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archive.org · 2015. 4. 8. · AII-W4Mlf^MltS^ > MAMTO4NUMMI pS5$3«50cash!;I Mr&iaONf,TIMTaller.I...

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AII-W4Mlf^MltS^ > MAMTO4NUMM I pS5 $3«50 cash! ; I Mr&iaONf, TIM Taller. I VOLiUAE 16. J M. E.FOHS. INvrchant Tailor MARION. KY. n««*<mMW food* every day. Suit* •lade Miler 9IS.00 nad pward*. AlWvMl fMto Mde Mdar ftM. [. CRITTBNDBN COUNTY* ITUCKY. SEPTEMBEI 1895. Nt.nBER 16 Excliuiive agtoncy in Crittenden aed Liyingston co#tiis for Hposi^r , qirjaip priUs THE OROFT d BARNETT M INOOMPOMATCD Plows, RJQHT OU- LEFT. TdLU, KY. DispeBMs GcBvine Kintucky Hnspitality at His Ver* lailks Hoac. How Abo Llucttln lioo«tc4 HiM la lite rinl Uw 0mm kiCfetaM* HI* aktit mwU>. Jo < ta Mm KaaUicii) I'tMt. rmiliim BMijr politic tl cirfNt: Bkekbara, •IiI»mi){Ii » law ver cf pN»tM part so, WM i|hMI; ywwn tfct ^•mtim •! afriMl- turali.t i»»T ttir iniKll bamlft of HfVtag hlaltua, iii WmMforii i-oudIt, km Mllkoljr U M»M4Pd ibai br vuuld bMioM llailMl SUUa flwiUor fioai KMtuoky. Md OM oTtto ipwt •at If^dcr* ut (b* l>^ni<M ikti>' part)' Uaiawslite UlMUiarB. Ho to « Ml««««p4«i. MM ar M •aek i«on«« tarco tkM ow w Mfor txpowliag It .idl. 14 )»l n've»l«l. I of Hiovktiura rrieods bave If I mm III fcoMot tahia l4T«lD«rsl>ilit.r aoil I <lo not niurb bioao IhoM. Ill all btt tUrrInK |>o IMIool OMTor <>r t«rat> four yoon mm kaowB dtfook Ho km oknfi uiQiwi^Tfry otftonw «« •»»ry olMtadc »u>\ m •,,iu<- nf bii nm* Vhorc dofeal ••«io«-<l ioiiimoI, |»tao Mtlilifciil OToo bU Moot lou- alo fftaait by Um roToloUoa o( pMMMMty whlc^. for part toiooM- HO oad the (luiter to ilominett* mea, ll BM oMtbod bj thai o( UOB> to AMorioav pObilo IMo loABjf. Blirktmrn > Iwartinl, bigb- aWtetl, voungrou* eiiMMnieo [of IMSbootI, fall of Inith ami Imnor, Ml of fialU. awl U ia Um ba- M of Um aaa. la Ita brMMtoaT airf liaat erner, Itial pn<Uan liini <> lii" oa*atilaoa<]r f»r luoie ibau pffr laaaoMooaejr orbia kaoa aaalyUcal Rioap t>f ttnx tobJMo. Uo la a oiUaeu of iba woHd aad w Mioaily at borne iu llie iligaited 8coalu cliaui bar al Woabloftoa, or aw«|*t>iag )otao with tbo Tlilaio loolan bo May BMot la Um Kentucky ioam. ^^flkmd aa aa equal >>> tbi- groat tMMM* of tbo party, be i* felt to ho a friend by ovory daj-toborar wbo graapa bl* band, Tbeac are ibc at'crvla uf Joe -Maokboro a Bowor wtib bi* Goaaiiiu- tliKo»ililllllWMMr«M 0>ml tbe man wbo atarta out to plook Blacklmru'* laurela baa rat OQt a lorge )ob tor bimaelf. Tbaio la MlbiH utUkM about hekboro, aM bia qoM OOMliy life, wbfu ul home, la iu keepiag Wlib Um aiapliclty and nboleaouie- iMMi*«kMM«r. lolivaaina pieASut old ooaatiy boooo oo Roaa Hill Um priaoipia raaMaaot tboroagb fclOla Voraalllea, without any at tmpi to oatoobaioa, or aveo •Hylo.'* No NaoHod lod^j lofeaa yoar card. Not ev< ii a c3loMd MO* trraat attend* Ibe door. Liko all lirtbiraTr. tba Sooater keo)>* plenty 91 mn*m\M, bat bo I* loat aa llkoljr M Ml to oMwar year baock or riag binaclf, If be i* in, -J^A if he doe* MS MfO. Ulackbum probably will Tha bewa U bolH vary chMa to Um atiaat, wlU Um groond rUlag four or Ivo foot trooi taa pavaaMot, aad Uo olraogat paMlog im a p laiiaot }wa» Ion can *<« Hrnator Joe on tbe front portb pulling at hi* belorett pifO, aad Mm. Blaokbon by Ma aldo wllb bar work, witbont anytblog to bint to tba Henator'* higb poaitlon aiCOpt aa air of ilialinrtmn wl.K li looo p aiabla from biai, and ablca voold attfaol aMooMon anywhoM. The IniiTiiir "1 tin- r< .i.tcm v la ijuite a* UDaanuuiiug aa iLe rxtrrior, tiut famlahinga are market! I<y llie 'inlet and liraaUfal laate of Hra. Ulack- bora aa^ brr daagbtor. lti« 'iF>1Nd Kaatuiky IIokp. anti tbart la aoMatkl og ao boao Ilka aad ao ataaol aboM It MMt It kwVMa |>lra«ant plctiire tat mtf^WmML Tla> ion lu recur to. Wbao tbo BaootflV walka *^owa (owti ' ill Vrrtalllea, liariMOi lO OB* Ureiy au»|VL'<le(i wbi-raTOr bO Otaft for aa long a time a* ba atata. ia a mmi daligbtfal alwata boMi bia «M«i lo»|{ a* be i* willio| loladoiKe ia a oMbiRaa. UoM !• klo MtUra mm^^m B^^blMflM ^ AlMiM* ^MM^I vo9&wf MawDwra w aima* ivvwwi, hia kOOM paopl«>, irri'i>i>e<'tivi' nf |miI tttua or oolar, faoliog tbat ba belong- od to tkoM. «« ho la mmfh "Joe" (<i lim intimalp*, and under ao circuuiitanct^ iiaving bealowad apoo bia a bigbar title tkaa Cap'a Jar," or ••Cap o Btatkbora. " Tba eolomd paopio—oad tboy oU kaav bia perMoally— call bia **MmH Jot." Aa a friaad. aaaator, HMk* bw« lo a jlwaad of *o liot aatar. Thrn* i* Dolbing aitbio hin (xiwer tjat be would withhold (roui a y one bavlag tba Itaat daia npoa bia Joa Blackbnra waa orlflaaUy okoa ea for Ibc alalatry and «ooM m- donbtadly bavo uatir u (;immI esbort- tr. Ua latbar, Um laM K, M. (••Nad.**) tiakkoHi. OMoflka au«- <v.«fiil In-rdera of thoftoghbitd botH-H of hi* day, uanied bia for Rev. Jotapb Clay p*l>le», a I'reabr larlan olo<^|ya of ooaM lopotetioa. Ha vaa odtwattd lo IkaBlagy at Om- ler ('<.ll«ne, Iml aflirwarda itudietl law. aoil ootorad Mpoo iU pM43tico la Oklai«oki int. «koi taaaljr yaara of aga* The Seaator talla an latorMUng .tory i>f bow Alirahaiu l.ln<-ola gave bia a booat wbaa U waa atniggllng witk Ma Int hi» oaaa. laHkya: ' Whva I waa yaara of ago 1 Ii.iuUmI la Chicago and coaaenced tbapiaaHeaof law. itu,- of uiy Srat oMta ia Um UoiUd Btatoa Coart, wblofc «oa pioaMad ovor by JiiMicc Ml I.< »ii 'f the Supreme Uourl, and Judge l>run)muud, of the llllaoia Clffoalt Court. The oppoaing (•onnael waa laoao N. Arookl, tbao at' h<- head of tbo Chicago bar, anboo- •{urallv a promineat mciu)>rr of Con- 4r«M, aad tba aatbor of tba llrat bi >graphyef Mr. tiaaala. 1 bad rtled a demarrvr to Mr. Arnold'* pluaJtng* la the c^a*e, and when tbe caae waa reached on tbe calender, I waa qoila aorrooa at ba? taf «nob a fofaldabb aad ii qp wl ia uad aatago- Diii, while the dignity of tbe tnbu- aal aad Um preaanot of a large nua- bar of.lowyara ail aldad to increa** ay tiaidity and eabarraaaaoat, la tact I WM willing tbat any dNpoal- lioM •lii'ul'l 1k! made of ibc caae, ao I oouia icat ril^f it. 1 wa* reauy to adopt aay aai g ntlBa of tbo oppoo- iuK c<uiDael which woold itliavo M of my cwl>arr**«lng *ilaatioa. I wanted to get away. Mr. Arnold aada aa arnaaMat ia wbieb ha oiiU. elaad ay daaanar la a ai aaair tkat increased my confueion. However, 1 had to awke an effort 1 *aid but ktllo. aad that in a vary liewildered maaaer, aad I wa« abootii ait dawa and Ut Um o«*e go by dafaalt, ao It won. when ^a tall, homely, looae joiaiad aMB aittl^ > tb« bar, wboa I had aallaad gittai Oaartii tittiHim piHHaa I bad n**ame<i In ay feeble argument, making tbe point* *o clear tbat tbe Ooart at OBO* •uataioed my daaur- rar. I did aot kaow wb'i mj iMaa- ury fritod waa, bat Hr. Aiaold got up anil attcMipttMt Ui rebuke him for interfering in |tbe aatter, wbaa I board for tbo Irot tiao Ikat kt waa Alirabaa Llacola, of UprlBglMd, Mr. I.Ioooln aald In bia raply to Mr. Arnold a atricture* tbat he claimed th* priviiaRa of gitrlag a yooag law- aaror aaw aaeh aa Sargeat, a* Ulackbam Ull aboot bl* (iarifaat'a) hi I •arty fnaada la Woodford ooaa>. ty. Sargootaad tbo orawd woaa di BbfonBdtd, for Sargont deolarad III had not H*^n Kliu kliiirn ainoa ho left Woodfuni couaty, over thirty praro a^po aatN taday. Senator Blackburn ha* a faaily. Hi* wife, a vary and delightful woman, wai Miaa Tboraaa Orabaa, daagbtar al Dr, ^ ofteaiT Miqroftke Coofier-Jovfial. WattoraM Potrrrkaa U Coatrol Ita MMtrMMMMi^MMW Mm ComtitutMt. yarabaai lirltt cB.f, «Hk ba I J. C. Orakaa, wko wabnaiwd kf i>|>ei:i*lly If were pittwl bRn<)oet by the city of l/oul*vllle np- Bgainai an fipcriunced practitioner, on attaining bi* looth h^tliday. Uf coiirac I thanketl him and retired They hava Uirae dangbtara aad aoo.' aaptoodoBajroaag Kitid Maiabal. j Tbo oldoot daagbtir Tkonaa, lo tbo I arvtr aaw Llaeoln again aad bt I wifa of CapUla Wllllaa Hall, of tba 'ln 'l Willi. ml kniiwKH! who the •truir rnllcJ Slate* Army. The twoyonn- gliiig law)er wm be *o kindly aa*i*l- gcst daaghtara aro at boae. Tboy ad aod raaoood froa defaat la bia ; are bo«k lalt aad alaadar aad graoa- aaldaa tfoM kaforaa Uattad StatM'fulin form and aoveaent. Miaa triboaaL CoriDnc i* * proaounced brunette Blaekbora ratumad from Chicago »od Ml*a l.ncilla a bloodc- with gold- lo hia aativo ouoaty ia HMO, aad i aa hair aad grajr oyoa. Tbey art gainod a repolatioa aaa looal apoak-lbotb tor* baadaoaa aad atykah tative *u .pMrof^Latoat U. 8. GovH Bapart rr in the I'rcaidrntial canva**. Dur- ing the war be aapouaad tbe cauae of tbe South and raadorod gallant atr- vioa. Wboa a taraMr, hi 1871, ba aada bb dobat la pollUoa aad trom that day to tbi* a ueriod of twenty four yoaio—bo boo aovor baaa do- Ilia fliat conteat waa for Boproaoa- the Kcntaoky Loglalatnre ei Lieiilaaaat Ooveraor B. IHMtar. aad Mao of Mb Ml laaM kM koaa aa kMar and aa fall of thrUliag hia iaitial la I8T4 noinlnatinn to •ucoc4*d lion. J. R. Beck In Coagraaa from the Seventh diatriot, difaHn Hon. K.I 1>. Mar •hall by a awjortty of «,XOO vataa ia a total of ooly ahMt 1ft, 00k. Marabal alao loaidod ia Woodford coaaty. Bo waa a MaHagalikiil or> ator aad a aaa of ahaoat ImaMabiB maKDctic force. Their campalKU in tbe auaaei of '74 waa one of moat aaanUaaat.paUtieal race* aver aafod la Ealaaky, tkoir dobataa oa thoBtaap alwaya botag very acriao- alooa. Blaokbam waa re elevtod to CoagtaaB la 189«, agaia la 'U, 'MO and M, aad hi W ka waa alaratod 10 tbo Sonata ovar Oan. -Oarro Uordo Wllllaaa, after a cancu* ktruggle Ibal lattod many day* and nigbu, and wMok tt la to kayo apat tbo defeatod oaadMMa aa MaalkM tfto,' OOo, Seoator Blaofcbura baa been a atroag adwaaata of'traa ooiaago of tilvorttorBkMabokaahaoa in pub- lic life, aovor k^baaglBg bia opinion And even while hi* booie conatliu- enU an dividod oa tbo taaacial quca tioo, tkoT eaaaOt ' kaip kal adalra Jue'x couiage and 'candiMV BOd an ]u*t an atroDg for him tkia tliao aa tiiey ever wer*. Bbckbura baa atNaya awaaad leaderabip of hU;poM]r, agi H •aabe who Hwung tbo laat AMMtratie sute Coavoatioa la 1811 far troo eilvtr aiahMl tka oak twHat li op|io«itioa. Blaohbara'a BMaory lor aaoMB aa well a* faoaa, U oaa of kia atrikiag charaoterialioa. If a navar forgoU a man tbat be baa oai« met. He pro- bably kM«B«,t)Ottta fB;iC»0O vot«ra la tka lataatk OiaHiiiiiPBi l di* tilot. Some Uae ago ba gave the aoat aatounding proof of hi* wondar, ful reoolloctlon of favaa at lilitaboth- towa, Ky. Ho was ekaitlag witk a BiowdattkBkatBloatkli mtf aak- ject of memory nbm a byetander, wbo bad had Uiaokburn pointod oat lo hia, aaaatatod up and aakad if the Senator know bUa. Hlaokbaia graipc^ hia band, batovMaatly woo at fault "1 doa't wopdar tbat you don't girl*, itnd have been popular ia Waahiagion aooMty aa wail aa at koBM. Joooph 0. 8. Blaakkora. jr.. iaatarfBMB aad waa fonaariy kto fatkar'a private aaeratary. A Prodiglaas Hap. Tbo gtoat aartoy aap of Um ctnlury, i* nearly ooaaploMd. It aUi aaalai* ia aH nearly waa baadiod btaa. aattl "but"— "Hold oa," latamiptad tbo Boaa- tor, "1 ought to know you and if yoB'U taU MB wkBN yoo bib Iroa 1 thiBk 1 BM pkMB yaa yok." •>I(amefrom Woodford oooaty, but I left Man aaay yaara ago, ' old tha aaa. •'1 baaa yoa aaa, yaa an Mr. aad baa boon ooatiag, dariag tho Mat taaaty yoan, one milliob doUata a yaar. liaaeale* vary froa ton to Ita loot to tbo aula for tba towB*. tbroogh twtaty4ta iBcbasaUlaabaikaM laok. oaa^aar- tar of M knk aadoM taalk of aa la«h to tbe mil*. Tbedetaila are*o ainuta tiiat tha twaaty-fita and *ix - io«b m*p* *how every htdgo, Ibaoa, ditoh, wall, baiMiagBad mm oftry iKilato tree ia Iko Boaatry. Ite tvooty-dto- inch map ihowi iu color the malarial of which evory part of a building ia ooB*lructad. Tha plan* *bow not only the exact abapa ofatary bailding,bat every poreh, railway aad Sayiag. OM f baaaa aa a l aiM y aar M girl praaehar ia IntoreaUng Sreiaty llilI,K. C. I'l r a wtt k the child baa oonducMia H«ric*ef revival meetinga, of bar p/aaoh ing ia ro- portad to bo wonderful. At firat ako praaebod only to tbe negroe*, but now white |>eople ar* Aocking to hear her. and tbe whole country round about ia in /rtat aioiUaoat. 8ba qaakaa Hrripluro by tbo okaplar, oaa* good laanuage aad abowa amazing inaight into the frailtiec i>t humanity. A Buabar of ooaver*iona ara reported fkoa kar fwHb—Waitlagtia JhtL Tho view exprcaaad in the (ullow- Mg oMtnrial fMa tka AUaaU Coo* maUoa la tkat oatirtakud by aany KentiMky odalwri at Mr. Waltar- 800. "Vmm ovary ^aartar of tho Don* oeraUc oaap we bear nottiiag bat iarce and harsh criticlaua of Hoar}* VattorBoo and hl« recant oourae, It la a BMarafol fact Uat tbo lontook? loaraallat to aaa tmining UBtUr the very ktatjr BtBSdard whii h ha (bould ba igktlag, bat the muuey Ungaaad laaMalaaa of Daaocracy will dad bia aayUlag bat a will ng atlv. Ho baa probablf boaa driven iato tba rank* of goM abark^ by cir oaaMtaaaoa ovor whioh ba had no ooBtiol, aad la Hakaaat of kaurta be w probably tta ooM oM Maaif Wat- Ur*oa. •The new Watteraon I* tbe crea tioa of the boaiaeM oSoB. Ho aude a brava otruygla, hot alowly and one of the greateet ackiavaaants of aurely the intereeta nod Influence* of the buaioaaa olioe having ooiled a- itaggara bolplotalf aadorbto bavdoa, with no power to atrika a blow for kimaalf or for hi* people. •>lt to tka iroay of fato. Hort ia a mairWko kot yoatarday was willtog to dare everything for the people agi ui*t Um aooay power, and today ba lada klaaatf a atoto of Uiat pow- er. But ha aaot aooopt hia lot or cot looaa troa the great aewa{iaper which bl* genluii ha* built up, and b%ln Ufa aaew ia hia old age. •'We eaaaoO )oia boom af aar ooo- temporarica la their aevere dananci- atiou of a gifted leader wbo haa been daecrte«l by ^be fickle goddaaa of fur- taae. If ka bad tilOB Ma ftaiaa aad €are For Hradarbe Ai a remedy for all forma of Head- ache Klectric Bitter* ba* piavad to be vBiybott. iteibttoa pstaMaant oanaad tka oMat drsadai *ick headache* yield in it* inll We urge all who ara alHictad to pro- oara a bottle, and give tbi* reaaedy a Wr trial, lasan ofbabitnal eoa*U- patiaa Bsetrfe HManeore* by ^ijpig tha Itemed tone to the bowth, and lew caaea Iock realit the' u*e of thia metlicioe. ISiy it aooe. I >oly AO eto at WomM * Wilna Dng Htora. Kept, 2.'5-Gov. Unity of a Fraukfort. Ky., Browu today, hf naalailoa aftba~ ivaabar 8 bobI, Arbor Day. for the purpose of plauliog in tbe State. He reoouimend* that the ecb- ool* be oigaad aad tboekildrea be re- oalod to iBka port la tha Arlwr Day Ihad.'DuminaUou uf the buaine** of tut, which, ia tai* huckatoeriog age, pnlla dowa aaay a Joaraalat froa ' the tripod oai tataa kka to a loor alker. At heart Henry VS'atler«on ii alUI loyal to bto people, aad he dou- btloM pnya tbat ba aay Hta ta aee the day when hia |>eii will a|;aln be free to aerv^ ihcm aa iu the olden Ume, Hs aboold Mt be jadpMl by th- fecoot ntmraaeea of bta pea. Vriv I'D into a cornel liy oppre»*iM' con- diUon* and cruel circumataocen, it is tMkt be strlkss oat bliad- ly In tbe vain Bttaapt to defead hia- aelf . Hia mortlfloatioa and humilia- tion will lie punishment euuugli for tba errora of kto ktsd. Ua ahould ba Judged loaioatiT. HofOn bto geuvration (Jrceley, l'rcntic«' uii'l oth ar great editor* mamiged titeir pap or*, and tbey were able to aBtatoin a lofty Btaadard viUwat baiag call od dowa by the baalaioa oOeo. In those day* the liuiine** ottlce lj;ij aot hanoan tbe vontrolliBg power. It altaMto Ha owa opben and aot Baapaak apaa tka oMtaral pro. vice. All that, hoinvar, i* a thing of the paat in aonu localitiv*, and we the famous jourunliai who made aad namada atateawen and tbapad tho policy of BtatiB mw rsoeiviag hia ordera kma tbo dspartsnat orbich handled Um oaabof the (CourierJour- We had hopea.iliat this liriglu light ia tho Jouraalialiv llruaaent aaltoaarBarof aMtssr- lo opiendor nntillto clooe. It u bard to loM it now behind tbo fog that hovere ovei the alongh of despond allMiptkMfctlat it will Tbenaaaloni ia tba Wcat aapraoadoatsd b nverity for A depth ef IVan BM to Mat a npa rted ia tbo anaatalaa Wwalia. «Mlo wa* the •That Watteraon wouM. even retrace hi* stepa uud Htand with tha people. If be felt tbat hi* woaid aaalaia bis, wa do aot daobt. Hat wp fear tM I It ia lie oaanot tear bia el liontko dsadlj aallnco oC diflkaie by the timely use of Tutt's Liver Pills, an old and favorite remedy of increasing popularity. Always cures SICK HEADACHE, sour stomach, malaria, indiges- tion, torpid liver, constipation and all biliouo dioeaoeB. Turrs uyw pills Of the CVittenileni County ("ii'ore«l Teacher*' ln*titute to lie held at Mar- ka, Ef., Oat, IMl, 188g^ Till It.-iKA V. 8:4ft—ticriptura reading by Bev. W. L. OaA. Soag hf tka laaiitato. Praver by Rev. M. J. Johnaoa. 9:'HI— Organization ai)>l enrollment H: t.'i— Aim* and end* of the inititute, by the SupetiataadBBt. i»; l-V-Scbool lusBiiiaiot. O. W. Brook*. 10 l .")-Recea. 10:25— AriihoMtic. How ta tiaeb bigMaiiiH S. Cruce. Meatol aritbaetic, U W Broohi. Waddle. Diakladd. Paroontage 11:15— l«KM>-lfooa. 1: !.'(— Grammar Method* of parsing. Alley John- Main of apatBi. iMT. W. L. Clark. 1 :t»— ConnKiaitiou, K (". Wailille. 2:1&— How to aacureand bold atten- «iea daikig rtehotlBBBb M. Oroee. 2:10-aoc«rapby: Hiiw teach ixtlitical phy, AUey Johnsuu. :i:l(>— Hietory. Rev. W. L. Clark. 3:40— Miatakea in teaohiag, a papor^ by Dink Todd; ion of tboM -l:15-Beoea(. moBT 7:30-8iagiag. Loom Ab addraa by R C. Waddle. Singing. ab addraa by Rev. J. F. rhoe. VBIMT. *<: Vh-i >peiiing exorciae*, nttoaU, Blo' UrOO-iteadixg, onUiodB of 4Bg hr^laaBn to nad, .Jiibiik'iu. MctliiMia III teaching aiivancetl reailin^:. \V. L Clark. SfcW-Motboda uf Maebiag apelliag, M. Omm l4H0e lIow to teach aound* of the iettcrii end diacriUoal aarlu, by K.C. Waddtof 10:SO-Uaoa*a. IMdft-Fbyaiology; oral ksnaa ia hygiene, Alley Johnson. Method* of teaching ulvanced claawH ill iihynliiioijy, K Cruce. 11:30— Writing, mathudi of teachiug it, Dhk Tbdd. ll:4q-CivieB. aethadBal Leora Job'naon. ll:0()-NooD. 1:15 Psychology iu the G. W. Brook*. 1:.V5—Dutie* of tbe parents, ^by Huperi othern. 2:3.'>- liece**. ftdft— How to teach by praaramuie, Oiak Toild. 3:10Orading and crua« graSiag, by (ieo. W. UriMjk*. ^n^RapwU of uoaaittoaa, ate, 7:30—Paging. Tba praaing ortxla The «H who wM, l»y (ieo. W ltnH>k«. Renwik* by the buperiateadont. it jr tcbool*. To tka Feopla. Too aap aell your I iekory tiaber totMlaBiTw Spoke aad Hta Oai, rbdaeab. Ky.. write Ihtai Mr prMn aad apeeifinatioaa. BEAR IN MIND THAT The Old Reliable Drug: Store W00D5 & WitSON, Solicit5 Your Patronage. Wp handio uiily pure ^iii l t'rc-li l"> -ds, m;ik(' ii ?[)ecialty of lilliii;^ pn'.icripliiiiis .it hours liny or night. We handle till of the nat- ent mndicineo; paints, oils, varnishei, brushes, wall [laper, musical goods, and aJl kinds of dru:,'''ist8 notions. School Boa •) And All Kinds of ^School Supplies, Pens, inks, pencils, crayon, sUteo, eraoers, papers, taUeto, «te. Our low prices will shoir jou that we ap- preciate your trade. TNOM. J. VANOHLl. INSURANCE MOOBB A YANDELLo Bapmaat aian of tka kaal oouaataB la tka oaaator. OLD Vomm AMIBIOA, TBAOni, PBimTitAMIA aad otkara. mOTBOT YOUfflSiLF AOAINST PIRE ! Bj plailag yaar itoks BWk tksaa lw<| liags oaapBatoa, aad nllable ageato You only see only iiun iidr One Una WRITE FOR A copy That's because there is oul one liiio running Thro CaBcii.>s, Free Rocliniag Ch Oars and Pallman PalaeeStee- p:Ts Ii'twoen Meinplii-i .unl priiicip.il points in Arkansas and Te.vus without charge. This line trovorses the finest Far ning, Onizin<r ami Timber I.:iriil :\<.v\ rt«,i.'h(\s tho most t>ro8pcrous Tuwas ami Cities BtkeOfetftSoothweBt. IT 18 THB ^ BELT Of "Hume in the Southwest," Through Texas," "Texas Lauiis," or "Truth abimt,Ar. kensB." Mailed to any ad- dMBB up.m Bf^lieatiiMi. W, A: mVOVH, TBBVaUMMMBB.. LbU»VILLS.KV. E. W, LaBEAUME, JgBN'k Maa* TIOKBT AOT •T. kOUIft. MO. NOTICE. All per*un* owinf; luvoo niiteo, uuw due, are re<|ueiilfil to calT and aettle withuul turther delay, or they will find itu- ciaias ia tka kaadb . af siy attorney. ^ d. W. BotHa LiQil for Sale. Alo-ut 3:e aeraa, 176 acre* cle*rad, kUai»-« in good tiaber. Uood bnnaa, ilahie*. ai.d two toaaat bonaaa; good ow ani » I <l pleaty nf water. About taomih' norih of Marion. Will nil tber or will divide aiMl wU. fhr ' V. An|<(v v> 1 C OriMiiui, tiaWpt, i\v. .Jbc. UriMMB, UaiilB, Kv. le. iMft. If BARMBrS COAL. I uui Hueni at- Mr ion fur the ^ir ill* c.ial, ifie b4 ^ i n'l on tlio ar .et for l!l<- I me mnvc :<ili| he I'lTge i' It centt |ier IiihIi. el, l ie tiiiri ;i.-i.ii' t i ii (r,,!i\ ihu l ar !il .M iiioii. I'lcifM- cii.uc tl ' n -u »H tUi« i. lortiic |>r. ne il M Cir ait-iark'a aHI. 11. >l. Whiii*, .MaHea, Ky. Hog Cholera Ciin>, *ol<l wn gtiar^i tee, M. P BMtf / t
Page 1: archive.org · 2015. 4. 8. · AII-W4Mlf^MltS^ > MAMTO4NUMMI pS5$3«50cash!;I Mr&iaONf,TIMTaller.I VOLiUAE16. JM.E.FOHS. INvrchantTailor MARION.KY. n««*

