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20141015 how graphs revolutionize access management

Date post: 24-Jun-2015
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Pespectives on how graph databases can be used for managing identities and access.
How Graphs revolu/onize Access & Iden*ty Management [email protected] @rvanbruggen
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How  Graphs  revolu/onize    

Access  &  Iden*ty  Management  

[email protected]  @rvanbruggen  

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Agenda  •  About  Graphs  •  About  Graph  Databases  •  How  graphs  revolu/onize  Access  &  Iden/ty  Management  –  Short  demonstra/on  

•  Case  Studies  •  Q&A  

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My  personal  history  

•  Silverstream  >  Novell  •  Novell  Iden/ty  &  Access  Management  •  Imprivata  •  Courion  – LeH  the  industry  out  of  frustra/on  with  the  lack  of  “real”  solu/ons…  

– Funnily  enough,  Graphs  could  probably  have  helped…  

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Introduc/on:  about  Graphs  

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Meet ���Leonhard Euler •  Swiss  mathema/cian  •  Inventor  of  Graph  Theory  (1736)  

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Königsberg  (Prussia)  -­‐  1736  

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About  Graph  Databases  

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So  what  is  a  graph  database?  

•  OLTP  database  – “end-­‐user”  transac/ons  

•  Model,  store,  manage  data  as  a  graph  

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What  is  a  graph?  Node  


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Contrast  with  Rela/onal  

Graphs are often referred to as “Whiteboard Friendly”. The data model reflects the way a domain expert would naturally

draw their data on a whiteboard “The schema is the data”. Schema flexibility allows the system

to change in response to a changing environment

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What  are  graphs  good  for?  

Complex  Querying  

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Examples  of  complex  queries?  1.  Semi-­‐structure  in  datasets  


– Normaliza/on  introduces  complexity  

– Forces  developers  to  develop  all  kinds  of  logic  to  deal  with  this  variability  in  their  applica/on  logic  

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Examples  of  complex  queries:  2.  Connectedness  in  data  

Lots  of  normalized  rela/onships  between  the  different  en//es,  forces  developers  to  do  •  Deep  joins  •  Recursive  joins  •  Pathfinding  opera/ons  •  “open-­‐ended”  queries  

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Examples  of  Connectedness  

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Graphs  revolu*onize  I&AM?  

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“Killing”  I&AM  

•  Sta/c  view  of  the  world  –  Iden//es  are  owned,  created  and  managed  by  the  enterprise  

– “Add  Move  Leave”  opera/ons  are  too  slow  and  not  aligned  with  core  cons/tuencies  

– This  “misalignment”  was  a  huge  frustra/on  to  me:  sooooo  difficult  to  argue  the  business  value,  make  it  truly  mafer  to  business,  …  

Many of these points were articulated by Gartner’s Ian Glazer ���at http://blogs.gartner.com/ian-glazer/

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“Killing”  I&AM  

•  “Apart”  from  the  cri/cal  business  applica/ons  (<>  “A  part  of”  the  cri/cal  business  applica/ons)  –  Partner  applica/ons  –  Supplier  applica/ons  –  SaaS  applica/ons  

•  Because  of  this,  IAM  projects  oHen  fail,  and  lack  a  real  business  jus/fica/on  –  I  have  lived  this:  noone  wants  an  “ok”  solu/on,  and  bespoke  solu/ons  are  very,  very  expensive  


Many of these points were articulated by Gartner’s Ian Glazer ���at http://blogs.gartner.com/ian-glazer/

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“Killing”  I&AM  

•  Many  of  these  problems  result  from  the  fact  that  I&A  is  not  easily  represented  as  a  strict  hierarchy,  anymore  –  Hierarchies  cannot  represent  complex,  mul/-­‐dimensional  rela/onships  well  


Many of these points were articulated by Gartner’s Ian Glazer ���at http://blogs.gartner.com/ian-glazer/

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How  do  graphs  help?  

•  Hi-­‐Fi  representa/on  of    complex  real-­‐world  rela/onships  

•  Real-­‐/me  queries    eliminate  need  for    integra/on  and  replica/on  


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1.  Hi-­‐Fi  representa*on  of  reality  

•  I&A  can  be  described  in  as  many  dimensions  as  we  need  – Mul/ple  hierarchies  form  one  graph:  departments,  suppliers,  partners,  assets,  roles,  projects…  

•  Cross-­‐cuing  concerns  (eg.  roles  in  mul/-­‐func/onal  teams)  can  be  easily  described  

•  Removes  the  need  for  applica/on  specific  directories  /  user+role  management  

SeeTed Neward’s The Vietnam of Computer Science

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1.a.  On  RBAC  

•  Cross-­‐cuing  concerns  are  oHen  described  as  RBAC:  “Role-­‐based  Access  Control"  

•  The  truth  about  RBAC  –  Role-­‐based  Access  is  “just”  another  mul/-­‐dimensional  view  of  access  &  iden/ty  

–  RBAC  systems  are  graph  based  in  theory,  but  oHen  implemented  on  top  of  an  RDBMS  that  manages  the  provisioning  system,  that  manages  the  applica/on  directory,  that  manages  the  applica/on  access  

–  REALLY???  


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1.b.  On  Applica*on-­‐specific  Directories  

•  I&AM  has  always  been  “difficult”,  because  essen/ally  it  con/nued  to  be  a  complex  integra/on  project:  you  could  not  do  without  Applica/on-­‐specific  Directories  – Too  difficult  /  slow  to  model  all  applica/on-­‐specific  access  in  a  hierarchy  (ie.  LDAP)  

– This  is  VERY  feasible  in  a  graph  •  So  maybe…  we  would  no  longer  need  to  do  the  integra/on  work?    


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2.  Real  *me  queries  enable  it  all  

•  Access  control,  modeled  as  a  graph,  is  a  perfect  Neo4j  applica/on  – Traversals  can  be  mul/-­‐dimensional  –  and  prefy  deep:  combining  different  hierarchies  in  one  query  •  Asset  Hierarchy  •  Organisa/onal  Hierarchy  •  Partner  Hierarchy  

– Typical  access  control  ques/ons  are  very  “local”,  and  have  excellent  performance  characteris/cs  •  Yes/No  answers  to  authorisa/on  ques/ons  


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Short  demo  

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Use  Cases  (neo4j.com/use-­‐cases)  

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Customers  (neo4j.com/customers)  

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Graph  Gists  (hfp://gist.neo4j.org/)  

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Neo Technology, Inc Confidential

Neo4j License Overview






(Bundle / Core Pricing)

Instances whose purpose is to ensure that the software accessing

Neo4j is meeting specification.!!

(e.g. System Test, Integration Test, UAT, Performance Test, Staging)

Instances that store and process data in a way that benefits and

advances an organization’s goals.!!

May be accessed by applications and/or end users

Includes access by programmers to licensed test instances, and

private instances on the programmer’s personal machine for the sole purpose of writing, debugging, or testing software

designed to access Neo4j

*Or otherwise, depending on the Bundle, and negotiation

Neo4j  versions  /  licenses  

Personal  <  Startup  /  Departmental  <  Enterprise  deployment  models  Open  source  &  Commercial  license  terms  available  

Specific  OEM  models  

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Future  trainings  &  events!  


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Neo  Technology  www.neotechnology.com    Neo4j  www.neo4j.org      [email protected]  /  +32  478  686800  blog.bruggen.com  /  @rvanbruggen    

Q&A,  Conclusion,  Next  Steps  
