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*2012 Spring Phot-143 Syllabus City College - Craig...

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CRAIG CARLSON Photography 143 Beginning Digital Photography Schedule No.73149 San Diego City College • Spring Semester 2012 Syllabus
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Photography 143 Beginning Digital Photography

Schedule No.73149 San Diego City College • Spring Semester 2012


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Photography 143: Introduction To Digital Photography, Using Digital Capture & Imaging Design ©Copyright Craig Carlson 2012 • Spring Syllabus 2012 [2]

Photo 143: Introduction To Digital Photography-SYLLABUSSpring 2012

Office Hours

Class Duration

Final Examination

Grade Conferences

Course Description

Art 205 Learning Outcomes

Attendance Policy & Rules

Course Requirements

Course Text

Reading Assignments

No Make-Up Policy

Lesson Plan Column Symbols

Camera Equipment

Projects & Grading

Grading Scales

Academic Accommodations

Academic Cheating and Plagiarism

Academic Success Center Referral

Lab Safety & Class Etiquette

My Expected Learning Outcomes

Lesson Planner

Student Server

Material Requirements

Notebook Term Project

Grade Sheets

• First Meeting Check List

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Photography 143: Introduction To Digital Photography, Using Digital Capture & Imaging Design ©Copyright Craig Carlson 2012 • Spring Syllabus 2012 [3]

Photo 143: Introduction To Digital Photography-SYLLABUSSpring 2012

Instructor: Craig Carlson email: [email protected] Web: craigcarlson.net

Office Hours: Immediately following class. Fall Class Duration: 32 Meetings: Class CRN #73149 P-143 Introduction To Digital Photography 3.0 Units Tuesday & Thursday, starting Tuesday, January 24, through Thursday, May 17, 2011. 9:00 AM - 12:05 PM Tuesday/Thursday, Room V406, Grade Only. Final Examination: Attendance Is Mandatory Tuesday, May 15, 2012, Notebooks & Mulligan’s Due, attendance is mandatory. Portfolio Conferences: Thursday, May 17, 2012, attendance is mandatory, bring notebooks.

Student Responsibilities: • It is the students responsibility to drop all classes in which they are no longer attending. • Students who remain enrolled in a class beyond the published withdrawal deadline, as stated in the class schedule, will receive an evaluative letter grade for this class. • 02/03/12: Last day to receive and pay for add codes and with no ”W” recorded. • It is the instructor’s discretion to withdraw a student after the drop deadline, October 21 due to excessive absences.

Attendance Policy and Rules: The final grade in this class will be affected by active participation, including attendance, as fol-lows:

I affirm a rigorous attendance policy. Consistent and prompt attendance develops responsible pro-fessional behavior and insures that students have access to the full range of experiences and infor-mation necessary to complete the course assignments and acquire the skills and knowledge empha-sized in a college education. Student absences during the term are not to exceed three. If absences exceed three it will adversely affect your grade and possibly result in a failing grade. After three unexcused absences your grade will drop one full letter grade.

Allotted absences are to accommodate routine illness, weddings, car trouble.

Unscheduled and unacceptable absences: doctor appointments, advisor conferences, trips to supply stores and labs, employment, family vacations, other than Photography-143 school excur-sions, are not to be scheduled to conflict with class.

Rule One: You must notify me by email if you will be absent from class.

Rule Two: A tardy deducts one point from your assignment goals portion of grading on a given project. Three tardies equal one absence. Tardiness is defined as being late for class or departing before the instructor has formally dismissed the class. This is a rule specifically designed to encour-age class participation, If you are going to miss class, arrangements need to be made prior to class time. Tardies are tallied under assignment goals.

Rule Three: Students who miss lectures and class discussions due to absences must obtain notes for the classes missed and assignments from a responsible and willing classmate prior the next class period. The instructor will be happy to clarify information for students who are confused, but cannot repeat lectures, tutorials or elaborate on projects on an individual bases. Photography classes are an exercise in time management techniques.

