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2012/ July 8 - Announcements

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"Yellow pages" insert for Sunday, July 8, 2012. Updates on the congregational life and ministry at Shepherd of the Hills Presbyterian Church, Austin TX
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1 Announcements week of July 8 th SUNDAY 8th 9:30 & 11 a.m. Worship Childcare for ages 0 - preK 10 a.m. Worship Choir, Student Activ- ity Center 6 p.m. true: high school, Student Ac- tivity Center WEDNESDAY 11th 7 p.m. Praise & Worship rehearsal, sanctuary SUNDAY 15th 9:30 & 11 a.m. Worship Childcare for ages 0 - preK 10 a.m. Worship Choir, Student Activ- ity Center 6 p.m. true: high school, Student Ac- tivity Center calendar.shpc.org office phone 892.3580 office email [email protected] This fall, Shepherd of the Hills is launching a new SHPC Brodie Campus near Manchaca. The SHPC Bro- die Campus will offer an 11 a.m. contemporary Sunday worship experience and will have the same sermon as the SHPC William Cannon Campus. It will also have the same great children's ministry that marks our church. It is, in every way, Shepherd of the Hills, just in a new location. We're excited to have Ted Thulin on board, who will serve as our new campus pastor as we launch the Brodie loca- tion. We are seeking to build a core group of people who are excited about reaching the rapidly-grow- ing south part of Austin for Christ. We would love for you to consider making an 18-month commit- ment to being a part of this new campus. That's a BIG commitment & we know you’ll have a lot of questions. So we have a series of desserts designed to answer all your questions and give you a chance to meet Ted. We’ve held two, but there are two more: at Wayne & Pam Gonzalez’s home on July 9 th and Rich & Laura Morales’ home on July 11 th . The gatherings begin at 7 p.m. & end at 8:30 p.m. Dessert (of course!) and drinks will be pro- vided. Would you like to come to one of these desserts? Pick your date and then call Ted @ 512-892- 3580, on Ted's cell any time (606-312-1498), or email Ted at [email protected]. We would love to have you join us! Desserts! And more about SHPC’s Brodie Campus!
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Announcementsweek of July 8th

SUNDAY 8th9:30 & 11 a.m. Worship

Childcare for ages 0 - preK10 a.m. Worship Choir, Student Activ-

ity Center6 p.m. true: high school, Student Ac-

tivity Center

WEDNESDAY 11th7 p.m. Praise & Worship rehearsal,


SUNDAY 15th9:30 & 11 a.m. Worship

Childcare for ages 0 - preK10 a.m. Worship Choir, Student Activ-

ity Center6 p.m. true: high school, Student Ac-

tivity Center

calendar.shpc.orgoffice phone 892.3580office email [email protected]

This fall, Shepherd of the Hills is launching a newSHPC Brodie Campus near Manchaca. The SHPC Bro-die Campus will offer an 11 a.m. contemporarySunday worship experience and will have the samesermon as the SHPC William Cannon Campus. It willalso have the same great children's ministry thatmarks our church. It is, in every way, Shepherd ofthe Hills, just in a new location. We're excited tohave Ted Thulin on board, who will serve as ournew campus pastor as we launch the Brodie loca-tion.

We are seeking to build a core group of peoplewho are excited about reaching the rapidly-grow-ing south part of Austin for Christ. We would lovefor you to consider making an 18-month commit-ment to being a part of this new campus.That's a BIG commitment & we know you’ll have alot of questions. So we have a series of dessertsdesigned to answer all your questions and give youa chance to meet Ted. We’ve held two, but thereare two more: at Wayne & Pam Gonzalez’s homeon July 9th and Rich & Laura Morales’ home on July11th. The gatherings begin at 7 p.m. & end at 8:30p.m. Dessert (of course!) and drinks will be pro-vided.

Would you like to come to one ofthese desserts? Pick your date andthen call Ted @ 512-892-3580, on Ted's cell anytime (606-312-1498), oremail Ted [email protected]. We wouldlove to have you join us!

Desserts! And more about SHPC’sBrodie Campus!

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As we prepare for the fall startup of our Bro-die campus, please join us in prayer:

Want to receive these prayers in your email inbox each morning? Fill out the form at thisURL: http://eepurl.com/iUDt1 , or use your phone to scan the QR code at right.