AII-W4Mlf^MltS^ >



pS5 $3«50 cash!;


Mr&iaONf, TIM Taller.I


J M. E.FOHS.INvrchant Tailor

MARION. KY.n««*<mMW food* every day. Suit*

•lade t« Miler 9IS.00 nad pward*.AlWvMl fMto Mde l» MdarftM.


Excliuiive agtoncy in Crittenden aed Liyingston co#tiis for

Hposi^r,qirjaip priUs




DispeBMs GcBvine Kintucky

Hnspitality at His Ver*

lailks Hoac.

How Abo Llucttln lioo«tc4 HiM

la lite rinl Uw 0mmkiCfetaM*

HI*aktit mwU>. Jo <

ta Mm KaaUicii) I'tMt. rmiliim BMijr

politic tl cirfNt:

Bkekbara, •IiI»mi){Ii » law ver cf

pN»tM part so, WM i|hMI;

ywwn tfct ^•mtim •! — afriMl-

turali.t i»»T ttir iniKll bamlft of

HfVtag hlaltua, iii WmMforii i-oudIt,

km Mllkoljr U M»M4Pd ibai br vuuld

bMioM llailMl SUUa flwiUor

fioai KMtuoky. Md OM oTtto ipwt

•at If^dcr* ut (b* l>^ni<M ikti>' part)'

Uaiawslite UlMUiarB. Ho to •« Ml««««p4«i. • MM ar M•aek i«on«« tarco tkM k«

ow w Mfor txpowliag It .idl.

14 )»l n've»l«l.

I of Hiovktiura • rrieods bave

If Imm III fcoMot tahia

l4T«lD«rsl>ilit.r aoil I <lo not niurb

bioao IhoM. Ill all btt tUrrInK |>o

IMIool OMTor <>r t«rat> four yoon

mm kaowB dtfook Ho kmoknfi uiQiwi^Tfry otftonw««•»»ry olMtadc »u>\ m •,,iu<- nf bii

nm* Vhorc dofeal ••«io«-<l ioiiimoI,

|»tao Mtlilifciil OToo bU Moot lou-

alo fftaait by Um roToloUoa o( •

pMMMMty whlc^. for part toiooM-

HO oad the (luiter to ilominett* mea,

ll BM oMtbod bj thai o( UOB>

to AMorioav pObilo IMo loABjf.

Blirktmrn 1« > Iwartinl, bigb-

aWtetl, voungrou* eiiMMnieo [of

IMSbootI, fall of Inith ami Imnor,

Ml of fialU. awl U ia Um ba-M of Um aaa. la Ita brMMtoaT airf

liaat erner, Itial pn<Uan liini <> lii"

oa*atilaoa<]r f»r luoie ibau pffr

laaaoMooaejr orbia kaoa aaalyUcal

Rioap t>f ttnx tobJMo. Uo la a

oiUaeu of iba woHd aad w Mioaily at

borne iu llie iligaited 8coalu cliaui

bar al Woabloftoa, or aw«|*t>iag

)otao with tbo Tlilaio loolan bo May

BMot la Um Kentucky ioam. K«

^^flkmd aa aa equal >>> tbi- groat

tMMM* of tbo party, be i* felt to

ho a friend by ovory daj-toborar wbo

graapa bl* band,

Tbeac are ibc at'crvla uf Joe

-Maokboro a Bowor wtib bi* Goaaiiiu-

tliKo»ililllllWMMr«M 0>ml

tbe man wbo atarta out to plook

Blacklmru'* laurela baa rat OQt a

lorge )ob tor bimaelf.

Tbaio la MlbiH utUkM about

hekboro, aM bia qoM OOMliy

life, wbfu ul home, la iu keepiag

Wlib Um aiapliclty and nboleaouie-

iMMi*«kMM«r. lolivaaina

pieASut old ooaatiy boooo oo Roaa

Hill Um priaoipia raaMaaot tboroagb

fclOla Voraalllea, without any at

tmpi to oatoobaioa, or aveo

•Hylo.'* No NaoHod lod^j lofeaa

yoar card. Not ev< ii a c3loMd MO*

trraat attend* Ibe door. Liko all

lirtbiraTr. tba Sooater keo)>* plenty

91 mn*m\M, bat bo I* loat aa llkoljr

M Ml to oMwar year baock or riag

binaclf, If be i* in, -J^A if he doe*

MS MfO. Ulackbum probably will

Tha bewa U bolH vary chMa to Umatiaat, wlU Um groond rUlag four

or Ivo foot trooi taa pavaaMot, aad


olraogat paMlog im a plaiiaot }wa»Ion can *<« Hrnator Joe on tbe

front portb pulling at hi* belorett

pifO, aad Mm. Blaokbon by Ma aldo

wllb bar work, witbont anytblog to

bint to tba Henator'* higb poaitlon

aiCOpt aa air of ilialinrtmn wl.K li l«

looopaiabla from biai, and ablca

voold attfaol aMooMon anywhoM.

The IniiTiiir "1 tin- r< .i.tcm v la ijuite

a* UDaanuuiiug aa iLe rxtrrior, tiut

famlahinga are market! I<y llie 'inlet

and liraaUfal laate of Hra. Ulack-

bora aa^ brr daagbtor.


lti« 'iF>1Nd Kaatuiky IIokp.

anti tbart la aoMatklog ao boao Ilka

aad ao ataaol aboM It MMt It kwVMa|>lra«ant plctiire tat mtf^WmML Tla>

ion lu recur to.

Wbao tbo BaootflV walka *^owa

(owti '

ill Vrrtalllea, liariMOi lO OB*

Ureiy au»|VL'<le(i wbi-raTOr bO Otaft

for aa long a time a* ba atata.

ia a mmi daligbtfal

alwata boMi bia «M«ilo»|{ a* be i* willio| loladoiKe ia a

oMbiRaa. UoM !• klo MtUramm^^m B^^blMflM ^ AlMiM* ^MM^Ivo9&wf MawDwra w aima* ivvwwi,

hia kOOM paopl«>, irri'i>i>e<'tivi' nf |miI

tttua or oolar, faoliog tbat ba belong-

od to tkoM. «« ho la mmfh"Joe" (<i lim intimalp*, and under

ao circuuiitanct^ iiaving bealowad

apoo bia a bigbar title tkaa Cap'a

Jar," or ••Cap o Btatkbora. " Tba

eolomd paopio—oad tboy oU kaav

bia perMoally— call bia **MmHJot." Aa a friaad. aaaator, HMk*bw« lo a jlwaad of *o liot aatar.

Thrn* i* Dolbing aitbio hin (xiwer

tjat be would withhold (roui a y one

bavlag tba Itaat daia npoa bia

Joa Blackbnra waa orlflaaUy okoa

ea for Ibc alalatry and «ooM m-donbtadly bavo uatir u (;immI esbort-

tr. Ua latbar, Um laM K, M.

(••Nad.**) tiakkoHi. OMoflka au«-

<v.«fiil In-rdera of thoftoghbitd

botH-H of hi* day, uanied bia for

Rev. Jotapb Clay p*l>le», a I'reabr

larlan olo<^|ya of ooaM lopotetioa.

Ha vaa odtwattd lo IkaBlagy at Om-ler ('<.ll«ne, Iml aflirwarda itudietl

law. aoil ootorad Mpoo iU pM43tico la

Oklai«oki int. «koi taaaljr

yaara of aga*

The Seaator talla an latorMUng

.tory i>f bow Alirahaiu l.ln<-ola gave

bia a booat wbaa U waa atniggllng

witk Ma Int hi» oaaa. laHkya:

' Whva I waa 1» yaara of ago 1

Ii.iuUmI la Chicago and coaaenced

tbapiaaHeaof law. itu,- of uiy

Srat oMta ia Um UoiUd Btatoa

Coart, wblofc «oa pioaMad ovor by

JiiMicc Ml I.< »ii 'f the Supreme

Uourl, and Judge l>run)muud, of the

llllaoia Clffoalt Court. The oppoaing

(•onnael waa laoao N. Arookl, tbao at'

h<- head of tbo Chicago bar, anboo-

•{urallv a promineat mciu)>rr of Con-

4r«M, aad tba aatbor of tba llrat bi

>graphyef Mr. tiaaala. 1 bad

rtled a demarrvr to Mr. Arnold'*

pluaJtng* la the c^a*e, and when tbe

caae waa reached on tbe calender, I

waa qoila aorrooa at ba?taf «nob a

fofaldabb aad iiqpwlia uad aatago-

Diii, while the dignity of tbe tnbu-

aal aad Um preaanot of a large nua-

bar of.lowyara ail aldad to increa**

ay tiaidity and eabarraaaaoat, la

tact I WM willing tbat any dNpoal-

lioM •lii'ul'l 1k! made of ibc caae, ao I

oouia icat ril^f it. 1 wa* reauy to

adopt aay aaigntlBa of tbo oppoo-

iuK c<uiDael which woold itliavo Mof my cwl>arr**«lng *ilaatioa. I

wanted to get away. Mr. Arnold

aada aa arnaaMat ia wbieb ha oiiU.

elaad ay daaanar la a aiaaair tkat

increased my confueion. However,

1 had to awke an effort 1 *aid but

ktllo. aad that in a vary liewildered

maaaer, aad I wa« abootii ait dawa

and Ut Um o«*e go by dafaalt, ao It

won. when ^a tall, homely, looae

joiaiad aMB aittl^ > tb« bar, wboa

I had aallaad gittai

Oaartii tittiHim piHHaa I badn**ame<i In ay feeble argument,

making tbe point* *o clear tbat tbe

Ooart at OBO* •uataioed my daaur-

rar. I did aot kaow wb'i mj iMaa-

ury fritod waa, bat Hr. Aiaold got

up anil attcMipttMt Ui rebuke him for

interfering in |tbe aatter, wbaa I

board for tbo Irot tiao Ikat kt waaAlirabaa Llacola, of UprlBglMd,

Mr. I.Ioooln aald In bia raply to Mr.

Arnold a atricture* tbat he claimed

th* priviiaRa of gitrlag a yooag law-

aaror aaw aaeh aa

Sargeat, a* Ulackbam

Ull aboot bl* (iarifaat'a)

hi I •arty fnaada la Woodford ooaa>.

ty. Sargootaad tbo orawd woaa

di BbfonBdtd, for Sargont deolarad

III had not H*^n Kliu kliiirn ainoa ho

left Woodfuni couaty, over thirty

praro a^po aatN taday.

Senator Blackburn ha* a

faaily. Hi* wife, a vary

and delightful woman, wai Miaa

Tboraaa Orabaa, daagbtar al Dr,

^ ofteaiT Miqroftke


WattoraM Potrrrkaa U Coatrol

Ita MMtrMMMMi^MMWMm ComtitutMt.

yarabaailirltt cB.f,

«Hk baIJ. C. Orakaa, wko wabnaiwd kf•

i>|>ei:i*lly If h» were pittwl bRn<)oet by the city of l/oul*vllle np-

Bgainai an fipcriunced practitioner, on attaining bi* looth h^tliday.

Uf coiirac I thanketl him and retired They hava Uirae dangbtara aad aoo.'

aaptoodoBajroaag Kitid Maiabal.j

Tbo oldoot daagbtir Tkonaa, lo tbo

I arvtr aaw Llaeoln again aad bt I wifa of CapUla Wllllaa Hall, of tba

'ln 'l Willi. ml kniiwKH! who the •truir rnllcJ Slate* Army. The twoyonn-

gliiig law)er wm be *o kindly aa*i*l-, gcst daaghtara aro at boae. Tboy

ad aod raaoood froa defaat la bia; are bo«k lalt aad alaadar aad graoa-

aaldaa tfoM kaforaa Uattad StatM'fulin form and aoveaent. Miaa

triboaaL CoriDnc i* * proaounced brunette

Blaekbora ratumad from Chicago »od Ml*a l.ncilla a bloodc- with gold-

lo hia aativo ouoaty ia HMO, aad i aa hair aad grajr oyoa. Tbey art

gainod a repolatioa aaa looal apoak-lbotb tor* baadaoaa aad atykah

tative *u

.pMrof^Latoat U. 8. GovH Bapart

rr in the I'rcaidrntial canva**. Dur-

ing the war be aapouaad tbe cauae of

tbe South and raadorod gallant atr-

vioa. Wboa a taraMr, hi 1871, ba

aada bb dobat la pollUoa aad trom

that day to tbi* a ueriod of twenty


four yoaio—bo boo aovor baaa do-

Ilia fliat conteat waa for Boproaoa-

the Kcntaoky Loglalatnre

ei Lieiilaaaat Ooveraor

B. IHMtar. aad Mao of MbMl laaM kM koaa aa kMar

and aa fall of thrUliag

hia iaitial

la I8T4

noinlnatinn to •ucoc4*d lion. J. R.

Beck In Coagraaa from the Seventh

diatriot, difaHn Hon. K.I 1>. Mar

•hall by a awjortty of «,XOO vataa

ia a total of ooly ahMt 1ft, 00k.

Marabal alao loaidod ia Woodford

coaaty. Bo waa a MaHagalikiil or>

ator aad a aaa of ahaoat ImaMabiBmaKDctic force. Their campalKU in

tbe auaaei of '74 waa one of

moat aaanUaaat.paUtieal race* aver

aafod la Ealaaky, tkoir dobataa oa

thoBtaap alwaya botag very acriao-

alooa. Blaokbam waa re elevtod to

CoagtaaB la 189«, agaia la 'U, 'MO

and M, aad hiW ka waa alaratod

10 tbo Sonata ovar Oan. -Oarro Uordo

Wllllaaa, after a cancu* ktruggle

Ibal lattod many day* and nigbu,

and wMok tt la to kayo apat tbo

defeatod oaadMMa aa MaalkM tfto,'


Seoator Blaofcbura baa been a

atroag adwaaata of'traa ooiaago of

tilvorttorBkMabokaahaoa in pub-

lic life, aovor k^baaglBg bia opinion

And even while hi* booie conatliu-

enU an dividod oa tbo taaacial quca

tioo, tkoT eaaaOt ' kaip kal adalra

Jue'x couiage and 'candiMV BOd an]u*t an atroDg for him tkia tliao aa

tiiey ever wer*.

Bbckbura baa atNaya awaaadleaderabip of hU;poM]r, agi H •aabe

who Hwung tbo laat AMMtratie

sute Coavoatioa la 1811 far troo

eilvtr aiahMl tka oak twHat li


Blaohbara'a BMaory lor aaoMB aa

well a* faoaa, U oaa of kia atrikiag

charaoterialioa. Ifa navar forgoU a

man tbat be baa oai« met. He pro-

bably kM«B«,t)Ottta fB;iC»0O vot«ra

la tka lataatk OiaHiiiiiPBi l di*

tilot. Some Uae ago ba gave the

aoat aatounding proof of hi* wondar,

ful reoolloctlon of favaa at lilitaboth-

towa, Ky. Ho was ekaitlag witk a

BiowdattkBkatBloatkli mtf aak-

ject of memory nbm a byetander,

wbo bad had Uiaokburn pointod oat

lo hia, aaaatatod up and aakad if

the Senator know bUa. Hlaokbaia

graipc^ hia band, batovMaatly woo

at fault

"1 doa't wopdar tbat you don't

girl*, itnd have been popular ia

Waahiagion aooMty aa wail aa at

koBM. Joooph 0. 8. Blaakkora. jr..

iaatarfBMB aad waa fonaariy kto

fatkar'a private aaeratary.

A Prodiglaas Hap.

Tbo gtoat aartoy aap of

Um ctnlury, i* nearly ooaaploMd. It

aUi aaalai* ia aH nearly waa baadiod btaa. aattl

"but"—"Hold oa," latamiptad tbo Boaa-

tor, "1 ought to know you and if

yoB'U taU MB wkBN yoo bib Iroa 1

thiBk 1 BM pkMB yaa yok."

•>I(amefrom Woodford oooaty,

but I left Man aaay yaara ago,'

old tha aaa.

•'1 baaa yoa aaa, yaa an Mr.

aad baa boon

ooatiag, dariag tho Mat taaaty yoan,

one milliob doUata a yaar. liaaeale*

vary froa ton to Ita loot to tbo aula

for tba towB*. tbroogh twtaty4ta

iBcbasaUlaabaikaM laok. oaa^aar-

tar ofM knk aadoM taalk ofaa la«h

to tbe mil*. Tbedetaila are*o ainuta

tiiat tha twaaty-fita and *ix - io«b

m*p* *how every htdgo, Ibaoa, ditoh,

wall, baiMiagBad mm oftry iKilato

tree ia Iko Boaatry. Ite tvooty-dto-

inch map ihowi iu color the malarial

of which evory part of a building ia

ooB*lructad. Tha plan* *bow not only

the exact abapa ofatary bailding,bat

every poreh,

railway aadSayiag.

OMfbaaaaaaa l aiM yaarM

girl praaehar ia IntoreaUng Sreiaty

llilI,K. C. I'l r a wtt k the child baa

oonducMia H«ric*ef revival meetinga,

of bar p/aaohing ia ro-

portad to bo wonderful. At firat ako

praaebod only to tbe negroe*, but nowwhite |>eople ar* Aocking to hear her.

and tbe whole country round about ia

in /rtat aioiUaoat. 8ba qaakaa

Hrripluro by tbo okaplar, oaa* good

laanuage aad abowa amazing inaight

into the frailtiec i>t humanity. ABuabar of ooaver*iona ara reported

fkoa kar fwHb—Waitlagtia JhtL

Tho view exprcaaad in the (ullow-

Mg oMtnrial fMa tka AUaaU Coo*

maUoa la tkat oatirtakud by aany

KentiMky odalwri at Mr. Waltar-


"Vmm ovary ^aartar of tho Don*

oeraUc oaap we bear nottiiag bat

iarce and harsh criticlaua of Hoar}*

VattorBoo and hl« recant oourae,

• It la a BMarafol fact Uat tbo

lontook? loaraallat to aaa tmining

UBtUr the very ktatjr BtBSdard whii h

ha (bould ba igktlag, bat the muuey

Ungaaad laaMalaaa of Daaocracy

will dad bia aayUlag bat a will ng

atlv. Ho baa probablf boaa driven

iato tba rank* of goM abark^ by cir

oaaMtaaaoa ovor whioh ba had no

ooBtiol, aad la Hakaaat of kaurta be

w probably tta ooM oM Maaif Wat-


•The new Watteraon I* tbe crea

tioa of the boaiaeM oSoB. Ho aude

a brava otruygla, hot alowly and

one of the greateet ackiavaaants of aurely the intereeta nod Influence* of

the buaioaaa olioe having ooiled a-

itaggara bolplotalf aadorbto bavdoa,

with no power to atrika a blow for

kimaalf or for hi* people.

•>lt to tka iroay of fato. Hort ia

a mairWko kot yoatarday was willtog

to dare everything for the people

agi ui*t Um aooay power, and today

ba lada klaaatf a atoto of Uiat pow-

er. But ha aaot aooopt hia lot or

cot looaa troa the great aewa{iaper

which bl* genluii ha* built up, and

b%ln Ufa aaew ia hia old age.

