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2014-11-26 | Creating a BitTorrent Client with Scala and Akka, Part 1 (Vienna Scala User Group)

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Part I Dominik Gruber, @the_dom Scala Vienna User Group – Nov. 26, 2014 Creating a BitTorrent Client with Scala and Akka
Page 1: 2014-11-26 | Creating a BitTorrent Client with Scala and Akka, Part 1 (Vienna Scala User Group)

Part I

Dominik Gruber, @the_dom Scala Vienna User Group – Nov. 26, 2014

Creating a BitTorrent Client with Scala and Akka

Page 2: 2014-11-26 | Creating a BitTorrent Client with Scala and Akka, Part 1 (Vienna Scala User Group)

Dominik Gruber • @the_domscala-torrent

Agenda• Akka: Brief Introduction

• BitTorrent: Basic Procedure

• Bencoding

• Tracker

• Peer Wire Protocol

• Software Architecture

Page 3: 2014-11-26 | Creating a BitTorrent Client with Scala and Akka, Part 1 (Vienna Scala User Group)

Dominik Gruber • @the_domscala-torrent

• Actor Model for the JVM

• Scala & Java API

• Part of the Typesafe Platform

• http://akka.io

Page 4: 2014-11-26 | Creating a BitTorrent Client with Scala and Akka, Part 1 (Vienna Scala User Group)

Dominik Gruber • @the_domscala-torrent

• Simple Concurrency & Distribution Asynchronous and Distributed by design. High-level abstractions like Actors, Futures and STM.

• Elastic & DecentralizedAdaptive load balancing, routing, partitioning and configuration-driven remoting.

• Resilient by Design Write systems that self-heal. Remote and/or local supervisor hierarchies.

• High Performance 50 million msg/sec on a single machine. Small memory footprint; ~2.5 million actors per GB of heap.

Page 5: 2014-11-26 | Creating a BitTorrent Client with Scala and Akka, Part 1 (Vienna Scala User Group)

Dominik Gruber • @the_domscala-torrent

Page 6: 2014-11-26 | Creating a BitTorrent Client with Scala and Akka, Part 1 (Vienna Scala User Group)

Dominik Gruber • @the_domscala-torrent

BitTorrent• Most popular protocol for peer-to-peer file sharing

• Designed in 2001

• Est. over 250 million users/month

• Currently responsible for 3.35% of all worldwide bandwidth

Page 7: 2014-11-26 | Creating a BitTorrent Client with Scala and Akka, Part 1 (Vienna Scala User Group)

Dominik Gruber • @the_domscala-torrent


Page 8: 2014-11-26 | Creating a BitTorrent Client with Scala and Akka, Part 1 (Vienna Scala User Group)

Dominik Gruber • @the_domscala-torrent

Basic Procedure1. Load information from a metainfo (.torrent) file

2. Request peers from tracker

3. Connect to peers via handshake

4. Exchange data via predefined messages (Peer Wire Protocol)

Page 9: 2014-11-26 | Creating a BitTorrent Client with Scala and Akka, Part 1 (Vienna Scala User Group)

Dominik Gruber • @the_domscala-torrent

Metainfo File

• In Bencode format

• Includes URL of the tracker, list of files / pieces,…

• Info hash has to be calculated from the file to identify the torrent for communication with tracker and peers

Page 10: 2014-11-26 | Creating a BitTorrent Client with Scala and Akka, Part 1 (Vienna Scala User Group)

Dominik Gruber • @the_domscala-torrent


• Integers i<integer encoded in base ten ASCII>e e.g. i42e

• Strings <string length>:<string data> e.g. 4:spam; 12:scala vienna

Page 11: 2014-11-26 | Creating a BitTorrent Client with Scala and Akka, Part 1 (Vienna Scala User Group)

Dominik Gruber • @the_domscala-torrent


• Lists l<bencoded values>e e.g. l5:scala7:torrente

• Dictionaries d<bencoded string><bencoded element>e e.g. d5:scalal4:akka4:playe4:java15:enterprise helle

Page 12: 2014-11-26 | Creating a BitTorrent Client with Scala and Akka, Part 1 (Vienna Scala User Group)

Dominik Gruber • @the_domscala-torrent

Example: Ubuntu 14.04.1d8:announce39:http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/announce13:announce-listll39:http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/announceel44:http://ipv6.torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/announceee7:comment29:Ubuntu CD releases.ubuntu.com13:creation datei1406245742e4:infod6:lengthi599785472e4:name31:ubuntu-14.04.1-server-amd64.iso12:piece lengthi524288e6:pieces22880:(…)

Page 13: 2014-11-26 | Creating a BitTorrent Client with Scala and Akka, Part 1 (Vienna Scala User Group)

Dominik Gruber • @the_domscala-torrent

Parsing Bencode with Scala

• Scala Parser Combinators

• Since Scala 2.11 a separate library

• Any structured format can be defined and parsed through its custom DSL

Page 14: 2014-11-26 | Creating a BitTorrent Client with Scala and Akka, Part 1 (Vienna Scala User Group)

