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20120709 Rapidos y Furiosos Retro

Date post: 03-Mar-2018
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Feds Offer $1 Million Reward for Alleged 'Fast and Furious' Killers  By PIERRE THOMAS, JACK CLOHERTY and JACK DATE | ABC News – 5 hs a!" Email Share3 Print Related Content
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Feds Offer $1 Million Reward for …

Justice Department officials toda offered $1 million for the capture of the fi!e Me"ican # order andits# who %illed &order Patrol '(ent &rian )err with an ')F*sourced weapon in themountains south of )ucson+

'(ent )err,s death has een at the center of the -on(ressional in!esti(ation into a otched ')F(un*smu((lin( in!esti(ation dued #Fast and Furious+# )wo weapons lin%ed to the shootin( of'(ent )err made it into criminal hands as a result of that operation. which sou(ht to trac%smu((led (uns to dru( cartel %in(pins+ ' dispute etween -on(ressional in!esti(ators and theJustice Department o!er #Fast and Furious# documents led to 'ttorne /eneral Eric 0older   ein( held in contempt of -on(ress last month+

&ut despite all the contro!ers. the details of how '(ent )err was %illed ha!e ne!er eenre!ealed until toda+

't a news conference in )ucson. Justice Department officials said that on Decemer 1. 21.'(ent )err and his &order Patrol team were trin( to intercept fi!e men who had crossed intothe 4+S+ from Me"ico and tripped electronic sensors planted in the southern 'ri5ona desert+ )hefederal a(ents confronted the men. openin( fire with eana(s. not ullets+

6t turned out the men were #order andits.# armed (an(sters who ro dru( smu((lers+ )he andits returned fire. and in the firefi(ht. '(ent )err was %illed+ One of the andits was shot inthe foot. and ta%en into custod. ut four other suspects escaped while a(ents were tendin( to'(ent )err+

)oda. an indictment char(in( fi!e indi!iduals in!ol!ed in the death of '(ent )err was unsealed

in )ucson. and a reward of up to $1 million from the F&6 for information leadin( to the arrest offour fu(iti!es was announced Department of Justice officials+

'ccordin( to the indictment. Manuel Osorio*'rellanes. Jesus Rosario Fa!ela*'stor(a. 6!an Soto*&arra5a. 0eraclio Osorio*'rellanes and 7ionel Portillo*Me5a are char(ed with crimes includin(first de(ree murder. second de(ree murder. conspirac to interfere with commerce roer.attempted interference with commerce roer. use and carrin( a firearm durin( a crime of!iolence. assault on a federal officer and possession of a firearm a prohiited person+ ' si"thdefendant. Rito Osorio*'rellanes. is char(ed onl with conspirac to interfere with commerce roer+

6n addition to the murder of '(ent )err. the indictment also alle(es that the fi!e defendantsassaulted &order Patrol a(ents 8illiam -astano. /ariel Fra(o5a and )imoth 9eller. who werewith '(ent )err durin( the firefi(ht+

#&rian )err was trul an a(ent,s a(ent.# 4+S+ 'ttorne for the Southern District of -alifornia7aura E+ Duff said at the press conference toda+ Duff promised )err,s famil #the !er est#her office had to offer+ #8e will not rest until these indi!iduals are rou(ht to :ustice+#

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#'(ent )err ser!ed his countr honoral and made the ultimate sacrifice in trin( to protect itfrom harm. and we will stop at nothin( to rin( those responsile for his murder to :ustice.# said'ttorne /eneral Eric 0older in a statement+ #)his in!esti(ation has pre!iousl resulted in onedefendant ein( char(ed with '(ent )err,s murder and ta%en into custod. and toda,sannouncement reflects the department,s unrelentin( commitment to findin( and arrestin( the

other indi!iduals responsile for this horrific tra(ed so that '(ent )err,s famil. friends andfellow law enforcement a(ents recei!e the :ustice the deser!e+#

#4+S+ &order Patrol '(ent &rian )err made the ultimate sacrifice in Decemer of 21. while protectin( our order.# stated James 7+ )ur(al Jr+. F&6 Special '(ent in -har(e. Phoeni"Di!ision+ #)oda,s announcement is an important step forward in the pursuit of :ustice for &order Patrol '(ent )err and his famil+ 6t is our hope that the pulicit surroundin( this case will leadto information concernin( the whereaouts of the remainin( four fu(iti!es+#

Manuel Osorio*'rellanes has een in custod since his arrest the ni(ht of the shootin(+ RitoOsorio*'rellanes has een in custod since Dec+ 12. 21. when he was arrested &order

Patrol a(ents on immi(ration char(es+ )he indictment is ein( unsealed toda in order to see%the pulic,s assistance in locatin( the four fu(iti!e defendants+

)his case is ein( prosecuted in federal court in )ucson attornes from the Southern Districtof -alifornia. Special 'ttornes )odd 8+ Roinson. Da!id D+ 7eshner. and Fred '+ Sheppard+)he 4+S+ 'ttorne,s Office for the District of 'ri5ona is recused. ecause of its in!ol!ement inthe #Fast and Furious# operation+

-lic% 0ere for the &lotter 0omepa(e+

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