•'We eaaaoO )oia boom af aar ooo-

temporarica la their aevere dananci-

atiou of a gifted leader wbo haa been

daecrte«l by ^be fickle goddaaa of fur-

taae. If ka bad tilOB Ma ftaiaa aad

€are For Hradarbe

Ai a remedy for all forma of Head-

ache Klectric Bitter* ba* piavad to be

vBiybott. iteibttoa pstaMaant

oanaad tka oMat drsadai

*ick headache* yield in it* inll

We urge all who ara alHictad to pro-

oara a bottle, and give tbi* reaaedy a

Wr trial, lasan ofbabitnal eoa*U-

patiaa Bsetrfe HManeore* by ^ijpig

tha Itemed tone to the bowth, and

lew caaea Iock realit the' u*e of thia

metlicioe. ISiy it aooe. I >oly AO eto

at WomM * Wilna Dng Htora.

Kept, 2.'5-Gov.

Unity of a

Fraukfort. Ky.,

Browu today, hfnaalailoa aftba~

ivaabar 8 bobI, Arbor Day. for

the purpose of plauliog in tbe

State. He reoouimend* that the ecb-

ool* be oigaad aad tboekildrea be re-

oalod to iBka port la tha Arlwr


Ihad.'DuminaUou uf the buaine** of

tut, which, ia tai* huckatoeriog age,

pnlla dowa aaay a Joaraalat froa

' the tripod oai tataa kka to a loor


At heart Henry VS'atler«on ii

alUI loyal to bto people, aad he dou-

btloM pnya tbat ba aay Hta ta aee

the day when hia |>eii will a|;aln be

free to aerv^ ihcm aa iu the olden

Ume,• Hs aboold Mt be jadpMl by th-

fecoot ntmraaeea of bta pea. Vriv

I'D into a cornel liy oppre»*iM' con-

diUon* and cruel circumataocen, it is

tMkt be strlkss oat bliad-

ly In tbe vain Bttaapt to defead hia-

aelf . Hia mortlfloatioa and humilia-

tion will lie punishment euuugli for

tba errora of kto ktsd. Ua ahould

ba Judged loaioatiT. HofOn bto

geuvration (Jrceley, l'rcntic«' uii'l oth

ar great editor* mamiged titeir pap

or*, and tbey were able to aBtatoin

a lofty Btaadard viUwat baiag call

od dowa by the baalaioa oOeo. In

those day* the liuiine** ottlce lj;ij

aot hanoan tbe vontrolliBg power.

It altaMto Ha owa opben and

aot Baapaak apaa tka oMtaral pro.


All that, hoinvar, i* a thing of

the paat in aonu localitiv*, and we

the famous jourunliai who madeaad namada atateawen and tbapad

tho policy of BtatiB mw rsoeiviag

hia ordera kma tbo dspartsnat orbich

handled Um oaabof the (CourierJour-

We had hopea.iliat this liriglu

light ia tho Jouraalialiv llruaaent

aaltoaarBarof aMtssr-

lo opiendor nntillto clooe. Itu bard

to loM it now behind tbo fog that

hovere ovei the alongh of despond


allMiptkMfctlat it will

Tbenaaaloni ia tba Wcat

aapraoadoatsd b nverity for

A depth ef IVan BM to

Mat a nparted ia tbo anaatalaa

Wwalia. «Mlo



•That Watteraon wouM. even

retrace hi* stepa uud Htand

with tha people. If be felt tbat hi*

woaid aaalaia bis, • wa do

aot daobt. Hat wp fear tM I It ia

lie oaanot tear bia el

liontko dsadlj aallnco oC

diflkaie by the timely use of

Tutt's Liver Pills, an old and

favorite remedy of increasing

popularity. Always cures

SICK HEADACHE,sour stomach, malaria, indiges-

tion, torpid liver, constipation

and all biliouo dioeaoeB.

Turrs uyw pills

Of the CVittenileni County ("ii'ore«l

Teacher*' ln*titute to lie held at Mar-

ka, Ef., Oat, IMl, 188g^

Till It.-iKA V.

8:4ft—ticriptura reading by Bev. W.L. OaA.Soag hf tka laaiitato.

Praver by Rev. M. J. Johnaoa.

9:'HI—Organization ai)>l enrollment

H: t.'i—Aim* and end* of the inititute,

by the SupetiataadBBt.

i»; l-V-Scbool lusBiiiaiot. O. W.Brook*.

10 l .")-Recea.


How ta tiaeb bigMaiiiH S.


Meatol aritbaetic, U W Broohi.







1: !.'(—GrammarMethod* of parsing. Alley John-

Main of apatBi. iMT. W. L.


1 :t»— ConnKiaitiou, K (". Wailille.

2:1&—How to aacureand bold atten-

«iea daikig rtehotlBBBb M. Oroee.


Hiiw t« teach ixtlitical

phy, AUey Johnsuu.

:i:l(>— Hietory. Rev. W. L. Clark.

3:40—Miatakea in teaohiag, a papor^

by Dink Todd;

ion of tboM-l:15-Beoea(.




Ab addraa by R C. Waddle.


ab addraa by Rev. J. F. rhoe.


*<: Vh-i >peiiing exorciae*, nttoaU, Blo'

UrOO-iteadixg, onUiodB of

4Bg hr^laaBn to nad,


MctliiMia III teaching aiivancetl

reailin^:. \V. L Clark.

SfcW-Motboda uf Maebiag apelliag,

M. Omml4H0e lIow to teach aound* of the

iettcrii end diacriUoal aarlu, by

K.C. Waddtof


IMdft-Fbyaiology; oral ksnaa ia

hygiene, Alley Johnson.

Method* of teaching ulvanced

claawH ill iihynliiioijy, K Cruce.

11:30—Writing, mathudi of teachiug

it, Dhk Tbdd.

ll:4q-CivieB. aethadBal

Leora Job'naon.


1:15—Psychology iu the

G. W. Brook*.

1:.V5—Dutie* of tbe

parents, ^by Huperi


2:3.'>- liece**.

ftdft—How to teach by praaramuie,

Oiak Toild.

3:10—Orading and crua« graSiag, by

(ieo. W. UriMjk*.

^n^RapwU of uoaaittoaa, ate,


Tba praaing ortxla

The «H who wM,l»y (ieo. W ltnH>k«.

Renwik* by the buperiateadont.


jr tcbool*.

To tka Feopla.

Too aap aell your I iekory tiaber

totMlaBiTw Spoke aad Hta Oai,

rbdaeab. Ky.. write Ihtai Mr prMnaad apeeifinatioaa.


The Old Reliable

Drug: StoreW00D5 & WitSON,Solicit5 Your Patronage.

Wp handio uiily pure ^iii l t'rc-li l"> -ds,

m;ik(' ii ?[)ecialty of lilliii;^ pn'.icripliiiiis .it

hours liny or night. We handle till of the nat-

ent mndicineo; paints, oils, varnishei, brushes,wall [laper, musical goods, and aJl kinds ofdru:,'''ist8 notions.

School Boa


And All Kinds of^School Supplies,

Pens, inks, pencils, crayon, sUteo, eraoers,

papers, taUeto, «te.

Our low prices will shoir jou that we ap-preciate your trade.



Bapmaat aian of tka kaal oouaataB la tka oaaator. OLD VommAMIBIOA, TBAOni, PBimTitAMIA aad otkara.


Bj plailag yaar itoks BWk tksaa lw<| liags oaapBatoa, aad nllable ageato


You only see only



One Una



That's because there is oul

one liiio running ThroCaBcii.>s, Free Rocliniag ChOars and Pallman PalaeeStee-p:Ts Ii'twoen Meinplii-i .unl

priiicip.il points in Arkansasand Te.vus without charge.

This line trovorses the finest

Far ning, Onizin<r ami TimberI.:iriil :\<.v\ rt«,i.'h(\s tho mostt>ro8pcrous Tuwas ami Cities




Of "Hume in the Southwest,"Through Texas," "TexasLauiis," or "Truth abimt,Ar.kensB." Mailed to any ad-

dMBB up.m Bf^lieatiiMi.





•T. kOUIft. MO.

NOTICE.All per*un* owinf; luvoo niiteo, uuw

due, are re<|ueiilfil to calT and aettle

withuul turther delay, or they will

find itu- ciaias ia tka kaadb . af siy

attorney. ^d. W. BotHa

LiQil for Sale.

Alo-ut 3:e aeraa, 176 acre* cle*rad,

kUai»-« in good tiaber. Uood bnnaa,

ilahie*. ai.d two toaaat bonaaa; good

ow ani » I <l pleaty nf water. Abouttaomih' norih of Marion. Will

nil tber or will divide aiMl wU.

fhr ' V. An|<(v v>

1 C OriMiiui, tiaWpt, i\v.

.Jbc. UriMMB, UaiilB, Kv.le. iMft. If

BARMBrS COAL.I uui Hueni at- Mr ion fur the

^ir ill* c.ial, ifie b4 ^ i n'l on tlio

ar .et for l!l<- I me mnvc :<ili|

he I'lTge i' It centt |ier IiihIi.

el, l ie tiiiri ;i.-i.ii' t i ii (r,,!i\ ihul ar !il .M iiioii. I'lcifM- cii.uc tl ' n -u

»H tUi« i. lortiic |>r. ne il M Cirait-iark'a aHI.

11. >l. Whiii*,

.MaHea, Ky.

Hog Cholera Ciin>,

*ol<l wn gtiar^i tee,

M. P BMtf



Page 2: archive.org · 2015. 4. 8. · AII-W4Mlf^MltS^ > MAMTO4NUMMI pS5$3«50cash!;I Mr&iaONf,TIMTaller.I VOLiUAE16. JM.E.FOHS. INvrchantTailor MARION.KY. n««*


*. C Walkm, PkUfalMr.

TMAtlMtolipMMM«M opto•d iMt WMk with all the poni|) Andflory DcoMMry for . suoh hiatoric

occMioni. The eipotiUoB It

only to itiH World* Fair.

Tkm Mumjr Udgw^bkioBid MlIM WMk ta AMf 4s«M« natMr-•^ "peech for iu town and wnnl4t(0id in frame* of ailvar for il^ i-n

tMpMllg puhlUher.

It ia annoiiDoed by the Loniaville

Vmt tkM Um AdalaiMnUoa at

WmUirImi win aol otMBga itantti

••d* toward Wat Hardin, and it mayk* MBMromI in tlie aaae cooiMction

UmI Wftt, will MkihMfll Mi ntti



The Snpreme ooart of Texaa baa

dMtded that prise-flgbtiDg if leipU

uaOn th« lawi of the 8taU, and tke

Ooriwtt niHiraaM «ght will b« aJ

IfeWMto jt«DM«O0Wtor SI, nnt

the governor preventa the affair

wblek h» pwpotM to do bj having

HImMI wutm tfa«


on tlic 8tHll< hangs tljf pold

•near, the broad leaf tuUacixi bidea

tb« ground, Um froaU of October

Will MOW bt hnn aad oorpolMt 'pan

oi will be fornid; th« awMt *Utwatoo are CO HI ill to ligbt. the golden

roMaU are turaing brown, Uto

tollMforwtwHI tokw

•ad tbM W'WMn I


Uen. Buokuar la oat oaMaHlNto toaobiag tka aiito

and flnaucial queatinn. We adniirt-

the old patriot 8 devotion tohiapartt

and comiiiC'Dd liis loyal^ to all

HiMOcraM. Wa alao obaarra ia bi*

MHWka tkt abaanoa of any rafarance

tofatitory. a« well as any argament

abowing that the party ia couittadtolitri^goM

The Lyon county grand Jury in

ipwtad Uta liddjTUle penitentiary »

abort Mm ago. Tbey report every

tiling iu "apple pie order. Tbt

oalia ware parfaoUy eiean, lita kitcb

•aaMMafaMtoaa^tka grab of

a • luperior quality aai laa iMor,the hoapital ia not aarpaiaiiil. the

cbttpel ia one of the neataat little

•bureb adiloas to ba Coaad anywbvra, aad ooataiaa a library that

would be a cr«dit to any institution

of ieamiag in tba coaatry. Tb>

told they have one of the beat cboirs

in the atate. And wbile, at we arr

Infornad, tba penitantiarr ia allowad

to draw oat of tba MaU tiaaaoiy

noO put motMk M eamat rapenaaa,

»c ara informe<l by Deputy Warclen

Linn that in the paat three yeara

tbare ba* boaa draws oat batlM."Tba oaly ooaiplaint wa have u.

lake ia thai tbare ia ao way of get-

tiut: into auch taaty plaoe, except

tbtough tba Glicalt ooorta, aad ia

aay laMaaaaa tUa proraa aaabor-aouie itnd ezi>enaive, and then tt>e

goal I* only reached after maay ax-

FoRn»< Fkkrv, Kv , Hept 2^.

Bn PliWH.— Keep en giviog it to

Mi about tba public roada. If wr

ao iMNMy to lavaal ia raada,

we have muacle, aad tba bouatiMaae of it when directed by gmd comiDon "horae" aenie, will make our

roada lUO par eeat better. Kaka tb<

ea aaik rida, aad yo« lava got it.

The work aaruld be dooe aaily ia the

tall aotbat they may Ite

Ike wiatar. yoaia,

F.i>. ri!KMw. —Touching the priority

iif Slate Teacher'" ("eriilioale*, allow

lue. m'>«t re«|>ecttully, to my that

Biia T. Doaakiy haU a Htate

tmkafi OwtMeato oktolaad by hiiu

at a Normal U««ion ronducteil by

i*nir. Adam* in Marion, Ky. in the

year 18M7. Reapt.

9»ft. 1!«,'!>'> A. J. Donakey.

That Turnpike.

Toll-, Ky., Hapt. 22.

EorroR PBEaa;—If tialea woatkelpynabolMlhMTtewpfti'raa it

froai Marioa to Tbia. The aaethia i»

able to help, and it you .can gti them

ti thinking right, perhapa tbey will,

rhiak of a tarapiko hoai Marioa Tia

Crittoadea 8priaga to the Ohio River

at tbia plaoe. Marion could then

hold the railroad down on freii;hti>.

t/'rittenden Hpringi would he worth

•2,000 atora, aadMa wmH linply

conimaad tko ritaatfoB. Wkal do

our dtivaaa aay?

iifNTAMBer riMiiiitt.

Aa Hkawa la NatlMMl UglalatioB

aid la Ik* DaTfltofMMCar


ISpecial to ttie

Bj Ttsation.

DrccaaDao, Kv., Sept. l;).

KoiToa Pataa:—It oocnra to metkat we woaid have better road* il

tkqr wave worked by taxatioo. Weahoady pay oat aaaaallr aerem.

huadre<l dollars in cold cash for

plow and leama ou the road. Let

the road* be worked by ooatract ami

then aomebcHly will ba paiaoaaily andlegally re8[>onaible for tbeir coedi

tion and tbey would l>e kept in tra\

eraable abape. Youre for good


H.Lt \ i \s. Kv., Sept. 21.

Koi^a Paaaa:—1 have Jaat laaii

Mr. Otafk'e aitUe oa "wheat" aad

I eodorHc every »u)j({ ation in it

Our acreage of wheat ia large eaongii

oadtUfanaataakoaM lainaai ikf

yield per aera, which can be domand without any outlay of moneythe loog run. Fertilizer more than

paya for Itoalf ill tba iacvaaaa yield

aad tkaa tk* fiaoad ia ki boMw eoadition for the next (.rop. What wr

need along tbe line i* 'more intelli-

gent farming. A fMMT htm a

moral ataadpoiat, kaa ao aoio right

to wear oat bia land, aiatroat it In

any way, than he baa to lieat hie

boraa to death or •tarro tale oaltle.

HialMBB%kt b* HkaMd to tki^

scriptural lalMt, and you kqow what

the reauh WIS with tbe unfaithful


A nuaber of tbe liimitallali bald a

ouiiferenoe in Chicago iaat weak, aadtuok prallaiaary atepe for organ iz

lag a advar party, with the purpoee

of pulling a candidate in tbe field

for <be Freaidency next year. Theoaaao begaa to eaffer tkae* aad tkaa

at the hauda of iM friaada. Tbe bia-

tory and tradition of tbe Democratic

party ahow that it ia the friend c t

kiaietaliaai, aad wiUiia ito raaka ara

Ike foTHi, whaa propeily orgaalHd,

equal to the ocoaaion of hoidtag tka

party in line with the^ atteraaoee of

tbe fatbera, and tbe q^irit, aa well a*

lalto^ a( tka imtilaMna. Whenaay coaildarabid porttoa of the ad

b« rent* to the good cauae ieek an-

other aveBue for aooifpliakiag the

and tbiow away the cbenoea of win-

ning iti a national couteat, To re-

eatabliah bimetaliam tbe vote of the

Heath aad Weat soat b* aaltad. Tbe

oath, Uf%{f>iMtallaai, batit will

not leave tbe Democratic party to

get a law of thia kind. The Demo-

MalM party kaa beea Iti friaad wfcMi

it moet needed tbe atroag ara a( aa-

awerring devotion, and the ioetbam

people are not, and will never be

BigratotHl. Tbe aUver party will

dmwifaaWMgtk aaialr Ikoai tka

^e*t, hence two Kections, desiring

tbe aame lu will 8up|>ort aeparale

partie* and no advaacemanl will Ite

ado. II the Deaoonto of the

Weet aad Booth pat forth tkeir ef-

fort*, the national Deuioiratic uon-

vaa:toa will declare for Uue bimetal

iaaa. aad tkaa tka i«aa wW ha

tquarein betweea tka tW» partiea,

and tba vote will be a tMt of the

apii it of the country on tbe queatioo.

Veat, aor Moritaa, aor t'riep, aor

Banli, aorknkiara,>or yaorkeaa.

nor Turpie, nor any of the other

It. MMMcatto leadere were in the Chi-

etartMi tbe

Ki>. Fre8h :— I need fertilbMr in

my wheat crop 16 yeara, and my ex

porMaee to tkat it paya and pay*

well I have known it to double

the orop. 1 uae 100 poonde to the

aoM, aadit aot oaly helpa tka orop,

but tt improve* tbe land, leaving it

in better ahape for tiie crop to follow.

()t courae there may lie yeara, whenit ia very dry, and iia^aaiiljli. that

the advantagea are not ao great 1

think if the farmer will put out «

lea* number of acre*, and properly

fertiliae, ka wiU lad hlaaiW la hat-

er ebapa thaa ia ealtivating a large

number acrea of tbin land. I drill

the fertilizer with tbe wheat, andAnd tbia plan better thad aewiag

W. F

'OurThe Livinfttoo Banner aay*:

owa Coawoawaa|lk'a AtteraapL. ChipM, b kMHdag oao oflhe•troageet aad moat efficient proee-

cutora ia the atote. He ia a perfect

terror to violatoaa of tbe kw,whoa ke gale after Ikaai, tkair

ot eaeapa aia awaaadiagly rilai.

of tbe fellow* over in tbe 3rd who

think that Jim Uarnett ii the "onlieal'

proeecutor, ought to tend Jimnue over

•ad lat hi« tiko a *w hanae under


•«The Int weaha iik«lth.-aU the

Conooid pbiloaophar, aad ka war right

What M wealth worth without a aonad

body aad atrong aenrea to eajoy lifk?

Maat eftka wkola tioahia ia aaaaily

tka man Wa alioagif adoin aar

reader* w)m V* troubled with *ick-

btadachc, «uinea|, or aour atomacb,

to try Kamon'a Tonic Liver Fill*, tbey

are workiig woadarfal eiuae ia tkii



Wa8iiiv..iu.>, L». CT^pl. a.'!-

There if a vague idee in aome quai ii-ir

that the <i«napatina ot kuraing ii oa*

of the l<et arti,aad tkat at tke preaeat

lime ci'i i[>arativfly few people are

augaKeil in il. What ha«, perbafi*,

C<>utrihnie<l to thi* inipre«(ion more

ibaa aay tkiag alee are the »ataaiiata

wklek ftiaaatfy iadtkair waf ki ike

public printa in regani to r>eople

leaving their home* in the country and

going to the citica. It i* not *ur

pfiwag tkaa tkat tkare thoold be an

idea tkat tearfag kin it! daeadeace

and that the clan* " [leople who gair^

their livelihood fr m tbe »<iil i« grad-

ually diminiebi''i( in numlter* Tbe

flMta, hewovp*. .to aatJaitii>thia opla-

iaft Aaamdiag to Mr. Mettoa,^Secrtary of Agriculture, thtre are in

the I'Dited 8ute« more than iMM).-

000 farme, where are locatr'l the

boM of aoaa thaa 30,000.000 ot

tbe pupalatlaa oTlMa aoaatry. It kevident fnim llieae figure* that bfarly

Hity per cent, of the |Mipulation live

ia the country, aa di*tinguiabe<l frure

tiiwaiaad villagaa. It i* further eati-

roated by tka Bwratory of Agriculture

that theee farm-dweller* furnith more

than *eventy-tour percent, of the val

ue oi tbe export* of thi* country

la poiat ot auatkan, aa well aa in

tkeIr enatribatloM to the weaM mihe cmintry, the farmers conftitnt

perhap*tbe moat important element

of our population. It ia evident thai

the intereat oi I bia claia are coaaid

re<l by C'ongreaa, eaperially If aay

weight can 1>« attachol to the

if money which in annually expaadtd

tinder the auapice* of the Agrioaltaral

r>e|>artnieot Duriag the year 1W4.

the appropratkaaftttkalgrleoltvral

L>e|«rtnient amoaftld to Marly three

«n I one half niilliona of dollar*, and

thi* large *um of money waa expend

od ia iaveatigatioaa aad ia diNelioe>

tkat ware daiaad of iaportaaee aa<i

value to the agricultural interettti

Tbe departmeot itaalf ia coaatantly

gruwtog, aad dariag tka year above

referred to there wa* upon ita pay-rolU

tome twenty-five hundred employee*.

< *r courae all theee were not located ii>

(hiaeiiiy, bat tka forea feaaa aeeeHary

10 kaip kara la iaaraadag la rack pfo-

(Kirtiont that the department baa al

rt-ady out-xrowu th« preaeut building

and additional room ia found in atruc

taraa wklek kavo beea eraelid on tb>

fronade. The deeiga of tke depar-t

ment i« to aflbrd BMistance V< th<

termer and to supply him with infor

aMtiia wbioh will ba aaaM ia hi»

ealling. For this reason tbe depart

ment employ* a claa* ol expert*, met'

of scientific training, who iuvevtigat*

soils, tbe effect of climate on planu,

Ike ekeiaatar er lertiliaata and other

4uhjeot wkiek paieent daily problem*

to tbe agrieoltariat There i* another

duty which ha* been aaaigned the de-

paiUaaat, aad iu pertomaaea ierve*

olaa*, it alao protects tbe pul

thai ia the eff<>rt* which ;are Bade to

prevent the importotion of diaeiued

natito, and alao to iaipiiit aeat. Oneortkaiaportaatfaaalleaaof tka de-

partaaent i* tbe *tudy of tbe habit* oi

deetructive ioaect* and tbe suggestion

of tbe beat meana of putHagaa aad to

tbe daawge which tbey caaaa aad tn

lead altimately to tbeir extinction.

A great deal has lieen done by the

department iu diliuaiog information

lelati ve to tbe cultivation of fruits and

ealUag tka attaattoa of

ealtlvators to tka varieties

that can profitably be raised in tbe

varioaa aaatioaa of the oottotry, aad in

otiior waya skowlag kow fcraeia ean

extoad their bui*neas and increase

their iaoome. The iutiueooe ot de-

partmeat i* iett throagkeot the

eoaatiy; kat ia aadar that ka

Tbe h<altb of Ihia

aay tbiag bat good.

rrtparatioa* are heiag made for a

larger wheat rmp than ever liefore.j

Tbe river i* very low but the mail i

boats keep going.

8. A. Mark*. AMr balovH •

'.•«• )t b'. Ii II. i«M> Iw

l.iule Kageae, the infiitii * ti i-l U.

Y..ii"v w«< biiii. d at iliiiii..«ue ea

the 1ft iaat.

