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20121001 pawcon 2012-marc smith - mapping collections of connections in social media with node xl

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Slides for a talk at Predictive Analytics World 2012 in Boston about mapping social media networks with NodeXL.
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Marc A. Smith Chief Social Scientist Connected Action Consulting Group [email protected] http://www.connectedaction.net http://nodexl.codeplex.com/ project from the Social Media Research Foundation : http:// www.smrfou Charting Collections of Connections In Social Media: Creating Maps & Measures with NodeXL

Marc A. SmithChief Social ScientistConnected Action Consulting [email protected]://www.connectedaction.nethttp://nodexl.codeplex.com/

A project from the Social Media Research Foundation: http://www.smrfoundation.org

Charting Collections of Connections

In Social Media: Creating Maps & Measures with


About Me


Marc A. SmithChief Social ScientistConnected Action Consulting Group

[email protected]://www.connectedaction.nethttp://www.codeplex.com/nodexlhttp://www.twitter.com/marc_smithhttp://delicious.com/marc_smith/Paper http://www.flickr.com/photos/marc_smithhttp://www.facebook.com/marc.smith.sociologisthttp://www.linkedin.com/in/marcasmithhttp://www.slideshare.net/Marc_A_Smithhttp://www.smrfoundation.org

Social Media Research Foundationhttp://smrfoundation.org

Social Media (email, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and more) is all about connections

from people

to people.


Patterns are left behind


There are many kinds of ties….


Like, Link, Reply, Rate, Review, Favorite, Friend, Follow, Forward, Edit, Tag, Comment, Check-in…

Internet Verbs!

World Wide Web

Each contains one or more social networks

Location, Location, Location

Network of connections among “Predictive Analytics” mentioning Twitter users

Position, Position, Position

Network of connections among #PAWCON mentioning Twitter users

Are you my friend?

yes no

I like you I really like youI kind of like you

I feel socially obligated to link to youI know you

I wish I knew you I like your picture You are cool

I was paid to link to you I want your reflected glory

Everybody else links to you I’d vote for you

We met at a conference and it seemed like the thing to do.

Can I date you?

I beat you on Xbox Live Hi, Mom I have fake alter egos


Strength of Weak ties

Social Networks

• History: from the dawn of time!

• Theory and method: 1934 ->

• Jacob L. Moreno

• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacob_L._Moreno

Jacob Moreno’s early social network diagram of positive and negative relationships among members of a football team.

Originally published in Moreno, J. L. (1934). Who shall survive? Washington, DC: Nervous and Mental Disease Publishing Company.

A nearly social network diagram of relationships among workers in a factory illustrates the positions different workers occupy within the workgroup.

Originally published in Roethlisberger, F., and Dickson, W. (1939). Management andthe worker. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.









Introduction to NodeXL

Like MSPaint™ for graphs.— the Community


e has




Heather has high


NodeXLNetwork Overview Discovery and Exploration add-in for Excel 2007/2010

A minimal network can illustrate the ways different

locations have different values for centrality and degree

• Central tenet – Social structure emerges from – the aggregate of relationships (ties) – among members of a population

• Phenomena of interest– Emergence of cliques and clusters – from patterns of relationships– Centrality (core), periphery (isolates), – betweenness

• Methods– Surveys, interviews, observations,

log file analysis, computational analysis of matrices

(Hampton &Wellman, 1999; Paolillo, 2001; Wellman, 2001)

Source: Richards, W. (1986). The NEGOPY network analysis program. Burnaby, BC: Department of Communication, Simon Fraser University. pp.7-16

Social Network Theoryhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_network

SNA 101• Node

– “actor” on which relationships act; 1-mode versus 2-mode networks• Edge

– Relationship connecting nodes; can be directional• Cohesive Sub-Group

– Well-connected group; clique; cluster• Key Metrics

– Centrality (group or individual measure)• Number of direct connections that individuals have with others in the group (usually look at

incoming connections only)• Measure at the individual node or group level

– Cohesion (group measure)• Ease with which a network can connect• Aggregate measure of shortest path between each node pair at network level reflects

average distance– Density (group measure)

• Robustness of the network• Number of connections that exist in the group out of 100% possible

– Betweenness (individual measure)• # shortest paths between each node pair that a node is on• Measure at the individual node level

• Node roles– Peripheral – below average centrality– Central connector – above average centrality– Broker – above average betweenness












NodeXLFree/Open Social Network Analysis add-in for Excel 2007/2010 makes graph

theory as easy as a pie chart, with integrated analysis of social media sources.http://nodexl.codeplex.com






Goal: Make SNA easier

• Existing Social Network Tools are challenging for many novice users

• Tools like Excel are widely used• Leveraging a spreadsheet as a host for SNA

lowers barriers to network data analysis and display

Twitter Network for “Microsoft Research”*BEFORE*

Twitter Network for “Microsoft Research”*AFTER*

Network Motif Simplification

Cody Dunne, University of Maryland

Now Available

Communities in Cyberspace

This graph represents a directed network of 1,360 Twitter users

whose recent tweets contained "contraceptive OR contraception". The network was obtained

on Friday, 08 June 2012 at 13:22 UTC. There is

an edge for each follows relationship. There is an edge for each "replies-

to" relationship in a tweet. There is an edge

for each "mentions" relationship in a tweet.

