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2015 Undergraduate Survey Results - UW College of Education · Better understand student education...

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2015 Undergraduate Survey July 2015 College of Education Office of Institutional Research
Page 1: 2015 Undergraduate Survey Results - UW College of Education · Better understand student education goals and expectations ... opportunities for undergraduates in the College of Education.

2015 Undergraduate Survey

July 2015

College of Education

Office of Institutional Research

Page 2: 2015 Undergraduate Survey Results - UW College of Education · Better understand student education goals and expectations ... opportunities for undergraduates in the College of Education.

College of Education




Survey Details Survey Demographics

Survey Background Questions

Experience in the Major/Minor

Overall Experience Course Experiences

Service Learning Experiences Research Experiences Suggested Course Offerings

Advising/Career Support

Support Service Satisfaction Career Services

College Climate

Current Employment

Employment Hours/Locale

Employer Names Job Titles

Future Plans

Further Education Work After Graduation


Page 3: 2015 Undergraduate Survey Results - UW College of Education · Better understand student education goals and expectations ... opportunities for undergraduates in the College of Education.

College of Education

2015 Undergraduate Survey Results

Survey Objectives

The original survey instrument (2013) was designed by the Office of Institutional Research, the Assistant Dean

for Academic & Student Affairs and the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education. The 2015 survey

instrument was subsequently reviewed and updated by several key Undergraduate Program staff and revised

according to their suggestions. The undergraduate student survey was sent out in April 2015 to current ELS

minor and ECFS major students (both on campus and online students). The survey was undertaken with the

following objectives:

To gauge the general satisfaction level among COE students with various aspects of their program


Find out what types of courses students are interested in taking

Better understand student education goals and expectations

Determine student future plans

To assess students’ perception of the climate at the COE, particularly as it relates to diversity

Survey Details

Survey items were arranged into sections reflective of the survey objectives. Survey messaging went out three

times in order to prompt non-responders to take the survey. Overall, the survey had a response rate of 51%

(283 responses out of 556). The response breakdown is as follows: 138 ECFS On-campus respondents, 67 ECFS

Online respondents, and 78 ELS minor respondents.

Survey Highlights

Online student respondents reported agreement that program requirements were aligned with their

specific education interests while on campus respondents reported neutrality on this item. Moreover, a

significant portion (roughly 28 percent) of ELS minors disagree that program requirements were aligned

with their specific education interests.

Online respondents reported fewer problems with transportation to service learning locations than did

on campus respondents.

ELS Minor respondents reported less awareness of COE research opportunities than on campus ECFS

majors, but their reported interest in research opportunities was similar.

The top three services students reported as needing the most help with included graduate school help,

job searching, and career exploration.

Most students find the College’s climate to be positive and welcoming with a small dose of competition.

The overwhelming majority of students are working while pursuing their education. The majority of on

campus students are working less than 20 hours a week while the majority of online students are

working full time.

Top current student employers include Bright Horizons, Jumpstart, University of Washington (Dream

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College of Education

Project and Housing and Food Services were most commonly listed). The most common job title for

online students was lead pre-k teacher.

Over half the on campus respondents reported plans to pursue further education after graduation in

contrast with online respondents where only 30 percent planned to pursue further education and 55

percent planned on working.

One hundred and nineteen survey respondents reported interest in learning about leadership

opportunities for undergraduates in the College of Education.

Contacts Please direct any corrections, comments or concerns regarding this report to: Karen Matheson, Director of Institutional Research and Information Management University of Washington College of Education [email protected]

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College of Education

Survey Demographics

Demographic information includes survey respondents only, and was compiled from the UW student


14% 3%

86%100% 97%

ECFS On Campus ECFS Online ELS


Yes No

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Survey Background Questions d

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Experience in the Major/Minor

Overall Experience

by Program

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Course Experiences

Note that there are gaps in most of the bar charts below because a portion of participants either were not asked to answer the question or they choose the response option “N/A.” N/A or non-responses were not calculated in the average Likert rating scales.

