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2015 Digital & Social Trends Report

Date post: 12-Jul-2015
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How They Release Energy In Life?

Part I � 

Engagement Approach

Part II � 

The Network Pattern � 

Part III � 

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How They Release Energy In Life? � 

Part I � 

The trend of individuals lifestyle & digital � 

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Digital is already everywhere in

our lives, while … Digital is not only

about tools or devices. It’s about

behavior of people. �  � When we talk about digital. We tend to

talk about people’s life. � There is no meaning talking about

digital trend without studying people’s. �  � This part of the trend is tend to study

the emerging changes in people’s life

activities – the behavior pattern and

motivations behind. We reveal the

digital trend from the satisfaction

people have from the digital solutions in

life. �  � How do they spend the life energy? –

on what kind of activities � How does digital enhance their these


Behavior pattern



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Overview the behavior patterns



Younger entrepreneurs





Cooking ……

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Runner � 

It’s always about a lifestyle when people talks about running. � Why do people choose to run? � Initially, they run to be healthy, to lose weight or to release pressure. � On and on, they find running is more than just a physical exercise… �  � Here, we see a group of energetic runners. � They love running wholeheartedly, and they are passionate about marathons. � They join organizations to have planned training together, and they cheer up for

each other. � They enjoy themselves a lot in marathons and developing themselves. �  � We want to look into their lives, � See the patterns behind their behaviors,

And figure out how they transform their emotion and energy.

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For these runners, they expect balance between life and work,

body and mind. � 

They’ve been looking for an active lifestyle. � 

They need a focus, for letting out energy and emotion that they

can’t release in their lives. � 


Running is a container in which everyone can get something. � 

Marathon is a visible milestone. � 

Reaching the goal with efforts and persistence can help people

acquire the sense of safety, satisfaction and self-consciousness.

1 Aspiration � 

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“跑步原本是自己比痛苦的事,不想也坚持了一年有余,最初开始的原因我已经记不清了,可能是好玩。现在跑步我是在享受,毎达到自己一个目标都是一个胜利。都是下一个目标的基础。为2014上马准备中,这是自己的第二个马拉松比赛祝自己好运” �  � 

“跑步人人都会,坚持却很难。漫长的跑步历程,锻炼身体,磨练意志,修炼精神。无数的汗水,无尽的艰辛,只有克服困难,战胜自己,才能享受到乐趣。跑步让我 � 意志更加坚定,心态更加平和,思维更加敏捷,身体更加健康。跑步是我的态度,我的信仰,我的一种生活方式。” � 

“从跑步获得特别多快乐,认识很多有趣的人,跑到最后,往往有一种征服全世界的感觉,对克服生活中的一些困难也是有帮助,对生活有积极的影响。” � 

“汪哥说的话,有犹在耳,‘我们这些业余跑马拉松的,马拉松对于我们来说是个爱好,健康才是我们的目标。我们锻炼身体,归根结底还是为了有质量的活着。’” � 

“距离广州马拉松还有4天,明天就要把装备弄好!临近比赛不要高强度训练,也不可以停止,放松练习就好!!!我们不是和别人比速度,我只想跑赢我自己!Just � do � it � !”

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Suppressed Pressure Some pressure they have at work can’t be

share with family or friends. They can just

keep with themselves.

Living a tame life without “Hobby” � 

Lacking of something to craze about –

makes they feel life is so tame as if they

are zombie in the routine setting.

Bored with passive entertainment � 

Some find themselves bore after work.

They have time and want to enjoy

something but just don’t know how.. �  � 

Concerning the Health condition � City life get people move less and it get

to the poor condition of body, the

obesity and etc.

2 Anxiety

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#上马备战中#本周计划完成80% � 下周继续努力 � #当我跑步时,一切的兴奋,恐惧压力都得到释放,我能做的只全神贯注的下去。 � 

“有时候我问自己为何要跑步,为了有健康的身体,为了有点追求,为了找点事情做。22119期待明天的上马能顺利完成” � 

“看这跑步的姿势,看这沉稳的步伐,希望我们都能继续保持好状态,不仅仅是为了参加上海马拉松赛,更是给自己一个健康,绿色的生活状态。大长腿们跑起来! � 

“这些天心情因为工作压力降低到了极点,希望明天的马拉松跑步能让自己得到点儿释放” � 

“周末离开魔都,放下压力山大的生活节奏,参加十公里常熟马拉松,冒着大风暴雨,环绕尚湖让自己心灵得到彻底释放,沿路听着抒情的流行音乐,告诉自己我还有很多梦没有做,我还有很多理想没达成,我还有很多明天,加油加油!!!! �  � 或许生命在于运动,除了死,什么都是小事” � 

“大学同学最近几天的功勋章 � 我忽然发现自己落伍了 � 和他探讨了一会儿马拉松的心情 � 觉得自己很多时候都无所事事 � 不知不觉的活到了今天 � 如何挑选自己爱好很重要 � 我也想要有一天 � 能在国内参加这样的大赛 � 没有任何思想包袱的 � 锻炼自己的体能。 � ” � 

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1.Level up - make self progress �  � Make monthly running plan. Set long-term

goals. Level up. Use all kinds of Apps or tools

to record daily running status.

2. Circle - establish new circles �  � Join running circles. Train together.

Organize activities. Cheer up for each

other. Share experience.

3. Travel - see the world �  � Choose the place to run. Take part

in worldwide marathons. Feel the

world while running. Leave your

steps all around the world.

3 Practice � 

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1. Level up – � make self progress

Every runner has a

long-term goal and

monthly or daily

running plan. � They use various digital

tools to record and

mark their distance. �  � After finishing a goal,

they’ll have a feeling of

“level up”. � Their pressure will be

released. �  � Watching themselves

going up will help them

acquire self-




Set goals, make records

Record the distance

/ keep self data Everyday, Steven trains himself

according to his plan. He takes his

equipment and open the app on his

cellphone. � After finishing his distance,

he stores it in app and share it on

Weibo and WeChat.

Share the feeling &

learning Max shares her gains on Weibo and

WeChat. Sometimes it’s a picture of

the moon while running. Sometimes

it’s her own thoughts. Sometimes it’s

a tip bumping out while running.

Collect books and blogs about

running experience to improve

by learning � Wang will pay attention to marathons all

around the world on Weibo and BBS.

Searching books and tips about running

helps her improve herself.

Look back after reaching the

goal / Review the process � After a period of running plan, Roy will open

the app or go back to Weibo and make a

review. Share his record and communicate

with other runners.

Buy equipment to

encourage oneself Joy thinks excellent

equipment is important. So

she likes walking into the store

to check out what’s new on

her way home. She’ll buy

newest shoes and equipment.

And she’ll go to Taobao to

compare the prices.


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2. Circle - establish new circles Many runners will join organizations. They will have lots of new friends and new circles. � They train together, act together, cheer up for and supervise each other. � Runners feel the power and fun in a group. They will also have new mental experience.

•  Group talking. Share the newest

running activity message

•  Appointment making. Settle the time

to run together.

