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2014 Youth In Government Full Voters Guide For All Program Areas

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2014 Youth In Government Full Voters Guide For All Program Areas
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2014 Model Assembly Voter’s Guide Full Candidate List Find the full voter’s guide online at www.mnyigmedia.com
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2014 Model Assembly Voter’s Guide

Full Candidate List

Find the full voter’s guide online at www.mnyigmedia.com

Page 2: 2014 Youth In Government Full Voters Guide For All Program Areas

2014 Candidate List

Speaker of the Sanford House Karl Badger

Colin Cosgrove Ben Stolee

Brandon Stevens Calvin Benson

Thomas Aldrich Phillip Hoffarth

President of the Knutson Senate

Joshua Broom Sabrina Kowal

Ezra Ba Jenna Conzemius

Brian Dyke Zachary Markon Sydney Nelson Jenna Scheffert

Chief Justice of the

Supreme Court Ben Sprengeler

Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals

Jisoo Kim Raúl Sánchez Sabrina Batiz Ashley Carter

Jennifer Prathum Audrey Kornkven

AJ Yablonsky Jacob Kowalczak

Chief Judge of the District Court Jane Ludwig Barry Toland

Chief Judge of the

Trial Courts Sara Bultsma Lisa Reimann

Speaker of the Sibley House

Rana Imtiaz Sabrina Ali

Laura Osterdyk William Merrill

Max Gulli

President of the Ramsey Senate Deon Marshall

Hudson Fredericks Alex White

Jacob Hoffner

Speaker of the Humphrey House Flannery White

Quinn McDonagh Spencer Will

President of the Stassen Senate

Casey Witts Elaina Seemann

Lobbyist Director Elissa Schmiel

Mahli Wold Ken Han

Daniel Huset

National Issues Forum Presiding Officer

John Lucke Erin Hahn

Tristen Witthuhn

Radio Station Manager Ben Andrew Isabel Milano

Newspaper Manager Katherine Stevenson

Alistair Tang Matthew Mraz

TV Station Manager

Grant Delaune

Digital Media Manager Mikaela Blount

Leif Berdahl

This is the official list of candidates. Candidates will speak in the order printed in this Voter’s Guide during program area speeches on Saturday morning.

Governor/Lieutenant Governor Christopher Leppink-Shands/Abbey Kennedy

Matthew Ternus/Savannah Klein Carter Jones/Alex Vijums Jack Ellis/Carly Fredericks Lauren Else/Ashley Ganger

Paul Manning/Casey Webber

Secretary of State Elise Farnham Emily Everson

Media Director

Kier Zimmerman

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Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position

Debate for 3 years, Public Forum Varsity member

High School Speech, Novice of the year at Eagan High School

Captain of the Ultimate Frisbee team

Highly impactful member of YIG (lead first re election of concert calendar) What would you change about Youth in Government if you could make any changes?

Make a further connection between the programs, ie: connecting the courts and legislature by implementing bill review

Add availability to as many people as possible

Find ways to get people to get more involved, and care more about what they are doing during session

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

Be a symbol for change, directing the actions and involvement of others. Help them make their experience as beneficial and impactful as possible.

Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position

I’m knowledgeable in the legislative process. I’ve been in YIG for 3 years now. I have successfully presented and passed my bill. I have great enthusiasm for YIG. I have excellent communication skills. I take other opinions into great consideration. And most importantly, I am dedicated.

What would you change about Youth in Government if you could make any changes?

Because of the growth of the program and the number of bills, I would like to expand the length of time we are at Model Assembly to 5 days. To reduce the number of duplicate bills, I suggest requiring each delegation to allow only one bill per topic.

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

Being a leader means, believing in what you say, and motivating others to take action, listening to others and considering their feelings. Being a leader is being able to give direction but also being able to take direction. A leader should be confident, organ-ized and enthusiastic.


Abbey Kennedy: 10th Grade, Red Wing, 3rd Year in YIG

Lt. Governor

Christopher Leppink-Shands: 11th Grade, Eagan, 3rd Year in YIG

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Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position

Currently, I am in 9th grade and a member on the Rogers High School Student Council. Here we fundraise for school events, encourage student involvement, and make decisions on recommendations from the student body. I am the Freshman Representative for RHS Choir Council, on the RHS News Team, and will hopefully be on the Speech Team later this year. Outside of school, I am a Lead Instructor at Mastery Martial Arts. I’ve enjoyed teaching classes since summer of 2012. I am a black belt and have been a member since 2006. This will be my second year at Youth in Government and I am excited to return. Previously as an 8th grader, I was a WEB leader, worked on the Yearbook, and was an anchor on the RMS News.

What would you change about Youth in Government if you could make any changes?

One thing I would like to see change is making the public more aware of Youth in Government. Spreading the word of Youth in Government around communities by having representatives, such as Youth Governor and Lt. Governor, go on radio and television to advertise it more. We could have small ads in local newspapers giving

dates for meetings, information on the Model Assembly, and stating how much fun the students have.

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

A leader is a person who is ambitious and can take charge. Someone who is a decision maker and is a responsible, understanding person who stands for the majority of the people. I have the leadership skills to represent Youth in Government as a future Youth Governor.

Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position

My experiences that qualify me for this position is a couple of things. One of them being my student council presidency last year. I believe that required a fair amount of responsibility. Another thing that qualifies me for this position was being WEB Leader. That is a person who helps younger students around and helps them get acquainted with the school and their teachers. The third thing that qualifies me for this position is this is my sec-ond year at Youth in Government. So I know what goes on at the Model Assembly.

What would you change about Youth in Government if you could make any changes?

The one thing that I would change about Youth in Government is awareness of it. I will talk to students in the next town over and they have absolutely no idea what I am talking about when I say Youth in Government. I could change that by having a volunteer representative from each delegation go around to schools surrounding their area and give little talks about it.

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

Being a leader is not just about telling people what to do. It is about showing them how and then getting your hands dirty and helping. Being a leader does not mean that you cannot listen to other opinions, it means that you just listen and be open to new ideas.


Savannah Klein: 9th Grade, Elk River, 2nd Year in YIG

Lt. Governor

Matthew Ternus: 9th Grade, Elk River, 2nd Year in YIG

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Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position

I participate in many activities in my community as well as being involved in school activities. I have logged over 200 volunteer hours in the last 2 years, and love to volunteer at Gillette Children’s hospital and my local food shelf. I am taking a very academically rigorous schedule, including 4 AP courses, one of them being AP govern-ment and politics. I have a passion for Government, and love learning about it and teaching others as well. I have participated in both legislature and the court system so that I could get a feel for multiple program areas during Model Assembly. I have been on the Mounds View student council, am a varsity athlete, and I love leading groups whether they are big or small.

What would you change about Youth in Government if you could make any changes?

I would work to ensure that the main focus of YIG is the government aspect, and learning about Minnesota’s political structure. This is the reason that I first learned to love YIG, and I would want to make sure that the con-ference is as focused on learning as it can be, as opposed to kids going just for the dance and carnival. Our dele-

gation director has done a great job placing very clear deadlines this year, and I think these should be passed along to the rest of the delegations, to make sure that people have their bills in on time, or have their court cases ready for Model Assembly.

