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2012.10 Property Transactions

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  • 7/29/2019 2012.10 Property Transactions


    Property Transactions

    Gain or Loss and Basis

  • 7/29/2019 2012.10 Property Transactions


    Gains/Losses from Property

    Proceeds adjusted basis = gain/loss

    Adjusted Basis:Generally Cost (unless gift, exchange, inheritance) +

    capital additions depreciation, 179, casualty/theftloss taken to date

    Includes exchange of common solely for preferred

    stock in same corporation valued at FMV Real property traded for personal property: FMV

    Exchanges of stock in different corporations: FMV

    Exchange of partnership Interests: FMV

  • 7/29/2019 2012.10 Property Transactions


    Capital Gains/Losses

    Capital asset: defined by what it is NOT: Inventory, A/R

    Property depreciated in trade or business


    U.S. Govt publications

    Think of this as investments and personal

    use property Exceptions: Securities dealers treat gain/loss on

    investments as ordinary unless they pre-identifyinvestment securities

    Similar exception for sub-dividers of real

  • 7/29/2019 2012.10 Property Transactions


    Q. Which of the following assets is not

    generally considered a capital asset?a. A personal residence

    b. A computer used in a trade or business

    c. Chrysler Corporation stock held forinvestment

    d. U.S. Government securities held for


  • 7/29/2019 2012.10 Property Transactions


    Capital Gain Treatment

    A capital asset does not necessarily getcapital gain/loss treatment (e.g. personaluse losses not deductible)

    A non-capital asset may get capital gaintreatment (e.g. Sec. 1231: depreciableassets used in a trade or business sold at again)

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    Capital Losses

    Deductible up to $3,000 in excess of capitalgains.

    Excess losses carried forward to futureyears until used.

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    9. During the current year, F, an individual, hadlong-term capital losses of $2,000 and short-termcapital losses of $1,500. If this is the first year F

    has experienced capital gains or losses, whatamount of these losses may F deduct this year?

    a. $1,750

    b. $2,500c. $3,000

    d. $3,500

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    Long- v. Short-term Capital

    Short is held for one year or less Long-term has preferable rates for individuals:

    (0% 2008 or 5% before, 15%), 25% for long-term real estate gains from trade or

    business 28% for collectibles

    1. Figure gain/loss per transaction2. Net by long-term tax bracket separately

    3. Condense longs and shorts separately4. Net longs against shorts for one final #

  • 7/29/2019 2012.10 Property Transactions


    1. N sold a summer cabin to Y for $30,000 in cash anda recreational vehicle. Y had an adjusted basis in theRV of $15,000 at the time of the sale, although its fairmarket value was $22,000. N had an adjusted basisin the cabin of $44,000. Assume there were noselling costs. What was N's amount realized in thesale?a. $55,000b. $45,000

    c. $52,000d. $44,000

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    2. T purchased the following lots of ZYX Corporationstock:25 Shares Purchased 4/30/1998 Cost $1,80040 Shares Purchased 5/20/1998 Cost $3,00025 Shares Purchased 9/21/1998 Cost $2,000

    T sold 70 shares in December, 1998, for $6,300, but wasunable to identify specific shares to be sold by certificatenumber and date of purchase. What was T's adjustedbasis in the shares sold?a. $5,200b. $5,250

    c. $5,360d. $6,300

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    When Basis Is Not Cost

    If gift that has appreciated: use donors basis +gift tax paid on (appreciation/total taxable gift);holding period is donors date of purchase

    If gift that has depreciated: use lower of donorsbasis or FMV at time of gift; holding periodbegins with gift

    If inheritance: use step-up basis; holding period

    always long-term If nontaxable exchange: substitute basis

    If bargain purchase, use FMV

  • 7/29/2019 2012.10 Property Transactions


    Q. The adjusted basis to the recipient of propertybequeathed by a decedent generally is which of thefollowing?

    a. Fair market value on the valuation date of the

    decedent's estate.b. Adjusted basis to the decedent on the valuation date ofhis or her estate.

    c. Fair market value on the valuation date of the

    decedent's estate, less estate taxes paid on the transfer.d. Adjusted basis to the decedent on the valuation date ofhis or her estate, plus estate taxes paid on the transfer.

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    Basket Purchase Allocation

    Similar to GAAP treatment http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Bc


    Relative FMV for discounts onbundled assets.