•  Body Warm-up. Warm up before


•  Activity sharing. Share group

activities with photos or apps. Alex was dragged into a running group. He was a bit

shy at first. But after group running a few times, he

was totally in and took part in a hill running training

activity. He took pictures of every activity and

posted them on Weibo, WeChat and BBS. He said

he was feeling the power of group.

•  Searching for running organizations

and activities around positively

•  Check out running dates on BBS

•  Find running friends in apps. Linda started from a simple goal, to lose weight. But

she gave up after 4 days because it was boring to

run alone. � .After a chat on WeChat with a friend, she

knew that friend was running and had joined in a

running organization to take part in weekly

interesting group running. She then joined in the

WeChat group and ran with them. She

said, ”running isn’t alone any more. It is much more


•  Group talking. Share tips and

experience of marathons

•  Tactics making. Settle the


•  Game sign=up. Take photos

before running and celebrate

after running

Lion has run 6 marathons. He’s

experienced in the group. He became the

pacemaker in Shanghai Marathon. He

analyzed the tactics before running. He

said helping others to success was a kind

of happiness.

· Take part in other

celebrations in the group

such as birthday parties,

anniversaries to feel the fun

in this group. � Vicky has had a special

birthday. Her running friends

organized a celebrating

running for her. She said, “This

is the moment I’ll remember for

my life.”


Training Group racing


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3. Travel - see the world

Runners say they are

addicted to marathons. � Beijing, Shanghai, Tokyo � They don’t want to miss

any one of them if physical

conditions permit.

� Most runners have

persistence that normal

people don’t have. � Running is like the

confrontation to the tiring

life. Choosing worldwide

marathons to run brings

satisfaction, and it’s a long

self-struggling process. � When your body is open to

feel the pulse of your soul,

you can also taste different

cultures from the colorful


Explore the City

Plan the trip

Keep training

Get marathon

News � 

Pay attention to marathons

worldwide. Run marathons

and feel the success. Kim said runners all had a dream to

run marathons all over the world. He

would feel complete if he could

collect all medals. So he watched

closely on Weibo and BBS to get

message of marathons and made

arrangements according to his own

time and physical conditions.

Plan itinerary according to the

target place to ensure the leisure

time after running. � It’s Kelly’s first foreign marathon. She spent 15

minutes to book her hotel and plane tickets on

Qunar.com and Booking.com. Then she

started searching for tips to run in this city

with her friends. She also went to Qiongyou

and Mafengwo. She insists, "Use your heart to

feel every inch of the foreign land while


After marathon, making time for

yourself to play and relax let you

feel the colorful world and

release your pressure. � ZY left 3 days after running the marathon as

she wished for herself to taste local food,

go sightseeing and take pictures.

Warm up first after arriving to

ensure the best statement for

marathon. After arriving in Boston, Stay checked

in and found their running route with

friends with the assistance of Google

map. Then they went to the park

nearby to do warm-up training.

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You might hear more and more people saying “I want to be an entrepreneur”.

Surprisingly, most of these courageous voices come from the 90s generation. �  � Reports indicate that most of 90s generation are ambitious realists who are

not fond of a regular job, but 40.9% of them incline to work for their interests

or initial their own businesses. (referred from “Baidu insights on 90s

generation”) �  � From Facegang to JIECAO extraction, the flourishing 90s generation CEOs

express an ambition to “change the world”, which is differently from the value

held by entrepreneurs from 70s, and 80s generations. �  � We discover that digital plays an important role in career and social life of this

group of people. Therefore, we conduct a research on their life, aiming to

analyze how they transfer their emotion and energy into success. � 

Younger � Entrepreneur

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These 90s generation entrepreneurs share almost the same aspiration. � They spare no effort to realize their dream.

All in to make it come true! �  � Different from their predecessors, the main driver for their entrepreneur

behaviors is not material, but purely the impetus to realize their dreams.

Therefore, “Fresh entrepreneur” is a more appropriate title for them. �  � They expect to change people’s behaviors through their efforts. � They possess the ambition to change the world. � They are seeking for their “One Piece”! �  � 

1 Aspiration � 

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“年轻人更大胆和贴近梦想。他们在一开始就不向人生的Hard模式妥协,而70后80后要在大学毕业脱离家庭独立后,才能做到不妥协。 � ”





“90后其实并不一定为了赚钱而做某件事情,我们在这个圈子里交流的很High,感觉很重要,很多人也愿意为这个集体无偿贡献力量。” � 

一起唱的创始人 �  � 尹桑 � 锐波创始人兼CEO �  � 孙宇晨

Powerful网店 �  � 马佳佳 � 大象创始人 �  � 刘克楠 � 

深圳市丁叮文化产业发展有限公司执行董事 �  � 丁仕源 � 90后创业圈创始人 �  � 李伟忠 � 

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No way to realize their own dreams working in others’ team with other vision It is not possible to realize their own dreams when

working regularly for a company. A shortcut is

available through building up their own teams. � 

Working as a screw on the streamline paves no way for their own interests towards life It is not possible to experience the joy of

exploration when following in the designed

process in a boring job with no consistence with

their personal interests.

2 Anxiety � 

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“总之在那一年我一直没能想明白,一直挺迷茫的,那个时候真的是很痛苦,因为没人能给我答案,内心很不踏实,自己想做的事情没人能理解~” � 

“创业过程中会遇到各种各样的阻力,这个时候一定要经得住考验。要学会调整好自己的心态,团队不能有负面的情绪。” � 


“枯燥且不对口的工作,与我想象中的精彩纷呈背道而驰,而且在人际上处处栽跟头。公司里没人会把我当做小孩子:被忽视,冷落,挨批评,每日做着并不习惯的枯燥的工作……” � 


“看到身边的人一个个都在平淡的职场中磨灭了自己的梦想,我在为他们担心的同时,下定决心不做这样的人。在这样一个物质化的时代,没有梦想,人只能变成一幅空壳子。” � 

Segmentfault � 创始人 �  � 高阳 �  “为你爱”创始人兼CEO �  � 华盛 � 

� 俊杰网络文化传播机构总经理 �  � 赵俊杰 � 脸萌创始人 �  � 郭列 � 

手抓饼大王 �  � 禹化普 �  追梦网创始人 �  � 杜梦杰 � 

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Doing by learning

� The road of starting a new business is full of risk,

with new problems emerging continuously and

without any cases to refer. The only way for

success is to keep learning during working. To

them it’s not at all painful but full of challenges. � 

Inspiring creativity through a global vision

� The rich content from Internet and many digital platforms

have provided them access to global information, which

enables them to broaden horizon and improve products.