Dr. Tri->tli I Ilhc niovtsl (pun the

Shei idmi counrty to the Farlcn bouse

on Water *treet. He is a splendid

physician and a deeirable citiaea.

Dr. Gemeat ha* bought tbe BOW

Uueas houss on Miio street aad wdl

move iato it ia a few days.

W. T. Orawtord aad wife have Just

returned from Kvansville where tbey

•pent several days buying furnitan

I'or their beautifiil nsideM||^oa UMaB'


lliolher Url Sundxy.

J. F. Moigaa ha* just recuvcnd

th>m a severe spell of tickneai

Chaa. l^tfia laovedJato tka

kouae in Kelaey last week.

Mm. Molli" Wilson, of f'riiler, wa*

in town liu>l Sunday evening.

litslie Herod, a fire year old *on of

Ham Ueted, dtod Haaday, oT dipthpr-


We have just r.-t-eiveil and are

opeahig up the largrat *t<>ck, anil

Ttment of general mercbau-

bruiighi lo Fcedonia, wUeh

., .^^.mL-j.L .A. J. L

pleted and will be in full o|N>4^ Mr. W. IV Bsird,

fewd^i^wilkiivea M W A^>*(%Ml7**^iiion aeatweek. . Olopi «|le coualy, <

'if Main and First atreet.V «, rC|

Tbe Tolu Roller Mill i«

completed a^il will be in full r^fie^

in a

cription aeitweek.

.\ual Nancy I 'rank* h"* gone

Lyon county to visit frieade.

Mra. Lalaa aadleft a few day* ago to ipaad 'the

winter in Miaaouri.

Wedoabtirtkawbaiatkat town

n all the land that ran boaat of lo

many desirable cbaracteriatii'o as can

he ipiaiut little city of T<'lu For

emperance, iadustry aad charity,

ler people eaa aot be aaatBad; keautv,

•rowth and enterprise are unprece<I

nted, and beat uf all she g>>e* Itemo



Tliere is ni"re nickiiesa tl an it-

laaay years in tbia neigbborb<M>d

Bara to tka wilb oTWa. MoatgMn-

'ry, a son.

Fhil Ktubblefield's child was l>iitie<l

it Tynert Chapel i n the 1'

A Mm , ot Dawaon, .Miou

•rrivad hat weok, brfagiag with hei

Our Situation!

at a very

teas of axiMrimeat etotions bos been

toagantted in variou* localitiea where

toe local needs are atudied and where

praolieal mWhndi art worked oat aadthe NMlt aaka kaowa to tka iaraara.

The fcet that farmiag has held iU

own in toe contest with other oocupe-

tions i* an evidence that the cultiva-

tors of tbe soil have kept abreaat ol

now rule the iarms. Tbe Agricultu-

ral Depertment is now one of tlie

great etecntive departments of the

govaanaeat, with ito seeretary oeaa

pyiH awathitkaiakiaat. Aftwyears ago it wa* a mere bureau of the

government snd a very small and

insignihcant one at that. 'Ibis com-

parieoa illuatratea ia a rather toroible

way the ebarae that kai likia plaaa

in agriculta4^MthadikillUi aaaa>


Blood Flowa.

HopkiamriUa. Ky.,

Tbinga wave Mraly la

he motherleas child ol John Woliord

0 hi* sister, Mrs. James LaRne,

Our farmers are busy huuring ibeii

rop of lofaaoco. The crop is a good,

eatk orop. boiag akoat 7S per era*

oaeraHOikatia^aBll^it ba Ko.

1 crop.

The preasnt outlook for tbe next

'far'e wheel crop ie gfcwaiy iadeed.

4« wheat kaa kaaaaawa aad itietas-

-oMible to piepare the ground, fS>i

his crop until plenty of lain falls

I'he rain hsi fallen.

M. C. U'Uata peessd thraagk kerf

hi* week. <a reato to OUanisr aM>'>me fine kaiasa to srfL Me. ia »


-«-'rfhuin making is in full blest, wilii

lu abuafiaaee of oaae to be watked

•p. Wa ara tald tkat tkia artida


*iea|wr now tkaa oeor known liefore,

elliogat ln>m 12) to 20 eta |>< r gal


Weaotieeia hat week's iaaae iW

the Fa—, enaietklag akoat a tara-

pike from Marion to Kalem. Well

ihatMallO. K., but while we ar*

talkiag of boUding the pike the trav-

el ^jtm aa. Mow betng thorough^

eoaveraaat wHh ovary foot of the

n>a<l, from Kalem to Marion, in look-

ing over ^aid madway, ae find but

three bilk that aiaoaal to much, (toe

at eooaiy Hai^ aaa aaar £. H. Tif>l'>r's, aad aaa a«ar Dave Ckrtarkk

N'ow Mr. F^litor. a few dollars expeo-

ilence on the above mentioned hilia,

with plow and anaper, wauhl be ^<

intoU heaeit to aaaa read, W*iiave oaiittcd the Moore hM fVoai Aa'sc' that i^- all ( > K. Now we h^li«v« that every land owner on (aid

road would chip ia a Ihw dimes, aad

also tka baslaaas asea at aatk Marioaand Salaai would ooatrikala ta> Ike

itork, and sn (lur Fiscal court maeia

first uf ( >ctober, wa believe the court

wouM bo wilBat help. Kow Mr.

k:ditor. whet ifa tea* aaa and try

and aaa what oaaM be deae. Bay E.

H. Taylor. James B. Carter and Hen-

ry Brousler, let these gentlemaa go U*.

work, and we believe with the ezpen

ditura of a law daihrib wa eaa haye

ia Bontkem

we prapeaa to sell

proit far tiM aaril.

Rngg A I.oyd.

MrT.|Msry Uobb, ot Lyon, wa*

visiiiag bar father, (!. W.

afCrider. last week.

T. B. Ohaa aad IbaiUy. oTCMer.were vi*iiipg relative* ia Li«iafM«ii

coiintv, last week.

Mrs. U. A. niarkdhdlrpt lltl^,

•4 typboidJavcr.

W. T.JaManay k ea tka airk

.isi, aad aha Mill Martha Mak aad

little daugkler, Flureaee.

Mr. \V. IV llalrd. ol Mariun, WaS

i-iiag the lohaeco

couaty, called oa bie be*l

gin, aad atieaded ckank flaaday.

.Je**ie P. IViri* has beea sM fwseveral dsys.

Cba*. I'ari* haa aold bi* houae ai.il

lot to n. A. Bkwk.

H. V, Rice b busy lalklag to tbe

UiTk" alxMit going to Frankfbrt this


Kcv. .1. N. Mcl>unald has reoeolly

belli a protraotad aaitl^ at Bapi

well, ia Liviagstea ooaaty.

J. 8. G. Oreoa waa bitten oa ti e

wrist a few day* since, nupp'uit-illv I

a spider, and is sullering coui>iilerabl r

from the eiTccI* ot the bile.

Missse IsMsiia aad May Oaraer at-

tended eharoh at Bethleheai hst Sun-


Mkees Willh Oaraer and l.il.

Brown have beea visiting ia Loiii*

viUe ftw the past two or three week*

Mrs. A. M. FInaey relumed ftom

[.«>uisville last Saturday, where si •

has been buying her alork of millin

Miss Uraos Bugg lotaraed Aaai

l^ukvflle a few days since.

Allsnla C iirlll'ili >n *d<I H<>m>

II d farm only tl per year. W. C'tienn is agent for tlMiB, aad all otb-

<rr leadiag pipeia aad aapsaiaa*

Call on bim, or addreas^im at Frr

Ionia, KyJas W. ilunier and faniily, c

IVincetnn, recently spent two or ibrr-

a visiting rektivos ia ihk, Liv

aad Critteaden eouetiee.

Mrs. Osrrie IVydou. ol <>klsh'.n>s

is visitiog rrbuive* in this onuaty

^kdetightod witk kto aewiaihalkr

Too Mik Ii (liotMisI

luo Little MoiK >.v !


Stock Must be itednced!!!

$10,000 WorlhofHdware,S.u!i!lorj', Stovt s .111(1 I .trin Ii!i|ilrmi iits will 1

that \M II make tliom aeii. Wheat Drills. Disc()n<- Nurse CiiltivataM, ElO.. at big bargaina.j^imkI luikm ypu givr tis a ch.-incc liut coma loHave yd money everyliiiie.

Our nock it complete itow but wiU aeoo be broken.

MncdI larruws.

.It pru i s


We^itlo yoM anyace tM mk'w writt

The Prioet Will tell the Coodt.you can. It


l.(H>k to \()ii intiM-rst, get the barjrains wbUenothing to look and ^et prices—inveatigate.

".Money uvrtt monrv


IWe Have Quit!.\ ikI '><>iiiiiii-iic«m1 again. What?< 'tl I'. ii'C!* (*( rtalnlv worlh rcH'lin..'

We do what ne say and sell atPrices Advertised.

The vtTv h( St liotin' Ml I l«? ».ir.:iiiim !it i.'M ts


Mr<. Leo MeChesner, of Brosri

••kmI, Tea , is here on a month'* vie


while tryiag ta aiaka his eeoape.

Uaaid Bok. tke editor of The

Ladiei^ Hoaie Jooraa), haawtlttMia

book for young men called "8ucoea*- 1 lait Saturday night. lo this city lat«

ward: A young Man'* Book for that evening a policeman abot a negro

Youag Mae," which the .HeveUa will

paMkH ia a tottaigkt The book

aM to eover all tkalasportaatpkaaas later tkaia aaaa Ugkwayrokkarj fai

of a youag man'* life; ki* buaineas lift, tbe edge of town. At Guthrie one

*ucial life his amusanenta, religious negro aevsred aaolher negro's head

lite, dieaa, hie attitade toward aaasaa i from hie body with a yraaiag hook,

AlJMrtf*.*!..^ Wjpa.[aada»lastaaaaaalsa Mk waa i.

Eveiott Butler is teaching us a No.

1 school, and i* giving satMhilllftB to

both patroaa aad papila

Joaathaa dameat ti Teaas, wab'

ansoag hb friend in this sertion on

Roaday. He has been abseut for the

Iaat five yeai*.

John Foley, of HkwirtiB.oaan over

leet Saaday.

Miss Mellie McKinney, of Ijevlas,

« visiting friend* in this neighbor-

hood last weeit.

Our sekool warSdiaaiMd Ibr this

week OB aaaoaat of Aptkerla.

The protracted mectiog was called

ia until Haturday belbra t^ 4th aab-

bath in Uetokar

Bro. Loaaiy aaaaam th^b reg-

ular appoiataMat Baada?.*

Fred Hardy, who has lieeo ia Tex-

as for the past (year, m speadiog a

irltbMirfMr, Mia J. W. Ihk.

Born to the wifo of J.

'^pt. 17, a fine large bny.

(irorxe Kixirr'a taimly, <>| Marion

• ere vi>itingA. M W iggiaton'a fami

y Iaat Haaday.

Kev. T. A. WiggiMoo, of OxfordMiaa., will eoaimeaee a serlse of

meeting* at the C 1'. iburch, on

M' nday night after the ssooad 8uo•ky ia Oeioher, aad Mm Wha and

<Jraaaloa. will oooiaMBce a

• d Bicetiag at tka BapJitM..n.i*,v MKhtaAortba ladin .Noveiuber.

Mi ibey Boyd ie aa the siek Hat

Uavejaet rataraad ihmand am ofienlng the ieneit stork ofifoods i ver limught lo thi* town. Wewant ihe Iraile of thu wlwle couotry,

•nd have the stuff yoa waat, at the

right prieaa WiU say mors neat

week. Bern Howerton

Evertlxidy iuvited to ciua at oooe

«ad examine oor imoMase stock, end

laad aaal year trade.

liiig^ A lioyd,

K. C Beiiuett is on the sir list.

We have a. baaotiful line of gents

femishiag goeda at prtaat la aakronCome and sse ue. BaH A Lord<The lergeet stock, aadlatcet atyle

shoe* to selec from Bu^rg A Loyd.

LrfMiMs, we oortliailr iavila you la


IM that

style aad price. Uive aa a «.itcALafd:

w, we oortiiaiiT lavila you la

1 see oa^^es* giadi^ WaI we can pKm jmi, hath bl

^ Raiaed Batleni Lanl at 8 1.3 eanta par^ 21 Iba grraulatoJ aagar fur |I.(M)^ J-J C sii.'tr for II.IKI

^ I 1-J lbs iurt> for II.UU

Water lJui k«-t Ki ol«

Soda 7 {MtuntU for St fta

CVlebrntod "Omtb Bran 1" bakiag pdwiler, nt*

giMMl a!« the Uov jl, 33flU a pem4.

(iihkI briHHil IMi-putA.

1 piece ^laas sti-t J'> c*-nts.

Olasaware and iluwnsware of every doscTi|>.

tioo inuat go reginllaaa of pnoe at fr« are elo-aing tUa atoek o«t

-iri' l*u>iiig as usual aad( .\SH for





Save yaw peaeU .atW, 1

want thrill all. Will pay yna

«aah for tbem.

VN. a r<' •lliiig

r LAKE 8ALT at $1.05 per Barrel .

Do Mt want balf tfiM frnit at an? price. Don't brfnK it in

-rjscr Ms SCHWAB.



The tiaie for oorgbnm aiaklng ia

at hand


hast Saturday nio iiMi^ T M lliH

waa driving a Ine larg<- li<'<< along

the road whaa the enlmsl bevame

sreeaM with heat, aa«l died la-

•laaity. Ilaidaeallk.

MM *tm Saaday| |H,t this is their Irst to win this

.1 <• IVsn hm had i, I

bill louic" lorth«|>«>i «e> k


1. H. (




T.aOaavMdvMk aT

were visitiag Mtmf«» in the CMdw.u'igbb'>rhood Batarday and fluaday.'

Mrs Cieorge K«i<i Lsa been 4uite

kick for wtase liue but ia iaapreviag.

taaaa hfc^


A fine rain.

Mfeaai^ prograaalag atakly.

Jtai Bill i^fed the aeaaory in

and around T>yran)ur); Iaat week.

Mra. T. 8. C. iilder haa been very

siek for aeveral daya.

doBO wheat aowod,

Leo Hugbee aad Crit Kirk ara on

a lund Irudc.

Alvin Wi^Iker vii|ited friende near

the Cave Uat^k.Several people from tbia piaoe at-

tended cbunii it ^'rayneville hut


Maawir ayeakaot a aaddjag ia the

a«ar fiarta,

W. T Kelt and fuiuily visiUd

(rieads near Cisco's Chapel last Sun-


Laet Saturday Claroaoo Daughtrey

waaretarning froia towa srith a ean

aar last laport we people sf

Imn Hill have lieen flijnyiii); lirstth

and prosperity, our farmars havi' their

bins well lUied with wheel, their

iaids are groaaiag aader the beavieet

eera orop ever.fiaowa ia (hie sseiion

and iH.w llii'V nr.' busy |irepirio)( for

a itr^K crop of wheat for iisxl year,

and houaing their "natural I.mI."

Uart«y TiavH vho haa been low

with typhsld Ikvar, la laiprovioK

sloKly, and it i< hoped tkat ka will

auon be out again.

Tkakaya who alt«^ the lee

oream supper at Mh^dyLQeaoa report

a grand lime. ,^ _

An apple outtiug at Ue«. Kenipa

Friday aigkt ffp.t^^iat pl«aa*ii(

afhir of the aaaaai-, we all love tb' g<i

t4i (ieorgea* on aocoiiiii ot Mm iMarty

weic<jiua we nice I there.

Bro. Bjrhne will preeoh tbn Hfib

Sunday at Uogar (irova.

Judge), A. Moore paid ua a Hying

vi.it last wi't-k.

I). J. 'I'raxii and W. A. Niv'uii*

h4ve tba aiiMwro lhaat a of tim eoai>


< I. Ilillitr.l au i .1 ihii Palely

went to i'riucelou Thursday


A gaed deal ofsiekaeaa ia this n eigh -

ta radao^i

af aaal ail, when hi* borae fell iliiwii

broke hie oil can, auij^ out muaity tbr pultihg itar Mad* ia sB<di

Mry badit. spWodid arder

HeaJ. Belt, otlCrsynivillr, (p«nt T'a« ganja of Utl l».t wi-.-n th» l-on


last liuaday in thia viuiaiiy. iliU aad the UeplfMt'* Btaod lu i.. |.|

J. B.JtaUee aad ia«Bfc altera katool ifcallpaMdIk t»eab>•

• .J'-^i..

I^A. Ohmpbeli was ua tha siek list

Mess. James and Henry Myer* at-

ieaded tha (i. A. U. aaoampment at


A little okUd oTdoka Jaaee died


Mrs. Krsiikir K irer is vii.iiing rsia*

live* in (^aldeell this week.

Forrest Oliver riluriied fromlyiuiiville Tuesday.

Mr'. J. K Htapheaana waa^gjfff

aiek last weak hat is aoaM betUr . at


Tsers wedft too uaees la 'tl^uiro

MaMyseoaHlhit week.

.Inliii Ojiv.^r, a yii'ing ntaa' Uvlagnear h*r* died Monday,

Mr. MaCheaaey liviag aear rraao>e* li*t a haru of tobai co Iaat wwk.

.Mr* J. A. Myar* uud Mr*. Muttwera viaiting friends near kvidaaTiirnlay and Wedneailay.

I ..Mr A A. t amper of near Marioa

wee iu theae parts Saturday. He ie

01 itie gisdusles of the Marion


hukneas plentiful.

Q. 1.. A'istoii )iss recoveredr luriiel lu Rijsi Clara

,Ueoige haa raaaatly height a'of goods at that


S M«-4)f«w

I Wctlueeday,.,||


Will Moik«aa, of Ooiooada, via*iteiT JaMday.


MlaaaaJoaioBayaadraari Maift.ley, aad Messrs I.I she Uay and W.llaaklaa returned Tueaday fromtheir viait ta MatropoMa, lib.

A two awalhs oi.i , hiid of Mr.J. M. Ifakar'a died .Saturday kLltof fever.

vrForest Brtiwur, of Carrsvill.-, i* in

our locality. Hi' will probably bewitb aa a few montUa .

Tba babee of Audy WiliUaa aadJ. 0. Jaaaa died taat week.Wssh NoGbe^y'e bara,

tng aix ^aursa of toaaoao,

atiofad by iia aa tka llt^

John Oliver diad tka Mi^ aurUaaa achool bouae.


U^i ur Tosri-i y h|

to aliuad school


John T^lili/ ba« sold'

< ropt« WUl Todd.

e«a. Jakaaon has sold hie farm lo


b «iha2

Grade.! HakM'l. be a ill teach the LoneSiarich iol ikie Ml. Wa wbk kua J lUah Frive.

»n«a*fc. .jfcjkji Caaner «aa in Fsovidaaaa


Page 3: archive.org · 2015. 4. 8. · AII-W4Mlf^MltS^ > MAMTO4NUMMI pS5$3«50cash!;I Mr&iaONf,TIMTaller.I VOLiUAE16. JM.E.FOHS. INvrchantTailor MARION.KY. n««*


•^ri" 'fi(|ilriiVif>ii«liii^




lU* aorad rroa tht CWmiTMi Htara lo Um iioiail our-

u*r brick btiildiM rroaallr

o.y^||M hf R. P. M»7Mi.Jf



W« m'«t rwiwliullr m-Ml* you t" liiuk thnMinii our• 'urk. Our h«HiM i* bo«(•rkfi fntm tb« Huor tu lb*

Itarittl «iib Ihi) Im*I MUeUd•(nok loal w« rrrr<i(r«r«d In

tb« peop'r, cttoaistiuic »f all

Dry (iiiml', Oboaii kud Fin*Drwi (tumU Bi^ linn

aaJium |irioa cloibing for

mra tontlHABJ boja.

All t)<« arirMl (tylaa in

b«tf. U<Um jackato, ekwlmand rayaa, Ibe fiDaal line avar

•ba«a in Marion, ovtr 4*IUN)

f«irt nf tkoca, all tttr*. nbapaa

oil'tn and kioil*, biUKlit W-torc lha aiivaiM« iinl

liavt- ifiit Ui M-11 tbrir l^|>«-

rial pritw fivra l<> partM«

w^atiag aarvial Mirafif abnaa


A. J. PlCKBMa, I

W. T. MeOommj, | Ohrki

J. H. Mm

Ill I•



Ifyoa OM M M MhMripMM,•dtevt Ifet MMJ MipMf, «••W IMMlf tnNMtolt It. Wt IMT*ool eiiilciimr*-!! ii> tiiitki' tulln'tiooa

l>«v«i|««- uf ilie luiogaov/ of iba liaaao»* M Um outlook to IwMtr, «•MfMiMjr tnNt IkM jfoo will rtntmbartktt «t tra In n««d ofaTary dol

l^.r .lue. Our liiiiiiiifM ilamanda I In bavi> |ianca by flgbtiog for It

A rary ln«Mf*Ma aUta of tCMnlexiit In llio nrigliliorlKnxl two mllaa

nortbweat of CrIUrnden i^rlnga, udtbo dophmbto oltMltai hlHi fair to

load to MrioM traoMo.

•foaoM* daprodatloM wanted and tbt paoca of tba

WM diatorfeod. BImitii

til tikt PuiUKmla ff


Tha Damooralio Stat* oonvantiun

ra Juaa bjr rMoloHoa mitni that

tba oooaty eo—Ittaaa hi iD of lha

eoontlaa of the State ha rM-orgnaiaad.

and dirtctad that iu prfcinct* wbcra

rofiatration ia not required, tha Dam-

oorala tharaafahaU aMaaUaia uaa

rBffatfaUaakP, M., Mndajr>. IW, at their


laniiato o

Mathar will pnhMj ba


. ...# m«kan, bavtaff bean in rrbool

WO! ba Inti^r*'!,'; our HI I'.r-

aaiong the aMret nt ihv Suir. utmy

wa not bo|K! for the beot intiitute wateva arai had. Tha oAdal pro-

gWMMt ara oa haad, lot avary taaeh-

ar who ha* nrit I'ue iilri>«ilv, cnnir or

Mad Haturilay iiioriiiiijr, gtt one

i In; rifH went In Madixon

vilie Wi <*Baaiar to attaad tha aranon

of the liiiuiaville Annual Conrcrencp

Mr, CliB--. Daniel'i fnmilT nr vtwl to

Marion lat'l »f*k. Thin in Hnoilii r

vaiuabla ailliiHia In oar town that

mm ba mrfitfd tn ovr aakool.

MfHTrt .). W. (;urm, Bnioa Mooroai.il^tlor Uueii qf Tola, faiaadi>'r^9v>wR yntardajr


I).. .1. H.

aaka ibia aotioa abaoiatal/

Mfjr, aadHvllihaaaMMaarplaaaura, baaidaa aava ua loan, if every

aa who ia ladabiad the aaall

aaouat of hla anbaoriptioo, aaa aadwillsahalt aaiimlMt i* attla

No«M••««», (Nrt tha aggra

gatalitaoaaiileraUe auin.

Your* truly,

Thi Haiia.

votiug placei, and tbea aelact a pnlH.ra<,nn bav.. In en envolved and now

, ooromittaaan. In all catea thethen- are tiro claua. t-acli eadniyuriMg

| ...^ tratrt DoOMOiat abal!

