 5 and 12. Five is about committing to a new energy paradigm on the planet, to your own transformation, and to being in service to the planet through sustainable living and honoring life in all its forms. Twelve is nearing the end of the great cycle of creation. The only number left is 13 which is the alpha and omega, beginning and end. This will be entered into on Winter Solstice of 2012. Twelve is also about choices, regeneration, rejuvenation and communication. Be careful in this coming year about your choices. Ask them to align to the planet and the laws of creation. Be open to receiving new insights about finances, relationships, and your health.

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The World Tree is considered the evolutionary agent of the planet. It holds the sense of where the planet and all life should be by the end of 2012. This year it will shift consciousness where it is most stuck. It does this by sending out waves of energy through the different dimensions. Currently the 4th dimension of mass consciousness is the most stuck of the 5 dimensions (there are more dimensions but for our general guide weʼre only concerned with these 5). The 3rd dimension is very affected by the 4th so it is also out of sync with where we need to be.

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The best way to easily assimilate any kind of energy wave is by being in integration and in integrity. As pointed out in the ebook, 3 Game Changers in 2012, creating integrity is knowing what you most value, and committing to bringing that through every level of your life. What you most value is what you most feel reverence for. The energy of chaos will be very strong in mass consciousness in 2012. Chaos is an indicator of the dissolving of the order and organization of the old paradigm. Chaos is not a bad thing, nor a scary thing. It is a natural phase that occurs with the laws of creation. For something new to come in, something else must fall away. What most people donʼt know is that true essence is not affected by chaos. For example if you lose the form of your house, the essence of “home” is still there and in fact is a template for creating a new house. If you

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are working with loss or chaos in your life, then place your awareness on the essence of what once was and invite in a new form calibrated to the new energies to express that essence. Perhaps one of the most difficult areas of transforming mass consciousness will be the bringing into awareness the shadow energy of collective humanity. Shadow energy is often surrounded by fear so it doesnʼt come into the light of day to be able to release. It is the fear itself that is often much bigger than the actual “shadow.” The shadow energy that will be releasing in 2012 is the collective guilt humanity has about enslaving other humans or any other life forms. Other expressions of slavery are domination, manipulation, and addiction. This releasing is needed, as one of the new game changers in 2012 is humanity stepping into spiritual free will and choice.

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The Sacred Geometric Shape for the Year is the Dodecahedron or Creation"in the new energies. This particular shape is working with the crystal skulls on the planet. They are helping to unlock the mystery school information held deep within each of us and in other “data” banks. This unlocking and releasing will quickly raise the vibration of the 4th dimension mass consciousness. How this shows up within you will be a sudden “knowing” about certain things, but you wonʼt be able to explain why you know it. Learning to listen from within yourself when you internally ask a question about something will help retrieve this information. You may feel a felt

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sense of “knowing,” or hear or see an inner statement or visual. Acknowledge that you are working with this information even if it isnʼt fully in your conscious awareness yet. Game Changers in 2012: The four main game changers in 2012 are fully activated spiritual free will and choice, the end of karma from past lives, being in soul or life purpose, and the release of hidden information from secret societies, groups and mystery schools. Fully activated spiritual free will and choice, and “instant” karma as well as being in soul purpose means that you will be able to create and manifest with ease. In fact, some things will be so easy youʼll

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think youʼre not doing it right and over think it, or strive to hard. This will create a “missing the mark.” A trusting stance mentally, openness through the emotional body, and an expanded physical body is the energetic trifecta for linking into the flow of creating with ease. This lighter way of moving on the planet means that you can create how much you want as you need it. An entire way of living that was created in the past several centuries will slowly dissolve. The need to work very hard, amass a vast amount of money, which must then be invested and protected is beginning to shift. Every person on the planet with access to a computer will be able to create his or her own fortune as and when needed. This is a flip in human financial evolution. Several thousand years ago a very few people owned most of the amassed wealth of the planet, with most others

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living in poverty. Slowly more and more people were able to join the elite few and create their own wealth. Now, a new level of abundance will be possible with the very humble stepping into potential abundance as well. This new mindset will take some time to “unlearn” on a global level, and the very rich and elite will feel threatened by this while it is happening. Their biggest fear is that the masses will rise up and take their wealth, but they neednʼt fear as the masses will rise up and create their own wealth. The fear of the elite will show up in government as they try to pass laws to control the internet and other tools that the new wealthy will use. But this is an evolutionary wave that canʼt be stopped. Moving into soul purpose during the age of information along with the release of the mystery school information, means that the primary purpose to bring forward will be your own unique wisdom that you hold within you from past lives