3 Practice � 

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Doing by learning � 

If we compare the road of

entrepreneur with the

grand route in “One

piece”, then countless

unknown troubles on the

route are the same for


No cases to refer means

exploring by themselves

Difficulties are asking for

self-learning and

searching for resources

Dreams relieve them from

pains during the exploring


Brainstorm � with friends

Go to school �  � 


Make a try � 

Search � 

Self learning � 




“the  beginning  of  problem  is  the  beginning  of  adventure” � 

· Group discussion � · brainstorming Sunny has a group of friends with same

interests. She often invites them to

discuss the improvement of her new

products. These discussions usually last

a whole afternoon. Moreover, she

consults the experts in the area to get

professional recommendations, which

helps her to avoid many problems. � 

· Ask experts online � · Ask questions to friends

working in the industry � · Ask friends who are

interested in these areas � 

Whisky has a dream to start a

business, helping clients to plan

creative parties. Since he has no

idea about running a bar, he

decided to work in a bar to gain

experience. During work, Whisky

observes the managing and

operating way of a bar and apply

all these on his own project. � 

· Work in companies to learn

enterprise operating experience

· “Fourteen days’ experience” to gain

the features of certain profession

� Alex wants to develop a mobile app to

encourage users to insist their dreams. He

started learning programming from video

courses and textbooks. From the product

launch till the establishment of the enterprise,

Alex has been improving his product every

day. The website has still recorded the code

that he wrote in the very first day. He said “I

don’t dare to fail. I dare not even try myself.“ � 

· Education institute � ·Cooking/art/


design courses � 

· Pilot launch / Beta launch � Sa spent six months to learn to design his own

website. He said he was expecting the one

thousand browsers both excitedly and lonely. He

phoned several his friends to make a trial. On the

third day, the increase of over 60 new browsers

gave Sa strong energy to strengthen his idea to

improve the website. � 

· Search similar questions online � · Download similar app for

comparison � · Google/ Baidu When encountering new problem, Ken

always try to solve them by himself. First, he

would search similar problems online. If there

is no similar solution online, he would

download a lot of new applications to inspire

his ideas from the perspective as a user. � 

� · MOOC

· Video lectures � · Download manual � · Buy textbook � 

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Inspiration from a global vision

This is the best times

with open information

and shared resources

Fresh entrepreneurs are

fully aware of this. They

rowse global

information to broaden

their horizon

They compare these

information with local

one to inspire new ideas

and to perfect their


Collect fresh ideas

Travel for

refreshment � 

Ask foreign “strangers”

Go abroad to feel idea crash and to find new directions � 

Zoe thinks that she can only design her product

“One person Travel” to the most comprehensive

way when she feels the outside world, encounters

different thoughts and behaviors and experiences a

travelling abroad by herself. Therefore she booked a

flight ticket to Paris, starting her trip of thought

crash.。 � 

· Browse magnificent design works � · Collect fresh creative ideas � · Focus on user experience and

website design � Lee is fond of the frontier design and simple user

experience of overseas website. Every day he

browses overseas (interactive) design websites to

access the most recent trends. Meanwhile, he saves

some niche overseas forums to absorb new

information. Combining these creative ideas with

his own ones, Lee is seeking new insights on his

products.。 � 

Seek  overseas  help  in  different  perspec8ve � 

•  Leave the questions on the IT

forums overseas and wait for

foreign netizen to answer them � •  Search educating videos on

YouTube When Sion encounters difficulties, it is

sometimes difficult to find answers in local

resources. He will then leave his question

on an overseas IT forum. He can always

find someone from abroad replies his

question the next day. Although

sometimes these replies do not actually

answer the questions directly, Sion will

seek the chance to generate insights from

them. Furthermore, Sion usually watch the

educating videos on YouTube to find

some clues for his questions. � 

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In the past � Fans were crazy about the perfect man in Korean soap operas or mainly

singing groups. � Girls called them “Obba”. � Girls were attracted by their handsome appearances and perfectness. � and they even imagined them as their boyfriends. �  � Now � We find that there’s a growing group of “idol guardians”. � They are mostly in the generation of people born after 1995 or 2000. � They are mania of younger stars – those who around their same age instead

of remote perfect idols. �  � Love “soft “and “cute” things with healing ability � Rationally care and guard instead of blindly chase after � With motherhood, though young themselves, they call their idols “children”. � 

Fans chasing teenaged idols

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They are in their tens with dreams. � 

They go back and forth between their home and school. � 

However, they have fantasies and imagination. � 

They love beautiful and natural things to heal them and bring

positive energy to their life

They are keen to find those close to their situation

Those who they can grow up with

To find the way to deal with the life ahead

1 Aspiration

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TFBOYS  in  others’  eyes=stars.  TFBOYS  in  clovers’  eyes=  models=mo=va=on  for  study  =  pusher  =ideal=shiner=life  goal  =youth=guider=  teacher  and  friend=direc=on  of  dream=  the  right  people=lover=symbol  of  strong=source  of  efforts  =  reason  for  struggling=  worth  lifelong  guarding

They  are  the  kind  of  wonderfulness  I  didn’t  met  at  their  age.  They  make  me  want  to  be  a  beGer  person.  They  light  up  my  boring  life  and  mo=vate  me  to  struggle  to  be  beGer  and  beGer.

“I’m  really  relieved  that  they  become  popular  now.  I  love  their  reality  and  efforts.  They’re  like  my  brothers.  Liking  them  and  seeing  the  things  their  fans  do  for  them  make  me  love  them  more.” � 

I  love  the  energy  they  have  that  let  me  believe  there’s  love  in  the  world.  Most  fans  love  them  because  they’re  Chinese  and  don’t  have  a  company  behind.  They  have  kindness,  innocence  and  diligence  that  belong  to  children.  Their  success  tells  us  that  it  makes  sense  to  persist.  I  want  to  hold  on  to  what  I  love.

There’s  a  kind  of  calmness  and  persistence  in  Kai’s  eyes.  The  innocence  and  fascina=on  in  Yuanyuan’s  eyes  bring  you  happiness  and  warmth.  Qianqian  is  the  love  of  life.  His  eyesight  can  heal  and  are  sincere.  His  dimples  are  the  greatest  thing  in  the  world.

“They  are  brave  to  pursue  their  dreams  and  remain  commiGed.  They  can  do  many  things  I  can’t  hold  on  to.  They  are  the  kind  of  people  I  wanted  to  be  though  they’re  not  perfect  now.  I’m  gePng  beGer  gradually,  I  get  energy  from  them.  For  me,  idols  are  not  people  to  imitate  but  to  learn  from.

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2 Anxiety

Pressure of school life (System) � 

Busy school work and expectations

of parents and teachers make them

restrained and pressed. �  � 

In a research of high school students, students

said they were under heavy pressure,lacked

sleep and had endless homework. � In the research, 39.29%and 53.57%of students

separately chose “always” and “sometimes” � for

“feeling anxious about the failure of improving

grades in a short time”. They concerned much

about their grades. � In summer and winter vacations, except

homework, they have to go to all kinds of extra


Personality of resisting competence (Personal)

Except hard-working, they are gentle

and soft, hoping to enjoy a carefree

life. They don’t want to and are

unable to stand out.

The research showed that fans born after 2000

have good grades, though not excellent. They

were satisfied with being in a stable

environment. � They appear confident but are fragile inside.

They ‘re afraid of obstacles so don’t want to be

outstanding in a group.

Having nowhere to place youth (energy)

They are independent because parents are

busy. They don’t communicate with parents

on anything. In the era of digital, they have

more chances to know about the world.