    Goodwill figured last for


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    Gain/Loss Recognition

    Sometimes, gain deferred (casualty gainreinvested)

    Or not recognized (gain on sale of personalresidence up to $250k single, $500k MFJ)

    Sometimes loss not deductible (personaluse assets) or limited/carried over (relatedparty transactions, wash sales +/-30 dayrule)

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    Like-kind Exchanges Defer gains or losses U.S. real property for U.S. real property (often

    using a 3rd party) Personal property much closely match function

    of property given up Property held for productive use or investment

    (excludes: inventory, investments, trusts;livestock of different sexes does not qualify)

    If related party, 2-yr holding period Need not be simultaneous exchange, but must

    be near-simultaneous identification of propertyto be exchanged

    Mandatory treatment

  • 7/29/2019 2012.10 Property Transactions


    TV Tax Green Acres

    Oliver Douglas and his wife trade aManhattan penthouse for a farm in upstateNew York.

    Does did qualifies as a like-kind exchange?

    Would trading a Mercedes and tractor swapqualify?

  • 7/29/2019 2012.10 Property Transactions


    Effect of Boot on Like-kindExchanges

    Boot is non-like-kind property, usually cash orassumed liability

    If net boot received, gain recognized is lesser of realizedgain or boot received.

    Basis of boot received is FMV

    Basis of like-kind property is substitute basis +/- net boot

    given +/- gain or loss recognized, or Amount after tax that youre out-of-pocket

    Holding period for boot begins with exchange, like-kindproperty has carry-over holding period

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    Q. Which of the following exchanges ofproperty (used for business or investmentpurposes) are not like-kind exchanges?

    a. Warehouse for condominiumb. Beach house for yacht

    c. Cadillac business car for an Escort

    business card. Apartment building for vacant lot

  • 7/29/2019 2012.10 Property Transactions


    Netting Capital Gains and Losses,Individuals

    Calculate capital gain or loss per property

    Sort each gain/loss into 1 of 4 buckets:

    Short-term Long-term, by tax rate:

    28% (Collectibles)

    25% (Gains on real estate used in business)

    15%/5% (all other/most gains/losses)

    Sub-total each of the 4 categories

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    Netting Capital Gains and Losses,Individuals (cont.)

    Net Long-term capital gains and losses:

    Take (offset) the long-term capital losses (ifany) against the gains in the highest tax rate

    category first, working your way down to the15% bracket.

    28% (Collectibles)

    25% (Gains on real estate used in business) 15%/5% (all other/most gains/losses)

    Then, net the long-term gain/loss againstshort-term gains/losses, if theyre differentsi ns.

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    S/t 15% 25% 28%

    Gains 1,000 4,000 2,000 6,000

    Losses (8,000) (5,000) X (2,000)

    Net ? ? ? ?

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    S/t 15% 25% 28%

    Gains 1,000 4,000 2,000 6,000

    Losses (8,000) (5,000) X (2,000)

    Net (7,000) (1,000) 2,000 4,000

    2nd Stage


    ? ? ? ?

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    S/t 15% 25% 28%

    Gains 1,000 4,000 2,000 6,000

    Losses (8,000) (5,000) X (2,000)

    Net (7,000) (1,000) 2,000 4,000

    2nd Stage


    (7,000) 0 2,000 4,000



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    ExampleS/t 15% 25% 28%

    Gains 1,000 4,000 2,000 6,000

    Losses (8,000) (5,000) X (2,000)

    Net (7,000) (1,000) 2,000 4,0002nd Stage


    (7,000) 0 2,000 4,000



    3rd Stage (2,000) 0 2,000






    (offset 1st)

  • 7/29/2019 2012.10 Property Transactions


    Q. For the current year, a taxpayer had ashort-term capital gain (STCG) of $5,000 and ashort-term capital loss (STCL) of $1,000. The

    taxpayer also had a long-term capital gain(LTCG) of $3,000 and a long-term capital loss(LTCL) of $6,000. Based upon that information,which of the following is not true?

    a. The taxpayer has a NSTCG of $4,000.b. The taxpayer has a NLTCL of $3,000.c. The taxpayer treats the net gain of $1,000

    just like ordinary income.

    d. The taxpayer cannot combine the NSTCGand NLTCL; therefore, the NSTCG is treated likeordinary income and the NLTCL is deductible asa net capital loss (NCL).

