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2014 2017 Huu ay aht First Nation Strategic Plan · 03/03/2013  · On November 9 th and 10 2013,...

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2014 - 2017 Huu ay aht First Nation Strategic Plan Hishuk Tsawalk 5 Posts to Support the Future Vision The Huu-ay-aht envision a strong, self-governing and self-reliant Nation. Iisaak will guide us as we work together to foster a safe, healthy and sustainable community; where our culture, language, spirituality and economy flourish for all. Mission As a leader among First Nations, the Huu-ay-aht will create certainty for its people and generate wealth for financial independence by providing economic opportunities, social, cultural and recreational programs for all Huu-ay-aht
Page 1: 2014 2017 Huu ay aht First Nation Strategic Plan · 03/03/2013  · On November 9 th and 10 2013, the HFN Executive Council went through a long term strategic planning session. During

2014 - 2017 Huu ay aht First Nation Strategic Plan

Hishuk Tsawalk

5 Posts to Support the Future


The Huu-ay-aht envision a strong, self-governing and self-reliant Nation. Iisaak will guide us as

we work together to foster a safe, healthy and sustainable community; where our culture, language,

spirituality and economy flourish for all.


As a leader among First Nations, the Huu-ay-aht will create certainty for its people and generate

wealth for financial independence by providing economic opportunities, social, cultural and recreational

programs for all Huu-ay-aht

Page 2: 2014 2017 Huu ay aht First Nation Strategic Plan · 03/03/2013  · On November 9 th and 10 2013, the HFN Executive Council went through a long term strategic planning session. During

On November 9th and 10th 2013, the HFN Executive Council went through a long term strategic planning

session. During this session Council reviewed the current successes and challenges that the organization

has faced, the opportunities that exist in our region and province, and the feedback from HFN Citizens

and Staff from the HFN Values Survey and the HFN Staff Survey.

Council considered the Treaty, their mandate as elected and hereditary leaders, the issues that face the

Citizens, the Government, the Administration and the HFN Businesses and the best practices when

setting strategic goals. 5 posts to support the Nation now and in the future were identified and as a

result, the following long term goals were set by HFN Executive Council

In 20 years, Our People will be free from the negative effects of colonization.

In 20 years, Our Children will grow up safe, healthy, connected to the community and exemplify

Huu-ay-aht values.

In 20 Years, Our Home will be a safe, healthy and appealing place where half our people choose

to live.

In 20 years, Our Land will continue to provide sustainable wealth that respects the Huu-ay-aht

values of conservation.

In 20 years, Our Economy will be operated sustainably and will be the major employer in the

region and the major source of revenue for the Nation.

On November 21st and 27th the HFN Administration’s senior management team met to review these

goals, the HFN Values Survey, and the success, challenges and operating environment of the

organization. The goals set by Council can be achieved by focusing resources and activities on short,

medium and long term outcomes in the following areas.

Communication (COM)

o Informing, educating and engaging with HFN Citizens, Staff, and Businesses.

Children and Families (CF)

o Supporting, protecting and nurturing HFN Families and Children.

Integrated Culture and Values (ICV)

o Upholding the Hawiih Council to identify, support and promote all HFN Cultural Values.

Infrastructure (INF)

o Designing, building and operating enabling infrastructure.

Natural Resources and Trade (NRT)

o Developing, promoting and conserving natural resources for the benefit of the Nation

On January 8th, 13th, and 17th, 2014 these activities and outcomes were validated and prioritized through

joint meetings of Executive Council and the Administration’s senior management team. The top

priorities for the upcoming year:

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Top priorities for 2014/15

1 COM - Communication and Engagement with Citizens 2 COM - Increasing citizens satisfaction

3 ICV - Longitudinal Children’s Study

4 NRT - Promote tourism and recreation opportunities

5 ICV -Increase the number of language speakers

6 NRT - Develop Integrated Resource Management Plan (IRMP)

7 NRT - Increase Own Source Revenue (OSR)

8 ICV - Education Streaming Program

9 CF - Children know HFN value and expectations

Strategic Priorities for 2014 2017

10 INF - Develop community programs

11 ICV - Support Hawiilh mandate and program activities

12 CF - Families stay together

13 ICV - Identify, develop and support HFN cultural practices

14 CF - Improve family access to opportunities

15 INF - Improve telecommunications

16 NRT - Build, sustain and management wildlife and aquatic resources

17 CF - Provide education in Anacla preK – K12

18 CF - Support for families

19 INF - Focus on community law enforcement and emergency services

20 CF - Early intervention through ECE

21 INF -Marine security protected

22 INF -Decrease solid waste

23 CF -Increase school completion rates

24 NRT - Promote balance development

25 ICV - Market based skills and education training

26 ICV - Promote HFN employment

Strategic Initiatives 2014 2017

27 CF - Access to quality health and dental care

28 INF - Develop the subdivision

29 INF - Improve the road in and to Anacla

30 INF -Ensure potable water and sanitary sewer

31 NRT - Increase citizen access to harvesting

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32 ICV - Promote carvings in design and building materials

33 INF - Ensure power and security

34 NRT - Establish park strategy

35 INF - Develop rental / social housing policy

36 ICV - Promote HFN culture in administration

HFN Executive Council determined the Strategic Plan and supporting Activities after considering the

following questions

1. What are the important strengths of our organization?

2. What weaknesses are preventing our organization from achieving its vision?

3. Do you think we are clear about our vision, values and mission? Make some notes about what you

think of on our vision, values and mission are?

4. What challenges have we failed to meet in the past two to three years and why have we failed to

meet them?

5. What challenges have we met well in the past two to three years and what helped us to meet them?

6. What is the most important outcome that you would like to see emerging from this strategic

planning process? Why do you think it is so important?

7. What are the political challenges or opportunities facing us (federal, provincial regulatory, ec dev,

regional issues) etc.?

8. What are the environmental challenges/ opportunities facing us?

9. What are the social challenges/ opportunities facing us?

10. What are the technological challenges / opportunities facing us?

<Summary data to follow>

<Prioritization summary to follow>

Scoring matrix:

Urgency / Complexity


Will occur during or as a result of routine business


Some planning will be required


Requires some work taking place along side primary activities


Requires planning, tracking and modest additional effort over and above programmed activities


Requires a moderate amount of program resources


Requires careful balancing and allocation of programs to ensure success


New investment is required with comprehensive program tools


Requires significant and regular senior management attention

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Immediate action and significant investment is required, may require new business methods


Will require significant planning, investment and a rethinking of business methods



Not a priority


Low Priority


Medium Priority


High Priority



Cross Linkage Scaling Factor


Supports one or two outcomes


Supports between three and six outcomes


Supports between seven and nine outcomes


Supports ten or more outcomes

Natural Resources and Trade

Activity: Develop and Implement an Integrated Resource Management Plan (IRMP) assessing highest

and best use of all HFN Natural Resources.

Short Term Outcome: HFN IRMP drafted using best available information and in consultation

with stakeholders.

Medium Term Outcome: The HFN IRMP is in place, reviewed annually, and is guiding

development, infrastructure and investment decisions.

Long Term Outcome: The IRMP has unlocked the wealth of the land by optimizing natural

resource use with all other HFN values and needs.

Activity: Increase Citizen Access to harvest rights.

Short Term Outcome: A system is in place to document and track Citizen Natural Resource use.

Page 6: 2014 2017 Huu ay aht First Nation Strategic Plan · 03/03/2013  · On November 9 th and 10 2013, the HFN Executive Council went through a long term strategic planning session. During

Short Term Outcome: A system is in place to facilitate the Barter and Trade provisions of the

Treaty by HFN Citizens

Medium Term Outcome: Natural resource use expands and includes non-timber forest

products, cultural materials, and non-finfish aquatic resources.