However, their emotions and energy can’t

be released in the daily life,

The research found that teenagers at present

barely were willing to talk with their parents or

teachers. They preferred losing their tempter,

chatting online, writing diaries and listening music

to express their unhappiness and depression � They were in touch with digital from a young age.

The research found that 44.5% of children had

their own cellphones when there were kids. They

could use cellphones and tablet PCs from


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1. Practical energy -

seeking positive energy

by relevant occasion � Idols go to school, do homework and

take exams every day. When fans meet

up with pressure in their study, they

can get energy from the behavior of

their idols facing pressure bravely.

2. Share dreams -

help idols realize

their dreams � 

They help idols lift their image

and hope to see the realization

of dreams come true .

3. Team work - an

organization sharing the

same hobby and goal �  � They cooperate to support idols, share and

discuss together, even including topics of

real life. Gradually they become real

friends. They become an organization

because of having common hobbies.

3 Practice � 

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•  After a day’s tiring study, they watch videos of stars before sleep to relax themselves.

Daisy didn’t surf the Internet from the early morning. Before sleep at night, she opened the APP of Yinyuetai to watch videos of TFBOYS. She was moved so she opened her IPAD and voted for them. She hoped she could work harder tomorrow.

•  Use star-related stationary while taking exam and reviewing

•  Share their experience of preparing for exams by @ their stars on Weibo

•  Share videos and photos of stars and state that they won’t do it from tomorrow to the end of the exam

The mid-term exam is approaching. Linda

bought lots of stationary on Taobao with star

pictures. When reviewing, she would take

pictures of using the stationary and post them

on Weibo and @ the stars, showing that those

pens would bring luck to her.

•  Listen music with QQ music while doing homework and share them

•  Do homework as quickly as possible to listen to new songs and hi boards.

•  Work harder at the thought of that their stars are working too

Vicky felt sleepy when doing homework at night. Then he opened QQ music and do homework along with TFBOYS’ songs. Seeing their pictures made her feel that they are accompanying her. When she found song she like, she would make screenshots and share them on Weibo or QQ zone

•  Seeing their stars sing and dance after class, they will go to that kind of classes.

•  Seeing their stars have good grades, they will go to extra classes.

Seeing that TFBOYS keep practicing

under heavy study, Lily signed up for a

dance class and go there every week. She

would also watch their dancing videos

and dance along. � 。 � 

1. Practical Energy – seeking positive energy by relevant occasion � 


Relief from exams

Healing before sleep

Company of homework

Motivation for weekend classes

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2. Share dreams help idols realize their dreams

· Keep the completeness of the hitting-board account to prevent it from being cleared · Play, download, share, comment and collect everyday to lift the points on board · Focus on the boards on which the place has fallen

· Find the awards that

their stars have

possibility to win and try

to vote as much as


· Donate money on websites started by stars and NGOs · Repost topics started by stars · Join star groups in APP and help keep the first place of their stars.

· Cover those negative comments by posting

positive ones on Weibo and Douban

· Use negative blogs to clear negative ones on

Baidu BBS � 


· Post their self-made

videos on bilibili and

discuss in subtitles.

· Post birthday wishes

to their stars on


· When there’s offline activities or shows of their stars,

they’ll go and support them with a lot of stuff.

· When their stars appear in the airport, they’ll go there

and welcome them or see them off

Purify the internet Clear negative news

Keep the first place on boards

Vote whenever there are awards

Do good deeds in the name of the idols

Keep active by organizing offline activities � 

Expressing support by videos with subtitles

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3. Team work - forming an organization for having the same hobby and goal � 

· Spontaneous cooperation for high efficiency Kelly opened a QQ group for fans to discuss and cooperate to hit boards. �  Become mutual fans because of discussion on

BBS·/ Meet each other in other cities

Fans concern a lot

about places of

their stars on

boards. They’ll try

their best to

spread news and

call on others to

help stars get


•  Spontaneously find boards with lower places and call others to help lift them

•  Learn PS and make teaching blog for hitting boards and voting for other fans � 

· Fans in the same city will gather and celebrate on star’s birthday. Bella likes taking part

in parties for star’s

birthday and make

cake with other fans.

They’ll take pictures

and @their stars.

•  There are many

requirements for

posting in BBS

•  Everyone get and do

their own job

•  Fans will obey the rules

in BBS

Many fans go to stars’ school and follow them. When there in appropriate behavior is shared on social network, many fans will condemn them. Many people criticize that TFBOYs are idiots. So many fans will argue with them. But some will stop this behavior, considering this will affect stars’ images

· Respect stars’ privacy and condemn those who don’t · Stop the behavior of fighting and arguing of other fans

Spontaneous cooperation

Connect in real life

Norms & Culture

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John B. Watson, the American psychologist in his radical behaviorism, put the emphasis on external behavior of people and their reactions on given situations. Expression is one of the behavior. With digitalization, people can express themselves freely. In previous trends, we studied their behaviors on digital/social, and found them expressing emotions rather randomly and simply - such as complaint, happiness, loneliness and showing off… �  � As users getting sophisticated, their standard of self-expression becomes higher. More and more people are not satisfied with simply showing emotions. They hope to use creation to present themselves and find the sense of existence. �  They are Makers. � Drawing, cooking, planting, woodworking, ……. Apart from the life they’re living, they hope their expression can be of more quality through digital ways. As a result, they turn their hobbies into a way to communicate and interact with others, a way to show personal value. � 


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“Action should not be a reaction but creation” 

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Say goodnight by calligraphy She’s a senior student in college.

She practices calligraphy every day

and she will take pictures to share

them in the goodnight photo album

in Douban.

Show the persistence by pottery

Ling used to be a designer in a ad company.

The she had her own studio to create

according to his own art idea. He made lots

of pottery work and @ his friends on Weibo

to discuss with him.

Amateur photographer

becomes the wedding


Peter is an exchange

student abroad. He likes

film cameras. He

followed many foreign

photographers on ins.

And he also post his

own work on Internet.

As a result, he received

many orders of wedding

photography. � 

Personal Aesthetics in Drawing and Calligraphy � 

Dress like people in cartoon Tina is a designer. She will draw her dress-up everyday after work and share it on Weibo.

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· A reserved


chooses cooking

to express



· Happiness: self-made

tea break In the weekend afternoon,

Saray will invite her friends

and make their own tea break

in her house. They’ll post

their gathering pictures on

Weibo and their recipes on

Douguo。 � 


· Everyday cooking makes a better

life. May chooses to cook everyday for

healthy food and always takes photos for

them. She loves tableware and purchase

them in IKEA or Taobao. Many fans follow

her on XiaChuFang and ask her about her

cooking experience.


· Insist on cooking

every morning for

two years Hana is a translator. On

weekends, she gets up even

earlier than weekdays. She

goes to the supermarket to

buy raw materials to cook


Food Photography——Warmth Every day � 

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Make a Fairytale by Needle and Yarn � 

· Go to the felt class to make mushrooms

Penny likes making things by felt. She noticed a studio Weibo that offered relative classes and teachers who made beautiful work. So she purchased the class on Taobao and went there on weekends.

· Make your own dolls

Sarah likes Japanese cartoons. She usually buys materials on Taobao and transform those ordinaries dolls into ones she likes. She share them on WeChat and Douban. She also opened a Taobao store to make dolls for others.


