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LIKE most corporations,h Google takes its

logoh seriously, but it takes fun just as

seriously. The standard Google home-page

l o g o i s s o m e t i m e s r e p l a c e d 1 w i t h

“doodles”—fun and creative changes made

t o t h e l o g o t o c e l e b r a t e h o l i d a y s ,

anniversaries, or important people.

The first doodle was created in August

1998, when Google founders2 Larry

Page and Sergey Brin drew a stick figure†

behind the logo to tell users they were

heading to a festival. Since then, doodles

have become popular, with the st ick

figure gradually3 paving the way for† more

complex drawings and even videos and

interactiveu games.

Dood les s ta r ted out † ce lebra t ing

popular holidays such as Thanksgiving

and Christmas, but today, they highlightu

a range of events and anniversaries. In

2010, for example, the Google logo was

transformed4 into a fully playable versionu

of Pac-Man to celebrate the video game’s

30th anniversary. Some doodles, such as

the one honoring the 100th birthday of Alan

Turing, pay tribute to outstanding people

who may have been forgotten.

By clicking on a doodle, users are

brought to links to information about the

event that inspired5 the logo transformation.

Doodles, therefore, give users a fun way

to learn about people and things that have

helped shape our world.

Oodles ofGoogle Doodles







*中文翻譯請參閱第 68頁

1課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 2 /慢速 MP3 34課程講解》MP3 57

跟著谷歌塗鴉探索世界 oodles of [`udyz] 表「大量;許多」,而與之押

韻的 doodle [`dudy] 原意為「塗鴉;亂畫」,在

此指 Google 搜尋網站首頁經變化過的商標。

▲ 第一個 Doodle 火柴人

圖片 / Wikipedea: Beao

▲ Alan Turing’s 100th birthday, Jun 23, 2012

Alan Turing(1912–1954)是英國數學家及邏

輯學家,他所提出的「圖靈測試」(Turing test)和「圖靈機」(Turing machine)讓他被視為電腦




▲ Pac-Man 是一九八○年代、由日本人岩谷徹


▲ 30th anniversary of Pac-Man, May 21, 2010


圖片 / Flickr: France1978

—Sean Russell



創意設計 ■

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關鍵解析 Language Notes

1. take sth/sb seriously 認真看待⋯⋯;把⋯⋯看得很重要

take 在此指「看待、接受」。

•NoonetakesKevinseriouslybecausehe’salways joking around. 沒有人會看重凱文的話,因為他總是在開玩笑。

其他常見的搭配用法有:take sth badly 指「難以接受某事」;take sth personally 指「認為某事是針對個人」。

•Brendatookthenewsofhergrandmother’sdeath badly.布蘭達難以接受祖母的死訊。

2. -able作字尾 -able 作字尾時表示「可以……的;有……能力的」,常

和動詞或名詞結合形成形容詞。如文中的 playable 為play 加上 -able,表示「可玩的;可播放的」。

forget 忘記 = forgettable 容易遺忘的

manage 管理 = manageable 可管理的

question 疑問 = questionable 有問題的

knowledge 知識 = knowledgeable 博學的

3. pay tribute to 向⋯⋯致敬 tribute [`tr6bjut] 指「尊崇;致敬;讚揚」,pay tribute

to sb 表示「向某人致敬;讚揚某人」。

•Bandsfromaroundtheworldgatheredtopaytribute to the great musician.來自世界各地的樂團齊聚一堂向這位偉大的音樂家致敬。

pay sb a compliment / pay a compliment to sb

•ManypeoplepaidcomplimentstoDonnaforherfashion style.許多人向唐娜稱讚她的時尚風格。

pay one’s respects to sb 問候某人;向某人致意

•It’sbeenmonthssinceIlastsawyourfather.Please pay my respects to him.我上次見到令尊已是幾個月前的事了。請代我問候他。


h corporation [%k7rp4`re]4n] n. (大型)企業;公司

h logo [`logo] n. (公司或組織的)商標、標誌

Give It a Try 請選出正確的選項。

q After dinner, Arthur paid ______ to Martha for her cooking. A. respects B. a compliment

w This DVD is not _____ because it is broken. A. playable B. questionable

e Don’t take Matt’s words _____. He tells everyone the same thing.