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and your starry origins. Those of you who have developed the skills to bring forth your unique wisdom will be slightly ahead of the curve, while those of you just stepping into consciously retrieving your wisdom will need to develop skills to retrieve and to share it. Increasing your intuitive skills will help access this information. Learning internet skills can be helpful. Be careful of what systems you learn. Make sure they are in the new energies. There will be a lot of either “old” information or slightly “spammy” information. Learn to listen to your body for signs for the right way forward and pay attention to what shows up in your life three times. Imagine a world, where everyone is capable of making as much money as they want, when they want. It will create two movements. There will be a lot of building as people move out of slums or marginal living conditions. And those

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that have been living larger, more consumer oriented lives will move back into a simpler way of life. Experiences and learning will replace acquisition and wealth building. Being connected to the planet and working with the sacred energies that connect the planet to the heavenly realms will occupy more and more people. With no competition created by the illusion of fighting for a limited pie of abundance, the need for warfare will gradually die out. Collaboration, personal growth and reclaiming the unique connections with all life and the cosmos will be what occupies human consciousness. Both individual contribution and group collaboration will be honored. Try this energy technique: Run a line of energy from your heart to this vision of the near future. It will act as your GPS system through the changes and transformation that must occur for you to get to that place and space.

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Winter 2012: December 21-March 18

Overtone: Harmony Numbers: 7, 11, 13 Sacred Geometric Shape: Icosahedron Element: Water New Energy Vibration: Crystalline Emotion Planets: Mars, Pluto, Earth Direction: North | Cosmic Wisdom Mass consciousness is coming out of the fall of 2011 when many family patterns that were entangled and dysfunctional were coming up to release.

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Other distortional energies of illusion were also releasing from mass consciousness. The starry skies, during this darkest time of year, are ideal for mass consciousness to be seeded with cosmic wisdom. The Guides of the North speak of that seeding: The music and harmony of the spheres awakens a new sense of hope within each person. The emotional body begins to resonate to this harmony and the sensory interpretation centers of the brain fill with this chorus, replacing the

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bleakness of spirit coming from the media, governments and old institutions. By tuning the ear to the Knowing within, you remember your starry origins and reconnect to your original home. This eases a certain yearning that has long been there and which created a disconnect from your Earth biology. In the coming months you will begin to feel a greater union between spirit and body. This awakens a new love of the physical body and a new reverence for Gaia. The seasonal numbers are 7, 11, 13. These numbers relate to different types of conscious awareness. Seven is the midpoint in the creative cycle of 13. It is the bringing of the inner vision or dream into the external world. Your timing must be adjusted at this point because where you are internally will not match mass consciousness. You may feel ignored, or rebuffed when you are bringing forth your best efforts. Stay centered and become still so that others gradually slow down to hear you and come to you.

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Eleven is the point in the creative cycle of 13 where you must release your self-identity from the Old Energy Paradigms. Donʼt fall in the mass consciousness trap of being responsible for the old energy paradigm coming to an end. Itʼs part of the great cycle of birth and rebirth. Thirteen is the point of assimilation, of letting go of whatʼs no longer needed from the Old Energy Paradigms. Moving into pure essence, you spiral up to the new energy paradigms with just your essential nature. If this is done energetically, by choice, then physical form doesnʼt have to do it for you. In other words, you donʼt have to lose your job, your home or your relationships to make the shift.

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Mars relates to finances during this season. Finances are affected by family patterns in this season. Release the patterns that donʼt serve you energetically and your financial flow does not have to be negatively affected. Align your money to your values. Be conscious of what and where you buy. Choose products and services that reflect your values. Mars brings the quality of strength into your finances so that resist manipulation by others around fear of lack. What will be said about the general state of finances will not be a true reflection of what really is happening. Many new avenues of financial opportunity will be opening up in the New Year.

