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20130806 igu

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Development of teaching card game materials for education of geospatial feature model. @mapconcierge MAPconcierge inc. / OSMFJ / CSIS, the Univ. of Tokyo 20130806 IGU 2013 OpenStreetMap Session
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Development of teaching card game materialsfor education of geospatial feature model.

@mapconciergeMAPconcierge inc. / OSMFJ / CSIS, the Univ. of Tokyo

20130806 IGU 2013 OpenStreetMap Session

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President of MAPconcierge Inc.Vice-President of OpenStreetMap Foundation Japan

Researcher of CSIS, the Univ. of Tokyo


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by @mapconcierge, @Tom_G3X and OSM conctibutors


- Power of the VGI

- How to extend VGI community?

- Great wall for beginners/students

- OSM models/features

- Roadmap

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by @mapconcierge, @Tom_G3X and OSM conctibutors


- Power of the VGI

- How to extend VGI community?

- Great wall for beginners/students

- OSM models/features

- Roadmap

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by @mapconcierge, @Tom_G3X and OSM conctibutors


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by @mapconcierge, @Tom_G3X and OSM conctibutors


A kind of VGI

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b y m a p c o n c i e r g e

12 Jan 2010Haiti

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b y m a p c o n c i e r g e


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b y m a p c o n c i e r g e


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b y m a p c o n c i e r g e

Plotting of Evacuation Shelter

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b y m a p c o n c i e r g e

We should share our experiences to the people.

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by @mapconcierge, @Tom_G3X and OSM conctibutors


- Power of the VGI

- How to extend VGI community?

- Great wall for beginners/students

- OSM models/features

- Roadmap

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by @mapconcierge, @Tom_G3X and OSM conctibutors


- Power of the VGI

- How to extend VGI community?

- Great wall for beginners/students

- OSM models/features

- Roadmap

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by @mapconcierge, @Tom_G3X and OSM conctibutors15

How to extend VGI community?

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by @mapconcierge, @Tom_G3X and OSM conctibutors16

Simple answer is

mapping activities.

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MappingPartyマ ッ ピ ン グ パ ー テ ィ

- 実際にまち歩きをして現地で地図を作るイベント -

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Making map data by local people

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Before Mapping Party

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After Mapping Party

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b y T a i c h i F U R U H A S H I 21

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b y T a i c h i F U R U H A S H I 22

Temporary housing in HEITA, Kamaishi

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by @mapconcierge, @Tom_G3X and OSM conctibutors23

We have confirmed,

people want to get

more fresh and detailed maps.

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by @mapconcierge, @Tom_G3X and OSM conctibutors

SotM Tokyo 2012

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by @mapconcierge, @Tom_G3X and OSM conctibutors25

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by @mapconcierge, @Tom_G3X and OSM conctibutors

After SotM12

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by @mapconcierge, @Tom_G3X and OSM conctibutors27

Growth of Japanese OSMCommunity

has accelerated.

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by @mapconcierge, @Tom_G3X and OSM conctibutors28

Various organizationsh a v e t r i e d t o i n c o r p o r a t eOSM activities in Japan.

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Crisis Mapping


and more...


State of the Map 2012 Tokyo(International Annual Conference)


Local Chapter

Crisis Mapping

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by @mapconcierge, @Tom_G3X and OSM conctibutors30

The Univ. of Tokyo, Yahoo! JAPAN, FUJITSU, KDDI,

NTT data, esri japan, Tokyu Railway corp., JAXA,

TOYOTA foundation and more...

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by @mapconcierge, @Tom_G3X and OSM conctibutors31

Today, another big company join to us.

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by @mapconcierge, @Tom_G3X and OSM conctibutors32

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by @mapconcierge, @Tom_G3X and OSM conctibutors33


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by @mapconcierge, @Tom_G3X and OSM conctibutors34

On the other hand,

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by @mapconcierge, @Tom_G3X and OSM conctibutors35

OSMF Japan does not haveenough resources

to support lectures and corporate training

to the public.