A. personally B. kindly

r Becoming famous has _____ Scott’s life. A. replaced B. transformed

*答案請參閱第 68 頁

u 字彙小筆記:僅供參考 † 為補充說明

* u interactive [%6nt0`1kt6v] adj. 互動式的

* u highlight [`ha6%la6t] v. 強調;使突顯

* u version [`v-.4n] n. 樣式;版本

† stick figure [st6k] [`f6gj0] 是一種頭部為圓形、四肢為直線的


† pave a/the way for 表「為……鋪路;為……做好準備」。

† start out 在此表示「從……開始、著手」。

+ able


字彙 Vocabulary *為大考出現過的字彙

* 1. replace [r6`ples] v. 取代;以……代替

The school library plans to replace desktop computers with laptops.

* 2. founder [`fa8nd0] n. 創建者

Blake’s grandfather is the founder of the family business.

* 3. gradually [`gr1d.84l6] adv. 漸漸地

She didn’t like living in Ohio at first, but then she gradually got used to it.

* 4. transform [tr1ns`f7rm] v. 轉換、改變;將……改成(第 30 行的 transformation [%tr1nsf0`me]4n] 為名詞,指「轉變」)

After Doug moved out, Jill transformed his room into a home office.

* 5. inspire [6n`spa6r] v. 啟發;激勵、鼓舞

Looking at the museum artwork has inspired me to learn to draw.



Oodles of Google Doodles • Design

Page 4: 2013_live_05_145

FOR some adults, chasing fireflies and

watching them light up the hills on

summer n ights are fond 1 ch i ldhood

memories. Unfortunately, fireflies may

become part of the past since they are at

risk of disappearing in Taiwan as they are in

other parts of the world.

Taiwan is home to more than fifty of

some two thousand firefly species2 around

the world. Fireflies thrive in humid, warm

areas, and they can be found in forests

and fields as well as near lakes, rivers, and

streams. They glow at night to find mates,

but the presence of artificial light prevents

fireflies from seeing each other, so they







*中文翻譯請參閱第 72頁

21課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 18 /慢速 MP3 48課程講解》MP3 71


The Light of Nature—Helen Yeh

cannot reproduce.u Water

pollution, the use of chemicals on

plants, and the mismanagement of rivers

and streams have also contributed to the

firefly’s decreasing numbers.

The Taiwanese government and various

local organizations have now taken steps

to protect these magical creatures .3

Fireflies are being bred4 and released into

the wild. Ponds and grasslandsu are also

being developed to create favorable5

environments for snails and earthworms,h

which are a main food source for firefly

larvae.h Through the hard work of some

conservationists,u firefly numbers have

increased in certain mountain areas.


圖片 / Flickr: Jos Dielis

圖片 / Flickr: James Jordan

圖片 / Flickr: sprklg

UNIT 8 生態保育 ■


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字彙 Vocabulary *為大考出現過的字彙

*1. fond [f3nd] adj. (回憶)愉快、愉悅的;珍愛的

Eric used to live in Hawaii, and he still has fond memories of it.

*2. species [`spi]6z] n. 物種;種類(單複數同形)

Many species of plants exist in the Amazon jungle.

*3. creature [`krit]0] n. 生物

One of the biggest creatures living in the sea is the blue whale.

*4. breed [brid] v. 繁殖;培育(三態為 breed–bred–bred)

Kate breeds animals and sells them on her farm.