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Pluto represents your relationships this season. If there are relationships that arenʼt serving you or are holding you back, Pluto will help you transform them. Those energetic bonds that are there that have nothing to do with what you value, will weaken and release. The mind, however, can show resistance to letting go by projecting reasons why relationships must continue. All relationships will move into soul purpose during the year or dissolve. Soul task relationships are about learning lessons and a struggle for power. Soul purpose relationships are about sharing common values and building a common vision with emphasis on being in service to family, community and the planet. Earth represents your health and well-being this season. During this season the spirit, emotions and body will form a new level of well-being, in synchrony with the rhythms of the planets and the cosmos. The mind, however, does not respect the rhythms of the planet. It is impatient with the slowness of

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biology. The task this winter will be to balance the ungrounded mind, which is also an imbalance in the element of air. Pain in the lower part of the body particularly the bones, feet, knees can be a reminder to be more fully in your body. Physical exercise will help move stagnant mental energies that could develop into negative moods, which negatively impact the emotions and the immune system. It will be important to get as much natural light as possible. When weather does not allow being outdoors, then use a light therapy device with blue light.

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Spring 2012: March 19-June 19

Overtone: Autonomy Numbers: 8, 10, 12 Sacred Geometry: Octahedron Element: Air New Energy Vibration: Multidimensional Time Planets: Pluto, Saturn, Earth Direction: East | Spiritual Direction In spring the light of the East begins to illuminate mass consciousness with new spiritual direction. The Guides of the East speak to that spiritual direction:

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Mass consciousness moves fully into spiritual free will and choice and soul purpose this season. These are potent energies to work with. Spiritual free will and choice isnʼt permission to do what ever you like, but to dance with natural laws in a new way. If a person is still primarily in their base nature, ego or personal will, they may experience more hardships as the karmic response to being out of alignment with natural laws is instantaneous. With freedom comes great responsibility. Itʼs time to listen in a new way as a bio-spiritual being. Take time to understand yourself better. Reflect on why you

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are doing what you are doing. If you choose to do something because of what others are telling you, wait until your inner guidance also indicates that is the right path and right time. Choose your most authentic path and let everything else go. Itʼs not enough anymore to just be good at what you do. You must be good at what you do and be in alignment with Earth. Above all respect, notice and work with natural rhythms. The seasonal numbers are 8, 10, 12: Eight is a number that invites you to deepen into what most matters to you and then protect that with proper boundaries. This is felt in the gut as personal resolve, to stay the course in what you believe. Itʼs easy to let doubt and otherʼs needs derail you from moving forward with what is most important to you.

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Ten is about reaching culmination and success in your endeavors. This isnʼt just a mental stance but one of physical manifestation. A new sense of confidence about your ability to create what you want and when you want will begin to arise. Ultimately you are stepping into your mastery as a bio-spiritual being. Twelve is the number of the year and this season. Although it speaks to the near completion of the old energy paradigms, it also speaks to the near completion of a great cycle of creation. This number represents that point in creation when you give back or help others. This is acknowledging to yourself and the Universe that you recognize the universal forces that have helped you. Helping someone else at the right moment in time, is an indicator that you are ready for your own next level of spiritual development.

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Pluto represents your finances this season. This is speaking to a new relationship with money. People will begin to discover that increasing their financial abundance is easy. Choosing a salaried job over independence will not be from financial necessity but because of loving the interaction and working within a group structure. Remember that this is the time of releasing hidden information. You will not need to pay someone because of general knowledge that they have about a certain topic. You will pay because they can shorten your learning curve. Acknowledging someone elseʼs value and spiritual gifts with your money is another radical shift that will be occurring. Before this new mindset about money can be brought fully in though, the old energy paradigm that those using their spiritual gifts must offer it for free must dissolve. If you honor others through money for their spiritual gifts, you will be honored as well. In other words, your financial abundance depends on your ability to give and receive money as a way of acknowledging service, purpose and spiritual gifts.

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Saturn represents your relationships this season. Saturn is the lord of karma. That is why it is viewed as imposing limitations on you. In the Old Energy Paradigms those limitations were created in past lives and are there until that karma is cleared up. In the New Energy Paradigms all past life karma is completed. Karma itself is not restrictive. It is a way to show you when you are not in alignment or integrity with the universal and natural laws of creation. This is not a reflection of who you are morally. It is a reflection of what you are learning

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consciously about the universal laws. This is unique in the animal kingdom. How all this affects relationships this season is a new twist. In the past, your karma with others was often what brought you together and kept you together with others. If there is no past life karma to deal with anymore, how will your relationships have that sense of glue or connection? Past life karma with another usually creates a relationship based on soul tasks or what each person needs to learn. Soul purpose relationships are based on shared vision for making a difference or being in service to the world. Your relationships will need to find a new shared focus outside of your home that you are both working on in your own way or perhaps together. Earth once again represents your physical health and well-being in this season. Galactic winds and waves of energy will move through the Earthʼs

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atmosphere, which is the planetʼs lungs. Your own lungs may fall out of balance this season, especially if you are sensitive to or identify with the grief held in the Old Energies. Protect the lungs and the throat from people who are overly negative, critical and toxic emotionally. A potent ally for your lungs and immune system (the thymus gland located in the chest between the lungs is an important component in the immune system) is the power of mushrooms. Dragon Herbs (http://dragonherbs.com) and Fungi Perfecti (http://fungi.com) are two companies that sell mushroom supplements to support the immune system.