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

A leader is someone who can pull together a group of totally different people under the same cause. They offer their opinion, but listen more than they speak. They are assertive, intelligent, charismatic and informed. When a leader stops and speaks, people want to listen.

Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position

I am very involved in many different programs, for starters I am on the leadership team for my delegation, which happens to be the biggest one at YIG. I have participated in Legislature, Court of appeals, and Trial court because I wanted to get a grip on what it means to experience all the different aspects of Yig. Also I am part of Student Council at Mounds View high school and also part of the yearbook staff and a two-sport varsity athlete. Not only am I involved inside of school, I have put many of my hours volunteering. I volunteer at the Simpson shelter and the Children’s hospital. I also am part of a community leadership team ran by Mounds View students called Youth Impact Community Intact, where we hold 4 conventions and try to raise money for any charity we choose.

What would you change about Youth in Government if you could make any changes?

If I were to change anything it would be to focus on more government, rather then just play and have fun. The reason I fell in love with Youth in Government is because I have an intrinsic passion for government and try to understand fully on how it works so I am able to make an educated decision later in life when I myself will vote

for the president of the United State. I also want to make sure all the kids are having in their program areas and learning a lot, and are not just going to the convention to go to the dance and carnival.

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

I believe a leader is someone who leads by example and takes charge. They consider everyone’s opinion and make the best education guess off of it. Being a leader is a social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others with a common task.


Alex Vijums: 11th Grade, St. Paul NW, 4th Year in YIG

Lt. Governor

Carter Jones: 11th Grade, St. Paul NW, 4th Year in YIG

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Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position

I believe that experience is one of the most important things that a candidate for Governor needs. I have been involved in Minnesota YMCA Youth in Government since 9th grade and I have had time to gain a lot of experi-ence and knowledge about the program.

The positions that I have held:

2014-15 State Steering Committee Chair and Youth in Government State Board Member 2013-14 State Steering Committee Vice Chair and Youth in Government State Board Member 2014 Governor’s Executive Assistant (Model Assembly) 2014 Economic and Social Council President (Model United Nations) 2014 State Steering Committee Members 2014 Orono Delegation Chair 2013 Lt. Governor’s Press Secretary (Model Assembly) 2013 State Steering Committee Member

2013 Orono Delegation President 2013 Conference on National Affairs Participants I have been in the Governor/Lt. Governor’s office for the last two years giving me experience in the office and a vast knowledge of how the office works and how it make it successful. As President of the Model United Nations Economic and Social council, I have learned both presiding and leadership experience that is truly invaluable. Though my role as the Chair/Vice Chair of the State Steering Committee and Member of the Youth in Government Board of Directors, I have the knowledge, experience , and unique angle on issues faced by Minnesota Youth in Government. I am able to take my experience as a Model Assembly official, a Model United Nations officer, and a member of the State Steering Committee and Board of Directors to improve Youth in Government and carry on.

What would you change about Youth in Government if you could make any changes?

If I could make any changes to Youth in Government, I would restructure Fall Kick-Off. I believe that Fall Kick-Off could be a very valuable learn-ing experience where students gain knowledge and skills that would help them at Model Assembly, but it isn’t where we currently stand. Fall Kick-Off needs to be more engaging, and teach delegates skills that they didn’t have prior to coming. I believe that what the Legislature did at did at this last Fall Kick-Off was a step in the right direction, but if elected, I would work with the YIG staff to create a more thorough curriculum for teaching the skills and try to make the curriculum something that students can’t get from their delegation, making their trip to Fridley Middle School worth it.

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

To me, being a leader means to have the passion, experience and dedication need to get the job done. A leader must possess the passion, experience, and dedication for the program that changes his or her role from just a job, to something they love.


Jack Ellis: 11th Grade, Orono, 4th Year in YIG

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Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position

Having experience is crucial for holding the position of lieutenant governor. Over the past three years, I am proud to have held many positions of leadership across the Youth in Government programs, and the challenges I faced in each position has developed my leadership skills and knowledge of the program.

The positions I have held include:

2014 Lt. Governor’s At-Large Cabinet Member 2014 State Steering Committee Member 2013 Ramsey Senate President (Model Assembly) 2013 State Steering Committee Member 2013 Michigan Youth in Government Exchange Ambassador 2012 Senator (Model Assembly)

As the President of the Ramsey Senate at Model Assembly 2013, I gained incredible leadership experience in the legislative branch bt presiding over passionate and heated bill debated. I learned how the legislative bodies directly interact with the Lieutenant Governor, the Junior Cabinet, and the Secretary of State office. As a member of the State Steering Committee over the past two years, I have been given the opportunity to influence and improve the program by working with student delegation leaders from across the state. When I served as an exchange ambassador to Michigan Youth in Government’s Model Assembly, I gained knowledge and new ideas and compared the Minnesota Model Assembly, finding different areas in which each Model Assembly excelled or could be improved. My variety of experience allows for me to positively impact Youth in Government. What would you change about Youth in Government if you could make any changes? There are two specific program areas I would make changes to in Youth in Government. The first area is Leadership Corps. I believe that Leader-ship Corps is one of the most important programs areas, because for most delegates, it’s their first experience and first impression of the program. I do not feel the current curriculum taught in Leadership corps is adequate in preparing 8th graders for the following years of YIG. If I were elected Lieutenant Governor, I would spend time reforming and improving the Leadership Corps program. The second program area I would change is National Issues Forum. Due to it’s recent formation as a program area and it’s physical location separate from the Hilton or Capitol, NIF is often overlooked. I would like to put a special emphasis on NIF, to highlight the great accomplishments of the many great delegates in this program area. In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader. Effective leadership goes far beyond holding a position of authority. To me, leadership is about creating a positive and encouraging environment and where everyone can thrive. A leader must always act for the benefit of the group and must value and respect all opinions they may be presented with.

Carly Fredericks: 11th Grade, Lakeville, 3rd Year in YIG

Lt. Governor

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Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position

Ashley and I have together been captains of our volleyball team 3 years in a row. I have coached grades 6-8 at a volleyball camp. I have lead church groups.

What would you change about Youth in Government if you could make any changes?

I would make Youth in Government more connected. I would make sure that all areas are connected and people do not only know what is going on in their specific area. A YIG App for phones should be made so people could get their schedules mobily and could check into their assigned areas.

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

To be a leader it means to make choices that impact not only you, but your peers. Leaders need to be able to have character, integrity, and commitment. A good leader cares about others and their opinions, but also have confi-

dence in themselves and their own opinions.

Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position

Lauren and I have been Captains at your volleyball team for the past three years. I was selected as a presiding judge for last year’s model assembly. I coached 3 times for 3 different volleyball teams over the past year and a half. I was the leader for my church youth board.

What would you change about Youth in Government if you could make any changes?