*5. favorable [`fev4r4by] adj. 有利的、適宜的;贊同的

The plan received favorable reactions from everyone.

u 字彙小筆記:僅供參考

* u reproduce [%ripr4`d(j)us] v. 繁衍;生殖

u grassland [`gr1s%l1nd] n. 草地;草原

u conservationist [%k3ns0`ve]4n6st] n. 環境保護論者(第二天第 27行的 conserve [k4n`s-v]為動詞,表「保護;保存」)

關鍵解析 Language Notes

1. risk的相關片語a sb/sth + be at risk 表示「某人事物處於危險中」,後面加上 of + N./V-ing,表示「承受……的風險;有……的風險」,如文中用法。

•Somepeoplearemoreatriskofhighbloodpressure than others.有些人罹患高血壓的風險比別人來得高。

b run the risk of + N./V-ing表示「冒著……的危險」。

•Ifwedon’tleavenow,wewillruntheriskofmissing the plane.如果我們現在不出門,就會有錯過班機的風險。

c put sb/sth at risk 表示「讓某人事物陷入險境」。


2. mis-作字首 mis- 有「不當;錯誤」的意思,常放在名詞或動詞前面,如文中的 mismanagement [m6s`m1n6d.m4nt]為mis-結合 management(管理;處置),表示「管理不當 ; 處置失當」,再來看看幾個例子:

behavior 行為 = misbehavior 不當行為

fortune 幸運 = misfortune 厄運;不幸

treat 對待 = mistreat 虐待

understand 了解 = misunderstand 誤解

3. contribute 的用法 動詞 contribute [k4n`tr6bjut] 可表示「貢獻;捐助」。用法為 contribute A to/towards B,表示「貢獻 A給 B;為 B付出 A」。


文中的 contribute to則表示「造成;促使」的意思。

•Manyorganizationscontributedtothecauseofraising money for children.許多組織促成了為孩童募款這個目標。


h firefly [`fa6r%fla6] n. 螢火蟲

h earthworm [`-q%w-m] n. 蚯蚓

h larva [`l3rv4] n. 幼蟲(複數形為 larvae [`l3rvi]或 [`l3rva6],也可拼作 larvas)

Give It a Try 請圈選出與本課所學相關的字詞。

f l e r m t c j o

o a s u i l k e l

n e v l s c y b m

d w a o t r t k a

i z w j r e u s r

l c b q e a o t b

o g o y a t b l r

q z e o t u k l e

i u h s a r s e e

s p e c i e s r d

mis +

*答案請參閱第 72頁

Fireflies: The Light of Nature • Ecology


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27課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 24 /慢速 MP3 52課程講解》MP3 75

1. Protecting Your Privacy1 Online

Lisa is in her dorm room, typing in her notebook. Erin, her roommate,u walks by and notices what she’s doing.

E Erin L Lisa

E: I know it’s none of my business, Lisa, but are you sure you want to do that?

L: Do what? I’m just updatingh my statush on Facebook.

E: Well . . . If I were you, I wouldn’t post such personal information online.

L: Personal? Well, why not? I want my friends back home to see what I’m up to—to see my photos and find out where I’ve been.

E: That’s all well and good, but† you could try to be more discreet.u Anyone can accessh your personal data nowadays,2 from your contact information to your family pictures and interests.

L: I thought only people in my contact list can see what I post.

E: A good rule of thumb to go by† is this: don’t post anything online that you wouldn’t want the whole world to see.

L: So, you mean I shouldn’t reveal3 my dorm or home address either?

E: No, you shouldn’t. Also, consider setting up a second e-mail account. Use one for personal conversations and contacts, and the other for online contests and subscriptions.h

L: Good advice. I’ll set up a second account and use that for Facebook.

E: If you want, I could help you tweaku your privacy settings.

字彙 Vocabulary *為大考出現過的字彙

* 1. privacy [`pra6v4s6] n. 隱私The movie star couple wants to protect their privacy from reporters.

* 2. nowadays [`na84%dez] adv. 現今;時下People used to send letters through the post, but nowadays they write e-mails.

* 3. reveal [r6`vil] v. 顯示;揭露Claire refuses to reveal John’s secret to anyone.