At baiiliam.wU km th

Or. Jordaa. thadaatail*

Ben. R Martin wa*

Hatardajr of tha aharpafahiaaifcar

toapta aia halag aadr, It aaaai, to

danrlfeaiNaaafeldtopMad lata tha


Oa Pridar of laat waak, aboat

aighUhll, fMag a||fo/> «ho llfOi

with John HIiger, two ailea trom

Critlendan Hfiringa, waa ahot ami aa-

varaly woundad, tba Itall lakioK alT-

act ia hia thigh. Ma waa ailkiag a

eow Mar inr'iihoaaa, at tha tiaM,

and aciaaafMbouaa.

hallali atraak tha

of tha party, and will bonaitly

IkithAilly aarre tha beat iotaraaUof

the party. * * » haball bo tba duty of aoch pracioct

ahairiuan to atund hii pmiact aaaaaatiag mmI eall Maa laanthat thay wlwt a chairana othar lhaa

hiniaelf, alao a aecretary, and alaot or

aalact thair aaaeutiva ooi

aad it ihall ha tha 4mtf timk pra-

oiaat ehairaaa aad aacratary to at

oaoa aotify tha ohairaaa of tfa BauMr. Mliger went beiore Juatice C^la central ooraniittee (C'hiK. U. I^ODg,

Mooro, aad had wanaata iaaad, Loniavilla, Ky.,) oftho full aad oor

raet aaoM of tha panoa aalMMd aa


ha aaUbliahad

t<> Hraitbland


Ar«waifhliata.lfa aUkIbruhaialoa Mi|ar aaaa pateh on


i*iai«o Batlar^ ium. Tba aasi aoru

I OK thay warafc—ddiad.Save voor

then all.

Vol^ntine ThrrikeM, the eripplod

negro, WM fiaad 150 laat waak Ibr


gi vlag ! il I lilt WalllHlbJ mVUkf.

Save >oar pMCil M'i I WaB

Iib«a all.

Whaat dHNa. Pmlhaar aad Dtoc

Harrows, of ilic very l>e«i makci,

Urrv verv rbvap. A liig lot un baud

that muat lia aold. All am good

itooda. Wa aapartaaaa aold by aa.

Uw Plaroa A Boa.

> II (.artiea iadeblad to ua for bari

• 1 expeDiea iiuiiit actlle at onc«. Weara buuad to havo tha auMjr, aad

cuat wUI ba attad If ya« wBI aaM la

« iibaal ttf lartbar <lalay.

Walker A Oliva.- -- —


Kiiliiry Wallace, an tigbtccn-ytar-

olil I'oloreil girl, «a« licfora the court

laM aerk on a Writ of laaaay. Hha»aaadjudgtil iaaaMaadiaal la tka

Aaylua at HifbiaiTaifc

All pannwa bavtag poach aaad

uiuat hrtK lhaa ia wilhit lha aast

I'xiay*. AAir lhat liaal «M aai



i%faaai LiMliie So. 3&6 AM. will aaat ia ragalar

P.* A.

b««a«ia Iv irifoeateal tnattaod.

il. A. lludga. Maalar.

.Ml. T. J Nirkell, tbe nominee for

(III- l|oua<>, waa in town laat wet-k

11* ia waU plaaiad with tha oatlook.

an4aaaaaalMaff«aab«igliif iaiha


Aaat' Ftggia Uanar, aa aM..lorod woaaa. died at Mr. P. M.I'Iriiienta Katunlav Aunt IVjruif wa*

•u old "land nark, " wall knowa in

ibiaaaailaaahHaalwbaalifad aaayyear*.

Miaday tha aaMi i«a>aal Wa.Dyor vara oaHod to trial: ba daaadbia Qiimuiaaion aa Japuty I'. H. mar-

ahaJ oaa ac^uiltrtl uf lha cbargo of

Aaryiag oaaeaalad waapooa. Tka

othar oaara were mntinued.

(iid LuoM Dead

YaaUnlay morning Mr. W. S. La-the laadioK eillaoaa of

uatgbborhood, died at

bta hfMMK Tab, afHtaa Ula«aof aM«Ml«M|k.

Monday Mr. W. I. Cruca and bia

wtimabla family lefX fur Arduiora, I

T., the place they ba 'e cboaan for

ihoir aca bav*. No Itetter paopla

evar laft tha c<)unty, ami tbair goiag

i* a aouiOMf |{«i>eral raftret. In tba

removal oiBr. Cruoe, tbe county luaea

on* ul ita muat valuable citiiena and

tha Marion bar one of ita moat brill-

I have aoma big bargalna in town

property. A aplandid little cottage

uf four Moma, and a lot of 4} acra

in EmI Marioa lor «i|p at a hif

bargaia. TbalfaHhaUalorraidai

oa ii alM lOV iri* at a big acrifice

K. ('. Walker.


In 1000 and 'iOOO poaad lali af tka

Jaa UHm, Marioa Laa and UwiaMlfar with doiag tha ahooting. Each with bU poat

of tbe defendanta executed a bond of It iaaxpaeled that every prccinrt

•20U for hia appoaraac* bofora Jua- wiaaitlaaaaa throi[^(hoat tha Htate

Uiif, H tmmm tha will givapraapl aad aflahataoapar-

charir*. tiaaa attention tn carrying out ot tha

What evideaoa there .aagaiat thaajabora rule, ami if for any rauae be i*

ia not known. th<> Ixiyn belong to giMxl unable to do wi, tn prniuptlj arrange

fainilita and bave haretotora bom*aplaadid ropatathar, aad thair friaadi

are aurpnaed tial thoy abouM bo

charge*! with the affkir. It kaa craat-

f'l (onuidrralilf rxi ileiuent, and tbe

aitendaooa at Htjuira Moora'a court

today wfllbalaiia.

Thho aiitht hofora a anmbar of par-

tita want to Mr. Hliger** bona and

with aom* otbar good aod rcapoaaibla

aaa-partiaw Otannrat to attaad to

tha dntia ia tha premiae* for him.

All Democrats aie urged to attend

theae alectiona, and aea to it that the


M Exoeatitr* Committarman in the

intaraat of a united Democracy(-alle<l him Ut the cIcMir, and iii*iate«l throughout the Htato. The laat I)em

on bia uiming out to tka road, wbera oeratio Utato Coavaatioa haa wialythey wca. Ho raAiaed to go, aad mbe abut tha door, thoy dkchargad a

volley at hia houa; one ball woat

through a »iml<

through a i|uilt oo a

wcra aoBM ol tha ItmStj.

aight, aaaordiag la nport, two aaigb*

bora—Mean Yoakay aad Taylor,

were vititol, calleil to tlir diM>n, and

told that they muat hoTa nothing

w baUTer to da wftb 8l%ar.

Oaaoflhaaaaaotifad tha prowl-

er* that ba waa bia awa aaa aad pro-

iMMH^d to aaigkhar vHk akaai kapleaaeil.

kllMWItka Waight.

Mr. Jaaaa DaiaB. lliraarly ol

till* county, died at hii home near

Foulkea, Teou., laat week, Inuu tbe

rffVcta of a Idow on the head. Heand another aaa, had had aa oM(uarrel; they aat hi lova aad talkod

mattera over aad agnai ta ba fricDile:

ha «u then invitad to laka a drink,

whlU atanding at the bar lb*

with whom ba h^ aa^ fMaMla,

aa be thought, throw a Ibar poaad

arale wri^'ht atriking him na the head

alter having the wound draaail he

t home, aod appaataally wa*

akMg ail ri|bk Og Ik*

ibMI day. failaaaliMi af Iba hrahi

took place, and be die<l in a f*w houn.

He waa a brother of Mr. A. J.Du-

vail of tbia place. The latter waa

iuaaaaad Ibara taitgap hat

foua4 Ml bMlk* «Md alM ka



Etceutitro Gommitoeaoa^ for aach

pracioct in the Htata to rank and file

anil ploweil uf the party, and it ia hoped Demo-bed ia which crato will appraciata tha grarity aad

iap«rlMM«raaklag wiaa aalaetiooa,

aad tkal aaeh will avail hiaaalf of

tbo privflege of voting hia prafereooa

for niich poaitiou, a* u|>on thi* orga-

nizatioa the party muat rely for iu

''ittalbaTSa^of aach Praciact

Coaalllaaaaa lo aaa that proper

BOtiotha given to Democrata in Ihoir

lapiBlita praoiacto of tha'

aadphaaalaad arga tkair

Tha te tha aotioa of tba Slat* con-

vention and munt lie obaerved and

followed. Tba committoaman then

alielad will aot aaoaa Ibair duUe*

aiMMh aatilafWika Maataw Stato

aloctioo, Nov. 5,

'Jhaf U. lAiOg.

Cbm'n I>em. t»tat* CaaL Coa.

Tho;DoBMioraU ol CMMndaaaro aaraaatly aoUelMd la

with the abovo ia*traet:oa. Tho attaa-

tion of the chairman of each precinct

ia called to hi* duty aa above atft>rth. r. a. Maxwell,

Cbm'n Crik Uo. Oaak

I'hrre han l>reu coDaiderable excite-

raont at Ualaa ua aooount ofdipthoria;

a appaarad ia *a aaaMf aaaathree alia ftnm tho towa aad a ehild

of I'liil SiuMilt'tield »aK the first vic-

tim, the nine year old girl ol 11. D.

MoChaaaay, ofSalaa, dtod laturdaj

night and aaothar of hia ehildran Uvery aick. Tbe aohool at that place

ba* been tlianiix'tetl for tbe preaent.

Tba doctor* of that plaoa ara work-

tog horoieally tt praraat Itt tpraad,

and it ia hopod that tha wor^ijijUfr-

Uara Buraed.

Ua WiliMliy alMaaai «i

week, a hlg tobacco ham balonging

to Mr. Alx. Woody, of Mattooa

nalghborbood, waa doalroyad by Ira.

It waa UM wUb lobaooo, aad Ikr

Are tmtL 9mt aartag aeatiaitally got

into tha drying leavea and the whole

buraod life ohaff. TUa <|oaa la ooa-

aldoraolo; tba haal^paSr cf Mr.

Woodv'a thirty acp q^P "»» loat.

Mr. J. L. RankinTtf FordaForry.

will riwrriy build a buiaMM baa« at

Clementaberg. Thirty yaan ago,

that place waa an iaportaat Alppiag

point, and a great deal ol Imainea wa*

dono thara, aad aow Mr. Baahia pro-

bat II


Va are making apecial

Cochran A Dakar.


Wohaaothiaday.hf aalaal ooa-

aeni, dia Ivad • ur ro^partnerahio*

tka urao ire i-f tow. aad deeire all


uraa lra i-r aw. aao uaeire wao

ara t .tobad ua tu call and atUa.

A.C. Maora,



Mr. C. H. Nuna of tha toto Ufa of

Cruoe A Nuan, will ooallaaa praalfaa

of law, with hb oHioa at tha amaloa. Hiaihihar, Judge T. J. Nuna

vW ba aaarfalal with hia ia tha

Circuit aaart praatiai Tba yaaag

Nunn, M waBaabblMbar. to alaayar

of aplendid abilitia, and the public

aay ba aaaorod that aay lafral matara

aalraatod lo hia will ba in tba haada

of a gaad piMlMoaar. a ail aaa aad

a tInlaB aathw. Ha baa aapto

knoaUdgaof hgUaattoia. a aoparb

Hhaay aad hM hal laa teaiaiaB aaA

AlMtut the Court Uouaf.

llie roagiautata vt lha maatylueet nvxt Turailav, aa the levy court,

aiHi we learn trom one of tlie number

thatja proporition to work tba roada

by lasatioa will ha dliiiiaid aad pra>

oahly aotad uiH.n. Two of tba nvtajuatirea have announced tor that

plan, aad the other* have boaa oon-

aidarify it.

Jaiar Uaid. who haa aa «fa *rtha Scantym wad aa Ibr the tiaafal>

na** of a thiiiK', want* tome repair*

Blade oo tha court mom. Ue want*

a now ataal aoiling, the waUa troaooed,

aodaawaBlB. At tka kat aaaiaa of

the court ho togalkar witk Jadga

M(jt)rc and county attorney Travi*

were directed to report upoa tho prob-

able coat ol th<we improvaMBll^ and

tbe figura will be roady.

T. E. Griffith qaalifiod at gnanlian

tor Aapliaa Wchtoo.

Tha aaw aaaaljy attoiaar to fclling

la wkb tba daltadar lha aMaa like

an old band at tbe buianeaa.

Couaty Atlonay A. C. Moore ba*


Huiu in the Circuit court ara

coming iu aluwiy. The clerk ay*tti«yara few and far between,

Tba foUaviag daada have b«»**aardtd: & P. Flaaary toR E. piaoai


•il3 acre* for $1,000.

T. £.OfWlh to W. r. Maxwell


Marriage lioeaaa war* iaued oa

tbe 1», to Fred Lemoa and MiaAnnie McConnell.

Oa tha 18 to Tboa. ll<Kj«kaaoB aod

Mai Mary iaaT. M. Haniuuick ha Bled «uit atk-

ing to ba divfpiad fn^ro hi* wife

AaatoE. Hamaaak- The petitioa

reciiMibat iMp mm mrnnki to

Hial hBMrty la ItTO, aa< lived

together until July 1894, "at which

tiaa the dalSmdaat witkaut aay lault,

aa Ike part af tka


*tudy it Saturday evenintf, and be rn

head aariy Moaday aoraiag Ibr opea- 1

»' •> >i Uark and Mr. K. K.

lag itaaha. Tea will aot Ibel al- > ^ '^^^>» returned tnm Hot Spring*

together at home during; tli^' week f Taaatoy aoraing. Mr. L. H.

you are not prew iii at the opening,j


When a teacher doa (not leal aaay, 'Mr<. M. K. Jonea and Mia Jaiia

ho thiaka biuaderiagiy, act* awk- 1

Hcroggina, of Kuaton, La., ara gae«Uaardly, aaiaa aaftvorabh imprMa-jofJadge Moara. Mn Jaaaa to a kla*-

iou on everybody and himself and

goee away diaatiafied with the world

I Use the Old Reliable

\.W\\V.iFALL '95.lERTm

io general, and the inatitute in par

ticular. If IVovideaae paraito wawill have frmalaa laHraelaw Tao.

O. WiDto, of Mitchell. Ind . andMta H. E. Brook*, of M*di*ooviiie,

Ky. Mia Itrook* you already know,

Mr. Willie, although at praaat eon-

aoeled with a aeboai hi faitoaa, baafur a ouaber of yaan bean looked np>

30 M oae of tbe leadiag odoeaton in

Kentucky. He conducted the iuali-

tuteat MorgaaMd thto year, andtwo ot our taaehan, «ka attoaded,

ak oi hia ia higlMt lam OaeMaarked, "Hi* leetnra oa the huaaamind wax worth a wcek't inatitute."

Koih ay they will endeavor to dia-

mi*B their ahoohia Uaiaa aawaly , in

order to be with ua aome. Oh ! I

like to aae that— |M-opl« beginning to

attend inatitute liecauae they like it,

not merely to ave their oertificate*.

Trualoa. may we aot eeaat aa weing all ofyou daring tha week Cone,it will give you a chance to aee howyour teacher companit with < thert:

better atill, it will beip to (how you

who la gal Ar a taacber aast yar.

Though we want you with o* aa much*i |)o**ible, we will e*pecially atipre-

ciate your preaence and lj>l|< <ii

Tburwlay— •Truitea Day," Wewill diacua tubjoato that will more

particularly iatenatyoa OB that day.

People of tbe onuaty, eome in and

•I't Uf; we *rr uol ao very "puity,"

but we dont mind being looked at

aMlaawUlbaghdlaatayaa. If

pcaible. come to Marion on purpoM

to attend, if you are not *lre«<iy here,

•o that you will not have anything

e oa /ear aiiada, bat if joa can

aot da thai, aad abooM eaeM aa boa-

incw, come in to ive u» anyhow even

if^u are not "dreaaed up," yuii will

hi appwetolid a* maoh aa if you

a ia Saaday altira. It to ao dia

oredH to eay oaa to ba aaaa aow and

then in working cinthca People of

Marlon, did it ever iK.-cur to you that

inatitute oaly coma once a year, and

that we eba^ga aa adaitlaaee, aodikat aaay a aaigbborfcaad «a«M be

glad to have it Moonveuient to 'them

a it i* to you, and that your preaence

wtiuld help Ul and wa m'ght help you,

aad that there yoa ooaU atody the

oaaditiaa aad aaadi af "tvaar odaaa-

tioa, oae of the gr«atr*t •|uwtioai

*ver con*idered by *tate or *tate*manf

We fear that you have become ao ac-

customed to haviag the iaatituto aad

aeoafdeatarkavhNr It tpia ikat

you have eaaaad to attoah to it due

iBportaaoa. PItaa to prove to na

next week that wa ara miatakaa. Pu-

pil* frua all over the eoaaty, you

Mm«M enaaa. It wiH da yaa gaod; youwi I pet id«a* fnim many teachera,

your n'op« nf thinking will be broad-

esfd. The week, |iaaiftad of gattiag

your mind* of* your *tudiw, will get

an "furtbrr aa.* Yaa aad yonr

taarber will both go haek to year

wnik tbe next week with more uaiv\ iih much zeal work frovo huiiiiiiing.

Wncber*, couia, it* agood place to

onme, come early, ooiaa to tttf, oum*

to help lud be balped.

Mlaa ^RTbaalar,


raaattoMr. K. N. W(ville yulenlay.

^.Mrai.barabl^rideriaviaitiag firienda

Mia Taylor Woodaid

Uaay villa lat week.

Mr. J. I. Ctoaeataiin Evantville. Monday.

Mm UUa Cobb, uf Lyoa oouatv,

to IkagantarMMT.CXOaMaMr*. Dr. Padon, of Oklakoma, i*

tbe gue*t uf Mr*. T. C. (iuea*.

Mr. W. O. Raaawad eana boa*

*ick (rom Sturgi*, Satuniay night.

Mr. Joha W. Babout, of bheridai,

toaavkilhaaiBptoT«f M. abaab-

Mr*. .\. M. Hcarin went to Madi-

aoBviUo yaterday to apend a week.

Mm J. 9. BakiaaMi. of Clinton,

^ilal aaak aitk wlaliiai in

Marioa. A

Toa Haiiwieaa kaa goae to

llavea,ill. ahMbtkMa baibaAjp.

Mr*. Mary Cooper, and childraa

01 (JatayviUe, are the gueata of Mn J

O. OAatlhbiNAMr. 8. A. Marka, o( Tola, wai

otlUd to tbe bedalJool bto etok fath


Mia Mollio Chamber*, of

ioU, i* the gaatt of Mr* H.

Woman of Judge Mno«ib AaM 'lhU

country in 1*47.

Mr. Joalb. K CleaieBa, ofOraaon.Ten*, waa in town I upmUv. Heha* l)eeo in Texa* tiva year*, lie

came back for :i few daya IBfhlt bto

pannta and friend'.

MrT. .Taniexon and wife, of

Marion, the <). V. agent then,

Haa. Fowkr, of Cotoabaii,

MfaiLiaJaikiai^arwere gneate at tka Cariitle Saturday

and Hundav rf their cuuain, (ieo.

F..wler.— Uniontown Telegram.

Moara. Praaeto aad WilikmVrnMe. of OMkoetoB, Okto. wan In

town Thurwlay in route home. Theyvpi-nt ten daya with their relative,

Mr. Herbert Wolfe, of Livingaton

county, wko aaaoapaaiad tkea to

ikiaqtaee. Tbto waa their flat trip

to Kenlucky. ainI they were well

l>i< tuipd vMtli niir M-otioii ot the tSlate.


Almost at

You On Price,

And guaranteeil. t40.0(i on 12

month* time and lea for ca*b. I

bave ou banda Sapartor aad Oaad-lai h DnIla.

Joami MABoa,Cave-in -fiock, III*.

PiNie SpMkiDg.

The Hob. G. 8. ^Bailar, of fn-neaeee, aad Dr. J. R. aarb, oaadi-

dato of tbo Peoplee party, of IJviag-

atoaaad CrMeadaa aaaattee, for

Repreeeatotlva, will addraN tbe peo-

ple at

Uritud It I vers, Thiir*. Sept.

.Mud ."«priug, Friday Sept. 27.

Smithland, SatunlHV Sept, 28,

Uinlaville, " night.

H:.iuplon. .Monday Sept. :iO.

('Hrrsvillc, Tuoaday Dot. I,

LKila, Wedaeedigr Oet S.

Tola. TkiiadayOot s.

Ford* Perry, " " nigkt.

Weston, Friday Uct. 4.

Repton, l DifktMarioa, Batarday Uct. 6.

Tba other ctadidatM for Repra-

MOtative will l>« given n fair divis-

ioa of time. Speaking will begin at

S aad 7 o'ckwk p, m. All ata aor-

diaUy lavltod^

Quarterly ReportOPTMI

Marion Bank,At the Close of Business un the

r IMS.

l.-.ML' 3




airdday af

SOOVBOUiLoan* and Dlaeoaatajiue iroMi N'atlooal Bank*liue rn>iii SiHie Bank*» fanm 'lii»M»oiOlMato*-

Banking lluuve and LotC^Mh. ....*..... ............ M*.....<

ruraitaa and nxtara...~...



t'aultal .Stuck, paid in, In uaab llu.uuo.mi

VndivMad Paaa ijm.7-Dae Pepaaltaw toJti.a'




Ooanty of l'rittend>n. I

J. Ymidell, * \u>liier uf;^

Rank, a Bank looaMd and iloli

In Marion, K)-., in *ald coninK duljr *wom, tajr* that the totego\i\K

Keport I* In all v*apect* a true ttHte-

ment of the conditloo of the aid Bank,

at tlie eXom of buainea oo tlie Xi day of

Sept. Iroi.', to lb* beat of hla know ledge

and bellt f; sod further ay* that tbe

buslneaa of Mid Bank ha* Iwen tnuitac-

ted at tbe location named, and nut eUe-wliere- and tb»l tlie at>ove report Is

uiail)' in ruiii|<lliiii< • \t itli an oOlcial

notice received from Ui« Secretary of

Maw dalgaatlag lha « digr af aept.1MB, u the *iy 00 wMafe aah report•hall be luade

Sulnt<'rtt>e>l mid i^worn lo l>efore nii' liv

'I'biM. J' Yaiittell, «'u»bier, tliu Iti day uf

Ito*. -1

Mj A. Uaynfl, c. C. C.

rkaa.J. TatotoU,c«J. W. Ml

a. A

unMy, be-



Marvelous KMUita.

KUMatMiMB. Mopl. M.-Ot,9 Om \^7'^^V»^

aaliy ikol aad Kiltod Biby Pattorfva Pualaatow Haaria to

hitktoaaaaly yaitorday. It. WBalha|<b«e" Maadtag lha m U*-'

From a It iler wrtiuu hy Kev. J,

liuudermaii. of Dimomlule Mlcb,,

we are |>eriniUe.l lo luske lliiii « x

trat;! ; "I havi no liMitatioii in rC'^

coaBMoUiDg |lr. K:ii^ » N<'W Dimdv*

wrrr *• 'be re*ult» were ;ili*o-l inar-

vrluus in Ihe laite of my Mife V\ bile

I was pualor uf the Haptiat Churcb

at Uivea Joaottoa aha waa brooght

dawa with PaeaaMau BBoeBOdiag

La Grippe. I'ernalde paroxysrait uf

would iMl hours with little

to oaaaad aa if ahe

aal aarvive tkea. A ftUml

KrMaa- reeoaaaadod Dr. Ulag'a New Dia

giyvery, it was quick io its work aod

Baaiiaa kliW »»* ifaetory ia reaalta." Trial

A Big Yield !

A Fine Grade



We brglaBTa to toifora you that we ara aow pre-

pared to InmiaH yon with tka OLOBB FRRTILIZRRS, aaa of

tbe best good* on the market for weeat. These goodn liiivp hi eii

sold and uaedtor veara wilb line reaulu, and wc arc especially itnx

i one to kawa yoa try tkea. Plaaaa Mil aad aaa aa aa we will

uiiike il lo jour intensl. VOI K'J VKKY TUI'LY.


At it Again I

THf Sitmf Mah

& p. MoMIOAK kai pankaaad tka Howard Bros. ^-rocery Hi>M.-k

and win eoBtnaa kaaiaea at the aaw old ttaod, will ( arrv n ii'r>t ciniwnUick of crooeriM and confectionerieK, and will as usual kpII a' tlic li<,t

^pricea. I have tiaware, glaaware, <|ueen*ware, tub*, coil oil cans that imoat be aold regardlaa of price, if ynn ara ia aaad of aaythisg ol thto Skind come and get it at yonr own price. TCash for Produt;*—I want Q r ||n||inon *

all your ou'gs and butter. Qi II MulfllCalli J


W but do not furuet

^ tlMt 1 am bUH

t Selling Groceries.