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Photography 143: Introduction To Digital Photography, Using Digital Capture & Imaging Design ©Copyright Craig Carlson 2012 • Spring Syllabus 2012 [4]

Photo 143: Introduction To Digital Photography-SYLLABUSSpring 2012

Course Description: This course is an introduction to the methods and processes involved in photographic im-age acquisition, optimization and output used in Digital Photography. Emphasis is place on the evolution from traditional, analog/wet darkroom to digital approaches to photography and the relationship between these approaches. This course is designed for students who wish to pursue a career in photography. Students should provide digital or film camera with manual controls. Course Text: Required course text: See Instructor ”Look Before You See With The Camera Eye,“ (Updated For CS5) by Craig Carlson, 2011-12 Edition Course Requirements: Absolute class attendance and participation in discussions and assignments. A series of five class projects with tutorials, including outside participation in organization and plan-ning. Semester length notebook project. Reading assignments, lectures and demonstra-tions will be reinforced with three quizzes, midterm, final exam and attendance for a total of 250 points. Grades are assigned on a standard percentage point scale. Notebook Project: See notebook term project. You are required to bring the notebook to each class meeting and have available all work in progress and completed projects done in this class. This includes lecture notes, galleries, concept thumbnails, proof sheets and as-signment lasers and Lab prints. Three hole punch all material and organize with tab sepa-rators. I will grade your progress during mid-term (Part One) conferences. All class materials and projects should not be larger than letter size. Final grading (Part 2) is completed during the final exam.

Projects: There is a due date for each part of a project. Due dates are given for Gallery, Concept, Rough Critiques and Final Images grading. On due dates you must present for my grading the part of project which is due or you will receive ”0” points. There is no makeups or extra credit for this class.

Grading Scales:

Course Description

Twenty-Five Point Grading Scale Assignments25-22.50 Points A20 Points B17.50 Points C14 Points D12.5 Points F

Two Hundred Fifty Point Grading Scale Total Accumulated Semester Points225-250 Points A200 Points B175 Points C150 Points D125-144 Points F

Twenty Point Grading Scale Quizzes20 Points A16 Points B14 Points C12 Points D 10 Points F

Thirty Point Grading Scale Final Exam30 Points A24 Points B21 Points C18 Points D 15 Points F

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Photography 143: Introduction To Digital Photography, Using Digital Capture & Imaging Design ©Copyright Craig Carlson 2012 • Spring Syllabus 2012 [5]

Photo 143: Introduction To Digital Photography-SYLLABUSSpring 2012

Mulligans‘: When you play golf, you can ask for a second swing. It is a one time ”get out of jail card.” You can turn in (1) one Final Image (sets) late, for full credit, not galleries, concept or roughs.

Galleries: A gallery is a research assignment given for each project. The gallery assignment starts the student looking at and appreciating the type of images the project is asking you to explore with your camera. You are to search for appropriate images which fit the current project. Images for a gallery can be searched for in books, personal photographs and us-ing the internet. The reproduction of the image can be of gray scale (black &white) laser quality. If gallery images are smaller than notebook size, they must be placed on note-book size paper to fit into your class binder. Galleries will be graded at the beginning of the class meeting it is due (H) and has a value of 5 points.

Camera Equipment: You must have access to a manual, single lens reflex film camera, or a manual single-lens-reflex digital camera for class projects. The film or digital camera must have manual camera controls, shutter, aperture, focus and a light meter. A few cameras are available for check out to complete class assignments. The instructor will detail camera requirements and check out procedures during the first two class meetings.

Plagiarism / Image Theft in Photography:Students are expected to be honest and ethical at all times in their pursuit of academic goals. Students who are found in violation of district Procedure 3100.3, Honest Academic Conduct, will receive an “F” grade on the assignment in question and may be referred for disciplinary action in accordance with Procedure 3100.2, Student Disciplinary Procedures.

Everything you turn in for this course must be your own, original work.Every exposure / every image / every print submitted by you MUST be created solely by YOU (not including digital prints made ‘by you’ at Costco, etc.) Use of anyone else’s negatives, images, digital files, or prints by you in any form will not be permitted. Using images created by someone else is plagiarism (and possibly federal theft and copyright infringement) and will be dealt with according to college policy and/or Campus Police. The minimum consequences for plagiarizing another person’s images are: an “F” on that assignment; one letter-grade lower on your semester grade; the Dean of Student Services will be notified and will place this information in your student file; possible further conse-quences deemed necessary by the Vice President of Instruction, including expulsion from the college. Our photography program will not tolerate plagiarism.