Sunday - July 8, 2012Acts 9:31 (NIV)Then the church throughoutJudea, Galilee and Samaria en-joyed a time of peace and wasstrengthened. Living in the fearof the Lord and encouraged bythe Holy Spirit, it increased innumbers.

Prayer: Ask God for His vision, sothat we may walk in the respectand reverential awe of the Lordlike the early church. Ask theHoly Spirit who lives in us to helpus be the light of Christ for bothnorthern Hays County and SouthAustin.

Monday - July 9, 20122 Timothy 4:5 (NIV)But you, keep your head in allsituations, endure hardship, dothe work of an evangelist, dis-charge all the duties of yourministry.

Prayer: Pray again for Ted Thu-lin, our new campus pastor, ashe begins his ministry among us.Ask God to bless him and his min-istry. Thank God for Ted, hisfamily and our new Brodie cam-pus.

Tuesday - July 10, 2012Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV)Therefore go and make disciplesof all nations, baptizing them inthe name of the Father and ofthe Son and of the Holy Spirit,and teaching them to obey ev-erything I have commanded you.

And surely I am with you always,to the very end of the age.

Prayer: This is the Great Com-mission given by Jesus to GO!Pray for the Pilgrims who arebeing called to the new campus.Ask the Holy Spirit to empowerthem. Thank the Lord for theircommitment in establishing ournew campus for service to thelocal community.

Wednesday - July 11,2012 Acts 6:3 (NIV)Brothers and sisters, choose sev-en men from among you who areknown to be full of the Spiritand wisdom. We will turn thisresponsibility over to them.

Prayer: There will be need ofmany leaders and laborers at thenew campus for all the variousministries of the church. Prayfor God to raise up new lay lead-ers to help with the business ofthe church.

Thursday - July 12, 2012Romans 12:10 (NIV)Be devoted to one another inlove. Honor one another aboveyourselves.

Prayer: Pray for St. John’s Pres-byterian Church, our brothersand sisters in Christ. Pray thatthis joint venture of “nesting” isa win – win – win for both con-gregations… meaning that ourchurch expands to the south andgrows in its ministry, that StJohn’s is also energized andstrengthened in its ministry and

that the community is wellserved by both churches.

Friday - July 13, 2012Ephesians 4:16 (NIV)From Him the whole body,joined and held together by ev-ery supporting ligament, growsand builds itself up in love, aseach part does its work.

Prayer: As some leave for theBrodie campus, pray that theLord will lead others to step intotheir shoes at the William Can-non campus so that all of ourongoing ministries can continueand expand. Pray also that we allcontinue to invite new people toSHPC so that our entire churchcan continue to grow and thrive.

Saturday - July 14, 20121 Corinthians 15:58 (NIV)Therefore, my dear brothers andsisters, stand firm. Let nothingmove you. Always give your-selves fully to the work of theLord, because you know thatyour labor in the Lord is not invain.

Prayer: Many things will be hap-pening besides the launching ofthe Brodie campus — remodelingat the William Cannon campus,site work at the 290 campus andour various missionary projects.Pray for all of this work, thatthe Lord may bless our effortsand help us to fulfill our part inHis Great Commission!

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—Choosing to give someone your time and friendship no matter what

Summertime Children’s Ministry

Nursery care is provided in portable B for children from birth to 24 months of ageduring the 9:30 & 11 a.m. worship services.

Sunday Child Care 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. – noon3 yr. olds thru pre-K— Family Ministry Center (FMC)

TODAY, Sunday July 8th, we are going to play nineholes at Willie Nelson's Pedernales Golf course. Wewill meet at Larry Coulter's house at 4 p.m. and goto the course together. After the nine holes we willreconvene at the Coulters' for those who want to

brag about their game (or lament their play!).

The $20 cost includes a cart.You can still sign up — email

Larry at [email protected] to let him know you’re coming.If you have people you want to play with, let Larry know;otherwise, you will be randomly assigned a cart. Direc-tions to Larry's house will be sent to you after you regis-ter. Don't forget sunscreen!