If I was to change Youth in Government I would make sure everyone is prepared for the program. I know when I was in YIG my first year I didn’t know exactly what I was getting into. I would make sure if you needed help you had access to get help from other youth who do know what they’re doing. This would help prepare and also cre-ate connections for youth to get to know each other.

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

To be a leader it means you have confidence, great communication, commitment, and creativity. You must be passionate about what you’re lead-ing. A leader has a great sense of motivation and can get their ideas and goals accomplished.


Ashley Ganger: 11th Grade, Mankato, 3rd Year in YIG

Lt. Governor

Lauren Else: 11th Grade, Mankato, 3rd Year in YIG

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Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position

I definitely have the most experience of all the candidates for Governor. I am President of the Duluth Dele-gation in which there are currently 50 people. Every previous year the delegation has doubled in size( also under my Vice Presidentship.) I am the only governor candidate to have previous elected experience ar Model Assembly, being Speaker of Humphrey House in 2013. At 2014 MAS I am floor leader of Stanford. I also went to the Conference on National Affairs in NC and have MUN experience as VP of the Security Council. I have previous experience in local politics in Duluth, interning for U.S Congressional races, this experience has given me many contacts in Minnesota politics, that I can help connect with YIG to improve the program by making it even more realistic. I started an AP European study group and am planning on adding Music Theory to the school curriculum. Locally I am working with a few others to add a youth voice on the Duluth City Council. What would you change about Youth in Government if you could make any changes?

The Model Assembly program is amazing, but like anything isn't perfect. We can always work to make to make YIG better. To do so I would make many changes. These are listed on the website: http://www.manningwebber.com. the most important: To make MAS a more technologically up-dated, to make MAS more democratic with IRV voting in governor races, dramatically changing the Governor’s veto power to less ideological and more productive, to add a small budget element to Youth in Government, and to encourage more interaction between all branches of the govern-ment. Finally and most importantly I will stop any exclusiveness that exists in YIG (especially high up in the organization), it really is a major prob-lem. I will accept you as who you are, never ask you to change, and never make you feel excluded because you didn’t change. As Governor I will tolerate no exclusive behavior and appoint based on merit and kindness.

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

A leader creates an environment that makes others feel safe, creative, and appreciated as unique individuals. In YIG I have seen bullying first hand and know that it takes a leader to stand up against how it is and recognize each individual as the unique and beautiful person they are.

Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position

I am currently involved in student council & youth teaching youth. Also I am apart of link crew & have been elected as junior class treasurer this year.

What would you change about Youth in Government if you could make any changes?

If I were to change something about YIG, it would be to make it an even better learning experience than it already is. Also, I would love to help make the delegates get as involved as possible an a really have the best experience possible.

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

To be a leader is someone who sets a good role model, someone people can look up to in times of hardship. A leader is a good compromise finder as well as a problem solver. Lastly a leader is passionate, hard work and



Casey Weber: 11th Grade, Hastings, 3rd Year in YIG

Lt. Governor

Paul Manning: 11th Grade, Duluth, 4th Year in YIG

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Secretary of State

Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position.

This year is my second working on the Youth Secretary of State’s staff at Model Assembly, which has given me insight into how the office functions. It will be my third year at both Model Assembly and Model United Nations. Also, I am a member of the Youth in Government State Steering Committee. Another program I participate in is FFA, an agricultural education organization with a focus on student leadership.

What would you change about Youth in Government if you could make any changes?

I plan to learn more about the implementation of the new bill submission process and see if I can assist with any improvements for next year. I would also like to encourage more people to run for office in coming years in any and all ways that I can.

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

To me, leadership means being able to help people. It means listening to everyone, not only those who support you. A leader knows that leadership is a privilege, not a right. To lead, one must use that privilege to benefit those who granted it.

Elise Farnham: 11th Grade, AFSA, 3rd Year in YIG

Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position.

My freshman year I was appointed to the SOS office. Then Sophomore year I was an appointed official for Ram-sey Senate. Currently I am the Deputy SOS underneath Sarah Schuler.

I have other school related activities that have given me experience I believe is necessary including being a Junior Class Officer, cross country captain and a girls hockey manager.

What would you change about Youth in Government if you could make any changes?

A specific change I would like to make is find a way to limit the number of bills that have the same topic because then the legislature could get through more bills that have the same topic because then the legislature could get through more bills and have different debates. Also the price of YIG is too expensive for some students to partici-pate. I think it would be cool if we fundraised to reduce the cost because I think everyone that wants to should be able to participate.

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

In order to be a leader, you also have to know how to be a follower. Leaders lead with authority, but should also take the time to listen to others and what they are thinking. Being a leader is a powerful position and should be handled with authority and care.

Emily Everson: 11th Grade, Lakeville, 4th Year in YIG

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Media Director

Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position.

I am the Secretary of the Duluth Delegation Youth in Government. I have been instrumental in the progress and organization of this quickly growing delegation. This is my second year of working on my school newspaper, which distributes 1,700 copies monthly. I started as a staff reporter, then was promoted to Arts and Entertainment Editor as well as Opinion Editor, and took on the task of coordinating the new Letters to the Editor section. I am the incumbent Editor in Chief for next year. I have been working in community and regional theater since I was very young. I recently became involved in directing and producing theater. It’s the collaborative process that at-tracts me to any venture.

What would you change about Youth in Government if you could make any changes?

I believe that there is a clique problem in the Youth in Government Programs. There is a select group of “YIG Elite” that win all the positions and stick with where the “power” is. The power comes from the people, some-thing too often forgotten by the people. This year at Youth in Government, I’d like to see people forgotten by the

people. This year at Youth in Government, I’d like to see people who don’t come the YIG oligarchy to take charge. I’d like to see unheard of dele-gates covered in the Media and winning elections. I want to see those with experience reaching out and encouraging those without.

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

To be a leader is to serve the people that you lead, earnestly, honestly, and enthusiastically. The leaders that impact us the most are the ones who wholeheartedly accept accountability and responsibility and attempt to give their best selves to people. A good leader is a listener and a do-er.

Kier Zimmerman: 11th Grade, Duluth, 2nd Year in YIG

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Speaker of the Sanford House

Why do you want to be elected to this position? Model Assembly has become one of the most exciting times of the year for me, right up with the Holidays. I have a passion for sound political discussion, and being speaker of the house puts me right at the head of moderating this discussion. My enthusiasm for Model Assembly and politics makes the role of Speaker very attractive to me. Please state the relevant experience that qualifies you for this position.

2 years of Youth in Government

1 year of speech-original oratory

Head of Fundraising in the Duluth Youth in Government Delegation In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader. Being a leader means being able to take charge and do what’s best for the common good, not what is best for votes on popularity. It is about not letting your opponents deter you, and instead showing everyone how you can guide them to success.