By Program

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Service Learning Experiences

Note that there are gaps in two of the bar charts below because ECFS online students were not asked to answer these options. N/A or non-responses were not calculated in the average Likert rating scales. Two statements were posed as “negative” questions so in the charts below the scale is opposite of the actual answers for an easier comparison against all statements. For example the transportation question responses in dark purple are the respondents who didn’t have trouble with transportation and strongly disagreed with the statement.

by Program

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Research Experiences

by Program

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Suggested Course Offerings Which of the following proposed education undergraduate courses would you be interested in taking? (ECFS Online students were not asked this question)

by Program



43% 41% 39% 38%


InternationalComparisonsin Education

Equity inEducational


Schooling,Society, and


Disabilitiesthrough the


Education asa Moral


Choice inEducation:


Choice inEducation:






37% 35%



58% 53%


42% 45%


InternationalComparisonsin Education

Equity inEducational


Schooling,Society, and


Disabilitiesthrough the


Education asa Moral


Choice inEducation:


Choice inEducation:


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What other topics would you suggest for new courses offered by the College of Education? (ECFS Online students were not asked this question) 103 responses included several different themes, most common themes included:

Teaching Methods (17 or 17% of responses) “For the teaching and learning track, I would suggest more teacher preparation-like

courses.” “How to build a curriculum” “Classroom Management” “specific classes geared toward students who want to become math teachers, English

teachers, science teachers, etc.”

Multicultural / Diverse Education Contexts (15 or 15% of responses)

“Multicultural Education/curriculum reform” “Education for LGBT youth, Health Education, School to Prison Pipeline” “Refugees in Education, recent immigrants in education, racially integrated schools” “Social welfare in education, homelessness in early childhood education, better service

learning options that really make a difference specifically in low income schools”

Special Education / Learning Disabilities (12 or 12% of responses)

“More courses on disability and learning disabilities” “A class that goes into more detail of common disabilities rather than one that is a survey

course.” “Maybe a class covering more about different disabilities and forms of therapy that might

benefit them”

Education Policy (8 or 8% of responses) “Intro to education policy” “More policy or business side of education”

Adolescent Focus (7 or 7% of responses) “Courses geared towards teenagers/young adults” “Topics more centered around education of youths rather than only early childhood”

Child Development (7 or 7% of responses)

“More for the people interested in development. Possibly a class on biological development or brain development”

“Anything that deals with brain research and learning!” “More about development for children. Relationships for families and children. nutrition and

wellness for children”

Counseling / Therapy and Mental Health (6 or 6% of responses) Counseling course would be cool Education and mental health Music therapy, animal therapy, more social emotional health related courses

Other topics mentioned more than once included teaching bilingual education (5 responses), health and sports (4), families and parenting (4), global/international education (3), and school administration (2).

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What suggestions, if any, do you have to improve the major/minor? 98 responses: 68 On campus and 30 Online

Responses included several different themes, most common themes included: Suggestions around course content and delivery (32 or 33% of responses)

o Online student feedback offered suggestions mostly around course delivery/tools (8 of 11)

“Keep communication open between students, teachers and peers. Make sure assignments are clear.”

“I think the credits need to be looked at again for ECFS 454 and 455. The work was definitely 5 credits worth.”

“More in depth instructional videos instead of power point lessons” “More live community sessions via conference chats, google hangouts, etc.”

o On campus student feedback offered suggestions mostly around course content (13 of 21)

I think it would be helpful if there were more courses that can help those who choose to teach after graduating, such as lesson and curriculum planning.

plan classes better in regards to what path students want to take (ie. require teaching classes only for students who want to be teachers, etc)

Have a larger variety of courses (like from other majors) that can be associated with the minor

o On campus student feedback around delivery (8 of 21) More consistency in way classes are taught and structured when the same

course is being taught by different instructors More opportunities to do hands on work with our class. The projects are great! Classes made me feel like I was in elementary/middle school. There was a lot of

group work and wasn't a lot of flexibility to be creative or discuss topics.

Course timing / number of sections (12 of 68 on campus respondents 18%) offer more time options for courses Classes having shorter times! 2.5 hours is a really long class time and I think I'd

be more attentive if the class was shorter and more often. Offer classes at more convenient times, people with jobs cannot always work

around the time schedules that are offered.

Service learning (12 or 12%) Less time for service learning or more structure in communication between

service learning site with UW - on campus feedback less time consuming service learning or better transportation - on campus

feedback If service learning is a requirement, the University should assist in finding

appropriate sites. It should not be the responsibility of the students to do this alone. I had to change sites halfway through my time at UW, and this was difficult. Parents do not usually want their children to be filmed for our requirements. This should not have been a burden put on me as a student. This should be provided in the program. - online feedback

The service learning component is my most challenging part. I feel its hard to get input from those that don't participate.. – online feedback

ECFS program overall suggestions (12 or 12%) Improve the non teaching track and add more classes not specifically focused on

being a classroom teacher. - on campus feedback

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Have an Education, Learning and Societies major - on campus feedback Include a teaching certificate into the major? – online feedback

Other topics mentioned more than once included increase number of advisors/hours (5), comments about repetitive information in courses (4), the desire for more cohort/community development opportunities (4), more research opportunities/information (4), and more courses/content around five plus ages (4).

