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2014 2015 4th 9 week exam review from demetrius

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2014 – 2015 4 th Nine Week Exam Review 1960s – 2000s

2014 – 2015 4th Nine Week Exam Review

1960s – 2000s


• Woodstock was the 3 day music festival that celebrated & symbolized the counterculture.• Hippie Movement ended due to

drug use & violence.• Jim Crow laws separated the

races in the US


• Cold War influenced US to compete against Russia in the Space Race.• Brown v. Board of Education

overturned Plessy v. Ferguson and made segregation illegal in public schools


• My Lai Massacre was the HORRIBLE killing of Vietnamese villagers by US troops.• Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was

historic because it gave Pres. Johnson unlimited war powers.


• When the Beatles came to the US 70 million people watched them perform on the Ed Sullivan Show.

1970s• Pres. Johnson’s Great Society

aimed to help the poor by ending poverty & racism.• Great Society ended due to its

funding being spent on Vietnam.• People protested the Vietnam

war even more after Nixon bombed Cambodia.


“Tin soldiers & Nixon’s comin’, we’re finally on our own. This summer I hear the drummin’. 4 Dead in Ohio.”


• 4 students were killed at Kent State in OH during protests against the bombing of Cambodia.• Nixon’s plan which ended our

involvement in Vietnam was Vietnamization.


• Roe v. Wade was the controversial court case that stopped the national ban on abortions.• Court decisions by the Earl Warren Supreme Court protected the

rights of the accused.• The first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970 due to pollution concerns.• The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for

cleaning & protecting the environment.

1970s• Nixon is the only president in our

history to resign.• He resigned to avoid charges in the

Watergate scandal.• Nixon said he didn’t have to turn

over tapes to congress due to executive privilege.• The press played a large part in

bringing the Watergate scandal to the public. After the scandal people would lose trust in the government.


• Iran Hostage Crisis was when Iranians held 66 Americans Hostage.• Americans were held hostage

because the US gave asylum to the Shah, hostile leader of Iran in 1979.• Organization of Petroleum

Exporting Countries (OPEC) are a group of Arab countries to regulate the price of oil


• (AIDS) Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome is the last stage of (HIV) Human Immunodeficiency Virus.•Reagan was slow to

respond to epidemic.•1st appears in 1981, over

250k died of AIDS by 1994

AIDS Quilt


•Reagan gave a speech that demanded Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall

In 1985, the U.S. sold weapons to Iran.

In return, Iran pressured Lebanese terror groups to release some American hostages.

The U.S used the money from gun sales to secretly fund the Contras in Nicaragua.

But Congress banned sending funds to the Contras in 1983.

Several leading Reagan officials were convicted in this scandal, but Reagan remained popular when he left office.

The Iran-Contra affair damaged Reagan’s reputation during his second term.


•Soviet Union broke up mainly due to economic problems•How does this

political cartoondepict the break up?Mikhail Gorbachev,leader of SovietUnion is the man inthe cartoon.


•Saddam Hussein was the leader of Iraq. He suddenly attacked Kuwait, which led to our involvement in the Persian Gulf War.•He invaded Kuwait to capture their oil deposits.

With Kuwait, Hussein would control 20% of the world’s oil supply. We were concerned that Saddam would also attack Saudi Arabia next for their oil. Saudi Arabia controlled 25% of the world’s oil.


• North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) improved trade between Canada, US & Mexico.• Opponents of NAFTA were

concerned that the agreement would lead to an outsourcing of jobs to other countries as a consequence of a global economy

• Outsourcing


•Terrorism was a growing issue in the 1990s


• Pres. Clinton had many character flaws, but they were ignored due to a growing economy.• The internet completely changed business, education & culture. • The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibited discrimination

based on physical or mental ability.


• Clinton was impeached, but acquitted because his crimes were not serious enough to be removed from office.


• The 2000 election was VERY close. FL decided the outcome of the election


• The patriot act was passed to protect us from terrorist acts, but some feel it violates our personal freedoms.

• Can search phone, e-mail, medical, financial, and other records. Allows delayed warrants

• Providing• Appropriate• Tools• Required to• Intercept and• Obstruct• Terrorism Act of 2001


• In response to 9/11 attacks the US attacks Afghanistan.• The US attacked Afghanistan

because the Taliban refused to turn over Osama Bin Laden to the US.

Vocabulary Terms

• Developing World – poor countries of Asia, Africa & Latin America• Affirmative Action – Plan to help Blacks overcome discrimination• Stagflation – Inactive economy & inflation pressures