Long Term Outcome: HFN Citizens have access to, and information on, all HFN harvest rights for

personal use, including a thriving Barter and Trade economy.

Activity: Increasing Own Source Revenues.

Short Term Outcome: HDC Revenues represent a reliable source of annual program funding

through long term agreements.

Short Term Outcome: An options analysis is included in the IRMP considering alternate sources

of secure OSR funds.

Medium Term Outcome: Revenue from the HDC group of companies exceeds $1,000,000 in

annual HFN program funding.

Medium Term Outcome: Funding from alternate non-government sources and non-HDC

exceeds 25% of OSR program funding.

Medium Term Outcome: OSR program funding (all sources) exceeds annual AANDC block

funding for programs and services

Long Term Outcome: OSR program funding (non-government) represents 50% or more of HFN

operating budget.

Activity: Promote balanced development including potential major projects.

Short Term Outcome: A project management office is established and a project management

system is in place.

Medium Term Outcome: Project management is established as a formal integrated business

line within HFN.

Activity: Promote tourism and recreation opportunities.

Short Term Outcome: Agricultural (traditional foods) / ecological and cultural tourism is

included in the inaugural HFN Economic Development Plan.

Short Term Outcome: A system is in place to document and assess commercial recreation


Medium Term Outcome: A network of operators exists linking HFN and non-HFN tourism


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Medium Term Outcome: A destination accommodation (spa and related local services) exists

within TSL.

Long Term Outcome: A viable tourism and recreation industry exists without HFN intervention

or funding.

Activity: Establish a Huu ay aht Park and Conservation strategy

Short Term Outcome: A conservation framework is established.

Short Term Outcome: A park and camping strategy is established linking park creation with

forestry operations.

Activity: Build, sustain, and manage wildlife and aquatic resources.

Short Term Outcome: A system is in place to document wildlife and aquatic populations.

Medium Term Outcome: HFN harvest allotments are based on sustainable population


Integrated Culture and Values

Activity: Institute a comprehensive educational streaming program to early identify, intervene and

support Huu ay aht youth.

Short Term Outcome: A system is in place to identify and contact Huu ay aht youth.

Short Term Outcome: Aptitude and other testing tools are designed for use with Huu ay aht


Short Term Outcome: All HFN students graduate secondary school.

Medium Term Outcome: Increased completion rates for educational outcomes (secondary,

trades, technical and university)

Page 8: 2014 2017 Huu ay aht First Nation Strategic Plan · 03/03/2013  · On November 9 th and 10 2013, the HFN Executive Council went through a long term strategic planning session. During

Activity: Create a long term study (longitudinal) with the children in Pawaats to better understand the

critical success factors of Huu ay aht child development.

Short Term Outcome: A partner university is engaged to review and design a longitudinal study.

Medium Term Outcome: Results of the study are used to refine Paawats or other ECE


Long Term Outcome: The longitudinal study is used to inform broad policy initiatives related to

children and families.

Activity: Promote market based job skills development and create linkages to current and future

community needs.

Short Term Outcome: A review is completed of the potential employment forecast in various

occupation groups to understand future labour market needs.

Short Term Outcome: Occupational, trades and technical training is offered in industry areas

reflected in current and future needs.

Activity: Promote HFN employment throughout all levels of the organization through co-op, trainee or

internship opportunities.

Activity: Support Hawiih to determine and document areas of responsibility, mandate and program

activities in social justice, resource management, and all cultural practices.

Short Term Outcome: Hawiih develop a mandate and non-exhaustive activity list

Medium Term Outcome: Practicing the mandate and activities.

Medium Term Outcome: HFN citizens are aware and engaged with the Hawiih, understand the

mandate and activities.

Long Term Outcome:

Activity: Promote Huu ay aht carving, carving knowledge transfer, and traditional designs in building

appearance and materials

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Short Term Outcome: A cultural program is put in place to support traditional carvers and

carving skills transfer.

