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2014 Internal Elections - London & South East Constituency Elections Addresses

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Election Addresses: London and South East Index Finola Kelly ............................................. pages 2-3 Jack Maizels ...........................................pages 4-5 Andrew Blick .......................................... pages 6-7 Stephen Carter ....................................... pages 8-9 James Grindrod ..................................... pages 10-11 Note: candidates’ names have been randomised on the ballot paper and in this booklet to minimise any unintentional bias.
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Election Addresses: London and South East


Finola Kelly ............................................. pages 2-3Jack Maizels ........................................... pages 4-5Andrew Blick .......................................... pages 6-7Stephen Carter .............................. ......... pages 8-9James Grindrod ..................................... pages 10-11

Note: candidates’ names have been randomised on the ballot paper and in this booklet to minimise any unintentional bias.

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Election address:

Finola Kelly, March 2014

I would welcome the opportunity to continue serving on the Governing Council of Unlock Democracy. I am a passionate supporter of Unlock Democracy's campaigns for a stronger and more accountable parliament and greater transparency in government. The skills and experience I can bring to this role include parliamentary, equality and human rights expertise, management experience in the private andpublic sectors, and fundraising experience in the voluntary sector.

For many years I have specialised in the fields of equality and human rights and I would hope to employ those skills and experience in the best interests of Unlock Democracy.

I believe that the years ahead present Unlock Democracy with many challenges and opportunities and I want to play my part in helping Unlock Democracy manage these in the best interests of Unlock Democracy, its members and the country. In particular I would like to dedicate resources to ensuring that the Transparency of Lobbying, Non-party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Act 2014 (aka the Gagging Act) is repealed.

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I also want Unlock Democracy to protect the Freedom of Information Act and to support extending it to private companies providing publicly funded services. I also want to oppose any moves to monitor private use of the internet.

Biographical details:

My areas of particular interest are increasing participation and transparency in Government.

I became involved with New Politics Network in 1995 and have served on both the NPN and UD Council and Management Committee.

I'm an active member of my trade union PCS and I am Vice Chair of our Branch Executive Committee. I'm also an elected member of the PCS Public SectorGroup Committee.

I am currently the Head of Parliamentary and Public Affairs at the Equality and Human Rights Commission.

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Vote Jack Maizels #1 for Unlock Democracy Council

Experience and Enthusiasm Unlock Democracy is an organisation I've both worked and volunteered for and I hope to continue my contribution by serving on our Council. Although I'm one of Unlock Democracy's younger members, I have experience of working through the details of all our major campaigns. I engage in local activism as a member of Unlock Democracy London and my professional work involves forming public policy in London, including in depth analysis of data. Through all this, I hope to bring experience, enthusiasm and a different set of skills to our Council.

Campaigns I want to help shape the campaign for reform in the run up to the 2015 election and beyond. Even though I'm not associated with any political party, I've long held firm views about the democratic problems the UK faces. I believe we should prioritise campaigns that strike at the heart of these problems - but also those we're most likely to achieve. We must use our limited resources to maximum effect.

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If you have any questions at all about my candidacy, please get in touch at

[email protected]

Priorities: Lords Reform - the promise of patronage keeps MPs in check and provides them with a lucrative retirement home. My work at Unlock Democracy highlighted dozens of peers claiming thousands a year while barely casting any votes (see right). If elected to Council, I'd like to help research more public data to expose flaws in the UK’s democratic systems. Party Funding and Lobbying - key issues, tied together through the influence they have on our politics. We need a cap on donations and a lobbying law that gives transparency, not gags the third sector. Your Issues - Council should represent our membership. I'll look to be easily contactable so Council can keep in touch with the issues that are important to our members and react quickly to any that arise suddenly.

The Earl of Rosslyn, one of the Peers whose voting and expenses records were exposed by my analysis for Unlock Democracy in 2012

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Andrew Blick

[email protected]

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Andrew is Lecturer in Politics and

Contemporary History at King’s College,

London. He is running for a third term on the

Unlock Democracy Council. Previously he has

worked in Parliament and for the research

organisation, Democratic Audit. He has a wide

interest in many democratic reform issues,

including the introduction of a written

constitution for the UK. Andrew has made

frequent media appearances in this capacity.