Dominik Gruber • @the_domscala-torrent

Parsing Bencode with Scalaimport scala.util.parsing.combinator._

object BencodeParser extends RegexParsers {

def integer: Parser[Int] = "i" ~> """(0|\-?[1-9]\d*)""".r <~ "e" ^^ (_.toInt)

// (…)


Page 15: 2014-11-26 | Creating a BitTorrent Client with Scala and Akka, Part 1 (Vienna Scala User Group)

Dominik Gruber • @the_domscala-torrent

Parsing Bencode with Scalaobject BencodeParser extends RegexParsers { // (…)

def list: Parser[List[Any]] = "l" ~> rep1(bencodeElem) <~ "e"

def dictionary: Parser[Map[String,Any]] = "d" ~> rep1(string ~ bencodeElem) <~ "e" ^^ (_.map(x => (x._1, x._2)).toMap)

// (…)


Page 16: 2014-11-26 | Creating a BitTorrent Client with Scala and Akka, Part 1 (Vienna Scala User Group)

Dominik Gruber • @the_domscala-torrent

Parsing Bencode with Scalaobject BencodeParser extends RegexParsers {

// (…)

def string: Parser[String] = new Parser[String] { def apply(in: Input) = { val source = in.source val offset = in.offset val start = handleWhiteSpace(source, offset) """(\d+):([\s\S]+)""".r findPrefixMatchOf source.subSequence(start, source.length) match { case Some(matched) => val length = matched.group(1).toInt if (length <= matched.group(2).length) Success( matched.group(2).substring(0, length), in.drop(start + length.toString.length + 1 + length - offset) ) else Failure("Provided length is longer than the remaining input", in.drop(start - offset)) case None => Failure("Input is not a string", in.drop(start - offset)) } }} // (…)


Page 17: 2014-11-26 | Creating a BitTorrent Client with Scala and Akka, Part 1 (Vienna Scala User Group)

Dominik Gruber • @the_domscala-torrent

Parsing Bencode with Scalaobject BencodeParser extends RegexParsers { // (…) def bencodeElem = string | integer | list | dictionary

def apply(input: String) = parseAll(bencodeElem, input)


Page 18: 2014-11-26 | Creating a BitTorrent Client with Scala and Akka, Part 1 (Vienna Scala User Group)

Dominik Gruber • @the_domscala-torrent

Tracker• HTTP service which holds information about a torrent

• Communication via GET-Request if a transfer is started, stopped, or completed

• Responds with a list of peers as a bencoded dictionary

• Tracker is a single point of failure -> DHT extension

Page 19: 2014-11-26 | Creating a BitTorrent Client with Scala and Akka, Part 1 (Vienna Scala User Group)

Dominik Gruber • @the_domscala-torrent

Tracker: Example Requesthttp://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/announce ?event=started &info_hash=-%06l%94H%0A%DC%F5%2B%FD%11%85%A7%5E%B4%DD%C1wvs &peer_id=-SC0001-546306326124 &port=6881 &numwant=50 &downloaded=0 &left=599785472 &uploaded=0 &compact=1

Page 20: 2014-11-26 | Creating a BitTorrent Client with Scala and Akka, Part 1 (Vienna Scala User Group)

Dominik Gruber • @the_domscala-torrent

Tracker: Example Response


Page 21: 2014-11-26 | Creating a BitTorrent Client with Scala and Akka, Part 1 (Vienna Scala User Group)

Dominik Gruber • @the_domscala-torrent

Peer Wire Protocol

• Specifies communication with peers


• Basic format of every messages besides handshake: <length prefix><message ID><payload>

Page 22: 2014-11-26 | Creating a BitTorrent Client with Scala and Akka, Part 1 (Vienna Scala User Group)

Dominik Gruber • @the_domscala-torrent

PWP: Handshake

• <pstrlen><pstr><reserved><info_hash><peer_id>

• pstr = “BitTorrent protocol”

• reserved: Eight bytes, used to indicate supported extensions

Page 23: 2014-11-26 | Creating a BitTorrent Client with Scala and Akka, Part 1 (Vienna Scala User Group)

Dominik Gruber • @the_domscala-torrent

PWP: Bitfield• Sent immediately after handshake (optional)

• <len=0001+X><id=5><bitfield>

• X: length of bitfield

• Bitfield represents the pieces that have successfully been downloaded

Page 24: 2014-11-26 | Creating a BitTorrent Client with Scala and Akka, Part 1 (Vienna Scala User Group)

Dominik Gruber • @the_domscala-torrent

PWP: Request• <len=0013><id=6><index><begin><length>

• Request a block of a piece

• index: Piece number

• begin / length: Specifies block with the piece

• Requests can be canceled via the CANCEL message

Page 25: 2014-11-26 | Creating a BitTorrent Client with Scala and Akka, Part 1 (Vienna Scala User Group)