Short Term Outcome: Huu ay aht land use plan (building code elements) are modified to

include traditional design features.

Medium Term Outcome:

Long Term Outcome:

Activity: Identify, develop and support HFN cultural practices including cultural workshops, summer

cultural camp and traditional ceremonies (child naming etc).

Short Term Outcome: In consultation with Hawiih and Nananiqsu develop a HFN cultural

practice list.

Short Term Outcome: Develop and implement HFN cultural camp (summer program) for youth.

Short Term Outcome: Include HFN administrative and capacity support for traditional

ceremonies through the HFN cultural program.

Medium Term Outcome:

Long Term Outcome:

Activity: Develop and implement a HFN early childhood education program (Pawaats) in Port Alberni

Short Term Outcome: A Pawaats program is implemented in Port Alberni

Activity: Increase the number of language speakers

Short Term Outcome: Include language training in the HFN Cultural program area of support

and facilitate additional language activities.

Medium Term Outcome: Develop an online language program.

Activity: Promote HFN Culture within the HFN admin.

Short Term Outcome: HFN staff all learn the Dinner Song

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Short Term Outcome: HFN staff learn and use common words and phrases

Short Term Outcome: HFN staff are aware of the cultural practices and traditions

Short Term Outcome: HFN staff participate in a canoe carving.


Activity: Communicate and engage with citizens using a variety of media including increasing numbers

of citizen forums, community rounds, better voting and quorum turnouts)

Short Term Outcome: A high quality newsletter produced on a quarterly basis

Short Term Outcome: The website is redesigned to include better information on programs and


Short Term Outcome: Houses are included on HFN identity card.

Short Term Outcome: A genealogical project is undertaken to identify family connections

Medium Term Outcome: Reports on HFN communication (statistics , surveys, turnouts)


Activity: Increase HFN Citizen satisfaction with programs and services by using survey results to modify

and make changes

Short Term Outcome: A system is in place to track and monitor Citizen satisfaction.

Medium Term Outcome: Feedback from the tracking system is used to modify and improve

communication methods

Long Term Outcome:


Activity: Develop a rental or social housing program

Short Term Outcome: A social housing policy is created and implemented.

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Medium Term Outcome: New social housing facilities are created in Anacla.

Long Term Outcome: New social housing facilities are created in areas outside Anacla.

Activity: Develop the subdivision in upper Anacla allowing for future development (community cultural

centre, assisted living facility, children in care facility, and school)

Short Term Outcome: The subdivision is laid out and public infrastructure is in place (road /

sewer / power).

Short Term Outcome:

Medium Term Outcome:

Long Term Outcome:

Activity: Improve road in and on the way to Anacla

Short Term Outcome: A road maintenance plan is developed and implemented.

Medium Term Outcome: Roads in Anacla are brought to the same standard as roads in


Long Term Outcome: The access road to Anacla is paved.

Activity: Continue focus on potable water and sanitary sewers

Short Term Outcome: Sewer system and treatment centre is designed and constructed

Short Term Outcome: A system is in place to electronically track, monitor and assess water


Medium Term Outcome: Potable water distribution system is upgraded and electronically


Long Term Outcome:

Activity: Develop a power security policy and implement

Short Term Outcome: A power security policy is developed and implemented.

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Medium Term Outcome: Anacla is able to sustain energy use in a short term grid failure

Long Term Outcome: Anacla is able to sustain energy use in a long term grid failure i.e.

sustainable self production (i.e. Sarita microhydro)

Activity: Develop a marine security policy and implement

Short Term Outcome: Develop a policy on marine security and foreshore management

Medium Term Outcome: Develop an emergency response plan which included capabilities for

response to marine security concerns.

Long Term Outcome:

Activity: Focus on community law enforcement and emergency services

Short Term Outcome: Continue work with RCMP through LOE to refine community services and


Short Term Outcome: HFN directed emergency response services are located in Anacla

Medium Term Outcome: Law enforcement services are located in the Anacla / Bamfield region.

