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[2015 e-Government Program]City Paper Presentation : Quito(Ecuador)

Date post: 14-Apr-2017
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The National Plan of Electronic Government 2014 -2017 Ecuador By: Renato Herrera Communication Analyst in National Secretariat of Planning and Development (SENPLADES)

The National Plan of Electronic

Government 2014 -2017


By: Renato HerreraCommunication Analyst in National Secretariat of Planning and Development (SENPLADES)

MissionOn May 26th 2014, the Government of the Citizen's Revolution published the National Plan of Electronic Government. This plan was created aiming the fulfilling of the following objectives:

Nearby Government, Open Government and Government Efficiency and Effectiveness

Relations between the four principal actors of society

• The Plan propends to find the effective relations between the four principal actors of society:

Principles and a model• The National Plan of Electronic Government is based on principles

and a model. The principles are guide patterns to save guard the rights of Ecuadorian’s citizens to communicate electronically with the State, organizations and citizens.

• Accordingly, the Plan implies as well the responsibility that the Government maintains to provide the vital tools to satisfy this right.

• The model of E - Government bears four elements: Pillars, objectives, strategies and solutions park.

• The pillars are the resources with which the various solutions of E-Government are developed.

Interaction of the pillars of E-Government

The pillars are regulatory framework, services and processes, information and communications technologies, and citizens

Pillar 1: Regulatory framework

• They are legal and juridical instruments for building eGovernment solutions, ensuring operability, quality, sustainability and functionality of the same. These instruments also regulate and guide the actions of the various actors in eGovernment.

Pillar 2: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

The set used in the capture, processing, storage and transmission of information, which are the basis for the construction, implementation, operation and use of e-government solutions technological resources.

Pillar 3: People

Is the talent that generates and strategically articulated regulations, processes and information technology and communication, whose combination of knowledge, skills, abilities, motivations and actions are in turn managed strategically to achieve the expected results of E-Government.

Pillar 4: Services and Processes

• Sequence institutional activities to generate added value from a trigger to generate a useful result for the internal client, external client citizenship, external client company / organization and / or external client government.

Objectives• The objectives are the ultimate goal of E - Government plan, where all

efforts aimed. Strategies are the means to achieve the objectives. The solutions leverage strategies, the more leverage strategies the greater is its contribution to the development of Electronic Government and the achievement of objectives. The park solutions is the set of programs, projects and regulations that leverage strategies to achieve the objectives.

First objective• The first objective consists in

the Nearby Government, defined as the provision of online government services with quality. For example: to make available to citizens and the productive sector a unique web portal in which it is possible to execute several process in a few steps, thus saving time and money.

Second objective• The second objective is Open Government, defined as the citizen access to

public information through direct channels of communication with government entities, promoting the active participation and transparency. This will allow citizens, productive sector, public servants and government institutions to be aware of the data management of government as well as the possibility to propose their ideas and opinions to the outstanding authorities directly.

• The Open Government also foretell the interaction of Ecuador with other countries on issues of Electronic Government, for example, allows citizens access to information of assets, invites the private and the academic sector to innovate based on open information available or allows collaboration between countries on exchange of data about the situation of Ecuadorians abroad countries.

Third objective• The third objective is Government Efficiency and Effectiveness , defined as

the smart use of modern technologies in order to satisfy the citizens' needs, consolidate a public management based on results, and fulfill the institutional objectives.

• This latter objective is based on the provision of technological resources, internal organization processes, generation of regulatory bodies and staff training of such entities. For example: Empowering technology managers to acquire an institutional vision on Electronic Government to go beyond purely technological implementations or advise the institutions in their projects to meet the strategies proposed by the Electronic Government Plan.

Sources• http://www.gobiernoelectronico.gob.ec/• http://www.administracionpublica.gob.ec/• http://www.sni.gob.ec/