Karl Badger: 11th Grade, Duluth, 3rd Year in YIG

Why do you want to be elected to this position? This is a position of leadership and responsibility that I would provide to the best of my ability. I speak well in front of people, and would provide organization and order in the house. Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position. I participated in Model UN in 8th grade and was in the legislature for MA last year. I have admired and worked to take the position since then. This year I am a lobbyist and also participate in the legislature. In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader. Being a leader means being open to all opinions and taking a strong position and on representing with a good attitude. Being a leader means being a helper and being confidently reliable.

Colin Cosgrove: 10th Grade, River Falls, 2nd Year in YIG

Why do you want to be elected to this position? I want to be able to contribute and become more involved in Youth in Government. I want to reach out to every delegate and make them feel welcome here. Please state the relevant experience that qualifies you for this position.

Preciding officer at Y-CSI

Chair of committee at Model UN Administrative Assistant at Model Assembley In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader. Being a leader means that one must ensure that the needs/wants of others must be met before their own. A leader must be confident and approachable and must make their decisions based on what’s best for their fellow delegates. Most of all a leader must be willing to make sacrifices.

Ben Stolee: 11th Grade, New Prague, 3rd Year in YIG

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Speaker of the Sanford House

Why do you want to be elected to this position? I want to be elected as the speaker of the Sanford House because I have been given so much in this program, and I have grown so much due to the opportunities that I’ve been given. I want to help every delegate reach their full potential in every way I can. And I believe that this position is the best way for me to accomplish my goal. Please state the relevant experience that qualifies you for this position. I believe that I am qualified for the position of the Speaker of the house due to my prior experiences. I have been Appointed for two years, admin, Assistant in Ramsey and Clerk of Sanford. I am also the president of the Shako-pee Delegation. I also founded an anti-bullying group with my brother. In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader. I believe that the core of leadership is communication A leader needs to be able to use their own skills and em-ploy them efficiently in a manner that everyone can understand and gain from. A leader needs to inspire tomor

row’s leaders to stand up today.

Brandon Stevens: 11th Grade, Shakopee, 4th Year in YIG

Why do you want to be elected to this position? I hold strong leadership skills as well a vast knolwage of parlementry Please state the relevant experience that qualifies you for this position. I am a compedition in nataiona congressional debate + have 3 years of weekly debate compitition makeing me an expert on parlementry prosedure. In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader. A leader is fair and unbiased far or againt a person. The job at a leader is advancement of all.

Calvin Benson: 10th Grade, Andover, 3rd Year in YIG

Why do you want to be elected to this position? Because I believe that I can fulfill the duties of this office just as good or better than any other canidate. I also would love the chance to work with other elected persons. Please state the relevant experience that qualifies you for this position. I was an Attorney with Yig at the 2013 Model assembly, and a member of the house for the 2014 model assem-bly. I am a member of NHS, and the youth Advisory councle at my school. I am a published author for Three Sixty Journalism, and I sing with the Minnesota Boychoir. So I have experience soloing in from of a large group. In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader. A leader is a person who not only can command a group effecivey, they are a person who can connect with peo-ple on a personal level, understand their problems, and do everything they can to solve those problems

Thomas Aldrich: 11th Grade, Minneapolis Downtown 2nd Year in YIG

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Speaker of the Sanford House

Why do you want to be elected to this position? I want to be elected so I can get another perspective in the legislative process. Please state the relevant experience that qualifies you for this position. I will have been in the Sibley House for one year. Eagle scout. In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader. A leader is a person that takes the initiative to better themselves or another.

Phillip Hoffarth: 10th Grade, Shakopee, 2nd Year in YIG

President of the Knutson Senate

Why do you want to be elected to this position? I feel like I should be elected because I feel I can carry out the roles of Knutson Senate. I am a committee chair this year and I feel I’m doing a good job at that so running a senate is a little more difficult but I believe I can handle it. Please state the relevant experience that qualifies you for this position. I am the Sergenent-at-Arms of the Ramsey Senate and the Ramsey-Sibley Public Transit Committee. In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader. A leader is someone who people look up to. They dont go along with other things but speak their mind. They know and are friends with the people they know and who know them. They can lead without any hesitation.

Josh Broom: 10th Grade, Prior Lake, 3rd Year in YIG

Why do you want to be elected to this position? I’ve been debating bills for 3 years, and I love the process! The legislature is the most exciting branch of YIG because you never know what’s going to happen next. To be a bigger part of this organization would be a gift. Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position. 3 years of Senate experience, and a passion for parliamentary procedure! I’m also in Mock Trial, Speech, Drama and I’m an honors student. In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader. To be a leader is to set a model for excellence, and to encourage and inspire others to reach their full potential.

Sabrina Kowal: 11th Grade, Lakeville, 4thYear in YIG

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President of the Knutson Senate

Why do you want to be elected to this position? I feel that I would be a strong fit. I want to make my future senate run smoothly and to its full potential. If elected I would put it first and give it my all to ensure a good, proper senate for the next model assembly. Model assem-bly is my second home, and I want to pass that on. Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position.

Captained soccer team for 2 back-to-back years

Floor leader of Stassen Senate

Outstanding leader/debator my 1st year of YIG

President of Leaders Club for 2 years In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

Being a leader is being someone to be counted on. They should exemplify what YIG is all about. They should be someone to look up to and say “I want to be there.” They should be caring, Honest, Respectful, and Responsible. You should be able to go to them with anything.

Ezra Ba: 10th Grade, St. Paul Urban, 4th Year in YIG

Why do you want to be elected to this position? I would like to be elected into this position because I love YIG and would liked to be more involved. YIG has really pushed me to be more confi-dent, and a better leader and I want to give back. Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position. I have been involved in YIG for 3 years. I have held many leadership positions in different clubs in my school including Mock Trial, Student Coun-cil, our school newspaper, and an anti-bullying program; Green Dot. I have been Captain of my soccer team for 3 years. In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader,, To be a leader means to be confident in yourself and stand up for what you believe in. It means to not be closed minded, but open to others ideas, opinions and beliefs. To be a leader means to do your best to make a positive difference in your community.

Jenna Conzemius: 10th Grade, Hastings, 4th Year in YIG

Why do you want to be elected to this position? Because I want to be in a position in which I can help fellow delegates improve their debating and bill writing skills, along with doing as much as I can to make the system more efficient. Please state the relevant experience that qualifies you for this position. Two years of Model Assembly (Three counting this year), experience holding roles of leadership in school largely consisting of school projects, choir, school clubs, and helping with my local Model Assembly delegate. In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader. Being a leader means using your unique skills and abilities to help those following you, while being both humble and willing to admit when you’re wrong.

Brian Dyke: 10th Grade, River Falls, 3rd Year in YIG

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President of the Knutson Senate

Why do you want to be elected to this position? I have been fully committed to making YIG better ever since I joined in 8th grade. I feel that this is a great oppor-tunity for me to do so, and I feel I can really help the program. Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position. Will be my 5th year at YIG

President Pro Tempore of Ramsey Senate

Speech team

Debate team

3 years on the YIG State Steering Committee In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader. A leader is someone who puts the people first, to me, a good leader is opinionated, but still has to be able to set

aside their personal agenda. They need to be approachable, and yet, they need to be able to take control. I believe I have all these qualities.