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Advising/Career Support

Support Service Satisfaction Note that online students were not asked about the availability of drop-in advising hours.

by Program

Career Services Which of the following career services do you most need help with? (choose top two)

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How, if at all, can we improve our advising and career support services? 68 responses: 45 On campus and 23 Online

Responses included multiple themes, most common themes included: No suggestions for improvement or accolades for current advisors (28 or 41% of

responses) “I feel very satisfied with the advising.” “Advisor name was great, she went above and beyond! The advising in the ECFS program

was awesome!!!!” “No improvements necessary! It's been wonderful!” “nothing, it was perfect!”

Help with understanding career options and job searching (8 or 12% of responses)

“I'd like more opportunities to have workshops on career building” “Provide emailed information about potential future career paths or possible graduate

school programs” “Provide information about job openings in the area.”




35%35% 35%
















Grad school help Job Search Career exploration Resume building Networking Understandingstrengths/promoting



ECFS On Campus ECFS Online ELS

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More time for advising (6 or 9% of responses and all responses from on campus students) “Add another advisor!!!” “More times available for drop-ins or appointments. Sometime it was hard to find a spot

in my schedule that matched.” “There's never anyone in the office to talk to when I drop in. I have to email for an

appointment which can get frustrating. I'd like for there to be someone to drop in, sit down, and talk to.”

Better promotion of advising and career services (6 or 9% of responses and all responses from on campus students)

“Making it clear where to find these services maybe? “ “Include more information on the website”

More workshops (5 or 7% of responses and all responses from on campus students) “Host more workshops. More class time talking about these things” “I'd like more opportunities to have workshops on career building”

Help with graduate school planning (5 or 7% of responses and all responses from on campus students)

“more graduate application help/ maybe a person who is an expert in applications create drop in hours to go to this person”

“More information on graduate school opportunities and opportunities for those not interested in becoming a teacher.”

Other topics mentioned include more networking opportunities (4) and that students reported having not used these services yet (3).

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Below are pairs of words people often use to describe the overall climate of an organization. Considering each word to be opposite ends of the same scale, where would you rate the UW College of Education?

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Do you consider yourself to be in the minority as compared to your College of Education peers in any of the following groups? % Yes responses by program

What else would you like to tell us about the climate in the College? 48 responses: 31 On campus and 17 Online

Responses included multiple themes, most common themes included: Many respondents gave accolades for a positive and welcoming climate (18 or 38%

of responses) “Overall, the College is very understanding and respectful in terms of everyone's beliefs

and views on education and life in general. It is a supportive environment where I feel safe to respectfully state my opinions and receive feedback.”

“The online climate of the college is very good! I have had no problems with anyone- although it is more difficult to communicate with peers online.”

“A wonderful college to go through the University of Washington with at my side. I always have felt supported even if I was overwhelmed beyond belief (which is often here, let's be honest). The COE is a fantastic college to be a part of!”

A handful of respondents made specific complaints or suggestions (10 or 21%)

“Encourage teachers who students volunteer with to provide more feedback and back and forth communication”

“it's pretty friendly, but I can sense there is still a negative stigma towards mental health issues”

“I would like the opportunty to visit the campus.”


44% 44%

17% 13%

8% 2%


29% 29%


















ECFS On Campus ECFS Online ELS

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“so accepting. It seems very liberal in terms of their beliefs but I like that so I'm ok with it. As far as I know, this isn't a problem among my peers.”

Current Employment Status

What is your current working status?

Of the working students…

Are you working…

24% 15%


76% 85%


ECFS On Campus ECFS Online ELS

Not working Working









15% 2%


ECFS On Campus ECFS Online ELS

1 to 10 hours per week 11 to 20 hours per week

21 to 30 hours per week 31+ hours per week

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Are you working in the field of education?