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by @mapconcierge, @Tom_G3X and OSM conctibutors36

It means,

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by @mapconcierge, @Tom_G3X and OSM conctibutors37

We should collaborate with other educational communities

in Japan.

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by @mapconcierge, @Tom_G3X and OSM conctibutors38

ex.Univ., high school, Junior high

school and elementary school too.

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by @mapconcierge, @Tom_G3X and OSM conctibutors39

If teachers can provideeasy mapping tech.

to Students,

That’s great!!

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by @mapconcierge, @Tom_G3X and OSM conctibutors


- Power of the VGI

- How to extend VGI community?

- Great wall for beginners/students

- OSM models/features

- Roadmap

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by @mapconcierge, @Tom_G3X and OSM conctibutors


- Power of the VGI

- How to extend VGI community?

- Great wall for beginners/students

- OSM models/features

- Roadmap

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Wall of Novice/Beginners初心者 の壁

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Wall of Novice/Beginners初心者 の壁

in the OSM tech.

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I can’t recordin my

memory!著作権情報:タイトル: ブラックジャックによろしく、

著作者名: 佐藤秀峰、サイト名: 漫画 on Web、URL: http://mangaonweb.com

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We need an easier wayto remember tags.

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When You were a student,

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We all enjoyedVideo Games.

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We all enjoyedCard Games.

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So,Students love game.

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by @mapconcierge, @Tom_G3X and OSM conctibutors62

W e h a v e d e v e l o p e d

a new card game f o r J a p a n e s e S t u d e n t s .

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OSM TagMemory Put Tag infointo your brain!

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How to play?

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Simple Game

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FamousGame System

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With a small modification

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SevensDead or Alive


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①START from 7


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② Add adjacent cardon the field



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②8 possible neighborhoods


Rules✔ ✔ ✔

✔ ✔

✔ ✔ ✔

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③ Closed card is dead



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③ Closed card is deadRules

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③ Closed card is deadRules

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③ Closed card is deadRules

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Oops,killed my card

③ Closed card is deadRules

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④At the end of the game, Player with most dead cards



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⑤Loser must input killed tags within a week.


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OSM TagMemory Standard標 準 版

produced by MAPconcierge Inc.

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by @mapconcierge, @Tom_G3X and OSM conctibutors


- Power of the VGI

- How to extend VGI community?

- Great wall for beginners/students

- OSM models/features

- Conclusion

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by @mapconcierge, @Tom_G3X and OSM conctibutors


- Power of the VGI

- How to extend VGI community?

- Great wall for beginners/students

- OSM models/features

- Conclusion

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Another big wall,

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OSM has vector baseddata structure.

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We have to explainabout those definition

to the student.

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by @mapconcierge, @Tom_G3X and OSM conctibutors89

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In addition,Object type

related to key/value.

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by @mapconcierge, @Tom_G3X and OSM conctibutors91

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Our card gamehas composited

Tags and Object Types

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Object Type

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Object Type

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Object Type

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Our illustrationswill be released

as “CC BY”

Our illustrationswill be released

as “CC BY”(c) mapconcierge, CC BY

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by @mapconcierge, @Tom_G3X and OSM conctibutors


- Power of the VGI

- How to extend VGI community?

- Great wall for beginners/students

- OSM models/features

- Roadmap

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by @mapconcierge, @Tom_G3X and OSM conctibutors


- Power of the VGI

- How to extend VGI community?

- Great wall for beginners/students

- OSM models/features

- Roadmap

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We will release soon.

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by @mapconcierge, @Tom_G3X and OSM conctibutors


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We have tocompare actual outputs

between with Card gameand without Card game.

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We are planning

Indoor,Transportationand CrisisMapping versions

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We should shareother good ideas

for this card gameusing by bottom up methods.

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