Electronic Classroom Behavior:Portable lap top computers, pagers, blackberries, cell phones, personal data assistants or any electronic device must be turned off during lectures, critiques, presentations, video or DVD programs. Your text has amble space for note taking.

Lesson Plan Column Symbols: Column symbols on the lesson plan pages represent when a project is assigned and graded: l = Assignment Given H = Grading Event

Plagiarism / Galleries

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Photography 143: Introduction To Digital Photography, Using Digital Capture & Imaging Design ©Copyright Craig Carlson 2012 • Spring Syllabus 2012 [6]

Photo 143: Introduction To Digital Photography-SYLLABUSSpring 2012

Learning Outcomes

Project Camera Design & Aesthetics Photoshop

1 Light & Shadow

Camera ControlsAuto Focus Techniques Digital Menus And SettingsCompact Flash Cards Aperture / ShutterUnits Of ExposureHalving And DoublingLaw Of ReciprocityISOHistograms

Vocabulary: Continuous Tone,Negative And Positive SpaceBeginning Figure-GroundContinuous Tone-256 Colors Threshold Images-2 ColorsPosterize Images-3 Colors Find Edges: Line And TexturePhotography On The WebDVD: Annie Leibovitz

Understanding Electronic FilesImage Size / Pixel DepthCalculating File Sizes Setting The Color ModelCalibrated MonitorsPhotoshop PreferencesPhotoshop-143 WorkspaceInfo Palette / Crop ToolClone Tool And Blend ModesColor Picker / Digital WorkflowAdobe Bridge & Camera Raw

2 Look

Gray MetersMatch Needle ExposureHistogram Anatomy:Dynamic Range & FrequencyReading A Histogram Depth Of FieldThree Dynamics:ApertureSubject DistanceFocal Length

Vocabulary: Subject As Mirror Or WindowSymbolFigure-GroundGeometry Of Line And Shape3 Photographic Sisters:Light - Three Dynamics Tone - EmphasisTexture - Contrast / ContentDVD: Ansel AdamsDVD: John Szarkowski

Selection Tools:Unique CursorsMarquee / Oval / LassoPolygonal / Magnetic LassoMagic Wand / Quick ToolChannel Palette And Masks Refine EdgesAdjustment LayersLayer MaskingCurves Dialog BoxMore Camera Raw & Bridge

Mind’s Eye

3 See

Viewing Frame3D World To 2D FrameAV Or Aperture PriorityTV Or Shutter Priority

Vocabulary: Vantage PointFrameDeciding Tension:Asymmetrical / SymmetricalFocal LengthFixing Camera TimeDVD: Walker EvansDVD: Henri Cartier-Bresson

Adjustment LayersLayer MaskingDouble Down Camera RawDodging And Burning MaskShadow & HighlightBlack & White Tone ConvertUnsharp MaskingSmart SharpenHigh Pass Filter

Camera Eye

4 Photo Composite

Flatbed ScanningSetting Color And Exposure

Vocabulary: DadaSurrealismComposite ImagingSandwich PrintingPrinting IntoDVD: Man Ray / Lee Miller

Layers Palette TutorialGradient Blend TutorialMirrored Symmetrical ImagesPast Into CommandLayer Clone Tool Sampling

5 High Dynamic Range

Transmitted Light Color TheoryAdditive PrimariesSubtractive PrimariesPhotographic Color WheelElectromagnetic SpectrumColor TemperatureCustom White Balance

Vocabulary:Complementary ColorsAnalogous ColorsHueSaturationLightness

Theory Of HDR ImagesLocal AdaptationExposing For HDRPhotomatix® Tone MappingPhotoshop Color ModesPhotoshop Color ModelsPhotoshop Color ManagementUsing Custom ProfilesColor Cast RemovalAction PaletteBatch Processing Workflow



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Photography 143: Introduction To Digital Photography, Using Digital Capture & Imaging Design ©Copyright Craig Carlson 2012 • Spring Syllabus 2012 [7]