GBnatthe 1io«m reeeutlyoccupied liy S. I), f^adgia

&, Co., and you will find-

t^Bargains in Groceries,?

; audTI^WAU£,

And a man who wants yonto get the baifains.

If vou woulil ronault tout "

Interest*, buy vour Siigar, i.i

I'oilbe, near, kea^ lEun iFROM


employ oi III)

at l)fii Moiiiv

Mem to Ills Motlivr iu Uormaii

Mr. .Jacoli l-Ulieii»eii. who i* in tbe

joy of tlie C'liic"„'a Lii.iiher Co.,

lowa, says "1 have

just sent some iiKilioiue lim k to my I

mother in the olil l oiintiy, Unit 1

know from pentoual um! to Ih: the lnnt

meilicine in llie worhl lor rliciimatiitni

having; ui>e<l it in my family lor ever-

*l ^ea^lt. Il i« calle-l C'haiiil>erlaiuti

Balm. It alwaya doa the workrala 1^ Oraa Bran,

,' Fine FarmFor Sale I




.Mk' liottlea ler


I have 1 seven year ohl borse,

good worker, ami 2 mares, .'> and 6

years old. good size ami goiMl work-

erH, I want lo cxdianne for new

corn. I sl»o Uave ;i »|iriu)( wagons

:ijj(l one new top bugg< cxchau gfor ucwcorn. M. &:hwab.

•'IDS arre^, near Hiyoii Miiii^'fl'Mi county I'oo ,„,,.„ ,„-^trttc ..fciillivmi ,„, an. I line MtiiiTf I- in .S.,i,ih,.,.i K •iiliuk\; Ih •

reniaiii.ler in in lii,.. iniilm.'

Si-wresi.leiuv ..('ei-lil room.., .,11 in Ii,,,.

ahs|)e, tine l>»rii«, >:<'ii inm tree*.Por Mraa apply to

III Ull.KM ItAY,li'V^ 'U MUto,Ky.


Electric Bitten.

Klec'lru liillere is a medicine sui-

ted for any se;ison, tuil iM-rliaps more

generally needed in llie Spring, whenthe languid exhausted fceliUj; pre

vails, when the liver is torpnl .tud

sluggiab and the need of :( lom,- und

nitcrstive is felt. A pro.npt iisc ^ol

jliis imtticihe has often iiveili d Ion;;

and perhapa fatal liilious fevern NO

m^oine will act more Niireiy in

connteracliog and frctiiug the sys

lom from the tuslanal poison lit ol

iichc, Indigeplion, CoiisUpaiiou, Hi/.

2inea yield to l^lric HiiterH. Only

jflftycoBtaperjhMIUv'^ ^Wi^OBB Ai^f^ ...

Sberlff't Mlicw

III. I W. lUrper ia tboflavored whirikey on earth.

r-t i in mmienuioa, it to Asi>ecilic for indigiatiaa, for goaaimldebility, far iaeiiaato, Hir aaatal da^prewi'in. 'i

Ii '1.0 IIY

J- U. OttMk: A BRU„Marion, Ky

rs line perwtns nevert'eruv tliui divides lliior

airs tV ini all f, I'al.'n

i l tlii-v II 1 ,.

i|t h.'.ir l

< rill! ( Ul. > ril.i i,v i|

ds knii .V n a^ Ktmun i.

IMIi ;ind I'. ll. ,, . I'i^

-Ul iinin' rnr,. „t iwk hea hi. lu-s, Inl

lolls K>™. h Mir rtloinai h, I'te .V-k yonrlriif,".;i.i n!i .nt tlii-. You c:in secure1 lllite wc. Ircatiin iit tor 20 ceuu,iocliiding both ilu' plU ai,,| tbe toaksptflieib. Try a tree ample.

ook <iver thewu link- all

and c iiiite-i I in-

I' llie W Hid-

If new ri-me-

1 inic Livt-r

111 u < :l lir v

For the pur(ioaa of recait'tii|;-lai«s|^.^^.^^

1 will lueel the people at tlie t"llo»

ini; pbo en un the diiieM lui iUiouttd

:iiid iiiiisl ui'gc all will) lia\e imI po.d

lo luet't uie I nettle \onr luxe*:

llycutliurg. frida\ .Sept. 2(1,*

I^viic, TuesUay, Sept. lit,

Sheri./an, Wetlnesday Sept. M,Tolu, Ttiurnilay Sept. -.'i:,

KorJs Kerr.N Kriilay 8t'i>t -1,

liells .Miues cbnrch, Monday il'ltli.

.NuuuD Switch, Tuesday Uct. 1,

Shad' drove, WednOMhty Uct. 2,

Kemvaber the tiae aad piaoes sail

prepare to BMOt •. 1 must niili>

lhaaa ooUaetioB an I that w Uk n


Qu HelnewUy li|Dt. II, a lar^a' er. led neck, weight aboat

I'oun ia, etrayiil from a droveef'ii'icas iluywiic driven froms.leui to .Marion llo waa lokt

hcHween Salem luul tba

ki((yttc bilk I ill psy for'bia re

Inni III Be at 8al«m, or reward f< r

iuf .rawlkw aa l« bto wbaratboato.

J. a Ueav.


Hog Cholera OaN^111 on guartbtM.


Page 4: archive.org · 2015. 4. 8. · AII-W4Mlf^MltS^ > MAMTO4NUMMI pS5$3«50cash!;I Mr&iaONf,TIMTaller.I VOLiUAE16. JM.E.FOHS. INvrchantTailor MARION.KY. n««*

ttitm CurMi - Blood ^urtfM kf

P^Mk*iaO*^liM>«ll. Maw.:' "WfcwWfc


liMW that I MBd aHood'i RanapartUa ka* dna*

ay *i«gM»r. II It a voodcrfal Mdtcla*Ml iMMnot raAommfod It too hlgtilf

jMMlitMirtMa fut old. I>aa t>r«D

Affllctod With ScrofutaItriM* (IM wai on* 7«ar old Por InIhMkX a nianinf mn nn mm iM* o(9k W^tfiod avery romody r>rnai»tnrtt<l.

'1 k«r any gao4 aatll wa ooaiaaacaaI'l SartupvHIa. Mjrna.-rMdAuakMrI to 1IM llood't HarupartOa HM«»>

I »'rrf ramody raeoanaodad, b«|—'—• ara aon


iHood'sn^Cures• fea4 aMd kar •< «np*pMa. Bka kad kMB

thai oomplalnl ala^*:* el

i«aJmt rur* lb* haii n*>ar l>e«n wllkaflia( Htiad't AarMiwi'llla la th« houM. W*

'mI! !' u i ftff^- *^| SSn.^

1 mm «rMdfnl dU^Ma. fraTlaaa t»adlelaa bar eyetlcht wai atatjat

/imTamflnd tti'intS &K''^KBIF#i)i, XtDta, IlllBoll.

ually going on in the human } !)•

iMk Hood's tew|iuUi»drhrMoat<Ui>mm$mtUltTMin NIALTN.

Luiber lor (telf,

I« fl MOi I* aHan (br »<V |ier

J. U. King.

Joan Am Anna.

Wken Jobnn.T Om had flnlthcd 'up'

Hit atonr of tlieir rlile

Ikw IMiow, AMia ma.

If I had bM« In Laura'* pIsM,It toOM kOW aMllia to nie,

i'4 pnta vataw tlMB both—Aad yaa laa, JaiMsy Daa."

*'I oan't why you'd hinnip the boya.Or why >ou'd ivfu lue;

For all la (kir in love, *<ni l^now,«»••

Kut be that a* It may," h« Mid.- I.<-t u« not talk of ttial:

Lft'a talk of analiei. or poiitlrt—Arc you a Urnim-nit 1"


"Should thinli I waa." Annie ratan'd;"I II iH'vi-r have a man

Who i«, IT wan, or rrrn lookiI.llie .'I lt('|inlilir.'in."

"Imlwd, vou'ri" ijnite iliix-onnt^Dg;S


•>•<< I w ill tl:Hi' lo uliovc—.\miI dir. tiH< of a bnikcn lirurt -

A virliiii Of UiN lo\o.

" i'bere'a one thing rertain," John wonton,

"111 aiwajt ba • nan:Aod. alsk ar avtta, Ufa aad dto

I aamainAadnaifai.

Okat," ka

"And then want a dirorecror inoompatibillty,

Yon'll eoaa mfonad, ofaoanef


' If that aboaM b« Al." I lapllad;"Ofi-onrae you know tbo ikw.

No (lanKfr tho'. In my b•trolh^a—Baal glri I afar mw."

SUrtod ta laad whaia I tefl a#-To take another Utah—

llnd gnt to her grud MMitaaata aaUj •tumbling la tkal dltak.


••Vat I*Bi aat pKjadioad ataB-aafar In mj lUbt

And^Ijwiridjy aj||a«< ta kava

Kre Aaala aaaM laaly taChat roda aa hia aia

Kniiiad Ika miUadaaatkETaaa

Than Onlfta Bdar nina i

lili Tol«v teein'd I .a a _"ilavr ynu aeen II ..iber Mlle^tUr old man II .i.uty Long*'*

ITow Calvin It a iptendld man,Kateeui li.in verv' higlilt


And yet 1 »ondere<l vcrv nm. M

What be could want w ith .Milry.

"I have not Haw them," I replied;

'•SiKiwi't they're (pi"'' lo dlnnt-r,

For I %< liiokfd all n. iiul tlir ttret-ltt

St-ari-blng tor c orry Minner."

ilcilo.blg8la-laklafaiAndkelki. Jahaaj Daat

AadywilaaMII ,Iaaa*"

Yea, Pat aUll here, aad dotac iraU,"Jahaaj ratataad, 'alU

I waa laaHftac aaaa ta I


••Yaaaaatfayal, Ma." (hat replied;

Haat alajr aad hava aoote dinner.



.iilCAOO and


rfHriMiTaKaweatMa VlMMt Day I

aiaapara and Dlala* Oara


Haute, li

CHICAGO,lul^waukee, St. Paul,





Imeartt so much more dianyou imagine—serious and'fatal diseases result from


trilling ailments neglected.1 ) )n't phy with Nature's

greatest gilt—health.

If >nuarc fwlmtout (.1 tnrxt. westaitd Krnfrally ei-luUAtrd. tietvous.^a\« no apatiteanft r an i wutk .

trKiii at oner taklug tlir Ritist rrlia-


iinni'» km Mi-A ftw hoi>

lift cai*—knwitcoaw. tnai Iha

It CuresDyapapala. KMMy aad UvarNM.algia. TrovMee. ^

CM-tlpatlM. Rad Bloo.!

Mabrta, Narvoua allmMU <

Cci oal* thagmalnc-llliaacratMd icdlilies j« ilMwraiiper.Iiiuiet. Olir««llH<

' will uaa aM ot TaaFair Vlawa tiid book-lm.



ftor wala^'hafa a lagalarlipaattac Oaiif Mlaaaa.'

"Did you bring aie aOr, aa to that, indeed,


"Wat nothing for yon. 81a," ba' .Iiidt one fur oiii> me;

And It it neway, Wt me My—Postmark 'd at Mound, yM aaa.

Voii don't know that cblrography1 11 liet my mule on that.

Don't yoa wish you oould do that way t


Annie could nn| reply tatkia;F'or In I'ttmr ( urry Illl

ThsaMMay smsI «i

"i «aw him, C'bat, m'It'll iiilniile*. I mipjioiio

II.11I iirdcml hull t nirc ik w salt—lit' il jiiBi <'«me out from Koto*.


Then C.ih in went on up theAnil I lii'K'tn once more

To ri'ail my !• tier, .11 li 1 miiW hi rv I'll Irft iifl' iK'Tor*",

Soon Ullir .l iinec 1 .'line up » itk aM—He i> K»l ') tlix' difteftlun—

"Well, ( hat, ' aald he. "how do you all

Stand on the money queiitlony"

'.John i>et' and fi-nt nn> i>oniewhat aC,*'

I answered him, "Imt thenffkia, Dafy, Cany and invM-irAre all nf« silver men '

"Well »noo|> 'rill III'. I h.'it. " ba rtplMYou'd JUlit at well begin:

TkaafyaaMdMMfVaU aFfee sl1lrer*s bMad to wia.

I'hp Kooil I'll) dollar of our dad*lIt 'tound' enough for me;

Worth Mywbafa a haadiad aaBta<Tba MUMM geld, yoa see.

When tilfar was dciuonetlzed,"lie wentM, wttb a frown,

•"Tht riah MM^ fUa afaMOur^


An entira bwiaaa Moek was de-

stroyed by fira at Uaiaa Citr, Tenn.

Tba vaatarn patt nt tka eity

riiila'lrl|<lnii rrporta a Hgkt hM «T

tuow tiundsy

At thu ri^\r>tr f<f Atlaalr ax

n I" '« tba

u •>> u a' v.ii«y Oalil

I'i. X (1' •! Il It <• a' oil p.il

per acre ill < I uul Hriiian » tlim

year I'mII far below tbe aveia^jc.

San FraneliM has quraadnvd

sKaiutt vetie'a from Na^asaka sml

YukDhoma, un arfiunt i<i°rliol«ra.

Vwa>PrMidMt HioTensM will |>k-

shiaat tka ile<lii ri <n rsvrciaaa a*

Clikkaaianga paik i n r> |>t. 1» aad


Thirty lbr«'e tiilix ji ki-fp^-r*, ol

H|iiiag Valley, 111, plead guilty ol

k«*pia( b|Ma M 8as*v h** **kftiiad.

They went In to the dinninf; 1

And when tbrv d all »at dosra,( hat (old tMoi of the baapsalMaThMaMMNHlilfealMik


Cbat in Town.

°T«-it toon tblt morning, aa y uu mow

LonK ere the hour for dinner—I caught my mule and rode to town.To meet with Corry Minner.

Kur ( orry liad addressed to maA little note, wblcb said

For me to meet bim on that ilay.

Part of the letter read:

"Old iloy: Y'uu'd l>etter coins latowa.Or you'll l)e very norry;

Mime'ttalng takes^|ave on Wadaaaday

t 'aat be postpM'd. Tana, Oorry.

And to I went, ii* i ve jimt «ald,

And there I chanced to meet


fper. Allathan araaab. •

KtllH o<.t«* at.ffffg^,




asarta a wooierfal influan^ in

IreagtkMiaf har ayataft Vydri\ ing through the propter chaniiel all impurities. HMltti iMtstrenotfeat IWMMl Htroiu Itt ine.Mt «lf* wa« iMdrlddaa far eiibiaea

Kfirr aaUic BRAOriELD'S rKMALK REOULa i OR tur two moDllu, la fattUm wall -

J M JOHKtStON. MalTerB, Ark

sman. as.



Psaai al aaaMaH CkambMrlain's

• I ^ Mmaiy is a godsMd to tka

«ii Tharais no adfertiseniant

. Uiiia «• M jwtiaka mfimg ii.

"liow are yoa,lip,

"You'd better call aroundriV letter rame for you iatt night,I'ostaiarked, I think, at Mound.


I thaakad the Judge, and then went 00Konnd to tbe ollloe door,

Where every body goes for mailTwice every day, or more.

Hello Chat—whm did you get \ntCome riirht on up." mid Tom{

".\ letter here for you, my boy—I i^n't tay whoui Itt from."

Tow handed dm tbe envs1 looked at and I

Judge Hearin'seMugh—

TsTM paataarked at Mound-

Now yon may bet that I was glad '.

Uee—bow It made bm feel


You tee tiiat I was In sutpente

I scarce ooald break the seal


Tom Ilargraves tto'id outtlde the door,8ald lie, "Chat, what n the newa *

Say, don't you want your tialr cut off,

A thine pot 00 your shoes i"

"No, not to-day," I antwered him," 'Twill aoon be time for dinner;

I've got to knock around awhile—I'm bontlag Corry Minner."

"Wm here tome time ago,'' said TsM;"He came ihu iiiuriilng toon.

He took a hair-cut. hath and tiiav*. >

Shine, and n goo<l nbampooo.

"And Juit ttetween ua. Chat,'' saidTom.' May put me down a sinner,

If there It not a vredding soonor tome dear girl and Minner."

'You think so, Tomf I answered bias,"I can't axaatly say—

ludglng fkaaa his auuMiivering,It looks somewhat that way.

I stepp'd a aftie to one sida.I thoocht ri tkM aaaaaad

To read asy Istlir aaiistafk'd—For it I sure must read.

I looked drst at the signature—Though I felt sure of that-

Then eoanseae'd at th» very dial,Oot where it said, "I>ear Chat "

tiauire Morgaa easso Mt of his shop.Into tka apak air,

Beiuiad Ma iQa aai. agkttac it.

Sat down upon s chair.

"By grabs," be said as be tat dowai,"Btfange how aoMe mm " ~

I'U veteTDy grabs, to p«t It

How are they, i-bat. with yoar*

•DIvtded, 'M<{uir^," 1 answaiad hiss."Split ap smBcwlMt, bot IkM


J«koay, fata 1'~

' And so. yM iaa, ttMir aty waatwork;

'Tin both -or worse tbM tkat!.Away with such dap-trap, by gaa,

.\ihI be a Iiemocrst:"

Your views are very good." said I,

*.\nd I agree with you:Our .tandard monev thonid coisalit

Of gold ud allvar too."

rgraee was well-nigh goM,;TwoufMl that T would hunt

rd loMtbe plane plic4> r:U-7v I Ml aC;8a taraed baek to the Orat.

Charles Itms tkM eaaa walking up."Fine dar. Chat, nice and eool-

It ofti nliMien lirlnjfn on tlie chllla—Chat, why not surt to seboolY"

kava no time to go to scboot,"I antwered hlin: ' iiltlioiiirh

My fund i>f knowledge ii' not giaat,'

I'm nitlier old, you know .


"Klrtt educate yourself,'' be said:'Young men like yM aad Jaha

Will find It ofteniluies tba 1

To aMirry Uter m.'

lunpeniagtka Maiican ('.mgreai

M«ii<lay, Presiiient Dim ilei-lHrni ilie

oiuutry lo ba la g >ad,Mii,ditioi|' ^eo

e ally.^

In a recent Utter i'> tin- inaiiiirai tu-

er» .Mr. NV. F. llenj^iiiin. e<lit"r ot

Ihe ."ijieclHlor, KiikIiLtiI. N. Y aajs:

"It may be a pleasure in yu to know

the bi,{h itleeiii in wlii. h ( hatii'ior-

laiiie'" uieilii'inea are l>. |.| hv ihi |"><>

(ileiif yi'Ur own ."•taie. win re il i v

miiM lie Ileal known. A" a.:iit

mine, will! resitlet at IVxler. I '>\-i.

• ail aliO'it lo visit nie a lew ymr-ami liefore leaving lioiiio Hr. teiiie,

s>kiog if they were t M h 're. -t I'ln^

if they were not the wmilil t'lm,: h

<|:iaiit'ty witli luT. nil" ill'! : I i ke

iii li" willi 'III tin 111.' I ll" III' i -iiie'

ret'erriil l<i are (.'liamlK iluiii'i'*'.lujih

K> me<lv, fani iiis l'..r itcciin' I'l " Ui:'!'

inil o«|il», Chanili-rlaiii'ii i'<iin llilui

(i>r iheumatirni. lame liii k. |ullll^ in

llip title and t'beet, and ( lianiU'iLtiii r

I '. lie. C'lmli ra aiiil h irrliea Ueiiivly.

fnr lnwd >iim|iUiiil!i. Tliese moii

iiu" hiive lieeii 111 r 'n^tant ii-W' 10

l .wi lor tl ii'iiit a ijiiirU'r "I a een u-

ry. Tbe people liave learnc'l that

(iiey are articles »f great worth and

•nerit, aad aac<)iMlad by aay other,

rbay ara far aab bare by Orm Or ^<i



l>oo't mail lour ioiier or valuable

paakaga witkoat kaflag joar addraas

written or prialcd apoa Iho i.pper

laft hand corner. TbU will Inaurr

ita return In \o\> if n"l Oeiivi 1. ,1 nu'l

will prevent its l«li>X >«'nt In an-'

a|iM«.t at tke ilea I k-ttcr nllcp.

Till* n'luva iioIIl'C V'IU aill Iwl

UH'ki'il over Ih) iiidivciy wiuil iw of

tka post I III r, an I it cs'ni frfim D e

priKtal kiillioritiM St W tsliington li

vmi trv wia« inn Will hee<l, Tiio

l*H I - ^ 'M I f III Ill-ill \ I • . I ' t' liiiii ln i


t'lixi I 'l'i'ii wi ll \iiiir I aiiie aii'l |>i>-

aBcc a lilrcsN iirlntrd < n ilicia for ;:.''

conU; SMt iMtll r-H- !) odils

Fur !4ai t —A pbvtirian with t

il prMiica la a ||f>.i I liH-aliiy d- -

t<i lell kia rsaiilentt', :i plu.is^inl

boaio, aaJ taraowr hi* |>raotiue U' lin r f It ai^a. P*ir otkar laronas

ttoaeallaltMi offlaa.

Tke MMavar)- NiTMl Nh l.tlr.

G Csillouel. , I '1 fi.--t, III a\ eri"

villi. II'., ssyr: - To I'r. Kiag's NewDirC 'Vtry I owe my lift. Ww taken

wilti I..!! (Mii'iM- ai il tiied all tbe pby-

- ' l.mi t"r milen ulm il, bill <if ui

a I' a ''I wa* given up siiil tol I | uld

nm Ir.e. tlaviag Dr. Kiag'aMaw Di»V. rv in my st'iral irat K>r a butik

a I'l !>•.: 11 I • lire u li iri'Mi t!>e Cut'

<l 'te Ix-gau t'l g<t l)ell«r, ami a lii

ualug tlir>e buttles wa* up ami sUu"

sgsii. it ia worth its weigbl in g- II'

We won't keep stora or k ins* «ir

"III i .

" del s free trial at Woaiia AVVilmui Drug atora.

'TMfB right prohaaor.» TU bett that one

1 railed. _- .jU tarty:Why 'ly to ills we kMw aotorr*^Wky akoold Me wmI ta aisiij T


TkM ka want m; I tbot Td laad—I atked for nolhinir better

'i'ban Juat to h.Hve li.e minute'sTo read my precious letter.

I read on MW qnlte mpldly;Twa* tame an print to tiie;

Tbe |>eniiianiibii> w.iii ver\ ^ood 1

I know It well, you tee.

1 toon irot iiowa dawa la wkaia aketald -

If I do not III iutateKent wai found nowh-re in ber heart,Nor bis eompanlun, Kata.

Was deeply iuteretted then;Now you may liet on that.

My even got blear d I l oiiiil not »ectlrelte my name'a not Chat.

Jutt then a man oame walking upThey a|>eak lirtt iw a rule

"Say t hai, he aald familiarly.' \ ou want to trade that iiiiile?"

"No Harrv. n»t to lav. '

I taid;" .Twill fion lie time for dinaar.

I'm lookiua for a Kontieiuan—They call biui ( orry Minner."

' Ab, I know Ckirrv well enougfc—As well aa yM do, Cbat:

I saw bim Jast a while ago;He'd boiiirhl a nlre. new hut.

'You'd better trade tiiat mule to me,"He went m, gtttiM baU,

' Looked la bis aiMtffawhileHe's Just UlaM yaaiB old.

"John Riley wants to trade with me:I thins bis male would bring

A little better prtee than yours —Will be twelve la the spring?

' I have a splendid thraa-year^ild.Something yMr wUs om ride;

Tot. if all mmors are eorraet,YM're soM to hafa a hrtda."

"I woald notbatM It," I said;"I'll hardly ex>meoat w inner.

Tbe one who II Iw a benediet,I think, ia ( orry Minaar."