Zachary Markon: 11th Grade, Egan, 5th Year in YIG

Why do you want to be elected to this position? This is my 3rd year of participation in Model assembly and serving 2 of those years as an appointed official. I have put my soul and tears into Model Assembly and would love to continue improving Model Assembly. Please state the relevant experience that qualifies you for this position. My leadership experience includes Assistant Floor leader of Sibley House, Committee Chair, Floor Leader of Knutson Senate, appointed official at MUN, serving on the State Steering Committee, and Vice President of the Duluth Delegation In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader. Being a leader means putting the needs of others before yourself. It means being a good role model and example for others.

Sydney Nelson: 11th Grade, Duluth, 3rd Year in YIG

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President of the Knutson Senate

Why do you want to be elected to this position? Every year I look forward to the four days in January when Model Assembly is held. Once it finally arrives and I get to the hotel, it is evident that peers with similar interests and passions surround me, and it creates an exciting, fun atmosphere. My love for governmental and political affairs is shown through my many extra curricular ac-tivities, yet none fully distinguish them like Youth in Government does. Since my first day of YIG, when I was an 8th grader, I have wanted to hold an elected position. I feel my vast leadership and public speaking qualifies me for such a position, however my passion for YIG is the most important of all. I want to be a leader, not just a follower. I want to create an exciting environment for everyone who attends, I want to enact change for the bet-terment of the people, and I want to stimulate a sense of curiosity in my peers. Please state the relevant experience that qualifies you for this position.

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader. A leader is someone who takes charge of a situation and changes what goes on around them in a postive way to help others. They stand up for what they believe in while taking input from the public and speaking for the good of the crowd.

Jenna Scheffert: 11th Grade, Northfield, 4th Year in YIG

YIG related:

2011 Leadership Corps

2012 Appointed Floor Leader for Humphrey House

2012 Committee Chair of Ecology

2012 Elected Lower Legislature Representative for YIG Board Committee

2013 Appointed Floor Leader for Humphrey House

2013 Committee Chair of Transportation

2014 Appointed Assistant Floor Leader for Knutson Senate

2014 Committee Chair of Education Services

2014 Selected Local Steering Committee member Not YIG Related

2009-2014 Speech Team

2011-2014 Deca Business Club, made it to state as a freshman

2013-2014 Mayor’s Youth Council

2013-2014 Captain Mock Trial

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

Why do you want to be elected to this position? I want to be elected to this position because I not only want to see growth in myself, but also others. I love to see those kids at the conference who starts out shy and by the end of it are rocking it. I want to serve them so I feel apart of their YIG experience more. Please state the relevant experience that qualifies you for this position. I am currently the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, so I am what I am running for. Additionally I have been in YIG for 3 years, was an appointed official in the court of appeals my 10th grade year, an NHS member, dedicated competitive swimmer, and I also have really good tweets. In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader. A leader is someone who cares + who has passion. It means that a leader can take charge, but also step back + others chances. Also It means a great deal because you are able to serve others.

Ben Sprengeler: 11th Grade, Lakeville, 3rd Year in YIG

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Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals

Why do you want to be elected to this position? I want to be elected because I love the courts-especially the court of appeals! I have a passion to help people un-derstand this system and have a great time with YIG. Please state the relevant experience that qualifies you for this position. I have been appointed in trial courts for one year, and have has experience as a student in court of appeals for one year. I also have leadership experience with one year of student council and another year of student leader cabinet as thee treasurer. In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader. A leader is a person whose actions and words are closely followed. Leaders have to be leaders all the time, al-ways having integrity leaders should be passionate to inspire others to be the same.

Jisoo Kim: 10th Grade, Mankato, 2nd Year in YIG

Why do you want to be elected to this position? I want to leader my peers, and create an even better experience for them in the Court of Appeals than I had myself in the past couple years. Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position. This past year I was an appointed official for the COA (court administrator)

I’ve participated in COA for two years

I participate in leadership activities and advisory boards on the national level. In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader. A leader is someone who makes those around them better. They are respectable role models who earn respect by giving respect. They lead both by example, and by teaching and helping others.

Raúl Sánchez: 11th Grade, River Falls, 3rd Year in YIG

Why do you want to be elected to this position? My first year in YIG, I did Trial Court and Court of Appeals, falling instantly in love with Court of Appeals. If elected, I could use my experiences to help the delegates gain an understanding of the court system along with presenting strong cases. Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position. 1 year as a delegate in Court of Appeals, 1 year Chief Administrator and Judge for Court of Appeals, 1 year Su-preme Court Administrator and Judge, Outstanding Attorney my first year in YIG. In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader. A leader is someone who will respectfully fight for what they believe in, even if it isn’t the popular opinion, who includes everyone in conversation and makes strong future leaders out of followers and leaders. Someone encour-aging and who isn’t afraid to takes risks.

Sabrina Batiz: 11th Grade, Shoreview, 3rd Year in YIG

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Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals

Why do you want to be elected to this position? I would like to be elected to this position because my motto is to try new things, and to take the risks, I would take the challenge, and live up to the requirements. Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position. This will be my second year in youth in government. My first year I was in Leadership Corps and in Leadership Corps they introduced courts and elections to me. In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader. In my opinion a leader is a individual whos actions and thoughts are whole-hearted, respectful, responsible, intel-lutual, trustworthy, level-headed and most of all loyal. That is what I feel a leader is.

Ashley Carter: 9th Grade, Shakopee, 2nd Year in YIG

Why do you want to be elected to this position? I want to be elected because I think that’d I would be a great leader in this position. I like to help and guide peo-ple through important or unimportant things, it doesn’t matter because I enjoy helping people either way, It makes me feel accomplished when I motivate people and it also makes me feel happy on how I can inspire people to do things they think they can’t. Even if I loose the election at least I get the experience of running and I’m appreciative of it. Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position. Some experience that have is that I am on my own delegation steering committee. I am mentoring three delegates from my delegation guiding them throughly YIG and I have experience one of my own delegate (Deanna Sheshukova) lead and guide many delegates including myself. She is the reason why I’m motivated to run for election! In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

What it means to be a leader is that you’re kind, respectful and a inspirational person. Many people will look up to you and want to be just like you. Leaders motivate people and they never give up. They’re thoughtful of others and open minded. They achieve the unachievable.

Jennifer Prathum: 9th Grade, Shakopee, 2ndYear in YIG

Why do you want to be elected to this position? I consider myself an outgoing person, and in this opportunity I see a way to connect with kids and adults outside my own delegation. I am also seriously considering a career in law, so any experience with courts is both fun and useful for me. Lastly, I am drawn to anything that involves being a leader, organizing, helping and planning. I can easily see myself working with the YIG Court of Appeals in the future. Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position. -Mock Trial (JV 2 Years, Varsity 1 year) -DECA & Speech -Role of leadership on lacrosse team -Former dance team captain -1 year YIG in the Court of Appeals -Used to a large workload (several AP classes) In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

I believe that being a leader requires going above and beyond what is required, considering the entire group rather than just oneself. Leaders must be creative, outgoing, innovative, dedicated, and helpful. They take that extra step in any situation.