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Summer, 2012: June 20-Sept 21

Overtone: Celebration Numbers: 7, 11, 1 Sacred Geometry: Tetrahedron Element: Fire New Energy Vibration: Pure Essence Planets: Earth, Neptune, Pluto/Charon Direction: South | Nurturance Summer energies could be overly frenetic as potent energies and Beings arrive into 4th and 5th dimensions, the closest they can come without appearing in

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physical form. The celebration and light that infuses mass consciousness can be experienced in joy and bliss or in overwhelm and shutting down. The Guides from the South say: Spiritual nurturance this season surrounds every human. The sense of being completely loved and adored is a foreign one to those who have held on to religious dogma stating that you are created in sin, live as a sinner, and die because you have sinned. This field of guilt is all pervasive in the spiritual mind of humanity and blocks them from receiving the nurturance or manna from heaven that always being

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sent. As nonphysical beings we celebrate that energetically Earth, humanity, and life have arrived into the New Energies. It still remains to anchor it more completely into the physical form of 3rd dimension, but that will be a joyful task of discovery and learning. The seasonal numbers are 7, 11, 1. Seven is a number of great significance in all cultures of the world. Seven energy centers, 7 colors of the rainbow, 7 days in a week are a few ways the frequency of 7 shows up. In this season 7 is about the connection to the Pleiades that Earth and our solar system has. Some scientists believe that our Sun is actually one of the stars of Pleiades. The precession of our equinoxes is tied into our 26,000 year revolution around the central star Alcyone in the Pleiades. The Pleiadian energy is seeding Earth during this season with the needed vibrational frequencies for the next evolution of life.

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Eleven is about discernment as only that which serves the highest good will move forward at this point. This is a good season to reevaluate all that you thought was important in physical form and let go of what you no longer need or want. This includes belief systems. One is new beginnings. After the number 13 in Winter, which is the completion of a cycle, 1 brings the planet fully and completely into the new energies. Depending on how much resistance mass consciousness has at this point will determine if this is a moment of grace and ease or if it is a long torturous birth. Earth represents finances this season or to be more accurate creative energies. Earthʼs creative energy lies in the center of the Earth, an iron crystal in the shape of an octahedron. As Earth moves fully into the New Energies, she

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will release waves of creative energies that will affect your own creativity. Creative energies are seated in the lower pelvis or 2nd chakra and are associated with finances. Let new creative inspiration about how to make money enter your consciousness. Know that you can implement those ideas and get much quicker results than in the past. Stay grounded in this heady energy of “no limits in the candy store.” Only play, create or manifest what you are most passionate about, because the downside of manifesting is that the physical form of your manifestations will limit you on the planet. Neptune represents relationships in this season. Traditionally we think of relationships as other human beings, but this

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is a great season for working more fully and consciously with your guides, angels, and other Beings. These great Beings are much like Neptune, infused with love and oneness and if you want, will work closely with you in the dream state. It is important in this potent energy to have as much love and compassion for yourself as you do for others. Staying in a relationship that is abusive because you love them does not use the positive energy of Neptune. Saying “no” to someone can be saying “yes” to yourself and to what you value. It seems like an oxymoron but you can separate from someone from a place of unity, which is separating in perfect timing. Pluto/Charon represents health and well-being in this season. Although Pluto shows up in every season this year, this is the first time that Plutoʼs fascinating partner Charon also shows up. The image for Pluto and Charon are the two ends of a dumb bell that revolve around each other. Pluto and Charon

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are connected so strongly that their center of gravity is in the center of the energetic bond that they have. How this shows up in your body is in the revolving and connected forces of creation (such as the creation of new cells) and destruction (breaking down and eliminating the old). Although optimally there is balance between the two, there is also a stronger current that subtly influences whether breaking down is slightly ahead (usually seen in the second half of life) or building and creating is slightly ahead (first half of life). All this gets overlaid with the bigger dynamic of the Old Energy Paradigms dying away and the New Energy Paradigms creating a new level of life on the planet. How to resolve all these flows so that they are in alignment and supporting vital health and well-being? I recommend movement such as Chi Walking or Running that works with gravitational forces and spiraling Earth energy up the spine. Kundalini Yoga is another form of this but most of the movement is done in a static position. Walking or running is a powerful metaphor to the body for