"You think iie'li marfy.da yaa, CkattBy ueorm, hot tkaftia aawai

I thought, by Qtmtt, aaMWa

Ha^'X?M» iaa aaw ikaahi"


Tka W.wbiaky IS. wa lUak,CM4 Vyon try it

70U wiU agfM wilk m) tka finest Ikf-

•rad wbiskeji^isde in Kentuaky. It

la aat MiU data laUy Mtafad,^a|id

•atB tba Ml aM baa kaM aWUImlf el, we challenge auy cbemitt to

lind a drup of fbsil oil in a barrel of

it when we put itjon tba market

Itk aaaaially laaaaiSMadad ikr

MHaiMl parpoaaa, oa naaaaal at Mi

parity, while as a beverage, we unhes

ilalingly assert that it is tuperiur tu

tka finatt French Cognac.. Hold m-ly by J. H. OnmA Baa., MwiaB,

Atalaistnitar^ Natlw.

All paraoM bafiag elsiasa apiust

tb « saUta uf Josiab Hoghce, ml . de

o«steil. mutt present llie ssnie proper

ly proven as rt<|uirvd |>>y law. All

parsoM owiaf Ma m account or nois

n iw due aiaat aaaM aad aattk wiib-

iiiit delay.

I). A. Hugbas. Adai'r.

This 8vpL 14, 18H6.

Cut Prices I

Wa will bafwflar aall genuine

O liver Plowa aad PolataMrulkiwNo 13 Plow •7.ft«, PotolSft It.

" i» 7 Tk, aa eU.• 20 •• 8 00, " 30 ots.

• 411 • H 50, " :U» t'ta

ijenuiiie repairs will last lon^i 1

tii:iii the iiiiitatin:". Ui :|ii«e tl.i-' art

ma'li' of li< 111 I iii i'i'iial an utit ti

li.tl.'i' III lireak. I l l :n.-i' tiiey ar»

hen\ier .Vli genu lue |aiii>ta U-n'Olivers' wuaa all alkan anllO^IIW

li eiiuine i;x"!'' ire tin' lient, anil

Uie liest is the vbeafast. Look (»i

tka word OMm «a haHaa riia mpotat.

alMw PiaaoB 4 8»i*.


For Salb.- -A Jeiasy asilk wv..a

Tba best salfa la tba w >rld f


CuU. Hruises, Boras. Uloen. 8aBkMm, Fever Snraa, Tetter. Chapped"

wIr Chilblains. Oirns and al

flkia Sraptiotts, and positively cnrwPUaa, or no pt y innaiiai. It k gmt-

]Ulead to give perfeal aalMbfiliiin ui

1aonay reAindcd. PMaMdNli pa>

t«8. For sale bf H. K. Waain



R C. WALK ER,Real Estate AgentAt Marlon, Ky.,

Offers the FullowinK rarm5 For Sale.

Write for deacription, prict;s and tcrm.s:

trec4 and !ti' rlu-rrv irn ull licnt

i ngNo. l>i.—2;u acres, .tt.n in i ulti

viiiiin, balaRM in g<Ki<l iiml>«r

liuuM of 5 rooms, H acres uf orcharii

laa atoek aad tobacco barns.

Mo 17 —90 acTM knowa m ti.<

MaOollaai bad oa Hqoda erMk. .\

liie faia of ooal, aboat 85 acras in

splandM tia aad atata Uabar, rest

c'lc-irad laad.

No. 18.—About 130 aeraa, 7S

olMiad aad tebgaod aUla of colli va

tk>n Swlnioafce, good liara,

tenMt bMM, plenty o( good watur

TbrM milM from Marion.

No. lU.—lftO acres, 110 cleared.

40 in i;uud timber, booM of four

nvims, ((ood liam, orcbard aad water A ifixnl farm.

.\ i, '.'11 ll!j acres, 01) cleared,

liaUiiuu in good .^intbar. Uoxlhouse and k»nw, oa tka Omtbarlauii

STi 2* -J-il ai re^. 100 cleaieil

acres of good maadow. New bouse i'•"'I "> 4, Isir alale i.f l ullivalion. Ibi

of two rixims. MaW alock t.arn. 3 rema^i^MaHloi' oak limlier. Kcai

.No, i.— l'i acres i mlla from

tbe courlhouiie. Small cottage real-

dence. A ix-auliful siluilion.

No. II 1^ aril-. :i'lj I 111!.; lllWO,

and in tin liinvvuv I'-H'^ "f MariM.

Soma apieodid tiuiidiag aiies

No 4 -4i aecM la aaat Marioa.

of four rooma. A aplaadtd

place for a gardaa farmar.

.No J -iHtl airi's, l.'iil ill l ulti

viiiiiin, lial.ini'i.' in kdihI liru'" i -Ml

liinestoQc soil. Hoiin- nf »i i > iiin

good stovk and tobacco burns, u-n^ut

bouse, orafeMA aC IM ttaa*. Planty


Na •.-4tt aaaM.M laealtlva

tioB, bakuMa la goad tiakar, kouse

of .6 raoaa. Two laaaat kooaw. 1


acres of go-xl orotu.rda of apples,

poaches, iicars, pluaM aad charilfs

Oood baro!!. IMeoty water.

No. 7,

x\ acre't, li."! in uulliva

tion, lialaiic"' in go <d lnuliT; 12

aotaorakafd. Frtw farr )«« f'>'

100 la fttlliva

• raoaa.



It is

Mo. 8.—IMHo«M of

baraa and wkaatOKkaid. PiMtys bargaia.

No. 9.—188^1 re* lirnUooe soil

ItiU in oultivatioL, 1) ) uorus in wUe<.t

4 aciw la orafcaid, il good tobauuo

baraa, oa pabiw road, two ailMfrom railroad.

No, lo, -is:; 'H'rei limcdlnne toil

250 in oultivatioii, H riMim dwe'ling,

m teoaat bouses, 2 good baru^.

No. II.—lOo acraa, 90 in ^ood

stale of ciilliv lini , llwelli ijj of 4

toouin ((iKiil on liani, iiond >! iMes

and tdliaccu liiirna.

Ho. li I'OU uiK's 125 Ohio

river bos' urn. liiMMl resklancs and

jutboiiaes ud fine barn.

No 14.—130 acres, 70 acres in

co'tivation; balaa4« in giKKl iiB'>«r.

i^awf aaua laMMJa. fpiki oatbuif

deiue iif HI. .ins. frame loliucco

liarn, frame i-laliie, and giHxl water.

II'rice $:iOiiO This (arm is miles

from Dycutiiurit, oa fVaaoala aadDycusburg roml.

No. 'i3 IliO a res Ij miles nurlb

of arloo. tKt acres of splendid

t>-it om lud, most of ii fre^b; bouse

of foar raoaa. good bam Md crib

Mo. S4—7af aen»-40 or 60olearad—oaihNtfy llMlaga Ooodorchard. 8 allaaoMlk ot Marioa

No 25 257|aoaM, ITk ciMredami in culiivntioa. kabuwa la timlier.

Brick liuuse of five rooms, tenaut

houfttf, KiMiil liarns I'rice vury low

N'l' '2ti 2ilO acria i.l luitloiii land

oU Cumin rUnd liver, at Berry a Fer-

ry. Ail fill" Uiiil; 7.) acn t cleared,

balsnue iu g»«il tiiulatr. wis oi

iioililinir*. (i imI kihapeo haru.

I'rira 110 p» r acre.

N'>, 27. -171 seres 4 milsa Suut'i

faWm. Aliuut 100 cliared, re

DtaiB'isr well liuibrrfd; (10 aarsa ia

,.«j^Mli<l >toek water. Fmaaof 4


& BiliousnessH sick headache,-I

P nils i'l I'll' h.i.:k,

S.illow lomplcxion,

I OS5I of appatllt aaiE:.\h.iustion.


Ther* ia only one cure, which Is

'^^ LIVERi FiliI—Ane—

e>TONICPELLITSOm Pink Illl tiiiKhra tbe liver sud

rcmovt". till liili

Om Toak l>allat nightly, sets as a

Rcntic laastive in keepinR the bowels

open, reatoret the digestivs orgMs. iMes

up the nervMS sytlcai snd wahcs aewrich blood. Complete trsstmcat, twa

I prtee, »yc

. aaapie frte at any HatakMiao.asw«ssa.

that you Imv*n.ul tiut Clair-

cttc .Soap ia

one of tjie

)q;rMtMt labor-

.".Jiving; itivni-

timi.s v( tl

tiiiii'. T< 11

licr til .11 it

will s.;\c liiT

>llc:'.'.,lli, MM-II. t tililc, stvc

Iht clothea.'I'lte tnerita of

CtAKETTE Soap.^paaiaawaata every BiaagklM waaafc ITatkalmosleeenamlaalsos^iobapfaaaMa. aaliasarytNan

The N. K. Fairbanh Compaf>y, 5t. Louis.laaaaa




lilio. i«i

Ate yea i

sate bodynervMsad ia'mlndf





will dii'I >i:r abick eoRiplote in >



Bavs yne naiss I'. lh« lark.

•'u<ol.artnt. I

Are yv\x

ssmplail.io, r<«t<il

dry eeugh. chill*

flU«d Willi iint'iria—(allnw

I 1 I rn.tlon* fro. II r .r. iTuft. I'rli • 11. -t*"

1 1' iwl al nil li<iiir». |<s\ or N'tgh', \' i .ntrlv

1 I' ' I' . - ir 1 I .• t.. I ... • < 1 I >V . " 1'

I'.t "lie, m^UI tweata,

I• ttl BUiLDlNG 1

M« |M aasi b DB. Klllu* ""'^^


fiERMETyEtiirlooring, Ceiling, hiding,

If you are thinking of btiikling or mrcd any material for

. uiir hoiiaea, auch as

laths gentW tnd >nrt'.T.l »«vwith the er»ai"<t "-t , li. »'ir.

leal teiorre, tlKlt.\l I I I l it .-. r..- .• i "

the tyitcTi the »mi j-O im | ""I »!- >•

giving rtrvnK'.h in p'»r« . f ».'..ii-» ,

eas haallh in plc-n of tirVi.mTbsrs it no utbar ramr..'v 'I'<i I" »•

Bona that ran do iu WitI.. A -' I tl i i'

a real pl«atura tr> t>ke it. I.i"' - .' .:..t.

lake it wilb doliaLI, and ll ^nr. > III

\ JftMi tUrttm. AIUr- .-«<.i


Al I. KINDS or n.M>MI.NU LL'Mlir.W.

Sliiiis.!3s, Laths, Doors afld Sash,


Cnme and get our pricca. J. N. Clarit will take pleaauiv

tl rn.ikiii^ )')!> pril l s (:hog|HT tlun you C:\n ^^ct .i i\wlipr(^

liivc us A thai. I'Ucc ol biisi i'-ss: Nl.irion K illi r Mills


I'liy llie llioitt of.


hIlI lite I'li'i'ls

That 'a WhyHarsa|iarilte baa Uw


And IteattoL

I^-iaatad at L. J. Daoghin'j's. S

wilfs wiath «>f Fords Ferry, will Im- ii

tiaiion enqot/ Mnrt d-.ys snd Kstur

daja. Diseasaa ofall •liiniettiR auni

•aals seicaiiSMlly timUd. Kijuiae

pnetlH a spraiahy.


lames & James,

LAWYERS,dARION, - • KENTUCKY.PiaeHor la tka aMrta of Crittaada.

aad aaraaaadiaa laaatla^ aad ia tk«•>i«ii 4

CTstsL itr.ii.R


Nu S«.

I.« lleiideraon . . 7. 'U a. H.

\t I^Mltvilte I.UU r. M.

Nil. kl

;.4i A. u1


MARION; . KIWTITKY.PhMpi atlMiioa givM lo aM bad

I'tatkslrMm /

ooimi wiNo. M.

I.» l.->iiUvl||«. I'l r MAr Hen I f... : I I > t S

rMaau <u>« iKroMch M»i« SMMl aiitio IK Ik. K. l.ailSr Sail

Uia (V i

II c. MoKiaiicu. r. A.LOUiSVILbl. IT I

New TiD Shop.I bav-j )|«>ne.l a liii >li >|i up .(sirs

ivcr I'irtree A Sii.in .! ire and am lO**'

Mepared Ui do all kiuils nf tin arcirk. iBi^ 1^.iNifing and guttering a speri.lly /.V^(e|>sirin;; .

:'1 1 l.iii.U .! .i • . n rt , ip ^

l«»aSi«i%JTr '<.»l«l. , , ,

I Mill .oMiarwi trt aMians rsa mwcMahttk. . >iw.l<.i<,rhii>'i,"<il., rWMMiSSo,M«» V*>ri.H.r. k..w. JtUil

I •.•.•..•.u..«ipMM4




I bsv-j )|«>ne.l a liii >!i >p up .(sirs





iiotK'o. Ail wiiilv. ),'iidrjiiii ' I K'

ualating a rawminliie pi in.

TIIKO. VnslKlt.

<iai ATK. 1 1 la.. He.


firl. llMllrlno ('.,. m |.,hii., Mu.

t.mitlonMMi -Vft aild lut |Mr. M IlimiU ol(in>itK'-< TAMICI.ai« rilll.I. TllMi- ani havab.Mjaut ibffM .njM .lr*.4r liiu ri-w. iaallimr.i*pmrM-ium tif U _|fMn^ la lh« ilnia Imwimnm, kar.

Kui-fc aolWMl MUJ»limn Imlf.

SBs^v.caaa *c»

im tif U ,tMr., laaaMaaafiMSaUMtMx*

• > I J>n < MiMlKB.


Will prst'iice iu sll llie 'rouiit ^4

t'riticnileu and a<lj<iiuiny counlicC

ni«v will gffa praapt attaa^M to all

tiusinca eatrualtd ta tkair care Hpa-

itial attMttoB gifan to eallectinns.

a af < I .Marion liMfc.

f'M' ; I •k<l>kl..|.k<M« .. I. allMtiMM. .Ilk


U>r |.rm«ti.iii.c Ih.

O. V. R, R,^


J. a. Ki>< IIK«TKS.




Attoi^nbys at Law,

J. ». nsn< i< i,v. I'l saarilla,..Ar. llendspMa..

.MurganflaM" lien.haw. .


" hiiirgts



MARION. KY;i::-8ooonU al

v«ar B. f. Bayaaa*

glaaitMllha.11. Wiir



nass eolrustad lO UMM. Will prMlice in all the courts of (Mltaudensad adluialBg ooartlM.

». aLoa, 18. I.


Attonisys M Law,MARION. KY.

Will praiiiic iu all ourl. u; ilie

•lull'. l'riiiii|it stti'iiiiou giviiii to sll

" r"iiKa L-mruKlcd lo their• >di< « in luitak


. CHOaa?,ir >*

H .Vi•'



No. 4

foe •*

Qi •••ss • a « e e

(t.tt ••

«JU -


MowniMumTBAim.uAttr nsiavNo I Nowt'V4U am IMI pal.v. il(>|iklntvilleT..

Ar. (iriirey' rrlncetoB

MarlMHturgts.nenahawMorgMilald «UendarsMKvaMvlUa . . .


r> 411

. «..%«

. IM «.

8.31 "


» 30 "lo.U >•

U 14 '

S IO "

*M *4.a« ««-4i *•


7,4«H.S4 "


nVIOXTOWV UUVCR.I.v. MmAr. Calaatawal.f. Ualaalaara



Iba•aa^•|all£#aa MaSb7.49aa uogai

|L'1> MlToiiiM., a. p. A.,

KvaMvUla. Ia<*.

lAVcaoB. Aiaat,


Page 5: archive.org · 2015. 4. 8. · AII-W4Mlf^MltS^ > MAMTO4NUMMI pS5$3«50cash!;I Mr&iaONf,TIMTaller.I VOLiUAE16. JM.E.FOHS. INvrchantTailor MARION.KY. n««*

Owf«4 - Mootf ^rlfM ky

MtMM • 0*., feMMH. llMi. >

MMMHat trtikl Rood's Rw*»pw1ll» kat <«Mttv ay 4*aghl«r. II ii • «on<l«r(ul M4telMMl iMBnot rMommrDd It too hl|l>lf.

9NM Ii tMrUM jw old. hM bMS '

AfnictMl With •«r«fu4«r ilM* *h« WM OM 7«v oU. For In yimkMkatf * rnanlnf anr* on mm atd* o( Mr^ w*lrl*d evpry r^mr^ly r^inniiMndod. bu^

;€Mh^raii) i<H>d until w# romm«fi<,oo4'i 8»r«.

... -,H%nlla Mjr miu-rtrd ditufhUrInod M ;^iA|*<^iIl* bMMM

iHood's*v>CurcskA4 mrad IMF o( 4r*P*P*t»- KIw b*< kMB

thM coaipUtnt iIik-.* eyMllM,jurf IlM hM IMTM bMii *N|M«I •

liatd'f mrMtwrtlto ! th« hoax. W*

^RKAT BATTLKt areconUn.ually >:i)inj{ on in tlii' liiiiiian '•yii-

tein. llu<Ml's^^•rM|triU»drivcltoatdi«-


Lumlter iur Sale,

I will fill bills to onlen for 60c per

lOOfat te tht Mst 16 ikqrt only.

J. D. King.






an TMtaaltA SMia SarrtM; 'W*at mmt ViBMt Day OoachM,

SlMpara amd XHninc Can

- f*^** THE SOUTH

T.<" e Haute, IndianapoHl,

CHICAGO,t\.:;waukee, St. Paul,

\m m. fount m rm

InPoorHealthmeads ao much more dian'vou imagine—serious and'ntal diseases r««ult from"trifling ailments ncglectrd.

I > )n't phy with Natiire's

greatest gift—health.





If youare f«*liB|out i'i aoris, wcaaaiid generally ca-kaiiMed, •••rvovi,Imv« m appMlit«Ha CM 'I work,begin alencctak-lugthemoalrtlia-blc ttrefigthcfilngMirdiriiie.wltirh is

Brown s Ircii Bit-trrs. A (rw bot-tles cure— b^ncAlcoMet from ib«vefy Arat doM—tf

iV «M Mr

It CuresDy«l>«|Mte. KMsty sui Uvm>N«u ilsia.


Women's MmpfaUnU.< rt only th« fcrtiuiiic- il ti.s rra«ft«d red

\inr* .m Ihv wiMpfM-r All oihcr. arc tab.»iiiunf« Ott tccciL'l of two It alampa wv .Will utnd BTi ul Tan BaaaUtal WarM's <

l-alr Vtav* aiid Uiak-«ra«.iaov«wo«WK«.ca




John and Anmir.

Wten .lohniir Pre had flnUhed 'up'

Ilia ittory of tli«-ir rideThroiiKli I'AntlH'r Hollow, Annie Mtd,

Still alttinK by bis tide:

"If I hati hfe<\ In Laiint'ii place.

It »oim> how »e«"n>i' to iiif.

I'd |itit a vpto on tlD-in Ixftli —.\nd you too, .lobnny I>«>r."

"I •«n't eee why you'd blame the boys,Or w by vou'd veto me;

Kor all i* f»ir In lorr. Ton know,"111 ("ImhhIciI .loliniiv I>w

'Hut be that a* It uiay," he said,

IM u* BOt talk of that:

Lot'* talk or siwkea. or politic*—Are you a Drmocrat !•


"Should think 1 wm, " AMie vetara'd;

"I'll oever b«*« • MBWho le, or wm, or efWi Mn

l.Ike a KcpnhllriU)."

"Indeed, you're qnlte d Isoovraslng;M poee 1 will have loehf

And die, too of a broke* hMf^A viotlin ef my love.

"ThOM's one thing certain," John weston,

"I'll always be a uan;And elak or ewla. 1 11 lire and dieA " ~ "

••\vt I'm not prrjndloed at all—W -.ir- lu'MT In my life;

.\nd I would not object to kartADHMenUewtft!"

Krc Annie could reply to thi»,

t li.it nxlr up on his niulr,

Kiit^-r^ the itarlor unannounce'd—Ho doM tkk, a ml*.

"Ilvllo. blfrSlH taklacarMtlAnd hviio, .lolinny Doe!

I tuck a oiul« ride oat to town—And you're stIU here, I see f


• Yea, I'm atlll hire, and doing well,"Johnny retiimetl. "altliougb,

I wu« preparing soon to luulie

.Some overtures to no'

'^ on ran t )in ><'t. John." < hat replied:.MiiKt Hi;i> iiicl liavr Konie dinner:

For Mr'rt' tu have a regular feast—Kxpecting ('orry Mionrr."

'Hill >oii brinK lue a lettar, Ck*tfOr. as to lh<tt. indeed,

A paper or a niugazlne—just anvthinK to read ?


"Was nothing for you, 8U," kCMMt' Jnat oae tor only me;

And It Is newey, le; me My—PostDiark'd at Mound, you see.

You don't know that cblrography—I'll bet By nnlam that.

Don't yoa wish yott MaM So tkot way r

Yuo flan't ibo.' .Sis'* mM Chat.

Annie could not reply to this:

For In <'«ioe t orry M inner:

The iuld-(Uy lueal was thru annuunc'd,And all went In to dinner.

They went In to the (tinninv rooiu,

Aad when they'd all sat down,Ckat toM them of the bappentogtTMMHriNIISttollMm.


Chat in Tiiwn

Twas soon this moming.asy uu citow

Long ere the koor llw dUwer—I caught my male and rode to town.To meet with forry Minncr.

Kor tJorry biul addressed to meA little BOM, wUch Mid

For me to meet bim on that day.Part of the letter read:

"Old Boy: Yuu'd better come to town.Or you'll be very miy t

soiBotlihy|takeQiBee as

Caslfea partpaaU Yaaia, Cam-And so I west, as I've Just saM,

Anil there I ebanoed to meet—Wjthk^jeMHlaM^ <



exerts a wonderful influenc* It

streugthentug her syatcM b]

driviag tbnmgb tke proper channd sO lavwMss: Hultil and

&trenotti are ouanMMl itIroui tu UK.u

sturIrwile irsa -'-"m — rriln.ar Miac asAOfULS-a rotALaiMSav

, Ark

A*as oa., ATuiiri. at.

laU kr all l>raM*s«t at tLSO rw kattta.

aU aaeoasia Uaamhariaina

IjTiss fOMMl laiha

How are you, Chat ? " the Ji

up,"\ ou'd better call around:

.\ lettfr iMiiie for vou ia'l night,I'ostumrki'il, I tiiink, at Mound.''

1 thanked the .ludge, and thenItound to the olltoe door,

Where every body goes forTwtoe every day, or more.

Hello I hat -when did vou get I

Couie right on up,'' Mid Toa^A letter bare tar yoa, my kor->I can't say whom Ita mak"

Tom handed uie the envI looked at and found

Judge HaoflB'a weada

"When \<.u get married, CkBt," koaaltl

".\iiil then want a ilivorre

For liH'oiiipatiliillly.

Yon II I'ome around, of ronrM '


Ifthat eboaMbe Al. ' I rei lied;

"tif oourse vou know the law.No ilangi r lh<>'. In my boMMkVk-

llest girl I ever saw."

.Started to read where I left at—To Ukkt another hitch-

Had got to her graad eoinaMOta asMy stumbling In that ditch.

Then Calvin KIder r:<:ite and mIiI -Ills Toloe aeam'd l «e a song—

"Have yoo saea R other Miley,fiial|Or old BMB n ti.itiy Long* '

Now Calvin i> a splendid man,Kstecm Inm very highly;

ABd jral 1 wiaimd vocjr mackWMat koaaaM »aat wltk MUey.

"I baeoaalMw tbem," I replied;

'•8oepee> Uiey've gone to dioarr,For I've loofced all round tko strMte*

Hearching Car Corry MlBBar."

"I !>»» Inrii. I liril , not long aS^~Ten uiinutes, 1 suppoao—

Had ordend Mm a ataa. aow nit—He'd Jnat eame oat ftom Mm*. "

Then Calvin »ent on up the street.