Photo 143: Introduction To Digital Photography-SYLLABUSSpring 2012

Week 1 January 24 T Introduction / Office Hours / Class Duration / Final Examination Grade Conferences / Course Description / Art 205 Learning Outcomes / Attendance Policy & Rules / Course Requirements Course Text /Reading Assignments / No Make-Up Policy Lesson Plan Column Symbols / Camera Equipment Projects & Grading / Grading Scales / Academic Accommodations Academic Cheating and Plagiarism / Acad. Success Center Referral Lab Safety & Class Etiquette / My Expected Learning Outcomes Lesson Planner / Student Server / Material Requirements l Notebook Term Project / Grade Sheets Break / Camera Obscura To Camera Raw /Read: Syllabus & Page 35 26 Th *Bring Camera* / Three Dynamics Of Photography Check: Camera / Notebook, Text, Tab Separators Digital Capture: Dynamic Range, Resolution & Color First Look @ Exposure: Shutter & Aperture / Having & Doubling Break / Read: Pages 05-13 Week 2 31 T *Bring Camera* / Handling The Single-Lens-Reflex Camera Camera Controls / Focusing / LCD Display / Handling The SLR Break / Exposure: Shutter & Aperture / Having & Doubling Stops / Reciprocity / Exposure / ISO l Project 1 Galleries Assigned / Read: Pages 14-33 Februaryl 02 Th *Bring Camera* Light & Shadow Project 1 H Project 1 Galleries Graded Assignment Sheet / Examples / Read: Pages 36-52 Shape, Shape, Line, Light, Tone, Texture Pages 107-118 See Student Work, Pages 53-56 Review For Quiz I / Break / Digital Workflow / Read: Pages 67-82 Week 3 H 07 T *Bring Camera* / Shoot Project 1 / Review Work Flow Work On Project 1 / Review For Quiz 1 Yes (20 image proof sheet) Maybe (20 image proof sheet) Critique Proof Sheets / Review: Pages 67-82 09 Th Quiz 1 / Camera Raw Workflow / Project 1 Procedure / Break H Grade Rough and Critique / Read: Page 41, 58-66 Week 4 14 T More Camera Raw / Finish Project 1 Critique Project 1 Finals 16 Th Grade Project 1 H See bottom of Project 1 Assignment Sheet for items due l Project 2 Galleries Assigned / DVD: Ansel Adams, Page 84 Week 5 l H 21 T Look: Mind’s Eye Project 2 / Grade Project 2 Galleries Look Before You See: Subject / Symbol / Figure-Ground Design Elements: Line, Primary & Secondary Shapes Unmasking Shapes / Light, Tone, Texture (contrast) Read: Pages 84-118, See Student Work Page 89 Break DVD: John Szarkowski: A Life In Photography, Page 95 23 Th *Bring Camera* / Depth of Field / Review For Quiz II Light Meters / Gray Cards / Exposure & Histograms / Break Read: Walker Evans, Pages 96-100,Histogram Anatomy, Pages 92-94 DVD: Walker Evans, American Photographs, Page 101 Depth Of Field, Page 90

P-143: Beginning Digital Photography • Class No. 73149

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Photography 143: Introduction To Digital Photography, Using Digital Capture & Imaging Design ©Copyright Craig Carlson 2012 • Spring Syllabus 2012 [8]

Photo 143: Introduction To Digital Photography-SYLLABUSSpring 2012

Week 6 H 28 T Quiz II Work On Project 2 Yes (20 image proof sheet) Maybe (20 image proof sheet) Develop (2) Images / Critique Project 2 Proof Sheets March 01 Th Selection Tools & Channel Mask Lab Tutorials Project 2 Procedure & Presentation / Read: Pages 119-122