Dominik Gruber • @the_domscala-torrent

PWP: Piece

• <len=0009+X><id=7><index><begin><block>

• X: Length of block

• If a piece has been fully received, it is acknowledged via the HAVE message

Page 26: 2014-11-26 | Creating a BitTorrent Client with Scala and Akka, Part 1 (Vienna Scala User Group)

Dominik Gruber • @the_domscala-torrent

PWP: Other Messages

• keep-alive

• choke / unchoke

• interested / uninterested

Page 27: 2014-11-26 | Creating a BitTorrent Client with Scala and Akka, Part 1 (Vienna Scala User Group)

Dominik Gruber • @the_domscala-torrent

scala-torrent• Akka/the actor model is a good fit for this project

• The components can be clearly separated

• Supervision is needed

• TCP communication via Akka I/O

• HTTP communication via spray

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Dominik Gruber • @the_domscala-torrent


Connection Handler


Peer ConnectionPeer

ConnectionPeer Connection Tracker

Torrent Tracker







Page 29: 2014-11-26 | Creating a BitTorrent Client with Scala and Akka, Part 1 (Vienna Scala User Group)

Dominik Gruber • @the_domscala-torrent

Connection Handlerobject ConnectionHandler { case class CreatePeerConnection(peer: PeerInformation) case class PeerConnectionCreated(connection: ActorRef, peer: PeerInformation)} class ConnectionHandler(endpoint: InetSocketAddress, internalPeerId: String) extends Actor { import Tcp._ import context.system import ConnectionHandler._ // Torrent coordinator actor val coordinator = context.parent // Start listening to incoming connections IO(Tcp) ! Tcp.Bind(self, endpoint)

// (…) }

Page 30: 2014-11-26 | Creating a BitTorrent Client with Scala and Akka, Part 1 (Vienna Scala User Group)

Dominik Gruber • @the_domscala-torrent

Connection Handlerclass ConnectionHandler(endpoint: InetSocketAddress, internalPeerId: String) extends Actor { // (…) override def receive = { case CommandFailed(_: Bind) => // TODO: Handle failure case c @ Connected(remoteAddress, _) => val handler = createPeerConnectionActor(remoteAddress) sender ! Register(handler) case CreatePeerConnection(peer) => val peerConnection = createPeerConnectionActor(peer.inetSocketAddress) sender ! PeerConnectionCreated(peerConnection, peer) } private def createPeerConnectionActor(remoteAddress: InetSocketAddress) = context.actorOf(Props(classOf[PeerConnection], remoteAddress, internalPeerId, coordinator), "peer-connection-" + remoteAddress.toString.replace("/", ""))}

Page 31: 2014-11-26 | Creating a BitTorrent Client with Scala and Akka, Part 1 (Vienna Scala User Group)

Dominik Gruber • @the_domscala-torrent

Peer Connectionclass PeerConnection(remoteAddress: InetSocketAddress, internalPeerId: String, coordinator: ActorRef) extends Actor { // (…) override def receive: Receive = initialStage def initialStage: Receive = { case AttachToTorrent(t, m) => torrent = Some(t) metainfo = Some(m) case SendHandshake if torrent.isDefined => if (connection.isDefined) sendHandshake() else { IO(Tcp) ! Connect(remoteAddress) context become awaitConnectionForHandshake } case Received(data) => handleHandshakeIn(data) case PeerClosed => handlePeerClosed() }

// (…)}

Page 32: 2014-11-26 | Creating a BitTorrent Client with Scala and Akka, Part 1 (Vienna Scala User Group)

Dominik Gruber • @the_domscala-torrent

Peer Connectionclass PeerConnection(remoteAddress: InetSocketAddress, internalPeerId: String, coordinator: ActorRef) extends Actor { // (…) def handleHandshakeIn(data: ByteString) = { Handshake.unmarshal(data.toVector) match { case Some(handshake: Handshake) => connection = Some(context.sender()) if (torrent.isDefined) context become connected else coordinator ! IncomingPeerConnection(self, handshake) case None => // TODO: Handle failure } } def sendHandshake() = { val handshake = Handshake(metainfo.get.info.infoHash, internalPeerId) connection.get ! Write(ByteString(handshake.marshal.toArray)) }}

Page 33: 2014-11-26 | Creating a BitTorrent Client with Scala and Akka, Part 1 (Vienna Scala User Group)

Dominik Gruber • @the_domscala-torrent

Current Status• Bencode parsing (and encoding)

• Communication with tracker

• Modelling of the PWP messages

• Handshake with clients

• TODO: File exchange (= the core)

Page 34: 2014-11-26 | Creating a BitTorrent Client with Scala and Akka, Part 1 (Vienna Scala User Group)

Dominik Gruber • @the_domscala-torrent

Q & A

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Dominik Gruber • @the_domscala-torrent


• https://github.com/TheDom/scala-torrent

• http://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0003.html

• http://jonas.nitro.dk/bittorrent/bittorrent-rfc.html

• https://wiki.theory.org/BitTorrentSpecification