Audrey Kornkven: 10th Grade, Northfield, 1st Year in YIG

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Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals

Why do you want to be elected to this position? The court of Appeals is truly a great place to be a part of. It balances the characteristics of leadership, respect, and learning in a unique way. I would be honored to be given the opportunity to give delegates the amazing experiences that I have already had in court. Please state the relevant experience that qualifies you for this position. While I am currently serving as Chief Presiding Judge of the Court of Appeals. I also am involved Minnesota High School Mock Trial, so I have a wide knowledge of courtroom procedure and decofum. I also am a participant in DECA a business competition club, which promotes public speak-ing skills. In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader. Leading is not about control or prestige. A leader’s role is to guide and to help. Serving the the people is what a true leader does. A leader’s job is not done until everyone has had the best experience possible- which I believe I can provide.

AJ Yablonsky: 10th Grade, Ridgedale, 3rd Year in YIG

Why do you want to be elected to this position? I feel like I cam bring a lot of wanted qualities to the often-intimidating Appeals Court — Friendliness, organiza-tion, relatability, and other leadership skills. I also want to help spread the word of how fun these courts are, and make the judicial branch more popular. And I’d love other to be inspired to try an excel like I have tried. Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position. This year I have had a great time being a presiding judge for the Court of Appeals. I have also been a part of the Northland Foundation’s Leadership Academy, in which I got to work with leaders around Minnesota for my entire freshman year. I’ve also put in countless hours in volunteering for leading play camps around my commu-nity. In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader. Being a leader is more than leading, it’s emphathizing with your peers and focusing on their wants and needs. It’s

about mutual respect, teaching, and learning. But above all else, it’s courage and making a stand.

Jacob Kowalczak: 10th Grade, Duluth, 3rd Year in YIG

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Chief Judge of the District Court

Why do you want to be elected to this position? I am very interested in becoming more involved in all aspects of my life. So far, YIG had been an incredible ex-perience for me, and becoming more involved by being an officer would truly enhanced the experience. I also find myself to be very responsible, punctual and a great leader. Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position. -Student council -Varsity Mock Trial -LINK leader -Vice president of 4-H club -President of school choir In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader. To be a leader is to take responsibility for a group of people, and to guide them to the best of your abilities. I also feel that it is being a good role model and helpful and kind through all of your actions.

Jane Ludwig: 10th Grade, Northfield, 1st Year in YIG

Why do you want to be elected to this position? My 1st year of YIG as a lawyer I fell in love with law and the legal system. And I believe that a great way to learn about the Law and Legal System, because then I would know what it’s like to be a Chief Judge in the real world and then it would help me decide if I want to going in something like that after I graduate high school. Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position. -I was a lawyer my 1st year -My second year I was Appointed to be a Trial Court Judge -I took a college law class at my school -I have leadership skills I picked up from being in charge of the Trial/District lawyers in my delegation In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader. To be a leader one doesn’t just to be able to control a group of people, they are to help guide those who need help, and they also need to be friendly a good listener and they need to be kind.

Barry Toland: 11th Grade, Duluth, 3rd Year in YIG

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Chief Judge of the Trial Courts

Why do you want to be elected to this position? I want to share my passion for YIG with another year of leading the trial courts. Please state the relevant experience that qualifies you for this position. 4 years overall experience in YIG 1 year Appeals/Trial Attorney 1 year Appeals court Judge 1 year Trial Court Chief Judge Elect In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader. A leader is someone with the ambition to make change, and takes the initiative to do so.

Sara Bultsma: 11th Grade, Lakeville, 4th Year in YIG

Why do you want to be elected to this position? I’m so passionate about YIG and the memories/experiences because of it. I want to have Trial Court kids have a just as good or even better experience than I did and have it be fully rewarding for them. Please state the relevant experience that qualifies you for this position.

CAA Leadership Award 2011

Leadership Corps Leadership Award 2012

Appointed Trial Court Judge 2014 (this year)

Lead in Annie @ Chippewa Middle School (Also include organizing show)

Superior award at North Height’s Speech Meet 3 years

small group leader for kid’s ministries @ Eagle Brook Church (Volunteer Position)

Speech @ Mounds View High School 2013-2014 In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

Lisa Reimann: 9th Grade, Shoreview, 2nd Year in YIG

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NIF Presiding Officer

Why do you want to be elected to this position?

I really love what NIF is doing, and want to apply myself to the next step. I would invest all of my energy and time at this convention in order to enhance everyone’s time.

Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position.

Even though it is my first year at YIG and NIF, I’ve had a blash and debating these deep proposals is right up my alley. I love speech and debate, and with my experience in leadership, this is why I am qualified.

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

In order to be a leader, you need to be a charismatic example. Being a leader requires a person to put others ahead of themselves in order to fulfill the objective.

John Lucke: 11th Grade, Holy Family, 1st Year in YIG

Why do you want to be elected to this position?

This is my first year in Y.I.G., and all that is encompassed within the program. The issues addressed are relevant to this country, and it is important that the youth of Minnesota are informed of the issues presented in N.I.F., as well as given an opportunity to develop specific, well-thought out opinions on said issues.

Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position.

While I have no previous experience with Y.I.G., I have plenty of experience with speaking in front of others and voicing my opinions. I am a member of the speech team at my school, which provides me with a great outlet for public speech. I am a member of my town’s Mayor’s Youth Council, which is a student led committee in which members are appointed by the mayor of the town, and we must all be strong leaders and be willing to take a stance on issues relevant to the youth of our town.

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

A leader is someone who knows what they want, and is willing to act upon their beliefs in an orderly, sophisti-cated manor. They must hold true to their personal beliefs, as well as accommodate the beliefs of those they are representing. A leader is well-spoken and eloquent, and they have a true passion for what they are leading.

Erin Hahn: 11th Grade, Northfield, 2nd Year in YIG

Why do you want to be elected to this position?

I want to be elected because I am a good leader. Also I have the passion and integrity to follow through my prom-ise if I am elected. With NIF being so young I will help if I am elected.

Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position.

Being the presiding officer means that the person is a leader among his peers. I think I qualify for this because I have been a varsity captain since 8th grade year. I also am involved in Student Council, Deca, and tutoring in the school.

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

A leader is a person who will stand up for what is right, even if he or she is standing alone.

Tristen Witthuhn: 11th Grade, Elk River, 2nd Year in YIG

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Speaker of the Sibley House

Why do you want to be elected to this position?

I would like to be elected for this role because I would like to get more involved with YIG so I can enhance my experience.

Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position.

I am on speech team. I am doing a drama speech. I am very comfortable with talking in front of others.

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

Being a leader means being a role model and setting an example for others. It means helping others and putting them before your needs.