Curious about the course? Check out cuttnputt.com

Join us TONIGHTfor our Hotter than Heck

SHPC Twilight Golf EveningFELLOWSHIP LUNCHBUNCH will gather onSaturday July 21st at11:30 a.m. at the OliveGarden (3940 South La-mar at Hwy 71). Makereservations by July 17with Gay & LawrenceLangston, 512-607-6516or [email protected]

it’s PrimeTime!(50± Adult Ministry)

Sunday Nursery/Early Childhood CareRoomsNursery - Infants through 2years: Portable A

Children 3 years throughpre-kindergarten: FamilyMinistry Center (big porta-ble next to playground)

Help Manos de Cristo provide 2,200 new or gently usedbooks for children pre-K through 5th grade!The average child growing up in a middle class family has beenexposed to 1,000 to 1,700 hours of one-on-one picture bookreading before entering school. The average child growing up ina low-income family has been exposed to only 25 hours of one-on-one reading over the same time.

Drop off books no later than July 16th at Manos HQ, 4911Harmon Avenue 78751. [email protected]

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Hear ye! Hear ye!Help for the hearing im-pairedDid you know that SHPChas hearing assist devicesthat will make the servicesound crystal clear? Nowyou will be able to hearevery word as if it wasspoken directly to you.Please see our soundtechs in the Sound Room.

Cell phone etiquettePlease remember to si-lence your cell phone dur-ing the worship service.And remember—unlessyou are texting God,those text messages canprobably wait till the ser-vice is over.

Please take a moment tofill a name tag out (orbring yours from home).This is a great way for youto meetsomeonenew andmakepeoplefeel wel-come.

Shepherd of the Hills Presbyterian Church Preschool isnow enrolling in our pre-K classes.Students must be 4 by Sep-tember 1st. Classes meetMondays, Wednesdays, andFridays, and optional Tues-days, from 9 a.m. until 1p.m. during the schoolyear. For more information,please contact Pattie Lawrence [email protected], or visitwww.shpcpreschool.org.

Their Feet Are Made for Walking… Our friends in Guatemala have asked, on behalf of all thechildren in the orphanage and school, that the next SHPCteam bring walking-appropriate shoes and gently-usedclothing. These little people are just that – little! Theyneed clothing sizes 3T to YouthLarge (adult small shirts would befine, too). Shoes should be nolarger than a men’s 8, and wom-en’s 6 – but again, think chil-dren! Please drop off yourlabeled donations in theSHPC office for collection.

The influence and impact of the church is felt most fullywhen Christ-centered leaders are at the forefront of es-tablishing and growing well-led local churches and orga-

nizations… renew your vision and inspiration at thisyear’s Global Leadership Summit! Join us at West-

lake Hills Presbyterian (#065) on August 9 & 10 from9 a.m. to 5 p.m. for two days of amazing speakers from

a wide array of fields. There’s nothing like it!

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Thank You for Caring!We rejoice in these recentcontributions to the CaringForever Endowment :

The Caring Forever Endowment Fund is apermanent fund that is used to spread Christ's

love in mission and ministry.

● In loving memory of her father, Esso Essary:Beth Everett

Shepherd of the Hills PresbyterianChurch Preschool is hiring for an aideposition with our youngest students.Hours are Monday,Wednesday and Fri-day from 8:30 a.m.until 1:30 p.m. Jobduties will include,but are not limited to,assisting the lead teacherwith completing and imple-menting lesson plans weekly, communi-cating with co-workers and parents on adaily basis, maintaining a team-orientedwork environment and positive attitude,as well as providing excellent childcareto our students.

Preference will be given to applicantswith experience in a licensed childcarefacility. Teachers receive 2 paid daysleave during the year. We are closed forThanksgiving, Christmas holidays, andSpring Break and we are closed duringthe summer.

For more information, please contactPattie at 892-7528. You can e-mail yourresume to [email protected] or fax to 892-6307, attention Pattie. For more informa-tion about our preschool, visitwww.shpcpreschool.org.