And 1 began once more1%raadmvle<WkenriMtt

An eolira bueioeM Mark «ai de-

tuojti kf Ira SI ITslsa OHv, Tann.

The we«l«rn part "f the

]'liila<lel(>hia rrporta a li^ht

suow Basdax

At Iho '<i<wii'r of iha AtlsMs es

p-1 i «i i''t-J'

* , M l (•- »« the

u ititi ai OMy OaM'*.

l-i. .\.e<' •! Ii It ''>,^^n u 11.1 I' it

|wr ao>« ia tiniat Jlritias' w.ll this

year faH Ikr balow tka avarag*.

San Ftanrisco lias i|tiaraiiliii> d

sftaiaat TMN'e Itoa Nagamka aud

Yokohoma, oa accoaat of eholara.

Vue-rreaMlosl SMteugon uill y-side at ike dadieaikw excrcisee a'

ObiekaaMMga paik Sept. 1» and

Tairtjr tkrea wlu<>u kce|)«ri>, of

HptlH VaOsr. IIL. ihai f«Uty ul

keepiag Opaa oa SaMllqr

aii«L .

laapaniaf Iba MtsidsS U»|nwMMiMkf. Piwidast Diaa doaiartd ika

auuatrj to ba la g>iod,«Ssajjkias' ^aa


Hoon OUie JauiM came af With am-He's got a line digoetlos—

"WeU,Ckat.->«Mfia.'«awd»y*a aU8taad oa tke aeoey sawHear

'.Joka Dee and fent are somawkat aC,'

I answered him, "hot tkoaFata, Davy, Corry sad myaeirAre all h«e lUTae maa-"

"Well wnoop 'eM bb. Chat," be repllodVou'd Ju«t as wofl kacln:

The ory*ao«adaMaayVail a- - - • *»awla.

"The good old dollar oT our dad'sIs 'eound' OBOugh tor me;

Wortk aaywkaN a kaadred eaata—Tha saam aa geld, yoa so*.

When silver was demonellred."He went on, with a frown.

'The rIekaMa'a pile Ofgold laeiaased,Oiff Bilaaa aM araal mwm.' And so you see. their rry wont

work:'TIS bosh -or worse than tkat!

Away w ith such t'la|>-trap, kjT gam,.\nd 1h- a I >emocrat I


Your \icwn are very good,** laid I,

••.*nd I agree with you;Our standard tnonev shoaU oaailltOf gold and silver too."

1 felt that f would burst '.

rd hMt the pbtee place where I M


So tuned boek to the first.

Charles Kvaas then raiuv walking up."Fine day. Ckat, aloe and cool-

It uftentlwM brlagi oa tko afcllle—Chat, why not start to sohootT"

°l have no time to go to si liool,''

I aaswered bIm;^although


Poat aisll toar lattar or aslaable

|ia«^ka({c withiiiil li:ivin.{ M>i:r HiMrcs^

wrttUo or prinird upon the i ppci

laft kaad aoraer. This will instirr

lla return lo ton If n>>l (tellvri.d and

wilt pTvcnt ita IwiiiR M'Hl lo itni!

Opriiv.l al til"! lira I Iclifr nlllii'.

The a'.Nive itotioe you will find

larked over (k> Oelivery winil iw of

llw posi > 111 e. :in I it ca-nr frotu ti c

p> htiil H'lltifiritioa -it \V ikliMi^'t III 1


^1111 .re wIm' \mt will he«Hl. Tii«'

FbK'<» wi'I (urHi^li )oi ooe bun lii '

envi ! •)>«• wl:h ,\o«r i.amo and pi>-

ollln a : lri -<« (iiintnl I 11 llii'tu foi

oopis, si'iit lira til f ir I J o^iie

liiH ."'aib —A pU\tii'iau Willi:

Kooti praeikm is a goi>.i loaalily •! -

tree t<i trll ilia reeideni<c, -.i plo.tsunl

hAme, smi turn over his pracUvc Uhe r )t >t Ul n. Fur othaf lafiMtB*

call al this oillca.

TBIrather oM, yea know."

"First educate younieir.' he"Young men like you and Joka

WiniMltallaaUmMaTo aMrry later on."

'You're right profens .r '

1 replied' " 'Tls best that one should urry


Why 'Sy to lUa we kaow not of T


why akoald one want to many t"

Then he went on; I tho't I'd I

I asked for nothing betterThan Jast to have ilvo aiiaatal tIaMTo read luy iireoious letter.

I re:id on now ijnilc npidly:Twas same as print to me;


I gal dawsSd-

'Twas postmarked at Mound-

Now you otay bet that I wm glad !

Om kawbmademe IhellYon aaa tkat I wm In sospenso—I aawaa eooM break the seal


Tarn Hargravee stood ootalde th« door.Said he, "Chat, what's the news r

Say, don't you want your hair cut off,

A shine put on your shoes !"

"No, not to-day,'' I answered him,TwUl soon be Ubm f

I've got to knock around awMla—I'm hunting Corry Minner."

"Wm here some time ago," said"He came this morning

He took a hair-cut, bath i

Shine, and a good shampoon.

"And Just between us. Chat, ' mM Ton' May put me down a sinner,

If there is not a wedding soonor some dear girl aad Mlaaer."

'Vou think so, Tom?" I aaeweiad kia"I i:an't esaetly mv—

ludging fkom his maneuTcring,It looks somewhat that way.

I stepp'd a aa^e to one side.

I thought I'd then proaaadVa read my letter undlstniVd—For it 1 sure must read.

I looked Arst at the signatars—Though I frit aure of that

Then coiuuienc'd at thj very Brat,Uot where It aaid, "Unar Chat."

tioaire korgan eaasoaal aTkbliSPhInto the open air,

Belllled hit pipe and, lightly U,Sat down upon a chair. •

By grabs," he said aa k* Mt dow»,"Htrange how some men will do.

I II vole, by gr.ibs, lo put it down '

How are they, * hat, with youT'

'DlTld<MJ, 'rtquire,'

'Hplit up somewhat, bntlfeasFataasiltaa*

If I do not miMtato—Kent WM found nowh'tre in ker iMaM)Nor bis eompanlon, Fate.

Wm deeply iutereeted then;Now yon may bet on thnt.

My eyes got blear'd, I eootd notOr oIm my nama's not Cknt.

Just than a man eame walking npThey speak llrst !is a rule—

"Sav Chat, be s:iid familiarly,' Vou want to trade that mulef

"No Harry, not to lav," I Mid;,Tw ill h ii:i be tioic for dinner.

I m looking for .i Ki-ntleiuan—They call him < orry Mlnoer."

' Ah, I know Corry well enough—As well ,i« you do. Chat:

I saw liiiii just a w hile ago;lied bought a nice, new hat,

-'You'd better trade that mule toHe went on, getting bold,

' Looked In blH mouth aw bile

lle'sjuat lifleen years old.

"John Ulley wants to trade with me:I thtna his mule would bring

A little better price than yours—Will be twelve in the spring':"

"1 have a uplendid three-year-old,Something your wiXe car. ride;

For, if all rumors are correct,YoQ're soon to have a bride."

"I would not bet on It, " I Mid;"ril hardly come oa t wioaar.

Thooaa who'll be a benedlat,ItUnk, Is Corry Minner."

""Yuii think lie II marry, do \ou,lly (ieorge, but that is news:

I thought, ly~

u»~He'd aal ail



The "I. W. Harper" Hour Mtak

mhUkf ia, va tkiak, (aad UjtmUjhygs vM agisa «itk aa) tkaiaaH «mw^Sad whiskej^iivle in Kentuaky. It

b But sold until tully matureil, and

until the fusil oil bM been eliinated.

ludcaJ, wa ckaliaafasBjr cbaauat to

KndadropoflfMnaHteB kanal of

it when we put it^on the market.

It is caaecially recommeoded for

medicinal purp<ieM, oo aooooat ot its

puritj, vkik aa a batani|a^ «a sakaa

itatiBglTaawl*atll ia aapariar la

the fioest French Cognac.. Sold oa-

ly by J. U. Orme A Uio., Marioa,


7hat UooM BnreaporilUn Doea,

In H reci-nt letter to the luaiiiifacttt'

ers .^lr. \V. F. Uenjiniin, eilitor ot!

Itie ."»(>eciHlc>r, Kusbt'onl, N. V. MJS:

"It may be a pleMure to you to know

the hi^n isleetn in which Ctianilier-

ininr'a me<licii>c« are h< Id by the |ieO'

pie of }'i<nr own Stale, where they

niiipt Ih- Ileal known. An aunt ul

iiiinc, wh'i resides at Dexter, lows,

was aliO'il to visit me a lew years sgo,

and before leaving boiue wrote lue,

asking if they were s dd h-^re, staling

if ikey wora not sbe would bring -e

qiinntHf witk kar, aa ake did i ot l>kr

to Iw wtthoat tbem.* The mnliciuri-

n ieirnl t« are Chamberlain's Cough

K. nicilv, famous for ita cure of cough*

iind colli*, Chnmlterlain's I'ain llilni

lor rbeumalisra, lame hack, 'pains in

ilie siile and cbesl. and CbMuberlain >

I . lie. Cholera ami Diarrhea Remeilr.

for Iviwcl I'omplaiuts. TbcM me<1i

iiie< have lieen in constant use in

lows for nhiost a quarter of acea'v-

ry. The people have leamoil that

ijiey are arli. lcs ••;' ^'reat w irlh and

merit, and uneijualed by any otlier.

Diey sm Ibr aab kara by OnB« Br'>a ,

AdministrHtor'N ^(otirp.

All persuns having claims sj^aiual

tb <. estate uf Joaiab Hugbe* , ool . de

eeaMd, aiaal prtaaot Ibe mbm pivpcr

W proTen aa inquired |by law. ADpersons owing him "ii acooiiiitor note

now due must come and wttle m'ltk-

out delay.

D. A. Ilughce, Adm'r.

This Sept 14, 1886.

Tko IHscsTarjr Hstsi His Ulr.

G Cailloue le. On gj -t. Ill sMTH

Tilli, II'., MVr: " T" l>r. King's New

Disc >»fry I owe my life Wss lakei!

wilk U Urippa and Hied all tko pbj-

o'eian* for wilee ahoit, bat nf n<

' a i'l wa< giv. II up Hiiil I'll I


Uot li-.e. Having Dr. King's New l is-

"e> ry in my ainral Mat fcr a i- nli

and lieg. n i'« use aid from the ds'

d -se hegaa to g*t bollt r, and art, i

UriiiK ilirie bollU-s *i* up ami al> <

S(;ai"i. ii is worth ita Hti^iii in g' Ii^

We wiii.'l k»-ep atorf or li 'u-.' wui

oat i Uct a Iraa trial al Woods AWilaoni Drug store.

Cut Prices I

We will hereafter sell genuine

U U^vT I'lows and Pointa as followa

No t:i I'luw $7 bU, Fuinl I'.'i itn

• • t» •• 7 75, " 30 1 1!"

" 20 "' 8 00, " ;iu l is.

40 '" S 50, " :{ii cts

Geaaine repairi will last ion>;ri

tban Iba iaitatioa, because Uiey an

ade of belttr Material ; are aul s<

liable to bfaak, beeaasa tkay arr

keaviar. AU gaaalaa poiata bcr

••Ollvafa" BBBM all oikais ar«


Genataw foodanic the kesi, aad

Um boat U the ckaapaat. Look lot

tke word Oliver «a koMsa aMi ol


alMw PiBBcB * Bos.


F«a IaU.—A Jerwy milk eow.

The lieat Mlve in tke w >rlii fo

Cuu. HruiaM, 8<>rM, Uloers, 8a!

Rheum, Fever floraa, Tetter. Cbapp«^Hands, Cbilblaina. Corns and al

8kin Eruptiona. and poeitiveiy eure>

Piles, or no piy rer)uire<I. It is guai

auteed to give {lerfect aalisfactiou o

Aiadad. Price 26 oeau pe-

«kktH.K. Wands.IS



R C. WALK ER,^^^^^^Rea\ Estate Agent'^^^^"^

At Marion, Ky.,

Offers the Following Farms For Sale.

Write for description, pricva end torms:

No, 2.— 11' a<rea A mile from

I coarthiiuM<-, Small cuiiiigc rrai-

A beauttfal situation.

No. 3 —18 aoTM adjoining; town,

and in the gioiriad part of Marioo.

gome spleadtd balldtsff sllea

.So 4 -1} :i^ ii"i ill ci-l Mari'iil,

bouse of four room*. \ spleudnl

plaea (or a gaidea (armer.

No. I —180 acrea, UOUcaItivatioa, balaaoa )a fBMl ttmber. All

llmealoaaaalkJtiBiBaaeC • rooms,

good aUMfc ass HMflBOkaraa, Waaot

konae, orafesal s( IM isias. Fianty


No. Ii :i-<i :ii ren L'tii in cjltiva

lion, balaiii'i: lu ^I'xtA Uiiiie.'r, bouse

of .6 roomi Two truant li iii-ieH 14

acres of goiMl i)rcUi.riU of apples,

peaches, {xiars, plums and cherrK's

Good barns. Piaaly water.

No. 7.—81 aoras, 65 la oalliva

tioD, balaaoe la good timber; IS

norea of good Meadow. New hooea

of two rooms. New stock barn, 8aere orchard. Price very low for

I aad M treca, all bear

No. 8. — 12ti lUTos, Inil 111 -iiHna

tioa. Housu of riMiius (iuo'l

bams and wbeal bouse. 4 acres uf

orchard. PMf slaak waM. U i»

a bargain.

No. ',1. -IHS i ri-» liiiflonc <iill

mil in c'ulliviitioi., '.I I I res in w lie..',

4 ai'res lu orchard, 2 KuuJ lubacco

larns. on pubbS fOad, t*S Mites

frum railroad.

No, 10.—183 Vire* liaMtnoe soil

250 is osMvallss, 8 mom dwaiiing,

a teaaal kosaaa^ t good ksfsa,

No. 11.—100 acres, 90 ia good

•tatoaf ealliv.-Usa. Uaslling of 4

iMM. Ooodsaakssl -gaod atablea

and tobaouo bana. .


Mo. IS.—NS acres IM Ohio

river iKH'om. Ooml rMidence and

juthcuoea and fine barn.

•So 14 —no acres, 70 acrea in

cu'tivaltoQi balani-e i.i ^ikkI iim ler

Four rooM laaiileit gmi l outbuild-J


iogNo. 14.—t7V acm, 200 ia culii

vetion, balance in good limlier

(lunse of i riKiros, H acres uf on-h:iril

line ^tO(k unil liioaciii liarii"-.

.Nil 17 fil acres known :,s Ibi

.Nil Colliiiu land on ll^xxla cn ck. Aline vein < t coal, about :ir> acrei in

Kp'c:iiii.l lie aodatava ttabar, rwiclc reii l:aiil

No. IS. Alioiil Tin iicrt's, T.'i

cle:ired uud io gou I staUi of ciillivn

tiuil Small h<)ii"'C. giKnl liani, oiii

tenant houve, plenty ot giKMl water

Three miles from .Marion.

No. 111.— 150 acres, 110 cleared.

40 in gimd tiiu'K-r, house of four

rooms, good liarn, orchard and wa-

ter A good farm.

No. iill. -i:i3 acres, liO cleared,

balance ia good ,,.timber. Uooil

house and bartM, on the Cumlierlaod

''^.'ti.—S84 aorea, 100 cleare<l

aad w i tall alata of ealtlvatioa, the

1»mw>WM|toa oak timbar. Ueal-

daacaol 8 laoma, fraaso tobaeoo

bara^ draw aubia, aad good walar.

Hriee IMOt. Tkto faKi U Si Mikefrom Dycnsbarg, sa y>idBBki ssdDrousbarg road.

'No. 23. - 180 aiiraa 1^ Miles north

of arioa. <tk> acree of splendid

hot om land, most of it fresh ; house

of four rooms, good barn and crib

.So 21 7-('i acres 40 or BO

(:U":tretl ' orilinary iiSii'iigi Goodoruiiard. 8 mliean'irlh of Mrtrion

No. 25 —8&7i acrra, 175 cleared

and in culUvatioa, balance in timla-r,

Vriuli Iwuaa of fi«e rooau, leaaat

housa, good barae. Price vary law.

No- 26 —200 aerM <.l bottom lead

OB Cuiiiberlsnd river.at Becrj's Fer^

rj. Ail fill"" Uml; 7& aama elearcd,

hatanue iu gm^l timher. Tvc mUt ot

hniUiiig*. U lid ^>baabi» kara.

Price f10 ptr acre,

N •. 27 —171 aeMa 4 mMm Sosi'i

'.ff'ulem. Ahaa4HisiB'Irr well tlmksaid|

tmif, a|JetMli'l »laak

of 4 MooM. laa Mast

Hit aksMfls fa-

edfJI SSML^is^I wata#. lBl»


$lck hendadic.

Pains In the back*

Sallow complexlsa,

Lc^s of nppctitS airf


There lao^ oae esNk nkMk ia


eToNic PelletsOne link IMIi t..uvlH< the liver and

1 1 ltni\ < • 1 1-

One lonli I'ellct m^^litls. i.li.isa

gentle l.n.ilue Ul kiein ii; (h- ;>,.»eU

c>|ieii, rolori s tlir ili);c-.tni- org.ins tone*

Hp the nervous system «"d niakrs new

rich bliHxl Comi'li te ire.it 111! lit, two

mriluine*. i io ]'ii' c J",'

Treatise and sample frvc at any store.


TcU Yourthat yott haverciil that Clair-

etlc Soap is

o 11 o of the

j;Tratt«t labor-

.•^iivitii,' iiivfii-

li 111.-^ of lllc

1 1 mc. TellIur thst it

will s.ive her

.'t!c!'.;.;th, MVCIu r tunc, s.ivc

1:. r t lotllCS.

'I'll' iiirrita of

CuiRETTE Soarappeal St once lo rvrrv llioiigblful woman It's the hMt, prreat, andii'o^t ceufiomical *..ipt.> be prmunxl Sold cTctywhen. Madr ooly by


Vkdiii Indicftstion. sour stnmaeh, haai]

ska. flatu oiii \ ,duir.n, after aaiiii| ?

Or IsHaeaH of lost

^dsMlltylappetite, wMt at

' r

Ammb aatvea^ tssUsM sisspleas, wersaaniC^Mdlamladt


dry ci'uj;!!, chiil.* ^'

Ate Tonsplaiicn.

In Ike bask. hips. std«


rith mslaria—mSowol irne, nicl.1 SI

If MT of ti"** lr<'<:l''''* }'-

Is DR. KIMU-Srt, th«


In ths gi>n»lo»l snd ksv '-*

with Ih" C" *'' i^' -'r lel , ll.i * 11 !. ri,, .1

leal sci.-n.-e, (i K it JI K I'L I. K fMi" • ' "

the systrm the synipU ins natoeil al"«*

giving ftrvrnlh in plaea ef w«»»n>s j....

ous I ••« ''! 1 f'n "> i f «'f5iiiess

Til ti I i' "r ramejy Vila I'. S"-

DOOa t.,«t ' an tlo i'.< «i<rV. A ••I Ot n il i

a rMl plsa.iiPK t-> l,ke It. Li'i''- r'liMr^i

take il aah J lii;:il. and It III,''. )>k

Jll.UOi 6 U>r ttm. All 4r- ,-c>.l

TOB Wttl CliPF Y.r;;.

— rinttitnors


will riliJ .mr Btiick ouiiipletc in r»B^J^HsS, SPONQESeFINE SOAPS. OILS.


HI Birr k what tke Peopli' bajr the moat of. That *l

aod'a OarsaparilU haa tlie

tm" 1 1 reierlptions tnm l*ute |i

Mu \ lilted at all hours. Day or Nigkl, ^iwurately.



If you arc tliiiiLiii}; oi building Of need any material for

iiiir hoiisi-s, such an

flooring, Ceiline/ M^sbAI L KIND»OP PINI5HIN0 LUMBER^

Shioaias, Uti», DNrt nd MALL KINDS OP MOULDING antf CAMNa

C'MTif .iml t iiiir jii il < ». J. N. CI.irk will Likf |il»-.isiire

*n nukintf you priccn chcsprr liian you Can tret anywhere.

(Hve us a tilal. Place of btisiness: Marion Roller Milla



faoiM James,!


W. T. OaiDitrii, M. 0. C


,.M._SUR<>BONAnd D«ntUt.

I..<-ati.|al I. J. I>uii;:lilri \'s, 9iiiile. aiuiii of l-'orils Feriy, will twin

Vfa'ioii eo'inly court d .ys ani! Hatur-

dB>s. UieeaBM of all ibiMeelic aoni

•sale aaieaiileally Heated. Kquiao

pfsetiaa a spealatif


Ar LeaisvlH*.




WARRANTED. PRICE 50 cts.i; Al A TM h I •

, .\. I', u:

I'srls Mittltrinf ('•>, M U>uia. .Ml

is*>i)ii«>ni4<ii -Wi! MiiJ Uak fvHt. nuo U<(i)m of(jiu>\ K H Txmt.i.mm cuua, ihinh' mki bav«b«s«iiiiiL ibr»« gr.HUi Blr«a4r Uit* r*^- In all imraa*|Mfr 1 f U >»ar«. In Um driu bwalatss. bar*

aamOMa - - kbntuonv.fraclic- in tin' coorla of Crtllende,

I all I surMuniliiiv cuuuiiea, aad in ibe

•.««••• iAppaala.




Vo H. No. M.r-aa.a. aur. a. 1:110 r. a. S;ai e. «

aoiaa Wkmt.No. M. \«. 11

l.v l.-Milsvllle. . .•i.KIr, a 7.41 4. BI

Kr llaniloraon IftlU a. M. 1:S<) r M|

a C. MORDtlK. P. A..


New TiQ Shop,I bave npeaed a tia tkop u|i-ataifs

"ver l*ierce A Hou's stoia and aMpfi pireil to do all kinds nf tin work.

Ik •< li i;; uikI ^niiteriii;,; a sjii'i iilly

l^rpairiii^ of m1. kiuils done ou sliort

loticH. All work guaraate«<l. Knof

iiainiiug a reasonable piieea-


. AimHETS-AT-Uf.

ftaMpt attaatfoM gHras la 4i kmpaM salramsd in tketreerw g


I ABTaia 4 p*mTV rwaw tmi aa SaaiM sHaxaL mta M•mWM aata iia« Mariisn; raaarHFanH ("SMwaaTata iia« Marii sh; raaiw

sggiJaiMs^latt^aMM tayia^afc irawyyg

M|| aa* sa<a»iisa kn.4, wai fnm.PalaMS taa.a it>ri>s.ii U.na S rv naam

(•alaiaatloainika H, i.ailsr A>,arl.aa, aa]UBS a>e kraaaki *,a«ir lwf'«« ii . r«i><'> aitb.•m SMt «n Ua ta.ri -n taa ta.riil.tf 1 hi. .1 >. i*4ia BaaaE

eif . alaaa<i< i , Hn>.tr>l»« ka. kt feUi•ala Jaa i.r anr K^.aliSi wtrwk m iKI arw. ,.».pW f^,.aa aaat fffaa

, O. « 1 1 1 : iMo. a, Moona.


AllariieysalLdWMARION. KY.

Will (tractiee iu all the cuuru oji

OHttaaden and mljoining rjiuntiea.

riicvwill ^;i'. i |i,Mii,|.i aiteution tii all

iiiihiiii fH i ntruKlicI 1m liicii tare. Hpo>

lai Hllention ),'ivcli lo collcclioBS.

•iT'c e o* 1 1 Marion Uaak.

*'<^-" lu-ial W SeklllilK M.ai. Mf•M n mr l.,,. akin II ' ( Il . l-^taMOa*^


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FRANKLIN H. HOUQHaaa r «in~4a WAnui!«ar»B.ab*

O. V. R. R.



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OrriCC:-««»iid "tan CMtmt-baa bloak, over R. 9. Bajrnaa' ataa.

FroMptdPi-ailss givaa to ail bu«i

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