·∙ � Manual Work with Cloth

A machine, all kinds of

cloth and threads will

compose Lorrain’s

beautiful work. She posts

them o Instagram and

Blog. It is now an

essential part of her daily

life. � 

· Hand-crochet Time

Abby is good at making hand crochet stuffs, such waistcoat,

cup mats, hats, accessories and dolls. � She shares her work and

stitch explanation with friends on Weibo, � digu and WeChat

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The hand made, � the original returned �  � 

· A female engineering PH.D and her rubber stamps Patty’s passion towards rubber stamps is triggered by her hobby and making the gifts . Now Patty will post her work on Guokr and Weibo regularly, she accepts personal customized orders on Taobao while sharing ideas with Guokr fans. �  �  � 

· The creator of miniature worlds and his memory

Ben creates many real and delicate miniature worlds and shares his work on Weibo and Douban in his spare time. He also initiates at a kick starter website, encouraging people to support his idea of reproducing miniature crafts for childhood.

· Wood-made crafts bring life back to basics Jimmy remembered his childhood with craving wooden crafts, � and he keeps the hobby of making wooden crafts to decorate his home. At the mean time, he updates his Weibo, Lofter, Douban and instagram with the making process and some techniques, encouraging people to enjoy life by this.

· Teach mothers make handcrafts Molly has been a mother for a while, and she enjoys making handcrafts and teaching other mothers by weibo in order to have more interactions with their children. Molly also sells her handmade dolls on Taobao for pleasure. �  � 

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· Designer and her plants � 

Becky creates her own forests by glass containers, healthy soil, green plants and some delicate stones. She shared pictures of her gardening on blog, Tumblr and digu, which received a huge popularity.

· IT guy and his micro bonsai

Joey finds the way of releasing stress by making micro bonsai. With the increased popularity of his micron bonsai on Weibo and Douban, he started a project on zhongchou website, sharing his happiness with more �  � 

· Cute succulent plants � Jolly’s balcony is filled with cute succulent plants that keep her smiles. She captures the growth of these plants with Meitu and shares lovely moments with friends on WeChat and Weibo,

Gardening, � the miniature wonderland of city life � 

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Build a Lego kingdom � 

· LEGO miniature kingdom Candy has a LEGO land。Her passion towards American movies and comics drives her to recreate film scenes with Lego and her own ideas. She will take photos and retouch them with Picasa. Her ideas are very popular on Weibo, and attract many fans on Lofter. � Even worldwide instagram friends like her amazing work.

· Let � Lego � Be � Part � of � Your � Daily � Life �  � Tracy � is � a � big � fan � of � Lego. � Unlike � others, � Tracy � doesn’t � use � Lego � only � for � building � scenes � and � displays, � but � she � also � enjoys � making � daily � accessories � including � rings, � calendars � and � keys � with � Lego.Her � colleagues � asked � about � holding � a � Lego � Sharing � Session � on � weekend � after � they � saw � the � fridge � magnet � made � by � Tracy. � She � also � posts � her � work � on � Instagram, � Weibo � and � Lofter. � 


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Geeky skills make dreams come true � 

· Picture own stories on Harleys

Mooi is an entrepreneur who works at company during day time. She spends evenings with her boyfriend in refitting old Harleys and picturing their stories on motorbikes. � They posted the whole process on Weibo, � WeChat and Tumblr. � 

·Old clothes become bracelets �  � 

Gary never dumps old clothes, � instead, he makes bracelets with them. These beautiful and unique bracelets attract many Weibo fands and taobao customers.

· Fly the bike

Kim added an vortex engine on his bike. He enjoys riding the bike with the special sound generated by the engine. Lots of Weibo and Lofter fans are attracted as soon as he posted the whole refitting process and test driving videos.

· Architect’s flying dream Steve and his five friends enjoy studying aircrafts in their spare time. � They designed a new model by using their architecture skills. The aircraft has been recognized on Weibo and Lofter, � and it is one of the cases collected by the Makers

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Let’s look at How people choose to release their energy in life? What kind of life activities they are actively engaged? The digital solution is to Be meaningful / useful / delightful to enhance their life activities. Create contents / design experience to make them think it’s a “hobby”, lead their life activities, or be part of the hobby – be part of the thing that they’ve been spending their life on.

Digital is a mindset and it’s about people’s behavior.

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Engagement approach    of Branded Applications & Digital Products

Part II � 

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“The future of content is the gamified experience.”

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We talked about brand approaches in digital age. Brands now are not just running campaigns on mini-sites or writing pieces social stories for posting and sharing. They invest more sophisticated digital applications.



… � 

The future of content is no longer the single piece of content, or collection of separate content, or various contents containing same key message… It will be a well-orchestrated set of contents that drive the

behavior change of the user, Namely the gamified experience. It is the “game” in a broader sense – the designed experience for business purpose, user’s long-term engagement and for behavior changing.

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The designed (gamified) experience

Content is the king, and now it becomes the 2nd important thing. The most important is the user.

The designed experience is user-centric. Gamification is the mindset of the experience

design. It is to use of game elements and game design techniques in non-game contexts.

The social aspects of engagement is also considered to connect users, and embrace the social media environment. Social  

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Methodology to evaluate the engagement approach •  Refer to Social Engagement Verbs Mapping (2011) for engagement evaluation •  Leverage 2 dimensions for mapping the verbs: Acting vs. Interacting; Content vs. Players •  The most used verbs and actions in the engagement indicate where the engagement is


User as the “Player” � 



Players � 


Engage people by content VS by achievement

Personal act VS interacting with others









Players Content


















Show off

Source: Smart Gamification: Seven Core Concepts for Creating Compelling Experiences | Amy Jo KIM

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Overview of the 4 patterns of engagement positioning

Cooperate achievement: Collaboration are a purposeful,

non-zero-sum way of socializing, People who enjoy

collaboration like to "win together" with others

User can explore others’ content: Exploring content,  people, tools, and

worlds can be a rich and rewarding activity. . People who enjoy exploring are motivated by information, access and knowledge





User create own content: Self-expression is a key driver for

modern social gaming and social media - and a major motivator for engagement and purchases/monetization

Single achievement Competition drives social

gameplay and self-improvement . People who enjoy competition assume

everyone likes competition


Explore Collaborate


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Cases study How the engagement is positioned and designed?

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Engagement case overview



Application � 

超级减肥王 � 

Fitness � 

Walkr � 

163 MUSIC � 


Lifestyle � 

CMB banking � 

英语流利说 �  �  � Education � 

Nike running � 

Foodie � Moji � 

Weather � 

Starbucks � 

Travel 运动

Music � 

KUAIDI � Utility �  Health � 

Brand APP cases � 

Dettol �  Oreo � Zing

lemon � 

Brand HTML5 cases � 

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Application Cases

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CASE 1 � 

QYER � Provide service and tips for world travel

•  A platform to those who want to go travelling abroad help each other and make the trip easier.

•  Collection of tips and notes of users’ trips in any other countries

•  Travel planner to customize own trip route.