Long Term Outcome:

Activity: Improve telecommunications access and service

Short Term Outcome: Telecommunications service is improved (cell / internet / cable)

Medium Term Outcome: Internet service is provided free to Anacla

Long Term Outcome:

Activity: Develop community programs

Short Term Outcome: A community social activity program policy is developed and resourced

Short Term Outcome: A plan and resources are identified for a community centre

Medium Term Outcome: HFN offers community activity programs.

Long Term Outcome: HFN offers community activity programs similar to Port Alberni.

Page 13: 2014 2017 Huu ay aht First Nation Strategic Plan · 03/03/2013  · On November 9 th and 10 2013, the HFN Executive Council went through a long term strategic planning session. During

Activity: Decrease solid waste

Short Term Outcome: A solid waste management and recycling strategy is developed.

Medium Term Outcome: Solid waste streams per capita are reduced by 25%

Medium Term Outcome: HFN developed and operated solid waste management facility is in


Long Term Outcome: Solid waste streams per capita are reduced 50%

Children and Families

Activity: Families stay together

Short Term Outcome: A children and family strategy is developed.

Short Term Outcome: A system is put in place to actively monitor children in care status.

Short Term Outcome: Partnerships are built with child service, protection and related agencies.

Short Term Outcome: An early intervention program is designed and implemented.

Short Term Outcome: A HFN foster program is developed and implemented.

Medium Term Outcome: Per capita annual apprehensions and annual children in care are 50%

of 2013 numbers.

Long Term Outcome:

Activity: Children know HFN values and the responsibilities placed on them

Short Term Outcome: HFN values are articulated in print and electronic media stories for


Short Term Outcome: Program activities are structured to bring HFN children in contact with

Hawiih and Nananiqsu.

Medium Term Outcome: HFN Children are able to articulate and emulate HFN values.

Activity: Early intervention through HFN ECE (pawaats) program)

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Short Term Outcome: A Pawaats program is implemented in Port Alberni

Short Term Outcome: Curricula and other material is developed for non-pawaats programs

which included HFN children.

Medium Term Outcome: A Pawaats program is implemented in any community with a sufficient

population of children.

Long Term Outcome: Results of Paawats and the changes made through the longitudinal study

result in increased citizen success.

Activity: Increase school completion rates

Short Term Outcome: A system is in place to track and follow school completion rates

(secondary, vocational, trades and employment)

Short Term Outcome: An early intervention and streaming program is created for kids k8-k12.

Medium Term Outcome: School completion rates equal general population rates.

Long Term Outcome: School completion rates are better than general population.

Activity: Provide education to children in Anacla from k1 to k12

Short Term Outcome: HFN takes a more significant role in the Bamfield community school

Short Term Outcome: HFN assesses and creates program policy on the provision of education


Medium Term Outcome: HFN acquires the Bamfield Community school

Long Term Outcome: K1 through K12 is offered in Anacla / Bamfield.

Activity: Access to quality health and dental care (achieving parity and exceeding)

Short Term Outcome: A system is in place to assess and monitor gaps in care

Medium Term Outcome: Parity in access to care is achieved

Long Term Outcome: Access to care exceeds general population.

Page 15: 2014 2017 Huu ay aht First Nation Strategic Plan · 03/03/2013  · On November 9 th and 10 2013, the HFN Executive Council went through a long term strategic planning session. During

Activity: Support for families (crisis grants, job opportunity grants, cultural programs)

Short Term Outcome: A family crisis grant program is created and implemented

Short Term Outcome: A job opportunity and employment readiness program is created and


Short Term Outcome: HFN Cultural programming specifically targets families and youth.

Activity: Children and families education on HFN history and culture.

Short Term Outcome: Curricula is produced and integrated reflective of HFN culture and values

Short Term Outcome: A HFN archive project is designed and implemented to record and

preserve HFN culture and values.