Employer Names (from open ended response field) 162 Responses Non-UW Education and Family Employers Listed (84 or 52% of responses) Program Employer #

Oncampus Bright Horizons 8

Oncampus Jumpstart 5

Oncampus Nanny 3

Online Enchanted Little forest 2

Online Kent Youth and Family Services 2

Oncampus The Language Link 2

Oncampus University temple children's school 2

Oncampus Alki Beach Academy 1

Online Alphabet Soup Preschool/ San Juan Island Family Resource Center 1

Oncampus Auburn Mountainview High School Marching Band 1

Online bellevue college 1

Oncampus Best in Class Education Center 1

Online Bracken Preschool 1

Online Carpinteria Unified School District 1

Online Child Care Aware (Early Achievers) 1

Online Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters, Newport News, VA 1

Oncampus Community Day School Association 1

Online Early Discoveries Early Education Center 1

Oncampus Early Intervention Specialist, Llc 1

Online Edmonds United Methodist church preschool 1

Online Everett Community College 1

Oncampus families 1

Online Family Household 1

Oncampus First Year Programs 1

Oncampus Green Tree Early Education 1

Online Guardian Angel Academy 1

Online Highline School District 1

Online Home based Montessori childcare 1

Oncampus Interlake Child Care and Learning Center 1

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Online kiddie academy of bothell 1

Oncampus KidsCompany 1

Oncampus Kinder Care 1

Oncampus Kumon 1

Online lake chelan school district 1

Oncampus Language Link & Families 1

Online Manson Elementary School ECEAP preschool 1

Online mountain valley Montessori school 1

Oncampus Moyale childcare 1

Online Multicare 1

Online Newport Covenant 1

Online Northshore school district 1

Online Pacific Science Center 1

Online Preschool 1

Online Puget Sound Educational Service District 1

Oncampus Ronald McDonald House Charities 1

Oncampus Roosevelt Vision, Northwest Center for Kids, Nanny family. 1

Online Ruston Christian Childcare & Preschool 1

Oncampus Sacarin Center 1

Oncampus Seattle Gymnastics Academy 1

Online Shoreline Public School District 1

Online Snohomish County Head Start 1

Oncampus Sponge school 1

Oncampus Student Athlete Academic Services 1

Oncampus Sum of Learning 1

Oncampus The Children's Center at Burke Gilman Gardens 1

Online The Children's Center at Burke Gilman Gardens 1

Online The Learning Nest 1

Online The Salvation Army; Head Start 1

Online The Sammamish Montessori School 1

Online The Shyne School 1

Oncampus Tutor and Americorps 1

Oncampus Tutor.com 1

Online Whatcom Day Academy 1

Online wicap head start 1

Oncampus YMCA of Greater Seattler 1

Oncampus YMCA, Career Center, The Original Bakery 1

Online Young EduArts LLC 1

University of Washington Employers Listed (32 or 20% of responses) Program Employer #

Oncampus UW Dream Project 6

Oncampus University of Washington 5

Oncampus UW Housing and Food Services 5

Oncampus CTE - University of Washington 1

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Oncampus Department of health services 1

Oncampus Diversity minor program Uw 1

Oncampus Foster School of Business 1

Oncampus Haggard-Nelson (UWCCRC) 1

Oncampus Harborview MC 1

Oncampus Odegaard 1

Oncampus UAA Advising 1

Oncampus UW Children's Center at Laurel Village 1

Oncampus UW CoMotion 1

Oncampus UW Disability Resources for Students 1


UW Dream Project; UW Psychological Services & Training Clinic; Bed Bath & Beyond 1