  • 7/29/2019 2012.10 Property Transactions


    Capital Gains/Losses forCorporation

    Taxed at ordinary rates

    Capital Losses can only offset capital gains

    (no $3,000 x/s deductible) Unused capital losses can be carried back 3

    years, carried forward 5 years

    Carryover amount always treated as short-term

  • 7/29/2019 2012.10 Property Transactions


    Section 1231 Assets &Recapture

    Section 1231 Assets are fixed assets usedin a trade or business for more than 1 year If used less than one year, no capital gain

    treatment would apply Gains on disposal of these assets receive

    capital gain treatment subject to recapture

    Losses receive ordinary treatment File Form 4797 for disposition of these


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    Netting Process

    1. Net Sec. 1231 gains & losses fromcasualty/theft

    1. If net gain, add to other 1231 gains

    2. If net loss, then treat each item separately:gains are ordinary and losses also ordinary

    2. Net other Sec. 1231 gains & losses

    1. If loss, all ordinary

    2. If gain, capital gain treatment subject todepreciation recapture & lookback period

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    To avoid taxpayers taking gains in one year,losses in another to maximize their taxpositions (rather than offsetting taxliabilities),

    *if* a Section 1231 netting results in a gain, thatgain is offset against the non-recaptured

    Section 1231 losses from the previous 5 years. That is, gains will be treated as ordinary (not

    capital) to the extent that there were ordinarylosses on Sec. 1231 assets in the previous 5yrs.

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    Depreciation Recapture

    Applies to personal, depreciable (Sec. 1245)property.

    Includes property that was Sec. 179d.

    Once the gain on the property is figured, thegain is treated as ordinary to the extent thatit was deducted as (ordinary)


    Put another way, with recapture, there areonly capital gains treatment where you sell

    the asset for more than you bought it for.

  • 7/29/2019 2012.10 Property Transactions


    Q. G sold a file cabinet used in her business for$250. She had purchased it for $400 anddeducted depreciation of $220. What is the

    amount and character of G's gain or lossrecognized on this sale?

    a. $70 ordinary income

    b. $70 1231 gain

    c. $150 1231 loss

    d. $220 ordinary income and $150 1231 loss

  • 7/29/2019 2012.10 Property Transactions



    An asset was purchased for $12,000, and$8,000 of depreciation was taken. Theasset was sold for $5,000. What was the

    gain? $5,000 - ($12,000 8,000) = $1,000

    How much of this gain gets capital

    treatment? None (you did not sell it for more than you

    bought it for; all of the $1,000 (the lower of$1,000 gain or $8,000 depreciation) isrecaptured as ordinary income

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    An asset was purchased for $12,000, and $8,000of depreciation was taken. The asset was sold for$15,000. What was the gain?

    $15,000 - ($12,000 8,000) = $11,000 How much of this gain gets capital treatment?

    $3,000(which is how much more you sold it for

    than you bought it for; all of the $8,000 (the lowerof $11,000 gain or $8,000 depreciation) isrecaptured as ordinary income.

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    Section 1250 Depreciable RealEstate

    Land not included, because its not depreciable.

    Pre-1987 purchases have separate rules that maytrigger recapture

    Most recapture is timed out

    Rather than recapture (at ordinary rates) thedepreciation taken (up to the amount of gain), we

    tax it at a 25% rate. Thats a tax break, but not as big as the 15% rate would

    have generated.

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    Special 1245 & 1250 Exceptions

    Gifts: recapture carries over to donee

    Death: recapture potential extinguished

    Nontaxable exchange: recapture generally carries

    over to new property Installment sales: recaptured gain must be

    recognized in year of sale(!)

    Related party sales: gains treated as ordinary if

    purchaser will depreciate property Special Sec. 291 recapture on Sec. 1250 real

    estate applies to regular corporations

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    Related Party Transactions

    Losses disallowed, higher basis given todonee.

    Related parties: members of family,majority owner in corp., 2 corps. In samecontrolled group, grantor & fiduciary, etc.

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    Other (Be Familiar w/ List, NotDetails for Tax I)

    Exchange of insurance policies Transfer of pension Exchange of property to form a Corporation or Partnership Exchange of stock in qualified reorganization Conversion of preferred to common stock Sales of stock to employee stock ownership plans Reacquisition of real property in foreclosure Transfer of property between spouses (or incident to divorce) Rollover of publicly traded securities into specialized small business

    investment co.

    Rollover of qualified small business stock