Rana Imtiaz: 9th Grade, Duluth, 1st Year in YIG

Why do you want to be elected to this position?

I would like to be an elected because I love the yig program and I want to learn more about the program.

Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position.

I am a wonderful student. This is my first year but my dad went for many years. I am a very in charge person but will always listen to others ideas

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

A leader is someone who can take charge but can also listen and understand others idea.

Laura Osterdyk: 9th Grade, Shakopee, 1st Year in YIG

Why do you want to be elected to this position?

Because I would like to make change like Barack Obama, Nelson Mandela, and John F. Kennedy, these people made a big impact on all of our lives. Like these leaders I think I can make a big impact on the life of others.

Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position.

I’ve been in student council since 7th grade and I am currently part of the Student Council’s executive board. I have volunteered countless times & this experience not only changed my view of things, it motivated me to help move people. I took initiative & not only did I help people but I took partner in involving more student members to participate.

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

To be a leader is to not only direct people but to help others become a better leader than they are today. A leader is not one who just leads but is one who improves. A leader should never give up and strive to be the best they can be.

Sabrina Ali: 9th Grade, Higher Ground, 3rd Year in YIG

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Speaker of the Sibley House

Why do you want to be elected to this position?

I feel I can be a good speaker because I have good qualities that I believe are needed like the ability to listen to others opinion as well as argue for my own if need be.

Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position.

I had a small amount, being the speaker in a mock trial for leadership core and I felt It was a good position for me. I may not have the most experi-ence but I feel I am right for this position.

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

I feel being a leader means to be someone people can look up to as well as trust to follow them, as well as listen to their opinions.

William Merrill: 8th Grade, Duluth, 1st Year in YIG

Why do you want to be elected to this position? I want to be a leader and have more responsibility in YIG. I would like to have a better time at YIG. Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position. I have attended YIG for 2 years and have been captains on past sports teams. In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader. I have been a leader, you need to stand up for what you, and the other people you are searving think is right.

Max Gulli: 9th Grade, Shoreview, 2nd Year in YIG

President of the Ramsey Senate

Why do you want to be elected to this position?

I want to be elected because I’m good at being in charge. I’m also good a being fair and happy and love to smile and have fun.

Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position.

I have no previous experience but I am a fast learner and very determined.

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

A leader is someone who can step up and get control of a room. A leader is someone who people can look up to and plan thing.

Deon Marshall: 8th Grade, White Bear Lake, 2nd Year in YIG

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President of the Ramsey Senate

Why do you want to be elected to this position?

I would like to be elected as President of Ramsey Senate because I believe I will have a good influence on Ram-sey Senate. I think I can introduce some flare into Ramsey while keeping it official, formal, and organized. I have very much enjoyed my first couple of days in Youth in Government and I would really like to become more in-volved in this great program.

Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position.

The relevant experience that I have consists of being captain of the soccer team and being a youth leader at church. Also I have a public speaking experience helping out at the middle and elementary schools. This is my first year at Model Assembly, but I have loved the experiences I have already had and look forward to the rest of the weekend.

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

I believe being a leader consists of specific traits and professional qualities. One of these traits is being able to take control while still respecting others. It is also important to take everyones opinions into consideration and not over look anyone. Finally suc-cessful leaders create positive environments where all can thrive.

Hudson Fredericks: 9th Grade, Lakeville, 1st Year in YIG

Why do you want to be elected to this position?

I want to be elected because after watching the current president of Ramsey Senate I thought it looked like a fun job. I like being involved in YIG and this is the best way for me to do it.

Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position.

This year I am the assistant floor leader of the Ramsey Senate as well as the chair of the committee on Govern-ment Administration. I participated in the leadership core in 8th Grade.

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

A leader is someone who commands respect first and obedience second. A leader doesn’t make others imitate him, he makes them strive to be their best. Most importantly a leader is a good human being.

Alex White: 9th Grade, Ridgedale, 3rd Year in YIG

Why do you want to be elected to this position?

It seems like a great experience, I would like to persue a career either in legislature or law, and that takes a lot of procedure. This will give me background on that.

Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position.

I am on the mock trial team at my school so I know the importance of procedure, and I was in Ramsey Senate for a year, I was a clerk in a committee, I also went through leadership core.

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

A person who people look up to and respect, but also realizes that failure is o.k. as long as you get up and try

again. Also, someone who accepts other’s ideas.

Jacob Hoffner: 9th Grade, Ridgedale, 3rd Year in YIG

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Speaker of the Humphrey House

Why do you want to be elected to this position?

YIG is a way for youth to participate in government + democracy in a positive way. I would make sure all bills + authors of the bills are treated respectfully and fairly.

Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position.

-student council president

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

Someone who genuinely cares about the issues and listens and treats everyone with respect and believes in de-mocracy.

Flannery White: 9th Grade, Duluth, 1st Year in YIG

Why do you want to be elected to this position? I like to lead. I would like to have a position of responsibility in YIG. I would like to help in anyway I can. Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position.

Attended YIG for 2 years

A semester of speech class at MVHS

Been a captin on football, hockey and baseball teams In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader. To be a leader you need to be strong and firm. But you must also be kind and helpful to those that you serve.

Quinn McDonagh: 9th Grade, Shoreview, 2nd Year in YIG

Why do you want to be elected to this position?

To meat people and really lern and get into government and yig

Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position.

I have spoke at MUN and I am a leader at my school

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

I am not able to describe it the feeling is just so good leading and teaching my peers it is an honor for me.

Spencer Will: 8th Grade, Prior Lake, 2nd Year in YIG

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President of the Stassen Senate

Why do you want to be elected to this position?

Because I like speaking out loud and hearing others have to say and seeing both sides of the bill.

Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position.

I don’t have much experience but would be willing to learn in what experience I lack.

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

It means to bring people together for the greater good.

Casey Witts: 8th Grade, Red Wing, 2nd Year in YIG

Why do you want to be elected for this position?

I would love to be elected to this position because I want to really grow with Youth in Government and help oth-ers grow with it as well. This means that I want to grow in leadership, confidence, and dedication. I will also help other delegates improve and put into action these qualities while at YIG and later in life. Finally, I want to help make YIG a fun and worthwhile learning experience for everyone.

Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position.

I have always been a very dedicated and involved person in all of my leadership and extra curricular roles.

With that said, I am very involved in my high school’s student council, Leo’s club ecommunity service (club), volleyball (captain), and I am an avid public speaker with my school’s speech club and DECA club. I believe all of these experiences have taught me invaluable skills (such as public speaking, organization, social skills, and more) that I can apply at YIG and in life.

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

To be a leader you have to have compassion and dedication. You must be able to understand and really want to help people have a great experience. You also must be dedicated to being a role model and a friend to the people you lead. You must love leading.

Elaina Seemann: 9th Grade, Elk River, 3rd Year in YIG

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Lobbyist Director

Why do you want to be elected to this position?

I absolutely love lobbying. The lobbyist program means so much to me, my whole YIG experience began and were shaped by their program. I would like to be just as positive of an influence.

Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position.