There is a self-loop edge for each tweet that is not

a "replies-to" or "mentions". The tweets were made over the 2-

day period from Thursday, 07 June 2012 at 18:46 UTC to Friday, 08 June 2012 at 13:06

UTC. The graph's vertices were grouped by cluster using the Clauset-Newman-Moore cluster

algorithm. The edge colors are based on

relationship values. The vertex sizes are based on

each user’s number of followers. Table 1

reports the summary network metrics that describe the graph.

Summary network metrics

The Vertices spreadsheet lists users who contributed a tweet containing the terms “contraception OR

contraceptives” over two days in early June 2012. Users are ranked by their computed betweenness centrality within the network of follows, replies, and mentions edges. The top 10 vertices, ranked by betweenness centrality are the accounts

at the center of the network. These include: @thinkprogress, @gatesfoundation, @SandraFluke,

@maleeek, @Change, @foxandfriends, @melindagates, @AshleyJudd, @cnalive, and @SOHLTC.

Welser, Howard T., Eric Gleave, Danyel Fisher, and Marc Smith. 2007. Visualizing the Signatures of Social Roles in Online Discussion Groups. The Journal of Social Structure. 8(2).

Experts and “Answer People”

Discussion starters, Topic setters

Discussion people, Topic setters

NodeXL calculates network metrics and

word pairs

Contrasting groups

The Content summary spreadsheet displays the most

frequently used URLs, hashtags, and user names within the

network as a whole and within each calculated sub-group.

Contrast hashtags in Groups 2 & 4

Contrasting URL references

Word Pair Contrasts

NodeXL Ribbon in Excel

NodeXL data import sources

Example NodeXL data importer for Twitter

NodeXL imports “edges” from social media data sources

NodeXL creates a list of “vertices” from imported social media edges

NodeXL displays subgraph images along with network metadata


NodeXL Automation

makes analysis simple and fast

Perform collections of

common operations with

a single click

NodeXL Network Metrics

NodeXL “Autofill columns” simplifies mapping data attributes to display attributes

NodeXL enables filtering of networks

NodeXL Generates Overall Network Metrics

Social Network Maps Reveal

Key influencers in any topic.



What we are trying to do:Open Tools, Open Data, Open Scholarship

• Build the “Firefox of GraphML” – open tools for collecting and visualizing social media data

• Connect users to network analysis – make network charts as easy as making a pie chart

• Connect researchers to social media data sources• Archive: Be the “Allen Very Large Telescope Array”

for Social Media data – coordinate and aggregate the results of many user’s data collection and analysis

• Create open access research papers & findings• Make “collections of connections” easy for users to


What we have done: Open Tools

• NodeXL• Data providers (“spigots”)

– ThreadMill Message Board– Exchange Enterprise Email– Voson Hyperlink– SharePoint– Facebook– Twitter– YouTube– Flickr

What we have done: Open Data

• NodeXLGraphGallery.org– User generated collection of

network graphs, datasets and annotations

– Collective repository for the research community

– Published collections of data from a range of social media data sources to help students and researchers connect with data of interest and relevance

What we have done: Open Scholarship

• Webshop 2011, 2012: NSF, Google, Intel, Yahoo–4 Days, 55 Students, 20 Speakers

• Other Workshops: –ICWSM12, NetSci, HyperText12, Cape

Town, Korea, Italy, Russia

What we have done: Open Scholarship

What we want to do: (Build the tools to) map the social web• Move NodeXL to the web: (Node[NOT]XL)

– Node for Google Doc Spreadsheets? – WebGL Canvas? D3.JS? Sigma.JS

• Connect to more data sources of interest:– RDF, MediaWikis, Gmail, NYT, Citation Networks

• Solve hard network manipulation UI problems:– Modal transform, Time series, Automated layouts

• Grow and maintain archives of social media network data sets for research use.

• Improve network science education:– Workshops on social media network analysis– Live lectures and presentations– Videos and training materials

How you can help

• Sponsor a feature• Sponsor workshops• Sponsor a student• Schedule training• Sponsor the foundation• Donate your money, code, computation, storage,

bandwidth, data or employee’s time• Help promote the work of the Social Media

Research Foundation

Who is the mayor of your hashtag?

Find out at: http://netbadges.com

Who is the mayor of your hashtag?

Find out at: http://netbadges.com


Who is the mayor of your hashtag?

Find out at: http://netbadges.com

Marc A. SmithChief Social ScientistConnected Action Consulting [email protected]://www.connectedaction.nethttp://nodexl.codeplex.com/

A project from the Social Media Research Foundation: http://www.smrfoundation.org

Charting Collections of Connections

In Social Media: Creating Maps & Measures with