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Engagement Position & Design

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Core Features Business Opportunities

•  Cooperate with Travel products/ Hotels, one click to booking

•  80% operating income is the commission from every deal

•  Selling products for

travel like T-shirt etc. on the E-market

Tips aggregator Recommendation of scenic spots Review or ask others travel story or tips

Travel planner Choose the date and place can customize travel schedule Collect others travel notes

Discussion board Find others by LBS Discuss with others about travel topics Purchase

Links to travel booking Get coupon

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CASE 2 � 

NIKE RUNNING � Tracking running records and compete with


•  Tracking and analysis the whole running process to help you finish the goals.

•  Share the running records and compete with others. •  Make more efficient running plans.

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Engagement Position & Design

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Ranking with others: •  add friends from social

platform •  sharing the results can

compete with friend on ranks of each month and week

Tracking running process •  tracking the data and

GPS mapping of the running process

•  through the running, you can get reminding and cheer up  

Challenge setting •  set goals and invite friends to take a competition together Coach running

plans •  get different level of

running plans by professional coach

Core Features

•  Tracking and get users data

•  The utility is combine with brand concept and users life, which makes long relationship with users

•  Build social community of Nike

•  When user record the running process, they can mark the type of shoes, which make product placement

Business Opportunities

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Case 3 � 

MEET YOU � Female community and tool to record own


•  Tools of record own calendar of physiological cycle with remind of body condition everyday.

•  Community only for female users to communicate. •  Female topics collection in all areas.

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Engagement Position & Design

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•  The APP amassed an enormous amount of user information and segmented them, so they got financed

•  content banner to Cooperate with female brand

•  Build point system, and cooperate with female brands to build points mall

•  Record and tracking users data

Core Features

Calendar reminder: •  Record female cycle in

calendar to get remind and analysis of body condition

Segmented model •  Choose the model of

mom, prepare for pregnant or female cycle

Theme discussion •  Explore female topics

about all areas. •  Follow experts in

female area •  Share own or comment

others’ topics

Tasks in point system •  choose different tasks

can get more points

Business Opportunities

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CASE 4 � 

KUAIDI � Tool to call the Taxi

•  Call the taxi more convenient. •  Each time take a taxi can get points to exchange coupon for

paying taxi driver or buy other stuff.

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Engagement Position & Design

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•  Points mall to putting ads in, including brands, hotels, movie, travel, restaurants, etc.

•  Users can use the points, which gets from they finish each order, to exchange with coupon and other voucher

•  Bounding to Alipay, which to expand the user base

•  Promote the market of business-car renting

Core Features

Call the taxi •  Can call the taxi

immediately or make appointment

•  Communicate with the taxi driver directly

Points collection •  Each order can get

points and send red packets to friends

•  In some specific point in time can use points to exchange with coupons which can be paid to the taxi driver

Points mall •  can use coupon to

buy other stuff in the Points Mall

Business Opportunities

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CASE 5 � 

WALKR � Use walking energy to fuel the ship and

discover other planets in the game

•  Have adventure experience by exploring and collecting new planets in the game.

•  With healthcare like reminding user to walk and drink water.

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Engagement Position & Design

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Core Features

Explore by self •  Explore the virtual

universe by using walking energy

•  Put iPhone in pockets and it will automatically record the steps

•  Build own galaxy and devise to increase population

Collaborate with others •  To help other creatures

find their home •  Compete with friends

and visit their galaxies

•  Combine the utility of health care, to attract more users

•  Users can buy the tools in the game(In-App Purchase)

•  Combine the social media to share the achievements

Undertake missions •  Earn achievements and

show off collections to social network

Business Opportunities

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CASE 6 � 

163MUSIC � Provide vast library of songs and customize

personal songs list

•  Explore all the different kind of music or radio programs, and comment on them.

•  Collect own or follow others songs collection or ranking list.

•  Share own radio program.

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Engagement Position & Design

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Core Features

Customize own songs collection: •  Collect others songs list

in the big songs library or choose songs into persona lists

•  Get recommendation combine your interests

•  Banner to brand placement

•  Cooperate with the entertainment company

•  Cooperate with the communication common carriers

Theme topics •  Discussion the music

theme topics edit by experts or DJ

Social elements •  Explore and follow

music experts, DJ or by LBS, and their songs lists

•  Comments on each songs with other users

•  ranking the music sharing experts

Radio program •  Make and share own

radio program •  listen to others radio


Business Opportunities

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超级减肥王 � As a weight-loss experts teach and help you

to keep fit

•  Exercise video and record tools to lose weight •  Communicate with professional coach with users as

personal trainer •  Partner with friend to supervise with each other •  Record you exercise data

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Engagement Position & Design

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Core Features

Video episode •  Teach you to have

exercise by videos.

Data recording •  Tools to record and

analysis you data and customize your tasks

•  Missions and reminds to encourage users

•  Tracking and get users data

•  Cooperate brands of

fitness products and female products

•  Combine with the real products for sales

Discussion board •  Communicate with

Professional coach •  Discuss related topics

with others and share own experience Partner sharing

compete •  Partner with friend to

supervise with each other

Business Opportunities

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英语流利说 � Training spoken English as a game


•  Push spoken English training tasks everyday. •  Techniques to valuate and grade your spoken English. •  Finish the training by passing different levels as game.

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Engagement Position & Design

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Core Features

Levels to unlock •  there are many levels

as in a game to unlock by scores

•  Choose different theme of English speaking tasks by interest

Point system: •  Get points by finish

missions •  Ranking the scores

with others

•  The APP amassed an enormous amount of user information, so they got financed

•  Cooperate with other related apps

•  Analysis users data

•  Cooperate English teachers

Discussion board •  Share and discuss

topics about learning spoken English

•  Communicate with experts Data for progress

•  Analysis the learning process to see the achievement

Business Opportunities

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MOJI Weather Notification of real-time weather and air

condition with visualization

•  Get notice of real-time and future weather condition. •  Advice of wearing according to the weather. •  Share weather condition to friends or families.

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Engagement Position & Design

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Core Features

Notification of Weather: •  Check the real-time

weather •  Provide wearing

advice according to users and weather condition

Real-time view: •  Share and check real-

time photos of the weather condition

•  Receiving or giving likes and comments

•  Rank of users who share photos

•  In-app advertising for other brands

•  Linked with physical products and drive to the E-commerce

•  Combine with the real products related to weather and environment condition & travel

Business Opportunities

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XIACHUFANG � Explore all the recipes and finding others

story about cooking

•  Collection of users recipes and cooking methods. •  Share or find others tips for cooking. •  Recommend seasonality and popular menu of food.