* 4. security [s6`kj8r4t6] n. 安全;防護(措施)The teachers held a meeting to talk about school security.

u 字彙小筆記:僅供參考 † 為補充說明

u roommate [`rum%met ] n. 室友

u discreet [d6`skrit ] adj. 謹慎的;考慮周到的

u tweak [twik] v. 調整

u specialty [`sp5]4lt6 ] n. 專長

† That’s all well and good, but . . . 表示「你說的沒錯,不過……」,用於表示對方所言似乎正確合理,實則有缺點。

† a rule of thumb表示「經驗法則;經驗之談」。go by指「(根據資訊)來決定;遵循」。


長度:1 分 39 秒

*中文翻譯請參閱第 73頁


h update [9p`det] v. 更新

h status [`st1t4s] n. 狀態

h access [`1ks5s] v. (有權力或機會)查閱、取得(資訊)

h subscription [s4b`skr6p]4n ] n. 訂閱

Online Safety L: That’d be great. You seem to know a lot more about Internet security4 than I do.

E: Online safety is my specialty!u網路安全停看聽

UNIT 10 主題式會話 ■


關鍵解析 Language Notes

what be sb up to?的用法對話中常用 what are you up to?來問候對方「最近在做什麼、忙什麼?」,文中 what I’m up to為名詞子句,表示「我最近在做的事」。

•“What are you up to?”“Nothing.Justreadingabook.”「你最近在忙什麼?」「沒什麼。只是在看本書。」

•Ihaven’theardfromChrisinweeks.Iwonderwhathe’s up to.我好幾個星期都沒克里斯的消息了。我想知道他最近在做什麼。

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2. Stopping Cyberbullies in Their Tracks†

A few days later, Lisa and Erin are in their dorm room.

L Lisa E Erin

L: Erin! You’ve got to help me. I don’t know what to do!

E: What is it, Lisa?

L: I’ve been receiving these awful anonymousu e-mails. Take a look.

(Lisa shows the e-mails to Erin, who reads a few lines to herself.)

E: These insults and threats1 are pretty serious. (Scrollingu down the page) I’ve seen this kind ofbehaviorbefore.Cyberbullieslikethiscanbedifficult to shake.

L: Whoever wrote these messages obviously knows some things about me.

E: Do you have any idea who might have sent them?

L: I met a guy at a party on campus a few weeks ago, and we did exchange e-mail addresses. But I have no proof2 that it’s him.

E: You’re on the right track by saving these messages. But you shouldn’t have responded to them. By responding and getting angry, you’re adding fuel to the fire.†

L: You’re probably3 right. What should my next step be?

E: First, you can block the sender. Most e-mail providers have a blocking feature. Or, you could report the problem to the site administratoru and they can remove the person’s e-mail account.

L: What if this person starts contacting me on Facebook or through another e-mail address?

E: Then go to the police and have them do an investigation.4

L: Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that!

28課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 25 /慢速 MP3 53課程講解》MP3 76

*中文翻譯請參閱第 73頁

字彙 Vocabulary *為大考出現過的字彙

* 1. threat [qr5t] n. 威脅;恐嚇Ryan isn’t afraid of the older students’ threats.

* 2. proof [pruf] n. 證據Do you have any proof that Gus stole your bike?

* 3. probably [`pr3b4bl6] adv. 可能;或許I feel tired, so I probably won’t go out tonight.

* 4. investigation [6n%v5st4`ge]4n] n. 調查The detective is doing an investigation on the missing man.

u 字彙小筆記:僅供參考 † 為補充說明

u anonymous [4`n3n4m4s] adj. 匿名的;來源不明的

u scroll [skrol] v. (螢幕)拉捲軸

u administrator [4d`m6n4%stret0] n. 管理者

† stop (sb) in sb’s tracks表示「使某人(因驚訝而)止步、停止做某事」。cyberbully [`sa6b0`b8l6] 指「網路霸凌者」。

† add fuel to the fire [`fju4l] 意即字面意思「火上加油」,表示使不好的狀況更加嚴重。


長度:1 分 45 秒

關鍵解析 Language Notes

whoever的用法whoever可作為複合關係代名詞,表示「任何……的人」,等同於 anyone who,此時 whoever引導的名詞子句可作句中的主詞、受詞或補語,如對話中Whoever wrote these messages即作為主詞,須視為單數。



whoever也可引導副詞子句,表示「無論是誰(結果都一樣)」,等同於 no matter who。

•Whoeverthenewstudentis,youshouldgosayhello to her.不管這位新學生是誰,你都應該去跟她打聲招呼。

Online Safety • Daily Conversation