Andrew has written numerous pamphlets and

books, such as ‘People Who Live in the Dark’, a

history of special advisers to ministers.

Presently he is writing a work to tie in with the

800th anniversary of Magna Carta: ‘Beyond

Magna Carta: a constitution for the United


If elected he will continue to place his skills

and contacts at the service of Unlock


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Stephen Carter

I was elected to the Unlock

Democracy and Rodell boards

two years ago, and have taken

an active part in the helping

both organisations get through

some challenging and exciting


Two years ago Unlock Democracy faced a significant shortfall

in funding, and difficult decisions had to be taken about the

direction of the organisation. I was proud to work with other

council members, our excellent Chair Vicky Seddon, and

above all with UD’s dedicated staff to make the changes that

were needed. This included significant cuts, but put us on a

path towards a sound and sustainable future fighting for

greater democracy in the UK – my most important

responsibility as a member of the council.

The other, far preferable side of the coin was efforts to raise

revenue, mainly by making better use of the two London

properties that are UD’s main assets. I was unusually well

placed to do this through my membership of both the UD

council and the Rodell board. The first credit for the changes

that are now being made must go to UD staff and my Rodell

board colleague Phil Starr, but I was actively involved in

supporting and scrutinising the process, and in persuading

other council and board members to back change. Together

the board has put together a plan which offers a good chance

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of increasing revenue while safeguarding our long-term asset


Since joining the board, I increased my commitment still

further by becoming part of the UD Management Board,

meaning that I am now active on all of the organisation’s

governance bodies. I have attended all but a few council

meetings, despite having a job which takes me out of the

country for long periods. (I am the head of the Afghanistan

campaign for Global Witness, an international civil society

organisation working against corruption and conflict.)

The work of Unlock Democracy is more important than ever.

British democracy could be so much stronger, and in turn

could make our society so much stronger. The government’s

scandalous treatment of the lobbying issue, the urgent need

for electoral reform as the two-party system crumbles, and

the profound constitutional questions posed by the Scottish

independence referendum make that clear. These are the

issues we need to lead on.

We are part way through its transition to a sound foundation

for the future, and very real challenges remain. If I am re-

elected to the council I would support decisive action to

continue on this path. We need to move carefully, but staying

where we are is not an option.

I would be happy to answer any questions UD members

might have – I can be reached at [email protected].

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James Grindrod

Why vote for me?

I’m the Organiser, and a founding member,

of Unlock Democracy London; a regional

group of activists dedicated to reforming

our democracy.

I was the Organiser of Yes to Fairer Votes

Barnet, Brent & Harrow; a local group campaigning for a “Yes” vote in

the AV referendum. I built up a wealth of campaign experience, and

built contacts across London and the UK.

I’m an active member of Unlock Democracy, and the ERS.

I’m a highly experienced administrator in the public and charity sectors,

currently at the Institute of Education. I’ve particular experience of

working with local groups, and managing events, budgets, and projects.

I’ve seen membership organisations from the perspective both of an

active member, and of a full-time employee, which has given me a good

understanding of the issues, and relationships involved.

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Key issues for Unlock Democracy

Our organisation is needed to improve the health of democracy in the

UK. It is one of the key organisations promoting democratic reform; and

plays a vital role in critiquing government proposals to ensure they do

better on issues that concern us.

I think our organisation needs to focus on the following:

• We need to ensure democratic reform is on the agenda for the 2015

general election – building on our Magna Carta campaign. There is

the unfinished business of party funding and Lords reform; and the

ongoing fight for a farer voting system.

• It is crucial that we find ways of increasing our income, so that we

can secure the staff and resources to continue, and expand, our

work. Part of this strategy should be to increase our membership.

• We need to build on our commitment to informing the public, as

well as policy makers, to ensure the issues are widely known and

increase pressure for change.

Please vote James Grindrod: No. 1 for London!

Twitter @jamesgrindrod Email [email protected]