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Engagement Position & Design

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Core Features

Recipe collection •  Explore the recipe and

cooking methods •  theme recipe

collection recommendation

•  Recommend of Seasonality and popular menu of food

Theme of recipe ranking •  find the top popular

or seasonality recipe •  Behind each recipe

users can sharing own cooking photos

Market •  Customize

shopping list of food

•  one click to purchase on E-C

Upload recipe •  Upload own recipe

and cooking experience

•  discuss and upload own result behind recipes

•  Income from the adverting of  Taobao  

•  Cooperate  with  E-­‐C    like  food  related  products  

•  Cooperate  with  Offline  supermarket  

Business Opportunities

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•  淘宝客和谷歌的广告收入 � •  与食品网商(生鲜)的

合作 � •  线下实体商城 � 

上传菜谱 � •  上传自己的菜谱和烹

饪体验 � •  讨论或上传自己食谱

烹饪的背后故事 � 

菜谱收藏 � •  探索食谱和烹饪方法 � •  主题菜谱收藏推荐 � •  推荐季节性和流行食

物的菜单 � 

主题菜谱排名: � •  找到最受欢迎的或季

节性的菜谱 � •  每个用户可以共享自

己按照食谱烹饪背后的照片 �  集市 � 

•  定制食物的购物清单 � 

•  在网上商城上直接点击购买 � 

主要功能 �  商业机遇 � 

Brand APP cases

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掌上生活 � A financial tool for customers of China

Merchants Bank

•  Self-service and self check of all the info. •  Explore the activity and coupon. •  Get tasks to get more points and discount.

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Engagement Position & Design

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Core Features

Financial service •  Manage your account •  Check and pay the bills •  Purchase by installment

Special deal •  Discover the coupon

of the online E-shop •  Get tricks of secret


Points system •  Mission to get more

points and rights •  Exchange the gift

with points

•  The finance service system which make users to finish their business more easily

•  Combine with point system to get special deals

•  Points mall to accumulate users purchase

Business Opportunities

To improve: •  Incomplete system with

very little tricks •  Not motivating enough to

lead users to purchase

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STARBUCKS � Register the reward card and record all the

status about Starbucks

•  Register all the rewards card to one account and keep track of purchase action.

•  Receive all the latest activities of brands. •  Find the nearest store.

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Engagement Position & Design

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Core Features Purchase record: •  Record your

purchase info. about the frequency, place and time

•  keep track of stars ,rewards and upgrade program level

Achievements collection •  According to the

mission can get bage

Store locater •  Find the nearest stor

e and check in

Activity news •  receive all the latest

activities and info. of brands

•  Tracking and collecting DATA of consumer behavior

•  Combine the sales of the reward cards and stores

•  Promotion the brand concept and activities, which to build long term relationship with users

Business Opportunities

To improve: •  Build online interaction

can make more engagement

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•  消费者行为的大数据收集 � •  分段奖励 � 

成就收藏 � •  完成不同的任务可

以获得不同的勋章 � 

购买记录: �  � •  记录消费者购买信息,

包括频率、地点和时间 � 

•  追踪星数、奖励和升级项目 � 

活动新闻 � •  收取有关最新活动

和品牌信息的消息 � 

门户定位 � •  找到最近的

星巴克门店 � 

主要功能 �  商业机遇 � 

Brand HTML5 Cases

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滴露 � A game of Snake eating beans to fight the


•  Combine the classic game model with the image of “Angela” to spread brand concept in an entertainment way.

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Engagement Position & Design

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Core Features

To improve •  No long term records •  Lead to purchase but no


Score system •  challenge combine

with celebrity image •  Pass the different

levels in a map •  Use classic games to

attract users to play

•  Combine the image of celebrity with product features to spread the brand concept

•  Share the results to social network

The result � 

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OREO � A game of balance the products

•  Combined with popular movie, to balance the product to win.

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Engagement Position & Design

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The result

Core Features

•  Use games to attract users trying the new products

•  Take challenge to get lottery

•  Challenge is to keep the products in the security zone by press the “Stop"

•  Share the result to moments to have the opportunity to get products

•  Combine the movie with topics of vacation to promote the game

•  Through the game to make users to feel the features of the new products

To improve •  No link to purchase

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ZING LEMON � Take part of the game to get top 100


•  combine the brand image to create a game of stabbing the lemons.

•  Each time of checking the new products info. can get a chance to get a lottery.

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Engagement Position & Design

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Core Features

Ranking scores •  Each time of

taking part of the game can check the ranking

•  Each week announce the ranking or you can check by your self

Self challenge •  The game is to stab

more and more lemons

•  the top 100 scores can get free products

Sharing can get more points •  Each others click

the link of your sharing can get more points Lottery

•  check more info. of the products can get more chance of lottery

•  Combine the game mechanism with product features, which makes users know more about products

•  Each week announcing the ranking , attract users to play more, and build long term relationship with users

•  When users share can get more

score which spreading the game

The result � 

To improve: •  Build social community, which

can build long term relationship

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•  利用游戏吸引更多用户关注和了解产品,与品牌互动,形成长期的关系 � 

成绩排名 � •  每玩一次游戏都可查

看单局或总分排名纪录 � 

•  每周会公布游戏成绩,玩家可以查看自己的排名。 � 

自我挑战 � •  游戏内容是尽可能多

的扎到柠檬,前100名可以免费获得产品作为奖励。 � 

分享可获更多积分 � •  其他用户每点击一次你

的分享,你就可以获得更多积分 � 

抽奖 � •  浏览新品信息

还可以获得抽奖的机会 � 

主要功能 �  商业机遇 � 


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Position the interaction with “verbs”

Map  the  core  verbs  Do  a  posi8oning  for  the  engagement

You  can  posi8on  in  any  of  the  4  approach,  while  you  shall  know  the  core  challenge  Each  posi8on  need  different  engagement  and  techniques  

Players    Content    




Explore   Collaborate    


Need to provide the utility/ tools which can attract users

Need to continually update to fulfill users needs of challenge

Need time to accumulate the UGC which can build a system of community

Raise users common cause or big and meaningful goal


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Long-­‐term  engagement  approach  will  help  brand  accumulate  the  digital  assets.    The  successful  cases  show  us  the  best  prac8ces  are  Starbucks  

Most brands are working on short term engagement, how to balance the Long term relationship?

Data tracking Through the reward card to track the purchase behavior into data, as LBS, purchase behavior.

Link user achievements with purchase behavior There are different motivations to drive behavior change. Brand can design enjoyable loops for users to accumulate achievements; and relate these achievement to purchase behavior.

CRM segments Each purchase can get rewards, to upgrade the levels which accumulate users to purchase more

Embrace user with more context - offline & online User can receive the newest activity to go to offline by locate the nearby store on the APP

Build long-term engagement with data 2

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For  short-­‐term  engagement,  there’re  are  highlights  to  look  at.  

Leverage story-telling Build campaigns and products features into story – meaningful and enjoyable for users

 Single-minded tools  with game mechanism and rewarding The small functionality related with product usages will enhance the experience for the brand. The game is easy to play and end quickly with rewarding, which make users revisit and engage for more times

Friend challenge Inviting user to compete with a friends gets a

quick start for the engagement. Ask more friends can get more scores which spread the game more

Other game gimmicks  •  Chance Involve unexpectedness in the tasks and rewarding  •  PBL system: Point collection, Lead board for ranking & Badges to

motivate users to play more and more to upgrade their scores  

From the html5 cases we list up some practice brands can refer to for short term engagement

Design short engagement more enjoyable 3

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To Engage is to Get Users to PLAY!