Week 7 l 06 T Work On Project 2 / Break H Grade Rough and Critique / Assign Project 3 Galleries 3D World In 2D: Viewing Frame Assigned, Page 128-129 Shooting In The Streets With AV & TV l 08 Th *Bring Camera* / See: Project 3 Introduction H Grade Project 3 Galleries / Viewing Frame Due: Page128-129 Vantage Point / Frame / Tension / Focal Length / Fixing Camera Time Read: Assignment Sheet, Vocabulary. Page 123-126, Pages 130-148 Break Adjustments Panel: Targeted Adjustment Tool / Tone Curves Read: Page 149-15 / High Pass Filter Used For Creative Sharpening Non Destructive Burning & Dodging Layer / Sharpening Tools Read: Pages 152-156, See Student Work Pages, 125-126 DVD: Henri Cartier-Bresson, Page 127 10 Sat Gas Lamp Field Trip - To Be Announced Week 8 H 13 T Review For Midterm / Project 2 Graded Work On Project 3 Yes (20 image proof sheet) Maybe (20 image proof sheet) Develop (2) Images / Critique Project 3 Proof Sheets H 15 Th Midterm / Project 3 Workflow H l Grade Project 3 Rough & Critique / Project 4 Gallery Assign Week 9 l 20 T Intro To Project 4: Surrealist Photocomposite Theme Surrealist Motifs / Artists: Man Ray, Barbara Morgan Jerry Uelsmann, Ralph Gibson / Concepts & Galleries Graded 03/27 Read: Assignment Sheet, Pages 157-165 Break /DVD: Man Ray, Page160 See Student Work, Pages 161-163 22 Th Project 3 Graded / Bring Two Books By Surrealist Artist 3-D Scanning Demonstration Break Work On Project 4 Thumbnails / Bring Bristol Board & Drawing Kit / Critique Drawn Thumbnails / Read: Page 164 Week 10 27 T Layers Tutorials / Break / Blend Tutorial H H Project 4 Concept Thumbnails & Galleries Graded / Critique Read: Layers Panel Pages, 166-169 29 Th No Class - Release Time For Field Trip

P-143: Beginning Digital Photography • Class No. 73149

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Photography 143: Introduction To Digital Photography, Using Digital Capture & Imaging Design ©Copyright Craig Carlson 2012 • Spring Syllabus 2012 [9]

Photo 143: Introduction To Digital Photography-SYLLABUSSpring 2012

Week 11 April 03 T Spring Break - No Class 05 Th Spring Break - No Class

Week 12 10 T Flatbed Scanning Demonstration Work On Project 4 Review: Pages 165 12 Th Work On Project 4 Yes (20 image proof sheet due) Maybe (20 image proof sheet due) H Critique Project 4 Proof Sheets

Week 13 17 T Work On Project 4 Break H Project 4 Rough Graded / Critique 19 Th Work On Project 4

Week 14 l 24 T Project 5 Galleries Assigned / Work On Project 4 26 Th Intro Project 5 / High Dynamic Range Imaging H Project 5 Galleries Graded High Dynamic Range Imaging, Read: Pages 177-182 Break Nature Of Light / Color Theory / Color Temperature / Color Wheel / EM Spectrum / Photoshop Color Models & Modes Color Cast Removal: Global / Regional / Local Read: Pages 170-176

Week 15 May 01 T Work On Projects 4-5 / High Dynamic Range Tutorial All Students Must Bring A Couple Sets Of HDR Exposures 03 Th Work On Projects 4-5 Project 5 Roughs Graded - Projected Jpegs For Critique Week 16 08 T Review For Quiz III / Work On Projects 4-5 H Grade Project 4 H 10 Th Quiz III / Review For Final / Last Laboratory / Work on Project 5 Project 4 Final Critique

Week 17 H H H 15 T Final Exam • Notebooks Graded • Grade Project 5 Attendance Is Mandatory / Final Critique Project 5 Grade Conferences Scheduled 17 Th Scheduled Grade Conferences / Grades Assigned Attendance Is Mandatory / Bring Notebook

P-143: Beginning Digital Photography • Class No. 73149

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Photography 143: Introduction To Digital Photography, Using Digital Capture & Imaging Design ©Copyright Craig Carlson 2012 • Spring Syllabus 2012 [10]

Photo 143: Introduction To Digital Photography-SYLLABUSSpring 2012

Equipment & Materials

Equipment & Materials: Do Not Purchase Any Materials Until Advised

The camera must have adjustable shutter, aperture, focus and working light meter. A normal fixed focal length or zoom lens is acceptable. The digital camera must be capable of a RAW file format. Instructor will cover this topic in class in great detail.

Tripod (optional): Wait to buy until I give you my tripod spin talk. An cable release for most electronic cameras is about $30, or might come with camera. Class Materials:

Notebook: It must be a 1-1/2 inch binder with a see-through front cover.

Tab Separators: Avery or compatible set of 8 tab separators.

1- Flash or thumb drive of 2-4 gigabyte storage size. 5-10 DVD-R 4 gigabyte capacity compact discs. Buy in packs, jewel cases are not required.Ink Jet Printing Paper:

Digital Printing Paper is stocked by the Photo dept. There is a pay per print system. See printing policy for details.

Approximate cost of class materials without camera for semester is approximately $50.

The Original Classic Canon ”Digital Rebel”