Oncampus UW international admissions office 1

Oncampus UW School of Pharmacy 1

Oncampus UW Transportation Services 1

Oncampus UW, Lilana Sacarine, Ski Masters, Independent 1

Other Employers Listed (40 or 25% of responses) Program Employer #

Oncampus Starbucks 3

Online Catholic Community Services 2

Oncampus Nordstrom 2

Online self 2

Oncampus VIctorias Secret 2

Oncampus APPLE Consulting 1

Oncampus Atossa Genetics 1

Online Awarepoint Corpooration 1

Oncampus Ben Bridge 1

Oncampus Black Bottle 1

Oncampus Briana F. 1

Oncampus Buddy ratner 1

Online Buffalo Wild Wings 1

Oncampus Dominos Pizza 1

Oncampus Dr. Tom at Davis Optical 1

Oncampus Hanna Andersson 1

Oncampus Harbor freight tools 1

Oncampus Hill's Restaurant and Bar 1

Online Jessica Silvernail 1

Online Kitsap Community Resources 1

Online Law Firm 1

Oncampus Max 1

Oncampus Mosaic 1

Oncampus Nature's Pet market 1

Oncampus Olive Garden 1

Oncampus Optimal Web Solutions, LLC 1

Oncampus Parfumerie Alderwood Mall 1

Oncampus Pasta & co 1

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Oncampus Pho Viet Anh 1

Oncampus Pro Sports Club-Discovery Bay 1

Oncampus Pyramid Alehouse 1

Oncampus Rob Glaser 1

Oncampus Roosevelt Vision Source 1

Oncampus Samurai Noodle 1

Oncampus self 1

Online Starbucks 1

Oncampus The Ram, Tropical Tan 1

Oncampus UGLY MUG CAFE 1

Oncampus us security assaocites 1

Online Village Theatre 1

Job Title (from open ended response field) On Campus Job Titles Title #

Sales Associate 8

Server 7

College and Career Readiness Assistant 6

Student Assistant 6

Substitute Teacher 6

Corps member 5

Nanny 5

Barista 4

Float Teacher 3

Lead PreK teacher 3

Office Assistant 3

ABA therapist 2

child care provider 2

Lab Assistant 2

Mandarin teacher 2

Resident Adviser 2

Admitting 1

Advancement, Events, Communications Assistant 1

Afternoon teacher 1

America Reads/Counts Tutor 1

Applied Behavioral Analysist Therapy Assistant 1

Assistant Educator 1

Assistant Teacher 1

Babysitter 1

Before school Spanish Teacher & Nanny 1

Camp counselor, Peer Associate, Barista, Babysitter/Nanny 1

CCRA; Student Assistant; Sales Associate 1

Certified Nursing Assistant 1

Classroom Coordinator/Assistant Toddler Teacher 1

Client Services Representative 1

Colorguard Instructor 1

Customer Service 1

Delivery Driver 1

Dining Assistant 1

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Evening Supervisor 1

Gymnastics Coach 1

Home care aide 1

host 1

House Manager 1

In front deli 1

Instructor 1

International student Office assistant 1

IT Consultant 1

Lifeguard/swim instructor 1

Math tutor 1

Music library technician 1

Operations Student Coordinator 1

OVP Student Assistant 1

Part time preschool teacher 1

Patient Services 1

Peer Adviser 1

Preschool teacher 1

Receptionist 1

Receptionist, on-call assistant teacher, nanny. 1

Residence Education Programmer 1

Respite Care 1

Security 1

staff 1

STF Assistant Manager 1

Student Access Service Technician Assistant 1

Support Staff 1

Teacher 1

Teaching Assistant 1

Team leader 1

Tech Consultant, Listening and Movement Center Assistant, Ski Instructor, Nanny


Tutor and Corps Member at Jumpstart 1

Online Job Titles Title #

Lead Pre-K teacher 10

Assistant Teacher 3

Nanny 3

Owner/Director 3

Behavioral Specialist /Therapist 2

Director 2

Early Childhood Specialist 2

Family Support Specialist 2

Preschool Teacher 2

Administrator 1

asst young preschool teacher (3-3 1/2) 1

Barista/Trainer 1

Center Director 1

Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant 1

Coach 1

Curriculum Specialist 1

Database Administer 1

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Daycare owner 1

Early Years Lead Teacher 1

ECEAP Preschool lead teacher 1

Executive Assistant to the CEO 1

Executive Director 1

Family Engagement Facilitator 1

Founder/Instructor 1

Inclusion Assistant 1

Legal Assistant 1

Office Coordinator for children's center 1

On Call Tutor; Substitute 1

Paraeducator/school assistant 1

Program Manager 1

Supervisor Early Childhood Ed, Job Coach 1

Teacher 1

Teacher/Director 1 Youth Education Program Manager-Pied Piper Theatre Presenting Series 1

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Future Plans

I plan to do the following after I finish my undergraduate degree:

Further education

Will you pursue post-baccalaureate or What field? (please choose all that apply) graduate work in the field of education?

Where are you planning to apply? (all that apply)

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Work After Graduation What type of work will you be pursuing after you graduate? (please choose all that apply)

What field? (open ended) 21 responses from 91 students responding that they were pursing work after graduation (23% response rate) Program Title

Oncampus Business

Oncampus Healthcare

Oncampus Law

Oncampus Library and Information Science

Oncampus Medicine

Oncampus Non-Profit Management

Oncampus Nursing

Oncampus Occupational Therapy

Oncampus Occupational therapy

Oncampus Optometry

Oncampus Physical Therapy

Oncampus Psychology

Oncampus Social Work

Oncampus Social Work

Oncampus Social Work

Oncampus Speech pathology

Oncampus sphsc

online Social Work

online Early Childhood/Child Development

online psychology

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We are considering creating leadership opportunities for undergraduates in the College of Education. Would you be interested and willing to learn more about these opportunities? Oncampus Online Total

Not at this time 97 38 135

Yes (include email address) 92 27 119