Manos’ Back-to-School is an importantcommunity program that provides chil-dren living in poverty with one backpack, aset of school supplies, books, and two newsets of clothing. The program helps chil-dren to feel confident and creates positiveexperiences at the beginning of school topromote academic success.If you would like to volunteer this July orAugust as we help over 2,000 children pre-pare for a successful school year, reviewthe opportunities below and then sign upon VolunteerSpot: www.tinyurl.com/ManosAustin(Note: to volunteer this year you must signup online!)BACK-TO-SCHOOL VOLUNTEER OP-PORTUNITIES FOR JULY2 Preparation Weeks: Monday – Friday,July 16 - 20 and July 23 – 27Monday through Thursday shifts are 9 a.m.- 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. Friday shiftsare from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. - 2:30p.m. Location: Manos de Cristo headquar-ters at 4911 Harmon Avenue, 78751SPECIAL JULY & AUGUST OPPORTU-NITIES (if you are interested in any of theroles listed below, email Lily directly [email protected] ):


VIDEOGRAPHERIf you have any questions about volunteer-ing or signing up on VolunteerSpot, con-tact our BTS Volunteer Coordinator [email protected] or 512-477-7454.


For more info & options: manosdecristo.org/2012BTSVolunteerOpportunities.html

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This section is for you to let us know of requests for prayer. Please tear here and place in thecollection plate.

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Signed (optional) Phone(s)

Provide Prayer Request in SHPC Prayer Chain? Yes / No Publicize in bulletin / newsletter? Yes / NoHave a prayer request during the week? Email [email protected].

Please pray for our leaders and our loved ones in the military…Members of the Armed Forces and all world leaders involved in war zone crises including: NathanielMiller, son of Fran & Ted Miller… Morales family neighbor Brian Moran… Jose Fernandez, friend ofGaston & Junie Broyles and graduate of PPAS… Andrew Figer, son of a friend of Bill Brock... KevinRobnett, friend of Thure Cannon... John White, Susan’s husband... Mitch Guile, friend of Eddie &Stacey Reynolds... Teddy Sweredoski, friend of Stan & Jessica Wade... Tyler Moser, son of a friend ofDee & Greg Merrell... Temple & Janet Ingram’s daughter Kate Ingram... Christopher Lehmann, son ofMark Lehmann... Larry Roberman, brother of Lori Whitmire... Derek & Kristi Fisher's nephew, JohnFisher...

Joys—Elena Tunison-Johnson, Lynn Tunison's granddaughter, is joyously welcomed;in May, Elena's mother graduated from med school so now she is officially Dr. AnneJohnson—Zack & Wendy Uzzle announce with joy the birth of their first child, StuartPearson Uzzle, born June 28th —Dan Ireland, husband of Lynda & Robert Wade’s niece,has returned safely from Afghanistan—Lucas Forsythe, son of Mike & Renee, was unitedin marriage to Hannah Stout on June 3rd —Michael & Renee Forsythe celebrated their

25th anniversary on June 13th

Sorrows—David Wright, cousin-in-law of Kathy Segura, died June 30th—Cindy Baschnagel’s mother,Doris Lewis, passed away June 21st —Bill Ellison passed away on June 24th

Please pray for—Kristin Aardema's friend Beth, that the experimental drug will make a significantdifference—Jaco Steynberg’s mom, Judy, visiting from South Africa, now diagnosed with non-Hodgkin'slymphoma and currently in the hospital in Austin—Angela Immitt, a less-painful recovery from tonsillecto-my—Allison Gerold—rapid containment of wildfires in Colorado—Ruth Weese, injured in a fall and rest-ing at her son’s home in Austin —Nathaniel Miller, son of Fran & Ted Miller, left June 22nd for anine-month deployment to Afghanistan—Greg Merrell’s friend Bill Grafft after the death of his wife, Mari-lyn, on June 16th —Griff Griffith, hospitalized—Christine Holland, friend of Pattie Lawrence, recoveringfrom complications following the birth of her child— Mo O’Meara’s co-worker, Sal, family health challeng-es—Helen Turrentine’s grandson Ryan Shue, cellulitis—Amanda Hyde’s mother, emergency aortic valvereplacement—Diana Gill, recovering from knee surgery—Austin, the city where we’re planted—PastorKenneth Muyira and the congregation of Manyamula Presbyterian Church—Pastor ChimwemweMhango and his family