Brand as an “adverb” is to enhance consumers to take their actions. It's to enhance the "verbs" of the user.

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The Network Pattern � 

Part III � 

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The Emerging & Invisible Tribes

In previous trend, we talked about TRIBES, and

shared our observation that:

Users today are getting more and more

scattered into small groups per interest or life


For example, they are engaged in group

chatting on mobile based IM, WeChat or app

where they are more actively interacting around

a topic/theme.

Also we see they’re moving from open network

platforms, to close network ones, which gets the

engagement pattern more complicated. Here comes some further thoughts and facts …

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POV 1: Network Gets Segmented

The mass network is getting more and

more segmented.

This is because the users are more

sophisticated. Their digital behaviors are

turn into unique habit upon personal

preference, which makes them less homogeneous in actions.

As they changed their behavior in one

way or another, or some remain further

in their way; the structure of the mass

network becomes segmented.

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Case: Social Content Spreading Pattern (Durex & Stride)

Background We try select some brands and study the pattern of how social conversation get spread in its network on digital. The brand we picked is Durex & Stride, and the platform we focus on is Sina Weibo.

Methodology We try comparing the conversation spreading in network in different period, to see if it justify that the network gets segmented. We select randomly samples of original contents from Durex & Stride Weibo accounts, respectively from 2012, 2013, and 2014 – same marketing period.

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Findings – Durex case

1.  Pattern change to scattered The pattern of the conversation spreading, changed from a centered one to a scattered one. From the spreading pattern, it justify the structure of the connection – it gets more scattered, and segmented.

2. More conversation happens after several times’ spreading In 2012, 89% of the user conversation comes from the direct forwarding upon Durex brand content, only 11% are from sharing after 2nd time. While in 2013 the conversation still get spread well, but more through multi-layer sharing. The sharing after 5-times stands for 57% of the total conversation. In 2014, the sharing from multi-layer is more than 61%.

3. More layers in the pattern We try comparing the conversation spreading in network in different period, to see if it justify that the network gets segmented.

In summary - The durex Weibo content case shows a clear pattern change in the conversation spreading. It from one aspect justify the structure change in the fans of the brand and in their connection behavior.

89% from the direct forwarding upon Durex brand

content. Only 11% from sharing after 2nd time � 

43% from direct forwarding upon Durex brand content

57% from sharing after 5 � times � 

39% from the direct forwarding upon Durex brand

content 61% from multi-layer sharing � 

Year 2012 �  Year 2013 �  Year 2014 � 

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1.  More conversation happens after several times’ spreading: In 2012, 100 % of the user conversation

and sharing came from the direct forwarding upon Stride brand content. In 2013, while the

conversation still got spread well, 42% comes from sharing after 5 times. In 2014, the ratio of multi-

layering sharing, 53 %, exceeded that of direct forwarding 47%.

2.  The pitch point for spreading is not just focusing on some particular users, while it is scattered and

multi-node driven. � 

In summary - The Stride Weibo content case shows that the existing mass network has been segmented. Users who spread conversations have become scattered, forming distinctive tribes.

Year 2012 �  Year 2013 �  Year 2014 � 

100% from direct forwarding upon Stride brand content

58% from direct forwarding upon Stride brand

content. 42% from sharing after 5 times � 

47% from direct forwarding upon Stride brand

content. 53% from Multi-layering sharing � 

Findings – Stride case

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POV 2: Tribe Engagement is Driven by a Cause

As the network gets segmented, the reason why those who remaining connected gets more clear, pure, and meaningful. There are meaning behind the tribe formation and the active engagement behavior of the users. In open network, they used to be driven by emotional release, or self-expression – some still do; while more and more people are connected by a purpose, common interest, sharing project… or whatever cause. It’s not more simply for connection, no more purely for opinion sharing, but people are actively engaged in tribes for a meaning. The tribe is more goal-oriented. All activities and conversations are built around it by the members.

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Case: Coke Social Content Tribes Study


Based on former study, we found scattered pattern. We want to deep dive in TRIBES to see inside contents and users, and to understand what drives tribes to be connected.


We selected one common Weibo that resulted in high forwarding and spreading rates from Coca-Cola's official Weibo. What we did after entering sharing layers •  Observe the number and the type of users who forward and

promote the sharing of this Weibo •  Analyze the relationship between the Weibo content and users •  Compare various tribes in order to find distinctive differences •  Understand the connections and relationship between the

Weibo content and users from all these aspects

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W � 

The � original � Weibo � content:Dare � you � to � tell � Coke � what’s � the � nearest � red � stuff � around � you? �  � 

Analysis chart of forwarding hierarchy � 

1.Study of sharing layers of the

original Weibo shows that there are

many small-sized tribes among

users who take part in forwarding:

only 7.5% comes from the direct

forwarding by Coca Cola, the

remaining 92.5% are from users’

sharing; spreading patterns are

segmented to tribes

User segment with reason behind � 

2. Deep dive into the user structure

of inside pattern from an essential

forwarding pitch point: key nodes

that bring over-5-times forwarding

have 3-5w fans,Weibo contents

are special and unique, which

become the core of tribes

3. Select 3 tribes for respective study: Tribe A: users love animation, and their usernames mostly

come from animation, which are highly distinctive; � Tribe B: users are fans of TVXQ, and they forward idol

related contents in a crazy way in order to show the

power of TVXQ

Tribe C: all users have watched Sesame Street and they

are impressed by the leading actor, Elmo, which triggers

their reminiscence


动漫 � 

芝麻街 � 

东方神起 � 

Many tribes revealed by analysis � 

Findings – Coke case In summary - Among sharing layers, we indeed found some content being shared through small-sized patterns. As the network gets segmented, the reason why those who remaining connected gets more clear, pure, and meaningful. The Coke case clearly shows that there are different interest or purposes within tribes. Users are gathered in tribes out of a common interest or purpose. That is, tribes are divided by interest/purpose with distinctive identities.

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Case: WeChat Tribe

Background We find some TRIBES, that can’t be seen from outside, are actively invisible. Many of them are from WeChat platform, so we want to understand the reasons behind and how these visible tribes exist

Methodology We sent messages to random selected users “ What WeChat groups that consist of over 5 members do you want for actively chatting more than 10 times per day?” We wanted them to provide some captured pictures of this kind of active WeChat groups, so that we could analyze those contexts in order to understand the meaning behind. In total, we collected 100 captured pictures and reorganized them, which enlightened us a trend and some patterns

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Pattern behind 100 WeChat groups from random sampling � 

The Little Worlds � 

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Take Away � 

Network are segmented into tribes – visual or invisible. People are connected for a cause, purpose, same interest… anything with a meaning. They engaged in/around the tribe with a common behavioral-goal. And these behaviors are crossing platforms, via different interface, screens. When looking at the network, it’s more

and more important to see the cause that drives people active and the engagement behavior of that. It will give huge insight for the context and experience design to engage tribes.

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We will zoom into different tribes and study the detailed interaction

between the users. By doing that, we are able to discover the real

pattern of connection, information flow and influence activities.

The learning will be shared from our next trend. � 



Stay Tuned!

EMAIL:  [email protected]  

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