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moving forward. Combining it with working with gravitational forces and spiraling the creative energies that are moving from the center of the planet up our spines brings super health on all levels. (http://chiwalking.com)

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Fall, Sept 22-Dec 20, 2012

Overtone: Empathy Numbers: 4, 8, 13 Sacred Geometry: Cube Element: Earth New Energy Vibration: Empowerment Planets: Earth, Pluto/Charon, Mercury Direction: West | Transformation The fall can get intense for those planetary elements or components that are slightly out of timing with planetary transformation. Those people who are in

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timing will play an important role in stabilizing mass consciousness and the planet. The Guides from the West say: Like a parent who will use everything in its power to reclaim and reconnect to its progeny, Earth will reconnect to humanity. More exactly Earth will force humanity to reconnect to it. Only in a connected state can Earth pass through the birth canal of transformation on winter solstice. If someone is particularly out of balance with the transformative energies and with their own transformation, this new awareness of Earth may cause a great deal

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of electromagnetic illness. The healing required is one of consciously returning to the fold, to the web of life. Surrendering and trusting the course of what is unfolding is the best way to navigate and work with the transformative energies. This empowered stance is exactly what is needed during this season. The seasonal numbers are 4, 8, 13. Four is the number associated with the cube, the element of earth. Itʼs balancing and stabilizing just as the element is. It brings you into your essence held within the DNA, which is a homecoming energy. The heart has four chambers that represent the emotional qualities of commitment, clarity, constancy, and courage. Constancy is what is most needed at this time. This season the heart will feel filled with joy, fear, sadness, love, and hope as the planetary transformation reaches its zenith. Opening the heart to all this will keep it healthy.

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Eight is about checking what you are most aligned to and correcting course if you have detoured. Without past life karma you might feel drifting and not able to choose a direction in life. Or you might feel overwhelmed with too much choice. In a world with no past life karma; any sacred information that you want now being accessible; being in the power of soul purpose; in spiritual free will and choice and the powerful creative energies arising from the Earth, it can feel like the energy of a gold rush. Pace yourself. Choose only what is most important to you to manifest. If you can choose anything on an endless buffet, you very quickly develop greater discernment and bring in different values for how and what to choose. Thirteen brings you full circle to the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. Remember that all of the potent transformation energy needs to spiral up

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to a new level of development or it will just fracture into endless chaos. Humanity has lived with the powerful meaning of 2012 for many decades now and you have finally arrived. Energetically the planet and humanity has done its transformational work, the next stage is to observe and choose how it all shows up in consciousness and physical form. It will take a while for it to come into place so watch out for “post transformation” blues. Earth represents finances this season. As you continue to receive the waves of creativity from the center of Earth, your financial grids or belief systems must shift completely from Old Energy Paradigms to New Energy Paradigms. You will be paid in the New Energy for the creative expression of your soul purpose. Whatever dream youʼve had that youʼve put off, now is the time to bring it into expression.

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Pluto/Charon represents relationships this season. This intense connection that Pluto is locked into with Charon is a natural phenomena that shows up in many ways throughout the universe. In humans it can show up in the intense connection that happens with twin souls. For this season, though, this pairing with relationships is more about the shift from the patriarchal dominated energy paradigm to the return of the Divine Feminine. The masculine and feminine aspects will be balanced within relationships, and the struggle for control of power will shift into collaboration. The feminine energy within everyone will receive the love, adoration and protection from the masculine energy, while the masculine will receive from the feminine the love, nurturing and guidance for staying in alignment with Gaia.

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Mercury represents health this season. As the entire planet focuses in on the Winter Solstice of 2012, a cosmic awakening within the mind and body occurs. Your health depends on your right alignment and connection to the planet but the planet is in relationship to the sun, other planets, star systems and more. This energetic awakening to the order and organization that exists out beyond our 3rd dimension myopia will spark a great deal of interest in astrology and other occult sciences. This season, the rainforest trees and plants are especially potent for promoting health in all areas especially for the reproductive organs and overall regeneration through the whole system. (http://www.rainforestnaturalpharmacy.com/). Another great product for this season is Tonic Alchemy with 71 superfoods from around the world from Dragon Herbs (http://dragonherbs.com). "