I have been a part of the lobbyist program for two years now, and was an appointed senior lobbyist leader this year. This year, I led the civil liberties coalition as well.

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

Being a leader is being the biggest team player.

Elissa Schmiel: 11th Grade, Mankato, 3rd Year in YIG

Why do you want to be elected to this position?

I really have enjoyed this part of the program a lot of fun and very informing I would really like to help others next year.

Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position.

I was a lobbyist this year and in 9th grade I was in Ramsey Senate.

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

To be a leader means to show the way to other be helpful not bossy or mean. Be kind and honest.

Mahli Wold: 10th Grade, Elk River, 3rd Year in YIG

Why do you want to be elected to this position?

The lobbyist faction is an essential gear in the legislative machine and requires capable and responsible leader-ship. The experience, enthusiasm, and persuasiveness that I can bring to this position will ensure that the lobby-ists of 2015 will receive an unparalleled experience.

Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position.

-Center Point Energy Lobbyist (MAS 2014)

-Elected to YCSI 2014

-Debate team (2012-)

-Speech Team (2012-)

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

A leader is one who will seize initiative to guarantee maximized success and happiness for the group while striving to include everybody in the group.

Ken Han: 10th Grade, Southdale, 2nd Year in YIG

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Lobbyist Director

Why do you want to be elected to this position?

I have been a Junior lobbyist and an appointed official for lobbying. I love this program and I believe I can keep the program’s momentum going and make it even better.

Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position.

Senior Patrol leader (boyscouts)

Co-president of Youth in Government at my school

President of Chinese Club

On swim team and track team, also manage the girls swim team.

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

Being a leader is not about making people do things, being a leader is about teaching people how to do something and being a role model. Being a leader to me is also to keep this lobbyist programs alive and make it better than it ever has been.

Daniel Huset: 11th Grade, Fridley, 4th Year in YIG

Why do you want to be elected to this position?

I want to be elected to this position because I believe I would be able to run the TV station well and produce qual-ity programming for the betterment of the YIG model assembly.

Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position.

I am currently in the TV station and am quickly learning the new systems for running the station. I am also in-volved in my high school’s student council so I am also qualified to leader in a more general sense.

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

A leader is not one who tells others what to do, but rather one who shows others how to live.

Grant Delaune: 10th Grade, Shoreview, 3rd Year in YIG

TV Station Manager

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Radio Station Manager

Why do you want to be elected to this position?

In radio I have found an amazing community that I wish to give back to I want to maintain the unique joys of the radio program.

Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position.

-3 year MA participant

-5 year MUN participant

-CONA attendee

-Speech team

-Various theater experiences

-Board member of the Northfield Healthy Community Initiative

-Mayor’s Youth Council Member

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

A leader should work with their followers to develop goals and a vision, and take on the responsibility of murins some of those goals and that vision is fulfilled.

Ben Andrew: 11th Grade, Northfield, 3rd Year in YIG

Why do you want to be elected to this position?

I feel I can contribute well to YIG Radio, and help others in the program. I want to be able to impact media in a positive way, and interest other in joining the program. I want to help every media member feel they are accom-plishing something important, and help them reach their full potential.

Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position.

-This will be my second year in YIG media

-I have years of experience with the programs used in YIG media, such as audacity, final cut, garage band, ect.

-I’ve been in girl scouts for 8 plus years, and from that have gained significant leadership skills.

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

A leader is someone who directs a group of people-helps them understand their goals, objectives, and how they can accomplish the task at hand. They teach and inspire their group members help them feel their work is significant, and that they’re a part of something grand and valued.

Isabel Milano: 11th Grade, Ridgedale, 4th Year in YIG

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Newspaper Manager

Why do you want to be elected to this position?

I’ve worked in the Newspaper Office before and I love the hustle and bustle. Working with Media teaches real life experience that I’ll be able to use later in life. Running for office will allow me to make the most of my YIG experience and will give me a closer look at the inner working of Model Assembly.

Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position.

I currently hold the position of Layout Editor in Newspaper and work closely with the manager. I was part of our middle school Broadcast/morning Announcements team and have much experience writing ditties. I’m the secre-tary of the local 4-H club, lending me note taking and organization skills. I’ve chaired many events for our school’s service learning club and am an active member of student council.

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

Being a leader means you’re able to lower yourself to help others. You get others involved and make your space a fun place to be. You lead by example, working hard but know there is excitement to be found in the job.

Katherine Stevenson: 10th Grade, Fridley, 4th Year in YIG

Why do you want to be elected to this position?

I’ve been involved in YIG Newspaper for 2 years now, and I want to take a step forward in my experience. I don’t think there are currently any other eligible candidates as experienced as me. I also wish to experience what it means to be a leader in a formal setting.

Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position.

Two years YIG Newspaper

Two years of being on the school newspaper – One year as an editor

Four years of attending Model Assembly

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

A leader is someone who can bring out the best work out of people, and then channel that work into creating something spectacular.

Alistair Tang: 11th Grade, Shoreview, 5th Year in YIG

Why do you want to be elected to this position?

Ever since I joined Newspaper my 10th grade year, it had been the #1 thing that I look forward to each year. I’d love to take it to the next level and become more involved with the program area by becoming the newspaper manager. This is something that I’m willing to take on and dedicate my time to. I would be honored to receive this position.

Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position.

I have been in Newspaper since 10th grade year. That year, I was an appointed official that not only devoted my time as a Copy Editor but also as a reporter that had articles featured in the newspaper as well. I have lots of ex-perience with how the newspaper area runs because I’ve been involved with the program for so long. Also I’ve held many leadership roles in my many clubs at my school. Because all of this I think that I would be very suit-able pick for this leadership position.

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

A leader is a person that can step up and make a difference that no other person is willing to make. Also, they need to be flexible, opened minded and a positive attitude. Another thing is that they need to be good with everyone that they deal with.

Matthew Mraz: 11th Grade, Fridley, 2nd Year in YIG

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Digital Media Manager

Why do you want to be elected to this position?

I want to keep improving Digital Media.

Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position.

I have been in Digital Media for 2 years and I am the current Digital Media Manager.

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

A leader is passionate and dedicated to what they lead. A leader doesn’t lead to better themselves, they lead to make their group better, stronger and more united.

Mikaela Blount: 10th Grade, Hastings, 4th Year in YIG

Why do you want to be elected to this position?

I want to be elected to this position because I believe that I can lead and do a great job of managing and develop-ing a section of importance, digital media, which has and is growing in the YMCA Youth in Government pro-gram.

Please state the relevant experience you have that qualifies you for this position.

I have worked in and have experience managing and moderating on forums and websites, have been in speech for three years, and in the previous year at YIG I won the outstanding Program Area Award for my Leadership corp Group.

In 50 words or fewer, please describe what it means to be a leader.

To be a leader doesn’t mean to rule, but to be a role model, and to funnel and direct people’s ideas and opinions into a positive outcome in work or a project.

Leif Berdahl: 9th Grade, Northfield, 2nd Year in YIG
